Im vorherigen Beitrag haben wir die Punch-Rezepte der ersten einhundert Jahre analysiert. In diesem Beitrag sollen diejenigen folgen, die ab 1862 veröffentlicht wurden. In diesem Jahr veröffentlichte Jerry Thomas sein Buch, welches als das erste richtige Buch über Mischgetränke gilt.
Im letzten Beitrag beendeten wir die Auflistung der Punch-Zitate mit dem Jahr 1737. Die Lücke bis zum Jahr 1862 umfaßt 125 Jahre. Auch aus dieser Zeit haben wir punktuell interessante Veröffentlichungen gefunden, die wir hier vorstellen wollen, bevor wir uns dann der zentralen Frage zuwenden: Was ist ein Punch und wie läßt er sich kategorisieren?
Die Zeit zwischen 1741 und 1862
Johann Heinrich Zedler: Grosses vollständiges Universallexikon, 1741, Spalte 1627. [3-1627]
1741 definiert Johann Heinrich Zedler in seinem Universallexikon: „Puntsch, Punch, ein starckes Geträncke unter denen See=Leuten, welches am meisten bey denen Engelländern gebräuchlich ist, und aus Branntewein, Wasser, Zucker, Pomeranzen=Safft, und Muscaten=Nüssen zubereitet wird.“ [3-1627]
1750 schreibt Thomas Short ausführlich über den Punch und preist darin die gesundheitlichen Vorzüge desselben. Er geht zunächst auf die Zitrusfrüchte ein und fährt fort: „Was wir bereits über die Eigenschaften der verschiedenen Bestandteile des Punches gesagt haben, wird unsere Arbeit hier erleichtern und in wenigen Worten erfassen, was wir dazu zu sagen haben. Punch mit der richtigen Stärke (mindestens vier Teile Wasser zu einem Teil Brandy und im Sommer acht bis neun Teile Wasser zu einem Teil Brandy oder Rum, außer bei gichtkranken oder älteren Personen, die es stärker brauchen) und mäßig getrunken, ist ein bewundernswertes alkoholisches Getränk (vorausgesetzt, er wird aus französischem Branntwein oder aus einer gutem alten Melasse-Spirituose hergestellt, die, wenn sie richtig hergestellt, aufbewahrt, von kräftigem Körper ist und einige Monate mit Seeluft gereinigt wird, sehr wohl ebenso gut ist) und ein ausgezeichnetes Diuretikum;“ [11-191][11-192]
Thomas Short: Discourses on tea, sugar, milk, made-wines, spirits, punch, tobacco, &c., 1750, Seite 191-192. [11-191][11-192]
– „What we have already advanced on the Properties of the sundry Ingredients of Punch, will facilitate our Labour here, and comprehend what we have to say upon it in a very few words. Punch therefore of a right Strength (which should at least be four Parts Water to one of Brandy, and in Summer eight to nine Parts Water to one of Brandy or Rum, except to gouty or aged Persons, who require it stronger) and moderately drank, is an admirable Liquor (provided it be made of French brandy, or of good old Molossos Spirits, which if rightly made, kept, of a strong Body, and purified some Months with Sea Air, are very whit as good) and an excellent Diuretic;“ [11-191][11-192]
1803 schrieb Friedrich Schiller sein „Punschlied“. Er preist dieses Getränk, das für ihn aus nur vier Zutaten besteht, nämlich Zitronen, Zucker, Wasser und Spirituose:
„Vier Elemente Innig gesellt Bilden das Leben, Bauen die Welt.
Preßt der Citrone Saftigen Stern, Herb ist des Lebens Innerster Kern.
Jetzt mit des Zuckers Linderndem Saft Zähmet die herbe Brennende Kraft.
Gießet des Wassers Sprudelnden Schwall, Wasser umfänget Ruhig das All.
Tropfen des Geistes Gießet hinein, Leben dem Leben Gibt er allein.
Eh es verdüftet Schöpfet es schnell, Nur wenn er glühet, Labet der Quell.“ [4]
Der folgende Text aus dem Jahr 1808 beschreibt treffend, wie ein Punch aus englischer Sicht zuzubereiten sei: „Echter britischer Punch. Es wird kaum glaubwürdig erscheinen, daß die Zubereitung dieses sehr verbreiteten alkoholischen Getränks, von dem fast jeder Engländer weiß, lediglich aus Zitronen- oder Limettensaft besteht, mit oder ohne dem der Sevilla-Orange, und einigen der entsprechenden Schalen, gemischt mit Zucker, heißem Wasser und Rum und Brandy in unterschiedlichen Anteilen, in Frankreich so wenig verstanden wird, daß der berühmte Almanach des Gourmands, der 1806 gedruckt wurde, ernsthaft einen Beleg für die Zubereitung von Punch mit Tee anstelle von Wasser vorlegt; was der geistreiche, aber grob getäuschte Schriftsteller den Lesern mitteilt, ist die echte britische Methode, wie sie von einem französischen Offizier beschrieben wird, der lange Zeit Kriegsgefangener in England war und die Herstellung häufig gesehen hatte. Die einzige Art und Weise, dies zu erklären, scheint diese zu sein: daß der besagte Offizier, nachdem er ständig den Teekessel auf dem Feuer gesehen hatte, zum Zwecke des Wasserkochens, um daraus Punch zu machen, scharfsinnig entdeckte, mit all der verdächtigen Listigkeit, die die Bewohner in diesem sehr gerissenen Land kennzeichnet, daß zwangsläufig Tee verwendet werden muß. Wohingegen er mit etwas mehr gesunder Weisheit und etwas weniger subtiler Kunstfertigkeit hätte erkennen können, was nie geheim gehalten wird, daß das Wasser nur sofort in die Schüssel gegossen wird, auf die verschiedenen Zutaten, die erwähnt wurden. Das große Geheimnis, oder besser gesagt die Kunst, echten britischen Punch herzustellen, besteht in der Zubereitung eines reichhaltigen und delikaten Sherbets: Dies geschieht unter Zugabe des besten Jamaika-Rums oder französischen Brandys und reinem heißen oder kalten Wasser; der Punch mag zu stark oder zu schwach sein, oder einen zu großen oder zu kleinen Anteil an Rum oder Brandy enthalten, aber er kann sich unmöglich als schlechter Punch erweisen. Bei der Zubereitung von Sherbets für Punch werden gelegentlich die Säuren von Weinstein, Tamarinden und verschiedenen anderen zubereiteten pflanzlichen Säuren sowie die besonders als Zitronensäure bezeichnete Säure verwendet; aber vielleicht ergeben letztendlich die Säfte von Limetten, Zitronen und Sevilla-Orangen, ausgedrückt aus den frischen Früchten, wenn sie erhältlich sind, die Sorte von Sherbets, die dem Charakter eines guten britischen Punches am nächsten kommt. Eine ausgezeichnete große Schale dieses alkoholischen Getränks, der die meisten Gaumen zufrieden stellen wird, kann wie folgt hergestellt werden — Besorge ein halbes Dutzend reife, einwandfreie und frische Zitronen oder eine proportionale Menge an Limetten und ein paar Sevilla-Orangen; reibe die gelbe Schale von drei oder vier der Zitronen mit Klumpen feinen Zuckers ab und gib jeden Klumpen in die Schüssel, sobald er sattsam mit der Essenz oder der geriebenen Schale gesättigt oder verstopft ist; Schäle dann die anderen Zitronen und Sevilla-Orangen dünn und gib diese Schalen ebenfalls in die Schüssel, zu der reichlich Zucker hinzugefügt wird; gieße eine sehr kleine Menge kochendes Wasser hinzu und presse sofort den Saft von fast allen Früchten, gefolgt von etwas mehr heißem Wasser. Vereinige das Ganze mit einer Punchkelle; und, ein wenig des so zubereiteten Sherbets in ein Glas gebend, probiere seine Reichhaltigkeit und sein Aroma mit dem Gaumen. Wenn die Früchte gut sind, wird ein geübter Punchmacher wenig finden, das reguliert werden muß, und dieses Wenige kann schnell angepaßt werden, indem man den Wasser-, Zucker- oder Säuremangel behebt, um so ein köstliches und körperreiches Sherbet herzustellen, geeignet für die Aufnahme der Spirituose, die es beleben soll. Sollte ein Abseihen notwendig sein, ist dies die Zeit für die Verwendung eines feinen Siebes, durch das anschließend etwas mehr heißes Wasser geleitet werden kann; und einige Stücke der Orangen- oder Zitronenrinde, die in der Schale schwimmen, gelten im Allgemeinen als angenehm aussehend. Um aus dem auf diese Weise zubereiteten Sherbet einen echtem britischen Punch zu machen, sollten Spirituosen im Verhältnis von einer Flasche des besten Jamaica-Rums zu jeder Pinte des feinsten Cognac-Brandys hinzugegeben werden. Die gesamte Stärke oder Schwäche kann der allgemeinen Vorliebe der Gesellschaft angepaßt werden, für die er zubereitet wird. Die oben erwähnte Menge an Früchten, mit etwa eineinhalb Pfund Zucker, ergibt ein Sherbet, das für eine zwei Gallonen fassende Schüssel ausreicht. Ananas-Rum und Capillaire-Sirup anstelle eines Teils des Zuckers können verwendet werden, wenn dies genehm ist, mit beträchtlichen Vorteilen für den Geschmack; allerdings wird er sich auch ohne diese beiden Hilfsstoffe oder sogar ohne Sevilla-Orange als hervorragender Punch erweisen. Die gleiche Art von Sherbet kann natürlich auch für Brandypunch oder Rumpunch allein verwendet werden, aber Punch wird in England nur selten so hergestellt: Die meisten Leute mischen tatsächlich zu gleichen Teilen Rum und Brandy. Arrak-Punch wird jedoch immer nur mit dieser Spirituose hergestellt, und zwar gewöhnlich mit einem einfachen Sherbet aus Limetten- oder Zitronensaft, mit Zucker, denn der Geschmack der Sevilla-Orange beeinflußt zu störend den eigentümlichen Geschmack des Arraks, der sich für die meisten Geschmäcker als so wohltuend erweist, wenn auch für einige als sehr unangenehm. Wenn mit dem reichhaltigsten Sherbet, manchmal noch angereichert mit Fruchtgelees und sogar Muskatnuß, Wein statt Wasser mit Rum und Branntwein vermischt wird, nennt man das alkoholische Getränk Punch Royal. Die Mischung einer kleinen Menge Ale oder Porter, die von einigen bei der Zubereitung von Punch sehr empfohlen wird, scheint nur dann ratsam, wenn es sich um Rum-Punch handelt, der ohne Brandy hergestellt wird, und darf auch dann nur sehr sparsam eingebracht werden. Dieser Beitrag, wie wertvoll er auch immer erscheinen mag, ist hinsichtlich seiner Prinzipien von einem der ersten praktischen Punchmacher in Europa geliefert worden: Er hätte leicht, indem er sich auf die kleinsten Umstände konzentrierte, Materie für ein kleines Buch liefern können; dessen Wesen ist jedoch, wie er freimütig zugibt, hier ausreichend konzentriert für jeden nützlichen Zweck. Was die Zuträglichkeit des Punches betrifft, so ist er, wenn er in Maßen getrunken wird, im Winter heiß oder kalt und im Sommer sogar eisgekühlt, ein äußerst wohltuendes Getränk; er löscht auf bewundernswerte Weise den Durst, fördert die Sekretion und belebt die Geister. Wenn er jedoch inmitten der Heiterkeit, die durch den verführerischen Duft und den köstlichen Geschmack erregt wird, den die wohlriechende Schale nur selten zu erwecken versäumt, zu großzügig und zu gewohnheitsmäßig getrunken wird, wird seine kraftvolle Kombination aus Spirituose und Säure unfehlbar dazu neigen, Gicht hervorzurufen, sogar früher als die meisten Weine oder starker Apfelwein, es sei denn, sie wird glücklicherweise durch viel Bewegung verhindert. Punch ist, wie alle großen Segnungen des Lebens, ausgezeichnet und sogar heilsam, wenn er zu den richtigen Jahreszeiten mit Bedacht genossen wird. Wir dürfen ihm nicht unseren eigenen Mangel an Besonnenheit vorwerfen, durch den allein er stets zum Bösen umgewandelt wird. Der anscheinend seltsame englische Name des Punches ist, wie das alkoholische Getränk selbst, west-indischen Ursprungs, wobei das Wort in der Sprache der Ureinwohner einfach fünf bedeutet, da es die Anzahl der dort verwendeten Zutaten angibt, nämlich 1, Säure oder Limette oder Zitronensaft; 2, Süße oder Zucker; 3, Spirituose oder Rum, &c.; 4, Wasser; und 5, würziger Geschmack oder Muskatnuß, &c. Einzigartig ist auch, daß Punch, das Wort für fünf, aus nur fünf Buchstaben besteht. Aufgrund der gegensätzlichen Natur der verschiedenen Zutaten wurde der Punch manchmal auch als alkoholisches Getränk der Widersprüche bezeichnet.“ [10-401][10-402][10-403]
– „Genuine British Punch. It will scarcely seem credible, that the preparation of this very common liquor, which almost every Englishman well knows is merely composed of lemon or limejuice, with or without that of Seville orange, and some of the respective rinds, mixed with sugar, hot water, and rum and brandy in different proportions, is so little understood in France, that the celebrated Almanac des Gourmands, printed in 1806, gravely presents a receipt for making punch with tea instead of water; which the ingenious but grossly deceived writer informs bis readers, is the genuine British method, as described by a French officer who was long a prisoner of war in England and had frequently seen it made. The only way of accounting for which, seems to be this; that the said officer, having constantly beheld the tea-kettle on the fire, for the purpose of boiling the water to make punch, sagaciously discovered, with all the suspicious cunning which characterizes the natives in general of his very crafty country, that tea must necessarily be used. Whereas, with a little more sound wisdom, and a little less subtle craft, he might plainly have perceived, what is never made any secret, that the water only is poured immediately into the bowl on the several ingredients which have been mentioned. The grand secret, or rather art, of making genuine British punch, consists in the preparation of a rich and delicate sherbet; this being accomplished, with the addition of the best genuine West India rum, French brandy, and pure hot or cold water, the punch may be too strong, too weak, or have too large or too small a proportion of rum or brandy, but cannot possibly prove bad punch. In preparing sherbet for punch, the acids of cream of tartar, tamarinds, and various other prepared vegetable acids, as well as that particularly denominated the citric acid, are occasionally employed; but, perhaps, after all, the juices of limes, lemons, and Seville oranges, expressed from the fresh fruits, when obtainable, make the sort of sherbet which seems most congenial with the nature of good British punch. A fine large bowl of this liquor, which will be found to please most palates, may be made in the following manner — Procure half a dozen ripe, sound, and fresh lemons, or a proportionate number of limes, and a couple of Seville oranges. Rub off the yellow rinds of three or four of the lemons, with lumps of fine loaf sugar; putting each lump into the bowl, as soon as it is sufficiently saturated or clogged with the essence or grated rind. Then thinly pare the other lemons and Seville orange, and put these rinds also in the bowl; to which, adding plenty of sugar, pour a very small quantity of boiling water, and immediately squeeze the juice of nearly all the fruit, followed by a little more hot water. Incorporate the whole well together with the punch ladle; and, putting a little of the sherbet thus composed into a glass, try it’s richness and flavour by the palate. If the fruit be good, a practised punch maker will find little which requires to be regulated, and that little can soon be adjusted by supplying the aqueous, saccharine, or acid deficiencies, so as to produce a luscious and richbodied sherbet, fit for the reception of the spirit which is to give it animation. If straining should be found necessary, this is the period for using a lawn sieve, through which a little more hot water may afterward be passed; and a few parings of the orange and lemon rind are generally considered as having an agreeable appearance floating in the bowl. The sherbet being thus prepared, to make it into genuine British punch, spirit should be added in the proportions of a bottle of the best Jamaica rum to every pint of the finest Cogniac brandy; the entire strength or weakness may be suited to the general inclination of the company for which it is prepared. The above quantity of fruit, with about a pound and a half of sugar, will make sufficient sherbet for a two gallon bowl. Pine apple rum, and capillaire syrup instead of part of the sugar, may be used, if convenient, with considerable advantage to the flavour; though it will prove excellent punch, without either of these auxiliaries, or even Seville orange. The same sort of sherbet may, of course be used for brandy punch, or rum punch, singly; but punch is seldom so made in England: most persons, indeed, mix equal parts of rum and brandy. Arrac punch, however, is always made with that spirit alone: and, usually, with a simple sherbet of lime or lemon juice with sugar; as the flavour of the Seville orange interferes too much with the peculiar flavour of the arrac, which proves so grateful to most tastes, though to many very unpleasant. When, with the richest sherbet, sometimes rendered still richer by fruit jellies and even nutmeg, wine is mingled with the rum and brandy instead of water, the liquor is called punch royal. The mixture of a small quantity of ale or porter, highly recommended by some, in making punch, seems only advisable when it is rum punch, made without any brandy, and must even then be very sparingly introduced. This article, whatever may appear it’s value, is furnished, with regard to it’s principles, by one of the first practical punch makers in Europe: who could easily, by dwelling on minute circumstances, have supplied matter for a small volume; the essence of which is, however, he freely confesses, here sufficiently concentrated for every useful purpose. With regard to the salubrity of punch: when drank in moderation, hot in winter, or cold and even iced in summer, it affords a most grateful beverage; admirably allaying thirst, promoting the secretions, and conveying animation to the spirits. If, however, amid the hilarity excited by the tempting fragrance and luscious taste which the balmy bowl seldom fails to inspire, it be too freely and too habitually drank, it’s powerful combination of spirit and acid, instead of proving favourable to the constitution, will infallibly tend to bring on the gout even sooner than most wines, or strong cyder, unless happily prevented by using a considerable degree of exercise. Punch, like all the prime blessings of life, is excellent, and even salutary; when prudently enjoyed, at proper seasons. We must not charge, on them, our own want of discretion; by which, alone, they are ever converted to evils. The apparently whimsical English name of punch, like the liquor itself, is of West India origin; the word, in the aboriginal language, signifying simply five, being the number of the ingredients there used: viz. 1. acid, or lime or lemon juice; 2. sweetness, or sugar; 3. spirit, or rum, &c. 4. water; and, 5. spicey flavour, or nutmeg, &c. It is singular, too, that punch, the word for five, consists of just five letters. From the opposite natures of the several ingredients, punch has also been sometimes called the liquor of contradictions.“ [10-401][10-402][10-403]
Die Aussage des Autors, das große Geheimnis eines Punches liege im Sherbet, bringt es auf den Punkt. Diesem wir man widerspruchslos zustimmen, wenn man einmal den Unterschied probiert hat. Man versuche einmal einen mit Sherbet hergestellten Punch und einen, der nur mit Zitrussaft und Zuckersirup hergestellt wurde. Dazwischen liegen Welten. Auch wenn dieses Buch sehr deutlich wird und schreibt, in einen echten britischen Punch gehöre kein Tee, sahen andere das offensichtlich nicht so streng. Denn in Großbritannien bereitete man mindestens seit 1728 einen Tee-Punch mit Grüntee zu. Und ein londoner Magazin gab im Jahr 1840 an, dass die Verwendung von Tee anstelle des Wassers eine der Grundregeln beim Zubereiten eines Punches sei. [15-718]
Ebenfalls 1808 veröffentlichte Sir John Sinclair einen Beitrag über Punch. Im Gegensatz zum vorherigen Autor ist für ihn der Zusatz von grünem Tee jedoch kein Ding der Unmöglichkeit. Er schreibt: „KEINE Spirituosenart wurde mehr verurteilt* oder lauter gefeiert als der Punch. – Dieses Getränk besteht aus Spirituosen, die mit Wasser verdünnt werden und einen gewissen Anteil an Säure und Zucker enthalten, wodurch eine Mischung von Substanzen entsteht, die in ihrer Natur sehr gegensätzlich sind, da sie stark und schwach, süß und sauer sind. Einige behaupten, daß eine halbe Pinte altes Starkbier in einer mäßigen Schale Punch das Feuer der Spirituose beträchtlich mildert, oder daß eine halbe Pinte grüner Tee eine nützliche zusätzliche Zutat ist. Wo die Säure dem Magen nichts ausmacht, ist Punch sicherlich bekömmlicher als Grog, oder Spirituosen und Wasser, oder Toddy, der Grog mit Zuckerzusatz ist, † […] † Es wird angemerkt, daß die Trinker von Toddy schneller berauscht werden als diejenigen, die Punch trinken“ [9-215]
– „NO species of liquor has been more condemned*, or more loudly celebrated, than Punch. – This drink consists of spirits diluted with water, and a certain proportion of acid and sugar, making a mixture of substances very opposite in their nature, being strong and weak, sweet and sour. Some contend, that half a pint of old strong beer, in a moderate bowl of punch, will mellow the fire of the spirit considerably, or that half a pint of green tea is a useful additional ingredient. Where the acid does not disagree with the stomach, punch is certainly wholesomer than grog, or spirits and water, or toddy, which is grog with the addition of sugar, † […] † It is remarked, that the drinkers of toddy get sooner intoxicated than those who drink punch.“ [9-215]
Ein paar Punch-Bilder
Nun haben wir viel über die schriftlichen Aufzeichnungen über den Punch geredet. Doch es muß auch erwähnt werden, daß der Punch auch in Abbildungen seinen Platz fand, die meisten davon karikaturistischer Art. Beispielhaft seien ein paar davon hier reproduziert:
George Knapton: Bourchier Wray, 6th Baronet, 1744, dargestellt auf einem Schiff auf See, mit einer Schale voll Punch, mit einer Inschrift auf derselben von Horaz, IV Odes, xii, „Dulce est Desipere in Loco“ – „Es ist süß zur rechten Zeit, töricht zu handeln“. [7]Timothy Bobbin: The passions, humourously delineated – Delight. 1810. [6]Thomas Rowlandson: Naval Officers and a Bowl of Punch, undatiert. [8]William Hogarth: A Midnight Modern Conversation, um 1732. [5]
William Hogarth: A Midnight Modern Conversation. [2]
James Gillray: Anacreontick’s in full song, 1801. [13]Thomas Rowlandson: Serving Punch, zwischen 1815 und 1820. [14]The Coronation of King Punch, George IV., 1821. [1]
Der moderne Punch ab 1862
Ab 1862 sind abertausende Punch-Rezepturen überliefert. Sie scheinen sich alle deutlich voneinander zu unterscheiden. Um die Anzahl zu reduzieren, haben wir nur die Rezepturen für Rum- und Whiskey-Punch betrachtet, und selbst mit dieser Einschränkung bleiben rund eintausend Rezepturen übrig.
Um diese miteinander statistisch vergleichen zu können, muß man sie auf die zugrundeliegende grundsätzliche Formel reduzieren. Diese Formeln ergeben sich aus der klassischen Überlieferung dessen, was ein Punch ist, und der modernen Interpretation der Rezepturen.
Die Kategorien des Punches
Zum einen unterscheiden wir den Punch danach, ob er Gewürze enthält oder nicht. Diese beiden Varianten stellen für uns den einfachen und den gewürzten Punch dar, auf englisch würden wir es „plain punch“ und als „spiced punch“ bezeichnen. Gleichzeitig kann der Punch klassisch zubereitet werden oder als eine moderne Abwandlung.
Aus dieser Betrachtungsweise ergeben sich vier grundlegende Formeln:
Klassischer Einfacher Punch, bestehend aus Destillat, Wasser, Zitrus, Zucker
Klassischer Gewürzter Punch, das ist ein einfacher klassischer Punch mit Gewürz
Moderner Einfacher Punch, bestehend aus Destillat, Wasser und/oder Alternative, Zitrus, Zucker und/oder Alternative
Moderner Gewürzter Punch, das ist ein einfacher moderner Punch mit Gewürz
Dabei muß eines festgestellt werden: Diese Kategorisierung bedeutet nicht, daß zunächst ein Punch immer klassisch zubereitet wurde und erst in jüngeren Zeiten die moderne Version hinzukam. Bereits die erste überlieferte Rezeptur des Johann Albrecht von Manelsloh beschreibt, daß ein Punch mit Rosenwasser zubereitet wurde, und das wäre laut Kategorisierung ein moderner gewürzter Punch. Der Kategorisierung liegt vielmehr ein ordnender Gedanke zugrunde, der die Verwendung von Wasser und Zitrussaft als etwas Klassisches begreift, und die Abwandlungen als etwas Modernes. Denn obwohl schon von Anbeginn Zutaten wie Rosenwasser beschrieben wurden, werden die Zutaten des Punches grundsätzlich erst in moderneren Zeiten auf vielfältigste Art und Weise variiert. Eine Durchsicht der Rezepturen ab 1862 beantwortet die Frage, woraus diese Alternativen bestehen können. Bei der Verdünnung, also als Alternative zu Wasser, werden aufgeführt:
Ginger Ale (dies könnte man aber abhängig vom Zuckergehalt auch den Süßungsmitteln zurechnen)
Die Alternativen zu Zucker sind:
Ananassaft (diesen jedoch, wie andere Säfte auch, könnte man abhängig von ihrem Zuckergehalt auch als alternative Verdünnung betrachten. Die Übergänge sind fließend.)
Triple Sec
Bei der Verwendung der Zitrusfrüchte gibt es zahlreiche Varianten. Hauptsächlich wird Zitrone eingesetzt, aber auch Limette oder Orange; diese dann in Stücken, als Saft oder Zeste, auch miteinander kombiniert. Doch für unsere Betrachtung ist es ausreichend, wenn Zitrusfrüchte verwendet werden, unabhängig davon, welche und welche Teile derselben.
Nicht weiter betrachten sollte man auch die teilweise reichhaltige Garnitur, mit der man einen Punch versehen hat. Diese ist nicht direkt Bestandteil des Punches, sondern eher so etwas wie ein zum Getränk gereichter Snack, manchmal auch ein im Glas kunstvoll aufgeschichteter „Obstsalat“, und kann daher als solche unberücksichtigt bleiben. Als Garnitur verwendete man alles, was man an Früchten und Beeren verfügbar hatte, beispielsweise Zitrone, Orange, Ananas, Kirsche, Erdbeere, Pfirsich oder Banane. Gelegentlich durfte es auch etwas Minze sein.
Es muß an dieser Stelle noch erwähnt werden, daß bei einem heißen Punch eine Garnierung mit Früchten oder Beeren praktisch nicht vorkommt, wohl aber bei einem kalten Punch. Dort ist sie quasi Standard. Das mag daran liegen, daß sie sich auf Eisstückchen vortrefflich plazieren läßt, und mag auch der Vorliebe der Zeit geschuldet sein; auch bei einem Cobbler bevorzugte man eine üppige Garnierung mit Allerlei.
Überschneidungen mit anderen Mischgetränken
Natürlich gibt es Rezepturen, die zwar als Punch bezeichnet werden, aber keiner sind. Entweder fehlen einzelne Bestandteile, oder es werden welche hinzugegeben, die nicht in einen Punch gehören, wie beispielsweise Bitter oder Butter.
Wenn Milch verwendet wird, so ergibt sich ein Milk Punch, und diesen betrachten wir in dieser Analyse nicht, denn das ist eine eigene Kategorie, die ein anderes Mal beschrieben werden soll.
Statistische Betrachtung
Wir haben die Analyse aufgeteilt in vier verschiedene Bereiche, und zwar: Hot Rum Punch und Hot Whiskey Punch, Cold Rum Punch und Cold Whiskey Punch.
Hot Rum Punch
Punch – Hot Rum Punch.
Wie wir sehen können, entsprechen die Rezepturen für einen Hot Rum Punch in den Anfangsjahren einem Punch, klassisch oder modern. Es zeigt sich jedoch, daß die Rezepturen nach und nach immer unklarer werden, so daß in der jüngeren Zeit praktisch 40 Prozent nicht mehr der Grundstruktur eines Punches entsprachen.
Hot Whiskey Punch
Punch – Hot Whiskey Punch.
Beim Hot Whiskey Punch ist es weniger dramatisch. Zwischen 1920 und 1941 entsprachen rund 15 Prozent der Fälle nicht einem Punch, ansonsten schon.
Cold Rum Punch
Punch – Cold Rum Punch.
Beim Cold Rum Punch muß man berücksichtigen, daß wir vor 1882 nur eine Rezeptur gefunden haben, weshalb dieser Zeitraum statistisch nicht aussagekräftig ist. Wir müssen ihn ignorieren. Ansonsten sieht man aber, daß fast alle Rezepturen der eines echten Punches entsprechen.
Cold Whiskey Punch
Punch – Cold Whiskey Punch.
Auch der Cold Whiskey Punch entspricht fast immer einem echten Punch.
Ein detaillierter Bilck auf eine der Zutaten ist noch notwendig, und zwar auf den Einsatz der Zitrusfrucht. Wir müssen für eine mögliche Abgrenzung gegen andere Mischgetränke verstehen, ob in einem Punch die Zitruszeste, der Zitrussaft oder ein Zitrusstück verwendet wird. Dabei wurden in unserer Analyse bei der Bewertung des Anteils der Zitrusstücke nur die Rezepte berücksichtigt, die explizit danach als Zutat verlangen; allgemeine Angaben wie die, mit Früchten zu garnieren – worunter auch Zitrusstücke fallen können – haben wir ignoriert.
Desweiteren ist es notwendig, zusätzlich nach Hot Punch und Cold Punch zu unterscheiden, denn hier finden sich Unterschiede, die in unserer Analyse anderer Mischgetränke von Bedeutung sein könnten.
Zitrusfrüchte im Hot Punch
Punch – Zitrus im Hot Punch.
Wir können erkennen, daß in einem Hot Punch anfänglich in 30% der Fälle nur eine Zeste verwendet wird; dieser Anteil sinkt dann mehr und mehr ab und verschwindet schließlich. Bei den übrigen Rezepten spielt eigentlich immer der Saft eine Rolle, sei es der reine Saft, oder der Saft, der als Anteil des Zitrusstückes in das Getränk eingebracht wird. Auch bei den Kombinationen, sei es Saft und Zeste, Saft und Stück, oder alles gemeinsam, ist immer Saft im Einsatz.
Zitrusfrüchte im Cold Punch
Punch – Zitrus im Cold Punch.
Für den Cold Punch ergibt sich erstaunlicherweise ein anderes Bild. In den ersten Rezepten, wir sprechen hier über die Rezepte vor 1882, werden noch Zesten verwendet. Aus dieser Zeit liegen jedoch nur sehr wenige Rezepte vor, so daß diese Zahl eventuell statistisch falch gewichtet ist. Ab 1882 jedenfalls wird die reine Zeste praktisch nicht mehr verwendet. Es überwiegt deutlich der Einsatz von reinem Zitrussaft. Stücke verwendet man im Gegensatz zum Hot Punch praktisch nicht, und auch Kombinationen sind relativ selten; dabei handelt es sich um die Kombination von Saft und Stück; die Zeste spielt auch hier keine Rolle.
Zitrusfrüchte im Punch
Punch – Zitrus.
Auch wenn man beide, Hot Punch und Cold Punch, gemeinsam betrachtet, sieht man, daß die reine Zeste immer mehr an Einfluß verlor, der Saft ab 1882 eine gewichtige Rolle spielte. Der solitäre Einsatz eines Zitrusstückes ist selten. Gerne wird Verschiedenes kombiniert, anfänglich bevorzugt eine Kombination aus Saft und Zeste, später aus Saft und Stück.
Man muß jedoch einen Punkt bei der Einschätzung dieser Statistik berücksichtigen: Bereitet man ein reichhaltiges Sherbet zu, indem man die Öle der Schale mit Zucker extrahiert, so ergibt sich ein ausgeprägtes Zitrusaroma, ohne daß Saft zugesetzt werden muß. Verzichtet man jedoch darauf, so werden nicht genügend Öle extrahiert, und man muß mit Zitrussaft nachhelfen, um eine vergleichbare Aromatik zu erhalten. Man muß also jedes Rezept einzeln betrachten und die Herstellungsweise des Punches beachten.
Durch die Hitze kochenden Wassers werden die Aromastoffe wohl eher extrahiert als in einem kalten Punch, weshalb bei einem Hot Punch vermehrt Zesten verwendet werden konnten, ohne das mit Zitussaft nachgeholfen werden mußte.
Punch – Übersicht.
Wie wir in der Übersicht sehen können, war der Rum Punch anfänglich nicht so recht beliebt, denn er stellt nur rund 10 Prozent der Fälle. Zwischen 1882 und 1959 waren es rund 40 Prozent der Rezepturen, zum Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts waren es hingegen etwa 55 Prozent.
Man sieht auch, daß anfänglich der heiße Punch überwog mit ungefähr 80 Prozent der Beispiele, zum Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts waren es jedoch nur noch um die 20 Prozent.
Punch – Übersicht.
Es bleibt als letztes noch die Betrachtung, welche Arten von Punch über die Zeiten hinweg in Rezepten dokumentiert wurden. Der Klassische Einfache Punch überwiegt anfangs mit fast 70%, und nimmt dann mehr und mehr ab, bis er schließlich nur noch einen Anteil von 20% ausmacht. Interessanterweise betrug der Anteil des Klassischen Gewürzten Punches über alle Zeiten hinweg immer rund 15%. Das überrascht, sagt man doch gemeinhin, ein Punch sei nur dann ein Punch, wenn er aus fünf Zutaten bestünde, und Gewürze die wichtige letzte Zutat seien. Doch diese Aussage hatte sich schon für das 17. und 18. Jahrhundert als nicht zutreffend erwiesen. Der Moderne Einfache Punch umfaßt anfänglich rund 15% der Fälle, und steigt zum Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts auf ungefähr 45% an. Ein Moderner Gewürzter Punch kam lange Zeit praktisch nicht vor und war auch in jüngerer Zeit kaum vorhanden. Der Anteil derjenigen Rezepte, die sich zwar Punch nennen, aber keiner sind, lag immer erstaunlich niedrig, mit rund 15% zwischen 1920 und 1941, und zuletzt mit etwa 10%.
Es zeigt sich also, daß ein Punch im Grunde genommen schon immer ein Punch war, wobei natürlich der Moderne Punch eine wesentliche Weiterentwicklung des Klassischen Punches darstellt.
Wiederholen wir abschließend also noch einmal die vier Ausprägungen des Punches:
In den nächsten Beiträgen gilt es nun zu klären, ob andere Mischgetränke wie Toddy, Grog, Negus oder Sangria sich ebenso eigenständig darstellen, oder ob es Überschneidungen mit dem Punch gibt.
Quellen IV sits before a huge bowl of punch placed on a three-legged stool, one gouty leg resting on a cushion. He jovially holds up goblet and ladle while one burlesque Archbishop places a chamber-pot on his head, the other pours dark liquid on to his face, saying, With oil and Treacle—I anoint thee,—and King of jolly dogs—appoint thee. July 1821 Hand-coloured etching, folded frontispiece to a pamphlet. Anonymus: The family receipt-book; or, universal repository of useful knowledge and experience in all the various branches of domestic oeconomy. Including scarce, curious, and valuable, select receipts, and choice secrets, in cookery, medicine, confectionary, pastry, brewing, distilling, pickling, preserving, perfumery, dyeing, gilding, painting, varnishing, agriculture, farriery, gardening, hunting, fishing, fowling, &c. &c. &c. with specifications of approved patent medicines; all the most srviceable preparations for domestic purposes; and numerous successful improvements in the ornamental as well as useful arts, manufactures, &c. extracted from the records of the Patent Office; and translated from foreign books and journals in all the languages of Europe. London, 1808.
David Wondrich & Noah Rothbaum: The Oxford companion to spirits & cocktails. ISBN 9780199311132. Oxford University Press, 2022.
Historische Rezepte
1862 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 14. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made one-third pure whiskey, two-thirds boiling water, in which the sugar has been dissolved. If lemon punch, the rind is rubbed on the sugar, and a small proportion of juice added before the whiskey is poured in.
1862 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 14. Cold Whiskey Punch.
(For a party.) This beverage ought always to be made with boiling water, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or two before it is put on the table. In this way, the materials get more intensely amalgamated than cold water and cold whiskey ever get. As to the beautiful mutual adaptation of cold rum and cold water, that is beyond all praise, being one of Nature’s most exquisite achievements. (See “ Glas- goto Punchy“ No. 29.)
1862 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 15. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Steep the thin yellow shavings of lemon peel in the whiskey, which should be Glenlivet or Islay, of the best quality; the sugar should be dissolved in boiling water. As it requires genius to make whiskey punch, it would bo impertinent to give proportions. (See „Spread Eagle Punch“ No. 39.)
1862 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 15. Whiskey Punch.
(Use small bar glass.) 1 wine-glass whiskey (Irish or Scotch). 2 do. boiling water. Sugar to taste. Dissolve the sugar well with 1 wine-glass of the water, then pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the water, sweeten to taste, and put in a small piece of lemon rind, or a thin slice of lemon.
1862 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 14. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made one-third pure whiskey, two-thirds boiling water, in which the sugar has been dissolved. If lemon punch, the rind is rubbed on the sugar, and a small proportion of juice added before the whiskey is poured in.
1862 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 14. Cold Whiskey Punch.
(For a party.) This beverage ought always to be made with boiling water, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or two before it is put on the table. In this way, the materials get more intensely amalgamated than cold water and cold whiskey ever get. As to the beautiful mutual adaptation of cold rum and cold water, that is beyond all praise, being one of Nature’s most exquisite achievements. (See “ Glas- goto Punchy“ No. 29.)
1862 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 15. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Steep the thin yellow shavings of lemon peel in the whiskey, which should be Glenlivet or Islay, of the best quality; the sugar should be dissolved in boiling water. As it requires genius to make whiskey punch, it would bo impertinent to give proportions. (See „Spread Eagle Punch“ No. 39.)
1862 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 15. Whiskey Punch.
(Use small bar glass.) 1 wine-glass whiskey (Irish or Scotch). 2 do. boiling water. Sugar to taste. Dissolve the sugar well with 1 wine-glass of the water, then pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the water, sweeten to taste, and put in a small piece of lemon rind, or a thin slice of lemon.
1862 M. F. Malepeyre: Nouveau manuel complet du limonadier. Seite 174. Punch anglais ou au rhum.
Il se fait en ajoutant trois parties de bon rhum sur une partie de suc de citron, dans lequel on a mis in- fuser d’avance quelques zestes; après avoir versé sur le tout neuf parties d’excellente infusion de thé, on édulcore avec la quantité de sucre jugée convenable ou nécessaire; car il est des personnes qui le veulent très-sucré, d’autres à qui il est insupportable de cette manière. On conseille encore, en suivant le même procédé, de remplacer le rhum par le rack, ou par du vin rouge, enfin par du vin de Champagne, ou toute au- tre liqueur aromatique, vineuse ou alcoolique, pour obtenir du punch d’un goût différent.
1863 George Edwin Roberts & Henry Porter: Cups and Their Customs. Seite 40. Whisky Punch.
To one pint of whisky and two glasses of brandy add the juice and peel of one lemon and a wine-glassful of boiling ale; well stir into it half a pound of pow- dered sugar, and add a quart of boiling water. This is said to be the most fascinating tipple ever invented, and, to quote the words of Basil Hall, „It brightens a man’s hopes, crumbles down his difficulties, softens the hostility of his enemies, and, in fact, induces him for the time being to think generously of all mankind, at the tiptop of which it naturally and good-naturedly places his own dear self.“
1864 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 14. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made one-third pure whiskey, two-thirds boiling water, in which the sugar has been dissolved. If lemon punch, the rind is rubbed on the sugar, and a small proportion of juice added before the whiskey is poured in.
1864 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 14. Cold Whiskey Punch.
(For a party.) This beverage ought always to be made with boiling water, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or two before it is put on the table. In this way, the materials get more intensely amalgamated than cold water and cold whiskey ever get. As to the beautiful mutual adaptation of cold rum and cold water, that is beyond all praise, being one of Nature’s most exquisite achievements. (See “ Glas- goto Punchy“ No. 29.)
1864 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 15. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Steep the thin yellow shavings of lemon peel in the whiskey, which dhould be Glenlivet or Islay, of the best quality; the sugar should be dissolved in boiling water. As it requires genius to make whiskey punch, it would bo impertinent to give proportions. (See „Spread Eagle Punch“ No. 39.)
1864 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 15. Whiskey Punch.
(Use small bar glass.) 1 wine-glass whiskey (Irish or Scotch). 2 do. boiling water. Sugar to taste. Dissolve the sugar well with 1 wine-glass of the water, then pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the water, sweeten to taste, and put in a small piece of lemon rind, or a thin slice of lemon.
1866 L. Monzert: The Independent Liquorist. Seite 51. Whiskey Punch.
Take 9 gallons of Bourbon whiskey. 6 do. plain syrup. 1 pint lemon peel tincture. 1 do. orange peel do 6 ounces allspice do. 1 wine-glass full do. cloves.
1866 L. Monzert: The Independent Liquorist. Seite 159. Whiskey Punch.
Take 1 pony Irish whiskey. 2 do. boiling water. 2 tea-spoons of powdered sugar. First dissolve th sugar with the water; then pour in the whiskey, and put in a small piece of lemon-peel, or a thin slice of lemon.
The sugar should first be thoroughly dissolved in the hottest of water. The whisky ought to be of the finest quality, Islay being generally preferred. If for a large party, cut the lemon peei thin, and steep it in the pure spirits, or rub upon the peel the lumps of sugar before dis- solving; by either of these means the flavor is successfully extracted. In making a punch behind the bar time is not allowed for either of these processes. As we have before remarked, the proportions are so much a matter of taste that it would be presumptuous to lay down any imperative rule.
1869 Anonymus: Haney’s Steward & Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 12. Hot Rum Punch.
A wine glass of Jamaica rum 2 wine glasses of boiling water; 2 lumps of sugar well dissolved in a wine glass of water. Put this last into the tumbler add the rum, and afterward the remainder of the water. Drop in a thin skin.
1869 Anonymus: Haney’s Steward & Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 13. Hot Whisky Punch.
For this, use ingredients in same proportion as for hot rum punch, and prepare it after the same fashion.
Seite 12. Hot Rum Punch.
A wine glass of Jamaica rum; 2 wine glasses of boiling water; 2 lumps of sugar well dissolved in a wine glass of water. Put this last into the tumbler; add the rum, and afterward the remainder of the water. Drop in a thin skin of lemon.
The same method is applicable here as in the above. If acidity is desired, squeeze some of the juice of the lemon into the glass before the whisky is poured in. The spirits used should always have age, as Irish whisky, when new, is by no means fit to drink.
Seite 12. Hot Rum Punch.
A wine glass of Jamaica rum; 2 wine glasses of boiling water; 2 lumps of sugar well dissolved in a wine glass of water. Put this last into the tumbler; add the rum, and afterward the remainder of the water. Drop in a thin skin of lemon.
This is seldom called for at a bar. Properly, it should be mixed hot, and allowed to cool, giving at least a day to it when made for a large party
1869 George Edwin Roberts & Henry Porter: Cups and Their Customs. Seite 46. Whisky Punch.
To one pint of whisky and two glasses of brandy add the juice and peel of one lemon and a wine-glassful of boiling ale; well stir into it half a pound of pow- dered sugar, and add a quart of boiling water. This is said to be the most fascinating tipple ever invented; and, to quote the words of Basil Hall, „It brightens a man’s hopes, crumbles down his difficulties, softens the hostility of his enemies, and, in fact, induces him for the time being to think generously of all mankind, at the tiptop of which it naturally and good-naturedly places his own dear self.“
1869 William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Seite 221. Whisky Punch à la Taylor.
The oleo-saceha- rum of 1 Seville or Mandarin orange, 1 tablespoonful of tamarinds, 1/2 pint of lemon-juice, and 1 pint of whisky; strain clear; add boiling water and sugar to taste.
1869 William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Seite 221. Whisky Punch.
Juice and peel of 1 lemon in 1/2 pint of whisky, sweetened to taste; water ad libitum.
1869 William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Seite 221. Whisky Punch à la Barrett.
1/2 pint of whisky, teaspoonful of guava or apple jelly, 1/2 pint of boiling water.
1871 Anonymus: Barkeepers‘ Ready Reference. Seite 13. Irish Whisky Punch.
1/3 Irish whisky. 2/3 boiling water. Sugar and lemon to the taste. Nut- meg if liked.
To make a cold punch. Mix with hot water and set it by to cool. You will find it much better.
1871 Anonymus: Barkeepers‘ Ready Reference. Seite 14. Scotch Whisky Punch.
(Small glass.) Same as Irish whisky, except to use Scotch whisky. Note.— To get the real flavor of a lemon rub your sugar over Ihe skin until you get it saturated with the oil, then use the sugar.
Seite 13. Irish Whisky Punch.
1/3 Irish whisky, 2/3 boiling water. Sugar and lemon to the taste. Nut- meg it liked.
No. 6. To make a cold punch. Mix with hot water and set it by to cool. You will find it much better.
1872 William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Seite 221. Whisky Punch à la Taylor.
The oleo-saceha- rum of 1 Seville or Mandarin orange, 1 tablespoonful of tamarinds, 1/2 pint of lemon-juice, and 1 pint of whisky; strain clear; add boiling water and sugar to taste.
1872 William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Seite 221. Whisky Punch.
Juice and peel of 1 lemon in 1/2 pint of whisky, sweetened to taste; water ad libitum.
1872 William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Seite 221. Whisky Punch à la Barrett.
1/2 pint of whisky, teaspoonful of guava or apple jelly, 1/2 pint of boiling water.
1875 Anonymus: The American Bar-Tender. Seite 11. Whiskey Punch.
The Whiskey Punch is made the same as the Brandy Punch. Using whiskey instead of brandy. Omitting the rum.
Seite 11. Brandy Punch.
Juice of half a lemon or large lime, 1 wine glass of brandy, 1-2 wine glass of Jamaica rum, 1 table spoonful of powdered sugar. Pill glass with shaved ice, stir well with spoon, and ornament with fruit in season. Imbibe through straw.
1876 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 14. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made one-third pure whiskey, two-thirds boiling water, in which the sugar has been dissolved. If lemon punch, the rind is rubbed on the sugar, and a small proportion of juice added before the whiskey is poured in.
1876 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 14. Cold Whiskey Punch.
(For a party.) This beverage ought always to be made with boiling water, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or two before it is put on the table. In this way, the materials get more intensely amalgamated than cold water and cold whiskey ever get As to the beautiful mutual adaptation of cold rum and cold water, that is beyond all praise, being one of Nature’s most exquisite achievements. (See “ Glas- gow Punch“ No. 29.)
1876 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 15. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Steep the thin yellow shavings of lemon peel in the whiskey, which should be Glenlivet or Islay, of the best quality; the sugar should be dissolved in boiling water. As it requires genius to make whiskey punch, it would be impertinent to give proportions. (See “ Spread Eagle Punch,“ No. 39.)
1876 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 15. Whiskey Punch.
(Use small bar glass.) 1 wine-glass whiskey (Irish or Scotch). 2 do. boiling water. Sugar to taste. Dissolve the sugar well with 1 wine-glass of the water then pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the water, sweeten to taste, and put in a small piece of lemon rind, or a thin slice of lemon
1876 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 14. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made one-third pure whiskey, two-thirds boiling water, in which the sugar has been dissolved. If lemon punch, the rind is rubbed on the sugar, and a small proportion of juice added before the whiskey is poured in.
1876 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 14. Cold Whiskey Punch.
(For a party.) This beverage ought always to be made with boiling water, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or two before it is put on the table. In this way, the materials get more intensely amalgamated than cold water and cold whiskey ever get As to the beautiful mutual adaptation of cold rum and cold water, that is beyond all praise, being one of Nature’s most exquisite achievements. (See “ Glas- gow Punch“ No. 29.)
1876 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 15. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Steep the thin yellow shavings of lemon peel in the whiskey, which should be Glenlivet or Islay, of the best quality; the sugar should be dissolved in boiling water. As it requires genius to make whiskey punch, it would be impertinent to give proportions. (See “ Spread Eagle Punch,“ No. 39.)
1876 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 15. Whiskey Punch.
(Use small bar glass.) 1 wine-glass whiskey (Irish or Scotch). 2 do. boiling water. Sugar to taste. Dissolve the sugar well with 1 wine-glass of the water then pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the water, sweeten to taste, and put in a small piece of lemon rind, or a thin slice of lemon
1876 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 95. Rum Punch.
Take 1 1/2 gallons high-flavored Jamaica rum. 3 do. spirits (70 per cent.) 3 do. plain syrup. 1/2 pint tincture of lemon peel. 1/4 do. raspberry juice. 1/4 do. caramel. Mix the whole together, and run it through a flannel bag. Some people add a dessert-spoonful each of tincture of cloves and tincture of cinnamon. Punch thus prepared may be used either as a hot or cold drink; by mixing it half and half with boiling or cold water, or pouring the punch into a tumbler filled with cracked ice, it makes a pleasant and refreshing drink, and is also a very good remedy for a cold in the head.
1876 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 96. Whiskey Punch.
Take 4 1/2 gallons Bourbon whiskey. 3 do. plain syrup. 1/2 pint tincture of lemon peel. 1/2 pint tincture orange peel. 3 ounces do. allspice. 2 dessert-spoonfuls tincture of cloves. Mix the tinctures thoroughly with the whiskey, and then add the syrup.
1878 Leo Engel: American & Other Drinks. Seite 18. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made one- third pure whiskey, two-thirds boiling water, in which the sugar has been dissolved, and lemon peel according to taste.
1878 Leo Engel: American & Other Drinks. Seite 19. Scotch Whiskey – Appolonic Punch.
Steep some thin yellow shavings of lemon peel in the whiskey, which should be pure Islay of the best quality. The sugar should be dissolved in boiling water. Proportions as in Irish Whiskey Punch (No. 4).
Seite 18. 4 Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made one- third pure whiskey, two-thirds boiling water, in which the sugar has been dissolved, and lemon peel according to taste.
1881 Leo Engel: American & Other Drinks. Seite 18. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made one- third pure whiskey, two-thirds boiling water, in which the sugar has been dissolved, and lemon peel according to taste.
1882 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Seite 27. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.) 1 table-spoonful of sugar; 3 or 4 dashes of lime or lemon juice; One-half wine glass of water, dissolved well; One-quarter pony glass of Jamaica rum; 1 wine glass full of St. Croix rum; Fill up with fine shaved ice; mix well with a spoon, ornament with fruit and berries in season, and serve with a straw.
1882 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Seite 44. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use a large glass.) Three-quarter table-spoon of sugar; 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice, dissolved well with a little water; Fill up the glass with fine shaved ice; 1 1/4 wine glass of Medford rum; flavor with a few drops of Jamaica rum, stir up well, and dress the top off with fruits and berries, in season, and serve with a straw.
1882 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Seite 46. Hot Irish Punch.
(Use a hot water glass.) 1 or 2 lumps of loaf sugar; 1 squirt of lemon juice, dissolved in a little hot water; 1 wine glass of Irish whiskey: fill up the balance with hot water, stir up well, put a slice of lemon into it, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.
1882 Harry Johnson: Practisches, Neues und Verbessertes Handbuch für Barkeeper. Seite 104. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Gebrauche ein grosses Glas.) 1 Esslöffel feinen Zucker; 3 oder 4 dashes Citronensaft; Einhalb Weinglas Wasser; löse dieses mittelst eines Barlöffes gut auf, fülle das Glas mit fein zerschlagenem Eis; 1 Weinglass voll St. Croix Rum; Einviertel Ponyglas mit Jamaica Rum; mische dieses gut und gründlich auf mittelst eines Bar- löffels, garnire es mit Orangen, Citronen, Ananas, Erd- beeren in geschmackvoller Weise und servire mit Stroh.
1882 Harry Johnson: Practisches, Neues und Verbessertes Handbuch für Barkeeper. Seite 124. Medford Rum-Punch.
(Gebrauche ein grosses Barglas.) Dreiviertel Esslöffel voll feinen Zucker; 2 oder 3 dashes Citronensaft Einhalb Weinglass Wasser; löse dieses gut auf mit einem Barlöffel; fülle das Glas mit fein zerschlagenem Eis; 1 Weinglas Medford Rum; mische dieses gut auf mit einem Barlöffel, garnire es in geschmackvoller Weise mit Weintrauben, Orangen, Citronen, Ananas und Erdbeeren, und giesse ein paar Tropfen Jamaica Rum hinzu, und servire es mit Stroh.
1882 Harry Johnson: Practisches, Neues und Verbessertes Handbuch für Barkeeper. Seite 125. Hot Irish Punch.
(Gebrauche ein Heisswasserglas.) 1 oder 2 Stücke Würfelzucker; 1 dash Citronensaft; lse dieses auf mit etwas heissem Wasser; 1 Weinglas Irish Whiskey; fülle das Glas auf mit heissem Wasser, füge eine Schnitte Citrone dazu, mische dieses gut mit dem Bar- löffel, streue ein wenig Muscatnuss über das Getränk und servire es.
Follow the same method as in No. 84, substituting Whiskey for Brandy.
Seite 20. No. 84. Cold Brandy Punch.
Fill large bar glass with shaved ice, add one and one-half table- spoons of bar sugar, one-half wine-glass of water, five or six dashes of lime or lemon juice, or half a lemon, one and one-half wine-glasses of Cognac Brandy; shake well and ornament with fruit in season. Im- bibe through a straw.
1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers‘ Guide. Seite 21. Cold Whiskey Punch for a party of twenty.
Follow the same directions as in No. 85, using the ingredients in the same proportions, substituting Whiskey for Brandy.
Seite 20. No. 85. Cold Brandy Punch for a party of twenty.
Use a large punch-bowl. Add two pounds of powdered sugar, three-quarters of a gallon of water, two and one-half quarts of Brandy one-half pint of Jamaica Rum, juice of four lemons, two or three or- anges cut in slices, one sliced pineapple; add some berries, stir well and add a block of ice. Serve.
1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers‘ Guide. Seite 21. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Follow the same method as in No. 86, substituting Whiskey for Brandy.
Seite 20. No. 86. Hot Brandy Punch.
Use medium sized bar glass, two lumps of cut loaf sugar dissolved in a wine-glass of boiling water, one and one-half wine-glasses of Cognac Brandy, one thin slice of lemon; grate nutmeg on top.
1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers‘ Guide. Seite 21. Cold Rum Punch.
Fill large bar glass with shaved ice, one and one-half table-spoon of bar sugar, one-half wine-glass of water, five or six dashes of lime or lemon juice, and one-half wine-glasses of SantaCruz or Med- ford Rum; shake well and ornament with sliced orange, pineapple and berries. Sip through a straw.
1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers‘ Guide. Seite 21. Cold Rum Punch for a party of twenty.
Use large punch-bowl, two pounds of bar sugar, three-quarters of a gallon of water, three quarts Santa Cruz or Medford Rum, juice of four lemons, two or three oranges cut in slices, one sliced pineapple, some berries. Stir well, add a block of ice and serve.
1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers‘ Guide. Seite 21. Hot Rum Punch.
Use medium sized bar glass; two lumps of cut loaf sugar dissolved in a wine-glass of hot water, one and one-half wine-glass of Jamaica Rum, one thin slice of lemon and a small piece of butter. Spice well with cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg.
Follow the same directions as in No. 92, substituting Bamsey’s Scotch whiskey for Rum.
Seite 21. No. 92. Hot Rum Punch.
Use medium sized bar glass; two lumps of cut loaf sugar dissolved in a wine-glass of hot water, one and one-half wine-glass of Jamaica Rum, one thin slice of lemon and a small piece of butter. Spice well with cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg.
1884 Albert Barnes: The Complete Bartender. Seite 5. Whiskey Punch.
Whiskey Punch is made the same as Brandy Punch using Whiskey instead of Brandy.
Seite 5. Brandy Punch.
Use large bar glass. 1 table-spoonful of lemon juice, 1 wine glass of brandy, 1/4 wine glass of Jamaica Rum, 1 table spoonful of white sugar, 1/2 wine glass of water, 5 drops of raspberry syrup: Fill the tumbler with cracked ice, shake well and dress the top with one slice of of orange, small piece of pine -apple, and a few berries in season serve with a straw.
1884 Albert Barnes: The Complete Bartender. Seite 6. Irish Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass. 1 wine glass of Irish Whiskey, 1 teaspoonfull lemon juice, 2 lumps of loaf sugar, fill glass with boiling water, put slice of lemon on top and stir well.
1884 Albert Barnes: The Complete Bartender. Seite 9. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. 1 table spoonful of sugar, juice of half of a lemon, 1 wine glass of St Croix Rum. 1 tea spoon full of raspberry syrup, 1/2 wine glass of Jamaica Rum, fill with cracked ice, shake well and ornament with fruits in season, serve with straws.
1884 Albert Barnes: The Complete Bartender. Seite 9. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. 1 table spoonful of sugar, 1 tea- poonsful of Jamaica Rum, 4 dashes of lemon juice, 1 1/2 glasses of Medford Rum, fill with cracked ice, shake well ornament with orange, berries, etc., and serve with straws.
1884 George Winter: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 21. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) Small tablespoon of sugar; Squeeze juice of half lemon; Dissolve well in little water; one-half pony glass of Jamaica rum; add one wine glass of St. Croix rum; fill up with fine ice; dress with fruit; serve with straws.
1884 George Winter: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 35. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) One small tablespoonful of sugar; Three or four dashes of lemon juice well dissolved in a little water; Fill glass with fine ice; One and one-half wine glass of Medford rum; Mix well, dress with fruit in season and flavor with Jamaica rum, then serve with straws.
1884 George Winter: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 36. Hot Irish Punch.
(Use hot water glass.) Two lumps of loaf sugar; One squirt of lemon juice; Dissolve in a little hot water; One wine glass of Irish whiskey ; Fill balance with hot water; Mix well with spoon, put a little slice of lemon into it, grate nutmeg on top and serve.
1884 Joseph W. Gibson: Scientific Bar-Keeping. Seite 38. Whisky Punch.
Mix in small bar glass 1 wine glass of boiling water; one wine glass of Irish or Scotch whisky; 2 lumps of sugar. Let the sugar dissolve and pour in 1 wine glass more of boiling water. Put in a small piece of lemon rind.
1884 Joseph W. Gibson: Scientific Bar-Keeping. Seite 40. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
1 tablespoonful of sugar; 3 or 4 dashes of lime or lemon juice; 1/2 wine glass of water, dissolved well; 1/4 pony glass of Jamaica rum; 1 wine glass full of Santa Cruz rum. Fill up with fine shaved ice. Mix well with a spoon, ornament with fruit and berries in season and serve with a straw. (Use large bar glass.)
1884 Joseph W. Gibson: Scientific Bar-Keeping. Seite 40. Medford Rum Punch.
3/4 tablespoonful of sugar; 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice, dissolved well with a little water. Fill up the glass with fine shaved ice; 1 1/4 wine glasses of Medford rum. Flavor with a few drops of Jamaica rum; stir up well, and dress the top off with fruits and berries in season and serve with a straw. (Use large bar glass.)
1884 O. H. Byron: The Modern Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 49. Hot Irish Punch.
Hot Irish Punch. (A hot water glass.) 1 or 2 lumps sugar. 1 or 2 dashes of lemon juice. 1 wine-glass Irish whisky. Fill up with hot water; stir well. Place a slice of lemon on top, grate a little nutmeg, and serve.
1884 O. H. Byron: The Modern Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 49. Medford Rum Punch.
(A large bar glass.) Fill glass with fine ice. 1 table-spoon sugar. 2 or 3 dashes lemon juice, 1 1/4 glass Medford rum. 1 dash of Jamaica rum. Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with straw.
1884 O. H. Byron: The Modern Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 54. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Large bar glass.) 1 table-spoon sugar. 3 or 4 dashes lemon juice, 1/4 pony-glass Jamaica rum. 1 wine-glass St. Croix rum. Fill up with fine ice. Dress top with fruit and berries. Serve with a straw.
1884 O. H. Byron: The Modern Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 55. Hot Whisky Punch.
(A hot whisky glass.) The juice of half a lemon, one or two lumps of sugar dissolved in one wine-glass hot water. 2 wine-glasses Scotch or Irish whisky. Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a thin slice of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some grate a little nutmeg on top. Always place ice before the customer and allow a spoon to remain in the drink, in order that the partaker of the beverage can help himself to ice should the mixture bo too hot for him.
1885 Emilie Lebour-Fawssett (Bacchus): New Guide for the Hotel, Bar, Restaurant, Butler, and Chef. Seite 103. Whiskey Punch (Cold).
Lorne Whiskey, 1 Bottle Lemons, 3 Sugar, 1/2 lb. Water, 1 Pint, boiling. Mixing: Rub the rind off the lemons on to the sugar; pound in a mortar. Pour the boiling water on to the sugar, and stir until it is dissolved; add the strained juice of the lemons, and when it is cold, add the whiskey. Ice and serve.
1885 Emilie Lebour-Fawssett (Bacchus): New Guide for the Hotel, Bar, Restaurant, Butler, and Chef. Seite 141. Irish Whiskey Punch.
The materials are Whiskey, 1 Glass. Boiling Water, 1 1/2 Glasses. „Glorious“ Sugar, 3 Lumps. Lemon, 1 Ring. Mixing : Pour into a heated rummer the boiling water required for the mixture, on to the sugar which should be lying peacefully at the bottom of the tumbler, then add the „crature,“ a ring of lemon, and the punch is made.
1887 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 66. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use large bar-glass.) Take 1 table-spoonful of powdered white sugar dis- solved in a little water. 1 1/2 glass of Medford rum. 1 pony-glass of Jamaica rum. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. 1 slice of orange (cut in quarters). Fill the tumbler with ice, shake well, and dress the top with sliced lime and berries in season. Serve with a straw.
1887 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 66. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
(Use large bar-glass). Take 1 table-spoonful of powdered white sugar, dis- solved in a little water. 1 wine-glass of Santa Cruz rum. 1/4 wine-glass of Jamaica rum. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. 1 slice of orange (cut in quarters). Fill the tumber with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top with sliced lime and berries in season. Serve with a straw.
1887 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 67. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(Use medium bar-glass.) Take 1 wine-glass Kinahan’s or Jamieson’s Irish whiskey. 2 wine-glasses of boiling water. 2 lumps of loaf-sugar. *Dissolve the sugar well with one wine-glass of the water, then pour in the whiskey, add the balance of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind, or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass, rinse it in hot water.
*Sugar does not readily dissolve in spirits it is necessary, therefore, in making to put in the water before the spirits, or at least sufficient of the water to entirely dissolve the sugar, taking care to warm the glass before pouring boiling water into it. The best Hot Whiskey Punch is made with pulverized rock-candy. This is preferable to sugar, for any hot drink made of whiskey or brandy.
1887 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 67. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
(Use medium bar-glass.) Take 1 wine-glass of Glenlivet or Islay whiskey. 2 wine-glasses of boiling water. Sugar to taste. (About two lumps of loaf- sugar.) Dissolve the sugar with one wine-glass of the water* then pour in the whiskey, add the balance of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass rinse it in hot water.
*Sugar does not readily dissolve in spirits it is necessary, therefore, in making to put in the water before the spirits, or at least sufficient of the water to entirely dissolve the sugar, taking care to warm the glass before pouring boiling water into it. The best Hot Whiskey Punch is made with pulverized rock-candy. This is preferable to sugar, for any hot drink made of whiskey or brandy.
1887 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 68. Cold Whiskey Punch.*
(Use large bar-glass.) Take 1 table-spoonful of powdered white sugar dis- solved in a little water. Juice of half a small lemon. 1 1/2 wine-glasses of Irish or Scotch whiskey. Fill the glass with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top with two thin slices of lemon, and berries in season. Serve with a straw.
* When this beverage is made for a number of persons to be used at table, it ought always to be made with boiling water, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or two before it is put on the table. In this way, the materials get more intensely amalgamated than cold water and cold whiskey ever get.
1888 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 58. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.) 1 table-spoonful of sugar; 3 or 4 dashes of Lime or Lemon juice; 1/2 wine glass of water, dissolve well; 1/4 pony glass of Jamaica rum; 1 wine glass of St. Croix rum; Fill up with fine shaved ice; mix well with a spoon ornament with fruit in sea- son, and serve with a straw. This is a very cooling and pleasant drink in the hot season, providing you don’t use poor rum.
1888 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 76. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.) 3 /4 table-spoonful of Sugar; 2 or 3 dashes of Lemon juice, dissolve well with a little water; fill the glass with fine shaved ice; 1 1/2 wine glass of Medford rum; flavor with a few drops of Jamaica rum, stir up well and dress the top with fruit in season, and serve with a straw.
1888 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 78. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(Use a hot water glass.) 1 or 2 lumps of loaf sugar; 1 squirt of Lemon juice, dissolve in a little hot water; 1 wine glass of Irish whiskey; fill the glass with hot water, stir up well, put a slice of lemon into it, grate a little nutmeg on top and serve.
1888 Harry Johnson: Neues und Verbessertes Illustriertes Handbuch für Bartender. Seite 164. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Gebrauche ein grosses Barglas.) 1 Esslöffel Zucker; 3 oder 4 dashes Lime oder Citronensaft; 1/2 Weinglas Wasser; löse gut auf; 1/4 Ponyglas Jamaica Rum; 1 Weinglas St. Croix Rum; fülle das Glas mit feinem Eis; mische dieses gut auf mittelst eines Barlöffels, gar- nire mit Frucht in geschmackvoller Weise und ser- vire mit Strohhalm.
1888 Harry Johnson: Neues und Verbessertes Illustriertes Handbuch für Bartender. Seite 182. Medford Rum Punch.
(Gebrauche ein grosses Barglas.) 3/4 Esslöffel voll Zucker; 2 oder 3 dashes Citronensaft; löse dieses gut auf mit ein wenig Wasser; fülle das Glas mit feinem Eis; 1 1 /2 Glas Medford Rum; mische dieses gut auf mit einem Barlöffel, garnire in geschmackvoller Weise mit Orange, Ananas, etc., giesse ein paar Tropfen Jamaica Rum hinzu und servire mit Strohhalm.
1888 Harry Johnson: Neues und Verbessertes Illustriertes Handbuch für Bartender. Seite 185. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(Gebrauche eon Heisswasser-Glas.) 1 oder 2 Stücke Würfelzucker; 1 squirt Citronensaft; löse dieses auf mit etwas heissem Wasser; 1 Weinglas Irish Whiskey; fülle das Glas auf mit heissem Wasser; füge eine Scheibe Citrone hinzu, mische dieses gut mit dem Barlöffel, streue em wenig Muscatnuss darüber, und servire.
1888 Harry Lamore: The Bartender. Seite 32. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass. Take one wine-glass of GlenIivet or Islay whiskey. Two wine-glasses of bolling water. Sugar to taste. (About two lumps of loaf sugar.) Dissolve the sugar with one wine-glass of the water; then pour in the whiskey; add the balance of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass rinse It In hot water.
1888 Harry Lamore: The Bartender (The Police Gazette Bartender’s Guide). Seite 33. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. Take one tablespoonful of powdered white sugar, dissolved in a little water. One wine-glass of Santa Cruz rum. One-quarter wine-glass of Jamaica rum. Two or three dashes of lemon juice. One slice of orange (cut in quarters). Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top with sliced lime and berries in season. Serve with a straw.
1888 Harry Lamore: The Bartender (The Police Gazette Bartender’s Guide). Seite 33. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass. Take one wine-glass Jamieson’s or Dunville’s Irish whiskey. Two wine-glasses of boiling-water. Two lumps of loaf sugar. Dissolve the sugar well with one wine-glass of the water; then pour in the whiskey; add the balance of the water, and put In a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass rinse it in hot water.
1888 Harry Lamore: The Bartender (The Police Gazette Bartender’s Guide). Seite 36. Medford Rum Punch.
A large bar glass. Fill glass with fine ice. Three quarter tablespoon sugar. Two or three dashes lemon juice. One and a quarter glass Medford rum. One dash of Jamaica rum. Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with straw.
1889 Anonymus [Jerry Thomas]: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 53. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use large bar-glass.) Take 1 table-spoonful of powdered white sugar dis- solved in a little water. 1 1/2 glass of Medford rum. 1 pony-glass of Jamaica rum. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. 1 slice of orange (cut in quarters.) Fill the tumbler with ice, shake well, and dress the top with sliced lime and berries in season. Serve with a straw.
1889 Anonymus [Jerry Thomas]: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 53. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
(Use large bar-glass). Take 1 table-spoonful of powdered white sugar, dis- solved in a little water. 1 wine-glass of Santa Cruz rum. 1/4 wine-glass of Jamaica rum. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. 1 slice of orange (cut in quarters). Fill the tumbler wit h shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top with sliced lime and berries in season. Serve with a straw.
1889 Anonymus [Jerry Thomas]: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 53. Hot Irish Whisky Punch.
(Use medium bar-glass). Take 1 wine-glass of Kirker Greer’s Shamrock Irish whisky. 2 wine-glasses of boiling water. 2 lumps of loaf-sugar. * Dissolve the sugar well with one wine-glass of the water, then pour in the whisky, add the balance of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind, or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass, rince it in hot water.
* Sugar does not readily dissolve in spirits; it is necessary, therefore, in making hot toddy or punch to put in the water before the spirits, or at least sufficient of the water to entirely dissolve the sugar, taking care to warm the glass before pour- ing boiling water into it. The best Hot Whisky Punch is made with pulverized rock-candy. This is preferable to sugar, for any hot drink made of whisky or brandy.
1889 Anonymus [Jerry Thomas]: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 54. Hot Scotch Whisky Punch.
(Use medium bar-glass) Take 1 wine-glass of Greer’s Old Vatted Highland whisky. 2 wine-glass of boiling water. Sugar to taste. (About two lumps of loaf- sugar). Dissolve the sugar with one wine-glass of the water* then pour in the whisky, add the balance of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass, rinse it in hot water.
* Sugar does not readily dissolve in spirits; it is necessary, therefore, in making hot toddy or punch to put in the water before the spirits, or at least sufficient of the water to entirely dissolve the sugar, taking care to warm the glass before pour- ing boiling water into it. The best Hot Whisky Punch is made with pulverized rock-candy. This is preferable to sugar, for any hot drink made of whisky or brandy.
1889 Anonymus [Jerry Thomas]: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 54. Cold Whisky Punch.
(Use large bar-glass.) Take 1 table-spoonful of powdered white sugar dis- solved in a little water. Juice of half a small lemon. 1 1/2 wine-glass of Irish or Scotch whisky. Fill the glass with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top with two thin slices of lemon, and berries in season. Serve with a straw.
When this beverage is made for a number of persons to be used at table, it ought always to be made with boiling water, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or two before it is put on the table. In this way, the materials get more intensely amalgamated than cold water and cold whisky ever get.
1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 22. Hot Irish Punch.
(Use a hot water glass.) 1 or 2 lumps Sugar. 1 or 2 dashes of Lemon Juice. 1 wine glass Irish Whiskey. Fill up with hot water; stir well. Place a slice of lemon on top, grate a little nutmeg, and serve.
1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 22. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.) Fill glass with fine ice. 3/4 table-spoon Sugar. 2 or 3 dashes Lemon Juice. 1 1/4 glass Medford Rum. 1 dash of Jamaica Rum. Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with a straw.
1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 25. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.) 1 table-spoon Sugar. 3 or 4 dashes Lemon Juice. 1/4 pony glass Jamaica Rum. 1 wine glass St. Croix Rum. Fill up with fine ice. Dress top with fruit and berries. Serve with a straw.
1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 25. Hot Whiskey Punch.
(Use a hot whiskey glass.) The juice of half a lemon, one or two lumps of sugar dissolved in one wine glass hot water. 2 wine glasses Scotch or Irish Whiskey. Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a thin slice of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some grate a little nutmeg on top. Always place ice before the customer, and allow a spoon to remain in the drink, in order that the partaker of the bever- age can help himself to ice, should the mixture be too hot for him.
1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 27. Cold Whiskey Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.) 1 table-spoonful of powdered white Sugar, dissolved in a little water. Juice of half a small Lemon. wine glasses of Irish or Scotch Whiskey. Fill the glass with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top with two thin slices of lemon, and berries in season. Serve with a straw.
1892 William Schmidt: The Flowing Bowl. Seite 161. Genuine Whiskey Punch.
A goblet filled with fine ice, a dash of lemon-juice, 3 dashes of gum, 1 drink of whiskey. Then fill another goblet with fine ice, and put this on top of the first; turn them upside down five or six times; hold them up together as high as you can with both hands, and let the liquid drip down into a tall, fancy glass; 1 dash of Jamaica rum on the top, and you will have an impressive and pleasant drink. (Other liquors may be turned into punches the same way.)
1892 William Schmidt: The Flowing Bowl. Seite 233. Rum Punch.
Put two pounds of sugar in a tureen; squeeze on it the juice of five lemons, add the thin peel of two lemons, and three quarts of boiling water. After the sugar is dissolved add a bottle of old Jamaica rum, and a bottle of champagne, and serve cold or hot.
1892 William Schmidt: The Flowing Bowl. Seite 236. Whiskey Punch.
Rub the rind of three lemons on seven ounces of sugar; put the sugar in a tureen; add one quart of boiling water and the juice of the fruit; this syrup is mixed with one pint or more of old Irish whiskey.
1893 Anonymus (Mrs. Alexander Orr Bradley): Beverages and Sandwiches For Your Husband’s Friends. Seite 16. Three Refreshing Whiskey Punches.
No. 1. Squeeze into a pitcher the juice of four large fresh lemons. Now add two or three large pieces of ice and one pint of good bourbon whiskey. Mix thoroughly by stirring vigorously a few minutes. Now add two bottles of Cantrell & Cockran’s ginger ale and while pouring it in, three tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar.
No. 2. Same as above, using plain soda in place of ginger ale and adding another tablespoonful of sugar.
No. 3. Same as No. 1, using one pint of water in place of ginger ale, one thinly sliced orange, one liqueur glass of Medford rum, and any small fruit, such as grapes or cut peaches. Add a little more sugar if necessary. This quantity will fill five or six glasses.
1895 Anonymus: Bartenders Guide. Seite 16. Hot Irish Punch.
[Use hot water glass.] 2 lumps of sugar, 2 dashes of lemon juice, enough hot water to dissolve the above. Mix well, add 1 slice of lemon and a little nutmeg.
1895 Anonymus: Bartenders Guide. Seite 19. Medford Rum Punch.
[Use large bar glass.] 3 teaspoonfuls of sugar, 3 dashes of lemon juice, water to dissolve the above, fill with fine ice, 1 1/4 wine glass of Medford rum, 1 dash of Jamaica rum. Mix well, trim with fruits, serve with straws.
1895 Anonymus: Bartenders Guide. Seite 25. St. Croix Rum Punch.
[Use large bar glass.] 1 tablespoonful of sugar, 4 dashes of lemon or lime juice, 1 squirt of seltzer water, dissolve well, fill the glass with fine ice, 3 dashes of Jamaica rum, 1 wine glass of St. Croix rum. Mix well, trim with fruit, serve with straws.
1895 Bartenders‘ Association of New York City: Official Hand-Book and Guide. Seite 29. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
(Use hot water bar glass.) 1/2 lump of sugar. 3/4 glass of hot water. 1 piece of lemon peel. 1wine glass of Scotch whiskey. Mix well, grate nutmeg over.
1895 Bartenders‘ Association of New York City: Official Hand-Book and Guide. Seite 29. Hot Whiskey Punch.
2 pieces of sugar. 1 wine glass of hot water. Juice of 1/2 lemon. 2 wine glasses of whiskey. Fill with hot water. Mix, slice of lemon on top.
1895 Bartenders‘ Association of New York City: Official Hand-Book and Guide. Seite 33. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar, water to dissolve the sugar. 3 sprigs of mint pressed, 1/2 glass of shaved ice. 1 wine glass of Medford rum. Mix well, strain into a sour glass, add sprig of mint.
1895 Bartenders‘ Association of New York City: Official Hand-Book and Guide. Seite 41. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) 1 tablespoonful of sugar, 4 dashes of lemon or lime juice, 1 squirt of mineral water, dissolve well. Fill the glass with fine ice. 3 dashes of Jamaica rum, 1 wine glass of St. Croix rum. Mix well, trim with fruit, serve with straws.
1895 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 35. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(Use medium bar glass.) Take 1 wineglass Kinahan’s or Jamieson’s Irish whiskey. 2 wineglasses of boiling water. 2 lumps of loaf-sugar. Dissolve the sugar well with one wineglass of the water, then pour in the whiskey, add the balance of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon peel. Before using the glass rinse it in hot water.
1895 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 35. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
(Use medium barglass.) Take 1 wineglass of Glenlivet or Islay whiskey. 2 wineglasses of boiling water. Sugar to taste. Dissolve the sugar with one wineglass of the water, then pour in the whiskey, add the balance of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon peel. Before using the glass rinse it in hot water.
1895 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 56. Whiskey Punch.
(Use lemonade-glass.) Take quarter of a lemon, one barspoonful sugar, little water; press the lemon; one jigger bourbon or rye whiskey, fill glass with ice, two dashes rum; shake well and strain into cool stem punch-glass, add fruit. Two or three punches can be made in large glass at the same time, first filling up your stem glasses with ice for as many as required. This is one of the best ways to make a good whiskey punch.
1895 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 57. Whiskey Punch (Chicago Style).
Take two same sized mixing glasses, fill with ice, put four dashes syrup, four dashes lemon, one jigger whiskey in one of the mix ing glasses; place the other on top, reversing until cold, then strain from both into cool glass, holding them firmly; add fruit.
1895 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 57. St. Croix or Jamaica Rum Punch.
In same manner as whiskey punch.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 70. Hot Irish Punch.
A hot-drink glass half full-boiling water, two lumps of cut-loaf sugar, the juice of a quarter of a lemon, one jigger of Irish whiskey mix, and add a slice of lemon and a little grated nutmeg.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 71. Hot Jamaica Rum Punch.
One lump of sugar in a hot-drink glass, add a little lemon- juice, one slice lemon, one jigger of Jamaica rum, fill up with boiling water; mix, grate a little nutmeg on top.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 72. Hot Scotch Punch.
Prepare same as Hot Brandy Punch, substituting Scotch whiskey for brandy.
Seite 69. Hot Brandy Punch.
Prepare same as hot Arrack Punch, substituting brandy for arrack; leave out the nutmeg.
Seite 68. Hot Arrack Punch.
Two lumps of sugar in a hot-drink glass half- full boiling water, the juice of one-fourth of a lemon, one jigger arrack, one slice lemon; mix and grate a little nutmeg on top.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 73. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Hot Whiskey- Sling, adding a slice of lemon and the juice of a quarter of a lemon before mixing; leave the nut- meg out.
Seite 72. Hot Whiskey Sling.
One lump of sugar in a hot-drink glass half-full boiling water, add one jigger of whiskey, a small piece lemon-peel; mix and grate a little nutmeg on top.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 88. Irish Punch.
Fill a mixing-glass half -full of fine ice, add one tablespoonful fine sugar, a little water, the juice of half a lemon, one jigger Irish whiskey; mix well, strain into a fancy bar-glass, trim with fruit, or leave on ice, and serve with straws.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 88. Jamaica Rum Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Irish Punch, substituting Jamaica rum for Irish whiskey.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 90. Medford Rum Punch.
Dissolve a tablespoonful fine sugar with a little water in a mixing-glass, add the juice of half a lemon, fill the glass half-full fine ice, add one jig- ger Medford rum; mix well, strain into fancy bar-glass, and trim with fruit, or leave on ice and serve straws.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 94. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Brandy Punch, substituting Scotch whiskey for brandy.
Seite 82. Brandy Punch.
A mixing-glass half -full fine ice, add one table- spoonful fine sugar, the juice of half a lemon, one jigger brandy; shake well, serve on ice in long thin glass, trim with fruit. Serve with straws.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 95. St. Croix Rum Punch.
One tablespoonful fine sugar dissolved with a little water in a mixing-glass, add the juice of half a lemon, one jigger of St. Croix rum, fill the glass with fine ice; mix well. Serve on ice with straws or strain, trim with fruit.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 96. Whiskey Punch (Plain).
Fill a mixing-glass half-full fine ice, add one tablespoonful fine sugar, the juice of half a lemon, one jigger whiskey; mix well. Serve in long thin glass, trim with fruit. Sip with straws.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 97. Whiskey Punch (strained).
Prepare same as Plain Whiskey Punch, but strain into a fancy bar-glass before trimming with fruit.
1895 Herbert W. Green: Mixed Drinks. Seite 26. Plain Whisky Punch.
Put in thin lemonade-glass two-thirds full fine ice, juice one-half lemon, two large spoonfuls syrup, one jigger whisky. Mix with long bar- spoon; fill with fine ice; ornament with fruits, serve with straws.
1895 Herbert W. Green: Mixed Drinks. Seite 31. Hot Whisky Punch.
Put in hot whisky-glass two lumps cut-loaf sugar, hot water enough to dissolve, juice one- quarter lemon, one jigger whisky, fill with hot water; stir. Add one piece twisted lemon peel and nutmeg.
1895 Herbert W. Green: Mixed Drinks. Seite 53. Frozen Whisky Punch.
Take two mixing-glasses, fill with ice, put in one glass a large spoonful of syrup, juice one- quarter lemon, one jigger whisky. Invert the second glass so it will stand on the other bottom up, grasp the two glasses where they join with the thumb and forefinger and turn them so the top glass will be on the bottom, repeat this until you have enough liquid to fill punch-glass previously cooled; put in fruits; strain into this by holding the glasses horizontally, letting the liquid drain through the small opening where the glasses join. Can use rum and other liquors the same.
1895 R. C. Miller: The American Bar-Tender. Seite 11. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made one-third pure whiskey, two-thirds boiling water, in which the sugar has been dissolved. If lemon punch, the rind is rubbed on the sugar, and a small proportion of juice added before the whiskey is poured in.
1895 R. C. Miller: The American Bar-Tender. Seite 12. Cold Whiskey Punch.
(For a party.) This beverage ought always to be made with boiling water, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or two before it is put on the table. In this way the materials get more intensely amalgamated than cold water and cold whiskey ever get. As to the beautiful mutual adaptation of cold rum and cold water, that is beyond all praise, being one of Nature’s most exquisite achievements. (See „Glasgow Punch,“ No. 29.)
1895 R. C. Miller: The American Bar-Tender. Seite 12. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Steep the thin yellow shavings of lemon peel in the whiskey, which should be Glenlivet or Islay, of the best quality; the sugar should be dissolved in boiling water. As it requires genius to make whiskey punch, it would be impertinent to give proportions. • (See „Spread Eagle Punch,“ No. 39.)
1895 R. C. Miller: The American Bar-Tender. Seite 12. Whiskey Punch.
(Use small bar glass.) 1 wine-glass whiskey (Irish or Scotch.) 2 do. boiling water. Sugar to taste. Dissolve the sugar well with wine-glass of the water, then pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the water, sweeten to taste, and put in a small piece of lemon rind, or a thin slice of lemon.
Seite 26: No. 50. Arrack.
Most of the arrack imported into this country is dis- tilled from rice, and comes from Batavia. It is but little used in America, except to flavor punch; the taste of it is very agreeable in this mixture. Arrack improves very much with age. It is much used in some parts of India, where it is distilled from toddy, the ]uice of the cocoanut tree.
1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 70. Medford Rum Punch.
Dissolve in a large tumbler with a little water the juice of half a lemon and a table- spoonful of icing sugar; nearly fill the glass with shaved ice, add a wineglass and a half of Medford rum, and a few drops of Jamaica rum; stir well. Ornament with fruit in season, and serve with a straw.
1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 73. Rum Punch.
Put into a large tumbler a tablespoonful of sifted sugar, a wineglass of brandy, the like quantity of rum, two teaspoonfuls of arrack, the juice of a lemon, quarter of a wineglass of green tea, a teaspoonful of essence of spice. Half fill the glass with shaved ice, shake well, strain, and add sufficient milk to fill the glass. Dust with nutmeg and cinnamon, and serve with a straw.
1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 74. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Put into a large tumbler one tablespoonful of icing sugar, thirty drops of lime or lemon juice, and dissolve in half a wineglass of water then add one wineglass of St. Croix rum, and a quarter of a wineglass of Jamaica rum fill up with shaved ice, ornament with fruit in season, and serve with a straw.
1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 94. Rum Punch.
Put into a large tumbler a teaspoonful of icing sugar, one wineglass of Jamaica rum, and one wineglass of brandy; then add half a pint of boiling water, a little lemon-juice and grated nutmeg.
1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 97. Whisky Punch.
Put into a small tumbler one wineglass of Irish or Scotch whisky, a teaspoonful of icing sugar, and a slice of lemon fill up with boiling water.
1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 97. Whisky Punch. Another, Scotch.
This is made the same way as Irish Whisky Punch, using Scotch whisky instead of Irish.
Seite 97: Whisky Punch. Another, Irish.
Rub the rind of a lemon on two small lumps of loaf sugar, dissolve the sugar in a tumbler with a gill of boiling water; add one wine- glassful of Irish whisky, then serve.
1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 97. Whisky Punch. Another, Scotch.
Put into a tumbler the thin rind of one lemon and a teaspoonful of icing sugar; dissolve the sugar in one wineglass of boiling water; add one wineglass of Scotch whisky, then add another wineglass of boiling water; mix well and strain.
1896 Louis Fouquet: Bariana. Seite 83. Rum Punch Cold.
VERRE B Remplir de glace pilée verre B, 3 traits de curaçao, 3 traits de noyaux, 2 cuillerées de sucre poudre, finir avec rhum vieux et eau pure, bien remuer, saupoudrer de mus- cade, chalumeaux et servir.
1896 Louis Fouquet: Bariana. Seite 96. Whiskey Punch Froid.
VERRE B Remplir de glace pilée verre B, 3 traits de curaçao, 3 traits de noyaux, une cuillerée de sucre poudre, finir avec du scotch ou irish whisky, bien remuer, chalumeaux et servir.
1896 Louis Fouquet: Bariana. Seite 116. Rum Punch.
VERRE ROUGE E Faire chauffer rhum vieux et eau en quantité égale, une cuillerée de sucre poudre, verser et servir.
1896 Louis Fouquet: Bariana. Seite 123. Whiskey Punch Chaud.
VERRE ROUGE E Faire chauffer moitié whisky (scotch ou irish) et eau, une cuillerée de sucre en poudre, verser et servit en flammes.
1896 William Schmidt: Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverage. Seite 59. Genuine Whiskey Punch.
A goblet filled with fine ice, a dash of lemon-juice, 3 dashes of gum, 1 drink of whiskey. Then fill another goblet with fine ice, and put this on top of the first; turn them upside down five or six times; hold them up together as high as you can with both hands, and let the liquid drip down into a tall, fancy glass; 1 dash of Jamaica rum on the top, and you will have an impressive and pleasant drink. (Other liquors may be turned into punches the same way.)
1896 William Schmidt: Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverage. Seite 126. Rum Punch.
Put two pounds of sugar in a tureen; squeeze on it the juice of five lemons, add the thin peel of two lemons, and three quarts of boiling water. After the sugar is dissolved add a bottle of old Jamaica rum, and a bottle of champagne, and serve cold or hot.
1896 William Schmidt: Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverage. Seite 129. Whiskey Punch.
Rub the rind of three lemons on seven ounces of sugar; put the sugar in a tureen; add one quart of boiling water and the juice of the fruit; this syrup is mixed with one pint or more of old Irish whiskey.
1898 Anonymus: Anleitung zur Bereitung Amerikanischer Eis-Getränke. Seite 11. Hot Irish Whiskey-Punch.
1 oder 2 Stücke Würfelzucker, 1 Spritzer Citronen- saft, löse dies gut mit etwas heissem Wasser auf, 1 Weinglas Irish Whisky (siehe Seite 38); fülle das Glas mit heissem Wasser auf, füge eine Scheibe Citrone hinzu, mische dies mit einem Löffel gut auf, streue ein wenig Muskatnuss darüber und servire.
1898 Anonymus: Before & After Dinner Beverages. Seite 26. Rum Punch.
One quart Jamaica Rum, two quarts Medford Rum, one quart Brandy, one-half pint Sherry, one gill Orange Curacoa, one gill Maraschino, one pint lemon-juice, one-half pound sugar, one pot green tea. Add sliced lemons, or- anges and pineapples, and pitted cherries. Two quarts of Apollinaris, one quart German Seltzer, and one siphon carbonic. Pour over one large lump of ice in bowl.
1898 Anonymus: Before & After Dinner Beverages. Seite 27. Whiskey Punch.
Brew three quarts of rich lemonade. To this add a gill of Curacoa and a pint of Medford Rum. Then add a quart of Whiskey, and just before serving place a large block of ice in the bowl. Straining the Punch before pouring on the ice im- proves the appearance of the drink. Dress the Punch with sliced oranges and any other fresh fruit.
1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 26. Hot Spiced Rum Punch.
Large glass one-half full boiling water, one lump sugar, one glass Jamaica rum, one squirt claret wine, a little butter, a few cloves, a roasted cracker on top; spoon in glass, stir.
1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 27. Whiskey Punch.
Rub the rind of three lemons on seven ounces of sugar; put the sugar in a tureen; add one quart of boiling water and the juice of the fruit; this syrup is mixed with one pint or more of old Irish whiskey.
1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 29. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass. Juice of half a lemon, one wine glass of whiskey, one-quarter wine glass of Jamaica, one tablespoon of sugar, one-half wine glass of water, slice of orange; fill tumbler with cracked ice, shake well, dress top with orange, pineapple slice, and berries in season serve with straws.
1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 30. Hot Scotch Punch.
Use small bar glass. One-half wine glass of genuine Scotch whiskey; fill up with boiling water, add sugar to taste and some thin, yellow shavings of lemon peel; stir, and serve.
1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 30. Irish Whiskey Punch. – No. 1.
Use large bar glass. Add sugar to taste, slice of lemon, pour on boiling water, and then add one wine glass of genuine Irish whiskey. N. B. This extracts the lemon flavor better than pouring the whiskey cold on the lemon.
1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 30. Irish Whiskey Punch. – No. 2.
Use small bar glass. Sugar to taste, slice of lemon and a slice of thin yellow shavings of lemon, whiskey to taste, add boiling water. The making of Whiskey Punch is a fine art, and like poets a „punch-maker“ is born, and cannot be made.
1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 32. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. One tablespoon of sugar, juice of one- half lemon, one wine glass St. Croix rum, one-half wine glass Jamaica rum, one teaspoon raspberry syrup; fill with ice, shake, ornament with berries, and serve with straws.
1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 33. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. One tablespoon of sugar, one teaspoon of Jamaica rum, two dashes of lemon juice, one and a half wine glasses of Medford rum; fill with ice, shake, dress with orange, lemon, and serve with straws.
1899 Aczél Miksa: American Bar. Seite 93. Whisky Punch.
(Pohár VI.) Forralj vizet és whisky-t egyenlő mennyiségben, édesitsd 2-3 darab czukorral – öntsd át a VI. sz. pohárba, gyujtsd meg, czitromhéjat tégy bele és égve szolgáld fel.
1899 Aczél Miksa: American Bar. Seite 93. Rum punch.
(Pohár VI.) Tégy a VI. sz. pohárba 2-3 drb czukrot. For- ralj Eldon-féle rumot és vizet egyenlő mennyiségben, öntsd át, gyujtsd meg, tégy bele darabka czitrom hé- ját, égve szolgáld fel.
1899 Aczél Miksa: American Bar. Seite 94. Rum Punch.
12 személyre. Végy 1 liter vizet, 1/2 liter rum, 1/2 liter cognac-ot préselj bele 2 czitrom levét, czukrozd izlésed szerint, forrald, gyujtsd meg vn. sz. poharakban szolgáld fel.
1899 Anonymus: Hegenbarth’s Getränkebuch. Seite 45. Einfacher Punsch von Arrac, Rum oder Cognac.
Ueber 250 g Zucker giesse reichlich 1 l. kochen- des Wasser, darüber den Saft von 2—4 Citronen = 25—50 g und schliesslich 1/2 Flasche Rum, Arrak oder Cognac. Gut mischen. Abschmecken. Einige Zeit gut verdeckt ziehen lassen. Wer einen kräftigeren Geschmack liebt, reibe die Schale einer Citrone oder Apfelsine leicht auf dem Zucker ab. Ebenso kann man natürlich auch anstatt Citronen- saft solchen von Apfelsinen, oder wie viele thun, von beiden gemischt nehmen.
1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 35. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(Use medium barglass.) Take 1 wineglass Irish whiskey. 2 wineglasses of boiling water. 2 lumps of loaf-sugar. Dissolve the sugar well with one wineglass of the water, then pour in the whiskey, add the balance of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon peel. Before using the glass rinse it in hot water.
1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 32. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
(Use medium barglass.) Take 1 wineglass of Glenlivet or Islay whiskey. 2 wineglasses of boiling water. Sugar to taste. Dissolve the sugar with one wineglass of the water, then pour in the whiskey, add the balance of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon peel. Before using the glass rinse it in hot water.
1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 56. Whiskey Punch.
(Use lemonade-glass.) Take quarter of a lemon, one barspoonful sugar, little water; press the lemon; one jigger bourbon or rye whiskey, fill glass with ice, two dashes rum; shake well and strain into cool stem punch-glass, add fruit. Two or three punches can be made in large glass at the same time, first filling up your stem glasses with ice for as many as required. This is one of the best ways to make a good whiskey punch.
1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 56. Old-fashioned Punch.
(Use medium-sized glass.) Made with same ingredients as the foregoing, ex- cepting to stir with spoon and serve with the ice in same glass with a strainer or straws.
Seite 56: The foregoing = Whiskey Punch.
1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 57. Whiskey Punch (Chicago Style).
Take two same sized mixing glasses, fill with ice, put four dashes syrup, four dashes lemon, one jigger whiskey in one of the mixing glasses; place the other on top, reversing until cold, then strain from both into cool glass, holding them firmly; add fruit.
1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 57. St. Croix or Jamaica Rum Punch.
In same manner as whiskey punch.
1899 Niels Larsen: Les Boissons Américaines. Seite 46. Rhum Punch.
[à préparer dans un grand gobelet] 3/4 cuiller à bouche de sucre en poudre dissous dans un peu d’eau. Ajoutez: 1/2 cuiller à café de jus de citron; Un verre et demi à madère de rhum. Remplissez de glace pilée. Mélangez bien, ornez de fruits et servez avec de grandes pailles.
1900 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 78. Santa Cruz Rhum Punch.
Verre no 7. Prendre le verre n° 7: 2 cuillerées à café sucre en poudre, 1 cuillerée à café d’eau pour fondre le sucre, 1 verre 1/2 à liqueur de rhum, 1 tranche orange coupée en 4 morceaux, 1 tranche de citron coupée en 4 morceaux. Remplir le verre de glace pilée, adapter un gobelet en argent, frapper, chalumeaux, fruits de la saison, servir.
1900 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 108. Whisky Punch.
Verre no 4. Faire chauffer: 1 cuillerée à café de sirop de gomme, 4 traits de curaçao, 2 traits de jus de citron, 1 verre à liqueur de whisky, 1 zeste de citron. Remplir le verre avec de l’eau chaude, remuer, saupou- drer de muscade, servir.
1900 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 109. Rum Punch.
Verre no 4. Faire chauffer: 1 cuillerée à café de sirop de gomme, 4 traits de curaçao, 2 traits de jus de citron, 1 verre à liqueur de rhum, 1 zeste de citron. Remplir le verre avec de l’eau chaude, remuer, saupou- drer de muscade, servir.
1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 71. Hot Jamaica Rum Punch.
One lump of sugar in a hot-drink glass, add a little lemon-juice, one slice lemon, one jigger of Jamaica rum, fill up with boiling water; mix, grate a little nutmeg on top.
1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 72. Hot Scotch Punch.
Prepare same as Hot Brandy Punch, substituting Scotch whiskey for brandy.
Seite 69. Hot Brandy Punch.
Prepare same as hot Arrack Punch, substituting brandy for arrack; leave out the nutmeg.
Seite 68. Hot Arrack Punch.
Two lumps of sugar in a hot-drink glass half- full boiling water, the juice of one-fourth of a lemon, one jigger arrack, one slice lemon; mix and grate a little nutmeg on top.
1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 73. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Hot Whiskey Sling, adding a slice of lemon and the juice of a quarter of a lemon before mixing; leave nut- meg out.
Seite 72. Hot Whiskey Sling.
One lump of sugar in a hot-drink glass half-full boiling water, add one jigger of whiskey, a small piece lemon-peel; mix and grate a little nutmeg on top.
1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 88. Jamaica Rum Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Irish Punch, substituting Jamaica rum for Irish whiskey.
Seite 88. Irish Punch.
Fill mixing-glass half-full of fine ice, add one tablespoonful fine sugar, a little water, the juice of half a lemon, one jigger Irish whiskey; mix well, strain into a fancy bar-glass, trim with fruit, or leave on ice, and serve with straws.
1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 94. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Brandy Punch, substituting Scotch whiskey for brandy.
Seite 82. Brandy Punch.
A mixing-glass half-full fine ice, add one table- spoonful fine sugar, the juice of half a lemon, one jigger brandy; shake well, serve on ice in long thin glass, trim with fruit. Serve with straws.
1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 95. St. Croix Rum Punch.
One tablespoonful fine sugar dissolved with a little water in a mixing-glass, add the juice of half a lemon, one jigger of St. Croix rum, fill the glass with fine ice; mix well. Serve on ice with straws or strain, trim with fruit.
1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 96. Whiskey Punch (Plain).
Fill a mixing-glass half-full fine ice, add one tablespoonful fine sugar, the juice of half a lemon, one jigger whiskey; mix well. Serve in long thin glass, trim with fruit. Sip with straws.
1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 96. Whiskey Punch (Strained).
Prepare same as Plain Whiskey Punch, but strain into a fancy bar-glass before trimming with fruit.
1900 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 200. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.) 1 tablesponful of sugar; 3 or 4 dashes of lime or lemon juice; 1/2 wine glass of water or squirt of seltzer, dissolved well with a spoon; 1/4 pony glass of Jamaica rum; 1 wine glass of St. Croix rum; Fill up with fine shaved ice; Mix well with a spoon, ornament with fruit in sea- son, and serve with a straw. This is a very cooling and pleasant drink in the hot season, providing you don’t use poor rum.
1900 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 227. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.) 3/4 tablespoonful of sugar; 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice, dissolve well with a little water, or squirt of syphon, vichy, or selters; Fill the glass with finely shaved ice; 1 1/2 wineglassful of Medford rum; Flavor with a few drops of Jamaica rum, stir up well with a spoon, and dress the top with fruit in season in a tasteful manner, and serve with a straw.
1900 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 229. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(Use a hot water glass.) 1 or 2 lumps of loaf sugar; 1 squirt of lemon juice, dissolve in a little hot water; 1 wine glass of Irish whiskey; Fill the glass with hot water, stir up well, put a slice of lemon into it, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.
1900 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 250. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
(Use a hot water glass.) 1 or 2 lumps of loaf sugar; Dissolve well with a little hot water; 1 wineglassful of Scotch whiskey; Fill up a glass with hot water, stir up well with a spoon, put a slice of lemon into it, grate a little nut- meg on top, and serve.
1900 James C. Maloney: The 20th Century Guide For Mixing Fancy Drinks. Seite 31. Hot Irish Whisky Punch.
Take a hot water punch glass and rinse it in hot water, then put in 2 pieces of cut loaf sugar. 1 piece lemon peel. 2 wine glasses of boiling water. Dissolve the sugar well, then pour in 1 wine glass Bushmill’s Irish whisky. Stir gently, with a little nutmeg on top, serve with a spoon and a small glass of fine ice.
1900 James C. Maloney: The 20th Century Guide For Mixing Fancy Drinks. Seite 31. Hot Scotch Whisky Punch.
Same as Hot Irish Whisky Punch, using O. V. H. Scotch whisky instead.
1900 James C. Maloney: The 20th Century Guide For Mixing Fancy Drinks. Seite 42. Rum Punch.
In same manner as whisky punch.
Seite 54. Whisky Punch.
Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 1 teaspoonful of syrup. 1 teaspoonful of lemon juice. 1 wine glass whisky (Hermitage). Stir well and strain into a punch glass with fruit, dash with seltzer water and serve.
1900 James C. Maloney: The 20th Century Guide For Mixing Fancy Drinks. Seite 54. Whisky Punch.
Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 1 teaspoonful of syrup. 1 teaspoonful of lemon juice. 1 wine glass whisky (Hermitage). Stir well and strain into a punch glass with fruit, dash with seltzer water and serve.
1900 William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American Bartender. #110. Whiskey Punch, Hot.
Dissolve a cube of sugar in a hot-water glass two-thirds full of boiling water, pour in enough of the desired brand of whiskey to nearly fill the glass and add a few drops of lemon juice, a slice of lemon and some spice.
1900 William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American Bartender. #245. Rum Punch.
See St. Croix Punch (Recipe No. 248), and use the desired brand of rum in place of St. Croix.
1900 William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American Bartender. #248. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Into a punch glass place a piece of ice and a jigger of St. Croix rum. Then place a spoonful of sugar and the juice of two limes in a medium-size mixing-glass, and dissolve in a little plain soda or seltzer (a dash of Curaçoa is usually added). Pour into the punch glass containing the rum and ice. Stir, decorate and serve.
1900 William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American Bartender. #254. Whiskey Punch.
Make the same as Brandy Punch, with whiskey substituted for cognac. (See Recipes Nos. 224-25.)
#224. Brandy Punch.
Into a stem glass place a piece of ice, over which pour a jigger of cognac. Then take a small mixing-glass, into which place a large spoonful of sugar, the juice of one lemon, a dash of Curaçoa and a very little Apollinaris or plain water. Stir thouroughly, pour into the stem glass containing the ice and liquor, stir again, add a little fruit and serve. A dash of champagne is usually added.
#225. Brandy Punch.
FOR A PARTY OF TEN. Into a large punch bowl place about one pound of sugar, three jiggerfuls of gum, one jiggerful of raspberry syrup, one jiggerful of Curaçoa, one jiggerful of maraschino and the juice of twenty limes. Pour in just enough Apollinaris to make the mixture dissolve, add a bottle and a half of good cognac and flavor with a wineglassful of Jamaica rum. Should the party be composed of any ladies, in place of a rum flavor a pint of champagne would be preferable. Place a large piece of ice in the bowl and decorate with fruits.
1901 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 40. Medford Rum Punch.
Use Large Glass. THREE-QUARTERS tablespoonful powdered sugar; two or three dashes lemon juice. Dissolve with a little water. Fill glass with fine shaved ice. One and a quarter wine glass Medford rum. Shake well, and ornament with fruit. Serve with straws.
1901 J. E. Sheridan: The Complete Buffet Manual. Seite 50. Hot Irish Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) 3 teaspoonsful powdered sugar. 1 or 2 dashes of lemon juice. 1 wine-glass Irish whisky. Fill up with hot water; stir well. Place a slice of lemon on top, grate a little nutmeg and serve.
1901 J. E. Sheridan: The Complete Buffet Manual. Seite 50. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) Fill glass with shaved ice. 1 teaspoonful powdered sugar. 2 or 3 dashes lemon juice. 1 1/4 glass Medford rum. 1 dash of Jamaica rum. Stir Well. Dress with fruits. Serve with straw.
1901 J. E. Sheridan: The Complete Buffet Manual. Seite 55. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) 2 teaspoonsful powdered sugar. 3 or 4 dashes lemon juice. 1/4 pony-glass Jamaica rum. 1 wine-glass St. Croix rum. Fill up with shaved ice. Dress top with fruit and berries. Serve with a straw.
1901 J. E. Sheridan: The Complete Buffet Manual. Seite 56. Whisky Punch (Hot).
(Use whisky glass.) The juice of half a lemon, 3 teaspoonsful powdered sugar in one wine-glass hot water. 2 wine-glasses Scotch or Irish whisky. Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a thin slice of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some grate a little nutmeg on top. Always place ice be- fore the customer, and allow a spoon to remain in the drink, in order that the partaker of the beverage can help himself to ice should the mixture be too hot for him.
1902 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 54. Rum Punch.
LARGE BAR GLASS.—Dissolve three tea- spoons fine sugar in water, three dashes lemon juice, fill with fine ice, 1 1/4 wineglass Medford, Santa Cruz or St. Croix rum, one dash Jamaica rum. Mix well, decorate, serve with straws.
1902 Anonymus: Fox’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 39. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. Three-quarter tablespoonful of sugar; dissolve well. Two or three dashes lemon juice. Fill glass with fine ice. One and one-half glass Medford rum. One dash Jamaica rum. Stir well with spoon. Dress with fruits in season, and serve with straws.
1902 Anonymus: Fox’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 41. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass. One tablespoonful powdered sugar, dissolved in a little water. Juice of one-half small lemon. One and one-half wine-glass whiskey. Fill glass with shaved ice, shake well; dress with lemon and berries, and serve with straws.
1902 Anonymus: Fox’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 41. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass – warm. Two wine-glasses boiling water. Two lumps loaf sugar. One wine-glass Scotch whiskey. Dissolve the sugar with one wine-glass of the water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance of the water, and add a thin slice of lemon. Rinse glass in warm water before using.
1902 Anonymus: Fox’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 42. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass. One wine-glass best Irish whiskey. Two wine-glasses boiling water. Two lumps loaf sugar. Dissolve the sugar well with one wine-glass of the water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glas rinse it in hot water.
1902 Anonymus: Fox’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 44. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. One tablespoonful powdered white sugar, dissolved in a little water. One wine-glass Santa Cruz rum. One-quarter wine-glass Jamaica rum. Two or three dashes lemon juice. One slice of orange (cut in quarters). Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top with sliced lime and berries in season. Serve with a straw.
1902 Anonymus: Red Top Rye Guide. Seite 58. Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.) Fill glass half full cracked ice. Add One teaspoonful of sugar. Three dashes of lime juice. Juice of half an orange, quartered. Small glass of Curacoa. Half wine-glassful of Red Top Rye. Half of small glass of Jamaica Rum. Stir thoroughly and add dash of Port Wine. Garnish with fruit and serve with a straw.
1902 Anonymus: Red Top Rye Guide. Seite 60. Cold Whiskey Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.) Take One teaspoonful of powdered white sugar, dissolved in a little water. Juice of half a lemon or one lime. One and a half wine-glassesful of Red Top Rye. Fill glass with shaved ice. Add two dashes of Rum. Shake well and strain into cool stem punch glass. Add two thin slices of lemon and any other seasonable fruit. Serve with a straw. Several punches can be made up at one time by using larger proportions of the ingredients and mixing in a larger vessel.
1902 Anonymus: Red Top Rye Guide. Seite 63. Hot Whiskey Punch.
(Use a heated whiskey glass.) Juice of half a lemon. One or two lumps of sugar, dissolved in one wine-glass of hot water. Two wine-glassesful of Red Top Rye. Fill glass with boiling water and place on top thin slices of lemon or twisted piece of the peel. Serve steaming hot, with spoon in the glass. A little cracked ice can also be served with it to regu- late the temperature to suit the person drinking the same. An excellent drink just before retir- ing.
Anonymus Red Top Rye Guide, 1902, Seite 63.
1902 Niels Larsen: 156 Recettes de Boissons Américaines. Seite 64. Hot Irish Punch.
[A préparer dans un verre à grog.] 2 morceaux de sucre. Ajoutez: 1 cuiller à café de jus de citron; 1 verre à madère d’irish whisky; Remplissez d’eau bouillante. Mélangez bien et ornez d’une tranche de citron. Râpez un peu de muscade et: Servez avec une cuiller à café.
1902 Niels Larsen: 156 Recettes de Boissons Américaines. Seite 66. Rhum Punch.
[A préparer dans un grand gobelet.] 3/4 cuiller à bouche de sucre en poudre dissous dans un peu d’eau. Ajoutez: 1/2 cuiller à café de jus de citron; 1 verre 1/2 à madère de rhum. Remplissez de glace pilée. Mélangez bien, ornez de fruits et servez avec de grandes pailles.
1903 Anonymus: Hegenbarth’s Bowlen-, Punsch-, und Kaffee-Haus-Getränkebuch. Seite 56. Einfacher Punsch von Arrak, Rum oder Kognak.
Ueber 250 g Zucker giesse reichlich 1 l kochen- des Wasser, darüber den Saft von 2-4 Zitronen = 25 – 50 g und schliesslich 1/2 Flasche Rum, Arrak oder Kognak. Gut mischen. Abschmecken. Einige Zeit gut verdeckt ziehen lassen. Wer einen kräftigeren Geschmack liebt, reibe die Schale einer Zitrone oder Apfelsine leicht auf dem Zucker ab. Ebenso kann man anstatt Zitronensaft solchen von Apfelsinen oder wie viele thun, von beiden ge- mischt nehmen.
1903 Tim Daly: Daly’s Bartender’s Encyclopedia. Seite 64. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Use hot whiskey glass. 1 lump of loaf sugar. Half fill the glass with hot water. Dissolve the sugar. 1 slice of lemon. Fill the glass with Scotch whiskey. Stir with spoon, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.
1903 Tim Daly: Daly’s Bartender’s Encyclopedia. Seite 69. Rum Punch.
Use a punch glass. 1 teaspoonful of sugar dissolved in a little water. The juice of one lime, 1 1/2 glasses of Medford rum. Fill the glass with fine ice. 1 dash of St. Croix rum. Stir well with spoon, dress with fruit, and serve with straws.
1903 Tim Daly: Daly’s Bartender’s Encyclopedia. Seite 74. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Use hot whiskey glass. 1 lump of loaf sugar. Half fill the glass with boiling water. Dissolve the sugar, fill up with Irish whiskey. 1 dash of lemon juice. Stir with spoon, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.
1903 Tim Daly: Daly’s Bartender’s Encyclopedia. Seite 75. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Use hot whiskey glass. 1 lump of loaf sugar. Half fill the glass with hot water and dissolve the sugar. 1 dash of lemon juice. Fill up the glass with whiskey. Grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.
1903 Tim Daly: Daly’s Bartender’s Encyclopedia. Seite 82. Whiskey Punch.
Use a punch glass. 1 teaspoonful of sugar dissolved in a little water. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. 1 1/2 wine glass of whiskey. Fill the glass with fine ice, mix well with a spoon, dress the top with fruit in season, and serve with straws.
1903 Tim Daly: Daly’s Bartender’s Encyclopedia. Seite 107. Hot Rum Punch.
Use a hot water glass. 1 or 2 lumps of sugar dissolved in one- half glass of water. 1 dash of lemon juice. 1 wine glass of Medford rum. Spoon well, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. A cold-weather reviver, to stimulate the heart’s action and create a good circulation.
1903 V. B. Lewis: The Complete Buffet Guide. Seite 49. Hot Irish Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) 3 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar. 1 or 2 dashes of lemon juice. 1 wine-glass Irish whisky. Fill up with hot water; stir well. Place a slice of lemon on top, grate a little nutmeg and serve.
1903 V. B. Lewis: The Complete Buffet Guide. Seite 50. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) Fill glass with shaved ice. 1 teaspoonful powdered sugar. 2 or 3 dashes lemon juice. 1 1/4 glass Medford rum. 1 dash of Jamaica rum. Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with straw.
1903 V. B. Lewis: The Complete Buffet Guide. Seite 54. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) 2 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar. 3 or 4 dashes lemon juice. 1/4 pony-glass Jamaica rum. 1 wine-glass St. Croix rum. Fill up with shaved ice. Dress top with fruit and berries. Serve with a straw.
1903 V. B. Lewis: The Complete Buffet Guide. Seite 55. Whisky Punch (Hot).
(Use whisky glass.) The juice of half a lemon, 3 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar in one wine-glass hot water. 2 wine-glasses Scotch or Irish whisky. Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a thin slice of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some grate a little nutmeg on top. Always place ice be- fore the customer, and allow a spoon to remain in the drink, in order that the partaker of the beverage can help himself to ice should the mixture be too hot for him.
1904 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 84. Rum punch.
Verre no 4 Chauffer le verre no 4: 1/2 verre à liqueur de sirop de gomme, 4 traits de curaçao, 2 traits de jus de citron, 1 verre à liqueur de rhum, 1 zeste de citron. Remplir le verre avec de l’eau bien chaude, remuer, saupoudrer de muscade, servir.
1904 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 89. Santa Cruz rum punch.
Verre no 7 Mettre dans le verre no 7: 2 cuillerées à café de sucre en poudre, 1 cuillerée à café d’eau pour fondre le sucre, 1 verre 1/2 à liqueur de rhum, 1 tranche d’orange coupée en 4 morceaux. Remplir le verre de glace pilée, adapter un gobelet en argent, frapper fortement, garnir avec des fruits de la saison, servir avec chalumeaux.
1904 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 107. Whisky punch (chaud).
Verre no 4 Faire chauffer: 1/2 verre à liqueur de sirop dé gomme, 4 traits de curaçao, 2 traits de jus de citron, 1 verre à liqueur de whisky, 1 zeste de citron. Remplir le verre avec de l’eau bien chaude, saupoudrer de muscade, servir.
1904 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Barkeeper’s Guide. Seite 11. Whisky Punch.
Juice from half a lemon or lime. 1 table-spoon powdered s ugar 1 jigger whisky Small quantity shaved ice Shake well and strain into a fine thin glass, add a piece of pineapple and a slice of orange and serve.
1904 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Barkeeper’s Guide. Seite 11. Rum Punch.
Same as whisky punch, except to use rum in place of whisky.
1904 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Barkeeper’s Guide. Seite 11. Scotch Whisky Punch.
Same as whisky punch, except to use Scotch whisky.
1904 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Barkeeper’s Guide. Seite 11. Irish Whisky Punch.
Same as whisky punch. except to use Irish whisky.
1904 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Barkeeper’s Guide. Seite 19. Hot Whisky Punch.
Use hot whisky glass. Dissolve one and one-half lumps of sugar in a little water, add one jigger of whisky. Squeeze a quarter of a lemon and fill with hot water.
1904 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Barkeeper’s Guide. Seite 19. Hot Scotch Punch.
Same as whisky punch, except use Scotch whisky in place of rye.
1904 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Barkeeper’s Guide. Seite 19. Hot Irish Punch.
Same as whisky punch, except use Irish whisky whisky in place of rye.
1904 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Barkeeper’s Guide. Seite 19. Hot Rum Punch.
Same as whisky punch, except use rum in place of whisky.
1904 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Barkeeper’s Guide. Seite 32. Rum Punch.
Use large punch bowl into which dissolve 5 pounds of sugar, then add 2 quarts lemon juice 5 quarts sauternes 2 1/2 quarts rum 1 quart apple brandy 1 pint brandy 8 quarts apollinaris 1 large piece of ice Stir well and serve in small glass cups This may also be frapped by putting it into a large ice cream freezer and freezing it soft. The above will serve one hundred people
1904 May E. Southworth: One Hundred and One Beverages. Seite 49. Whisky Punch.
CUT a small ring of lemon rind very thin and rub it with a heaping tablespoonful of sugar to extract the oil. Dis- solve the sugar with a wine-glass of hot water, stirring and rubbing against the glass until it is a smooth syrup; add a wine-glass of whisky and a little lemon juice and fill the glass with boiling water.
1904 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks as They Are Mixed. Seite 58. Hot Irish Punch.
Use hot water glass. Sugar, 1 lump, dissolved in little hot water. Irish whiskey, 1 wineglass. Lemon peel, 1 piece. Hot water; fill up glass. Stir and serve with nutmeg on top.
1904 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks as They Are Mixed. Seite 58. Hot Rum Punch.
Prepare the same as Hot Irish, sub- stituting rum for Irish whiskey.
1904 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks as They Are Mixed. Seite 58. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Prepare the same as Hot Irish, sub- stituting Rye or Bourbon for Irish whiskey.
1904 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks as They Are Mixed. Seite 59. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. Ice, shaved; fill glass. Sugar, 1 teaspoonful. Lemon juice, 3 dashes. Medford rum, 1 1/4 glass. Jamaica rum, 1 dash. Stir; decorate with fruit and serve with straw.
1904 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks as They Are Mixed. Seite 61. St. Croix Punch.
Use large bar glass. Ice, shaved; fill up glass. Sugar, 2 teaspoonfuls. Lemon juice, 4 dashes. Jamaica rum, 1 teaspoonful. St. Croix rum, 1 wineglass. Stir; dress with fruit and berries and serve with a straw.
1904 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks as They Are Mixed. Seite 62. Whiskey Punch.
Use mixing glass. Ice, shaved; fill glass. Sugar, 1 tablespoonful. Lemon, 1/4 of 1, the juice to be pressed into the sugar. Whiskey, 1 jigger. Water, 1/2 jigger. Shake; strain into punch glass; dress with fruit and serve.
1904 Thomas Stuart: Stuart’s Fancy Drinks. Seite 49. Hot Irish Punch.
(A hot water glass.) 1 or 2 lumps sugar. 1 or 2 dashes of lemon juice. 1 wine-glass Irish whisky. Fill up with hot water; stirr well. Place a slice of lemon on top, grate a little nutmeg, and serve.
1904 Thomas Stuart: Stuart’s Fancy Drinks. Seite 49. Medford Rum Punch.
(A large bar glass.) Fill glass with fine ice. 2 or 3 dashes lemon juice. 1 1/4 glass Medford rum. 1 dash of Jamaica rum. Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with straw.
1904 Thomas Stuart: Stuart’s Fancy Drinks. Seite 54. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Large bar glass.) 1 table-spoon sugar. 3 or 4 dashes lemon juice. 1/4 pony-glass Jamaica rum. 1 wine-glass St. Croix rum. Fill up with fine ice. Dress top with fruit and berries. Serve with a straw.
1904 Thomas Stuart: Stuart’s Fancy Drinks. Seite 55. Hot Whisky Punch.
(A hot whisky glass.) The juice of half a lemon, one or two lumps of sugar dissolved in one wine-glass hot water. 2 wine-glasses Scotch or Irish whisky. Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a thin slice of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some grate a little nutmeg on top. Always place ice before the customer, and allow a spoon to remain in the drink, in order that the partaker of the beverage can help himself to ice should the mixture be too hot for him.
1905 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 176. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. Three-quarter tablespoonful of sugar; dissolve well. Two or three dashes lemon juice. Fill glass with fine ice. One and one-half glass Medford rum. One dash Jamaica rum. Stir well with spoon. Dress with fruits in sea- son, and serve with straws.
1905 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 176. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass. One tablespoonful powdered sugar, dissolved in a little water. Juice of one-half small lemon. One and one-half wine-glass whiskey. Fill glass with shaved ice, shake well; dress with lemon and berries, and serve with straws.
1905 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 177. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass — warm. Two wine-glasses boiling water. Two lumps loaf sugar. One wine-glass Scotch whiskey. Dissolve the sugar with one wine-glass of the water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance of the water, and add a thin slice of lemon. Rinse glass in warm water before using.
1905 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 179. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass. One wine-glass best Irish whiskey. Two wine-glasses boiling water. Two lumps loaf sugar. Dissolve the sugar well with one wine glass of the water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass rinse it in hot water.
1905 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 182. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. One tablespoonful powdered white sugar, dis- solved in a little water. One wine-glass Santa Cruz rum. One-quarter wine-glass Jamaica rum. Two or three dashes lemon juice. One slice of orange (cut in quarters). Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top with sliced lime and berries in season. Serve with a straw.
1906 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 30. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Use hot water punch glass. Rinse glass in hot water and then put in 2 lumps of sugar and enough hot water to dissolve them. 1 piece lemon peel. 3 or 4 dashes of lemon juice. 1 jigger of whiskey. Fill up with hot water, stir with spoon, grate nutmeg on top, and serve.
1906 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 30. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Prepare the same as hot whiskey punch, using Scotch whiskey instead.
1906 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 30. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Prepare the same as above [Anmerkung: hot whiskey punch], using Irish whiskey instead.
1906 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 30. Hot Rum Punch.
Prepare the same as whiskey punch, sub- stituting rum for whiskey.
1906 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 50. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass half full of ice. 1 tablespoon sugar. 3 or 4 dashes of lemon juice. 1 dash of mineral water. 1 dash of Jamaica rum. 1 dash Dr. Siegert’s Genuine Angostura Bitters. 1 jigger of St. Croix rum. 1 slice of lemon. Stir well, fill up with ice, trim with fruit, serve with straw.
1906 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 55. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass half full of ice. 1 teaspoon sugar. 4 or 5 dashes lemon juice. 1 jigger whiskey and rum mixed. 1 dash Dr. Siegert’s Genuine Angostura Bitters. Shake well; strain into punch glass, with slice of orange; 3 or 4 dashes of Curacoa on top, with seltzer, and serve.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 70. Hot Irish Punch.
A hot-drink glass half full-boiling water, two lumps of cut-loaf sugar, the juice of a quarter of a lemon, one jigger of Irish whiskey; mix, and add a slice of lemon and a little grated nutmeg.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 71. Hot Jamaica Rum Punch.
One lump of sugar in a hot-drink glass, add a little lemon-juice, one slice lemon, one jigger of Jamaica rum, fill up with boiling water; mix, grate a little nutmeg on top.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 72. Hot Scotch Punch.
Prepare same as Hot Brandy Punch, substituting Scotch whiskey for brandy.
Seite 69. Hot Brandy Punch.
Prepare same as hot Arrack Punch, substituting brandy for arrack; leave out the nutmeg.
Seite 68. Hot Attack Punch.
Two lumps of sugar in a hot-drink glass half- full boiling water, the juice of one-fourth of a lemon, one jigger arrack, one slice lemon; mix and grate a little nutmeg on top.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 73. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Hot Whiskey Sling, adding a slice of lemon and the juice of a quarter of a lemon before mixing; leave the nut- meg out.
Seite 72. Hot Whiskey Sling.
One lump of sugar in a hot-drink glass half-full boiling water, add one jigger of whiskey, a small piece lemon-peel; mix and grate a little nutmeg on top.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 88. Irish Punch.
Fill a mixing-glass half-full of fine ice, add one tablespoonful fine sugar, a little water, the juice of half a lemon, one jigger Irish whiskey; mix well, strain into a fancy bar-glass, trim with fruit, or leave on ice, and serve with straws.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 88. Jamaica Rum Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Irish Punch, substituting Jamaica rum for Irish whiskey.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 90. Medford Rum Punch.
Dissolve a tablespoonful fine sugar with a little water in a mixing-glass, add the juice of half a lemon, fill the glass half-full fine ice, add one jig – ger Medford rum; mix well, strain into fancy bar-glass, and trim with fruit, or leave on ice and serve straws.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 94. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Brandy Punch, substituting Scotch whiskey for brandy.
Seite 82. Brandy Punch.
A mixing-glass half-full fine ice, add one table- spoonful fine sugar, the juice of half a lemon, one jigger brandy; shake well, serve on ice in long thin glass, trim with fruit. Serve with straws.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 95. St. Croix Rum Punch.
One tablespoonful fine sugar dissolved with a little water in a mixing-glass, add the juice of half a lemon, one jigger of St. Croix rum, fill the glass with fine ice; mix well. Serve on ice with straws or strain, trim with fruit.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 96. Whiskey Punch (Plain).
Fill a mixing-glass half-full fine ice, add one tablespoonful fine sugar, the juice of half a lemon, one jigger whiskey; mix well. Serve in long thin glass, trim with fruit. Sip with straws.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 97. Whiskey Punch (Strained).
Prepare same as Plain Whiskey Punch, but strain into a fancy bar-glass before trimming with fruit.
1906 George Spaulding: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 39. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Use medium-sized glass. Rinse in warm water before using. Boiling water, two wine glasses full. Loaf sugar, two lumps. Scotch whiskey, one wine glassful. Dissolve the sugar with one wine glass full of water, then pour in the whis- key; add the balance of the water, then a thin slice of lemon.
1906 George Spaulding: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 39. Irish Whiskey Punch.
Use large glasses. Irish whiskey, one wine glass. Sugar, one lump. Lemon rind, one piece. The glass should be rinsed in hot water, then the sugar put in, then half fill the glass with boiling water, shake well, decorate with slices of oranges and lemons, or fruit in season.
1906 George Spaulding: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 40. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large glass. Sugar, one tablespoon. Jamaica rum, one teaspoonful. Lemon juice, four dashes. Medford rum, one and one -half wine glasses. Fill with cracked ice, shake well, orna- ment with orange, berries, etc., and serve with straws.
1906 George Spaulding: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 42. St. Croix or Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
Use large glass. Sugar, one tablespoonful. Lemon juice, two or three dashes. Rum (St. Croix or Santa Cruz), one wine glass. Orange, one slice, cut in quarters. Jamaica rum, one-half wine glass. Fill with cracked ice, shake well and ornament with fruits in season; serve with straws.
1906 George Spaulding: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 45. Whiskey Punch.
Use large glass. Powdered sugar, one tablespoonful, dis- solved in a little water. Lemon, juice of one-half. Whiskey, one and one-half wine glasses. Fill glass with chopped ice and shake thoroughly, ornament with lemon and berries. Serve with straws.
1906 Louis Muckensturm: Louis‘ Mixed Drinks. Seite 69. Whiskey Punch.
Take the juice of half a lemon, One teaspoonful of sugar, and One-half a bar-glass of Rye whiskey. Fill the mixing-glass with shaved ice; shake well and strain into a star-glass. Ornament with fruit of season.
1906 Louis Muckensturm: Louis‘ Mixed Drinks. Seite 69. Whiskey Punch, New York Style.
Take the juice of half a lemon, One teaspoonful of sugar, and One-half a bar-glass of Rye whiskey. Fill the mixing-glass with shaved ice; shake well and strain into a star-glass. Ornament with fruit of season and float a little claret on top.
1906 Louis Muckensturm: Louis‘ Mixed Drinks. Seite 73. Hot Scotch Punch.
Take a punch-bowl and put in the yolks of three eggs; beat them together well with a pint of Old Tom gin. Add a pinch of ground ginger and cinnamon to half a pint of boiling water; stir in well, and add a quart of Scotch ale. Mix this with the eggs; stir well and serve in high-ball glasses, and grate a little nutmeg on top. Suf- ficient for four people.
1907 Charles Smith: Smacks and Smiles. Seite 63. Hot Irish Punch.
Use a large hot water glass. 1 or 2 lumps sugar. 1 or 2 dashes lemon juice. 1 wine-glass Irish whisky. Fill up with hot water; stir well. Place a slice of lemon on top, grate a little nutmeg and serve.
1907 Charles Smith: Smacks and Smiles. Seite 65. Hot Whisky Punch.
Use a hot whisky glass The juice of half a lemon, one or two lumps of sugar dissolved in one wine-glass hot water. 2 wine-glasses Scotch or Irish whisky. Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a thin slice of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some grate a little nutmeg on top. Always place ice before the customer, and allow a spoon to remain in the drink, in or- der that the partaker of the beverage can help himself to ice should the mixture be too hot for him.
1907 Charles Smith: Smacks and Smiles. Seite 74. Medford Rum Punch.
Use a large bar glass. Fill glass with fine ice. 3/4 table-spoon sugar. 2 or 3 dashes lemon juice. 1 1/4 glass Medford rum. 1 dash of Jamaica rum. Stir well. Dress with fruits in sea- son and serve with straw.
1907 Charles Smith: Smacks and Smiles. Seite 111. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Use a large bar glass. 1 table-spoon sugar. 3 or 4 dashes lemon juice. 1/4 pony-glass Jamaica rum. 1 wine-glass St. Croix rum. Fill up with fine ice. Dress top with fruit and berries in season. Serve with a straw.
1907 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 84. Rum punch.
Verre no 4 Chauffer le verre no 4: 1/2 verre à liqueur de sirop de gomme, 4 traits de curaçao, 2 traits de jus de citron, 1 verre à liqueur de rhum, 1 zeste de citron. Remplir le verre avec de l’eau bien chaude, remuer, saupoudrer de muscade, servir.
1907 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 89. Santa Cruz rum punch.
Verre no 7 Mettre dans le verre no 7: 2 cuillerées à café de sucre en poudre, 1 cuillerée à café d’eau pour fondre le sucre, 1 verre 1/2 à liqueur de rhum, 1 tranche d’orange coupée en 4 morceaux. Remplir le verre de glace pilée, adapter un gobelet en argent, frapper fortement, garnir avec des fruits de la saison, servir avec chalumeaux.
1907 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 107. Whisky punch (chaud).
Verre no 4 Faire chauffer: 1/2 verre à liqueur de sirop dé gomme, 4 traits de curaçao, 2 traits de jus de citron, 1 verre à liqueur de whisky, 1 zeste de citron. Remplir le verre avec de l’eau bien chaude, saupou- drer de muscade, servir.
1908 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 176. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. Three-quarter tablespoonful of sugar; dissolve well. Two or three dashes lemon juiee. Fill glass with fine ice. One and one-half glass Medford rum. One dash Jamaica rum. Stir well with spoon. Dress with fruits in sea- son, and serve with straws.
1908 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 176. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass. One tablespoonful powdered sugar, dissolved in a little water. Juice of one-half small lemon. One and one-half wine-glass whiskey. Fill glass with shaved ice, shake well; dress with lemon and berries, and serve with straws.
1908 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 177. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass — warm. Two wine-glasses boiling water. Two lumps loaf sugar. One wine-glass Scotch whiskey. Dissolve the sugar with one wine-glass of the water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance of the water, and add a thin slice of lemon. Rinse glass in warm water before using.
1908 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 179. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass. One wine-glass best Irish whiskey. Two wine-glasses boiling water. Two lumps loaf sugar. Dissolve the sugar well with one wine glass of the water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass rinse it in hot water.
1908 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 182. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. One tablespoonful powdered white sugar, dis- solved in a little water. One wine-glass Santa Cruz rum. One-quarter wine-glass Jamaica rum. Two or three dashes lemon juice. One slice of orange (cut in quarters). Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top with sliced lime and berries in season. Serve with a straw.
1908 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 35. Hot Irish Punch.
2 lumps of sugar Juice of 1/2 lemon Dissolve in a little hot water 100% Irish whiskey Fill glass with hot water. Stir well, place slice of lemon on top, grate nutmeg and serve.
1908 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 42. Medford Rum Punch.
1 teaspoonful sugar Juice of 1/2 lemon Dissolve in little water 100% Medford rum 1/2 glass cracked ice. Stir with spoon, dress with fruits in season and serve with straws.
1908 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 56. St. Croix Rum Punch.
1 tablespoon sugar Juice 1 lemon 75% St. Croix rum 25% Jamaica rum Fill glass with cracked ice. Stir with spoon, ornament with fruits in season and serve with straws.
1908 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 61. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass half full of ice 1 teaspoon sugar 4 or 5 dashes lemon juice 1 jigger whiskey and rum mixed 1 dash Angostura bitters. Shake well, strain into punch glass, with slice of orange, 3 or 4 dashes of Curacao on top, with seltzer and serve.
1908 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 44. Tam O’Shanter.
This drink is made the same as a Hot Whiskey Punch, with Scotch whiskey substituted for Bourbon whiskey. (See Recipe No. 157.)
1908 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 45. Whiskey Punch, Hot.
Dissolve a cube of sugar in a hot-water glass two-thirds full of boiling water, pour in enough of the desired brand of whiskey to nearly fill the glass and add a few drops of lemon juice, a slice of lemon and some spice.
1908 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 82. Rum Punch.
See St. Croix Punch (Recipe No. 360), and use the desired brand of rum in place of St. Croix.
1908 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 83. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Into a punch-glass place a jigger of St. Croix rum and a piece of ice. Then place a spoonful of sugar and the juice of two lemons in a medium-size mixing-glass and dissolve in a little plain soda. (A dash of Curaçoa is some- times added.) Pour into the punch-glass containing the rum and ice, stir, decorate and serve.
1908 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 83. Whiskey Punch.
Make the same as Brandy Punch, with whiskey substituted for cognac. (See Recipes Nos. 331 and 332.)
Seite 77. Brandy Punch.
Into an egg-shaped goblet place a piece of ice, over which pour a jigger of cognac. Then take a small mixing-glass, into which place a large spoonful of bar sugar, the juice of two lemons, a dash of Curaçoa and a little water or seltzer. Stir thoroughly, pour into the stem glass containing the ice and liquor, add a little fruit and serve. Top off with a dash of Jamaica rum or a little champagne.
Seite 77. Brandy Punch.
FOR A PARTY OF TEN. Into a large punch-bowl place about a pound of sugar, three jiggers of Curaçoa, one jigger of maraschino and the juice of twenty lemons. Pour in just enough effervescent water to make the mixture dissolve, add a bottle and a half of good cognac and flavor with a wineglassful of Jamaica rum. Should the party be composed of any ladies, in place of rum flavor a pint of champagne would be preferable. Place a large piece of ice in the bowl and decorate with fruits.
1909 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 47. Rum-Punsch, heiß.
Wie Arrak-Punsch. Gebrauche statt Arrak Jamaika-Rum oder fertige Rumpunsch-Essenz, abbrennen.
Seite 47. Arrak-Punch, heiß, I.
Ein angewärmtes Punschglas fülle man 3/4 voll mit sehr heißem Wasser, darauf gieße man es voll mit fertiger Arrakpunsch-Essenz, gebe eine Scheibe Zitrone hinein, einige Tropfen Arrak de Batavia und zünde denselben an.
Seite 47. Arrak-Punch, heiß, II.
In ein angewärmtes Punschglas gebe man 2 Stück Würfel- zucker, 1 Scheibe Zitrone und einige Tropfen Zitronensaft. Darauf fülle man es 3/4 voll mit sehr heißem Wasser und gieße es voll mit Arrak de Batavia, abbrennen.
1909 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 48. Whisky-Punsch, heiß.
In ein angewärmtes Punschglas gebe man 2 Stück Würfel- zucker, 1 Scheibe Zitrone und einige Tropfen Zitronensaft. Fülle das Glas 3/4 voll mit recht heißem Wasser, dann gieße es voll mit Whisky, serviere mit Löffel.
1909 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 84. Rum-Punsch.
In ein Punschglas gebe man 3/4 Eßlöffel Zucker, den Saft aus 1/2 Zitrone, löse dieses mit etwas Selterswasser auf, fülle das Glas 3/4 voll mit feinem Eis, alsdann füge man hinzu: 1/2 Likörglas Jamaika-Rum, 1 Sherryglas St. Croix-Rum. Man mische mit einem Barlöffel, garniere in geschmackvoller Weise mit verschiedenen Früchten und serviere mit Strohhalmen.
1909 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 89. Whisky-Punsch.
Wie Brandy-Punsch. Man nehme amerikanischen Whisky statt Cognac.
Seite 89. Brandy Punch.
In ein Punschglas gib: 1 Eßlöffel Zucker, 2 Dashes Curaçao, den Saft von 1/2 Zitrone. Löse dieses mit etwas Selterswasser auf. Alsdann fülle das Glas beinahe voll mit feinem Eis und gieße es voll mit gutem Cognac. Mische mit einem Barlöffel, gieße einige Tropfen Jamaika-Rum darauf, garniere mit verschiedenen Früchten und serviere mit Strohhalmen.
1909 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 92. Rum-Punsch (englisch).
(Gebrauche eine Bowle.) In eine Kupferkasserolle gieße man 2 Flaschen englischen Ale, setze es aufs Feuer, lasse es heiß werden und füge 1/4 Liter eng- lischen Rum hinzu. Mittlerweile schlage man 4 Eier dünnflüssig, gebe 3 Eßlöffel Zucker und etwas Muskat hinzu, verrühre alles tüchtig mit dem Schneeschläger. Hierauf gieße man unter fort- währendem Rühren das heiße Ale zu den Eiern.
1909 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 97. Rum-Punsch.
(Gebrauche eine Bowle.) 1 Liter Cognac, 1 „ Rum, 1/2 „ starken Tee, 1 kleines Weinglas Arrak, den filtrierten Saft von 6 Zitronen, die Rinde von 2 Zitronen, 10 Nelken, etwas Zimt, Koriander-Samen, Muskatnuß, 2 Pfund dünn geschnittene Ananas, 2 „ ganzen Zucker, 2 Liter kochendes Wasser. Alles gut umrühren, die Bowle gut verschließen und 1 bis 2 Tage stehen lassen. Dann durch ein feines Sieb laufen lassen und sehr kalt servieren. Sie kann noch mit Wasser,Tee oder Milch verdünnt werden.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 70. Hot Irish Punch.
A hot-drink glass half full-boiling water, two lumps of cut-loaf sugar, the juice of a quarter of a lemon, one jigger of Irish whiskey; mix, and add a slice of lemon and a little grated nutmeg.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 71. Hot Jamaica Rum Punch.
One lump of sugar in a hot-drink glass, add a little lemon-juice, one slice lemon, one jigger of Jamaica rum, fill up with boiling water; mix, grate a little nutmeg on top.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 72. Hot Scotch Punch.
Prepare same as Hot Brandy Punch, substituting Scotch whiskey for brandy.
Seite 69. Hot Brandy Punch.
Prepare same as hot Arrack Punch, substituting brandy for arrack; leave out the nutmeg.
Seite 68. Hot Arrack Punch.
Two lumps of sugar in a hot-drink glass half- full boiling water, the juice of one-fourth of a lemon, one jigger arrack, one slice lemon; mix and grate a little nutmeg on top.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 73. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Hot Whiskey Sling, adding a slice of lemon and the juice of a quarter of a lemon before mixing; leave the nut- meg out.
Seite 72. Hot Whiskey Sling.
One lump of sugar in a hot-drink glass half-full boiling water, add one jigger of whiskey, a small piece lemon-peel; mix and grate a little nutmeg on top.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 88. Irish Punch.
Fill a mixing-glass half-full of fine ice, add one tablespoonful fine sugar, a little water, the juice of half a lemon, one jigger Irish whiskey; mix well, strain into a fancy bar-glass, trim with fruit, or leave on ice, and serve with straws.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 88. Jamaica Rum Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Irish Punch, substituting Jamaica rum for Irish whiskey.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 90. Medford Rum Punch.
Dissolve a tablespoonful fine sugar with a little water in a mixing-glass, add the juice of half a lemon, fill the glass half-full fine ice, acld one jig- ger Medford rum; mix well, strain into fancy bar-glass, and trim with fruit, or leave on ice and serve straws.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 94. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Brandy Punch, substituting Scotch whiskey for brandy.
Seite 82. Brandy Punch.
A mixing-glass half-full fine ice, add one table- spoonful fine sugar, the juice of half a lemon, one jigger brandy; shake well, serve on ice in long thin glass, trim with fruit. Serve with straws.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 95. St. Croix Rum Punch.
One tablespoonful fine sugar dissolved with a little water in a mixing-glass, add the juice of half a lemon, one jigger of St. Croix rum, fill the glass with fine ice; mix well. Serve on ice with straws or strain, trim with fruit.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 96. Whiskey Punch (Plain).
Fill a mixing-glass half-full fine ice, add one tablespoonful fine sugar, the juice of half a lemon, one jigger whiskey; mix well. Serve in long thin glass, trim with fruit. Sip with straws.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 97. Whiskey Punch (Strained).
Prepare same as Plain Whiskey Punch, but strain into a fancy bar-glass before trimming with fruit.
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 40. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Use a hot water goblet. 2 lumps of loaf sugar. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. 3/4 glass of boiling water. Dissolve the sugar. 1 drink of whiskey. Add a slice of lemon and serve. (This drink may be made of al- most any kind of liquor desired).
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 47. Whiskey Punch.
Use a punch glass (goblet). 3 or 4 dashes of gum syrup. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. 1 large drink of whiskey. Fill the glass with fine ice. Stir, dress with fruit and serve with straws.
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 48. Rum Punch.
Prepare this drink the same as Whiskey Punch, using rum instead of whiskey.
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 112. Irish Whiskey Punch.
(Two Quarts) Rub the rind of three lemons with nutmeg grater, in seven ounces of sugar; add one quart of boiling wa- ter; add the juice of the three lemons; this syrup is mixed with one quart of Irish whiskey; serve in mugs.
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 135. Rum Punch.
(Three Gallon Mixture) Use a four-gallon vessel to mix in. 1 mixing glassfull lemon juice, strain. 3 pounds fine sugar, dissolved with lemon. 3 quarts Tokay wine (white). 1 quart brandy or whiskey 1 quart Jamaica rum. 1/2 pint Maraschino. 1/2 pint abricotine. 6 oranges and 3 lemons, sliced. 6 quarts Apollinaris or car- bonated water. Stir well; place block of ice in punch bowl, serve in small punch glasses with fruit.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 14. Whisky Punch.
Juice from 1/2 a lemon or lime 1 tablespoon powdered sugar 1 jigger whisky Small quantity shaved ice Shake well and strain into a fine thin glass, add a piece of pineapple and a slice of orange and serve.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 15. Rum Punch.
Same as whisky punch, except to use rum in place of whisky.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 15. Scotch Whisky Punch.
Same as whisky punch, except to use Scotch whisky.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 15. Irish Whisky Punch.
Same as whisky punch, except to use Irish whisky.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 26. Hot Whisky Punch.
Use hot whisky glass. Dissolve one and one-half lumps of sugar in a little water, add one jigger of whisky. Squeeze a quarter of a lemon and fill with hot water.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 26. Hot Scotch Punch.
Same as whisky punch, except use Scotch whisky in place of rye.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 26. Hot Irish Punch.
Same as whisky punch, except use Irish whisky in place of rye.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 26. Hot Rum Punch.
Same as whisky punch, except use rum in place of whisky.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 38. Rum Punch.
Use large punch bowl, into which dissolve 5 pounds of sugar, then add 2 quarts lemon juice 5 quarts sauterne 2 1/2 quarts rum 1 quart apple brandy 1 pint brandy 8 quarts apollinaris 1 large piece of ice Stir well and serve in small glass cups. This may also be frapped by putting it into a large ice cream freezer and freezing it soft. The above will serve one hundred people.
1909 Jorge Casparò: Guia practica del cantinero. Seite 60. Whiskey-punch.
(Usese vaso mediano). Una cucharada de azúcar, dos chorros de limón, una copa de Whiskey, un pedazo de hielo; llénese el vaso de agua de seltz, adór- nese y sírvase con sorbete.
1909 Jorge Casparò: Guia practica del cantinero. Seite 60. Rhum-punch.
Igual al anterior, sirviendo Rhum en lugar de Whiskey.
1909 Jorge Casparò: Guia practica del cantinero. Seite 65. Hot-Rhum-Punch.
Igual al número 89, sirviendo Rhum en lu- gar de Whiskey, y un chorro de cognac en lugar de Rhum.
Seite 65. Núm. 89. Hot Whiskey.
(Whiskey caliente). Usese vaso apropiado, póngase siempre pa- ra las bebidas calientes, una cuchara en el vaso antes de servir el líquido, un terrón de azúcar y chorro de agua caliente, para disol- verlo agréguesele un vasito de whiskey ameri- cano, dos chorros de Rhum, una rebanada de limón y un chorro de zumo de lo mismo; llé- nese el vaso con agua también caliente, á la cual habrá de agregársele un trozo de canela y una cáscara de naranja, adórnese con nuez moscada molida, y sírvase con la misma cu- charilla.
1910 Anonymus: 101 Drinks and How to Mix Them. Rye Whiskey Punch.
Grab a beaker of this when someone starts a story you’ve heard several times before. One of three happy results is sure to ensue: (1) It will sound like a new story, (2) It will seem funnier than ever before. (3) You won’t care anyhow. Shaker three-quarters One-half wine glass water full shaved ice One wine glass Rye Two heaping teaspoons – – Shake: strain into punch ful powdered sugar glass. Decorate with Juice of one-quarter fruit and serve lemon
1910 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 176. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. Three-quarter tablespoonful of sugar; dissolve well. Two or three dashes lemon juice. Fill glass with fine ice. One and one-half glass Medford rum. One dash Jamaica rum. Stir well with spoon. Dress with fruits in sea- son, and serve with straws.
1910 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 176. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass. One tablespoonful powdered sugar, dissolved in a little water. Juice of one-half small lemon. One and one-half wine-glass whiskey. Fill glass with shaved ice, shake well; dress with lemon and berries, and serve with straws.
1910 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 177. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass — warm. Two wine-glasses boiling water. Two lumps loaf sugar. One wine-glass Scotch whiskey. Dissolve the sugar with one wine-glass of the water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance of the water, and add a thin slice of lemon. Rinse glass in warm water before using.
1910 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 179. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass. One wine-glass best Irish whiskey. Two wine-glasses boiling water. Two lumps loaf sugar. Dissolve the sugar well with one wine glass of the water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass rinse it in hot water.
1910 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 182. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. One tablespoonful powdered white sugar, dis- solved in a little water. One wine-glass Santa Cruz rum. One-quarter wine-glass Jamaica rum. Two or three dashes lemon juice. One slice of orange (cut in quarters). Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top with sliced lime and berries in season. Serve with a straw.
1910 E. Moreno: Manual del cantinero. Seite 65. Ponche de ron.
Echese en una ponchera lo siguiente: Ron añejo Santa Cruz . . . . 1/2 botella Ron añejo Jamaica . . . . 1/2 botella Dos botellas y media de agua. Agréguese azúcar y jugo de limón según el gusto y ofrézcase la bebida en vasos adecuados.
1910 E. Moreno: Manual del cantinero. Seite 66. Ponche de ron Medford y Jamaica.
En un vaso grande échese cuanto sigue: Jarabe natural . . . . 1 cucharadita Ron Medford . . . . 1 copa y media Ron Jamaica . . . . 1 copita Jugo de limón . . . . 3 gotas Divídase una rebanada de naranja en cuatro partes y añádanse estos pedazos á la mezcla. Llénese de hielo el vaso, mézclese bien y ofrézcase la bebida con una cañita de paja.
1910 E. Moreno: Manual del cantinero. Seite 66. Ponche de ron Santa Cruz.
En un vaso grande échese lo siguiente: Jarabe natural . . . . 1 cucharada Ron Santa Cruz . . . 1 copa Ron Jamaica . . . . 1/4 de copa Jugo de limón . . . . 3 gotas Añádase una rebanada de naranja; llénese de hielo desmenuzado el vaso; mézclese bien el contenido; a- dórnese con cerezas y ofrézcase la bebida.
1910 E. Moreno: Manual del cantinero. Seite 69. Ponche de whiskey caliente.
En un vaso mediano échese lo siguiente: Azúcar, según el gusto, disuelto en una co- pita de agua hirviendo Whiskey escocés ó irlandés . . 1 copa Agua hirviendo . . . . . 1 copita Añádase una rebanadita de limón y al tiempo de ofrecer la bebida métase la copa en agua hirviendo.
1910 E. Moreno: Manual del cantinero. Seite 69. Ponche de whiskey frio.
En un vaso grande échese lo siguiente: Jarabe natural . . . . . . 1 cucharada Todo el jugo de medio limoncito Whiskey irlandés ó escocés . . 1 copa y media Llénese de hielo desmenuzado el vaso; mézclese bien el contenido y, después de haberlo adornado con dos rebanaditas de limón, ofrézcase la bebida con una cañita de paja.
1910 E. Moreno: Manual del cantinero. Seite 69. Ponche de whiskey irlandes.
Después de haber disuelto un poco de azúcar cande en una copita de agua caliente, échese ésta en un vaso mediano y añádase lo siguiente: Whiskey Iidandés . . . 1 copa Agua caliente . . . . 1 copita Agréguese un pedacito de corteza de limón y ofréz- case la bebida en una copa, después de haber intro- ducido ésta en agua hirviendo.
1910 J. Rey: Guide du Maître d’Hôtel. Seite 270. Punch chaud ordinaire.
(Proportions pour douze personnes.) Mettez dans un bol à punch: 250 grammes de sucre en morceaux: le jus d’un gros citron: 1 litre de thé (infusion) bien chaud et fort; remuez bien pour dissoudre le sucre; ajoutez 1/4 litre de bon rhum et autant de cognac: puis l’enflammez (avec une allumette en bois) et laissez- le brûler jusqu’à la fin; mélangez-le bien et servez-le chaud avec une rondelle de citron dans chaque verre.
1910 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 49. Hot Irish Punch.
2 lumps of sugar Juice of 1/2 lemon Dissolve in a little hot water 100% Irish whiskey Fill glass with hot water. Stir well, place slice of lemon on top, grate nutmeg and serve.
1910 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 56. Medford Rum Punch.
1 teaspoonful sugar Juice of 1/2 lemon Dissolve in little water 100% Medford rum 1/2 glass cracked ice. Stir with spoon, dress with fruits in season and serve with straws.
1910 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 72. St. Croix Rum Punch.
1 tablespoonful sugar Juice 1 lemon 75% St. Croix rum 25% Jamaica rum Fill glass with cracked ice. Stir with spoon, ornament with fruits in season and serve with straws.
1910 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 81. Whiskey Punch.
(Use large bar glass half full of ice.) 1 teaspoonful sugar 4 or 5 dashes lemon juice 100% whiskey and rum mixed 1 dash Angostura bitters. Shake well, strain into punch glass, with slice of orange, 3 or 4 dashes of Curaçao on top, with seltzer and serve.
1910 Raymond E. Sullivan: The Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 12. Scotch Punch.
Use large glass. One dash orange juice, Juice one-half lemon, One large spoonful sugar, One and one-half jigger Scotch Whiskey. Fill with ice and shake well. Serve with fruit.
1910 Raymond E. Sullivan: The Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 13. Whiskey Punch.
Use large glass. Juice of one small lemon, Juice of one-half orange, One large spoonful of sugar, One and one-half jigger Wilson Whiskey. Fill the glass with ice and serve with fruit in season.
1910 Raymond E. Sullivan: The Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 15. Irish Whiskey Punch.
Use large glass. Two lumps of sugar, Juice of one-half lemon, One wine glass of Irish Whiskey. Add crushed ice, shake well and serve with fruit in season.
1910 Raymond E. Sullivan: The Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 15. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Same as above, only add hot water, and put in a slice of lemon instead of other fruits.
1910 Raymond E. Sullivan: The Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 19. Hot Rum Punch.
Use small glass. Juice one-half lemon, One and one-half teaspoonfuls sugar, One and one-half jiggers Jamaica Rum. Fill with hot water. Stir and serve.
1911 George R. Washburne & Stanley Bronner: Beverages De Luxe. Whisky Punch.
One portion whisky. Juice of one lemon. One pony Curacoa. One dash St. Croix Rum. Sugar. Shake well, and serve in small gob- let with a slice of Orange and Pine- apple.
1912 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 30. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Use hot water punch glass. Rinse glass in hot water and then put in 2 lumps of sugar and enough hot water to dissolve them. 1 piece lemon peel. 3 or 4 dashes of lemon juice. 1 jigger of whiskey. Fill up with hot water, stir with spoon, grate nutmeg on top, and serve.
1912 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 30. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Prepare the same as hot whiskey punch, using Scotch whiskey instead.
1912 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 30. Hot Irish Punch.
Prepare the same as above, using Irish whiskey instead.
1912 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 30. Hot Rum Punch.
Prepare the same as whiskey punch, sub- stituting rum for whiskey.
1912 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 50. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass half full of ice. 1 tablespoon sugar. 3 or 4 dashes of lemon juice. 1 dash of mineral water. 1 dash of Jamaica rum. 1 dash Dr. Siegert’s Genuine Angostura Bitters. 1 jigger of St. Croix rum. 1 slice of lemon. Stir well, fill up with ice, trim with fruit, serve with straw.
1912 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 55. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass half full of ice. 1 teaspoon sugar. 4 or 5 dashes lemon juice. 1 jigger whiskey and rum mixed. 1 dash Dr. Siegert’s Genuine Angostura Bitters. Shake well; strain into punch glass, with slice of orange; 3 or 4 dashes of Curaçao on top, with seltzer, and serve.
1912 Anonymus: Wehman Bros.‘ Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 51. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(Use a hot water glass.) One or two lumps of sugar. One or two dashes of lemon juice, One wine-glass of Irish whiskey, Fill up with hot water; stir well. Place a slice of lemon on top, grate a little nutmeg and serve.
1912 Anonymus: Wehman Bros.‘ Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 51. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) Fill glass with fine ice, Three-quarters tablespoon of sugar, Two or three dashes of lemon juice, One and one-quarter glasses of Medford rum, One dash of Jamaica rum. Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with a straw.
1912 Anonymus: Wehman Bros.‘ Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 55. Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.) One tablespoonful of sugar, Three or four dashes of lemon juice, One-quarter pony of Jamaica rum, One wine-glass of St. Croix or Santa Cruz rum, One slice of orange cut in quarters. Fill up with fine ice. Dress top with fruit and berries. Serve with a straw.
1912 Anonymus: Wehman Bros.‘ Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 56. Hot Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.) Same as Irish Whiskey, Hot, substituting rum for Irish whiskey.
1912 Anonymus: Wehman Bros.‘ Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 58. Whiskey Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.) One tablespoonful of powdered white sugar, dissolved in a Iittle water; Juice of half a small lemon. One and one-half wine-glasses of Irish or Scotch whiskey. Fill the glass with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top with two thin slices of lemon, and berries in season. Serve with a straw.
1912 Anonymus: Wehman Bros.‘ Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 58. Hot Whiskey Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.) Same as Irish Whiskey, Hot, substituting rye or bour- bon for Irish whlskey.
1912 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 176. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. Three-quarter tablespoonful of sugar: dissolve well. Two or three dashes lemon juice. Fill glass with fine ice. One and one-half glass Medford rum. One dash Jamaica rum. Stir well with spoon. Dress with fruits in sea- son, and serve with straws.
1912 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 176. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass. One tablespoonful powdered sugar, dissolved in a little water. Juice of one-half small lemon. One and one-half wine-glass whiskey. Fill glass with shaved ice, shake well; dress with lemon and berries, and serve with straws.
1912 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 177. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass — warm. Two wine-glasses boiling water. Two lumps loaf sugar. One wine-glass Scotch whiskey. Dissolve the sugar with one wine-glass of the water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance of the water, and add a thin slice of lemon. Rinse glass in warm water before using.
1912 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 179. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass. One wine-glass best Irish whiskey. Two wine-glasses boiling water. Two lumps loaf sugar. Dissolve the sugar well with one wine glass of the water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass rinse it in hot water.
1912 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 182. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. One tablespoonful powdered white sugar, dis- solved in a little water. One wine-glass Santa Cruz rum. One-quarter wine-glass Jamaica rum. Two or three dashes lemon juice. One slice of orange (cut in quarters). Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top with sliced lime and berries in season. Serve with a straw.
1912 E.J.M.: The Great American Cocktail. Seite 31. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Use a large glass Fill with The juice of one Lemon Shaved ice, Add a little Apollinaris Mix well and And dissolve well Ornament with One half wine glass St. Croix Rum Fruits. Serve in Glass cup
1912 Ignacio Doménech: El arte del cocktelero europeo. Seite 114. Hot-Irish-Punch.
(PROPORCIONES PARA UNA PERSONA) Prepárese en una copa de cristal. Se ponen dos terroqes de azúcar; una cucharada de las de café de jugo de limón; una copa de la s que se bebe el vino Madera, de Irish-whisky. Llenar lo que falte de la copa con agua hirviendo. Mézclese bien, y sírvase con un poco de nuez moscada y una roda- ja de limón. Servirlo con cucharilla de las de café.
1912 Ignacio Doménech: El arte del cocktelero europeo. Seite 121. Rhum-Punch.
(PROPORCIONES PARA UNA PERSONA) Prepárese en una copa de cristal ó en una pon- chera pequeña, una cucharada pequeña de azúcar disuelta con un poco de agua. Añadir una pequeña cucharada de jugo de limón, copa y media de las que se bebe el vino jerez ó el Madera, de ron de la Negrita. Llénese con hielo picado y algunas frutas del tiempo picadas. Sirvase con pajas.
1912 John H. Considine: The Buffet Blue Book. #109. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Use hot water punch glass. Rinse glass in hot water and then put in 2 lumps of sugar and enough hot water to dissolve them, 1 piece lemon peel, 3 or 4 dashes of lemon juice, 1 jigger of whiskey. Fill up with hot water, stir with spoon, grate nut- meg on top and serve.
1912 John H. Considine: The Buffet Blue Book. #110. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Prepare the same as hot whiskey punch, using Scotch whiskey instead.
1912 John H. Considine: The Buffet Blue Book. #111. Hot Irish Punch.
Prepare the same as above, using Irish whiskey instead.
1912 John H. Considine: The Buffet Blue Book. #112. Hot Rum Punch.
Prepare the same as whiskey punch, sub- stituting rum instead of whiskey.
1912 John H. Considine: The Buffet Blue Book. #197. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass half full of ice; 1 tablespoon sugar, 3 or 4 dashes of lemon juice, 1 dash of mineral water, 1 dash Ja- maica rum, 1 jigger St. Croix rum, 1 slice of lemon. Stir well, fill up with ice, trim with fruit, serve with straw.
1912 John H. Considine: The Buffet Blue Book. #238. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass half full of ice; 1 teaspoonful sugar, 4 or 5 dashes of lemon juice, 1 jigger whiskey and rum mixed. Shake well; strain into punch glass, with slice of orange; 3 or 4 dashes of curacoa on top, with seltzer, and serve.
1912 Niels Larsen: 156 Recettes de boissons américaines. Seite 64. Hot Irish Punch.
[A préparer dans un verre à grog.] 2 morceaux de sucre. Ajoutez: 1 cuiller à café de jus de citron; 1 verre à madère d’irish whisky; Remplissez d ‚eau bouillante. Mélangez bien et ornez d’une tranche de citron. Râpez un peu de muscade et: Servez avec une cuiller à café.
1912 Niels Larsen: 156 Recettes de boissons américaines. Seite 66. Rhum Punch.
[A préparer dans un grand gobelet.] 3/4 cuiller à bouche de sucre en poudre dissous dans un peu d’eau. Ajoutez: 1/2 cuiller à café de jus de citron; 1 verre 1/2 à madère de rhum. Remplissez de glace pilée. Mélangez bien, ornez de fruits et servez avec de grandes pailles.
1912 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 45. Whiskey Punch, Hot.
Dissolve a cube of sugar in a hot-water glass two-thirds full of boiling water, pour in enough of the desired brand of whiskey to nearly fill the glass and add a few drops of lemon juice, a slice of lemon and some spice.
1912 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 82. Rum Punch.
See St. Croix Punch (Recipe No. 360), and use the desired brand of rum in place of St. Croix.
1912 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 83. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Into a punch-glass place a jigger of St. Croix rum and a piece of ice. Then place a spoonful of sugar and the juice of two lemons in a medium-size mixing-glass and dissolve in a little plain soda. (A dash of Curaçoa is some- times added.) Pour into the punch-glass containing the rum and ice, stir, decorate and serve.
1912 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 83. Whiskey Punch.
Make the same as Brandy Punch, with whiskey substituted for cognac. (See Recipes Nos. 331 and 332.)
Seite 77. Brandy Punch.
Into an egg-shaped goblet place a piece of ice, over which pour a jigger of cognac. Then take a small mixing-glass, into which place a large spoonful of bar sugar, the juice of two lemons, a dash of Curaçoa and a little water or seltzer. Stir thoroughly, pour into the stem glass containing the ice and liquor, add a little fruit and serve. Top off with a dash of Jamaica rum or a little champagne.
Seite 77. Brandy Punch.
FOR A PARTY OF TEN. Into a large punch-bowl place about a pound of sugar, three jiggers of Curaçoa, one jigger of maraschino and the juice of twenty lemons. Pour in just enough effervescent water to make the mixture dissolve, add a bottle and a half of good cognac and flavor with a wineglassful of Jamaica rum. Should the party be composed of any ladies, in place of rum flavor a pint of champagne would be preferable. Place a large piece of ice in the bowl and decorate with fruits.
1913 Bartender’s Association of America: Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 31. Hot Irish Punch.
(A hot water glass.) 1 or 2 lumps of sugar; 1 or 2 dashes of lemon juice; 1 wineglass of Irish whisky; fill up with hot water. Stir well; place a slice of lemon on top; grate a little nutmeg.
1913 Bartender’s Association of America: Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 32. Hot Whisky Punch.
(A hot whisky glass.) The juice of 1/2 lemon; 1 or 2 lumps of sugar, dissolved in 1 wineglass of hot water; 2 wineglasses of Scotch or Irish whisky; fill glass with boiling water and place on top a thin slice of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some grate a little nutmeg on top. Always place ice before the person, and allow a spoon to remain in the drink, in order that the partaker of the beverage can help himself to ice should the mix ture he too hot for him.
1913 Bartender’s Association of America: Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 34. Medford Rum Punch.
(A large bar glass.) Fill glass with fine ice; 3/4 tablespoon of sugar; 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice; 1/4 glass of Medford rum; 1 dash of Jamaica rum. Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with a straw.
1913 Bartender’s Association of America: Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 41. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) 1 tablespoonful powdered white sugar, dissolved in a little water; 1 wineglass Santa Cruz rum; 1/4 wine- glass Jamaica rum; 2 or 3 dashes lemon juice; 1 slice of orange (cut in quarters). Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top with sliced lime and berries in season. Serve with a straw.
1913 Bartender’s Association of America: Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 44. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(A large bar glass.) 1 tablespoon of sugar; 3 or 4 dashes of lemon juice; 1/4 pony of Jamaica rum; 1 wineglass of St. Croix rum; fill up with fine ice. Dress top with fruit and berries. Serve with a straw.
1913 Bartender’s Association of America: Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 46. Whisky Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) 1 table- spoonful powdered sugar, dissolved in a little water; juice of 1/2 small lemon; 1 1/2 wineglass whisky. Fill glass with shaved ice, shake well; dress with lem- on and berries, and serve with straws.
1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 47. Rum-Punsch, heiss.
Wie Arrak-Punsch. Gebrauche statt Arrak Jamaika-Rum oder fertige Rumpunsch-Essenz, abbrennen.
Seite 47. Arrak-Punsch, heiß, I.
Ein angewärmtes Punschglas fülle man 3/4 voll mit sehr heißem Wasser, darauf gieße man es voll mit fertiger Arrakpunsch-Essenz, gebe eine Scheibe Zitrone hinein, einige Tropfen Arrak de Batavia und zünde denselben an.
Seite 47. Arrak-Punsch, II.
In ein angewärmtes Punschglas gebe man 2 Stück Würfelzucker, 1 Scheibe Zitrone und einige Tropfen Zitronensaft. Darauf fülle man es 3/4 voll mit sehr heißem Wasser und gieße es voll mit Arrak de Batavia, abbrennen.
1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 48. Whisky-Punsch, heiss.
In ein angewärmtes Punschglas gebe man 2 Stück Würfelzucker, 1 Scheibe Zitrone und einige Tropfen Zitronensaft. Fülle das Glas 3/4 voll mit recht heißem Wasser, dann gieße es voll mit Whisky, serviere mit Löffel.
1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 84. Rum-Punsch.
In ein Punschglas gebe man 3/4 Eßlöffel Zucker, den Saft aus 1/2 Zitrone, löse dieses mit etwas Selterswasser auf, fülle das Glas 3/4 voll mit feinem Eis, alsdann füge man hinzu: 1/2 Likörglas Jamaika-Rum, 1 Sherryglas St. Croix-Rum. Man mische mit einem Barlöffel, garniere in geschmackvoller Weise mit verschiedenen Früchten und serviere mit Strohhalmen.
1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 89. Whisky-Punsch.
Wie Brandy-Punsch. Man nehme amerikanischen Whisky statt Cognac.
Seite 89. Brandy-Punsch.
In ein Punschglas gib: 1 Eßlöffel Zucker, 2 Dashes Curaçao, den Saft von 1/2 Zitrone. Löse dieses mit etwas Selterswasser auf. Alsdann fülle das Glas beinahe voll mit feinem Eis und gieße es voll mit gutem Cognac. Mische mit einem Barlöffel, gieße einige Tropfen Jamaika-Rum darauf, garniere mit verschiedenen Früchten und serviere mit Strohhalmen.
1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 92. Rum-Punsch (englisch.).
(Gebrauche eine Bowle) In eine Kupferkasserolle gieße man 2 Flaschen englischen Ale, setze es aufs Feuer, lasse es heiß werden und füge 1/4 Liter englischen Rum hinzu. Mittlerweile schlage man 4 Eier dünnflüssig, gebe 3 Eßlöffel Zucker und etwas Muskat hinzu, verrühre alles tüchtig mit dem Schneeschläger. Hierauf gieße man unter fortwährendem Rühren das heiße Ale zu den Eiern.
1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 97. Rum-Punsch.
(Gebrauche eine Bowle.) 1 Liter Cognac, 1 „ Rum, 1/2 „ starken Tee, 1 kleines Weinglas Arrak, den filtrierten Saft von 6 Zitronen, die Rinde von 2 Zitronen, 10 Nelken, etwas Zimt, Koriander-Samen, Muskatnuß, 2 Pfund dünn geschnittene Ananas, 2 „ ganzen Zucker, 2 Liter kochendes Wasser. Alles gut umrühren, die Bowle gut verschließen und 1 bis 2 Tage stehen lassen. Dann durch ein feines Sieb laufen lassen und sehr kalt servieren. Sie kann noch mit Wasser, Tee oder Milch verdünnt werden.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 70. English Rum-Punch.
1/4 Ale lasse man mit 2 Likörgläsern Rum heiß werden. Ein Ei schlage man mit einem Eßlöffel Staubzucker und etwas Muskatnuß dünnflüssig und gieße das heiße Ale unter fortwährendem Rühren dazu und serviere in einem Punschglas.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 70. Engl. Rum-Punsch.
In eine Kasserolle gebe 2 Fl. Ale, setze aufs Feuer, lasse heiß werden und füge 1/4 Ltr. englischen Rum hinzu. Inzwischen schlage 4 Eier dünn- flüssig, gebe 3 Eßlöffel Zucker und etwas Muskat hinzu und schlage alles tüchtig mit dem Schneeschläger. Hier- auf gieße man unter beständigem Rühren das heiße Ale zu den Eiern.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 209. Rum-Punsch II.
Fülle Punschglas halb mit Eis, füge hinzu: 1 Teelöffel Zucker, 4 Spritzer Citronensaft, 1 Likörglas Jamaica-Rum, 2 Likörgläser Santa-Cruz-Rum und gar- niere geschmackvoll mit diversen Saisonfrüchten.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 209. Rum-Punsch III.
In eine Punschbowle gebe: den Saft von 10 Citronen, 3 Pfd. Staubzucker, 3 Ltr. Tockayer, 1 Ltr. Cognac, 1 Ltr. Jamaica-Rum, 1/4 Ltr. Maraschino, 1/4 Ltr. Abricotine, 6 Orangen und 3 Citronen in Schei- ben geschnitten, 6 El. Apollinaris, diverse geschnittene Früchte, rühren und kalt servieren.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 209. Rum-Punsch IV.
Wie Brandy-Punsch, gebrauche Rum statt Cognac.
Seite 30. Brandy Punch.
Brandy-Punsch I. In ein angewärmtes Punschglas gib: 3 Stck. Würfelzucker, den Saft einer halben Citrone, 4 Likörgläser Cognac, fülle auf mit heißem Wasser und gebe eine Citronenscheibe hinein.
Brandy-Punsch II. In eine große Punschbowle gib: 1 Pfd. Zucker, 1/4 Ltr. Curacao, 1 Cocktailglas Maraschino, 6 Citronen, in Scheiben geschnitten, ein wenig Selter- wasser zum Auflösen. Dann füge hinzu: 2 Fl. Cognac, sowie ein Weinglas Rum, rühre gut und serviere sehr kalt.
Brandy-Punsch III. In eine Punschbowle gib: den Saft von 12 Citronen, den Saft von 3 Orangen, 1 1/2 Pfd. Zucker, 1 Cocktailglas Curacao, 1 Cocktailglas Himbeer- sirup, 1 Ltr. Wasser, 2 Ltr. Cognac, diverse geschnit- tene Früchte, rühre, serviere kalt.
Brandy-Punsch IV. Punschglas halb voll Eis, füge hinzu: 2 Spritzer Angostura, 1 Teelöffel Zucker, den Saft einer halben Citrone, 3 Spritzer Curacao, 3 Spritzer Noyeau, fülle auf mit Cognac und garniere mit Saisonfrüchten.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 209. Rum-Punsch V.
Den Saft von 6 Citronen, 6 Fl. Haut Sauterne, 2 Fl. Rotwein, 1 Fl. Jamaica-Rum, gieße man in eine Punschbowle, 1 1/2 Pfd. Zucker wird geläutert. Sobald der Zucker kocht, gibt man von der Weinmasse einige Löffel hinzu, läßt es noch einmal aufwallen und gießt dann das Ganze in die Weinmasse, stelle kalt, serviere in mit Eis gefüllten Gläsern.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 245. Whisky-Punch I.
Wie Brandy-Punch, gebrauche Whisky statt Cognac.
Seite 30. Brandy Punch.
Brandy-Punsch I. In ein angewärmtes Punschglas gib: 3 Stck. Würfelzucker, den Saft einer halben Citrone, 4 Likörgläser Cognac, fülle auf mit heißem Wasser und gebe eine Citronenscheibe hinein.
Brandy-Punsch II. In eine große Punschbowle gib: 1 Pfd. Zucker, 1/4 Ltr. Curacao, 1 Cocktailglas Maraschino, 6 Citronen, in Scheiben geschnitten, ein wenig Selter- wasser zum Auflösen. Dann füge hinzu: 2 Fl. Cognac, sowie ein Weinglas Rum, rühre gut und serviere sehr kalt.
Brandy-Punsch III. In eine Punschbowle gib: den Saft von 12 Citronen, den Saft von 3 Orangen, 1 1/2 Pfd. Zucker, 1 Cocktailglas Curacao, 1 Cocktailglas Himbeer- sirup, 1 Ltr. Wasser, 2 Ltr. Cognac, diverse geschnit- tene Früchte, rühre, serviere kalt.
Brandy-Punsch IV. Punschglas halb voll Eis, füge hinzu: 2 Spritzer Angostura, 1 Teelöffel Zucker, den Saft einer halben Citrone, 3 Spritzer Curacao, 3 Spritzer Noyeau, fülle auf mit Cognac und garniere mit Saisonfrüchten.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 245. Whisky-Punch II.
Fülle Punschglas halb mit Eis, füge hinzu: 1 Teelöffel Zucker, 4 Spritzer Citronensaft, 2 Sprit- zer Curacao, 1 Spritzer Noyaux, fülle auf mit Rye- Whisky und garniere geschmackvoll mit Saisonfrüchten.
1913 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartender’s Guide. Seite 27. Hot Irish Punch.
Dissolve 1 lump of sugar with a little hot water in hot whiskey punch-glass. 1 jigger Irish whiskey. Fill up with hot water. Twist a piece of lemon skin over drink and drop it in. Stir; sprinkle with nutmeg and serve.
1913 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartender’s Guide. Seite 27. Hot Rum Punch.
Substitute rum for Irish whiskey and proceed as for Hot Irish Punch.
1913 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartender’s Guide. Seite 28. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Substitute Rye or Bourbon for Irish whiskey and proceed as for Hot Irish Punch.
1913 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartender’s Guide. Seite 29. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Fill large bar glass nearly full shaved ice. 1 tablespoonful bar sugar. 4 dashes lemon juice. 3 dashes Jamaica rum. 1 jigger St. Croix rum. Dress with berries and fruit and serve with straw.
1913 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartender’s Guide. Seite 29. Whiskey Punch.
Fill mixing glass shaved ice. 1 tablespoonful sugar. Press into sugar juice of 1/4 lemon. 1 jigger water. 1 jigger whiskey. Shake; strain into punch glass; ornament with fruit and serve.
1913 Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixed Drinks. Seite 108. Bourbon or Rye Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon. 1 Small Barspoonful Sugar. 1 Jigger Bourbon or Rye. Shake. strain into Goblet with fine Ice. Dress with Fruit and serve.
1913 Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixed Drinks. Seite 113. Irish Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon. 1 Barspoonful Sugar. 1 Jigger Irish Whiskey. Shake and strain into Goblet with fine Ice. Dress with Fruits in season.
1913 Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixed Drinks. Seite 115. Rum Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon or Lime. 1 Barspoonful Sugar. 1 Jigger Rum. 1 Dash Brandy. Shake, strain into Goblet and dress with Fruit.
1913 Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixed Drinks. Seite 115. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon. 1 Barspoonful of Sugar. 1 Jigger Scotch Whiskey. Shake and strain into Goblet. Dress with Fruit.
1913 Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixed Drinks. Seite 118. Whiskey Punch (Old Fashion).
1 Quart. 1 Quart Bourbon Whiskey. 3 Jiggers of Lemon Juice. 2 Jiggers of Curacao. 1/2 Pint Plain Water or Sparkling. 1 Jigger Plain Syrup. 1 Long Cube Ice. 3 or 4 Slices of Cucumber Rind. Decorate with Fruit and Mint.
1914 Anonymus: New Bartender’s Guide. Seite 31. Hot Irish Punch.
One lump of sugar dissolved in a little hot water in a hot punch-glass. One wine-glass of Irish whiskey. One piece of lemon peel. Fill up with hot water; stir; grate nutmeg on top and serve.
1914 Anonymus: New Bartender’s Guide. Seite 32. Hot Rum Punch.
Made the same as Irish Whiskey, substituting Jamaica rum for Irish whiskey.
1914 Anonymus: New Bartender’s Guide. Seite 33. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Same as Hot Irish Whiskey, substituting Rye or Bourbon for Irish whiskey.
1914 Anonymus: New Bartender’s Guide. Seite 37. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar-glass. Three-fourths full of shaved ice. One wine-glass of Medford rum. Three dashes of lemon juice. One teaspoonful of fine sugar. One dash of Jamaica rum. Stir well; dress with fruit and serve with straws.
1914 Anonymus: New Bartender’s Guide. Seite 49. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Use large bar-glass. One tablespoonful of sugar. One wine-glass of St. Croix rum. One teaspoonful of raspberry syrup. One-half wine-glass of Jamaica rum. Fill with cracked ice; shake well; ornament with fruit in season and serve with straws.
1914 Anonymus: New Bartender’s Guide. Seite 61. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar-glass. One tablespoonful of lemon juice. One wine-glass of whiskey. One-fourth wine-glass of Jamaica rum. One tablespoonful of sugar. One-half wine-glass of water. Five drops of raspberry syrup. Fill glass with cracked ice. Shake well; dress top with 1 slice of orange, 1 piece of pineapple and serve with straws.
1914 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Them. Seite 39. Hot Irish Punch.
(A hot water glass.) 1 or 2 lumps of sugar; 1 or 2 dashes of lemon juice; 1 wineglass of Irish whisky; fill up with hot water. Stir well; place a slice of lemon on top; grate a little nutmeg.
1914 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Them. Seite 39. Hot Whiskey Punch.
(A hot whisky glass.) The juice of 1/2 lemon; 1 or 2 lumps of sugar, dissolved in 1 wineglass of hot water; 2 wineglasses of Scotch or Irish whisky; fill glass with boiling water and place on top a thin slice of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some grate a little nutmeg on top. Always place ice before the person, and allow a spoon to remain in the drink, in order that the partaker of the beverage can help himself to ice should the mix ture be too hot for him.
1914 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Them. Seite 43. Medford Rum Punch.
(A large bar glass.) Fill glass with fine ice; 3/4 tablespoon of sugar; 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice; 1 1/4 glasses of Medford rum; 1 dash of Jamaica rum. Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with a straw.
1914 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Them. Seite 52. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) 1 tablespoonful pow- dered white sugar, dissolved in a little water; 1 wineglass Santa Cruz rum; 1/4 wineglass Jamaica rum; 2 or 3 dashes lemon juice; 1 slice of orange (cut in quarters). Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top with sliced lime and berries in season. Serve with a straw.
1914 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Them. Seite 60. Whisky Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) 1 tablespoonful pow- dered sugar, dissolved in a little water; juice of 1/2 small lemon, 1 1/2 wineglasses whisky. Fill glass with shaved ice, shake well; dress with lemon and berries, and serve with straws.
1914 Ernest P. Rawling: Rawling’s Book of Mixed Drinks. Seite 65. Rum Punch.
Made in the same manner as a whis- key punch (No. 90) using Jamaica rum in place of whiskey.
1914 Ernest P. Rawling: Rawling’s Book of Mixed Drinks. Seite 66. Whiskey Punch.
Put into a long-stemmed punch or fizz glass one piece of ice one slice of orange one Maraschino cherry one measure whiskey. Then in the mixing glass one tablespoonful bar sugar juice of one lemon two or three lumps of ice; add sufficient water to fill the punch glass, and stir well. Strain off the ice in the mixing glass when pouring, and stir again before serving. If desired a little Jamaica rum, white wine or cham- pagne may be floated on top.
1914 Ernest P. Rawling: Rawling’s Book of Mixed Drinks. Seite 71. Hot Rum Punch.
Prepare as for a Hot Whiskey Punch (No. 105) with sugar and water. Then take one tablespoonful Batavian arrack one measure Jamaica run one twist of lemon peel. Serve with a little grated nutmeg. Add a small lump of butter.
1914 Ernest P. Rawling: Rawling’s Book of Mixed Drinks. Seite 75. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Into a stem hot water glass put one lump of sugar, and pour in hot water to fill the glass about two-thirds. Stir well and add one measure whiskey piece of twisted lemon peel; stir again, and sprinkle a little nutmeg on top.
1914 George R. Washburne & Stanley Bronner: Beverages De Luxe. Whisky Punch.
One portion whisky. Juice of one lemon. One pony Curacoa One dash St. Croix Rum. Sugar. Shake well, and serve in small gob- let with a slice of Orange and Pine- apple.
1914 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 27. Hot Irish Punch.
Dissolve 1 lump of sugar with a little hot water in hot whiskey punch-glass. 1 jigger Irish whiskey. Fill up with hot water. Twist a piece of lemon skin over drink and drop it in. Stir; sprinkle with nutmeg and serve.
1914 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 27. Hot Rum Punch.
Substitute rum for Irish whiskey and proceed as for Hot Irish Punch.
1914 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 28. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Substitute Rye or Bourbon for Irish whiskey proceed as for Hot Irish Punch.
1914 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 29. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Fill large bar-glass nearly full shaved ice. 1 tablespoonful bar sugar. 4 dashes lemon juice. 3 dashes Jamaica rum 1 jigger St. Croix rum Dress with berries and fruit and serve with straw.
1914 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 29. Whiskey Punch.
Fill mixing glass shaved ice. 1 tablespoonfull sugar. Press into sugar juice of 1/4 lemon. 1 jigger water. 1 jigger whiskey. Shake; strain into punch glass; ornament with fruit and serve.
1914 Jacques Straub: Drinks. Seite 82. Bourbon Whiskey Punch, Rye Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 a lemon. 1 small barspoonful sugar. 1 jigger bourbon or rye, as desired. Shake, strain into goblet with fine ice. Dress with fruit and serve.
1914 Jacques Straub: Drinks. Seite 86. Irish Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon. 1 barspoonful sugar. 1 jigger Irish whiskey. Shake and strain into goblet with fine ice. Dress with fruit in season.
1914 Jacques Straub: Drinks. Seite 88. Rum Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon or lime. 1 barspoonful sugar. 1 jigger rum. 1 dash brandy. Shake, strain into goblet and dress with fruit.
1914 Jacques Straub: Drinks. Seite 89. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon. 1 barspoonful of sugar. 1 jigger Scotch whiskey. Shake and strain into goblet. Dress with fruit.
1914 Jacques Straub: Drinks. Seite 90. Whiskey Punch (Old Fashion).
1 quart bourbon whiskey. 3 jiggers of lemon juice. 2 jiggers of curaçao. 1/2 pint plain water or sparkling. 1 jigger plain syrup. 1 long cube ice. 3 or 4 slices of cucumber rind. Decorate with fruit and mint.
1915 John B. Escalante: Manual del cantinero. Seite 58. Whiskey Punch.
(Guisqui ponch) Procédase como para „Rioja Clarete Punch“ emplean- do el whiskey en lugar del vino rioja.
Seite 58. Rioja Claret Punch.
(Rioja claret ponch) Precédase como para el „Ron Bacardi Punch“ emplean- do el vino rioja en lugar del ron.
Seite 58. Ron Bacardi Punch.
(Ron bacardi ponch) Precédase como para el „Port Wine Punch“ empleando el ron en lugar del vino de Oporto.
Seite 57. Port Wine Punch.
Procédase como para el „Marraschino Punch“ emplean- do el vino de Oporto en lugar del marrasquino.
Seite 57. Marraschino Punch.
Procédase como para el „Gin Punch“, empleando el marrasquino en lugar de la ginebra.
Seite 55. Gin Punch.
Procédase como para el „Curaçao Punch“, empleando la ginebra en lugar de la curaçao.
Seite 53. Curaçao Punch.
Procédase como para el „Champagne Punch“, emplean- do el curaçao en lugar del champán.
Seite 53. Champagne Punch.
Procédase como para el „Brandy Punch“, empleando el do el champagne en lugar del coñac.
Seite 53. Brandy Punch.
Procédase como para el „Brandy Punch“, emplean- do [el] coñac en lugar del ajenjo.
1915 John B. Escalante: Manual del cantinero. Seite 61. Hot Rye Whiskey Punch.
(Jat raí guisqui ponch) Procédase como para el „Hot Brandy Punch“ emplean- do el whiskey americano en lugar del coñac.
Seite 61. Hot Brandy Punch.
(Jat brandi ponch) USE UN VASO MEDIANO Rocíse el vaso con agua caliente para evitar que so raje, y póngase en el Azúcar cuadradillo . . . . . . . . 2 turrones. Coñac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 copita. Agua hirviendo . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 copa. Mézclese con una cuchara, póngase una corteza de li- món retorcida, y sírvase con una cucharita dentro del vaso.
1915 John B. Escalante: Manual del cantinero. Seite 61. Hot Ron Bacardi Punch.
(Jat ron bacardi ponch) Procédase como para el „Hot Rye Whiskey Punch“ em- pleando el ron en lugar del whiskey.
1915 John B. Escalante: Manual del cantinero. Seite 62. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
(Jat escach guisqui ponch) Precédase como para el „Hot Bacardi Ron Punch“ em- pleando el whiskey Escocés en lugar del ron.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 128. Bourbon Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 a lemon 1 small teaspoonful sugar 100% Bourbon Whiskey. Shake, strain into goblet with fine ice. Dress with fruit and serve.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 132. Hot Irish Punch.
2 lumps of sugar Juice of 1/2 a lemon Dissolve in a little hot water 100% Irish Whiskey Fill glass with hot water. Stir well, place slice of lemon on top, grate nutmeg and serve.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 132. Irish Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 a lemon 1 teaspoonful sugar 100% Irish Whiskey. Shake and strain into goblet with fine ice. Dress with fruit in season.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 133. Medford Rum Punch.
1 teaspoonful sugar Juice of 1/2 a lemon Dissolve in a little water 100% Medford Rum 1/2 glass cracked ice. Stir with spoon, dress with fruits in season and serve with straws.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 135. Old Fashioned Whiskey Punch.
80% Bourbon Whiskey Juice of half a Lemon 20% Curacao 1/2 pt. plain or sparkling water Plain Syrup 1 long cube of ice 3 or four slices of cucumber rind. Decorate with fruit and mint.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 137. Rye Whiskey Punch.
Same as Bourbon Punch, but use Rye Whiskey instead of Bourbon.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 137. St. Croix Rum Punch.
1 tablesponful sugar Juice of one lemon 75% St. Croix Rum 25% Jamaica Rum. Fill glass with cracked ice. Stir with spoon, ornament with fruits in season and serve with straws.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 138. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Juice of half a lemon 1 teaspoonful of sugar 100% Scotch Whiskey. Shake and strain into goblet. Dress with fruit.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 139. Whiskey Punch.
(Use large bar glass half full of ice) 1 teaspoonful of sugar 4 or 5 dashes lemon iuice 100% Whiskey and Rum mixed 1 dash Angostura Bitters. Shake well, strain into Punch glass, with slice of orange. 3 or 4 dashes of Curacao on top, with seltzer and serve.
1917 Hugo R. Ensslin: Recipes for Mixed Drinks. Seite 53. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Use Collins glass. Juice of 1 Lemon 1 tablespoonful of Sugar, dissolved in a little water 1/2 wine glass of St. Croix Rum Fill glass up with fine ice, decorate with fruit and serve with straws.
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 40. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Use a hot water goblet. 2 lumps of loaf sugar. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice; 3/4 glass of boiling water. Dissolve the sugar. 1 drink of whiskey. Add a slice of lemon and serve. (This drink may be made of al- most any kind of liquor desired).
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 47. Whiskey Punch.
Use a punch glass (goblet). 3 or 4 dashes of gum syrup. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice. 1 large drink of whiskey. Fill the glass with fine ice. Stir, dress with fruit and serve with straws.
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 48. Rum Punch.
Prepare this drink the same as Whiskey Punch, using rum instead of whiskey.
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 112. Irish Whiskey Punch.
(Two Quarts) Rub the rind of three lemons with nutmeg grater, in seven ounces of sugar; add one quart of boiling wa- ter; add the juice of the three lemons; this syrup is mixed with one quart of Irish whiskey; serve in mugs.
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 135. Rum Punch.
(Three Gallon Mixture) Use a four-gallon vessel to mix in. 1 mixing glassfull lemon juice, strain. 3 pounds fine sugar, dissolved with lemon. 3 quarts Tokay wine (white). 1 quart brandy or whiskey 1 quart Jamaica rum. 1/2 pint Maraschino. 1/2 pint abricotine. 6 oranges and 3 lemons, sliced. 6 quarts Apollinaris or car- bonated water. Stir well; place block of ice in punch bowl, serve in small punch glasses with fruit.
1917 Tom Bullock: The Ideal Bartender. 49. Whiskey Punch – St. Louis Style.
Use a large Mixing glass; fill with Lump Ice. One jigger Bourbon Whiskey. 1/2 pony Italian Vermouth. 1/2 pony Pineapple Syrup. 1/2 pony Lemon Juice. Shake well; strain into Stem glass and serve.
1918 Anonymus: „Home Brewed“ Wines and Beers and Bartender’s Guide. Seite 27. Hot Irish Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) Three teaspoonfuls powdered sugar; 1 or 2 dashes of lemon juice; 1 wine- glass Irish whiskey. Fill up with hot water; stir well. Place a slice of lemon on top; grate a little nutmeg and serve.
1918 Anonymus: „Home Brewed“ Wines and Beers and Bartender’s Guide. Seite 28. Whiskey Punch.
(Use whiskey glass.) The juice of half a lemon, 3 tea- spoonfuls powdered sugar in 1 wine- glass hot water; 2 wine-glasses Scotch or Irish whiskey. Fill glass half full with hot water, put a piece of lemon peel on top, and place on top a thin slice of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some grate a little nutmeg on top. Always place ice be- fore the customer, and allow a spoon to remain in the drink, in order that the partaker of the beverage can help himself to ice should the mixture be too hot for him.
1919 Albert A. Hopkins: Home made beverages. Seite 220. Whiskey Punch.
1. — To 1 wineglassful of whiskey add 2 wineglassfuls of hot water and then sugar to taste. Dissolve the sugar well with 1 wineglassful of the water, then pour in the whiskey and add the balance of the water; sweeten to taste and put in a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice of lemon. 2. — Scotch whiskey, 1 bottle; boiling water, 1 qt.; loaf sugar, 1/2 lb.; the juice and finely pared rinds of 3 lemons. Pour the boiling water over the sugar, lemon rinds and juice. Let it remain until cold, then strain into a punch bowl. Add the whiskey, place the bowl in a large vessel, surround it with ice, cover and let it stand thus for at least 1 hour before serving. 3. — Whiskey, 1 wineglassful; lemon juice, 1 dessert- spoonful; loaf sugar, 1 teaspoonful; orange, 1 thin slice; pineapple, 1 thin small piece; crushed ice. Put a heaped tablespoonful of crushed ice into a glass, pour over it the whiskey and lemon juice, add the sugar and shake well until sufficiently cooled. Strain into a small glass and serve with the orange and pineapple floating on the surface.
1920 Anonymus: Down the Hatch. Seite 2. Bacardi Rum Punch.
1/2 tablesp Sugar 1 pony Seltzer 3 drops Raspberry Syrup 1 tsp Lemon Juice 1 tsp Lime Juice 1 dash Curacaio Stir well with spoon. Use cracked ice and strain into a punch glass, adding Cherries and Pineapple after straining.
1920 Anonymus: Down the Hatch. Seite 13. Jamaica Rum Punch.
1/2 tsp Powdered Sugar 1 jigger Jamaica Rum 1/2 jigger Seltzer 2 tsp Lemon Juice 3 drops Raspberry Syrup 1 tsp Lime Juice . 1/2 scoop broken Ice Stir well and strain into a punch glass. Serve with cherry or pineapple.
1920 Anonymus: Down the Hatch. Seite 21. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
1 tablesp Sugar 1 jigger Santa Cruz Rum 1/2 pony cold Seltzer 1 tsp Lime Juice 3 drops Raspberry Syrup 1 tsp Lemon Juice Stir well with spoon, strain into a punch glass. Serve with pineapple or cherries.
1920 Anonymus: Down the Hatch. Seite 25. Whiskey Punch.
1 tsp Sugar 1 Jigger Whiskey 1/2 pony Seltzer 1 tsp Lemon Juice 3 drops Raspberry Syrup 1 tsp Lime Juice 6 drops Jamaica Rum 1/2 scoop of Ice Strain into punch glass with slice of orange.
1920 Anonymus: Good Cheer. Seite 57. Bourbon Whiskey Punch, Rye Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 a lemon. 1 small barspoonful sugar. 1 shot bourbon or rye, as desired. Shake, strain into goblet with fine ice. Dress with fruit and serve.
1920 Anonymus: Good Cheer. Seite 60. Irish Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 a lemon. 1 barspoonful sugar. 1 shot Irish whiskey. Shake and strain into goblet with fine ice. Dress with fruit in season.
1920 Anonymus: Good Cheer. Seite 62. Rum Punch.
Juice of 1/2 a lemon or lime. 1 barspoonful sugar. 1 shot rum. 1 dash brandy. Shake, strain into goblet and dress with fruit.
1920 Anonymus: Good Cheer. Seite 62. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 a lemon. 1 barspoonful of sugar. 1 shot Scotch whiskey. Shake and strain into goblet. Dress with fruit.
1920 Anonymus: Good Cheer. Seite 63. Whiskey Punch (Old Fashion).
1 Quart 1 quart bourbon whiskey. 3 shots of lemon juice. 2 shots of Curasao. 1/2 pint plain water or sparkling. 1 shot plain syrup. 1 long cube ice. 3 or 4 slices of cucumber rind. Decorate with fruit and mint.
One large tumbler G & W „Special“ Rye 4 lumps of Sugar one Lemon, sliced one Orange, sliced twelfe leaves of Green Mint, cut in half. Mix and place on ice for half an hour: then add one quart of ginger ale, and serve. Place large piece of ice in bowl to keep punch cool.
1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 47. Rum-Punsch, heiß.
Wie Arrak-Punsch. Gebrauche statt Arrak Jamaika-Rum oder fertige Rumpunsch-Essenz, abbrennen.
Seite 47. Arrak-Punsch, heiß, I.
Ein angewärmtes Punschglas fülle man 3/4 voll mit sehr heißem Wasser, darauf gieße man es voll mit fertiger Arrakpunsch-Essenz, gebe eine Scheibe Zitrone hinein, einige Tropfen Arrak de Batavia und zünde denselben an.
Seite 47. Arrak-Punsch, heiß, II.
In ein angewärmtes Punschglas gebe man 2 Stück Würfel- zucker, 1 Scheibe Zitrone und einige Tropfen Zitronensaft. Darauf fülle man es 3/4 voll mit sehr heißem Wasser und gieße es voll mit Arrak de Batavia, abbrennen.
1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 48. Whisky-Punsch, heiß.
In ein angewärmtes Punschglas gebe man 2 Stück Würfel- zucker, 1 Scheibe Zitrone und einige Tropfen Zitronensaft. Fülle das Glas 3/4 voll mit recht heißem Wasser, dann gieße es voll mit Whisky, serviere mit Löffel.
1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 84. Rum-Punsch.
In ein Punschglas gebe man 3/4 Eßlöffel Zucker, den Saft aus 1/2 Zitrone, löse dieses mit etwas Selterswasser auf, fülle das Glas 3/4 voll mit feinem Eis, alsdann füge man hinzu: 1/2 Likörglas Jamaika-Rum, 1 Sherryglas St. Croix-Rum. Man mische mit einem Barlöffel, garniere in geschmackvoller Weise mit verschiedenen Früchten und serviere mit Strohhalmen.
1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 89. Whisky-Punsch.
Wie Brandy-Punsch. Man nehme amerikanischen Whisky statt Cognac.
Seite 89. Brandy-Punsch.
In ein Punschglas gib: 1 Eßlöffel Zucker, 2 Dashes Curaçao, den Saft von 1/2 Zitrone. Löse dieses mit etwas Selterswasser auf. Alsdann fülle das Glas beinahe voll mit feinem Eis und gieße es voll mit gutem Cognac. Mische mit einem Barlöffel, gieße einige Tropfen Jamaika-Rum darauf, garniere mit verschiedenen Früchten und serviere mit Strohhalmen.
1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 92. Rum-Punsch (englisch).
(Gebrauche eine Bowle.) In eine Kupferkasserolle gieße man 2 Flaschen englischen Ale, setze es aufs Feuer, lasse es heiß werden und füge 1/4 Liter eng- lischen Rum hinzu. Mittlerweile schlage man 4 Eier dünnflüssig, gebe 3 Eßlöffel Zucker und etwas Muskat hinzu, verrühre alles tüchtig mit dem Schneeschläger. Hierauf gieße man unter fort- währendem Rühren das heiße Ale zu den Eiern.
1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 97. Rum-Punsch.
(Gebrauche eine Bowle.) 1 Liter Cognac, 1 „ Rum, 1/2 „ starken Tee, 1 kleines Weinglas Arrak, den filtrierten Saft von 6 Zitronen, die Rinde von 2 Zitronen, 10 Nelken, etwas Zimt, Koriander-Samen, Muskatnuß, 2 Pfund dünn geschnittene Ananas, 2 „ ganzen Zucker, 2 Liter kochendes Wasser. Alles gut umrühren, die Bowle gut verschließen und 1 bis 2 Tage stehen lassen. Dann durch ein feines Sieb laufen lassen und sehr kalt servieren. Sie kann noch mit Wasser, Tee oder Milch verdünnt werden.
1920 Mazzon Ferruccio: Guida del barman mixer. Seite 37. Rhum Punch (Punch al Rhum).
Si serve come il Brandy Punch solamen- te invece di Cognac si usa un bicchiere di Rhum.
Seite 37. Brandy Punch.
In un bicchiere (vedi piccolo Tumbler): 1 cucchiaio di zucchero in polvere o sciroppo di Gomma 1/2 cucchiaio di succo di limone o di arancio 1 bicchiere a liquori di Curacao 1 bicchiere a marsala di Cognac 1 fettina di limone; 1 fettina d’arancio. Riempite il bicchiere di ghiaccio sminuz- zato e acqua semplice od acqua di seltz; rimescolate e servite con paglie.
1920 Mazzon Ferruccio: Guida del barman mixer. Seite 41. Whysky Punch.
Si prepara come l’ordinary Punch ma invece di Cognac si prende del buon Whysky.
1920 Mazzon Ferruccio: Guida del barman mixer. Seite 50. Hot Punch Rhum (Punch al Rhum caldo).
1 litro d’infusione di thè bollente 3 etti di zucchero in pezzi grattato sul limone. Aggiungeteci in un vaso 3/4 di litro di rhum Giamaica acceso. Servite in bicchieri a grog con una fettina di buccia di limone in ogni bicchiere.
(Altra maniera)
A fuoco lento in una casseruola si metta 1 bottiglia di birra inglese. Pale-Ale; e un bicchiere a bordeaux di Rhum, aggiungetevi 2 tuorli d’uovo ben battuti con 2 cucchiai di zucchero. Rimescolate tutto in una terrina e servite in bicchieri a grog.
1920 Niels Larsen: 156 recettes de boissons américaines. Seite 64. Hot Irish Punch.
[A préparer dans un verre à grog.] 2 morceaux de sucre. Ajoutez: 1 cuiller à café de jus de citron; 1 verre à madère d’irish whisky; Remplissez d’eau bouillante. Mélangez bien et ornez d’une tranche de citron. Râpez un peu de muscade et: Servez avec une cuiller à café.
1920 Niels Larsen: 156 recettes de boissons américaines. Seite 66. Rhum Punch.
[A préparer dans un grand gobelet.] 3/4 cuiller à bouche de sucre en poudre dissous dans un peu d’eau. Ajoutez: 1/2 cuiller à café de jus de citron; 1 verre 1/2 à madère de rhum. Remplissez de glace pilée. Mélangez bien, ornez de fruits et servez avec de grandes pailles.
1921 Adolphe Torelli: Guide du barman. Seite 62. Hot Irish Punch.
Dans un verre à grog, trois morceaux de sucre, trois traits de jus de citron, un verre à madère d’Irish Whisky, remplir d’eau bouillante, mélanger, garnir tranche de citron, passer la râpe, muscade et servez.
1921 Adolphe Torelli: Guide du barman. Seite 93. Rum Punch (Cold).
Dans shaker avec glace pilée, une cuillère à bouche sucre, dissoudre avec un peu d’eau, deux traits jus d’orange, un trait curaçao, un verre à madère de rhum, emplir d’eau, frapper et passer dans un verre rouge contenant tranche de citron, fruits coupés, sau- pouder muscade et servez avec chalumeaux.
1921 Adolphe Torelli: Guide du barman. Seite 94. Rum Punch (Hot).
Dans un verre rouge à pied une cuillère de sucre, deux traits de jus de citron, un trait de grenadine, un verre à madere de rhum passer la râpe muscade, un zeste de citron pressé, emplir d’eau bouillante, arroser de cognac et servez flambé.
1921 Adolphe Torelli: Guide du barman. Seite 117. Whisky Punch (Cold).
Dans un verre à pied, une cuillère à bouche sirop d’ananas, un cuil- lère à café curaçao, un verre à madère de whis- ky, emplir avec eau et glace pilée, décorer de fruits coupés, tranche d’ananas et servez avec chalumeaux.
1921 Adolphe Torelli: Guide du barman. Seite 117. Whisky Punch (Hot).
Dans un verre rouge à pied, un morceau de sucre, une cuillère à café sirop d’ananas, une cuillère à café curaçao, un verre de whisky, une tranche citron, un peu de muscade, emplir avec eau bouillante, remuer, ajouter une cuillère à café de rhum et servez flambé.
1921 Victor Hugo Himmelreich: American Drinks. Seite 55. Whisky [Punsch].
Lege in das Punschglas zur Hälfte klares, feinge- stossenes Eis, übergiesse dieses mit 2 Teelöffel auf- gelösten Zucker, 3 Spritzer Curacao, 1 Spritzer Noyeaux, 1/1 Whisky, den Saft einer halben Citrone und garniere mit Saisonfrüchten.
1921 Victor Hugo Himmelreich: American Drinks. Seite 55. Rum [Punsch].
Lege in das Punschglas zur Hälfte klares, feinge- stossenes Eis, übergiesse dieses mit 2 Teelöffel auf- gelösten Zucker, 3 Spritzer Curacao, 1 Spritzer Ma- raskino, 1/1 Cow Boy Rum, den Saft einer halben Ci- trone und garniere mit Saisonfrüchten.
1921 Victor Hugo Himmelreich: American Drinks. Seite 58. Rum [Punsch und Grog].
Beachte obige Erläuterung. 2—3 Teelöffel Zucker oder Würfelzucker werden im heissen Wasser aufgelöst, 1 Cocktailglas Rum, eine dünne Scheibe Citrone obenauf, beim Servieren auf die Citronenscheibe ein wenig Arrac oder Rum anzünden und brennend servieren.
Seite 58. Warme Punsche und Grogs.
Warme PUNSCHE UND GROGS glasweise, sind beide Trotzkinder der kühlen Jahreszeit und ist deren Zubereitung eine so einfache, dass es wohl keiner näheren besonderen Erläuterung bedarf. Zur Verhütung von Accidents lege stets den kleinen Löffel in den Punsch beziehungsweise Grog Glas (siehe Abbildungen), eine dünne Scheibe Citrone stets oben auf, auf welche 1—2 Teelöffel Arrac, Rum oder Cognac gegossen und sodann angezündet serviert wird.
1921 Victor Hugo Himmelreich: American Drinks. Seite 58. Whisky [Punsch und Grog].
2—3 Teelöffel Zucker oder Würfelzucker werden im heissen Wasser aufgelöst, 1 Cocktailglas Whisky, eine dünne Scheibe Citrone obenauf, beim Servieren auf die Citronenscheibe ein wenig Arrac oder Rum, anzünden und brennend servieren.
1922 Anonymus: Quelques recettes pour boissons américaines. Seite 17. Whisky Punch (chaud).
Verre no 4. Faire chauffer: 1/2 verre à liqueur d ‚ORANGEADE BOLS, 4 traits de CURAÇAO BOLS, 2 traits de JUS DE CITRON, 1 verre à liqueur de WHISKY, 1 zeste de CITRON. Remplir le verre ave de l’EAU BIEN CHAUDE, saupoudrer d muscade, servir.
1922 M. E. Steedman: Home-made Beverages and American Drinks. Seite 66. Whisky Punch.
Put the thinly pared rind and strained juice of 3 lemons into a bowl, add 7 oz. of loaf sugar, one and a half pints of boiling water and 1 1/4 pints of whisky. Stir until the sugar is dissolved, then strain and serve at once.
1922 M. E. Steedman: Home-made Beverages and American Drinks. Seite 87. Whisky Punch.
Put 8 oz. shaved ice into a jug, add 4 wine- glassfuls of whisky, a large table-spoonful of castor sugar, and 2 table-spoonfuls of strained lemon juice. Shake well, strain into small glasses, and serve with thin slices of orange and pineapple on the top.
1922 Robert Vermeire: Cocktails. Seite 80. Rum Punch.
Fill the shaker half full of broken ice and add: 1 tablespoonful of plain Syrup or Curaçao. The juice of half a lemon. 3/4 gill of Rum. Shake well and strain into a wine-glass and add cold Soda Water.
1922 W. Slagter: Hoe maakt men american plainen fancy drinks. Seite 144. Rum Punch. Warm.
Behandelen als recept 447, neemt in plaats van Cognac – Jamaica Rum. Kan ook koud gebruikt worden.
Seite 134. 447. Brandy Punch. Koud.
Doet in een Punchglas: 2 Cognacglaasjes Cognac 1 Cognacglaasj e Curaçao (Bruine) 1 Cognacglaasje Suikersiroop. Bijschenken met heet water.
1922 W. Slagter: Hoe maakt men american plainen fancy drinks. Seite 147. Whisky Punch. Warm en koud.
Behandelen als recept No. 447 (Warm) en No. 448. (Koud.) Neemt in plaats van Cognac, Canadian- club Whisky.
Seite 134. 447. Brandy Punch. Koud.
Doet in een Punchglas: 2 Cognacglaasjes Cognac 1 Cognacglaasj e Curaçao (Bruine) 1 Cognacglaasje Suikersiroop. Bijschenken met heet water.
Seite 134. 447. Brandy Punch. Warm.
Behandelen als recept No. 447, in plaats van heet water, neemt men Mineraalwater en verschillende stukj es vruchten. Ijs naar smaak.
1923 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel. Seite 70. Punches.
Le punch se fait à volonté chaud — short drink — ou froid — long drink — suivant que l’on emploie de l’eau glacée ou bouillante. On le prépare aussi au lait. PUNCH CHAUD. — Servir dans un verre à petit grog avec tranches de citron ou d’orange, sucre supplémen- taire et petite cuiller. Si on le sert dans un gobelet, munir ce dernier d’un porte-verre. Réchauffer le verre. PUNCH FROID. — Servir dans un grand gobelet avec fruits de saison.: fraises, cerises, raisin, etc., et rondelles d’orange ou de citron, ou d’ananas, entières ou coupées. Donner des pailles. On le sert aussi parfois dans des coupes. On peut préparer chaud ou froid pour plusieurs per- sonnes à la fois, ou en grande quantité pour réunions. Dans ce cas on emploiera un bol en argent (chaud) ou en porcelaine (froid), puis on servira avec la cuiller à punch (douche a bec) dans les verres ad hoc.
1923 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel. Seite 74. Irish Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé: 1 cuiller à café jus de citron. 1 cuiller à café sucre en, poudre. 1 verre à liqueur Irish whisky. Emplir d’eau très chaude. Une tranche de citron. Muscader. Cuiller.
1923 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel. Seite 77. Rum Punch, Cold.
Gobelet n° 3: 1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre. 1 verre a liqueur d’eau. 1 cuiller à café jus de citron. 1 verre à madère de rhum. Emplir aux 3/4 de glace pilée. Adapter la timbale. Frapper. Orner de fruits. Ronds d’orange. Pailles.
1923 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel. Seite 77. Rum Punch, Hot.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé: 1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre. 2 traits jus de citron. 1 verre à liqueur de rhum. Emplir d’eau très chaude. Remuer. Orner 2/2 tranches de citron. Muscader.
1923 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel. Seite 79. Whisky Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé: 1/2 cuiller à café jus de citron. 1 cuiller à bouche sirop de gomme. 2 traits curaçao. 1 verre à liqueur whisky. Emplir d’eau chaude. Tranche de citron.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 37. Whiskeypunsch.
Man reibe die Schalen von 3 Zitro- nen auf 300 g Zucker ab, presse den Saft von 2 Zitro- nen darüber, übergieße die Mischung mit 3/4 Liter sie- dendem Wasser, rühre die Mischung gut durch bis der Zucker zergangen ist, füge 1/2 Liter Whiskey zu und richte an.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 41. Irish Whiskey-Punch.
Man tue 1—2 Stück in etwas heißem Wasser aufgelösten Zucker, 1 Weinglas voll Irish Whiskey und 1 Zitronenscheibe in ein größeres Glas und fülle es mit siedendem Wasser.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 45. Whiskey Punch Ben Nevis.
Man tue in einen erhitz- ten Becher 3 Stück Zucker, 1 1/2 Glas siedendes Wasser, 1 Zitronenscheibe, 2 Teelöffel voll Honig und 2 Glas voll Ben Nevis Whiskey, rühre gut um und richte heiß an.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 101. Rumpunsch.
Man tue 1 Stück Zucker in eine Bowle, presse den Saft von 4—6 Zitronen darauf, füge die Schalen von 2 Zitronen zu, übergieße das Ganze mit 3 Liter siedendem Wasser, schütte, nachdem der Zucker zergangen ist, 1 Flasche alten Jamaika-Rum und 1 Flasche Champagner zu, lasse den Punsch einige Stunden stehen und richte kalt oder heiß an. Statt des Champagners kann man auch Weißwein nehmen.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 149. St.-Croix-Rum Punch.
Man löse 1 Eßlöffel voll Zucker in 3—4 Spritzern Lime- oder Zitronensaft und 1/2 Wein- glas voll Wasser auf, gieße die Mischung mit 1/4 kleinem Glas voll Jamaika-Rum nebst 1 Weinglas voll St.-Croix- Rum in ein größeres mit geschabtem Eis gefülltes Glas, schüttle gut durch, belege das Glas mit Frucht und richte an.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 150. St.-Croix-Rum Punch (2).
Man menge 1 Weinglas voll Limonen-Sirup mit 1 Weinglas voll St.-Croix-Rum und 1 Likörglas voll Cognak, füge 1/2 Becher Milch zu, gieße die Mischung in ein größeres mit Eis gefülltes Glas, bestreue es mit gestoßenem Zimt oder gemischtem Gewürz und richte an.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 153. Genuine Whiskey Punch.
Man tue in einen mit Eis gefüllten Becher 1 Spritzer Zitronensaft, 3 Spritzer Gum-Sirup und 1 Glas voll Whiskey, fülle alsdann einen anderen Becher mit Eis, stülpe dessen Rand genau auf den Rand des ersten Glases, schwenke die Flüssigkeit so 5—6mal aus einem Becher in den anderen, lasse die Flüssigkeit dann behutsam aus möglichster Höhe in ein feines (fancy) Glas sickern, füge 1 Spritzer Jamaika- Rum zu und richte an.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 157. Medford Rum Punch.
Man löse 3/4 Eßlöffel voll Zucker nebst 2—3 Spritzern Zitronensaft in etwas Was- ser auf, tue dies in ein mit geschabtem Eis gefülltes Glas, gieße 1 1/2 Weinglas voll Medfordrum zu, menge gut, umlege die Mischung mit Frucht und richte mit Strohhalm an.
(use large Glass half full of Ice). One teaspoonful sugar; four or five dashes lemon juice; half pint whisky and rum mixed; a few dashes Angostura Bitters. Shake well, strain into punch glass, with slice of orange, three or four dashes of curaçoa on top, with seltzer, and serve.
1924 Antonio (Tony) Fernández: Manual del barman. Seite 85. Whisky Punch Caliente.
En una copa resis- tente al calor, échense dos terrones de azúcar una rebanada da limón, dos clavos de olor y una copa de Whisky escocés: llénese con agua bien caliente.
1924 Carlo Beltramo: Les cocktails et les boissons américaines. Seite 72. Rhum Punch.
Se prépare dans le shaker à moitié rempli de glace: Une demi cuillerée à soupe de sirop de sucre, une demi cuillerée à soupe de cura- çao orange, le jus d’un demi citron, 3/4 dl. de bon Rhum vieux. — Bien remuer et servir dans un verre à vin avec un peu de soda water.
1924 M. E. Steedman & C. H. Senn: President. Seite 40. Whisky Punch.
Put 8 oz. shaved ice into a jug, add 4 wine- glassfuls whisky, 1 large tablespoonful castor sugar, and 2 tablespoonfuls strained lemon juice. Shake well, strain into small glasses, and serve with thin slices of orange and pineapple on the top.
1924 M. E. Steedman & C. H. Senn: President. Seite 49. Whisky Punch.
Put the thinly pared rind and strained juice of 3 lemons into a bowl, add 7 oz. loaf sugar, 1 1/2 pints boiling water and 1 1/4 pints whisky. Stir until the sugar is dissolved, then strain and serve at once.
1925 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Illustriertes internationales Getränkebuch. Seite 47. Rum-Punsch, heiß.
Wie Arrak-Punsch. Gebrauche statt Arrak Jamaika-Rum oder fertige Rumpunsch-Essenz, abbrennen.
Seite 47. Arrak-Punsch, heiß I.
Ein angewärmtes Punschglas fülle man 3/4 voll mit sehr heißem Wasser, darauf gieße man es voll mit fertiger Arrakpunsch-Essenz, gebe eine Scheibe Zitrone hinein, einige Tropfen Arrak de Batavia und zünde denselben an.
Seite 47. Arrak-Punsch, heiß II.
In ein angewärmtes Punschglas gebe man 2 Stück Würfel- zucker, 1 Scheibe Zitrone und einige Tropfen Zitronensaft. Darauf fülle man es 3/4 voll mit sehr heißem Wasser und gieße es voll mit Arrak de Batavia, abbrennen.
1925 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Illustriertes internationales Getränkebuch. Seite 48. Whisky-Punsch, heiß.
In ein angewärmtes Punschglas gebe man 2 Stück Würfel- zucker, 1 Scheibe Zitrone und einige Tropfen Zitronensaft. Fülle das Glas 3/4 voll mit recht heißem Wasser, dann gieße es voll mit Whisky, serviere mit Löffel.
1925 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Illustriertes internationales Getränkebuch. Seite 84. Rum-Punsch.
In ein Punschglas gebe man 3/4 Eßlöffel Zucker, den Saft aus 1/2 Zitrone, löse dieses mit etwas Selterswasser auf, fülle das Glas 3/4 voll mit feinem Eis, alsdann füge man hinzu: 1/2 Likörglas Jamaika-Rum, 1 Sherryglas St. Croix-Rum. Man mische mit einem Barlöffel, garniere in geschmackvoller Weise mit verschiedenen Früchten und serviere mit Strohhalmen.
1925 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Illustriertes internationales Getränkebuch. Seite 89. Whisky-Punsch.
Wie Brandy-Punsch. Man nehme amerikanischen Whisky statt Cognac.
Seite 89. Brandy-Punsch.
In ein Punschglas gib: 1 Eßlöffel Zucker, 2 Dashes Curaçao, den Saft von 1/2 Zitrone. Löse dieses mit etwas Selterswasser auf. Alsdann fülle das Glas beinahe voll mit feinem Eis und gieße es voll mit gutem Cognac. Mische mit einem Barlöffel, gieße einige Tropfen Jamaika-Rum darauf, garniere mit verschiedenen Früchten und serviere mit Strohhalmen.
1926 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 49. Medford Rum Punch.
Use Large Glass. THREE -QUARTERS tablespoonful powdered sugar; two or three dashes lemon juice. Dissolve with a little water. Fill glass with fine shaved ice. One and a quarter wine glass Medford rum. Shake well, and ornament with fruit. Serve with straws.
1926 W. Slagter: Cocktails. Seite 183. Rum Punch. Warm.
Behandelen als recept 595; neemt inplaats van Cognac, Jamaica Rum. Kan ook koud gebruikt worden.
Seite 175. 595. Brandy Punch. Koud.
Doet in een Punchglas: 2 Cognacglaasjes Cognac 1 Cognacglaasje Curaçao (Bruine) Wijnand Fockink 1 Cognacglaasje Suikersiroop. Bijschenken met heet water.
1926 W. Slagter: Cocktails. Seite 186. Whisky Punch. Warm en koud.
Behandelen als recept No. 596 (Warm) en No. 597 (Koud). Neemt riplaats van Cognac, Whisky.
Seite 175. 596. Brandy Punch. Warm.
Behandelen als recept No. 595; inplaats van heet water, neemt men Mineraal- water en verschillende stukjes vruchten. IJs naar smaak.
Seite 175. 595. Brandy Punch. Koud.
Doet in een Punchglas: 2 Cognacglaasjes Cognac 1 Cognacglaasje Curaçao (Bruine) Wijnand Fockink 1 Cognacglaasje Suikersiroop. Bijschenken met heet water.
Anmerkung: 597. Ist ein Bourgogne Punch. Warm. Im Rezept ist wohl ein Fehler. Anstatt 597 (Koud) soll es bestimmt 595 (Koud) heißen.
1927 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 86. Hot Irish Punch.
Dans un verre à grog trois morceaux de sucre, trois traits de jus de citron, un verre à madère d’Irish Whisky, remplir d’eau bouillante, remuer, garnir d’une tranche de citron, saupoudrer de muscade.
1927 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 91. Irish Whisky Punch.
Dans un gobe- let moyen, deux cuillères de sucre en poudre, une cuillère à café de Curaçao, deux traits de jus de citron, un verre à madère d’lrish Whisky, une tranche d’orange. Remplir d’eau glacée ou bouil- lante, suivant la demande (Hot or Cold).
1927 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 143. Rhum Punch (Cold).
Dans un shaker avec de la glace pilée, une cuillère de sucre. Dis- soudre avec un peu d’eau, ajouter deux traits de jus de citron ou d’orange, un trait de Curaçao, un verre à madère de Rhum. Remplir d’eau. Remuer. Passer dans un verre rouge. Garnir d‘ une tranche de citron, de fruits coupés. Saupoudrer de mu- cade. Chalumeaux.
1927 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 143. Rhum Punch (Hot).
Dans un verre rouge à pied, une cuillère de sucre, un trait de Grena- dine, deux traits de jus de citron, un verre à ma- dère de Rhum, passer la râpe muscade, un zeste de citron. Remplir d’eau bouillante et flamber.
1927 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 180. Whisky Punch (Hot).
Dans un verre rouge à pied. un morceau de sucre, une cuillère à café de sirop d’Ananas, autant de Curaçao, une tranche de citron, un verre de Whisky, une pin- cée de muscade remplir d’eau bouillante, remuer, arroser avec du Rhum et flamber.
1927 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 180. Whisky Punch (Cold).
Dans un verre à pied, une cuillère à bouche de sirop d’Ananas, une cuillère à café de Curaçao, un verre à madère de Whisky, remplir avec de l’eau et de la glace pilée, garnir d’une tranche d’ananas, de fruits coupés et de chalumeaux.
1927 Anonymus: El arte de hacer un cocktail. Seite 111. Bourbon Whiskey Punch, Rye Whiskey Punch.
Jugo de 1/2 limón. Cucharadita de azúcar. Vasito de whiskey Rye o Bourbon. Bátase, cuélese a copa fina con hielo y adórnese con fruta.
1927 Anonymus: El arte de hacer un cocktail. Seite 121. Irish Whiskey Punch (ponche de whiskey irlandés).
Jugo de 1/2 limón. Cucharadita de azúcar. Vasito de whiskey irlandés. Bátase y cuélese a copa con hielo menudo. Adórnese con fruta.
1927 Anonymus: El arte de hacer un cocktail. Seite 127. Rum (de ron). Anmerkung: Punch.
Jugo de 1/2 limón. Cucharadita de azúcar. Vasito de ron. Gotas de cognac Domecq. Bátase, cuélese a copa y adórnese con fruta.
1927 Anonymus: El arte de hacer un cocktail. Seite 129. Scotch Whiskey (de whiskey Escocés). Anmerkung: Punch.
Jugo de 1/2 limón. Cucharadita de azúcar. Vasito de whiskey escocés. Bátase, cuélese a copa y adórnese con fruta.
1927 Anonymus: El arte de hacer un cocktail. Seite 133. Whiskey (a la antigua). Anmerkung: Punch.
Litro de whiskey Bourbon. 3 vasitos jugo de limón. 3 vasitos de Curacao. 1/2 botella de agua mineral carbonatada. Vasito de sirope. Trozo grande de hielo. 3 ó 4 pedazos de cascara de pepino. Adórnese con fruta y yerbabuena.
1927 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 49. Medford Rum Punch.
Use Large Glass. THREE-QUARTERS tablespoonful powdered sugar; two or three dashes lemon juice. Dissolve with a little water. Fill glass with fine shaved ice. One and a quarter wine glass Medford rum. Shake well, and ornament with fruit. Serve with straws.
1927 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of all Kinds. Seite 70. Medford Rum Punch.
Dissolve in a large tumbler with a little water the juice of half a lemon and a table- spoonful of icing sugar; nearly fill the glass with shaved ice, add a wineglass and a half of Medford rum, and a few drops of Jamaica rum; stir well. Ornament with fruit in season, and serve with a straw.
1927 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of all Kinds. Seite 73. Rum Punch.
Put into a large tumbler a tablespoonful of icing sugar, a wineglass of brandy, the like quantity of rum, two teaspoonfuls of arrack, the juice of a lemon, quarter of a wineglass of green tea, a teaspoonful of essence of spice. Half fill the glass with shaved ice, shake well, strain, and add sufficient milk to fill the glass. Dust with nutmeg and cinnamon, and serve with a straw.
1927 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of all Kinds. Seite 74. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Put into a large tumbler one tablespoonful of icing sugar, thirty drops of lime or lemon juice, and dissolve in half a wineglass of water; then add one wineglass of St. Croix rum, and a quarter of a wineglass of Jamaica rum; fill up with shaved ice, ornament with fruit in season, and serve with a straw.
1927 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of all Kinds. Seite 94. Rum Punch.
Put into a large tumbler a teaspoonful of icing sugar, one wineglass of Jamaica rum, and one wineglass of brandy; then add half a pint of boiling water, a little lemon-juice and grated nutmeg.
1927 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of all Kinds. Seite 97. Whisky Punch.
Put into a small tumbler one wineglass of Irish or Scotch whisky, a teaspoonful of icing sugar, and a slice of lemon; fill up with boiling water.
1927 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of all Kinds. Seite 97. Whisky Punch. Another, Irish.
Rub the rind of a lemon on two small lumps of loaf sugar, dissolve the sugar in a tumbler with a gill of boiling water; add one wine- glassful of Irish whisky, then serve.
1927 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of all Kinds. Seite 97. Whisky Punch. Another, Scotch.
This is made the same way as Irish Whisky Punch, using Scotch whisky instead of Irish.
1927 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of all Kinds. Seite 97. Whisky Punch. Another, Scotch.
Put into a tumbler the thin rind of one lemon and a teaspoonful of icing sugar; dissolve the sugar in one wineglass of boiling water; add one wineglass of Scotch whisky, then add another wineglass of boiling water; mix well and strain.
1927 Maraya Vélez de Sánchez: Cocktails bebidas heladas ponches de todas clases. Seite 68. Ron Ponche.
Un litro de agua, tres cuartos de libra de azúcar, el zumo de cuatro limones y medio litro de ron Sainte-Croix. Se hiela, se le agregan algunas frutas cortadas en pedacitos y se sirve.
1927 Maraya Vélez de Sánchez: Cocktails bebidas heladas ponches de todas clases. Seite 76.Whisky Ponche.
Una botella de scotch whisky, un litro de agua caliente, media libra de azúcar, el jugo y la corteza de tres limones. Se vacia el agua sobre el azúcar, corteza y zumo de los limones; se deja enfriar, se vacia en una vasija propia para ponches, se le junta el whisky, se coloca la vasija sobre hielo y pasada una hora puede servirse.
1927 Maraya Vélez de Sánchez: Cocktails bebidas heladas ponches de todas clases. Seite 76.Whisky Ponche.
Una copa de whisky, una cucharada de jugo de limón, una cucharadita de azúcar, una rebanada de naranja, otra de piña y hielo machacado. Se pone una cucharada de hielo machacado en un vaso, se le vacia por encima el whisky y el zumo de limón, se le añade el azúcar; se sacude bien, se vacia en un vaso y se le pone la piña y la naranja.
1927 Nina Toye & A. H. Adair: Petits & grands verres. Seite 77. Le Punch Au Whisky. Whisky Punch.
Verser dans un broc la valeur d’un verre à liqueur de whisky par personne. Y ajouter une orange coupée en rondelles, quelques clous de girofle et quelques gouttes d’eau de fleurs d’oranger. Sucrer selon le goût. Compléter avec de la glace en morceaux et un peu d’eau.
1927 Nina Toye & A. H. Adair: Petits & grands verres. Seite 87. Le Punch Au Rhum. Rum punch.
Recette pour huit à dix personnes. Prendre une demi- bouteille de rhum Sainte-Croix ou de la Jamaïque, un quart de bouteille de cognac, un bon verre de triple- sec, le zeste entier d’un citron et celui d’une orange pelée finement. Verser le tout dans un grand bol et y ajouter une orange ainsi qu’un citron coupés en rouelles. Sucrer selon le goût. Verser sur le tout la valeur d’un litre et demi d’eau bouillante. Bien mélanger. Servir chaud.
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 58. Hot Irish Punch.
Dissolve a lump of sugar with a little water in a hot punch glass. 1 jigger Irish whiskey. 1 piece lemon skin. Fill up with hot water; stir; grate nutmeg on top and serve.
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 58. Hot Rum Punch.
Substitute rum for Irish whiskey and proceed as for Hot Irish Whiskey.
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 59. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Substitute Rye or Bourbon whiskey for Irish, and proceed as for Hot Irish Punch.
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 65. Medford or New England Rum Punch.
Fill large bar glass 1/2 full shaved ice. 1 teaspoonful bar sugar. 3 dashes lemon juice. 1 dash Jamaica, rum. 1 jigger Medford or New England rum. Stir; dress with fruit and serve with straws.
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 81. Santa Cruz or St. Croix Punch.
Fill large bar glass 3/4 full shaved ice. 2 teaspoonfuls bar sugar. 6 dashes lemon juice. 1 teaspoonful Jamaica rum. 1/4 jigger Santa Cruz rum. Stir well; strain into tall, thin glass; fill up with carbonated water; dress with fruit and serve.
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 94. Whiskey Punch.
Fill large bar glass 3/4 full shaved ice. 2 heaping teaspoonfuls bar sugar. Drop in 1/4 of a lemon; bruise well with muddler and add: 1/2 jigger water. 1 jigger whiskey. Shake; strain into punch glass; dec- orate with fruit and serve.
1927 Pedro Chicote: El bar americano en España. Seite 123. Ron-Ponche.
Prepárese en vaso grande: 3 ó 4 pedacitos de hielo. 1 cucharada grande de azúcar. 10 gotas de curaçao. El jugo de medio limón. Unos pedacitos de fruta variada. 1 copita de ron. Termínese de llenar el vaso con agua de seltz. Remuévase con una cucharilla y sírvase en el mismo vaso con unas pajas.
1928 Anonymus: A.B.C. of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 32. Rye Whiskey Punch.
One large tumbler G & W „Special“ Rye 4 lumps of Sugar one Lemon, sliced one Orange, sliced twelve leaves of Green Mint, cut in half. Mix and place on ice for half an hour: then add one quart of ginger ale, and serve. Place large piece of ice in bowl to keep punch cool.
1928 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: „Cheerio!“. Seite 40. Hot Scotch Punch.
Mix in a large glass, one wine-glass of Scotch whiskey, two wine-glasses of boiling water. Add two lumps of sugar and serve.
1928 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: „Cheerio!“. Seite 40. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Mix in large glass, one wine-glass of Irish whiskey, two wine-glasses of boiling water, two lumps of sugar. Put in a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass, rinse it in hot water.
1928 Charles S. Warnock: Giggle Water. Seite 74. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(Use medium bar-glass) Take 1 wine-glass Kinahan’s or Jamieson’s Irish whiskey 2 wine-glasses of boiling water 2 lumps of loaf-sugar Dissolve the sugar well with one wine-glass of the water, then pour in the whiskey, add the balance of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind, or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass, rinse it in hot water.
1928 Charles S. Warnock: Giggle Water. Seite 74. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
(Use medium bar-glass) Take 1 wine-glass of Glenlivet or Islay whiskey 2 wine-glasses of boiling water Sugar to taste (about 2 lumps of loaf sugar) Dissolve the sugar with one wine-glass of the water, then poirr in the whiskey, add the balance of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass rinse it in hot water.
1928 Charles S. Warnock: Giggle Water. Seite 74. Cold Whiskey Punch.
(Use large bar-glass) Take 1 tablespoonful of powdered white sugar dis- solved in a little water Juice of half a small lemon 1 1/2 wine-glasses of Irish or Scotch whiskey Fill the glass with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top with two thin slices of lemon, and berries in season. Serve with a straw.
1928 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 3. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
STEEP the thin yellow shavings of lemon peel in the whiskey, which should be of the best quality; the sugar should be dissolved in boiling water. As it requires genius to make whiskey punch, it would be impertinent to give proportions.
1928 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 4. Whiskey Punch.
One wineglass of whiskey Two wineglasses of boiling (Irish or Scotch). water. Sugar to taste. DISSOLVE the sugar well with one wineglass of the water, then pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the water. Sweeten to taste, and put in a small piece of lemon rind, or a thin slice of lemon.
1928 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 4. Cold Whiskey Punch.
One tablespoonful of pow- One and one-half wine- dered white sugar dis- glasses of Irish or Scotch solved in a little water. whiskey. Juice of half a small lemon. FILL the glass with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top with two thin slices of lemon, and berries in season. Serve with a straw. This beverage ought always to be made with boiling water, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or two be- fore it is put on the table. In this way, the materials get more intensely amalgamated than cold water and cold whiskey ever get. As to the beautiful mutual adaptation of cold rum and cold water, that is beyond all praise, being one of Na- ture’s most exquisite achievements.
1928 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 7. Irish Whiskey Punch.
THIS is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made one- third pure whiskey, and two-thirds boiling water, in which the sugar has been dissolved. If lemon punch, the rind is rubbed on the sugar, and a small proportion of juice added before the whiskey is poured in. Irish whiskey is not fit to drink until it is three years old.
1928 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 42. Medford Punch.
Use large bar glass One pony glass of Jamaica One tablespoonful of pow- rum. dered white sugar dis- Two or three dashes of solved in a little water. lemon juice. One and one-half glass of One slice of orange (cut in Medford rum. quarters). FILL the tumbler with ice, shake well, and dress the top with sliced lime and berries in season. Serve with a straw.
1928 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails. Seite 305. Irish-Ponche (caliente).
Prepárese en vaso de grog: 1 cucharada de azúcar. 1 – pequeña de jugo de limón. 1 vasito de los de jerez de irish whisky. El resto, de agua caliente. Remuévase y añádase una rodaja de limón.
1928 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails. Seite 311. Ron-Ponche.
Prepárese en vaso grande: 3 ó 4 pedacitos de hielo. 1 cuchrada grande de azúcar. 10 gotas de curaçao. El jugo de medio limón. Unos pedacitos de fruta variada. 1 copita de ron. Termínese de llenar el vaso con agua de seltz. Remuévase con una cucharilla y sírvase en el mismo vaso con unas pajas.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 86. Hot Irish Punch.
Dans un verre à grog, trois morceaux de sucre, trois traits de jus de citron, un verre à madère d’Irish Whisky, remplir d’eau bouillante, remuer, garnir d’une tranche de citron, saupoudrer de muscade.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 91. Irish Whisky Punch.
Dans un gobe- let moyen, deux cuillères de sucre en poudre, une cuillère à café de Curaçao, deux traits de jus de citron, un verre à madère d’Irish Whisky, une tranche d’orange. Remplir d’eau glacée ou bouil- lante, suivant la demande (Hot or Cold).
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 143. Rhum Punch (Cold).
Dans un shaker avec de la glace pilée, une cuillère de sucre. Dis- soudre avec un peu d’eau, ajouter deux traits de jus de citron ou d’orange, un trait de Curaçao, un verre à madère de Rhum. Remplir d’eau. Remuer. Passer dans un verre rouge. Garnir d’une tranche de citron, de fruits coupés. Saupoudrer de mus- cade. Chalumeaux.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 143. Rhum Punch (Hot).
Dans un verre rouge à pied, une cuillère de sucre, un trait de Grena- dine, deux traits de jus de citron, un verre à ma- dère de Rhum, passer la râpe muscade, un zeste de citron. Remplir d’eau bouillante et flamber.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 180. Whisky Punch (Hot).
Dans un verre rouge à pied, un morceau de sucre, une cuillère à café de sirop d’Ananas, autant de Curaçao, une tranche de citron, un verre de Whisky, une pin- cée de muscade remplir d’eau bouillante, remuer, arroser avec du Rhum et flamber.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 180. Whisky Punch (Cold).
Dans un verre à pied, une cuillère à bouche d e sirop d’Ananas, une cuillère à café de Curaçao, un verre à madère de Whisky, remplir avec de l’eau et de la glace pilée, garnir d’une tranche d’ananas, de fruits coupés et de chalumeaux.
1929 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 11. Hot Whisky Punch.
Dissolve lump of Sugar in little hot water in warmed punch glass. 3 or 4 dashes Fernet Bitters, 1 wineglass Harvey’s Whisky, 1 piece Lemon Peel twisted and dropped into glass. Fill up with hot water, grate Nutmeg on top, and serve.
1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 50. St. Croix Rum Punch.
The usual bar-glass in this case became the re- ceptacle of a tablespoon of sugar, three or four dashes of lime or lemon juice, one-half wine-glass of water and very well dissolved by stirring. Before filling with the shaved ice, a wine-glass of St. Croix rum and one- quarter pony-glass of Jamaica rum were put in. Mixed well with a spoon and duly ornamented with fruits in season, it was served with a straw.
1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 51. Medford Rum Punch.
Of course you just know they will use the old bar-glass of large proportions. Within it were assembled such things as a three-quarter tablespoon of sugar accurately measured, no more — no less, and two or three dashes of lemon juice and then some water, well stirred together before filling the glass with fine ice. The one-and- a-quarter wine-glass of old Medford rum were added and the whole well stirred and flavored with a few drops of Jamaica rum before top ping off with fruits in season and serving with a straw.
1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 52. Virginian Whiskey Punch.
Carefully prepared this is one of the most exquisite of drinks as the friends of Morrill Chamberlin well remember when he concocted the same in the old days before he moved to Cali- fornia and traditional hospitality yet reigned in Wyoming Avenue. The result largely depended upon the use of fresh ice. That is, ice pounded in a tea-cloth or a canvas bag with a mallet and used before the air escaped from the crushed mass. Enough ice was first prepared and tall thin high-ball glasses were used for making and for serving. Each glass was filled one-third full of crushed ice and two teaspoons of sugar and then stirred hard. To this were added juice of one-half lemon, more ice and a good sized jigger or wine-glass of good Bourbon or old Rye whiskey. Then it was stirred and stirred as more and more ice was added gradually until the glass was filled to the top and there was a fine frosted effect on the outside of the glass. This frosting added greatly to the effectiveness of the result. It was a labor of love to produce this wonderful drink and its traditions go way back to the old happy days in the fine family homes of the South. A little sugar was added to the top — just lightly dusted on.
1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 52. Strained Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar-glass — fill glass with fine ice — juice of one-half lemon — two teaspoons of powdered sugar — one ounce of Rye whiskey — one-quarter ounce of Jamaica or Santa Cruz rum — shake well — strain into Delmonico glass — garnish with slice of orange.
1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 52. Hot Irish Punch.
In a hot water glass, one or two lumps of loaf sugar, one squirt of lemon juice, a little hot water to dissolve, one wine-glass of Irish whiskey, the balance hot water, well stirred, nutmeg and a slice of lemon and, Arrah, there ye are!
1929 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 3. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Steep the thin yellow shavings of lemon peel in the whiskey, which should be of the best quality; the sugar should be dissolved in boiling water. As it requires genius to make whiskey punch, it would be impertinent to give proportions.
1929 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 4. Whiskey Punch.
One wineglass of whiskey Two wineglasses of boiling (Irish or Scotch). water. . Sugar to taste. Dissolve the sugar well with one wineglass of the water, then pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the water. Sweeten to taste, and put in a small piece of lemon rind, or a thin slice of lemon.
1929 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 4. Cold Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass One tablespoonful of pow- One and one-half wine- dered white sugar dis- glasses of Irish or Scotch solved in a little water. whiskey. Juice of half a small lemon. Fill the glass with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top with two thin slices of lemon, and berries in season. Serve with a straw. This beverage ought always to be made with boiling water, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or two be- fore it is put on the table. In this way, the materials get more intensely amalgamated than cold water and cold whiskey ever get. As to the beautiful mutual adaptation of cold rum and cold water, that is beyond all praise, being one of Na- ture’s most exquisite achievements.
1929 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 4. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made one- third pure whiskey, and two-thirds boiling water, in which the sugar has been dissolved. If lemon punch, the rind is rubbed on the sugar, and a small proportion of juice added before the whiskey is poured in. Irish whiskey is not fit to drink until it is three years old.
1929 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 42. Medford Punch.
Use large bar glass One pony glass of Jamaica One tablespoonful of pow- rum. dered white sugar dis- Two or three dashes of solved in a little water. lemon juice. One and one-half glass of One slice of orange (cut in Medford rum. quarters). FILL the tumbler with ice, shake well, and dress the top with sliced lime and berries in season. Serve with a straw.
1929 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 46. Essence of Bourbon Whiskey Punch For Bottling.
Four and one-half gallons One-half pint tincture of or- Bourbon whiskey. ange peel. Three gallons of plain syrup. Three ounces tincture of all- One-half pint tincture of spice. lemon peel. Five dessert-spoonfuls tinc- . ture of cloves. Mix the tinctures thoroughly with the whiskey, and then add the syrup. The essence of rum punch may be made by substitut- ing Jamaica or Santa Cruz rum for the whiskey.
1929 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 76. Irish Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé: 1 cuiller à café jus de citron. 1 cuiller à café sucre en poudre. 1 erre à liqueur Irish whisky. Emplir d’eau très chaude. Une tranche de citron. Muscader. Cuiller.
1929 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 79. Rum Punch, Cold.
Gobelet n° 3: 1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre. 1 verre à liqueur d’eau. 1 cuiller à café jus de citron. 1 verre à madère de rhum. Emplir aux 3/4 de glace pilée. Adapter la timbale. Frapper. Orner de fruits. Ronds d’orange. Pailles.
1929 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 79. Rum Punch, Hot.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé: 1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre. 2 traits jus de citron. 1 verre à liqueur de rhum. Emplir d’eau très chaude. Remuer. Orner 2/2 tranches de citron. Muscader.
1929 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 81. Whisky Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé: 1/2 cuiller à café jus de citron. 1 cuiller à bouche sirop de gomme. 2 traits curaçao. 1 verre à liqueur whisky. Emplir d’eau chaude. Tranche de citron.
1929 Stanley Wisdom: Rubayat of Canada. Seite 8. Whisky Punch.
Fill large mixing glass three-quarters full of shaved ice; add two heaping teaspoonfuls of powdered sugar. Put in one-quarter lemon well bruised. Add one-third cocktail glass of water. Two-thirds cocktail glass Embassy Liqueur Whisky. Shake and strain into punch glass, ornament with fruit and serve.
1930 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 17. Hot Rum Punch.
Pound to pulp, with a 4 lb. of white Sugar, the thin peelings of 2 Lemons and add the strained juice of 3 Lemons and a teaspoonful of ground Ginger. Mix well and put into a fairly large, previously warmed, punch bowl. Add in this order: 1 pint Rum (see page 8). 1 pint Brandy. 1/2 pint Sherry. 1 quart boiling water. Mix well, sweeten further with Syrup to taste, and allow to stand near fire for 20 minutes. Serve in hot punch glasses with a little nutmeg grated on top.
1930 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 18. Hot Irish Punch.
Dissolve a lump of sugar in a little hot water, in a hot punch glass. 3 or 4 dashes Angostura Bitters. 1 wineglass Irish Whisky. 1 piece Lemon peel (twisted). Fill up with hot water; stir, grate nutmeg on top, and serve.
1930 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 18. Hot Rum Punch.
Dissolve 2, lumps of sugar in a little hot water in an already warmed punch glass. 4 or 5 dashes Angostura Bitters. 1 wineglass Rum (see page 8). 1 slice of Lemon with peel attached. Fill up with hot water, grate nutmeg on top, and serve.
1930 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 18. Hot Whisky Punch.
Dissolve a lump of sugar in a little hot water in an already warmed punch glass. 3 or 4 dashes Angostura Bitters. 1 wineglass Scotch Whisky. 1 piece Lemon peel twisted over, and dropped into glass. Fill up with hot water, grate nutmeg on top, and serve.
1930 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 18. Whisky Punch.
Use mixing glass half full of fine ice. 2 teaspoonfuls Syrup. 4 or 5 dashes Lemon Juice. 4 or 5 dashes Angostura Bitters. 1 wineglass Whisky. Mix well and strain into punch glass. Decorate with slice of Orange, add 3 or 4 dashes of Curacoa on top, and serve.
Juice of 1/2 a lemon. 1 small barspoonful sugar. 1 shot bourbon or rye, as desired. Shake, strain into goblet with fine ice Dress with fruit ond serve.
1930 Anonymus: Here’s How. Seite 37. Irish Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 a lemon. 1 barspoonful sugar. 1 shot Irish whiskey. Shake and strain into goblet with fine ice. Dress with fruit in season.
1930 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: „Cheerio!“. Seite 30. Hot Scotch Punch.
Mix in a large glass, one wine-glass of Scotch whiskey, two wine-glasses of boiling water. Add two lumps of sugar and serve.
1930 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: „Cheerio!“. Seite 30. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Mix in large glass, one wine-glass of Irish whiskey, two wine-glasses of boiling water, two lumps of sugar. Put in a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass, rinse it in hot water.
1930 Charlie Roe & Jim Schwenck: The Home-Bartender’s Guide and Song Book. Seite 62. Rye Whiskey Punch.
An old-time recipe used at numerous conventions where speakers were considered a bore. Three of these and you’d never know they were speaking!
Shaker three-quarters full Shaved Ice Two heaping teaspoonfuls Powdered Sugar Juice of one-quarter Lemon One-half wineglass Water One wineglass Rye Shake; strain into punch glass. Decorate with Fruit and serve
1930 Charlie Roe & Jim Schwenck: The Home-Bartender’s Guide and Song Book. Seite 74. Whiskey Punch.
Somebody with a sense of humor must have added that word „Punch.“ Be very careful when lifting the glass to your lips — it may explode — and look out for blisters on the way down. In Chicago they start their gangster parties with this one.
Crush a piece of Lemon Peel in a tumbler One heaping teaspoonful Powdered Sugar One-third wineglass Sloe Gin Two-thirds wineglass Old Parr Stir well; strain into cocktail glass; add a slice of Peach. Top off with Rum and serve
1930 F. Koki: Cocktails. Old fashioned american Punch.
In ein Punschglas gebe man: 2-3 Stückchen Kristalleis, 1/2 Esslöffel Zucker, 1 Teelöffel Zitronensaft, 1 Sherryglas guten, amer. Whisky. Man fülle das Glas auf mit Ginger-Ale oder Selterswasser, mische vorsichtig mit einem Barlöffel, garniere es mit verschiedenen Früchten und serviere mit Strohhalmen.
1930 Gerardo Corrales: Club de Cantineros de la Republica de Cuba. Manual Oficial. Seite 100. Hot Spiced Rum (Ron con especias caliente).
1/2 terrón de azúcar. Vasito de ron. 1/2 cucharadita de especias surtidas. Llénese con agua caliente.
1930 Gerardo Corrales: Club de Cantineros de la Republica de Cuba. Manual Oficial. Seite 118. Bourbon ó Rye Whiskey Punch.
Jugo de un limón. Cucharadita de azúcar. Vasito de whiskey Rye o Bourbon. Batido. Colado a copa de agua llena con hielo fino. Adórnese con frutas.
1930 Gerardo Corrales: Club de Cantineros de la Republica de Cuba. Manual Oficial. Seite 125. Rum Punch.
Jugo de 1/2 limón. Cucharadita de azúcar. Vasito de ron. Gotas de cognac. Bátase. Cuélese a copa de agua. Adórnese con frutas.
1930 Gerardo Corrales: Club de Cantineros de la Republica de Cuba. Manual Oficial. Seite 125. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Jugo de 1/2 limón. cucharadita de azúcar. Vasito de whiskey Escocés. Bátase. Cuélese a copa de agua. Adórnese con frutas.
1930 Gerardo Corrales: Club de Cantineros de la Republica de Cuba. Manual Oficial. Seite 126. Whiskey Punch (A la antigua).
Botella de whiskey Bourbon. Jugo de tres limones. 2 vasitos curacao. 1/2 agua mineral con gas. Vásito de almíbar. Pedazo grande de hielo. 4 cáscaras de pepino. Adórnese con fruta y yerbabuena.
1930 Jere Sullivan: The Drinks of Yesteryear. Seite 40. Whiskey [Punch].
For the Seasoned A good dash of lemon juice; a tea- Drinker. spoonful of sugar or plain syrup; a dash . of Grenadine Syrup; stir in mixing glass; . strain into Punch glass; and garnish with . fruit.
1930 Jere Sullivan: The Drinks of Yesteryear. Seite 40. Rum [Punch].
Same as above using Rum instead of Brandy as base.
1930 Knut W. Sundin: Two Hundred Selected Drinks. Seite 67. Rum Punch.
Fill the shaker half full of broken ice and add: 1 tablespoonful of plain syrup or Curacao The juice of half a lemon 1 wine glass of Jamaica Rum. Shake well and strain into a tumbler, add cold soda water.
1930 Miguel R. Reguera: Cocktails. Seite 87. Rum Punch.
En un vaso: Una cucharada de azúcar . » de jugo de limón Una copa de ron Una corteza de limón El resto de agua hirviendo. Se mezcla bien y se sirve caliente.
1930 Pedro Chicote: La ley mojada. Seite 325. Irish-Ponche (caliente).
Prepárese en vaso de grog: 1 cucharada de azúcar. 1 — pequeña de jugo de limón. 1 vasito de los de jerez de irish whisky. El resto, de agua caliente. Remuévase y añádase una rodaja de limón.
1930 Pedro Chicote: La ley mojada. Seite 331. Ron-Ponche.
Prepárese en vaso grande: 3 ó 4 pedacitos de hielo. 1 cucharada grande de azúcar. 10 gotas de curagao. El jugo de medio limón. Unos pedacitos de fruta variada. 1 copita de ron. Termínese de llenar el vaso con agua de seltz. Remuévase con una cucharilla y sírvase en el mis- mo vaso con unas pajas.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 121. Rum Punch.
Rum . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Curacoa . . . . . . . . . . 1 dash Lemon . . . . . . . . . . . 4 spoons Sugar Syrup . . . . . . . 2 spoons Stir well with ice and strain into highball glass. Add cracked ice to fill, decorate and serve with straws.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 121. Rum Punch, No. 2.
Rum . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 jigger Curacoa . . . . . . . . . . 2 spoons Lemon . . . . . . . . . . . 1 spoon Seltzer . . . . . . . . . . . to fill Shake well with ice and strain into goblet. Add cracked ice, seltzer to fill, decorate and serve with straws.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 125. Whisky Punch.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Curacoa . . . . . . . . . . 1 dash Rum . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 dash Lemon . . . . . . . . . . . 4 spoons Sugar Syrup . . . . . 2 spoons Seltzer . . . . . . . . . . . to fill Stir well in goblet with ice. Add cracked ice, seltzer to fill, dash rum over, decorate and serve with straws.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 125. Whisky Punch, No. 2.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Brandy . . . . . . . . . . 1 dash Lemon . . . . . . . . . . 1 spoon Sugar Syrup . . . . . . 1 spoon . Plain Soda . . . . . . . . to fill Stir well with ice and strain into highball glass. Add cracked ice, soda to fill and serve.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 136. Whisky Punch.
Whisky . . . . . . . . 1 1/2 jiggers Sugar . . . . . . . . . 1 spoon Lemon . . . . . . . . few drops Spice . . . . . . . . . to taste . Hot Water . . . . . . . . . . to fill Stir well in highball glass, adding hot water to fill Add half slice of lemon, spice to taste and serve with spoon.
1931 Albert Stevens Crockett: Old Waldorf Bar Days. Seite 216. Rum Punch.
(goblet) Juice of one-half Lemon One-half spoon Sugar One pony of Water One jigger Rum Fill glass two-thirds fine Ice; fruit well
1931 Albert Stevens Crockett: Old Waldorf Bar Days. Seite 226. Whiskey Punch.
(goblet) Juice of one-half Lemon One-half spoon Sugar One pony of Water Fill glass two-thirds with fine Ice One jigger Whiskey Stir; fruit well in season
1931 Anonymus: ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 7. Rye Whisky Punch.
One large tumbler 1 grand verre de G.&W. „Special“ Rye G.&W. „Special“ Rye Whisky. 4 lumps of Whisky. 4 morceaux sugar. 1 lemon sliced. de sucre. 1 citron tran- 1 orange sliced. 12 ché. 1 orange tranchée. leaves of green mint, Feuilles ou essence de cut in half. Mix and menthe, au goût. Mé- place on ice for half an langer et placer sur la hour. Add one quart glace durant une demi- of ginger ale and serve. heure. Ajouter une Place large piece of ice bouteille de Ginger Ale in bowl to keep Punch et servir. Placer un gros cool. morceau de glace dans . le bol pour garder le . Punch frais.
1931 Dexter Mason: Tipple and Snack. Seite 39. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Dissolve a teaspoon of sugar in a glass, add a jigger of whiskey (Scotch or rye) and a pinch of clove and cinnamon. Fill the glass with boiling water, and drop in a slice of lemon, and one of orange.
1931 Dexter Mason: Tipple and Snack. Seite 47. Rum Punch.
1 jigger of rum 1 tablespoon of lemon juice 1 tablespoon of simple syrup Pour into a glass containing several cubes of ice, decorate with fruits and serve.
1931 Ignacio Domenech: El arte del cocktelero europeo. Seite 119. Hot-Irish-Punch (caliente).
(Proporciones para una persona) Prepárese en una copa de cristal. Se ponen dos terrones de azúcar; una cucharada de las de café de jugo de limón; una copa de las que se bebe el vino Madera, de Irish-whisky. Llenar lo que falte de la copa con agua hirviendo. Mézclese bien, y sírvase con un poco de nuez moscada y una rodaja de limón. Servirlo con cucharilla de las de café.
1931 Ignacio Domenech: El arte del cocktelero europeo. Seite 124. Rhum-Punch.
(Proporciones para una persona) Prepárese en una copa de cristal o en una ponchera peque- ña, una cucharada pequeña de azúcar disuelta con un poco de agua. Añadir una pequeña cucharada de jugo de limón, copa y media de las que se bebe el vino o el Madera, de ron de la Negrita. Llénese con hielo picado y algunas frutas del tiempo picadas. Sírvase con pajas.
1931 John: „Happy Days!“. Seite 85. Bourbon Whisky Punch.
Juice of one-half a Lemon One small teaspoonful Sugar 100 per cent Bourbon Whiskey. Shake, strain into goblet with fine ice. Dress with fruit and serve.
1931 Louis Leospo: Traité d’industrie hotelière. Seite 642. Punchs.
Préparation. — Elle se fait à chaud ou à froid, selon le désir du client. On peut préparer plusieurs punchs à la fois dans un bol en argent ou en porcelaine; on sert ensuite avec une cuillère à punch (genre louche). Si le punch est chaud, on le sert dans un gobelet muni d’un porte-gobelet en argent; s’il est froid, on le sert dans une coupe ou dans un gobelet de cristal. Les recettes suivantes sont les plus usitées. (Proportions néces- saires pour une personne).
1931 Louis Leospo: Traité d’industrie hotelière. Seite 645. Whisky-punch.
Mettre dans un tumbler moyen préalablement ré- chauffé: 1 cuillerée à café de sucre en poudre. 1/2 verre à liqueur de whisky. 4 gouttes de curaçao. Jus d’un quart de citron. Remplir le tumbler d’eau bouillante. Garnir d’une demi-rondelle de citron. Pointe de muscade. Ce punch peut être servi froid; il suffit de remplacer l’eau bouil- lante par de la glace pilée.
1931 Virginia Elliott & Phil D. Stong: Shake ‚em Up. Seite 48. Whiskey Punch.
Fill a tall glass one-third full of very finely crushed ice, add two teaspoons of sugar and stir well. Add the juice of one-half lemon, then a little more ice. Over this pour one wine glass of whiskey. Stir constantly, while adding a tablespoon of ice at a time, until the glass is full. The glasses will be frosted on the outside. Dust lightly with powdered sugar and drink. This is a famous old Southern drink.
1932 Niels Larsen: 156 recettes de boissons américaines. Seite 64. Hot Irish Punch.
[A préparer dans un verre à grog.] 2 morceaux de sucre. Ajoutez: 1 cuiller à café de jus de citron; 1 verre à madère d’irish whisky; Remplissez d’eau bouillante. Mélangez bien et ornez d’une tranche de citron. Râpez un peu de muscade et: Servez avec une cuiller à café.
1932 Niels Larsen: 156 recettes de boissons américaines. Seite 66. Rhum Punch.
[A préparer dans un grand gobelet.] 3/4 cuiller à bouche de sucre en poudre dissous dans un peu d’eau. Ajoutez: 1/2 cuiller à café de jus de citron; 1 verre 1/2 à madère de rhum. Remplissez de glace pilée. Mélangez bien, ornez de fruits et servez avec de grandes pailles.
1933 A. E. P. Bird & William C. Turner: Cocktails. Seite 28. Whiskey Punch.
Rye or Bourbon, 1 pint Rum, 8 dashes Curacoa, 8 dashes Lemons, Juice of 4 Sugar Syrup, 2 ozs. Charged Water, 1 quart
Mix materials together in punch howl and add large piece of ice; garnish with sliced lemon and orange. The above will serve 16 four ounce portions.
1933 Anonymus: 300 Drinks and How to Mix ‚em. Seite 30. Hot Irish Punch.
(A hot water glass) 1 or 2 lumps sugar. 1 or 2 dashes of lemon Juice. 1 wine-glass Irish whisky. Fill up with hot water; stir well. Place a slice of lemon on top, grate a little nutmeg, and serve.
1933 Anonymus: 300 Drinks and How to Mix ‚em. Seite 31. Medford Punch.
(A large bar glass) Fill glass with fine ice. 3/4 table-spoon sugar. 2 or 3 dashes lemon juice. 1 1/4 glass Medford rum. 1 dash Jamaica rum. Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with straw.
1933 Anonymus: 300 Drinks and How to Mix ‚em. Seite 34. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Large bar glass) 1 table-spoon sugar. 3 or 4 dashes lemon juice. 1/4 pony-glass Jamaica rum. 1 wine-glass St. Croix rum. Fill up with fine ice. Dress top with fruit and ber- ries. Serve with a straw.
1933 Anonymus: 300 Drinks and How to Mix ‚em. Seite 35. Hot Whisky Punch.
(A hot whisky glass) The juice of half a lemon, one or two lumps of sugar dissolved in one wine-glass hot water. 2 wine-glasses Scotch or Irish whisky. Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a thin slice of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some grate a lit- tle nutmeg on top. Always place ice before the cus- tomer, and allow a spoon to remain in the drink, in order that the partaker of the beverage can help him self to ice should the mixture be too hot for him.
1933 Anonymus: Cocktails. Their Kicks and Side-Kicks. Seite 28. Whiskey Punch.
Rye or Bourbon, 1 pint Rum, 8 dashes Curacoa, 8 dashes Lemons, Juice of 4 Sugar Syrup, 2 ozs. Charged Water, 1 quart Mix materials together in punch bowl and add large piece of ice; garnish with sliced lemon and orange. The above will serve 16 four ounce portions.
1933 Anonymus: Here’s How to Mix ‚Em. Seite 30. Hot Irish Punch.
(A hot water glass) 1 or 2 lumps sugar. 1 or 2 dashes of lemon juice. 1 wine-glass Irish whisky. Fill up with hot water; stir well. Place a slice of lemon on top, grate a little nutmeg, and serve.
1933 Anonymus: Here’s How to Mix ‚Em. Seite 31. Medford Rum Punch.
(A large bar glass) Fill glass with fine ice. 3/4 table-spoon sugar. 2 or 3 dashes lemon juice. 1 1/4 glass Medford rum. 1 dash Jamaica rum. Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with straw.
1933 Anonymus: Here’s How to Mix ‚Em. Seite 34. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Large bar glass) 1 table-spoon sugar. 3 or 4 dashes lemon juice. 1/4 pony-glass Jamaica rum. 1 wine-glass St. Croix rum. Fill up with fine ice. Dress top with fruit and berries. Serve with a straw.
1933 Anonymus: Here’s How to Mix ‚Em. Seite 35. Hot Whisky Punch.
(A hot whisky glass) The juice of half a lemon, one or two lumps of sugar dissolved in one wine-glass hot water. 2 wine-glasses Scotch or Irish whisky. Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a thin slice of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some grate a lit- tle nutmeg on top. Always place ice before the cus- tomer, and allow a spoon to remain in the drink, in order that the partaker of the beverage can help him- self to ice should the mixture be too hot for him.
1933 Anonymus: Lest We Forget. Seite 35. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. Three-quarters tablespoonful of sugar, dissolve well. Two or three dashes lemon juice. Fill glass with fine ice. One and one-half glass Medford rum. One dash Jamaica rum. Stir well with spoon. Dress with fruits in season, and serve with straws.
1933 Anonymus: Lest We Forget. Seite 35. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass. One tablespoonful powdered sugar, dis- solved in a little water. Juice of one-half small lemon. One and one-half wine-glass whiskey. Fill glass with shaved ice, shake well; dress with lemon and berries, and serve with straws.
1933 Anonymus: Lest We Forget. Seite 37. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. One tablespoonful powdered white sugar, dissolved in a little water. One wine-glass Santa Cruz rum. One-quarter wine-glass Jamaica rum. Two or three dashes lemon juice. One slice of orange (cut in quarters). Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top with sliced lime and ber- ries in season. Serve with a straw.
1933 Anonymus: O’Dell’s Book of Cocktails and Fancy Drinks. Seite 210. Hot Rum Punch.
Dissolve 2 lumps of Sugar in a little hot water in an already warmed punch glass. 4 or 5 dashes Angostura Bitters, 1 wineglass Rum, 1 slice of Lemon with peel attached. Fill up with hot water, grate Nut- meg on top, and serve.
1933 Anonymus: The Bartender’s Friend. Seite 45. Bottled Rum Punch Essence.
Rum, Medford Mix 1 qt. of rum, 2 qts. spirits, 2 qts. Spirits (70%) syrup, 1 1/2 ponies tinct. lemon peel, 20 Syrup, Plain drops tinct. cloves. Strain through fine Tinct. Lemon Peel cloth. Bottle. In using the essence to Tinct. Cloves make a drink, mix with equal parts of . boiling water or fill up a punch glass . already full of fine ice, as desired.
1933 Anonymus: The Bartender’s Friend. Seite 45. Bottled Whiskey Punch Essence.
Whiskey With 1 gal. of whisky, mix 1 1/2 ponies Syrup, Plain of tincture of lemon peel and 1 1/2 tea- Tinct. of Lemon spoonfuls of tincture of cloves. Add Peel 3 qts. of syrup. Stir well and bottle. Tinct. of Cloves
1933 Anonymus: The Bartender’s Friend. Seite 87. Hot Rum Punch.
Follow recipe for Rum Punch, filling with hot water instead of ice. Stir and sprinkle with nutmeg. No fruit. Serve with spoon.
Seite 122. Rum Punch.
Jamaica Rum Into a mixing glass put 1 jigger of Lemon Juice rum, the juice of 1/2 lemon and juice of Orange Juice 1/2 orange, 1 tablespoonful of syrup, Syrup, Plain and fill with fine ice. Shake, add fruit, Ice and serve with straw in a punch glass. Fruit
1933 Anonymus: The Bartender’s Friend. Seite 88. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Follow recipe for Whiskey Punch (which see), but use hot water in place of ice, and stir instead of shake.
Seite 144. Whiskey Punch.
Rye Whiskey In a mixing glass dissolve 1 teaspoonful Rum of fine sugar in a little water and the Lemon Juice juice of 1/2 lemon, half fill with fine Sugar ice, add 1 jigger of whiskey and 1 tea- Water spoonful of rum. Shake, strain, and Ice serve.
1933 Anonymus: The Bartender’s Friend. Seite 122. Rum Punch.
Jamaica Rum Into a mixing glass put 1 jigger of Lemon Juice rum, the juice of 1/2 lemon and juice of Orange Juice 1/2 orange, 1 tablespoonful of syrup, Syrup, Plain and fill with fine ice. Shake, add fruit, Ice and serve with straw in a punch glass. Fruit
1933 Anonymus: The Bartender’s Friend. Seite 144. Whiskey Punch.
Rye Whiskey In a mixing glass dissolve 1 teaspoonful Rum of fine sugar in a little water and the Lemon Juice juice of 1/2 lemon, half fill with fine Sugar ice, add 1 jigger of whiskey and 1 tea- Water spoonful of rum. Shake, strain, and Ice serve.
1933 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 49. Medford Rum Punch.
Use Large Glass. THREE-QUARTERS tablespoonful powdered sugar; two or three dashes lemon juice. Dissolve with a little water. Fill glass with fine shaved ice. One and a quarter wine glass Medford rum. Shake well, and ornament with fruit. Serve with straws.
1933 Fred W. Swan: When Good Fellows Get Together. Seite 53. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(use hot water glass) 1 or 2 lumps sugar. 1 or 2 dashes lemon juice. 1 wineglass Irish Whiskey. Fill up glass with hot water. Stir well. Top with a slice of lemon, over which a little nutmeg is sprinkled, and serve.
1933 Fred W. Swan: When Good Fellows Get Together. Seite 54. Medford Rum Punch.
(use large bar glass) Partly fill glass wth shaved ice. tablespoon sugar. 2 or 3 dashes lemon juice. 1 1/4 glasses Medford Rum. 1 dash Jamaica Rum. Stir well. Dress with fruit in season and serve with a straw.
1933 Fred W. Swan: When Good Fellows Get Together. Seite 56. Rum Punch.
(use large bar glass) 1 tablespoon sugar. 3 or 4 dashes lemon juice. 1/4 pony glass Jamaica Rum. 1 wineglass St. Croix Rum. 1 slice of orange, cut into quarters. Fill up glass with shaved ice. Decorate with fruit or berries in season. Serve with a straw.
1933 Fred W. Swan: When Good Fellows Get Together. Seite 56. Hot Rum Punch.
(use large bar glass) Prepare same as Irish Whiskey, Hot, sub- stituting Rum for Irish Whiskey.
Seite 53. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(use hot water glass) 1 or 2 lumps sugar. 1 or 2 dashes lemon juice. 1 wineglass Irish Whiskey. Fill up glass with hot water. Stir well. Top with a slice of lemon, over which a little nutmeg is sprinkled, and serve.
1933 Fred W. Swan: When Good Fellows Get Together. Seite 58. Whiskey Punch.
(use large bar glass) 1 tablespoon powdered sugar, dissolved in a little water. Juice of 1/2 lemon. 1 wineglass Irish or Scotch Whiskey. Fill glass with shaved ice. Shake well. Garnish with 2 thin slices of lemon or ber- ries in season. Serve with a straw.
1933 Fred W. Swan: When Good Fellows Get Together. Seite 58. Hot Whiskey Punch.
(use large bar glass) Prepare same as Irish Whiskey, Hot, sub- stituting Rye or Bourbon for Irish Whiskey.
Seite 53. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(use hot water glass) 1 or 2 lumps sugar. 1 or 2 dashes lemon juice. 1 wineglass Irish Whiskey. Fill up glass with hot water. Stir well. Top with a slice of lemon, over which a little nutmeg is sprinkled, and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 129. Rum Punch.
Rum . . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Curacoa . . . . . . . . . 1 dash Lemon . . . . . . . . . 4 spoons Sugar Syrup . . . . . . 2 spoons Stir well with ice and strain into highball glass. Add cracked ice to fill, decorate and serve with straws.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 129. Rum Punch, No. 2.
Rum . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 jigger Curacoa . . . . . . . . . 2 spoons Lemon . . . . . . . . . 1 spoon Seltzer . . . . . . . . . . . to fill Shake well with ice and strain into goblet. Add cracked ice, seltzer to fill, decorate and serve with straws.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 133. Whisky Punch.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Curacoa . . . . . . . . . 1 dash Rum . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 dash Lemon . . . . . . . . . . 4 spoons Sugar Syrup . . . . . . . 2 spoons Seltzer . . . . . . . . . . to fill Stir well in goblet with ice. Add cracked ice, seltzer to fill, dash rum over, decorate and serve with straws.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 133. Whisky Punch, No. 2.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Brandy . . . . . . . . . . . 1 dash Lemon . . . . . . . . . . . 1 spoon Sugar Syrup . . . . . . . 1 spoon . Plain Soda . . . . . . . . to fill Stir well with ice and strain into highball glass. Add cracked ice, soda to fill and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 147. Whisky Punch.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . 1 1/2 jiggers Sugar . . . . . . . . . 1 spoon Lemon . . . . . . . . . few drops Spice . . . . . . . . . to taste Stir well in highball glass, adding hot water to fill. Add half slice of lemon, spice to taste and serve with spoon.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 175. Rum Punch.
(FOR EIGHT) Rum . . . . . . . . . . 1 quart Orange Juice . . . . . 1 quart . Sugar . . . . . . . . . 1/2 pound Stir well, strain through jelly hag and bottle for use.
1933 George Albert Zabriskie: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 68. Medford Rum Punch.
1 teaspoonful sugar Juice of 1/2 lemon Dissolve in little water 1 jigger Medford rum 1/2 glass cracked ice Stir with spoon; dress with fruits in season.
1933 George Albert Zabriskie: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 75. Whiskey Punch.
1 wineglass of whiskey (Irish or Scotch) 2 wineglasses of boiling water Sugar to taste Dissolve sugar well with one wineglass of water, then pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the water; sweeten to taste; put in a small piece of lemon rind, or a slice of lemon
1933 George Albert Zabriskie: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 75. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is a genuine Irish beverage. 1/3 pure whiskey 2/3 boiling water, in which sugar has been dissolved If lemon is used, the rind is rubbed on the sugar, and a little of the juice is added before the whiskey is poured in.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 84. Bourbon Whiskey Punch.
Juice of one-half a lemon. One small teaspoonful sugar. Jigger bourbon whiskey. Shake, strain into goblet with fine ice. Dress with fruit and serve.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 90. Hot Irish Punch.
One lump of sugar dissolved in a little hot water in a hot punch glass. One wine glass of Irish whisky. One piece of lemon peel. Fill up with hot water; stir; grate nutmeg on top and serve.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 91. Hot Rum Punch.
Made the same as Irish Whisky, substituting rum for Irish whisky.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 91. Hot Whisky Punch.
Same as Hot Irish Whisky, substimting Rye or Bourbon for Irish whisky.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 92. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. Three-fourths full of shaved ice. One wine glass of Medford rum. Three dashes of fine sugar. One dash of Jamaica rum. Stir well; dress with fruit and serve with straws.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 96. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. One tablespoonful of sugar. One wine glass of St. Croix rum. One teaspoonful of raspberry syrup. One-half wine glass of Jamaica rum. Fill with cracked ice; shake well; ornament with fruit in season and serve with straws.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 96. Whisky Punch.
Use large bar glass. One tablespoonful of lemon juice. One wine glass of whisky. One-fourth wine glass of Jamaica rum. One tablespoonful of sugar. One-half wine glass of water. Five drops of raspberry syrup. Fill glass with cracked ice. Shake well; dress top with 1 slice of orange, 1 piece of pineapple and serve with straws.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 189. Bourbon Whisky Punch.
Juice of half a lemon 1 small teaspoonful sugar 100% Bourbon whisky Shake, and strain into goblet with fine ice. Dress with fruit and serve.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 196. Hot Irish Punch.
2 lumps of sugar Juice of half a lemon Dissolve in a little hot water. 100% Irish whisky Fill glass with hot water. Stir well, place slice of lemon on top, grate nutmeg, and serve.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 197. Irish Whisky Punch.
Juice of half a lemon 1 teaspoonful sugar 100% Irish whisky Shake and strain into a goblet with fine ice. Dress with fruit in season.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 197. Hot Rum Punch.
1 teaspoonful o£ sugar 100% Jamaica rum Fill glass with hot water. Twist 2 pieces of lemon peel on top, and drop them into the glass. Add 2 whole cloves. Stir with spoon, and serve.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 197. Irish Whisky Punch.
Juice of half a lemon 1 teaspoonful sugar 100% Irish whisky Shake and strain into a goblet with fine ice. Dress with fruit in season.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 198. Medford Rum Punch.
1 teaspoonful sugar Juice of half a lemon Dissolve in a little water. 100% rum 1/2 glass cracked ice Stir with spoon, dress with fruits in season, and serve with straws.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 200. Old-Fashioned Whisky Punch.
80% Bourbon whisky Juice of half a lemon 20% curaçao 1/2 pint plain or sparkling water Plain syrup 1 long cube of ice 3 or 4 slices of cucumber rind Decorate with fruit and mint.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 203. Rye Whisky Punch.
Same as Bourbon Whisky Punch, but use rye whisky instead of Bourbon.
Seite 189. Bourbon Whisky Punch.
Juice of half a lemon 1 small teaspoonful sugar 100% Bourbon whisky Shake, and strain into goblet with fine ice. Dress with fruit and serve.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 203. St. Croix Rum Punch.
1 tablespoonful sugar Juice of one lemon 75% St. Croix rum 25% Jamaica rum Fill glass with cracked ice. Stir with spoon, ornament with fruits in season, and serve with straws.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 204. Scotch Whisky Punch.
Juice of half a lemon 1 teaspoonful of sugar 100% Scotch whisky Shake, and strain into a goblet. Dress with fruit.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 206. Whisky Punch.
(Use large bar glass half full of ice) 1 teaspoonful of sugar Juice of one lemon 100% whisky and rum mixed 2 dashes angostura bitters Shake well, and strain into punch glass, with slice of orange, and 3 or 4 dashes of curagao on top. Fill with seltzer and serve.
1933 John F. Driscoll: The Home Bartender. Seite 39. Whiskey Punch (English).
Rub 4 large cubes of sugar upon the rind of three lemons till yellow disappears, add more sugar to make a quantity of six ounces, put this sugar into a bowl and squeeze upon it the juice of two lemons and pour upon it a pint and a half of boiling water, add one quart of good aged Whiskey, also three quarts of imported soda Water, Garnish with fresh mixed fruits and drop 6 or 8 clean sprigs of mint into punch and stir. Ice.
1933 Joseph P. Santana & Charles A. Sasena: Fine Beverages. Seite 34. Whiskey Punch.
Take mixing glass with juice of one lemon One tablespoonful of fine sugar Fill glass with fine ice Add 2 oz. Whiskey A little Jamaica Rurti and a little Brandy Shake well. Strain into lemonade glass, and fill up with seltzer. Decorate with fruit and serve.
1933 Julien J. Proskauer: Whatt’ll You Have. Seite 96. Genuine Whiskey Punch.
A goblet filled with fine ice, a dash of lemon-juice, 3 dashes of gum, 1 drink of whiskey. Then fill another goblet with fine ice, and put this on top of the first; turn them upside down five or six times; hold them up together as high as you can with both hands, and let the liquid drip down into a tall, fancy glass; 1 dash of Jamaica rum on the top, and you will have an impressive and pleasant drink. (Other liquors may be turned into punches the same way.)
1933 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 76. Irish Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé: 1 cuiller à café jus de citron. 1 cuiller à café sucre en poudre. 1 erre à liqueur Irish whisky. Emplir d’eau très chaude. Une tranche de citron. Muscader. Cuiller.
1933 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 79. Rum Punch, Cold.
Gobelet n° 3: 1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre. 1 verre à liqueur d’eau. 1 cuiller à café jus de citron. 1 verre à madère de rhum. Emplir aux 3/4 de glace pilée. Adapter la timbale. Frapper. Orner de fruits. Ronds d’orange. Pailles.
1933 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 79. Rum Punch, Hot.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé: 1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre. 2 traits jus de citron. 1 verre à liqueur de rhum. Emplir d’eau très chaude. Remuer. Orner 2/2 tranches de citron. Muscader.
1933 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 81. Whisky Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé: 1/2 cuiller à café jus de citron. 1 cuiller à bouche sirop de gomme. 2 traits curaçao. 1 verre à liqueur whisky. Emplir d’eau chaude. Tranche de citron.
1933 R. C. Miller: The American Bar Guide. Seite 3. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made one-third pure whiskey, two-thirds boiling water, in which the sugar has been dissolved. If lemon punch, the rind is rubbed on the sugar, and a small proportion of juice added before the whiskey is poured in.
1933 R. C. Miller: The American Bar Guide. Seite 4. Cold Whiskey Punch.
(For a party) This beverage ought always to be made with boiling water, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or two before it is put on the table. In this way the materials get more intensely amalgamated than cold water and cold whiskey ever get. As to the beautiful mutual adaptation of cold rum and cold water, that is beyond all praise, being one of Nature’s most exquisite achievements. (See „Glasgow Punch,“ No. 29.)
Seite 12. Glasgow Punch.
Melt lump-sugar in cold water, with the juice of a couple of lemons, passed through a fine hair-strainer. This is sherbet, and must be well mingled. Then add old Jamaica rum-one part of rum to five of sherbet. Cut a couple of limes in two, and run each section rapidly around the edge of the jug or bowl, gently squeezing in some of the delicate acid. This done, the punch is made. Imbibe.
1933 R. C. Miller: The American Bar Guide. Seite 4. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Steep the thin yellow shavings of lemon peel in the whiskey, which should be Glenlivet or Islay, of the best quality; the sugar should be dissolved in boiling water. As it requires genius to make whiskey punch, it would be impertient to give proportions. (See „Spread Eagle Punch,“ No. 39.
Seite 15. The Spread Eagle Punch.
1 bottle of whiskey. 1 bottle of brandy. Lemon peel, sugar and-boiling water at discretion.
1933 R. C. Miller: The American Bar Guide. Seite 4. Whiskey Punch.
(Use small bar glass) 1 wine-glass whiskey (Irish or Scotch). 2 do. boiling water. Sugar to taste. Dissolve the sugar well with wine-glass of the water, then pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the water, sweeten to taste, and put in a small piece of lemon rind, or a thin slice of lemon.
1934 Anonymus: 100 Famous Cocktails. Seite 44. Whiskey Punch.
(Goblet) Juice of one-half Lemon One-half spoon sugar One pony of water Fill glass two-thirds with fine ice One jigger Whiskey Stir, fruit well in season
1934 Anonymus: A Life-Time Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks. Seite 104. Bourbon Whisky Punch, Rye Whisky Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon Shake 1 small barspoonful sugar Strain into goblet with 1 jigger Bourbon or Rye fine ice. Dress with as desired fruit and serve
1934 Anonymus: A Life-Time Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks. Seite 108. Irish Whisky Punch.
Juice of 1 lemon Shake and strain into 1 barspoonful sugar goblet with fine ice 1 jigger Irish Whisky Dress with fruit
1934 Anonymus: A Life-Time Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks. Seite 111. Rum Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon or lime Shake 1 barspoonful of sugar Strain into goblet and 1 jigger of Rum dress with fruit 1 dash Brandy
1934 Anonymus: A Life-Time Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks. Seite 111. Scotch Whisky Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon Shake and strain into 1 barspoonful of sugar goblet 1 jigger Scotch Whisky Dress with fruit
1934 Anonymus: A Life-Time Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks. Seite 113. Whisky Punch (old Fashion).
1 quart Bourbon Whisky 1 long cube ice 1 jigger of lemon juice 3 or 4 slices cucumber 2 jiggers Curaçao rind 1/2 pint water or sparkling Decorate with fruit and 1 jigger plain Syrup mint
1934 Anonymus: Angostura Recipes. Seite 18. Scotch Whisky Punch.
as mixed at ANGOSTURA BAR,Trinidad Large Glass, 1/2 Ice. 1 Teaspoon Sugar 4 or 5 Dashes Lime (or Lemon) Juice 1/2 Pint Scotch Whisky and Rum, mixed 4 or 5 Dashes Angostura Bitters Shake well, strain into punch glass with Slice of Orange — 3 or 4 Dashes Curaçao on top. Splash with Seltzer.
1934 Anonymus: Angostura Recipes. Seite 20. Whisky Punch.
as mixed at ANGOSTURA BAR,Trinidad Large glass 1/2 ice — 1 Teaspoon Sugar — 4 or 5 dashes Lime (or Lemon) Juice — 1/2 Pint Whisky and Rum mixed — 4 or 5 dashes Angostura Bitters. Shake well, strain into punch glass with slice of orange — 3 or 4 dashes Curaçao on top, with Seltzer.
1934 Anonymus: The Complete Bartender’s Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 49. Hot Irish Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) 3 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar. 1 or 2 dashes of lemon juice. 1 wine-glass Irish whisky. Fill up with hot water; stir well. Place a slice of lemon on top, grate a little nutmeg and serve.
1934 Anonymus: The Complete Bartender’s Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 50. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) Fill glass with shaved ice. 1 teaspoonful powdered sugar. 2 or 3 dashes lemon juice. 1 1/4 glass Medford rum. 1 dash of Jamaica rum. Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with straw.
1934 Anonymus: The Complete Bartender’s Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 54. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) 2 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar. 3 or 4 dashes lemon juice. 1/4 pony-glass Jamaica rum. 1 wine-glass St. Croix rum. Fill up with shaved ice. Dress top with fruit and berries. Serve with a straw.
1934 Anonymus: The Complete Bartender’s Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 55. Whisky Punch (Hot).
(Use whisky glass.) The juice of half a lemon, 3 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar in one wine-glass hot water. 2 wine-glasses Scotch or Irish whisky. Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a thin slice of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some grate a little nutmeg on top. Always place ice be- fore the customer, and allow a spoon to remain in the drink, in order that the partaker of the beverage can help himself to ice should the mixture be too hot for him.
1934 Anonymus: The Complete Bartender’s Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 120. Whisky Punch (Cold).
Fill a tall glass 1/3 full of very finely crushed ice, add 2 teaspoons of sugar and stir well. Add juice of 1/2 lemon, then a little more ice. Over this pour 1 wine glass of whisky. Stir constantly, while add- ing a tablespoon of ice at a time until glass is full. The glasses will be frosted on the outside. Dust lightly with powdered sugar. This is a famous old Southern drink.
1934 Anonymus: The Masterly Touch. Seite 20. Whisky Punch.
3 glasses orange juice 2 glasses lemon juice • 1 cup sugar 2 big bottles Canada Dry Ginger Ale 1 12-oz. bottle Canada Dry’s Sparkling Water 1 quart Cedar Brook dress with sliced fruit
1934 Anonymus: What goes with what. Seite 19. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Use a large glass; the juice of one Lemon, one tablespoonful of Sugar. Add a little Carbonated Water and dissolve well, one-half wine glass of St. Croix Rum. Fill with shaved ice, mix well, and ornament with fruits.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 273. Whisky-Punsch.
wie Brandy-Punsch, je- doch an Stelle von Wein- brand nehme man Rye- Whisky.
Seite 265 Brandy-Punch.
1 Eßlöffelvoll Zucker in etwas Wasser auflösen 1/2 Zitronensaft 1/10 Curaçao, orange 1/1 Weinbrand weiter wie Arrak-Punsch.
Seite 265 Arrack-Punch.
1 Eßlöffelvoll Zucker in etwas Wasser auflösen 1/2 Zitronensaft 1/2 Arrak in das mit Eis gefüllte Punschglas geben, umrühren, mit Früchten garnieren und servieren.
1934 Bernard: 100 Cocktails. Seite 91. Rum Punch.
1/2 gill of Rum. 1/4 gill of Lemon Juice. 1 dash of Brandy. 2 dashes of Plain Syrup. Soda Water. 1/2 shakerful of broken Ice. Half fill the shaker with broken ice and add the Rum. Then add the Lemon juice, the Plain Syrup and the Brandy. Shake well and pass through a strainer into a large wine glass. To serve, fill up with Soda Water. This punch is one of the most popular ones, but you can vary the recipe by using Brandy, Gin, Sherry or Whisky in place of Rum.
1934 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: Punches and Cocktails. Seite 8. Hot Spiced Rum.
Fill a tumbler two thirds full of hot water after plac- ing spoon in glass and mix in a pony of Jamaica rum. Add one teaspoonful of sugar, juice of a quarter of a lemon, and whole cloves to suit taste. Serve with spoon.
1934 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: Punches and Cocktails. Seite 9. Hot Irish.
Fill a tumbler two thirds full of boiling water, putting a spoon in glass first to prevent cracking. In this dissolve a spoonful of sugar and add a portion of Irish whiskey. Squirt in the juice of a quarter lemon, and ornament with a slice of lemon. Serve with a spoon.
1934 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: Punches and Cocktails. Seite 28. Hot Rum.
In a heated bar glass pour one wine-glass of Jamaica rum. Add a teaspoonful of powdered sugar and a small piece of butter, big as the end of your fingernail. Fill with boiling water, stirring as you pour. Grate a little nutmeg on top and serve.
1934 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: Punches and Cocktails. Seite 30. Hot Scotch Punch.
Mix in a large glass, one wine-glass of Scotch whiskey, two wine-glasses of boiling water. Add two lumps of sugar and serve.
1934 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: Punches and Cocktails. Seite 30. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Mix in large glass, one wine-glass of Irish whiskey, two wine-glasses of boiling water, two lumps of sugar. Put in a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass, rinse it in hot water.
1934 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 200. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.) 1 tablesponful of sugar; 3 or 4 dashes of lime or lemon juice; 1/2 wine glass of water or squirt of seltzer, dissolved well with a spoon; pony glass of Jamaica rum; 1 wine glass of St. Croix rum; Fill up with fine shaved ice; Mix well with a spoon, ornament with fruit in sea- son, and serve with a straw. This is a very cooling and pleasant drink in the hot season, providing you don’t use poor rum.
1934 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 227. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.) 3/4 tablespoonful of sugar; 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice, dissolve well with a little water, or squirt of syphon, vichy, or setters; Fill the glass with finely shaved ice; 1 1/2 wineglassful of Medford rum; Flavor with a few drops of Jamaica rum, stir up well with a spoon, and dress the top with fruit in season in a tasteful manner, and serve with a straw.
1934 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 229. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(Use a hot water glass.) 1 or 2 lumps of loaf sugar; 1 squirt of lemon juice, dissolve in a little hot water; 1 wine glass of Irish whiskey; Fill the glass with hot water, stir up well, put a slice of lemon into it, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.
1934 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 250. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
(Use a hot water glass.) 1 or 2 lumps of loaf sugar; Dissolve well with a little hot water; 1 wineglassful of Scotch whiskey; Fill up a glass with hot water, stir up well with a spoon, put a slice of lemon into it, grate a little nut- meg on top, and serve.
1934 Ira A. Altschul: Drinks as They Were Made Before Prohibition. Seite 40. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Use a hot water glass. Any whiskey. Rye, Bourbon, Scotch or Irish. Heat glass with hot water while preparing drink. One cube sugar dissolved in a little hot water. One jigger whiskey, fill with hot water. One thin slice of lemon dropped in and serve with a toddy spoon.
1934 Ira A. Altschul: Drinks as They Were Made Before Prohibition. Seite 42. Rum Punch.
In a punch glass. Two spoons gum syrup. Two or three dashes lemon juice. Fill glass with shaved ice. One jigger Medford Rum. One dash Jamaica Rum. Stir well, dress with fruit and serve straws.
1934 Ira A. Altschul: Drinks as They Were Made Before Prohibition. Seite 43. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
Use a small mixing glass. Two spoons sugar. One jigger Santa Cruz Rum. One-half jigger Jamaica Rum. Juice of one-half lemon. Fill with shaved ice, shake well and strain into a punch glass. Dress with fruit and serve with straws.
1934 Ira A. Altschul: Drinks as They Were Made Before Prohibition. Seite 43. Whiskey Punch.
Use a small mixing glass. Half fill with shaved ice. Two spoons sugar. Juice of one small lemon. One jigger Whiskey. Stir well and strain into a punch glass filled with cracked ice. Dress with fruit and serve with straws.
1934 John Robert Meyer: Bottoms Up. Seite 22. Rye Whisky Punch.
Dress with fresh fruit. 3 teaspoons lemon juice 1-3 mineral water 2-3 Rye 3 teaspoons powdered sugar.
1934 Magnus Bredenbek: What Shall We Drink. Seite 50. Rye Whisky Punch.
Let’s make this one just for us two: Pour into your shaker containing a small amount of ice to chill mixture, six ounces of rye whisky and add two teaspoonsful of lemon juice and a tablespoonful of „gum.“ Shake thoroughly and strain into two punch glasses half full of shaved ice. Garnish with a half slice of orange and a thin spear-head of pineapple. It’s „stiff“ but delicious!
1934 Magnus Bredenbek: What Shall We Drink. Seite 50. Scotch Punch.
Then try this one: — this time for a gathering of friends: Drag out the punch bowl and put into it cracked ice for chilling purposes. Into the ice pour two quarts of Scotch whisky, two quarts of seltzer or carbonated water, juice of a half dozen lemons and thin slivers of the yellow rinds, and about two teacups of „gum.“ Stir thoroughly and serve. You have enough for thirty drinks in this portion.
1934 Magnus Bredenbek: What Shall We Drink. Seite 51. Whisky Punch.
There are many varieties of whisky punches, but these that follow will be found almost universally satisfactory and may be used as the bases for your own inventive genius in adding other ingredients.
1934 Magnus Bredenbek: What Shall We Drink. Seite 51. Hot Whisky Punch.
Now let’s try a hot whisky punch, just the two of us. Use either Rye or Scotch, Bourbon or Irish six ounces. Add one and a half teacups of hot water and „gum“ to taste for sweetness. Stir well and pour into heavy glasses, adding a thin slice of lemon or orange, as you desire.
1934 Magnus Bredenbek: What Shall We Drink. Seite 59. Hot Whisky Punch.
For a simple hot punch on a cold day, or in case of ill- ness, this Whisky Punch is easily made up: Into heat re- sisting tumbler pour one wine-glass of whisky (Rye, Bourbon, Scotch or Irish) and add two lumps of sugar and a quarter teaspoon of lemon juice. Fill glass with hot water, stir well and on top let a half slice of lemon float. Substitute brandy for whisky if you wish.
1934 Magnus Bredenbek: What Shall We Drink. Seite 60. Frosted Rum Punch.
Have your shaker ready wdth some finely chipped ice. Pour in three ounces of fine rum (any kind), add a half tea- spoon of strained lemon juice and „gum“ to taste, say, about two teaspoons. Shake well and pour into thin goblet almost filled with snowy ice, add a dash of Arrack and top with your favorite fruit or berries. Use straw or glass sipper.
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 259. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Juice of 1 Lemon 1 Tablespoonful of Sugar, dissolved in a little water 1/2 Wine Glass of St. Croix Rum Fill glass up with fine ice, decorate with Fruit and serve with straws. Use glass number 12
1934 Tom and Jerry: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 6. Rye Whiskey Punch.
2/3 Rye Whiskey 3 Teaspoons Lemon Juice 3 Teaspoons Powdered Sugar 1/3 Mineral Water Dress up with Fresh Fruit
1934 Tom and Jerry: Tom and Jerry’s Bartenders Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 49. Hot Irish Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) 3 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar. 1 or 2 dashes of lemon juice. 1 wine-glass Irish whisky. Fill up with hot water; stir well. Place a slice of lemon on top, grate a little nutmeg and serve.
1934 Tom and Jerry: Tom and Jerry’s Bartenders Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 50. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) Fill glass with shaved ice. 1 teaspoonful powdered sugar. 2 or 3 dashes lemon juice. 1 1/4 glass Medford rum. 1 dash of Jamaica rum. Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with straw.
1934 Tom and Jerry: Tom and Jerry’s Bartenders Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 54. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) 2 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar. 3 or 4 dashes lemon juice. 1/4 pony-glass Jamaica rum. 1 wine-glass St. Croix rum. Fill up with shaved ice. Dress top with fruit and berries. Serve with a straw.
1934 Tom and Jerry: Tom and Jerry’s Bartenders Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 55. Whisky Punch (Hot).
(Use whisky glass.) The juice of half a lemon, 3 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar in one wine-glass hot water. 2 wine-glasses Scotch or Irish whisky. Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a thin slice of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some grate a little nutmeg on top. Always place ice be- fore the customer, and allow a spoon to remain in the drink, in order that the partaker of the beverage can help himself to ice should the mixture be too hot for him.
1934 Tom and Jerry: Tom and Jerry’s Bartenders Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 120. Whisky Punch (Cold).
Fill a tall glass 1/3 full of very finely crushed ice, add 2 teaspoons of sugar and stir well. Add juice of 1/2 lemon, then a little more ice. Over this pour 1 wine glass of whisky. Stir constantly, while add- ing a tablespoon of ice at a time until glass is full. The glasses will be frosted on the outside. Dust lightly with powdered sugar. This is a famous old Southern drink.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 221. Rum Punch.
Rum . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Curacoa . . . . . . . . . 1 dash Lemon . . . . . . . . . . 4 spoons Sugar Syrup . . . . . 2 spoons Stir well with ice and strain into highball glass. Add cracked ice to fill, decorate and serve with straws.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 222. Rum Punch, No. 2.
Rum . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 jigger Curacoa . . . . . . . . . 2 spoons Lemon . . . . . . . . . . 1 spoon Seltzer . . . . . . . . . . to fill Shake well with ice and strain into goblet. Add cracked ice, seltzer to fill, decorate and serve with straws.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 225. Whisky Punch.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Curacoa . . . . . . . 1 dash Rum . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 dash Lemon . . . . . . . . 4 spoons Sugar Syrup . . . . . . 2 spoons Seltzer . . . . . . . . to fill Stir well in goblet with ice. Add cracked ice, seltzer to fill, dash rum over, decorate and serve with straws.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 225. Whisky Punch, No. 2.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Sweet-Sour . . . . . . . 2 spoons Brandy . . . . . . . . . . 1 dash Plain Soda . . . . . . . . to fill Stir well with ice and strain into highball glass. Add cracked ice, soda to fill and serve.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 234. Whisky Punch.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1/2 jiggers Sugar . . . . . . . . . . 1 spoon Lemon . . . . . . . . . . . few drops Spice . . . . . . . . . . to taste . Hot Water . . . . . . . . to fill Stir well in highball glass, adding hot water to fill lemon, spice to taste and serve with spoon.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 260. Rum Punch.
(For Twenty) Rumola . . . . . . . . 2 bottles (5ths) Brandy . . . . . . . . . 1 bottle (5th) Lemon . . . . . . . . . 2 bottles 5ths) Pineapple . . . . . . 1 pint . Plain Soda . . . . . . 1 bottle (5th) Stir all in punch bowl with large lump of ice. Add bits of fruits, pineapple, orange. Maraschino cherries, etc., and serve in punch glasses.
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 84. Rum Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon or lime. 1 barspoonful sugar. 1 shot rum. 1 dash brandy. Shake, strain into goblet dress with fruit.
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 74. Bourbon Whiskey Punch, Rye Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon. 1 small barspoonful sugar. 1 shot bourbon or rye, as desired. Shake, strain into goblet with fine ice. Dress wih fruit and serve.
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 81. Irish Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon. 1 barspoonful sugar. 1 shot Irish whiskey. Shake and strain into goblet with fine ice. Dress with fruit in season.
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 84. Rum Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon or lime. 1 barspoonful sugar. 1 shot rum. 1 dash brandy. Shake, strain into goblet dress with fruit.
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 85. Scotch Whiskey Punch No. 2.
Juice of 1/2 lemon. 1 barspoonful sugar. 1 shot Scotch whiskey. Shake and strain into goblet. Dress with fruit.
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 85. Whiskey Punch (Old-Fashion).
1 quart bourbon whiskey. 3 shots of lemon juice. 2 shots of curacao. 1/2 pint plain water 1 shot plain syrup. 1 long cube ice. 3 or 4 slices of cucumber rind. Decorate with fruit and mint.
1935 Albert Stevens Crockett: The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book. Seite 96. Rum Punch.
Juice of one-half Lemon One-half spoon Sugar One pony of Water One jigger Rum Fill glass two-thirds fine Ice; Fruit
1935 Albert Stevens Crockett: The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book. Seite 96. Whiskey Punch.
Juice of one-half Lemon One-half spoon Sugar One pony of Water Fill glass two-thirds with fine Ice One jigger Whiskey Stir; fruit well in season
1935 Anonymus: Cocktail Memoirs of Fresco Lime. Seite 3. Hot Rum Punch.
Juice of 1 Fresco lime 2 Lumps sugar 1 Jigger Rum Carioca Fill tall glass with boiling water and stir
1935 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 20. Hot Whiskey Punch.
The juice of half a Lemon, one or two lumps of Sugar dissolved in 1 wine-glass hot Water. 2 wine-glasses Scotch or Irish Whiskey Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a thin slice of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some grate a little nutmeg on top.
1935 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 31. Rum Punch.
1 tablespoon Sugar 3 or 4 dashes Lemon Juice or Lemon Mixer 1/4 pony glass Cuban Rum 1 wine-glass Jamaica Rum Fill up with fine ice. Dress top with fruit and berries. Serve with a straw.
1935 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 32. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Large glass Ice 1 teaspoon Sugar 4 or 5 dashes Lime (or Lemon) Juice or Lemon Mixer 1/2 pint Scotch Whiskey and Rum mixed with 4 or 5 dashes Angostura, Old Fashion or Aromatic Bitters Shake well, strain into punch glass with slice of orange — 3 or 4 dashes curacao on top, splash with seltzer.
1935 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 39. Whiskey Punch.
Large glass 1/2 Ice 1 teaspoon Sugar 4 or 5 dashes Lime or Lemon Juice or Lemon Mixer 1/2 pint Whiskey and Rum mixed 4 or 5 dashes Angostura or Old Fashion Bitters Shake well, strain into punch glass with slice of orange — 3 or 4 dashes curacao on top, with seltzer.
1935 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 17. Hot Rum Punch.
Pound to pulp, with a 1/4 lb. of white Sugar, the thin peelings of 2 Lemons and add the strained juice of 3 Lemons and a teaspoonful of ground Ginger. Mix well and put into a fairly large, previously warmed punch bowl. Add in this order: 1 pint Rum (see page 8). 1 pint Brandy, 1/2 pint Sherry. 1 quart boiling water. Mix well, sweeten further with Syrup to taste, and allow to stand near fire for 20 minutes. Serve in hot punch glasses with a little nutmeg grated on top.
1935 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 18. Hot Irish Punch.
Dissolve a lump of sugar in a little hot water, in a hot punch glass. 3 or 4 dashes Angostura Bitters. 1 wineglass Irish Whisky. 1 piece Lemon peel (twisted). Fill up with hot water; stir, grate nutmeg on top, and serve.
1935 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 18. Hot Rum Punch.
Dissolve 2 lumps of sugar in a little hot water in an already warmed punch glass. 4 or 5 dashes Angostura Bitters. 1 wineglass Rum (res page 8). 1 slice of Lemon with peel attached. Fill up with hot water, grate nutmeg on top, and serve.
1935 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 18. Hot Whisky Punch.
Dissolve a lump of sugar in a little hot water in an already warmed punch glass. 3 or 4 dashes Angostura Bitters. 1 wineglass Scotch Whisky. 1 piece Lemon peel twisted over and dropped into glass. Fill up with hot water, grate nutmeg on top, and serve.
1935 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 18. Whisky Punch.
Use mixing glass half full of fine ice. 2 teaspoonfuls Syrup. 4 or 5 dashes Lemon Juice. 4 or 5 dashes Angostura Bitters. 1 wineglass Whisky. Mix well and strain into punch glass. Decorate with slice of Orange, add 3 or 4 dashes of Curaçoa on top, and serve.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 97. Bourbon or Rye Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon 1 Teaspoonful sugar 1 Jigger Bourbon or Rye whisky Shake well, strain into a goblet with fine ice, dress with fruits and serve.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 103. Rum Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lime or lemon 1 Teaspoonful sugar 1 Jigger Jamaica rum 1 Dash brandy Shake well, strain into a goblet and dress with fruits.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 104. Scotch Whisky Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon 1 Teaspoonful sugar 1 Jigger Scotch whisky Shake, strain into a goblet, dress with fruits and serve.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 104. St. Croix Rum Punch.
2 Teaspoonfuls powdered sugar 3 or 4 dashes lemon juice 1/4 Pony Jamaica rum 1 Jigger St Croix rum Fill with shaved ice , dress with fruit and berries and serve with a straw.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 105. Whisky Punch (Hot).
Juice of 1/2 lemon 3 Teaspoonfuls powdered sugar 1 Wineglass hot water 1 Jigger Scotch or Irish whisky Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a thin slice of lemon or a piece of the rind. Some grate a little nutmeg on top.
1935 George Pillaert: Le bar américan. Seite 73. Whisky Punch.
Création Bar Napoléon Paris Whisky John Robertson le jus d’un 1/2 citron sucré légèrement Passer Shakers remplir eau bouillante
1935 John Held: Peychaud’s New Orleans Cocktails. Whiskey Punch.
(Use Bar Tumbler) 1 Teaspoonful Sugar, dissolved with water. Juice of half Lemon. 2 Dashes Curacoa. Fill glass with ice, stir well and strain into high-ball glass, with fruit.
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 211. Punches.
Punclies can be prepared cold or warm. They are similar to the Cups, Shrubs and Bowls; dressed with fruits to the Cobbler. The warm Punch, however, resembles the Toddies or Grogs. The cold Punch ist prepared, dressed, and served in various ways. We advise following exactly the various recipes. The warm Punch is simpler to prepare. It contains a slice of lemon and is handled like a Grog. Extracts for warm pundies are obtain- able everywhere. They are also served like High Balls.
Les Punches peuvent être préparées froids ou chauds, ressemblent aux Cups, Shrubs et Bols, et sont garnis avec des fruits au Cobbler. Les Punches chauds se rangent parmi les Toddies ou les Grogs. Le Punch froid est préparé, garni et servi de dilférentes manières. Le mieux est de se tenir, à la lettre, aux recettes des variantes multiples. Le Punch chaud est de préparation plus simple, est garni d’une tranche de citron et traité comme un Grog. Les essences pour les Punches chauds se vendent partout. Le Punch chaud est servi comme les High Balls.
Die Punsche können kalt oder warm zubereitet werden und sind den Cups, Shrubs und Bowlen ähnlich, in der Garnitur mit Früch- ten wie Cobbler. Die warmen Punsche gleichen dagegen den Tod- dies oder Grogs. Der kalte Punsch wird auf verschiedene Arten bereitet, garniert und serviert. Am besten ist, man halte sich genau an die Rezepte der verschiedenen Variationen. Der warme Punsch wird einfacher zubereitet, erhält eine Zitronen- scheibe und wird als Grog behandelt. Essenzen für warme Punsche sind im Handel zu bekommen und sie werden auch wie High Balls serviert.
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 219. Rum Punch.
1 Barspoon Sugar 1/2 Lemon Juice 2 Ponies Rum — stir well Punchglass with cracked Ice decorate with Fruits Straws
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 221. Boston Rye Punch.
1 Portion Rye Whisky 1 Slice of Lemon balance hot Water Silver Cup or hot Tumbler
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 223. Rum Punch.
1-2 Lumps Sugar clove and cinnamon 1 Portion Rum balance hot Water Nutmeg on top
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 224. Whisky Punch (old style).
Use Silver Cup 3 Lumps Sugar hot Water 2 Barspoons Honey 1 Pony Rye Whisky stir well 1 Slice of Lemon
1936 Elvezio Grassi: 1000 Misture. Seite 199. Bacardi Punch.
Versate in un bicchiere da Grog: 1 cucchiaio zucchero 1 fetta limone 30% Rhum Bacardi Riempire d’acqua bollente. Servire con cucchiaio.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 173. Old-Fashioned Whisky Punch.
1 qt. Bourbon whisky 1/2 glass sugar syrup 1 1/2 glasses lemon juice Rind of 1 cucumber 1 glass curaço 1 split of sparkling water Mix in a bowl with a large piece of ice, decorate with fruit, mint, and so on. Serves 10.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 173. Rye Whisky Punch.
3 qts. rye whisky 1 glass sugar syrup 1 pt. Jamaica rum 1 pineapple, sliced Juice of 6 lemons 5 qts. sparkling water Mix in a bowl with a large piece of ice. Serves 20.
1936 Frank Meier: The Artistry of Mixing Drinks. Seite 82. Rum Punch, Whiskey Punch.
BRANDY PUNCH In tumbler: one-half teaspoon of Sugar dissolved in little wa- ter, a teaspoon of Raspberry syrup, the juice of one-half Lemon, one glass of Brandy; fill with shaved ice, stir well, decorate with Berries of sea- son, slice of Orange, serve with spoon and straws. APRICOT and PEACH BRANDY, GIN, RUM or either WHISKEY PUNCH the same as above ex- cept use liquor chosen.
1936 Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran manual de cocktails. Seite 99. Whisky Ponche.
Usese le cocktelera. Unos pedacitos de hielo. 2 cucharaditas de azúcar. 2 cucharaditas de jugo de limón. Una cucharadita de Curacao Marie Bri- zard. Una yema de huevo. 2 copitas de licor de Whisky John Haig. Agítese, cuélese y sírvase en vaso de 250 gramos con una rodaja de naranja y otra de limón.
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 79. Borbon or Rye Whiskey Punch.
The juice of a lime. A teaspoonful of sugar. A jigger of Bourbon or Rye whiskey. Shaked and strain into a water glass full of fine ice. Dress with fruits.
1937 Julio Castro: Autococktail „Castro“. Seite 111. Punch de rhum martinique.
En el vaso No 5 se ponen: 1 Rebanada de limón 3 Terroncitos de azúcar 60 Gramos Rhum La Martinique Se termina de llenar con agua caliente y se sirve.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 263. Bourbon or Rye Whisky Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon 1 Small barspoonful Sugar 1 Oz. Rye or Bourbon Whisky Shake well and strain into a Goblet with crushed Ice. Dress with Fruit.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 282. Irish Punch (Hot).
Use Hot Water Glass 1 Lump of Sugar dis- solved in a little Hot Water 1 Wineglass Irish Whisky 1 Piece of Lemon Peel Fill glass with Hot Water. Stir and serve with Nutmeg on top.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 282. Irish Whisky Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon 1 Barspoonful Sugar 1 Oz. Irish Whisky 6 Quarts Water Shake well and strain into a Goblet filled with crushed Ice. Dress with Fruit in season.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 284. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass Fill glass with shaved Ice 1 Teaspoonful Sugar 3 Dashes Lemon Juice 1 1/4 Glasses Medford Rum 1 Dash Jamaica Rum Stir; decorate with Fruit and serve with straw.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 297. Rum Punch – No. 1.
1 Pint Jamaica, Santa Cruz or Medford Rum 1/2 Pint Brandy 1 Wineglass Cointreau The Peel of an Orange and a Lemon cut in a long strip 1 Sliced Orange 1 Sliced Lemon Sugar to taste. Add 3 pints boiling Water, stir well and serve immediately.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 297. Rum Punch (Hot) – No. 2.
Dissolve 2 lumps of Sugar in a little hot Water in an already warmed Punch Glass 4 or 5 Dashes Angos- tura Bitters 1 Wineglass Rum 1 Slice of Lime or Lemon with Peel attached Fill up with hot Water, grate Nutmeg on top and serve.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 298. Rum Punch – No. 3.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon or Lime 1 Barspoonful Sugar 1 Oz. Rum 1 Dash Brandy Shake well and strain into a Goblet. Dress with Fruit.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 298. Rum Punch (Hot) – No. 4.
(For 8 to 10 people) 1 Pint Jamaica Rum 1/2 Pint Cognac 1/2 Wineglass Kummel 1/2 Wineglass Benedic- tine Peel of 1 Lemon or Lime Peel of 1 Orange Add one sliced Orange or Grape Fruit. One sliced Lemon or Lime. Sugar to taste. Put ingredients in Bowl and add 3 pints of Boiling Water. Stir well and serve.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 298. Rum Punch – No. 5.
1 Teaspoonful of Syrup Juice of 1/2 Lime 1/2 Glass Jamaica Rum Shake well and strain into a cocktail glass.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 299. St. Croix Punch.
(Use large bar glass) Fill glass with shaved Ice 2 Teaspoonfuls Sugar 4 Dashes Lemon Juice 1 Teaspoonful Jamaica Rum 1 Wineglass St. Croix Rum Stir; dress with Fruit and Berries. Serve with a straw.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 300. Scotch Whisky Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon 1 Barspoonful Sugar 1 Oz. Scotch Whisky Shake well and strain into a Goblet. Dress with Fruit.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 305. Whisky Punch – No. 1.
Put a Brandy glass of Whisky into the Punch Bowl and add an Orange cut in slices A few Cloves 2 Drops of Eau de Fleurs d’Orange Sweeten to taste, add Ice and half a tumbler of cold Water.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 305. Whisky Punch – No. 2.
Use large Glass half full of Ice 1 Teaspoonful Sugar 4 or 5 Dashes Lemon or Lime Juice 4 Pint Whisky and Rum mixed A few Dashes Angos- tura Bitters Shake well; strain into Punch glass with slice of Orange; 3 or 4 dashes of Curacao on top, with Seltzer, and serve.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 305. Whisky Punch – No. 3.
(Hotel Astoria) Juice of 1/2 Lemon 3/4 Teaspoonful Sugar 4 1/2 Oz. Canadian Whisky Shake well. Ice and strain into a Highball Glass. Add a dash of Seltzer and decorate with 1/2 slice of Orange, 1/2 slice of Lemon and a cube of Pineapple. Float a Cherry on top.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 305. Whisky Punch – No. 4.
(Old Fashion) 1 Quart Bourbon Whisky 3 Oz. Lemon Juice 2 Oz. Curacao 1/2 Pint Water 1 Oz. Plain Syrup 3-4 Slices Cucumber Rind Ice Decorate with Fruit and Mint.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 175. Bourbon o Rye Whiskey Punch.
Jugo de un limón. Cucharadita de azúcar. Vasito de whiskey Rye o Bourbon. Batido. Colado a copa de agua llena con hielo fino. Adórnese con frutas.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 183. Rum Punch.
Jugo de medio limón. Cucharadita de azúcar. Vasito de BACARDI. Gotas de coñac SOBERANO. Bátase. Cuélese a copa de agua. Adórnese con frutas.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 184. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Jugo de medio limón. Cucharadita de azúcar. Vasito de whiskey WHITE LABEL. Bátase. Cuélese a copa de agua. Adórnese con frutas.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 185. Whiskey Punch (A la antigua).
(Un litro) Botella de whlskey OLD CROW. Jugo de tres limones. Dos vasitos curacao. Media botella agua mineral con gas SAN AGUSTIN. Vasito de almíbar. Pedazo grande de hielo. Cuatro cáscaras de pepino. Adórnese con fruta y hierbabuena.
1938 Anonymus: The Merry Mixer. Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon 1 teaspoon Sugar 1 jigger of any Schenley Brand of Whiskey Shake well with fine ice, pour contents into goblet and decorate with fruits.
1938 Bud Caroll: Popular Drinks of Today. Seite 46. Rum Punch.
Rum . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Curacao . . . . . . . . . . 1 dash Lemon Juice . . . . . . 1 jigger Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 spoon Stir well with ice in goblet. Decorate with fruit and serve with straws.
1938 Bud Caroll: Popular Drinks of Today. Seite 47. Whisky Punch.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Sugar . . . . . . . . . . 1 spoon Rum . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 dash Lemon Juice . . . . . 1 jigger Stir well with ice in goblet. Add seltzer to fill, deco- rate with small pieces of pineapple and orange. Serve with straws.
1938 Bud Caroll: Popular Drinks of Today. Seite 51. Hot Whisky Punch.
Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 cube Whisky . . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Lemon . . . . . . . . . . . 1 slice Spice . . . . . . . . . . . . . to taste . Hot Water . . . . . . . . . to fill Stir in small goblet and serve.
1938 Bud Caroll: Popular Drinks of Today. Seite 51. Hot Rum Punch.
Same as Whisky Punch, using Rum instead.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 155. Rum Punch.
1 pint Jamaica Rum 1/2 pint Brandy 1/2 jigger Kummel 1/2 jigger Benedictine Peel of one Lemon Peel of one Orange 1 sliced Orange 1 sliced Lemon Sweeten to taste Add boiling water to Spirits Stir well
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 161. Hot Irish Punch.
3 teaspoons Powdered Sugar 2 dashes Lemon Juice 1 wineglass Irish Whisky Fill with hot water — stir well Serve with grate of Nutmeg over top
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 161. Medford Rum Punch.
Fill glass with shaved ice 1 teaspoon Powdered Sugar 3 dashes Lemon Juice 1 1/2 jiggers New England Rum 1 dash Jamaica Rum Stir well and dress with Fruit
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 164. Rum Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon 1/2 spoon Sugar 1 pony Water 1 jigger Rum Shake well Strain into Goblet 2/3 full of ice Dress with Fruit
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 164. Rum Punch.
(8 People) 1 quart Rum 1 quart Orange Juice 1/2 pound Sugar Stir well Strain through Jelly Bag Bottle for use
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 165. Scotch Punch.
Melt 1 lump Sugar in cold water Strain juice of two Lemons through fine hair strainer, and add to sugar and water Add Jamaica rum — 1 part to five parts of Sherbet Cut a Lime in half. Run each half over the rim of the glass, gently squeezing in some of the juice The punch is then ready for serving
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 165. St. Croix Rum Punch.
2 teaspoons Powdered Sugar 3 dashes Lemon Juice 2 dashes Jamaica Rum 1 jigger St. Croix Rum Fill with shaved ice Dress with Fruit
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 166. Whisky Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon 1/2 spoon Sugar 1 pony Water Fill glass 2/3 fine ice Add mixture 1 jigger Whisky Stir well Decorate with Fruit
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 166. Whisky Punch (Hot).
Juice of 1/2 Lemon 3 teaspoons Powdered Sugar 1 jigger hot water 2 jiggers Scotch Place all in Whisky Glass Add slice of Lemon Grate Nutmeg over top
1938 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 146. Whiskey Punch (chaud).
Dans un gobelet moyen: 1 cuillerée à café de sucre en poudre, 1 verre de Whisky Johnnie Walker, 1 verre d’eau bouillante. Mélanger et servir en ajoutant une tran- che de citron ou d’Orange.
1938 Robert Vermeire: L’art du cocktail. Seite 86. Rum Punch.
Au shaker: 1 cuillerée à café de sirop de sucre ou de curaçao. Le jus d’un demi-citron. 1 verre et demi à cocktail de rhum. Frapper. Passer dans un verre à vin et ajouter un trait de siphon.
1939 Ambrose Heath: Good Drinks. Seite 105. Rum Punch.
‘The recipe . . . for real punch is as follows: three parts Rum, two of Brandy, one of Lemon juice, and six of hot water, the quantity of Sugar being a matter quite of taste. I never knew this mixture found fault with by respectable persons of any age, sex or condition, from undergraduates to old ladies, at any hour between sunset and sun- rise.’ (Notes from a Cellar Book.)
1939 Ambrose Heath: Good Drinks. Seite 105. Rum Punch.
Put half a pound of powdered Sugar into a bowl with the rind of a Lemon and half a pint of water. Let it dissolve, then add a bottle of Rum, a bottle of White Wine, a Lemon squeezed, and two liqueur-glassfuls of Curaçao. Serve with pieces of broken ice in the jug.
1939 Charles Browne: The Gun Club Drink Book. Seite 105. Whiskey Punch or Sour.
A whiskey sour is a strong whiskey punch, made with rye, Bourbon or Scotch whisky, lemon juice and sugar, shaken up with ice and strained into a small (Delmonico) glass.
1939 Charles H. Baker, Jr.: The Gentleman’s Companion. Vol. II. Seite 59. The Oxford University Hot Rum Punch.
THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY HOT RUM PUNCH, a CLASSIC that IS SIMPLE & SOOTHING & SATISFACTORY, and DATING back into the DIM, DISTANT PAST Take 1 1/2 bottles of Barbados, or lighter Jamaica, or 1 bottle of Demerara 160 proof; add 1 bottle of cognac, 3 quarts of boiling water, 2 cups of lemon juice. Add brown sugar, to taste, and a handful of whole cloves. Put a spiral of yellow lemon peel in each cup, and there it is. Most excellent for anyone coming down with anything, due to the lemon juice.
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 74. Whiskey Punch.
1 qt Bourbon, 4 1/2oz Lemon juice, 3oz Curacao, 1/2 pt plain or Carbonated Water, 1 1/2oz Simple Syrup, 1 large block crystal-clear ice. Decorate with fruit in season. Serve in Punch glasses.
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 78. Hot Rum Punch.
(16 persons) Grate the rind of 3 Lemons into a small earthenware bowl and add 1/4 lb of granulated Sugar. With muddler macerate sugar and lemon gratings, add the juice of the 3 Lemons, and 1 teaspoonful of ground Ginger. Mix well and put into another earthen ware bowl, somewhat larger and which has been previously warmed. Then add, in the following order: 1pt Siegert’s Bouquet Rum, 1 pt Brandy, 1/2 pt Sherry, 1 qt boiling water. Mix well, sweeten further if desired with Simple Syrup, and allow to stand near heat for 20 minutes. Serve in Punch glasses, dust with Nutmeg.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 131. Rum Punch.
The juice of half a lemon, 1 tablespoonful of sugar syrup, 3/4 gill of rum. Curaçao or grenadine may be used instead of sugar syrup.
1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 249. Bacardi Rum Punch.
1 Jigger Gum Syrup or Grenadine 1 Drink Bacardi Rum Place Syrup or Grenadine in glass, fill up with fine ice, add Rum, stir until glass is frosted, decorate with Fruit and serve with straws. Use glass number 13
1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 259. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Juice of 1 Lemon 1 Tablespoonful of Sugar, dissolved in a little water 1/2 Wine Glass of St. Croix Rum Fill glass up with fine ice, decorate with Fruit and serve with straws. Use glass number 12
1940 Pedro Talavera: Los secretos del cocktail. Seite 186. Ron Punch.
Viértase en la copa núm. 2: 1/2 copa de Jarabe de Goma. 8 gotas de Curaçao La Campana. 1/3 limón exprimido. 1 copa de Ron Jamaica. 1 raja de limón. Llénese de agua caliente, añadiendo un poco de nuez moscada.
1940 Pedro Talavera: Los secretos del cocktail. Seite 222. Whisky Punch, caliente.
Prepápese en la copa núm. 4: 1/2 copa de Jarabe de Goma. 8 gotas de Curaçao La Campana. 1/2 limón exprimido. 1 copa de Whisky Pandy. Llénese de agua muy caliente, añadiendo un poco de nuez moscada.
1941 Anonymus: Book of Hospitality. Seite 4. Rye Whisky Punch.
One large tumbler G & W „Special“ Rye 4 lumps of Sugar 1 Lemon, sliced 1 Orange, sliced 12 leaves of Green Mint, cut in half Mix and place on ice for half an hour; then add one quart of ginger ale and serve. Place in a bowl to keep punch cool.
1943 Jacinto Sanfeliu Brucart: Cien Cocktails. Seite 85. Ponche Al Ron (Caliente).
Póngase en un vaso grande: 1 Yema de huevo 2 cucharaditas de Azúcar La cuarta parte del vaso de leche, muy caliente; batir muy bien con una cucharilla, añadir una copita de Ron y terminar de llenar con leche muy caliente. Florear con canela. El de Coñac, Whisky, etc., se preparan de igual forma, sustituyendo el Ron por el licor preferido.
1943 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 61. Rum Punch.
Juice of Half Lemon 1 tsp. Sugar 2 oz. Rum 1 dash Brandy Fruit Serve in goblet with fine ice.
1943 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 62. Whiskey Punch.
2 oz. Whiskey Juice of Half Lemon 1 tsp. Sugar Shaved Ice Use goblet Dress with fruit Squirt of Seltzer.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 108. Rum Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon 1 teaspoon Sugar 2 ounces Rum 1 dash Brandy Shake and strain into goblet filled with shaved ice. Garnish with fruit.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 108. Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon 1 teaspoon Sugar 2 ounces Whiskey 1 dash Brandy Shake and strain into goblet filled with shaved ice. Garnish with fruit.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 110. Hot Rum Punch.
(16 persons) Grate the rind of 3 Lemons into a small earthenware bowl and add 1/4 pound of Granu- lated Sugar. With muddler macerate Sugar and Lemon gratings, add the juice of the 3 Lemons, and 1 teaspoon of ground Ginger. Mix well and put into another earthenware bowl, somewhat larger and which has been previously warmed. Then add, in the following order: 1 pint Bou- quet Rum, 1 pint Brandy, 1/2 pint Sherry, 1 quart boiling water. Mix well, sweeten further if desired with Simple Syrup, and allow to stand near heat for 20 minutes. Serve in Punch glasses, dust with Nutmeg.
1944 Nick Thomas: Bartender’s Friend. Hot Rum Punch.
1 oz. Rum Pour Hot Water over Ingredients 1 Teaspoonful Sugar Use 6-oz. glass. 1 Small Lump Butter Stir.
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 74. Rum Punch.
(for 1 gallon) 6 oz. Pineapple Juice Juice of 6 Oranges Juice of 6 Lemons 3/4 cup Powdered Sugar 1 1⁄2 bot. Rum (Amber or Gold Label) 1 1⁄2 bot. Canada Dry Ginger Ale Fruit Block of Ice Stir.
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 74. Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon 2 oz. Whiskey 4 dashes Curacao Shaved Ice Use goblet Dress with fruit Squirt of Sparkling Canada Dry Water.
1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 58. Hot Irish Punch.
Use hot water glass. Sugar, 1 lump, dissolved in little hot water. Irish whiskey, 1 wineglass. Lemon peel, 1 piece. Hot water; fill up glass. Stir and serve with nutmeg on top.
1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 58. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Prepare the same as Hot Irish, sub- stituting Rye or Bourbon for Irish whiskey.
1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 59. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. Ice, shaved; fill glass. Sugar, 1 teaspoonful. Lemon juice, 3 dashes. Medford rum, 1 1/4 glass. Jamaica rum, 1 dash. Stir; decorate with fruit and serve with straw.
1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 61. St. Croix Punch.
Use large bar glass. Ice, shaved; fill up glass. Sugar, 2 teaspoonfuls. Lemon juice, 4 dashes. Jamaica rum, 1 teaspoonful. St. Croix rum, 1 wineglass. Stir; dress with fruit and berries and serve with a straw.
1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 62. Whiskey Punch.
Use mixing glass. Ice, shaved; fill glass. Sugar, 1 tablespoonful. Lemon, 1/4 of 1, the juice to be pressed into the sugar. Whiskey, 1 jigger. Water, 1/2 jigger. Shake; strain into punch glass; dress with fruit and serve.
1945 R. M. Barrows & Betty Stone: 300 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 40. Whiskey Punch.
(12 people) 1 Pound Sugar 1 Pt. Orange Juice 1 Pt. Lemon Juice 2 Qts. Rye Whiskey 4 Qts. Seltzer 1/2 Pineapple thinly sliced 3 Oranges — quartered 2 Lemons thinly sliced Well Iced in punch bowl.
1946 Bill Kelly: The Roving Bartender. Seite 34. Hot Whiskey Punch.
1 spoon bar sugar 1/2 oz. lemon juice 3 cloves 1 slice of lemon 1 oz. whiskey Use 7 oz. hot water glass for this drink. Rinse the glass first in hot water. Add whiskey and slice of lemon last.
1946 Bill Kelly: The Roving Bartender. Seite 52. Whiskey Punch.
1/4 lb. bar sugar 1/2 pt. lemon juice 4 oz. Curacao 1 qt. Whiskey (rye or bour bon) 1 pt. charged water Dilute the sugar. Put in small block clear ice, add other in- gredients. Fruit. Service, 15 5 oz. cups.
1946 Charles H. Baker, Jr.: The Gentleman’s Companion. Seite 59. The Oxford University Hot Rum Punch.
THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY HOT RUM PUNCH, a CLASSIC that IS SIMPLE & SOOTHING & SATISFACTORY, and DATING back into the DIM, DISTANT PAST Take 1 1/2 bottles of Barbados, or lighter Jamaica, or 1 bottle of Demerara 160 proof; add 1 bottle of cognac, 3 quarts of boiling water, 2 cups of lemon juice. Add brown sugar, to taste, and a handful of whole cloves. Put a spiral of yellow lemon peel in each cup, and there it is. Most excellent for anyone coming down with anything, due to the lemon juice.
1946 Lucius Beebe: The Stork Club Bar Book. Seite 98. Whisky Punch.
2 oz. whisky juice of half lemon 1 tsp. sugar shaved ice Use goblet. Dress with fruit. Squirt of seltzer.
1946 Lucius Beebe: The Stork Club Bar Book. Seite 99. Rum Punch.
juice of half lemon 1 tsp. sugar 2 oz. rum 1 dash brandy Fruit. Serve in goblet with fine ice.
1946 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 82. Rum Punch.
(for 1 gallon) 6 oz. Pineapple Juice Juice of 6 Oranges Juice of 6 Lemons 3/4 cup Powdered Sugar 1 1/2 bot. Rum 1 1/2 bot. Canada Dry Ginger Ale Fruit Block of Ice Stir.
1946 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 82. Spirits or Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon 2 oz. Whiskey or Spirits Desired 4 dashes Curacao 2 dashes Brandy Shaved Ice Use goblet Dress with fruit Squirt of Sparkling Canada Dry Water.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 24. Rhum Punch, Whisky Punch.
BRANDY PUNCH FROID Dans un grand verre: 1 cuillerée de sucre: 1 goutte d’eau pour diluer le sucre. Décorer le verre avec des fruits de saison et des morceaux de glace puis ajouter: 2 traits de sirop de Framboise; le jus d’un 1/2 citron; 1 verre de Cognac; 1 tranche d’orange. Mélanger légèrement et servir avec paille et cuillère. Pour la préparation des Apricots. Gin, Rhum, Whisky Punch, etc., on procède de la même façon en se servant de la liqueur demandée.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 76. Rhum Punch Froid Ou Chaud (Le punch au Rhum).
(Voir Brandy Punch froid) Autre recette (chaud): Recette pour huit ou dix personnes. Prendre une demi bouteille de Rhum, un quart de bouteille de Cognac, un bon verre de Triple Sec, le zeste entier d’un citron et celui d’une orange pelée finement. Verser le tout dans un grand bol et y ajouter une orange, ainsi qu’un citron coupés en rondelles. Sucrer selon le goût, verser sur le tout la valeur d’un litre et demi d’eau bouillante, bien mélanger et servir chaud.
Seite 24. Brandy Punch Froid.
Dans un grand verre: 1 cuillerée de sucre: 1 goutte d’eau pour diluer le sucre. Décorer le verre avec des fruits de saison et des morceaux de glace puis ajouter: 2 traits de sirop de Framboise; le jus d’un 1/2 citron; 1 verre de Cognac; 1 tranche d’orange. Mélanger légèrement et servir avec paille et cuillère. Pour la préparation des Apricots, Gin, Rhum, Whisky Punch, etc., on procède de la même façon en se servant de la liqueur demandée.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 91. Whisky Punch Chaud.
Dans un gobelet moyen: 1 cuillerée de sucre; 1 verre de Whisky; 1 verre d’eau bouillante. Mélanger et servir en ajoutant une tranche de citron ou d’orange.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 91. Whisky Punch Froid.
(Voir Brandy Punch)
Seite 24. Brandy Punch Froid.
Dans un grand verre: 1 cuillerée de sucre; 1 goutte d’eau pour diluer le sucre. Décorer le verre avec des fruits de saison et des morceaux de glace puis ajouter: 2 traits de sirop de Framboise; le jus d’un 1/2 citron; 1 verre de Cognac; 1 tranche d’orange. Mélanger légèrement et servir avec paille et cuillère. Pour la préparation des Apricots, Gin, Rhum, Whisky Punch, etc., on procède de la même façon en se servant de la liqueur demandée.
1948 Adolphe Torelli: 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Américaines. Seite 86. Hot Irish Punch.
Dans un verre à grog, trois morceaux de sucre, trois traits de jus de citron, un verre à madère d’Irish Whisky, remplir d’eau bouillante, remuer, garnir d’une tranche de citron, saupoudrer de muscade.
1948 Adolphe Torelli: 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Américaines. Seite 91. Irish Whisky Punch.
Dans un gobe- let moyen, deux cuillères de sucre en poudre, une cuillère à café de Curaçao, deux traits de jus de citron, un verre à madère d’Irish Whisky, une tranche d’orange. Remplir d’eau glacée ou bouil- lante, suivant la demande (Hot or Cold).
1948 Adolphe Torelli: 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Américaines. Seite 143. Rhum Punch (Cold).
Dans un shaker avec de la glace pilée, une cuillère de sucre. Dis- soudre avec un peu d’eau, ajouter deux traits de pus de citron ou d’orange, un trait de Curaçao, un verre à madère de Rhum. Remplir d’eau. Remuer. Passer dans un verre rouge. Garnir d’une tranche de citron, de fruits coupés. Saupoudrer de mus- cade. Chalumeaux.
1948 Adolphe Torelli: 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Américaines. Seite 143. Rhum Punch (Hot).
Dans un verre rouge à pied, une cuillère de sucre, un trait de Grena- dine, deux traits de jus d e citron, un verre à ma- dère de Rhum, passer la râpe muscade, un zeste de citron. Remplir d’eau bouillante et flamber.
1948 Adolphe Torelli: 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Américaines. Seite 180. Whisky Punch (Hot).
Dans un verre rouge à pied, un morceau de sucre, une cuillère à café de sirop d’Ananas, autant de Curaçao, une tranche de citron, un verre de Whisky, une pin- cée de muscade remplir d’eau bouillante, remuer, arroser avec du Rhum et flamber.
1948 Adolphe Torelli: 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Américaines. Seite 180. Whisky Punch (Cold).
Dans un verre à pied, une cuillère à bouche de sirop d’Ananas, une cuillère à café de Curaçao, un verre à madère de Whisky, remplir avec de l’eau et de la glace pilée, garnir d’une tranche d’ananas, de fruits coupés et de chalumeaux.
1948 Anonymus: Ron Daiquiri Coctelera Cocktail Book. Seite 27. Rum Punch.
Fill the shaker half full of broken ice and add: 1 Tablespoonful of plain Syrup or Curacao. The juice of half a lemon. 1 Glass of Daiquiri Coctelera Jamaica Special. Shake well and strain into a wine-glass and add cold Soda Water.
1948 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 305. Whisky Punch.
1 part Curaçao 2 parts Lemon Juice 3 parts Whisky Prepare and serve like Planters‘ Punch.
Seite 304. Planters‘ Punch.
Shake vigorously with crushed ice and pour, without straining, into Collins glasses. Pack glasses to top with crushed ice, fill to within 1/2″ to 3/8″ of top with charged water and chum with a bar spoon until glasses start to frost. Decorate with fruit as desired and serve with straws.
1948 George Albert Zabriskie: The Bon Vivant’s Companion or How to Mix Drinks. Seite 83. Medford Rum Punch.
1 teaspoonful sugar Juice of 1/2 lemon Dissolve in little water 1 jigger Medford rum 1/2 glass cracked ice Stir with spoon; dress with fruits in season.
1948 George Albert Zabriskie: The Bon Vivant’s Companion or How to Mix Drinks. Seite 90. Whiskey Punch.
1 wineglass of whiskey (Irish or Scotch) 2 wineglasses of boiling water Sugar to taste Dissolve sugar well with one wineglass of water, then pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the water; sweeten to taste; put in a small piece of lemonrind, or a slice of lemon.
1948 George Albert Zabriskie: The Bon Vivant’s Companion or How to Mix Drinks. Seite 90. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is a genuine Irish beverage. 1/3 pure whiskey 2/3 boiling water, in which sugar has been dissolved If lemon is used, the rind is rubbed on the sugar, and a little of the juice is added before the whiskey is poured in.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 421. Bourbon o Rye Whisky Punch.
Jugo de un limón. Cucharada de azúcar. Vasito de whisky Rye o Bourbon. Batido, colado y servido en copa de agua llena de hielo fino y adornada con fruta.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 425. Rum Punch No. 2.
Jugo de medio limón. Cucharadita de azúcar. Vasito de ron. Gotas de coñac. Bátase, cuélese y sírvase en copa de agua llena de hie- lo fino y adornado con fru- tas.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 425. Scotch Whisky Punch.
Jugo de medio limón. Cucharadita de azúcar. Vasito de whisky escocés. Bátase, cuélese y sírvase en copa de agua llena de hielo fino, adornado con fru- ta.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 426. Whisky Punch.
Jugo de medio limón. 1 onza de whisky Bourbon. 1 cucharadita de azúcar. Batido con hielo fino, co- lado y servido en copa de ponche adornado con una tajada de naranja, otra de limón, otra de pina y una cereza flotando.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 426. Whisky Punch (Sistema antiguo).
(Un litro) En una ponchera échese: 1 botella de whisky Bour- bon. Jugo de tres limones. 2 vasitos de Curazao. 1/2 botella de agua mineral. Vasito de almíbar. Trozo grande de hielo. Cuatro cascaras de pepino. Tajadas de frutas diversas y hierbabuena.
1948 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 108. Whiskey Punch (chaud).
Dans un gobelet moyen: 1 cuillerée à café de sucre en poudre, 1 verre de Whisky Johnnie Walker, 1 verre d’eau bouillante. Mélanger et servir en ajoutant une tran- che de citron ou d’Orange.
1948 P. Dagouret – Le Barman Universel 10. Seite 78. Irisch Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé: 1 cuiller à café jus de citron. 1 cuiller à café sucre en poudre. 1 verre à liqueur Irish whisky. Emplir d’eau très chaude. Une tranche de citron. Muscader. Cuiller.
1948 P. Dagouret – Le Barman Universel 10. Seite 81. Rum Punch, Cold.
Gobelet n° 3: 1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre 1 verre à liqueur d’eau. 1 cuiller à café jus de citron. 1 verre a madère de rhum. Emplir aux 3/4 de glace pilée. Adapter la timbale. Frapper. Orner de fruits. Ronds d’orange. Pailles.
1948 P. Dagouret – Le Barman Universel 10. Seite 81. Rum Punch, Hot.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé: 1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre. 2 traits jus de citron. 1 verre à liqueur de rhum. Emplir d’eau très chaude. Remuer. Orner 2/2 tranches de citron. Muscade.
1948 P. Dagouret – Le Barman Universel 10. Seite 83. Whisky Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé: 1/2 cuiller à café jus de citron. 1 cuiller à bouche sirop de gomme. 2 traits curaçao. 1 verre a liqueur whisky. Emplir d’eau chaude. Tranche de citron.
1948 P. Dagouret – Le Barman Universel 11. Seite 78. Irisch Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé: 1 cuiller à café jus de citron. 1 cuiller à café sucre en poudre. 1 verre à liqueur Irish whisky. Emplir d’eau très chaude. Une tranche de citron. Muscader. Cuiller.
1948 P. Dagouret – Le Barman Universel 11. Seite 81. Rum Punch, Cold.
Gobelet n° 3: 1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre. 1 verre à liqueur d’eau. 1 cuiller à café jus de citron. 1 verre à madère de rhum. Emplir aux 3/4 de glace pilée. Adapter la timbale. Frapper. Orner de fruits. Ronds d’orange. Pailles.
1948 P. Dagouret – Le Barman Universel 11. Seite 81. Rum Punch, Hot.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé: 1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre. 2 traits jus de citron. 1 verre à liqueur de rhum Emplir d’eau très chaude. Remuer. Orner 2/2 tranches de citron. Muscader.
1948 P. Dagouret – Le Barman Universel 11. Seite 83. Whisky Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé: 1/2 cuiller à café jus de citron. 1 cuiller à bouche sirop de gomme. 2 traits curaçao. 1 verre à liqueur whisky. Emplir d’eau chaude. Tranche de citron.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 321. Whisky Punch.
3 oz. whisky 1 tsp. sugar . 1/2 tsp. lemon juice Serve in preheated highball glass; mix and fill with hot water. Add slice of lemon and dust with allspice or nutmeg. Serve with spoon.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 369. Rum Punch – 1.
2 oz. rum 2 tsp. lemon juice 1 dash curaçao 1 tsp. sugar syrup Shake with cracked ice; strain into highball glass; add cracked ice to fill. Decorate and serve with straws.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 369. Rum Punch – 2.
1 1/2 oz. rum 1 tsp. curaçao . 1/2 tsp. lemon juice Shake with cracked ice; strain into goblet. Add cracked ice and fill with seltzer. Decorate and serve with straws.
2 oz. bourbon 1 tsp. sugar syrup 1 dash curaçao 2 tsp. lemon juice . Dash rum Stir with cracked ice; strain into goblet; add cracked ice and fill with seltzer. Add dash of rum on top and serve with straws.
2 oz. bourbon 1 tsp. lemon juice 1 tsp. sugar syrup Dash brandy Shake with cracked ice; strain into highball glass. Add crushed ice; fill with soda and top with a dash of brandy.
1949 Emile Bauwens: Livre de Cocktails. Seite 123. Rhum punch.
10 Morceaux Sucre imbibés de zeste de citron – 10 Clous Girofle – 1 Verre à bière Eau – Faire fondre et passer au linge très fin. 1 Petit Tumbler Porto Rouge – 1 Petit Tumbler Curaçao Brun – 1 Bouteille Rhum Saint-James (1 litre) Mettre le tout dans un bol à punch, et chauffer; servir très chaud, au moyen d’une petite louche, dans des verres garnis d’une anse. Recette pour 15 personnes.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 430. Rum-Punsch (kalt).
Man füllt ein Punschglas halbvoll mit feingeschabtem Roheis, gibt 1 Esslöffel Zucker, den Saft von 1/2 Zitrone und 1 Glas Rum hinzu. Sehr gut umrühren und mit verschiedenen Früchten garnieren. Mit Barlöffel und Saughalmen servieren.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 430. Rum-Punsch (warm).
In ein Punschglas gibt man 1 Glas Rum, 1 Esslöffel Zucker, den Saft von 1/2 Zitrone, füllt auf mit frischem Wasser und lässt das Ganze auf kleinem Feuer auf den Siedepunkt kommen. Im angewärmten Glas ser- vieren.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 464. Whisky-Punch (kalt).
Man fülle ein Punschglas halbvoll mit feingeschlage- nem Roheis und gebe hinzu: 3 d. Grenadine, 3 d. Cu- raçao-Orange, den Saft von 1/2 Zitrone und 1 Glas Whisky. Gut umrühren und verschiedene Früchte bei fügen. Mit Barlöffel und Saughalmen servieren.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 465. Whisky-Punch (warm).
In ein Punschglas gibt man 2—3 Barlöffel Zucker, den Saft von 1/2 Zitrone, 1 Messglas Whisky und füllt auf mit frischem Wasser. Das Ganze lässt man auf den Siedepunkt kommen und seiht es in ein angewärmtes Punschglas. Dünne Scheibe Zitrone beifügen.
1949 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 74. Punches.
Le punch se fait à volonté chaud — short drlnk — ou froid — long drink — suivant que l’on emploie de l’eau glacée ou bouillante. On le prépare aussi au lait.
PUNCH CHAUD. — Servir dans un verre à pelil grog avec tranches de citron ou d’orange, sucre supplémen- taire et petite, cuiller. Si on le sert dans un gobelet, munir ce dernier d’un porte-verre. Réchauffer le verre.
PUNCH FROID. — Servir dans un grand gobelet avec fruits de saison : fraises, cerises, raisin, etc., et rondelles d orange ou de citron, ou d’ananas, entières ou coupées. Donner des pailles. On le sert aussi parfois dans des coupes.
On peut préparer chaud ou froid pour plusieurs per- sonnes à la fois, ou en grande quantité pour réunions. Dans ce cas on emploiera un bol en argent (chaud) ou en porcelaine (froid), puis on servira avec la cuiller à punch (ioucne a bec) dans les verres ad hoc.
1949 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 78. Irisch Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé: 1 cuiller à café jus de citron. 1 cuiller à café sucre en poudre. 1 verre à liqueur Irish whisky. Emplir d’eau très chaude. Une tranche de citron. Muscader. Cuiller.
1949 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 81. Rum Punch, Cold.
Gobelet n° 3; 1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre. 1 verre à liqueur d’eau. 1 cuiller à café jus de citron. 1 verre à madère de rhum. Emplir aux 3/4 de glace pilée. Adapter la timbale. Frapper. Orner de fruits. Ronds d’orange. Pailles.
1949 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 81. Rum Punch, Hot.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé: 1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre. 2 traits jus de citron. 1 verre à liqueur de rhum. Emplir d’eau très chaude. Remuer. Orner 2/2 tranches de citron. Muscader.
1949 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 83. Whisky Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé; 1/2 cuiller à café jus de citron. 1 cuiller à bouche sirop de gomme. 2 traits curaçao. 1 verre à liqueur whisky. Emplir d’eau chaude. Tranche de citron.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 103. Bourbon oder Rye Punch.
Saft 1/2 Zitrone, 1 Teelöffel Zucker, 1 Gläschen Bourbon oder Rye Whisky. Gut durchschütteln, serviere mit Eis, garniere mit Früchten
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 106. Heisser Irischer Punsch. Hot Irish Punch.
3 Teelöffel Staubzucker, Saft 1/4 Zitrone, 1 Gläschen Irish Whisky. Fülle mit heißem Wasser auf, rühre gut um, garniere mit einer Scheibe Zitrone und reibe etwas Muskat- nuß auf.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 106. Medford Rum Punch.
1 Teelöffel Staubzucker, Saft 1/4 Zitrone, 2/3 Medford Rum, 1/3 Jamaika Rum. Serviere das Getränk nach gutem Umrühren mit geschabtem Eis und verzierenden Früchten.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 108. Rum Punch.
Saft 1/2 Zitrone, 1 Teelöffel Zucker, 2/3 Jamaika Rum, 1/3 Brandy oder Cognac. Gut durchschütteln, seihe in ein Cocktailglas und garniere mit Früchten.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 108. Scotch Whisky Punch.
Saft 1/2 Zitrone, 1 Teelöffel Zucker, 1 Gläschen Scotch Whisky. Gut durchschütteln, seihe in ein Glas mit Fuß und garniere mit Früchten.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 109. St. Croix Punsch.
2 Teelöffel Staubzucker, Saft 1/4 Zitrone, 1/4 Jamaika Rum, 3/4 St. Croix Rum. Gut mischen (nicht schütteln). Ser- viere mit geschabtem Eis und gar- niere mit Früchten.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 109. Whisky Punsch (Heiss).
Saft 1/2 Zitrone, 3 Teelöffel Staubzucker, 1 Gläschen Scotch oder Irish Whisky. In Wasser aufgelöst, Saft 1/4 Zitrone, Fülle das Glas mit kochendem Wasser auf und lege eine dünne Scheibe Orange oder Zitrone obenauf. Auf Wunsch kannst Du auch Muskatnuß darüber reiben.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 136. Whiskey Punch.
2 jiggers Whiskey 1 tsp. Sugar 1/2 tsp. Lemon Juice Serve in preheated glass. Mix and fill with hot water. Add slice of lemon and dust with allspice or nutmeg.
1951 Anonymus: The Holiday Drink Book. Seite 42. Rum Punch.
Juice of 12 lemons 1 cup of sugar 1 pint very strong tea 2 bottles rum Mix thoroughly. Pour over large piece of ice (or 2 trays of cubes). Decorate with fruit. Add 2 quarts of club soda. Makes 40 servings, 4 oz. each.
1951 Anonymus: The Holiday Drink Book. Seite 42. Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 6 lemons (6 oz.) Juice of 8 oranges (24 oz.) 1 small can of pineapple juice (18 oz.) 2 bottles rye Pour over large piece of ice (or 2 trays of cubes). Add two bottles of ginger ale. Sugar to taste. Decorate with orange, lemon and pineapple slices. Makes 45 servings, 4 oz. each. This whiskey punch is a sure-fire guarantee to bring life to your party!
1951 Ted Saucier: Ted Saucier’s Bottoms Up. Seite 211. Rum Punch.
1 jigger white Cuban rum Juice 1/2 lemon 1 teaspoon sugar Put ingredients in a tall highball glass. Fill glass with shaved ice. Add soda water. Decorate with orange slice, pineapple stick and maraschino cherry. Serve with straws.
1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 130. Peach, Brandy, Gin, Rum ou Whisky Punch.
Comme le Brandy punch en remplaçant le cognac par l’alcool choisi.
Seite 130. Brandy Punch.
Dans un tumbler: Dissoudre une demi-cuiller à café de sucre dans un peu d’eau, Une cuiller à café de sirop de cassis, Le jus d’un demi-citron, Un verre de cognac, Remplir avec de la glace râpée, bien re- muer, décorer avec des fruits de saison, une tranche d’orange et servir avec une cuiller et une paille.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 131. Rum Punch.
The juice of half a lemon, 1 tablespoonful of sugar syrup, 3/4 gill of rum. Curaçao or grenadine may be used instead of sugar syrup.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 127. Haitian Rum Punch.
3 parts of Haitian rum 1 part of sugar Peel of lime Dash of bitters Ice and stir a little
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 160. Rum Punch.
Pour over fine ice in tall glass: 1 1/2-2 oz. your favorite rum Juice of half or whole lime 1 tsp. or more sugar syrup, to taste Stir, stick in some mint sprigs and the show is complete. No shaking. No fruiting. Just drinking.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 169. Rum Punch.
Into a bowl put 1/2 cup granulated sugar and juice of 4 large grapefruit. Stir to dissolve the sugar and add 1 bottle of rum, 4 oz. brandy, and 4 oz. of Bene- dictine, 2 teaspoons of bitters, and the juice of 1 lime. Stir well and add 1/2 nut- meg grated and the peeling of 1 lime.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 170. Scotch Punch.
This all-purpose drink should be in any country household. It can be put down in the spring, say a gallon every week, and set to rest in the cellar, properly labeled. The recipe was given Esquire by Howard MacAdams, who got it from his grandpappy in Scotland. It goes like this: 2 quarts of Scotch whisky 1 pint of good brandy 1 cup of green tea Rind of six lemons 1 teaspoon of cloves 1 tablespoon of allspice 30 lumps of sugar Seal this in a glass jug and allow to stand at least six weeks before serving. Served with ice, either cracked in the glass, or a chunk in the punch bowl, the single potion is modified.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 173. Hot Irish Punch (Bowl).
12 lumps sugar 2 lemons 1 bottle Irish whisky Cinnamon Cloves Boiling water Rub sugar lumps on lemon rinds. Then squeeze lemons and muddle sugar in lemon juice. Add whisky, cinnamon, cloves and boiling water to dilute as per own judgment.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 173. Hot Irish Punch (Individual).
Dissolve 2 lumps of sugar in a little hot water in large glass. Add small amount of lemon juice, and one wine glass Irish whisky. Fill glass with hot water and stir well. Add nutmeg and slice of lemon.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 173. Hot Rum Punch.
1 pt. Puerto Rico rum 1/2 pt. cognac 1/2 wineglass Kümmel 1/2 wineglass Benedictine 1 lemon or lime peel 1 orange peel 1 sliced orange or grapefruit 1 sliced lemon or lime Sugar to taste Put all in bowl, add 3 pts. boiling water. Stir well and serve.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 176. Whisky Punch.
One pint of whisky and two glasses of brandy are mixed with the juice and peel of one lemon. Then add one wine glass of boiling ale. Stir in one-half pound of powdered sugar and a quart of boiling water.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 297. Rhum Punch.
(caliente). Se procede como en el anterior, Preparado y servido en sustituyendo el Cognac por un vaso de 250 gramos. Rhum de Jamaica.
Seite 297. Brandy Punch.
(caliente) Empleando un batidor de alam- Preparado y servido en bre se bate una Yema de un vaso de 250 gramos. Huevo con dos cucharaditas . de Azúcar, a continuación se . vierten 30 gramos de Cognac . y se termina de llenar con . Leche caliente. Se florea con . Canela.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 306. Whisky Punch.
1 part Curaçao 2 parts Lemon Juice 3 parts Whisky Prepare and serve like Planters‘ Punch.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 35. Punches.
Ce sont des boissons mi-longues rappelant les grogs, mais alors que ces derniers se servent toujours très chauds, les punches sont servis à volonté froids ou chauds: a) Froids: ils se préparent au shaker ou directement dans le verre dans lequel ils seront servis. Ils se composent de jus de citron ou autres jus de fruits, glace pilée, sucre, liqueur désirée, fruits de saison et peuvent se compléter au Soda ou être accompagnés d’un verre d’eau glacée. b) Chauds: directement dans le verre réchauffé, liqueur, sucre, jus de fruits, demi-tranche de citron et d’orange, compléter à l’eau ou lait bouillant (dans ce dernier cas, ne pas ajouter de fruits ni jus de fruits).
1953 S. S. Field: The American Drinking Book. Seite 237. Old Fashioned Rum Punch.
(For 12): Stir thoroughly in a bowl 1/2 pint of Puerto Rican Rum, 1/2 pint of Peach Brandy, 1/2 pint of lemon or lime juice, 5 tablespoons of Angostura Bitters. When ready to serve, add a block of ice and 6 pints of soda.
1954 Eddie Clark: King Cocktail. Seite 18. Punch.
One of England’s very own and oldest drinks, can be traced back for several hundred years. Can be simple, mixed in a glass, or more elaborately at the table in a large punchbowl, and served in individual glasses. Could be a hot or an iced drink, containing either wine, spirits, beers, cider, fruit juices, tea or coffee, sugar and spices, or any- thing else there is at hand. A most wonderful drink for a party.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 138. Punches.
Punch in its oldest and simplest form is Rum and Water, Hot or Iced, with sugar to taste and orange or lemon juice (for Hot Punch) or Fresh Lime Juice (for Cold Punch). It was in 1655 when they took Jamaica from Spain that the English were first introduced to Punch. During the 18th Century this drink became very popular. It was „brewed“ or mixed at a table in a punchbowl by the host, with Rum as one of the ingredients but other spirits as well. (One of the other popular ones was Brandy when made with hot water.) Oranges and lemons in thin slices, grated nutmeg and sundry decorations and flavouring to the taste or discretion of the mixer.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 116. Whiskey Punch (chaud).
Dans un gobelet moyen: 1 cuillerée à café de sucre en poudre, 1 verre de Whisky Long John, 1 verre d’eau bouillante. Mélanger et servir en ajoutant une tranche de citron ou d’orange.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 139. Rum Punch.
(for a large party) 10 Bottles White Wine 2 Pounds Brown Sugar 2 Quarts Orange Juice 1 Quart Lemon Juice 10 Sliced Bananas 2 Fresh Pineapples, cut or chopped Place the Fruit Juice, Rinds, Bananas, Pineapple and Wine in a crock with the Sugar. Cover and let stand overnight. In the morning add 6 bottles Light Rum and 1 bottle Jamaica Rum and 1 bottle Crème de Banane. Let stand until just before the party. Strain into punch bowl with ice as needed. Taste for seasoning and add either Sugar Syrup or Lemon Juice as you desire.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 139. Rye Whiskey Punch.
Shake with plenty of chopped ice 1 teaspoon Lemon Juice, 2 tea- spoons Sugar and 2 jiggers Rye Whiskey. Pour unstrained into 10-ounce glass and decorate with slice of Orange.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 140. Scotch Whisky Punch.
(for 12) Combine in a pitcher with cracked ice 1 quart Scotch Whisky, the Juice and Rind of 3 Lemons, 1/2 cup Sugar and 1 quart Soda Water. Stir and pour into goblets with extra ice and garnish with fruit as desired.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 140. Whisky Punch.
Place a block of ice in a punch bowl and pour over it the Juice of 6 Lemons, the Juice of 8 Oranges, 2 tablespoons Sugar and 2 jiggers Curaçao. Stir and pour in 1-1/2 or 2 bottles of Rye, Bourbon or Blended Whiskey. Add fruits as desired and 2 quarts chilled Soda Water. Stir and serve. Note: 1 quart of iced Tea may be substituted for 1 quart of Soda Water.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 148. Rhum Punch.
Verre à punch 2 verres a liq. Rhum 1 verre à liq. Curaçao brun 1/2 verre à liq. sirop de sucre Compléter d’eau chaude
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 148. Whisky Punch.
Verre à punch 2 cuill. à thé sirop de sucre Jus 1 citron 1 verre Canadian Club Whisky Compléter d’eau chaude.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 144. Rum Punch.
1 bottle dark Jamaica rum 2 bottles golden rum 1 cup Curaçao 3 cups pineapple juice 1 cup lemon juice 1 cup lime juice 1 cup preserved ginger (with syrup) chopped fine . Ginger ale Blend all in punch bowl containing cake of ice. Deco- rate with orange slices and pineapple wedges. Before serving add 1 or 2 bottles of cold ginger ale.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 144. Quick Whisky Punch.
2 bottles rye or blended whisky Sparkling water 1 can frozen lemonade 1 can frozen orange-juice concentrate concentrate . 1/2 cup cherry cordial Mix the 2 cans of fruit-juice concentrate with 6 cans of cold water as directed and shake to a froth in a two-quart mason jar. Pour into punch bowl with the whisky and the cherry cordial. Stir with two trays of ice cubes. Before serving add a quart (or more) of chilled sparkling water.
1959 Anonymus: Manual de Cocteleria. Ron Punch.
En copa de agua llena de hielo frappé. Una cucharadita de azúcar 1/4 onza de jugo de limón. 1/4 onza de Cognac 1 1/2 onza de Ron Carta Blanca Adornado con frutas.
1960 Anonymus: Recetas para cocteles. Seite 51. Ron Punch.
En copa de agua llena de hielo frappé. Una cucharadita de azúcar 1/4 onza de jugo de limón 1/4 onza de Cogñac 11/2 onza de Ron Carta Blanca Adornado con frutas.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 123. Punches.
Punch in its oldest and simplest form is Rum and Water, Hot or Iced, with sugar to taste and orange or lemon juice (for Hot Punch) or fresh lime juice (for Cold Punch). It was in 1655 when they took Jamaica from Spain that the English were first introduced to Punch. During the 18th Century this drink became very popular. It was „brewed“ or mixed at a table in a punchbowl b y the host, with Rum as one of the ingredients but other spirits as well. (One of the other popular ones was Brandy when made with hot water). Oranges and lemons in thin slices, grated nutmeg and sundry decorations and flavouring to the taste or discretion of the mixer.
1961 Anonymus: Cocktails y bocaditos. Seite 92. Ponche de rhum.
(Para 30 ó 35 porciones) Rhum, 2 botellas – Limones, 12 (el jugo) – Azúcar, 1 taza – Infusión de té (muy fuerte), 3 tazas – Hielo, un trozo grande – Soda, 2 litros – Fruta en trocitos o rodajas, a gusto. • Mezclar todos los ingredientes, excepto la so- da; y volcar sobre el trozo de hielo puesto en una ponchera.
1963 Eddie Clarke: Shaking in the 60’s. Seite 130. Hot Jamaica Punch.
Pour into a long tumbler: 1 measure Jamaica rum juice of 3/4 fresh lemon 1/2 tablespoonful sugar dash of Angostura bitters Add 3 cloves and a slice of lemon. Fill glass with boiling water.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 46. Rhum Punch.
2 bicchieri di RHUM cubano giallo 2 cucchiai di succo di limone 1 cucchiaio di sciroppo di zucchero (in mancanza, 1 cucchiaino di zucchero) 2 scorzette di limone senza nulla del bianco interno ghiaccio tritato Riempire lo shaker fino a metà della sua altezza con ghiac- cio tritato. Aggiungere il succo di limone, il RHUM, un bic- chiere d’acqua naturale e lo sciroppo di zucchero. Chiu- ere lo shaker, agitarlo vigorosamente, farlo riposare un secondo, riprendere infine ad agitare ma lentamente. Ver- sare in tumblers medi guarniti con una scorzetta di limone.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 50. Punch classico.
1 bicchierino da liquore di RHUM della Giamaica 2 cucchiaini di succo di limone spremuto dalla sola polpa 1 cucchiaio di zucchero 1 fettina di limone un pizzico di noce moscata grattugiata acqua bollente Versare in ogni tumbler piccolo con supporto di metallo lo zucchero sciolto ben bene in poca acqua calda e su- bito aggiungere il succo di limone e il RHUM. Completare il bicchiere con acqua bollente, mescolare, guarnire con la fettina di limone, e insaporire con il pizzico di noce moscata grattugiata. Servire caldissimo.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 315. Rhum Punch.
2 bicchieri da cocktail di RHUM cubano giallo 2 cucchiai di succo di limone 1 cucchiaio di sciroppo di zucchero (in mancanza, 1 cucchiaino di zucchero) 2 scorzette di limone senza nulla del bianco interno 1 bicchiere di acqua naturale ghiaccio tritato Riempire lo shaker fino a metà della sua altezza con ghiac- cio tritato. Aggiungere il succo di limone, il RHUM, un bic- chiere d’acqua naturale e lo sciroppo di zucchero. Chiudere lo shaker, agitarlo vigorosamente, farlo riposare un secon- do, riprendere infine ad agitare ma lentamente. Versare in tumblers medi guarniti con una scorzetta di limone.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 330. Punch Classico.
1 bicchierino da liquore di RHUM della Giamaica 2 cucchiaini di succo di limone spremuto dalla sola polpa 1 cucchiaino di zucchero 1 fettina di limone un pizzico di noce moscata grattugiata acqua bollente Versare in un tumbler piccolo con supporto di metallo lo zucchero ben sciolto in un poco d’acqua calda e subito aggiungere il succo di limone e il RHUM. Completare con acqua bollente, mescolare, guarnire con la fettina di li- mone e insaporire con il pizzico di noce moscata grattugia- ta. Servire caldissimo
1964 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 298. Ponches.
Los ponches constituven una variedad de bebida si- milar al grog, aunque difieren en algunos aspectos de su preparación, ya que los mismos se sirven indistintamente, fríos o calientes. Entran, asimismo, variedades de ingre- dientes, como ser: leche, huevos, frutas, etc. Se preparan en forma individual o en grandes recipiente5 para deter- minada cantidad de persoms. Constituve, pues, una be- bida muy indicada en las reuniones sociales y familiares.
1964 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 299. Rhum Punch (Caliente).
. Se procede como en el ante- . rior, sustituyendo el Cognac Preparado y servido en por Rhum de Jamaica. un vaso de 250 gramos.
Seite 299. Brandy Punch (Caliente).
. Empleando un batidor de . alambre se bate una yema de Preparado y servido en huevo con dos cucharaditas un vaso de 250 gramos. de azúcar, a continuación se . vierten 30 gramos de Cog- . nac y se termina de llenar . con leche caliente. Se flo- . rea con canela.
1964 Anonymus: Peter Pauper’s Drink Book. Seite 59. Hot Rum Punch.
1 bottle Gold Label Rum 1 bottle Brandy 8 ounces Sherry 6 Lemons, grated and juiced 6 ounces Sugar 2 teaspoons ground Ginger 1 1/2 quarts boiling Water Mix and muddle water, ginger and lemon gratings and juice. Let stand for an hour or more. Put into large bowl, and add enough hot water to cover. Stir thoroughly, and add liquors and balance of hot water. 30 servings. Warmed punch goblets are a nicety in serving a hot punch.
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 155. Whiskey Punsch.
1 TL Zucker 1 EL Zitronensaft 1 TL Kirschsaft 1 Cocktailmaß Rye Whiskey mit einem guten Schuß kochen= dem Wasser auffüllen
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 158. Hot Irish Punsch.
der Saft von 2 Zitronen die Schale von 1 Zitrone 100 g Zucker 100 g Honig 1 l heißes Wasser werden miteinander verrührt, dazu kommt 1 Prise Zimt und etwas Muskatnuß, 2 Flaschen Irish Whiskey. Bis an den Siedepunkt erhitzt, wird der Punsch in vorgewärmte Gläser umgefüllt
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 160. Scotch Punsch.
1965 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 126. Punches.
Punch in its oldest and simplest form is Rum and Water, Hot or Iced, with sugar to taste and orange or lemon juice (for Hot Punch) or fresh lime juice (for Cold Punch). It was in 1655 when they took Jamaica from Spain that the English were first introduced to Punch. During the 18th Century this drink became very popular. It was „brewed“ or mixed at a table in a punchbowl by the host, with Rum as one of the ingredients but other spirits as well. (One of the other popular ones was Brandy when made with hot water). Oranges and lemons in thin slices, grated nutmeg and sundry decorations and flavouring to the taste or discretion of the mixer.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 484. Whisky Punch (chaud).
Dans un verre à punch mettre 2—3 cuillères à bar de sucre, 1/2 jus de citron, 1 mesure whisky et finir de remplir avec de l’eau fraîche. Amener le tout au point d’ébullition et passer dans un verre à punch chaud. Ajouter une fine tranche de citron.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and snacks. Seite 89. Rum Punch #1.
Juice of 1/4 lemon 1 1/2 ounces gold label rum 1/4 teaspoon fine grain sugar 3/4 ounce chilled water Pour into a tall glass 2/3 full of fine cracked ice. Add fruit in season. Serve with straw.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and snacks. Seite 89. Rum Punch #2.
Juice of 1/2 lemon 2 ounces gold label rum 1/2 ounce pure maple syrup 2 dashes grenadine Shake well with ice. Pour into a 10-ounce tumbler filled with crushed ice. Garnish with sliver of pineapple, slice of orange, and a cherry.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and snacks. Seite 89. Whisky Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon 1 1/2 ounces whisky 1/2 teaspoon fine grain sugar
Shake with cracked ice. Strain into goblet. Add fruit in season. Fill with chilled soda.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and snacks. Seite 100. Hot Rum Punch.
Grated rind of 3 lemons 1 pint gold label rum 1/4 pound granulated sugar 1 pint brandy Juice of 3 lemons 8 ounces sherry wine 1 tablespoon ground ginger 1 quart boiling water Combine rind and sugar. Grind it with a wooden muddler or the back of a large spoon. Add lemon juice and ginger. Mix well together. Turn into a large casserole. Add rum, brandy, sherry, and boiling water. Add additional sugar, if desired. Allow to ripen over very low heat (do not boil) for about 20 minutes. Serves about 15.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and snacks. Seite 104. Rum Punch.
2 bottles New England or Puerto 2 cups very strong tea Rican rum 2 quarts soda water Juice of 12 lemons 1 cup sugar Mix all but soda and pour over block of ice in punch bowl. Decorate with fruit. Add soda just before serving. Makes 45 (4-ounce) servings.
1966 Mario Kardahi: Tratado Práctico de Coctelería, Pastelería y Afines. Seite 48. Ponche.
Es el nombre que se le da al cóctel he- cho a base de vino o leche (según la receta), hay va- riedades, frío o caliente. Se sirve en tacitas especiales.
1966 Mario Kardahi: Tratado Práctico de Coctelería, Pastelería y Afines. Seite 201. Punches.
He aquí una variedad de bebida similar al „grog“. En efecto lo que difiere a lo que respecta la prepara- ción de los „punch“, es que los mismos se sirven in- distintamente, fríos o calientes. Entran, asimismo, va- riedades de ingredientes, cómo ser: leche, huevos, fru- tas, etc. Esta es una bebida muy indicada en las reu- niones sociales y familiares, en cuanto a su preparación, es individual o en grandes recipientes para determi- nadas personas.
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 82. Rum Punch.
(for 1 gallon) 6 oz. Pineapple Juice, Juice of 6 Oranges Juice of 6 Lemons, 3/4 cup Powdered Sugar 1 1/2 Bottle (fifth) Rum 1 1/2 qts. Canada Dry Ginger Ale Fruit. Block of Ice. Stir. Serve in Punch Glass.
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 82. Whiskey Punch.
Juice of Lemon, 4 dashes Curacao 2 oz. Whiskey or Spirit Desired 2 dashes Brandy. Shaved Ice. Use goblet. Dress with Fruit. Top with Canada Dry Club Soda.
1969 Mario Kardahi & Raul Echenique: El arte de la exquisitez y del buen beber. Seite 394. Ponches.
Variedad de bebida similar al Grog. El Ponche se sirve frío o caliente, y suelen entrar en su composición leche, huevos, frutas, etc. Es una bebida muy indicada para las reuniones sociales y fami- liares. Su preparación puede hacerse en vasos individuales o en grandes recipientes cuando es para muchas personas.
1971 Anonymus: Tropical Recipes. Standard Recipes. Hot Rum Punch.
(Build) 1 Jigger Lemon Juice 1 “ Syrup 1 “ Rum Place Toddy spoon in glass Fill with boiling hot water 3 Cloves on top Build in Collins Glass, pre- heated.
1971 Anonymus: Tropical Recipes. Standard Recipes. Rum Punch.
(Shake) Shell Glass 10 oz. full fine ice Mixing Glass, Fine Ice 1 Jigger Lemon juice Juice of 1/2 Lime 1 Jigger Simple syrup or 1 Barspoon sugar 1 Jigger Rum Shake well and strain Decorate with slice Orange Serve with straws.
1971 Anonymus: Tropical Recipes. Standard Recipes. Whiskey Punch.
(Shake) Same as Brandy Punch, using Whiskey instead of Brandy.
Brandy Punch.
(Shake) Shell Glass, 10 oz. Fill with Fine Ice Mixing Glass, Fine Ice 1 Jigger Lemon Juice 1 “ Simple Syrup or 1 Barspoon Sugar 1 Dash Grenadine 1 1/2 Jiggers Brandy Shake well and strain Decorate with thin slice Lemon Serve with straws.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide, Revised. Seite 305. Hot Rum Punch.
2 cocktail sugar cubes Boiling water 4 ounces light Puerto Rican rum 4 dashes bitters Dissolve sugar in a little hot water in a preheated punch glass. Add rum, bitters, and a slice of lemon or lime. Fill glass with hot water. Dust with grated nutmeg.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide, Revised. Seite 364. Old Fashioned Rum Punch.
1/2 pint light Puerto Rican rum 1/2 pint peach brandy 1/2 pint lemon or lime juice 5 tablespoons Angostura bitters 3 quarts club soda Stir together thoroughly in a punch bowl the rum, brandy, lemon juice, and bitters. Add a large block of ice and let chill. At serving time, add soda. Serves 12.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide, Revised. Seite 375. Rum Punch – 1.
1 1/2 ounces light Puerto Rican rum 1 teaspoon curaçao 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice Club soda Shake rum, curaçao, and lemon juice with ice cubes. Strain into a goblet. Add ice cubes. Fill glass with soda. Decorate with fresh fruits. Serve with straws.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide, Revised. Seite 376. Rum Punch – 2.
12 lemons 2 cups bar sugar 1 quart strong hot tea 1 quart light Jamaica rum Squeeze the juice from lemons; save rinds. Stir sugar with lemon juice to blend. Pour just-brewed tea, while very hot, over lemon rinds; let steep for 20 minutes; strain. Add strained tea to lemon juice; pour over a large block of ice in a punch bowl. Add rum. Serve in punch cups. Garnish each serving with a thin lemon slice. Makes about 18 five-ounce drinks.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide, Revised. Seite 376. Rum Punch – 3.
1 1/2 fifths light Puerto Rican rum 6 ounces pineapple juice 10 ounces orange juice 10 ounces lime juice 1 1/2 quarts ginger ale or club soda 1 pint fresh strawberries, sliced, and lemon and lime slices to garnish Combine ad ingredients except ginger ale or soda, and allow to stand for 1 hour. Then pour over block of ice in a large punch bowl. Let chill. At serving time, add chilled ginger ale or soda. Stir gently. Decorate with sliced strawberries, lemons, and limes. Serves 12.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide, Revised. Seite 378. Tahitian Rum Punch – 1.
1/2 lime 1 dash rock candy syrup 1 ounce St. James Rhum Squeeze lime juice over 1 large scoop shaved ice in mixing glass; save shell. Add syrup and rum. Shake. Pour into parfait glass. Decorate with spent lime shell and a cherry. Dust with grated nutmeg.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide, Revised. Seite 378. Tahitian Rum Punch – 2.
1 teaspoon bar sugar 1/2 lime Fruit slice (banana, pineapple, or orange) Combine rum and sugar in mixing glass with a large ice cube; stir thoroughly. Squeeze lime juice over ice cubes in a 10- ounce glass; add spent lime shell. Add mixed rum, sugar, and ice. Stir. Decorate with a fruit slice. Dust with grated nut- meg. Serve with straws.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide, Revised. Seite 379. Tahitian Rum Punch (Quantity).
2 pounds brown sugar 5 dozen oranges 4 dozen lemons 3 grapefruit 10 bananas 2 mint sprigs 10 fifths dry white table wine 6 fifths light Puerto Rican rum 1 fifth dark Jamaica rum Put sugar into a large crock. Squeeze juice from oranges, lemons, and grapefruit; add juices and all spent shells to crock. Slice in bananas. Add mint and wine. Let stand overnight. Next day, add the rum. Strain off and discard the fruit pulp and citrus shells. Stir punch well. Pour over a large block of ice in a punch bowl (or a barrel). Let mixture chill. Serve in punch cups or coconut cups. Serves about 100.
2 ounces Bourbon 1 dash curaçao 1 teaspoon sugar syrup 2 teaspoons lemon juice Club soda 1 dash dark Jamaica rum Stir Bourbon, curaçao, syrup, and lemon juice with ice cubes. Strain into goblet. Add ice cubes. Fill glass with soda. Add rum on top. Serve with straws.
2 ounces Bourbon 1 teaspoon sugar syrup 1 teaspoon lemon juice Club soda 1 dash brandy Shake Bourbon, syrup, and lemon juice with ice cubes. Strain into a double old fashioned glass. Add shaved ice. Fill glass with soda. Add brandy on top.
1973 Anonymus: 500 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 50. Buttered Rum Punch.
2 qts. cider – very hot 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/4 cup butter 12 oz. Cuban rum Ladle into punch glasses and top with ground cinnamon. 12 servings
1973 Anonymus: 500 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 53. Whiskey Punch.
1 pound sugar 1 pt. orange juice 1 pt. lemon juice 2 qts. rye whiskey 4 qts. charged water 1/2 pineapple, thinly sliced 3 oranges, quartered 2 lemons, thinly sliced Serve well iced in punch bowl. 12 servings
1973 Anonymus: 500 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 61. Whiskey Punch.
3 jiggers bourbon or whiskey 1 pony lemon juice 1 teaspoon sugar syrup 3 ice cubes rye Blend 5 to 8 seconds, strain into highball glasses. Add crushed ice, a dash of cognac, and fill with sparkling water.
1973 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 82. Rum Punch.
(for 1 gallon) 6 oz. Pineapple Juice, Juice of 6 Oranges Juice of 6 Lemons, 3/4 cup Powdered Sugar 1 1/2 Bottle (fifth) Rum. 1 1/2 qts. Canada Dry Ginger Ale. Fruit. Block of Ice Stir. Serve in Punch Glass.
1973 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 82. Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon, 4 dashes Curacao, 2 oz. Whiskey 2 dashes Brandy. Shaved Ice. Use goblet. Dress with Fruit. Top with Canada Dry Club Soda.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 119. Irish Punch.
A great favourite in Ireland during the ’soft‘ weather. Serve in wine glass 1 measure Irish whiskey 1 teaspoon sugar Hot water 1/2 slice lemon studded with cloves.
1976 Brian F. Rea: Brian’s Booze Guide. Seite 83. Tahitian Rum Punch.
Build in a collins glass filled with ice cubes 1 ounce light Rum 4 ounces fruit punch 3/4 ounce 151° Rum, stir Garnish with cherry and pineapple wedge
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 387. Rum Punch.
Hiball Glass Shake 1-1/2 oz rum 1/4 oz orange curaçao 1/2 oz lemon juice 1/4 tsp sugar Fill with crushed ice or soda Fruit garnish
Variation Tail Glass Build Fill with crushed ice 1-1/2 oz rum 3/4 oz lime juice 1 tsp sugar Several mint sprigs-stirred into drink
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 389. Rye Whiskey Punch.
Hiball Glass Shake 2 oz rye 1/2 oz lemon juice 1/2 tsp sugar Pour unstrained into glass Fill with ice Orange slice
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 413. Tahitian Rum Punch.
Tail Glass Build 3/4 oz lime juice Leave shell in glass 1/2 tsp sugar Fill with crushed ice 1-1/2 oz Martinique rum Stir Banana slice, Pineapple spear, Orange slice & Nutmeg
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 431. Whiskey Punch.
Hiball Glass Build 2 oz whiskey 1 tsp sugar 1/2 oz lemon juice Fill with soda, ice (Substitute-hot water for soda & top with nutmeg)
Variation Tall Glass Shake 1-1/2 oz Bourbon or rye 1 oz lemon juice 1 tsp sugar 1/2 oz orange curaçao Fill with soda, ice Float 1/4 oz rum or brandy
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 458. Hot Rum Punch.
In punchbowl put: 1 lemon or lime peel, 1 sliced orange or one sliced grapefruit. 1 cup glass Bénédictine 1 cup Kummel 1 cup brandy or Cognac 2 cups Puerto Rican rum Add sugar to taste and 6 cups boiling water. Stir together and serve.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 461. Rum Punch.
2 whole pineapples 3 bananas 4 cups lemon juice 8 cups orange juice 4 cups brown sugar 10 bottles white wine Dice pineapples and sugar. Add wine, other fruit juices and allow to stand overnight. Then add: 6 qts. light rum 1 bottle Jamaica rum 1 bottle Crème de Banana Allow to stand for 2-3 hrs. Strain into punchbowl with block of ice.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 462. Scotch Whisky Punch.
1/2 cup sugar juice and rind of 3 lemons 1 qt soda 1 qt Scotch Mix together in pitcher with cracked ice. Pour into goblets with extra ice. Garnish as desired.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 463. Whisky Punch.
To punchbowl with block of ice add: juices of 8 oranges and 6 lemons, 2 ozs curaçao, 2 tbsp sugar. Stir. Add 1-1/2 bottles of rye, bourbon, or blended whiskey. Chili. To serve, add 2 qts of chilled soda and fruit as desired.
1977 Udo Henseler & Bernhard Weichsel: Wir mixen. Seite 123. Rum-Punsch.
Zutaten: 1/2 l Rum, 1 Flasche Rotwein, 1 Flasche Weißwein, 1/2 l star- ker Teeaufguß (schwarzer Tee), 2 Zitronen, 300 g Zucker. Zubereitung: Der Teeaufguß wird mit den Weinen, dem Zitronen- saft, der Zitronenschale und dem Zucker so lange erhitzt, bis sich der Zucker vollkommen gelöst hat. Die Zitronenschale wird entfernt und vor dem Servieren der Rum hinzugegeben.
1979 Fred Powell: The Bartender’s Standard Manual. Seite 105. Rum Punch.
1/2 Pint Puerto Rican Rum 1/2 Pint Peach Brandy 1/2 Pint Lemon or Lime Juice 5 Tablespoons Bitters 6 Pints Soda Water Stir rum, brandy, juice and bitters in a bowl. When ready to serve, add block of ice and soda.
1979 Fred Powell: The Bartender’s Standard Manual. Seite 105. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
(Serves 12) 1 Quart Passport Scotch Juice and Rind of 3 Lemons 1/2 Cup Sugar 1 Quart Soda Combine in pitcher with cracked ice. Pour into goblets with extra ice. Garnish with fruit slices.
1979 Fred Powell: The Bartender’s Standard Manual. Seite 106. Whiskey Punch.
2 Quarts Blended Bourbon 3 Ounces Curacao 1 Quart Apple Juice Juice of 6 Lemons 2 Ounces Grenadine 2 Large Bottles Iced Ginger Ale Pour all but ginger ale over block of ice in punch bowl. Stir. Leave to chill. Add ginger ale before serving. Gar- nish with maraschino cherries.
Im letzten Beitrag beendeten wir die Auflistung der Punch-Zitate mit dem Jahr 1737. Die Lücke bis zum Jahr 1862 umfaßt 125 Jahre. Auch aus dieser Zeit haben wir punktuell interessante Veröffentlichungen gefunden, die wir hier vorstellen wollen, bevor wir uns dann der zentralen Frage zuwenden: Was ist ein Punch und wie läßt er sich kategorisieren?
Die Zeit zwischen 1741 und 1862
1741 definiert Johann Heinrich Zedler in seinem Universallexikon: „Puntsch, Punch, ein starckes Geträncke unter denen See=Leuten, welches am meisten bey denen Engelländern gebräuchlich ist, und aus Branntewein, Wasser, Zucker, Pomeranzen=Safft, und Muscaten=Nüssen zubereitet wird.“ [3-1627]
1750 schreibt Thomas Short ausführlich über den Punch und preist darin die gesundheitlichen Vorzüge desselben. Er geht zunächst auf die Zitrusfrüchte ein und fährt fort: „Was wir bereits über die Eigenschaften der verschiedenen Bestandteile des Punches gesagt haben, wird unsere Arbeit hier erleichtern und in wenigen Worten erfassen, was wir dazu zu sagen haben. Punch mit der richtigen Stärke (mindestens vier Teile Wasser zu einem Teil Brandy und im Sommer acht bis neun Teile Wasser zu einem Teil Brandy oder Rum, außer bei gichtkranken oder älteren Personen, die es stärker brauchen) und mäßig getrunken, ist ein bewundernswertes alkoholisches Getränk (vorausgesetzt, er wird aus französischem Branntwein oder aus einer gutem alten Melasse-Spirituose hergestellt, die, wenn sie richtig hergestellt, aufbewahrt, von kräftigem Körper ist und einige Monate mit Seeluft gereinigt wird, sehr wohl ebenso gut ist) und ein ausgezeichnetes Diuretikum;“ [11-191] [11-192]
– „What we have already advanced on the Properties of the sundry Ingredients of Punch, will facilitate our Labour here, and comprehend what we have to say upon it in a very few words. Punch therefore of a right Strength (which should at least be four Parts Water to one of Brandy, and in Summer eight to nine Parts Water to one of Brandy or Rum, except to gouty or aged Persons, who require it stronger) and moderately drank, is an admirable Liquor (provided it be made of French brandy, or of good old Molossos Spirits, which if rightly made, kept, of a strong Body, and purified some Months with Sea Air, are very whit as good) and an excellent Diuretic;“ [11-191] [11-192]
1803 schrieb Friedrich Schiller sein „Punschlied“. Er preist dieses Getränk, das für ihn aus nur vier Zutaten besteht, nämlich Zitronen, Zucker, Wasser und Spirituose:
„Vier Elemente
Innig gesellt
Bilden das Leben,
Bauen die Welt.
Preßt der Citrone
Saftigen Stern,
Herb ist des Lebens
Innerster Kern.
Jetzt mit des Zuckers
Linderndem Saft
Zähmet die herbe
Brennende Kraft.
Gießet des Wassers
Sprudelnden Schwall,
Wasser umfänget
Ruhig das All.
Tropfen des Geistes
Gießet hinein,
Leben dem Leben
Gibt er allein.
Eh es verdüftet
Schöpfet es schnell,
Nur wenn er glühet,
Labet der Quell.“ [4]
Der folgende Text aus dem Jahr 1808 beschreibt treffend, wie ein Punch aus englischer Sicht zuzubereiten sei: „Echter britischer Punch. Es wird kaum glaubwürdig erscheinen, daß die Zubereitung dieses sehr verbreiteten alkoholischen Getränks, von dem fast jeder Engländer weiß, lediglich aus Zitronen- oder Limettensaft besteht, mit oder ohne dem der Sevilla-Orange, und einigen der entsprechenden Schalen, gemischt mit Zucker, heißem Wasser und Rum und Brandy in unterschiedlichen Anteilen, in Frankreich so wenig verstanden wird, daß der berühmte Almanach des Gourmands, der 1806 gedruckt wurde, ernsthaft einen Beleg für die Zubereitung von Punch mit Tee anstelle von Wasser vorlegt; was der geistreiche, aber grob getäuschte Schriftsteller den Lesern mitteilt, ist die echte britische Methode, wie sie von einem französischen Offizier beschrieben wird, der lange Zeit Kriegsgefangener in England war und die Herstellung häufig gesehen hatte. Die einzige Art und Weise, dies zu erklären, scheint diese zu sein: daß der besagte Offizier, nachdem er ständig den Teekessel auf dem Feuer gesehen hatte, zum Zwecke des Wasserkochens, um daraus Punch zu machen, scharfsinnig entdeckte, mit all der verdächtigen Listigkeit, die die Bewohner in diesem sehr gerissenen Land kennzeichnet, daß zwangsläufig Tee verwendet werden muß. Wohingegen er mit etwas mehr gesunder Weisheit und etwas weniger subtiler Kunstfertigkeit hätte erkennen können, was nie geheim gehalten wird, daß das Wasser nur sofort in die Schüssel gegossen wird, auf die verschiedenen Zutaten, die erwähnt wurden. Das große Geheimnis, oder besser gesagt die Kunst, echten britischen Punch herzustellen, besteht in der Zubereitung eines reichhaltigen und delikaten Sherbets: Dies geschieht unter Zugabe des besten Jamaika-Rums oder französischen Brandys und reinem heißen oder kalten Wasser; der Punch mag zu stark oder zu schwach sein, oder einen zu großen oder zu kleinen Anteil an Rum oder Brandy enthalten, aber er kann sich unmöglich als schlechter Punch erweisen. Bei der Zubereitung von Sherbets für Punch werden gelegentlich die Säuren von Weinstein, Tamarinden und verschiedenen anderen zubereiteten pflanzlichen Säuren sowie die besonders als Zitronensäure bezeichnete Säure verwendet; aber vielleicht ergeben letztendlich die Säfte von Limetten, Zitronen und Sevilla-Orangen, ausgedrückt aus den frischen Früchten, wenn sie erhältlich sind, die Sorte von Sherbets, die dem Charakter eines guten britischen Punches am nächsten kommt. Eine ausgezeichnete große Schale dieses alkoholischen Getränks, der die meisten Gaumen zufrieden stellen wird, kann wie folgt hergestellt werden — Besorge ein halbes Dutzend reife, einwandfreie und frische Zitronen oder eine proportionale Menge an Limetten und ein paar Sevilla-Orangen; reibe die gelbe Schale von drei oder vier der Zitronen mit Klumpen feinen Zuckers ab und gib jeden Klumpen in die Schüssel, sobald er sattsam mit der Essenz oder der geriebenen Schale gesättigt oder verstopft ist; Schäle dann die anderen Zitronen und Sevilla-Orangen dünn und gib diese Schalen ebenfalls in die Schüssel, zu der reichlich Zucker hinzugefügt wird; gieße eine sehr kleine Menge kochendes Wasser hinzu und presse sofort den Saft von fast allen Früchten, gefolgt von etwas mehr heißem Wasser. Vereinige das Ganze mit einer Punchkelle; und, ein wenig des so zubereiteten Sherbets in ein Glas gebend, probiere seine Reichhaltigkeit und sein Aroma mit dem Gaumen. Wenn die Früchte gut sind, wird ein geübter Punchmacher wenig finden, das reguliert werden muß, und dieses Wenige kann schnell angepaßt werden, indem man den Wasser-, Zucker- oder Säuremangel behebt, um so ein köstliches und körperreiches Sherbet herzustellen, geeignet für die Aufnahme der Spirituose, die es beleben soll. Sollte ein Abseihen notwendig sein, ist dies die Zeit für die Verwendung eines feinen Siebes, durch das anschließend etwas mehr heißes Wasser geleitet werden kann; und einige Stücke der Orangen- oder Zitronenrinde, die in der Schale schwimmen, gelten im Allgemeinen als angenehm aussehend. Um aus dem auf diese Weise zubereiteten Sherbet einen echtem britischen Punch zu machen, sollten Spirituosen im Verhältnis von einer Flasche des besten Jamaica-Rums zu jeder Pinte des feinsten Cognac-Brandys hinzugegeben werden. Die gesamte Stärke oder Schwäche kann der allgemeinen Vorliebe der Gesellschaft angepaßt werden, für die er zubereitet wird. Die oben erwähnte Menge an Früchten, mit etwa eineinhalb Pfund Zucker, ergibt ein Sherbet, das für eine zwei Gallonen fassende Schüssel ausreicht. Ananas-Rum und Capillaire-Sirup anstelle eines Teils des Zuckers können verwendet werden, wenn dies genehm ist, mit beträchtlichen Vorteilen für den Geschmack; allerdings wird er sich auch ohne diese beiden Hilfsstoffe oder sogar ohne Sevilla-Orange als hervorragender Punch erweisen. Die gleiche Art von Sherbet kann natürlich auch für Brandypunch oder Rumpunch allein verwendet werden, aber Punch wird in England nur selten so hergestellt: Die meisten Leute mischen tatsächlich zu gleichen Teilen Rum und Brandy. Arrak-Punch wird jedoch immer nur mit dieser Spirituose hergestellt, und zwar gewöhnlich mit einem einfachen Sherbet aus Limetten- oder Zitronensaft, mit Zucker, denn der Geschmack der Sevilla-Orange beeinflußt zu störend den eigentümlichen Geschmack des Arraks, der sich für die meisten Geschmäcker als so wohltuend erweist, wenn auch für einige als sehr unangenehm. Wenn mit dem reichhaltigsten Sherbet, manchmal noch angereichert mit Fruchtgelees und sogar Muskatnuß, Wein statt Wasser mit Rum und Branntwein vermischt wird, nennt man das alkoholische Getränk Punch Royal. Die Mischung einer kleinen Menge Ale oder Porter, die von einigen bei der Zubereitung von Punch sehr empfohlen wird, scheint nur dann ratsam, wenn es sich um Rum-Punch handelt, der ohne Brandy hergestellt wird, und darf auch dann nur sehr sparsam eingebracht werden. Dieser Beitrag, wie wertvoll er auch immer erscheinen mag, ist hinsichtlich seiner Prinzipien von einem der ersten praktischen Punchmacher in Europa geliefert worden: Er hätte leicht, indem er sich auf die kleinsten Umstände konzentrierte, Materie für ein kleines Buch liefern können; dessen Wesen ist jedoch, wie er freimütig zugibt, hier ausreichend konzentriert für jeden nützlichen Zweck. Was die Zuträglichkeit des Punches betrifft, so ist er, wenn er in Maßen getrunken wird, im Winter heiß oder kalt und im Sommer sogar eisgekühlt, ein äußerst wohltuendes Getränk; er löscht auf bewundernswerte Weise den Durst, fördert die Sekretion und belebt die Geister. Wenn er jedoch inmitten der Heiterkeit, die durch den verführerischen Duft und den köstlichen Geschmack erregt wird, den die wohlriechende Schale nur selten zu erwecken versäumt, zu großzügig und zu gewohnheitsmäßig getrunken wird, wird seine kraftvolle Kombination aus Spirituose und Säure unfehlbar dazu neigen, Gicht hervorzurufen, sogar früher als die meisten Weine oder starker Apfelwein, es sei denn, sie wird glücklicherweise durch viel Bewegung verhindert. Punch ist, wie alle großen Segnungen des Lebens, ausgezeichnet und sogar heilsam, wenn er zu den richtigen Jahreszeiten mit Bedacht genossen wird. Wir dürfen ihm nicht unseren eigenen Mangel an Besonnenheit vorwerfen, durch den allein er stets zum Bösen umgewandelt wird. Der anscheinend seltsame englische Name des Punches ist, wie das alkoholische Getränk selbst, west-indischen Ursprungs, wobei das Wort in der Sprache der Ureinwohner einfach fünf bedeutet, da es die Anzahl der dort verwendeten Zutaten angibt, nämlich 1, Säure oder Limette oder Zitronensaft; 2, Süße oder Zucker; 3, Spirituose oder Rum, &c.; 4, Wasser; und 5, würziger Geschmack oder Muskatnuß, &c. Einzigartig ist auch, daß Punch, das Wort für fünf, aus nur fünf Buchstaben besteht. Aufgrund der gegensätzlichen Natur der verschiedenen Zutaten wurde der Punch manchmal auch als alkoholisches Getränk der Widersprüche bezeichnet.“ [10-401] [10-402] [10-403]
– „Genuine British Punch. It will scarcely seem credible, that the preparation of this very common liquor, which almost every Englishman well knows is merely composed of lemon or limejuice, with or without that of Seville orange, and some of the respective rinds, mixed with sugar, hot water, and rum and brandy in different proportions, is so little understood in France, that the celebrated Almanac des Gourmands, printed in 1806, gravely presents a receipt for making punch with tea instead of water; which the ingenious but grossly deceived writer informs bis readers, is the genuine British method, as described by a French officer who was long a prisoner of war in England and had frequently seen it made. The only way of accounting for which, seems to be this; that the said officer, having constantly beheld the tea-kettle on the fire, for the purpose of boiling the water to make punch, sagaciously discovered, with all the suspicious cunning which characterizes the natives in general of his very crafty country, that tea must necessarily be used. Whereas, with a little more sound wisdom, and a little less subtle craft, he might plainly have perceived, what is never made any secret, that the water only is poured immediately into the bowl on the several ingredients which have been mentioned. The grand secret, or rather art, of making genuine British punch, consists in the preparation of a rich and delicate sherbet; this being accomplished, with the addition of the best genuine West India rum, French brandy, and pure hot or cold water, the punch may be too strong, too weak, or have too large or too small a proportion of rum or brandy, but cannot possibly prove bad punch. In preparing sherbet for punch, the acids of cream of tartar, tamarinds, and various other prepared vegetable acids, as well as that particularly denominated the citric acid, are occasionally employed; but, perhaps, after all, the juices of limes, lemons, and Seville oranges, expressed from the fresh fruits, when obtainable, make the sort of sherbet which seems most congenial with the nature of good British punch. A fine large bowl of this liquor, which will be found to please most palates, may be made in the following manner — Procure half a dozen ripe, sound, and fresh lemons, or a proportionate number of limes, and a couple of Seville oranges. Rub off the yellow rinds of three or four of the lemons, with lumps of fine loaf sugar; putting each lump into the bowl, as soon as it is sufficiently saturated or clogged with the essence or grated rind. Then thinly pare the other lemons and Seville orange, and put these rinds also in the bowl; to which, adding plenty of sugar, pour a very small quantity of boiling water, and immediately squeeze the juice of nearly all the fruit, followed by a little more hot water. Incorporate the whole well together with the punch ladle; and, putting a little of the sherbet thus composed into a glass, try it’s richness and flavour by the palate. If the fruit be good, a practised punch maker will find little which requires to be regulated, and that little can soon be adjusted by supplying the aqueous, saccharine, or acid deficiencies, so as to produce a luscious and richbodied sherbet, fit for the reception of the spirit which is to give it animation. If straining should be found necessary, this is the period for using a lawn sieve, through which a little more hot water may afterward be passed; and a few parings of the orange and lemon rind are generally considered as having an agreeable appearance floating in the bowl. The sherbet being thus prepared, to make it into genuine British punch, spirit should be added in the proportions of a bottle of the best Jamaica rum to every pint of the finest Cogniac brandy; the entire strength or weakness may be suited to the general inclination of the company for which it is prepared. The above quantity of fruit, with about a pound and a half of sugar, will make sufficient sherbet for a two gallon bowl. Pine apple rum, and capillaire syrup instead of part of the sugar, may be used, if convenient, with considerable advantage to the flavour; though it will prove excellent punch, without either of these auxiliaries, or even Seville orange. The same sort of sherbet may, of course be used for brandy punch, or rum punch, singly; but punch is seldom so made in England: most persons, indeed, mix equal parts of rum and brandy. Arrac punch, however, is always made with that spirit alone: and, usually, with a simple sherbet of lime or lemon juice with sugar; as the flavour of the Seville orange interferes too much with the peculiar flavour of the arrac, which proves so grateful to most tastes, though to many very unpleasant. When, with the richest sherbet, sometimes rendered still richer by fruit jellies and even nutmeg, wine is mingled with the rum and brandy instead of water, the liquor is called punch royal. The mixture of a small quantity of ale or porter, highly recommended by some, in making punch, seems only advisable when it is rum punch, made without any brandy, and must even then be very sparingly introduced. This article, whatever may appear it’s value, is furnished, with regard to it’s principles, by one of the first practical punch makers in Europe: who could easily, by dwelling on minute circumstances, have supplied matter for a small volume; the essence of which is, however, he freely confesses, here sufficiently concentrated for every useful purpose. With regard to the salubrity of punch: when drank in moderation, hot in winter, or cold and even iced in summer, it affords a most grateful beverage; admirably allaying thirst, promoting the secretions, and conveying animation to the spirits. If, however, amid the hilarity excited by the tempting fragrance and luscious taste which the balmy bowl seldom fails to inspire, it be too freely and too habitually drank, it’s powerful combination of spirit and acid, instead of proving favourable to the constitution, will infallibly tend to bring on the gout even sooner than most wines, or strong cyder, unless happily prevented by using a considerable degree of exercise. Punch, like all the prime blessings of life, is excellent, and even salutary; when prudently enjoyed, at proper seasons. We must not charge, on them, our own want of discretion; by which, alone, they are ever converted to evils. The apparently whimsical English name of punch, like the liquor itself, is of West India origin; the word, in the aboriginal language, signifying simply five, being the number of the ingredients there used: viz. 1. acid, or lime or lemon juice; 2. sweetness, or sugar; 3. spirit, or rum, &c. 4. water; and, 5. spicey flavour, or nutmeg, &c. It is singular, too, that punch, the word for five, consists of just five letters. From the opposite natures of the several ingredients, punch has also been sometimes called the liquor of contradictions.“ [10-401] [10-402] [10-403]
Die Aussage des Autors, das große Geheimnis eines Punches liege im Sherbet, bringt es auf den Punkt. Diesem wir man widerspruchslos zustimmen, wenn man einmal den Unterschied probiert hat. Man versuche einmal einen mit Sherbet hergestellten Punch und einen, der nur mit Zitrussaft und Zuckersirup hergestellt wurde. Dazwischen liegen Welten. Auch wenn dieses Buch sehr deutlich wird und schreibt, in einen echten britischen Punch gehöre kein Tee, sahen andere das offensichtlich nicht so streng. Denn in Großbritannien bereitete man mindestens seit 1728 einen Tee-Punch mit Grüntee zu. Und ein londoner Magazin gab im Jahr 1840 an, dass die Verwendung von Tee anstelle des Wassers eine der Grundregeln beim Zubereiten eines Punches sei. [15-718]
Ebenfalls 1808 veröffentlichte Sir John Sinclair einen Beitrag über Punch. Im Gegensatz zum vorherigen Autor ist für ihn der Zusatz von grünem Tee jedoch kein Ding der Unmöglichkeit. Er schreibt: „KEINE Spirituosenart wurde mehr verurteilt* oder lauter gefeiert als der Punch. – Dieses Getränk besteht aus Spirituosen, die mit Wasser verdünnt werden und einen gewissen Anteil an Säure und Zucker enthalten, wodurch eine Mischung von Substanzen entsteht, die in ihrer Natur sehr gegensätzlich sind, da sie stark und schwach, süß und sauer sind. Einige behaupten, daß eine halbe Pinte altes Starkbier in einer mäßigen Schale Punch das Feuer der Spirituose beträchtlich mildert, oder daß eine halbe Pinte grüner Tee eine nützliche zusätzliche Zutat ist. Wo die Säure dem Magen nichts ausmacht, ist Punch sicherlich bekömmlicher als Grog, oder Spirituosen und Wasser, oder Toddy, der Grog mit Zuckerzusatz ist, † […] † Es wird angemerkt, daß die Trinker von Toddy schneller berauscht werden als diejenigen, die Punch trinken“ [9-215]
– „NO species of liquor has been more condemned*, or more loudly celebrated, than Punch. – This drink consists of spirits diluted with water, and a certain proportion of acid and sugar, making a mixture of substances very opposite in their nature, being strong and weak, sweet and sour. Some contend, that half a pint of old strong beer, in a moderate bowl of punch, will mellow the fire of the spirit considerably, or that half a pint of green tea is a useful additional ingredient. Where the acid does not disagree with the stomach, punch is certainly wholesomer than grog, or spirits and water, or toddy, which is grog with the addition of sugar, † […] † It is remarked, that the drinkers of toddy get sooner intoxicated than those who drink punch.“ [9-215]
Ein paar Punch-Bilder
Nun haben wir viel über die schriftlichen Aufzeichnungen über den Punch geredet. Doch es muß auch erwähnt werden, daß der Punch auch in Abbildungen seinen Platz fand, die meisten davon karikaturistischer Art. Beispielhaft seien ein paar davon hier reproduziert:
Der moderne Punch ab 1862
Ab 1862 sind abertausende Punch-Rezepturen überliefert. Sie scheinen sich alle deutlich voneinander zu unterscheiden. Um die Anzahl zu reduzieren, haben wir nur die Rezepturen für Rum- und Whiskey-Punch betrachtet, und selbst mit dieser Einschränkung bleiben rund eintausend Rezepturen übrig.
Um diese miteinander statistisch vergleichen zu können, muß man sie auf die zugrundeliegende grundsätzliche Formel reduzieren. Diese Formeln ergeben sich aus der klassischen Überlieferung dessen, was ein Punch ist, und der modernen Interpretation der Rezepturen.
Die Kategorien des Punches
Zum einen unterscheiden wir den Punch danach, ob er Gewürze enthält oder nicht. Diese beiden Varianten stellen für uns den einfachen und den gewürzten Punch dar, auf englisch würden wir es „plain punch“ und als „spiced punch“ bezeichnen. Gleichzeitig kann der Punch klassisch zubereitet werden oder als eine moderne Abwandlung.
Aus dieser Betrachtungsweise ergeben sich vier grundlegende Formeln:
Dabei muß eines festgestellt werden: Diese Kategorisierung bedeutet nicht, daß zunächst ein Punch immer klassisch zubereitet wurde und erst in jüngeren Zeiten die moderne Version hinzukam. Bereits die erste überlieferte Rezeptur des Johann Albrecht von Manelsloh beschreibt, daß ein Punch mit Rosenwasser zubereitet wurde, und das wäre laut Kategorisierung ein moderner gewürzter Punch. Der Kategorisierung liegt vielmehr ein ordnender Gedanke zugrunde, der die Verwendung von Wasser und Zitrussaft als etwas Klassisches begreift, und die Abwandlungen als etwas Modernes. Denn obwohl schon von Anbeginn Zutaten wie Rosenwasser beschrieben wurden, werden die Zutaten des Punches grundsätzlich erst in moderneren Zeiten auf vielfältigste Art und Weise variiert. Eine Durchsicht der Rezepturen ab 1862 beantwortet die Frage, woraus diese Alternativen bestehen können. Bei der Verdünnung, also als Alternative zu Wasser, werden aufgeführt:
Die Alternativen zu Zucker sind:
Bei der Verwendung der Zitrusfrüchte gibt es zahlreiche Varianten. Hauptsächlich wird Zitrone eingesetzt, aber auch Limette oder Orange; diese dann in Stücken, als Saft oder Zeste, auch miteinander kombiniert. Doch für unsere Betrachtung ist es ausreichend, wenn Zitrusfrüchte verwendet werden, unabhängig davon, welche und welche Teile derselben.
Nicht weiter betrachten sollte man auch die teilweise reichhaltige Garnitur, mit der man einen Punch versehen hat. Diese ist nicht direkt Bestandteil des Punches, sondern eher so etwas wie ein zum Getränk gereichter Snack, manchmal auch ein im Glas kunstvoll aufgeschichteter „Obstsalat“, und kann daher als solche unberücksichtigt bleiben. Als Garnitur verwendete man alles, was man an Früchten und Beeren verfügbar hatte, beispielsweise Zitrone, Orange, Ananas, Kirsche, Erdbeere, Pfirsich oder Banane. Gelegentlich durfte es auch etwas Minze sein.
Es muß an dieser Stelle noch erwähnt werden, daß bei einem heißen Punch eine Garnierung mit Früchten oder Beeren praktisch nicht vorkommt, wohl aber bei einem kalten Punch. Dort ist sie quasi Standard. Das mag daran liegen, daß sie sich auf Eisstückchen vortrefflich plazieren läßt, und mag auch der Vorliebe der Zeit geschuldet sein; auch bei einem Cobbler bevorzugte man eine üppige Garnierung mit Allerlei.
Überschneidungen mit anderen Mischgetränken
Natürlich gibt es Rezepturen, die zwar als Punch bezeichnet werden, aber keiner sind. Entweder fehlen einzelne Bestandteile, oder es werden welche hinzugegeben, die nicht in einen Punch gehören, wie beispielsweise Bitter oder Butter.
Wenn Milch verwendet wird, so ergibt sich ein Milk Punch, und diesen betrachten wir in dieser Analyse nicht, denn das ist eine eigene Kategorie, die ein anderes Mal beschrieben werden soll.
Statistische Betrachtung
Wir haben die Analyse aufgeteilt in vier verschiedene Bereiche, und zwar: Hot Rum Punch und Hot Whiskey Punch, Cold Rum Punch und Cold Whiskey Punch.
Hot Rum Punch
Wie wir sehen können, entsprechen die Rezepturen für einen Hot Rum Punch in den Anfangsjahren einem Punch, klassisch oder modern. Es zeigt sich jedoch, daß die Rezepturen nach und nach immer unklarer werden, so daß in der jüngeren Zeit praktisch 40 Prozent nicht mehr der Grundstruktur eines Punches entsprachen.
Hot Whiskey Punch
Beim Hot Whiskey Punch ist es weniger dramatisch. Zwischen 1920 und 1941 entsprachen rund 15 Prozent der Fälle nicht einem Punch, ansonsten schon.
Cold Rum Punch
Beim Cold Rum Punch muß man berücksichtigen, daß wir vor 1882 nur eine Rezeptur gefunden haben, weshalb dieser Zeitraum statistisch nicht aussagekräftig ist. Wir müssen ihn ignorieren. Ansonsten sieht man aber, daß fast alle Rezepturen der eines echten Punches entsprechen.
Cold Whiskey Punch
Auch der Cold Whiskey Punch entspricht fast immer einem echten Punch.
Ein detaillierter Bilck auf eine der Zutaten ist noch notwendig, und zwar auf den Einsatz der Zitrusfrucht. Wir müssen für eine mögliche Abgrenzung gegen andere Mischgetränke verstehen, ob in einem Punch die Zitruszeste, der Zitrussaft oder ein Zitrusstück verwendet wird. Dabei wurden in unserer Analyse bei der Bewertung des Anteils der Zitrusstücke nur die Rezepte berücksichtigt, die explizit danach als Zutat verlangen; allgemeine Angaben wie die, mit Früchten zu garnieren – worunter auch Zitrusstücke fallen können – haben wir ignoriert.
Desweiteren ist es notwendig, zusätzlich nach Hot Punch und Cold Punch zu unterscheiden, denn hier finden sich Unterschiede, die in unserer Analyse anderer Mischgetränke von Bedeutung sein könnten.
Zitrusfrüchte im Hot Punch
Wir können erkennen, daß in einem Hot Punch anfänglich in 30% der Fälle nur eine Zeste verwendet wird; dieser Anteil sinkt dann mehr und mehr ab und verschwindet schließlich. Bei den übrigen Rezepten spielt eigentlich immer der Saft eine Rolle, sei es der reine Saft, oder der Saft, der als Anteil des Zitrusstückes in das Getränk eingebracht wird. Auch bei den Kombinationen, sei es Saft und Zeste, Saft und Stück, oder alles gemeinsam, ist immer Saft im Einsatz.
Zitrusfrüchte im Cold Punch
Für den Cold Punch ergibt sich erstaunlicherweise ein anderes Bild. In den ersten Rezepten, wir sprechen hier über die Rezepte vor 1882, werden noch Zesten verwendet. Aus dieser Zeit liegen jedoch nur sehr wenige Rezepte vor, so daß diese Zahl eventuell statistisch falch gewichtet ist. Ab 1882 jedenfalls wird die reine Zeste praktisch nicht mehr verwendet. Es überwiegt deutlich der Einsatz von reinem Zitrussaft. Stücke verwendet man im Gegensatz zum Hot Punch praktisch nicht, und auch Kombinationen sind relativ selten; dabei handelt es sich um die Kombination von Saft und Stück; die Zeste spielt auch hier keine Rolle.
Zitrusfrüchte im Punch
Auch wenn man beide, Hot Punch und Cold Punch, gemeinsam betrachtet, sieht man, daß die reine Zeste immer mehr an Einfluß verlor, der Saft ab 1882 eine gewichtige Rolle spielte. Der solitäre Einsatz eines Zitrusstückes ist selten. Gerne wird Verschiedenes kombiniert, anfänglich bevorzugt eine Kombination aus Saft und Zeste, später aus Saft und Stück.
Man muß jedoch einen Punkt bei der Einschätzung dieser Statistik berücksichtigen: Bereitet man ein reichhaltiges Sherbet zu, indem man die Öle der Schale mit Zucker extrahiert, so ergibt sich ein ausgeprägtes Zitrusaroma, ohne daß Saft zugesetzt werden muß. Verzichtet man jedoch darauf, so werden nicht genügend Öle extrahiert, und man muß mit Zitrussaft nachhelfen, um eine vergleichbare Aromatik zu erhalten. Man muß also jedes Rezept einzeln betrachten und die Herstellungsweise des Punches beachten.
Durch die Hitze kochenden Wassers werden die Aromastoffe wohl eher extrahiert als in einem kalten Punch, weshalb bei einem Hot Punch vermehrt Zesten verwendet werden konnten, ohne das mit Zitussaft nachgeholfen werden mußte.
Wie wir in der Übersicht sehen können, war der Rum Punch anfänglich nicht so recht beliebt, denn er stellt nur rund 10 Prozent der Fälle. Zwischen 1882 und 1959 waren es rund 40 Prozent der Rezepturen, zum Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts waren es hingegen etwa 55 Prozent.
Man sieht auch, daß anfänglich der heiße Punch überwog mit ungefähr 80 Prozent der Beispiele, zum Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts waren es jedoch nur noch um die 20 Prozent.
Es bleibt als letztes noch die Betrachtung, welche Arten von Punch über die Zeiten hinweg in Rezepten dokumentiert wurden. Der Klassische Einfache Punch überwiegt anfangs mit fast 70%, und nimmt dann mehr und mehr ab, bis er schließlich nur noch einen Anteil von 20% ausmacht. Interessanterweise betrug der Anteil des Klassischen Gewürzten Punches über alle Zeiten hinweg immer rund 15%. Das überrascht, sagt man doch gemeinhin, ein Punch sei nur dann ein Punch, wenn er aus fünf Zutaten bestünde, und Gewürze die wichtige letzte Zutat seien. Doch diese Aussage hatte sich schon für das 17. und 18. Jahrhundert als nicht zutreffend erwiesen. Der Moderne Einfache Punch umfaßt anfänglich rund 15% der Fälle, und steigt zum Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts auf ungefähr 45% an. Ein Moderner Gewürzter Punch kam lange Zeit praktisch nicht vor und war auch in jüngerer Zeit kaum vorhanden. Der Anteil derjenigen Rezepte, die sich zwar Punch nennen, aber keiner sind, lag immer erstaunlich niedrig, mit rund 15% zwischen 1920 und 1941, und zuletzt mit etwa 10%.
Es zeigt sich also, daß ein Punch im Grunde genommen schon immer ein Punch war, wobei natürlich der Moderne Punch eine wesentliche Weiterentwicklung des Klassischen Punches darstellt.
Wiederholen wir abschließend also noch einmal die vier Ausprägungen des Punches:
In den nächsten Beiträgen gilt es nun zu klären, ob andere Mischgetränke wie Toddy, Grog, Negus oder Sangria sich ebenso eigenständig darstellen, oder ob es Überschneidungen mit dem Punch gibt.
Scanned from The genius of William Hogarth or Hogarth’s Graphical Works.
Historische Rezepte
1862 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 14. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made
one-third pure whiskey, two-thirds boiling water, in which
the sugar has been dissolved. If lemon punch, the rind
is rubbed on the sugar, and a small proportion of juice
added before the whiskey is poured in.
1862 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 14. Cold Whiskey Punch.
(For a party.)
This beverage ought always to be made with boiling
water, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or two
before it is put on the table. In this way, the materials
get more intensely amalgamated than cold water and cold
whiskey ever get. As to the beautiful mutual adaptation
of cold rum and cold water, that is beyond all praise, being
one of Nature’s most exquisite achievements. (See “ Glas-
goto Punchy“ No. 29.)
1862 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 15. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Steep the thin yellow shavings of lemon peel in the
whiskey, which should be Glenlivet or Islay, of the best
quality; the sugar should be dissolved in boiling water.
As it requires genius to make whiskey punch, it would bo
impertinent to give proportions. (See „Spread Eagle
Punch“ No. 39.)
1862 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 15. Whiskey Punch.
(Use small bar glass.)
1 wine-glass whiskey (Irish or Scotch).
2 do. boiling water.
Sugar to taste.
Dissolve the sugar well with 1 wine-glass of the water,
then pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the water,
sweeten to taste, and put in a small piece of lemon rind,
or a thin slice of lemon.
1862 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 14. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made
one-third pure whiskey, two-thirds boiling water, in which
the sugar has been dissolved. If lemon punch, the rind
is rubbed on the sugar, and a small proportion of juice
added before the whiskey is poured in.
1862 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 14. Cold Whiskey Punch.
(For a party.)
This beverage ought always to be made with boiling
water, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or two
before it is put on the table. In this way, the materials
get more intensely amalgamated than cold water and cold
whiskey ever get. As to the beautiful mutual adaptation
of cold rum and cold water, that is beyond all praise, being
one of Nature’s most exquisite achievements. (See “ Glas-
goto Punchy“ No. 29.)
1862 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 15. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Steep the thin yellow shavings of lemon peel in the
whiskey, which should be Glenlivet or Islay, of the best
quality; the sugar should be dissolved in boiling water.
As it requires genius to make whiskey punch, it would bo
impertinent to give proportions. (See „Spread Eagle
Punch“ No. 39.)
1862 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 15. Whiskey Punch.
(Use small bar glass.)
1 wine-glass whiskey (Irish or Scotch).
2 do. boiling water.
Sugar to taste.
Dissolve the sugar well with 1 wine-glass of the water,
then pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the water,
sweeten to taste, and put in a small piece of lemon rind,
or a thin slice of lemon.
1862 M. F. Malepeyre: Nouveau manuel complet du limonadier. Seite 174. Punch anglais ou au rhum.
Il se fait en ajoutant trois parties de bon rhum sur
une partie de suc de citron, dans lequel on a mis in-
fuser d’avance quelques zestes; après avoir versé sur
le tout neuf parties d’excellente infusion de thé, on
édulcore avec la quantité de sucre jugée convenable
ou nécessaire; car il est des personnes qui le veulent
très-sucré, d’autres à qui il est insupportable de cette
On conseille encore, en suivant le même procédé,
de remplacer le rhum par le rack, ou par du vin
rouge, enfin par du vin de Champagne, ou toute au-
tre liqueur aromatique, vineuse ou alcoolique, pour
obtenir du punch d’un goût différent.
1863 George Edwin Roberts & Henry Porter: Cups and Their Customs. Seite 40. Whisky Punch.
To one pint of whisky and two glasses of brandy
add the juice and peel of one lemon and a wine-glassful
of boiling ale; well stir into it half a pound of pow-
dered sugar, and add a quart of boiling water. This
is said to be the most fascinating tipple ever invented,
and, to quote the words of Basil Hall, „It brightens a
man’s hopes, crumbles down his difficulties, softens the
hostility of his enemies, and, in fact, induces him for
the time being to think generously of all mankind, at
the tiptop of which it naturally and good-naturedly
places his own dear self.“
1864 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 14. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made
one-third pure whiskey, two-thirds boiling water, in which
the sugar has been dissolved. If lemon punch, the rind
is rubbed on the sugar, and a small proportion of juice
added before the whiskey is poured in.
1864 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 14. Cold Whiskey Punch.
(For a party.)
This beverage ought always to be made with boiling
water, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or two
before it is put on the table. In this way, the materials
get more intensely amalgamated than cold water and cold
whiskey ever get. As to the beautiful mutual adaptation
of cold rum and cold water, that is beyond all praise, being
one of Nature’s most exquisite achievements. (See “ Glas-
goto Punchy“ No. 29.)
1864 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 15. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Steep the thin yellow shavings of lemon peel in the
whiskey, which dhould be Glenlivet or Islay, of the best
quality; the sugar should be dissolved in boiling water.
As it requires genius to make whiskey punch, it would bo
impertinent to give proportions. (See „Spread Eagle
Punch“ No. 39.)
1864 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 15. Whiskey Punch.
(Use small bar glass.)
1 wine-glass whiskey (Irish or Scotch).
2 do. boiling water.
Sugar to taste.
Dissolve the sugar well with 1 wine-glass of the water,
then pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the water,
sweeten to taste, and put in a small piece of lemon rind,
or a thin slice of lemon.
1866 L. Monzert: The Independent Liquorist. Seite 51. Whiskey Punch.
Take 9 gallons of Bourbon whiskey.
6 do. plain syrup.
1 pint lemon peel tincture.
1 do. orange peel do
6 ounces allspice do.
1 wine-glass full do. cloves.
1866 L. Monzert: The Independent Liquorist. Seite 159. Whiskey Punch.
Take 1 pony Irish whiskey.
2 do. boiling water.
2 tea-spoons of powdered sugar.
First dissolve th sugar with the water;
then pour in the whiskey, and put in a small
piece of lemon-peel, or a thin slice of lemon.
1869 Anonymus: Haney’s Steward & Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 11. Scotch Whisky Punch.
The sugar should first be thoroughly dissolved in the
hottest of water. The whisky ought to be of the finest
quality, Islay being generally preferred. If for a large
party, cut the lemon peei thin, and steep it in the pure
spirits, or rub upon the peel the lumps of sugar before dis-
solving; by either of these means the flavor is successfully
extracted. In making a punch behind the bar time is not
allowed for either of these processes. As we have before
remarked, the proportions are so much a matter of taste that
it would be presumptuous to lay down any imperative rule.
1869 Anonymus: Haney’s Steward & Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 12. Hot Rum Punch.
A wine glass of Jamaica rum 2 wine glasses of boiling
water; 2 lumps of sugar well dissolved in a wine glass of
water. Put this last into the tumbler add the rum, and
afterward the remainder of the water. Drop in a thin skin.
1869 Anonymus: Haney’s Steward & Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 13. Hot Whisky Punch.
For this, use ingredients in same proportion as for hot
rum punch, and prepare it after the same fashion.
Seite 12. Hot Rum Punch.
A wine glass of Jamaica rum; 2 wine glasses of boiling
water; 2 lumps of sugar well dissolved in a wine glass of
water. Put this last into the tumbler; add the rum, and
afterward the remainder of the water. Drop in a thin skin
of lemon.
1869 Anonymus: Haney’s Steward & Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 13. Irish Whisky Punch.
The same method is applicable here as in the above. If
acidity is desired, squeeze some of the juice of the lemon
into the glass before the whisky is poured in. The spirits
used should always have age, as Irish whisky, when new,
is by no means fit to drink.
Seite 12. Hot Rum Punch.
A wine glass of Jamaica rum; 2 wine glasses of boiling
water; 2 lumps of sugar well dissolved in a wine glass of
water. Put this last into the tumbler; add the rum, and
afterward the remainder of the water. Drop in a thin skin
of lemon.
1869 Anonymus: Haney’s Steward & Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 13. Cold Whisky Punch.
This is seldom called for at a bar. Properly, it should
be mixed hot, and allowed to cool, giving at least a
day to it when made for a large party
1869 George Edwin Roberts & Henry Porter: Cups and Their Customs. Seite 46. Whisky Punch.
To one pint of whisky and two glasses of brandy
add the juice and peel of one lemon and a wine-glassful
of boiling ale; well stir into it half a pound of pow-
dered sugar, and add a quart of boiling water. This
is said to be the most fascinating tipple ever invented;
and, to quote the words of Basil Hall, „It brightens a
man’s hopes, crumbles down his difficulties, softens the
hostility of his enemies, and, in fact, induces him for
the time being to think generously of all mankind, at
the tiptop of which it naturally and good-naturedly
places his own dear self.“
1869 William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Seite 221. Whisky Punch à la Taylor.
The oleo-saceha-
rum of 1 Seville or Mandarin orange, 1 tablespoonful
of tamarinds, 1/2 pint of lemon-juice, and 1 pint of
whisky; strain clear; add boiling water and sugar
to taste.
1869 William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Seite 221. Whisky Punch.
Juice and peel of 1 lemon in
1/2 pint of whisky, sweetened to taste; water ad
1869 William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Seite 221. Whisky Punch à la Barrett.
1/2 pint of whisky,
teaspoonful of guava or apple jelly, 1/2 pint of
boiling water.
1871 Anonymus: Barkeepers‘ Ready Reference. Seite 13. Irish Whisky Punch.
1/3 Irish whisky.
2/3 boiling water.
Sugar and lemon to the taste. Nut-
meg if liked.
To make a cold punch. Mix with
hot water and set it by to cool. You
will find it much better.
1871 Anonymus: Barkeepers‘ Ready Reference. Seite 14. Scotch Whisky Punch.
(Small glass.)
Same as Irish whisky, except to
use Scotch whisky.
Note.— To get the real flavor of a lemon
rub your sugar over Ihe skin until you get it
saturated with the oil, then use the sugar.
Seite 13. Irish Whisky Punch.
1/3 Irish whisky,
2/3 boiling water.
Sugar and lemon to the taste. Nut-
meg it liked.
No. 6.
To make a cold punch. Mix with
hot water and set it by to cool. You
will find it much better.
1872 William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Seite 221. Whisky Punch à la Taylor.
The oleo-saceha-
rum of 1 Seville or Mandarin orange, 1 tablespoonful
of tamarinds, 1/2 pint of lemon-juice, and 1 pint of
whisky; strain clear; add boiling water and sugar
to taste.
1872 William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Seite 221. Whisky Punch.
Juice and peel of 1 lemon in
1/2 pint of whisky, sweetened to taste; water ad
1872 William Terrington: Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks. Seite 221. Whisky Punch à la Barrett.
1/2 pint of whisky,
teaspoonful of guava or apple jelly, 1/2 pint of
boiling water.
1875 Anonymus: The American Bar-Tender. Seite 11. Whiskey Punch.
The Whiskey Punch is made the same as the Brandy Punch.
Using whiskey instead of brandy. Omitting the rum.
Seite 11. Brandy Punch.
Juice of half a lemon or large lime, 1 wine glass of brandy,
1-2 wine glass of Jamaica rum, 1 table spoonful of powdered
sugar. Pill glass with shaved ice, stir well with spoon, and
ornament with fruit in season. Imbibe through straw.
1876 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 14. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made
one-third pure whiskey, two-thirds boiling water, in which
the sugar has been dissolved. If lemon punch, the rind
is rubbed on the sugar, and a small proportion of juice
added before the whiskey is poured in.
1876 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 14. Cold Whiskey Punch.
(For a party.)
This beverage ought always to be made with boiling
water, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or two
before it is put on the table. In this way, the materials
get more intensely amalgamated than cold water and cold
whiskey ever get As to the beautiful mutual adaptation
of cold rum and cold water, that is beyond all praise, being
one of Nature’s most exquisite achievements. (See “ Glas-
gow Punch“ No. 29.)
1876 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 15. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Steep the thin yellow shavings of lemon peel in the
whiskey, which should be Glenlivet or Islay, of the best
quality; the sugar should be dissolved in boiling water.
As it requires genius to make whiskey punch, it would be
impertinent to give proportions. (See “ Spread Eagle
Punch,“ No. 39.)
1876 Jerry Thomas: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 15. Whiskey Punch.
(Use small bar glass.)
1 wine-glass whiskey (Irish or Scotch).
2 do. boiling water.
Sugar to taste.
Dissolve the sugar well with 1 wine-glass of the water
then pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the water,
sweeten to taste, and put in a small piece of lemon rind,
or a thin slice of lemon
1876 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 14. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made
one-third pure whiskey, two-thirds boiling water, in which
the sugar has been dissolved. If lemon punch, the rind
is rubbed on the sugar, and a small proportion of juice
added before the whiskey is poured in.
1876 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 14. Cold Whiskey Punch.
(For a party.)
This beverage ought always to be made with boiling
water, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or two
before it is put on the table. In this way, the materials
get more intensely amalgamated than cold water and cold
whiskey ever get As to the beautiful mutual adaptation
of cold rum and cold water, that is beyond all praise, being
one of Nature’s most exquisite achievements. (See “ Glas-
gow Punch“ No. 29.)
1876 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 15. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Steep the thin yellow shavings of lemon peel in the
whiskey, which should be Glenlivet or Islay, of the best
quality; the sugar should be dissolved in boiling water.
As it requires genius to make whiskey punch, it would be
impertinent to give proportions. (See “ Spread Eagle
Punch,“ No. 39.)
1876 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 15. Whiskey Punch.
(Use small bar glass.)
1 wine-glass whiskey (Irish or Scotch).
2 do. boiling water.
Sugar to taste.
Dissolve the sugar well with 1 wine-glass of the water
then pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the water,
sweeten to taste, and put in a small piece of lemon rind,
or a thin slice of lemon
1876 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 95. Rum Punch.
Take 1 1/2 gallons high-flavored Jamaica rum.
3 do. spirits (70 per cent.)
3 do. plain syrup.
1/2 pint tincture of lemon peel.
1/4 do. raspberry juice.
1/4 do. caramel.
Mix the whole together, and run it through a flannel
bag. Some people add a dessert-spoonful each of tincture
of cloves and tincture of cinnamon. Punch thus prepared
may be used either as a hot or cold drink; by mixing it
half and half with boiling or cold water, or pouring the
punch into a tumbler filled with cracked ice, it makes a
pleasant and refreshing drink, and is also a very good
remedy for a cold in the head.
1876 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 96. Whiskey Punch.
Take 4 1/2 gallons Bourbon whiskey.
3 do. plain syrup.
1/2 pint tincture of lemon peel.
1/2 pint tincture orange peel.
3 ounces do. allspice.
2 dessert-spoonfuls tincture of cloves.
Mix the tinctures thoroughly with the whiskey, and
then add the syrup.
1878 Leo Engel: American & Other Drinks. Seite 18. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made one-
third pure whiskey, two-thirds boiling water, in which the sugar
has been dissolved, and lemon peel according to taste.
1878 Leo Engel: American & Other Drinks. Seite 19. Scotch Whiskey – Appolonic Punch.
Steep some thin yellow shavings of lemon peel in the whiskey,
which should be pure Islay of the best quality. The sugar should
be dissolved in boiling water. Proportions as in Irish Whiskey
Punch (No. 4).
Seite 18. 4 Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made one-
third pure whiskey, two-thirds boiling water, in which the sugar
has been dissolved, and lemon peel according to taste.
1881 Leo Engel: American & Other Drinks. Seite 18. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made one-
third pure whiskey, two-thirds boiling water, in which the sugar
has been dissolved, and lemon peel according to taste.
1882 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Seite 27. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.)
1 table-spoonful of sugar;
3 or 4 dashes of lime or lemon juice;
One-half wine glass of water, dissolved well;
One-quarter pony glass of Jamaica rum;
1 wine glass full of St. Croix rum;
Fill up with fine shaved ice;
mix well with a spoon, ornament with fruit and berries
in season, and serve with a straw.
1882 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Seite 44. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use a large glass.)
Three-quarter table-spoon of sugar;
2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice, dissolved well with a
little water;
Fill up the glass with fine shaved ice;
1 1/4 wine glass of Medford rum;
flavor with a few drops of Jamaica rum, stir up well,
and dress the top off with fruits and berries, in season,
and serve with a straw.
1882 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Seite 46. Hot Irish Punch.
(Use a hot water glass.)
1 or 2 lumps of loaf sugar;
1 squirt of lemon juice, dissolved in a little hot water;
1 wine glass of Irish whiskey:
fill up the balance with hot water, stir up well, put a
slice of lemon into it, grate a little nutmeg on top, and
1882 Harry Johnson: Practisches, Neues und Verbessertes Handbuch für Barkeeper. Seite 104. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Gebrauche ein grosses Glas.)
1 Esslöffel feinen Zucker;
3 oder 4 dashes Citronensaft;
Einhalb Weinglas Wasser;
löse dieses mittelst eines Barlöffes gut auf, fülle das
Glas mit fein zerschlagenem Eis;
1 Weinglass voll St. Croix Rum;
Einviertel Ponyglas mit Jamaica Rum;
mische dieses gut und gründlich auf mittelst eines Bar-
löffels, garnire es mit Orangen, Citronen, Ananas, Erd-
beeren in geschmackvoller Weise und servire mit Stroh.
1882 Harry Johnson: Practisches, Neues und Verbessertes Handbuch für Barkeeper. Seite 124. Medford Rum-Punch.
(Gebrauche ein grosses Barglas.)
Dreiviertel Esslöffel voll feinen Zucker;
2 oder 3 dashes Citronensaft
Einhalb Weinglass Wasser;
löse dieses gut auf mit einem Barlöffel;
fülle das Glas mit fein zerschlagenem Eis;
1 Weinglas Medford Rum;
mische dieses gut auf mit einem Barlöffel, garnire es in
geschmackvoller Weise mit Weintrauben, Orangen,
Citronen, Ananas und Erdbeeren, und giesse ein paar
Tropfen Jamaica Rum hinzu, und servire es mit Stroh.
1882 Harry Johnson: Practisches, Neues und Verbessertes Handbuch für Barkeeper. Seite 125. Hot Irish Punch.
(Gebrauche ein Heisswasserglas.)
1 oder 2 Stücke Würfelzucker;
1 dash Citronensaft;
lse dieses auf mit etwas heissem Wasser;
1 Weinglas Irish Whiskey;
fülle das Glas auf mit heissem Wasser, füge eine
Schnitte Citrone dazu, mische dieses gut mit dem Bar-
löffel, streue ein wenig Muscatnuss über das Getränk
und servire es.
1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers‘ Guide. Seite 21. Cold Whiskey Punch.
Follow the same method as in No. 84, substituting Whiskey for
Seite 20. No. 84. Cold Brandy Punch.
Fill large bar glass with shaved ice, add one and one-half table-
spoons of bar sugar, one-half wine-glass of water, five or six dashes of
lime or lemon juice, or half a lemon, one and one-half wine-glasses of
Cognac Brandy; shake well and ornament with fruit in season. Im-
bibe through a straw.
1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers‘ Guide. Seite 21. Cold Whiskey Punch for a party of twenty.
Follow the same directions as in No. 85, using the ingredients in
the same proportions, substituting Whiskey for Brandy.
Seite 20. No. 85. Cold Brandy Punch for a party of twenty.
Use a large punch-bowl. Add two pounds of powdered sugar,
three-quarters of a gallon of water, two and one-half quarts of Brandy
one-half pint of Jamaica Rum, juice of four lemons, two or three or-
anges cut in slices, one sliced pineapple; add some berries, stir
well and add a block of ice. Serve.
1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers‘ Guide. Seite 21. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Follow the same method as in No. 86, substituting Whiskey for
Seite 20. No. 86. Hot Brandy Punch.
Use medium sized bar glass, two lumps of cut loaf sugar dissolved
in a wine-glass of boiling water, one and one-half wine-glasses of
Cognac Brandy, one thin slice of lemon; grate nutmeg on top.
1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers‘ Guide. Seite 21. Cold Rum Punch.
Fill large bar glass with shaved ice, one and one-half table-spoon
of bar sugar, one-half wine-glass of water, five or six dashes of lime
or lemon juice, and one-half wine-glasses of SantaCruz or Med-
ford Rum; shake well and ornament with sliced orange, pineapple
and berries. Sip through a straw.
1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers‘ Guide. Seite 21. Cold Rum Punch for a party of twenty.
Use large punch-bowl, two pounds of bar sugar, three-quarters of
a gallon of water, three quarts Santa Cruz or Medford Rum, juice of
four lemons, two or three oranges cut in slices, one sliced pineapple,
some berries. Stir well, add a block of ice and serve.
1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers‘ Guide. Seite 21. Hot Rum Punch.
Use medium sized bar glass; two lumps of cut loaf sugar dissolved
in a wine-glass of hot water, one and one-half wine-glass of Jamaica
Rum, one thin slice of lemon and a small piece of butter. Spice
well with cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg.
1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers‘ Guide. Seite 21. Irish Whiskey Punch.
Follow the same method as in No. 92, substituting Sir John Pow-
ers‘ Irish Whiskey for Rum, and omitting the butter.
Seite 21. No. 92. Hot Rum Punch.
1883 Patsy McDonough: McDonough’s Bar-Keepers‘ Guide. Seite 21. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Follow the same directions as in No. 92, substituting Bamsey’s
Scotch whiskey for Rum.
Seite 21. No. 92. Hot Rum Punch.
Use medium sized bar glass; two lumps of cut loaf sugar dissolved
in a wine-glass of hot water, one and one-half wine-glass of Jamaica
Rum, one thin slice of lemon and a small piece of butter. Spice
well with cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg.
1884 Albert Barnes: The Complete Bartender. Seite 5. Whiskey Punch.
Whiskey Punch is made the same as Brandy Punch using
Whiskey instead of Brandy.
Seite 5. Brandy Punch.
Use large bar glass. 1 table-spoonful of lemon juice, 1 wine
glass of brandy, 1/4 wine glass of Jamaica Rum, 1 table
spoonful of white sugar, 1/2 wine glass of water, 5 drops of
raspberry syrup: Fill the tumbler with cracked ice, shake well
and dress the top with one slice of of orange, small piece of
pine -apple, and a few berries in season serve with a straw.
1884 Albert Barnes: The Complete Bartender. Seite 6. Irish Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass. 1 wine glass of Irish Whiskey, 1
teaspoonfull lemon juice, 2 lumps of loaf sugar, fill glass with
boiling water, put slice of lemon on top and stir well.
1884 Albert Barnes: The Complete Bartender. Seite 9. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. 1 table spoonful of sugar, juice of half
of a lemon, 1 wine glass of St Croix Rum. 1 tea spoon
full of raspberry syrup, 1/2 wine glass of Jamaica Rum, fill with
cracked ice, shake well and ornament with fruits in season,
serve with straws.
1884 Albert Barnes: The Complete Bartender. Seite 9. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. 1 table spoonful of sugar, 1 tea-
poonsful of Jamaica Rum, 4 dashes of lemon juice, 1 1/2
glasses of Medford Rum, fill with cracked ice, shake well
ornament with orange, berries, etc., and serve with straws.
1884 George Winter: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 21. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.)
Small tablespoon of sugar;
Squeeze juice of half lemon;
Dissolve well in little water; one-half pony glass of
Jamaica rum; add one wine glass of St. Croix rum; fill up
with fine ice; dress with fruit; serve with straws.
1884 George Winter: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 35. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.)
One small tablespoonful of sugar;
Three or four dashes of lemon juice well dissolved in a
little water;
Fill glass with fine ice;
One and one-half wine glass of Medford rum;
Mix well, dress with fruit in season and flavor with Jamaica
rum, then serve with straws.
1884 George Winter: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 36. Hot Irish Punch.
(Use hot water glass.)
Two lumps of loaf sugar;
One squirt of lemon juice;
Dissolve in a little hot water;
One wine glass of Irish whiskey ;
Fill balance with hot water;
Mix well with spoon, put a little slice of lemon into it,
grate nutmeg on top and serve.
1884 Joseph W. Gibson: Scientific Bar-Keeping. Seite 38. Whisky Punch.
Mix in small bar glass 1 wine glass
of boiling water; one wine glass of Irish or Scotch whisky; 2
lumps of sugar. Let the sugar dissolve and pour in 1 wine
glass more of boiling water. Put in a small piece of lemon
1884 Joseph W. Gibson: Scientific Bar-Keeping. Seite 40. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
1 tablespoonful of sugar;
3 or 4 dashes of lime or lemon juice; 1/2 wine glass of water,
dissolved well; 1/4 pony glass of Jamaica rum; 1 wine glass
full of Santa Cruz rum. Fill up with fine shaved ice. Mix
well with a spoon, ornament with fruit and berries in season
and serve with a straw. (Use large bar glass.)
1884 Joseph W. Gibson: Scientific Bar-Keeping. Seite 40. Medford Rum Punch.
3/4 tablespoonful of sugar;
2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice, dissolved well with a little water.
Fill up the glass with fine shaved ice; 1 1/4 wine glasses of
Medford rum. Flavor with a few drops of Jamaica rum; stir
up well, and dress the top off with fruits and berries in season
and serve with a straw. (Use large bar glass.)
1884 O. H. Byron: The Modern Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 49. Hot Irish Punch.
Hot Irish Punch.
(A hot water glass.)
1 or 2 lumps sugar.
1 or 2 dashes of lemon juice.
1 wine-glass Irish whisky.
Fill up with hot water; stir well.
Place a slice of lemon on top, grate a little nutmeg,
and serve.
1884 O. H. Byron: The Modern Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 49. Medford Rum Punch.
(A large bar glass.)
Fill glass with fine ice.
1 table-spoon sugar.
2 or 3 dashes lemon juice,
1 1/4 glass Medford rum.
1 dash of Jamaica rum.
Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with straw.
1884 O. H. Byron: The Modern Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 54. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Large bar glass.)
1 table-spoon sugar.
3 or 4 dashes lemon juice,
1/4 pony-glass Jamaica rum.
1 wine-glass St. Croix rum.
Fill up with fine ice. Dress top with fruit and berries.
Serve with a straw.
1884 O. H. Byron: The Modern Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 55. Hot Whisky Punch.
(A hot whisky glass.)
The juice of half a lemon, one or two lumps of sugar
dissolved in one wine-glass hot water.
2 wine-glasses Scotch or Irish whisky.
Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a thin
slice of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some grate a little
nutmeg on top. Always place ice before the customer
and allow a spoon to remain in the drink, in order that
the partaker of the beverage can help himself to ice
should the mixture bo too hot for him.
1885 Emilie Lebour-Fawssett (Bacchus): New Guide for the Hotel, Bar, Restaurant, Butler, and Chef. Seite 103. Whiskey Punch (Cold).
Lorne Whiskey, 1 Bottle
Lemons, 3
Sugar, 1/2 lb.
Water, 1 Pint, boiling.
Mixing: Rub the rind off the lemons on to the sugar;
pound in a mortar. Pour the boiling water on to the sugar,
and stir until it is dissolved; add the strained juice of
the lemons, and when it is cold, add the whiskey. Ice and
1885 Emilie Lebour-Fawssett (Bacchus): New Guide for the Hotel, Bar, Restaurant, Butler, and Chef. Seite 141. Irish Whiskey Punch.
The materials are
Whiskey, 1 Glass.
Boiling Water, 1 1/2 Glasses.
„Glorious“ Sugar, 3 Lumps.
Lemon, 1 Ring.
Mixing : Pour into a heated rummer the boiling water
required for the mixture, on to the sugar which should be
lying peacefully at the bottom of the tumbler, then add the
„crature,“ a ring of lemon, and the punch is made.
1887 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 66. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use large bar-glass.)
Take 1 table-spoonful of powdered white sugar dis-
solved in a little water.
1 1/2 glass of Medford rum.
1 pony-glass of Jamaica rum.
2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice.
1 slice of orange (cut in quarters).
Fill the tumbler with ice, shake well, and dress the
top with sliced lime and berries in season. Serve
with a straw.
1887 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 66. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
(Use large bar-glass).
Take 1 table-spoonful of powdered white sugar, dis-
solved in a little water.
1 wine-glass of Santa Cruz rum.
1/4 wine-glass of Jamaica rum.
2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice.
1 slice of orange (cut in quarters).
Fill the tumber with shaved ice, shake well, and
dress the top with sliced lime and berries in season.
Serve with a straw.
1887 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 67. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(Use medium bar-glass.)
Take 1 wine-glass Kinahan’s or Jamieson’s Irish
2 wine-glasses of boiling water.
2 lumps of loaf-sugar.
*Dissolve the sugar well with one wine-glass of the
water, then pour in the whiskey, add the balance of
the water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind, or
a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass, rinse it
in hot water.
*Sugar does not readily dissolve in spirits it is necessary, therefore, in
to put in the water before the spirits, or at
least sufficient of the water to entirely dissolve the sugar, taking care to
warm the glass before pouring boiling water into it.
The best Hot Whiskey Punch is made with pulverized rock-candy.
This is preferable to sugar, for any hot drink made of whiskey or brandy.
1887 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 67. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
(Use medium bar-glass.)
Take 1 wine-glass of Glenlivet or Islay whiskey.
2 wine-glasses of boiling water.
Sugar to taste. (About two lumps of loaf-
Dissolve the sugar with one wine-glass of the
water* then pour in the whiskey, add the balance of
the water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind or
a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass rinse it
in hot water.
*Sugar does not readily dissolve in spirits it is necessary, therefore, in
to put in the water before the spirits, or at
least sufficient of the water to entirely dissolve the sugar, taking care to
warm the glass before pouring boiling water into it.
The best Hot Whiskey Punch is made with pulverized rock-candy.
This is preferable to sugar, for any hot drink made of whiskey or brandy.
1887 Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 68. Cold Whiskey Punch.*
(Use large bar-glass.)
Take 1 table-spoonful of powdered white sugar dis-
solved in a little water.
Juice of half a small lemon.
1 1/2 wine-glasses of Irish or Scotch whiskey.
Fill the glass with shaved ice, shake well, and dress
the top with two thin slices of lemon, and berries in
season. Serve with a straw.
* When this beverage is made for a number of persons to be used at
table, it ought always to be made with boiling water, and allowed to concoct
and cool for a day or two before it is put on the table. In this way, the
materials get more intensely amalgamated than cold water and cold whiskey
ever get.
1888 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 58. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.)
1 table-spoonful of sugar;
3 or 4 dashes of Lime or Lemon juice;
1/2 wine glass of water, dissolve well;
1/4 pony glass of Jamaica rum;
1 wine glass of St. Croix rum;
Fill up with fine shaved ice;
mix well with a spoon ornament with fruit in sea-
son, and serve with a straw.
This is a very cooling and pleasant drink in the
hot season, providing you don’t use poor rum.
1888 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 76. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.)
3 /4 table-spoonful of Sugar;
2 or 3 dashes of Lemon juice, dissolve well with
a little water;
fill the glass with fine shaved ice;
1 1/2 wine glass of Medford rum;
flavor with a few drops of Jamaica rum, stir up well
and dress the top with fruit in season, and serve
with a straw.
1888 Harry Johnson: New and Improved Illustrated Bartender’s Manual. Seite 78. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(Use a hot water glass.)
1 or 2 lumps of loaf sugar;
1 squirt of Lemon juice, dissolve in a little hot
1 wine glass of Irish whiskey;
fill the glass with hot water, stir up well, put a slice
of lemon into it, grate a little nutmeg on top and
1888 Harry Johnson: Neues und Verbessertes Illustriertes Handbuch für Bartender. Seite 164. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Gebrauche ein grosses Barglas.)
1 Esslöffel Zucker;
3 oder 4 dashes Lime oder Citronensaft;
1/2 Weinglas Wasser; löse gut auf;
1/4 Ponyglas Jamaica Rum;
1 Weinglas St. Croix Rum;
fülle das Glas mit feinem Eis;
mische dieses gut auf mittelst eines Barlöffels, gar-
nire mit Frucht in geschmackvoller Weise und ser-
vire mit Strohhalm.
1888 Harry Johnson: Neues und Verbessertes Illustriertes Handbuch für Bartender. Seite 182. Medford Rum Punch.
(Gebrauche ein grosses Barglas.)
3/4 Esslöffel voll Zucker;
2 oder 3 dashes Citronensaft;
löse dieses gut auf mit ein wenig Wasser;
fülle das Glas mit feinem Eis;
1 1 /2 Glas Medford Rum;
mische dieses gut auf mit einem Barlöffel, garnire
in geschmackvoller Weise mit Orange, Ananas, etc.,
giesse ein paar Tropfen Jamaica Rum hinzu und
servire mit Strohhalm.
1888 Harry Johnson: Neues und Verbessertes Illustriertes Handbuch für Bartender. Seite 185. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(Gebrauche eon Heisswasser-Glas.)
1 oder 2 Stücke Würfelzucker;
1 squirt Citronensaft;
löse dieses auf mit etwas heissem Wasser;
1 Weinglas Irish Whiskey;
fülle das Glas auf mit heissem Wasser;
füge eine Scheibe Citrone hinzu, mische dieses gut
mit dem Barlöffel, streue em wenig Muscatnuss
darüber, und servire.
1888 Harry Lamore: The Bartender. Seite 32. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass.
Take one wine-glass of GlenIivet or Islay whiskey.
Two wine-glasses of bolling water.
Sugar to taste. (About two lumps of loaf sugar.)
Dissolve the sugar with one wine-glass of the water;
then pour in the whiskey; add the balance of the water,
and put in a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice of
lemon. Before using the glass rinse It In hot water.
1888 Harry Lamore: The Bartender (The Police Gazette Bartender’s Guide). Seite 33. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass.
Take one tablespoonful of powdered white sugar,
dissolved in a little water.
One wine-glass of Santa Cruz rum.
One-quarter wine-glass of Jamaica rum.
Two or three dashes of lemon juice.
One slice of orange (cut in quarters).
Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and dress
the top with sliced lime and berries in season. Serve with
a straw.
1888 Harry Lamore: The Bartender (The Police Gazette Bartender’s Guide). Seite 33. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass.
Take one wine-glass Jamieson’s or Dunville’s Irish
Two wine-glasses of boiling-water.
Two lumps of loaf sugar.
Dissolve the sugar well with one wine-glass of the
water; then pour in the whiskey; add the balance of the
water, and put In a small piece of lemon rind or a thin
slice of lemon. Before using the glass rinse it in hot water.
1888 Harry Lamore: The Bartender (The Police Gazette Bartender’s Guide). Seite 36. Medford Rum Punch.
A large bar glass.
Fill glass with fine ice.
Three quarter tablespoon sugar.
Two or three dashes lemon juice.
One and a quarter glass Medford rum.
One dash of Jamaica rum.
Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with straw.
1889 Anonymus [Jerry Thomas]: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 53. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use large bar-glass.)
Take 1 table-spoonful of powdered white sugar dis-
solved in a little water.
1 1/2 glass of Medford rum.
1 pony-glass of Jamaica rum.
2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice.
1 slice of orange (cut in quarters.)
Fill the tumbler with ice, shake well, and dress the
top with sliced lime and berries in season. Serve with
a straw.
1889 Anonymus [Jerry Thomas]: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 53. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
(Use large bar-glass).
Take 1 table-spoonful of powdered white sugar, dis-
solved in a little water.
1 wine-glass of Santa Cruz rum.
1/4 wine-glass of Jamaica rum.
2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice.
1 slice of orange (cut in quarters).
Fill the tumbler wit h shaved ice, shake well, and
dress the top with sliced lime and berries in season.
Serve with a straw.
1889 Anonymus [Jerry Thomas]: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 53. Hot Irish Whisky Punch.
(Use medium bar-glass).
Take 1 wine-glass of Kirker Greer’s Shamrock Irish
2 wine-glasses of boiling water.
2 lumps of loaf-sugar.
* Dissolve the sugar well with one wine-glass of the
water, then pour in the whisky, add the balance of the
water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind, or a thin
slice of lemon. Before using the glass, rince it in hot
* Sugar does not readily dissolve in spirits; it is necessary, therefore, in making
hot toddy or punch to put in the water before the spirits, or at least sufficient of
the water to entirely dissolve the sugar, taking care to warm the glass before pour-
ing boiling water into it.
The best Hot Whisky Punch is made with pulverized rock-candy. This is
preferable to sugar, for any hot drink made of whisky or brandy.
1889 Anonymus [Jerry Thomas]: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 54. Hot Scotch Whisky Punch.
(Use medium bar-glass)
Take 1 wine-glass of Greer’s Old Vatted Highland
2 wine-glass of boiling water.
Sugar to taste. (About two lumps of loaf-
Dissolve the sugar with one wine-glass of the water*
then pour in the whisky, add the balance of the water,
and put in a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice
of lemon. Before using the glass, rinse it in hot
* Sugar does not readily dissolve in spirits; it is necessary, therefore, in making
hot toddy or punch to put in the water before the spirits, or at least sufficient of
the water to entirely dissolve the sugar, taking care to warm the glass before pour-
ing boiling water into it.
The best Hot Whisky Punch is made with pulverized rock-candy. This is
preferable to sugar, for any hot drink made of whisky or brandy.
1889 Anonymus [Jerry Thomas]: The Bar-Tender’s Guide. Seite 54. Cold Whisky Punch.
(Use large bar-glass.)
Take 1 table-spoonful of powdered white sugar dis-
solved in a little water.
Juice of half a small lemon.
1 1/2 wine-glass of Irish or Scotch whisky.
Fill the glass with shaved ice, shake well, and dress
the top with two thin slices of lemon, and berries in
season. Serve with a straw.
When this beverage is made for a number of persons to be used at table, it ought
always to be made with boiling water, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or
two before it is put on the table. In this way, the materials get more intensely
amalgamated than cold water and cold whisky ever get.
1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 22. Hot Irish Punch.
(Use a hot water glass.)
1 or 2 lumps Sugar.
1 or 2 dashes of Lemon Juice.
1 wine glass Irish Whiskey.
Fill up with hot water; stir well.
Place a slice of lemon on top, grate a little nutmeg, and serve.
1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 22. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.)
Fill glass with fine ice.
3/4 table-spoon Sugar.
2 or 3 dashes Lemon Juice.
1 1/4 glass Medford Rum.
1 dash of Jamaica Rum.
Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with a straw.
1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 25. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.)
1 table-spoon Sugar.
3 or 4 dashes Lemon Juice.
1/4 pony glass Jamaica Rum.
1 wine glass St. Croix Rum.
Fill up with fine ice. Dress top with fruit and berries. Serve
with a straw.
1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 25. Hot Whiskey Punch.
(Use a hot whiskey glass.)
The juice of half a lemon, one or two lumps of sugar dissolved
in one wine glass hot water.
2 wine glasses Scotch or Irish Whiskey.
Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a thin slice of
lemon or a piece of the peel. Some grate a little nutmeg on
top. Always place ice before the customer, and allow a spoon
to remain in the drink, in order that the partaker of the bever-
age can help himself to ice, should the mixture be too hot for
1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 27. Cold Whiskey Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.)
1 table-spoonful of powdered white Sugar, dissolved in a
little water.
Juice of half a small Lemon.
wine glasses of Irish or Scotch Whiskey.
Fill the glass with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top
with two thin slices of lemon, and berries in season. Serve
with a straw.
1892 William Schmidt: The Flowing Bowl. Seite 161. Genuine Whiskey Punch.
A goblet filled with fine ice,
a dash of lemon-juice,
3 dashes of gum,
1 drink of whiskey.
Then fill another goblet with fine ice, and put this on top of
the first; turn them upside down five or six times; hold them up
together as high as you can with both hands, and let the liquid
drip down into a tall, fancy glass; 1 dash of Jamaica rum on the
top, and you will have an impressive and pleasant drink.
(Other liquors may be turned into punches the same way.)
1892 William Schmidt: The Flowing Bowl. Seite 233. Rum Punch.
Put two pounds of sugar in a tureen; squeeze on it the juice
of five lemons, add the thin peel of two lemons, and three quarts
of boiling water. After the sugar is dissolved add a bottle of old
Jamaica rum, and a bottle of champagne, and serve cold or hot.
1892 William Schmidt: The Flowing Bowl. Seite 236. Whiskey Punch.
Rub the rind of three lemons on seven ounces of sugar; put
the sugar in a tureen; add one quart of boiling water and the
juice of the fruit; this syrup is mixed with one pint or more of
old Irish whiskey.
1893 Anonymus (Mrs. Alexander Orr Bradley): Beverages and Sandwiches For Your Husband’s Friends. Seite 16. Three Refreshing Whiskey Punches.
No. 1.
Squeeze into a pitcher the juice of four large
fresh lemons. Now add two or three large pieces
of ice and one pint of good bourbon whiskey.
Mix thoroughly by stirring vigorously a few minutes.
Now add two bottles of Cantrell & Cockran’s ginger
ale and while pouring it in, three tablespoonfuls of
granulated sugar.
No. 2.
Same as above, using plain soda in place of
ginger ale and adding another tablespoonful of sugar.
No. 3.
Same as No. 1, using one pint of water in place
of ginger ale, one thinly sliced orange, one liqueur
glass of Medford rum, and any small fruit, such as
grapes or cut peaches. Add a little more sugar if
This quantity will fill five or six glasses.
1895 Anonymus: Bartenders Guide. Seite 16. Hot Irish Punch.
[Use hot water glass.]
2 lumps of sugar, 2 dashes of lemon juice, enough hot water to
dissolve the above. Mix well, add 1 slice of lemon and a little
1895 Anonymus: Bartenders Guide. Seite 19. Medford Rum Punch.
[Use large bar glass.]
3 teaspoonfuls of sugar, 3 dashes of lemon juice, water to
dissolve the above, fill with fine ice, 1 1/4 wine glass of Medford
rum, 1 dash of Jamaica rum. Mix well, trim with fruits, serve
with straws.
1895 Anonymus: Bartenders Guide. Seite 25. St. Croix Rum Punch.
[Use large bar glass.]
1 tablespoonful of sugar, 4 dashes of lemon or lime juice, 1
squirt of seltzer water, dissolve well, fill the glass with fine ice,
3 dashes of Jamaica rum, 1 wine glass of St. Croix rum. Mix well,
trim with fruit, serve with straws.
1895 Bartenders‘ Association of New York City: Official Hand-Book and Guide. Seite 29. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
(Use hot water bar glass.)
1/2 lump of sugar.
3/4 glass of hot water.
1 piece of lemon peel.
1wine glass of Scotch whiskey.
Mix well, grate nutmeg over.
1895 Bartenders‘ Association of New York City: Official Hand-Book and Guide. Seite 29. Hot Whiskey Punch.
2 pieces of sugar.
1 wine glass of hot water.
Juice of 1/2 lemon.
2 wine glasses of whiskey. Fill with hot
water. Mix, slice of lemon on top.
1895 Bartenders‘ Association of New York City: Official Hand-Book and Guide. Seite 33. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.)
2 tablespoonfuls of sugar, water to dissolve
the sugar.
3 sprigs of mint pressed, 1/2 glass of shaved
1 wine glass of Medford rum.
Mix well, strain into a sour glass, add
sprig of mint.
1895 Bartenders‘ Association of New York City: Official Hand-Book and Guide. Seite 41. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.)
1 tablespoonful of sugar, 4 dashes of lemon
or lime juice, 1 squirt of mineral water,
dissolve well.
Fill the glass with fine ice.
3 dashes of Jamaica rum, 1 wine glass of
St. Croix rum. Mix well, trim with fruit,
serve with straws.
1895 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 35. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(Use medium bar glass.)
Take 1 wineglass Kinahan’s or Jamieson’s Irish
2 wineglasses of boiling water.
2 lumps of loaf-sugar.
Dissolve the sugar well with one wineglass of the
water, then pour in the whiskey, add the balance of
the water, and put in a small piece of lemon peel.
Before using the glass rinse it in hot water.
1895 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 35. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
(Use medium barglass.)
Take 1 wineglass of Glenlivet or Islay whiskey.
2 wineglasses of boiling water.
Sugar to taste.
Dissolve the sugar with one wineglass of the
water, then pour in the whiskey, add the balance of
the water, and put in a small piece of lemon peel.
Before using the glass rinse it in hot water.
1895 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 56. Whiskey Punch.
(Use lemonade-glass.)
Take quarter of a lemon, one barspoonful sugar,
little water; press the lemon; one jigger bourbon
or rye whiskey, fill glass with ice, two dashes rum;
shake well and strain into cool stem punch-glass,
add fruit. Two or three punches can be made in
large glass at the same time, first filling up your
stem glasses with ice for as many as required. This
is one of the best ways to make a good whiskey
1895 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 57. Whiskey Punch (Chicago Style).
Take two same sized mixing glasses, fill with ice,
put four dashes syrup, four dashes lemon, one
jigger whiskey in one of the mix ing glasses; place
the other on top, reversing until cold, then strain
from both into cool glass, holding them firmly; add
1895 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 57. St. Croix or Jamaica Rum Punch.
In same manner as whiskey punch.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 70. Hot Irish Punch.
A hot-drink glass half full-boiling water, two
lumps of cut-loaf sugar, the juice of a quarter of a
lemon, one jigger of Irish whiskey mix, and add
a slice of lemon and a little grated nutmeg.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 71. Hot Jamaica Rum Punch.
One lump of sugar in a hot-drink glass, add a
little lemon- juice, one slice lemon, one jigger of
Jamaica rum, fill up with boiling water; mix,
grate a little nutmeg on top.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 72. Hot Scotch Punch.
Prepare same as Hot Brandy Punch, substituting
Scotch whiskey for brandy.
Seite 69. Hot Brandy Punch.
Prepare same as hot Arrack Punch, substituting
brandy for arrack; leave out the nutmeg.
Seite 68. Hot Arrack Punch.
Two lumps of sugar in a hot-drink glass half-
full boiling
water, the juice of one-fourth of a
lemon, one jigger arrack, one slice lemon; mix
and grate a little nutmeg on top.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 73. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Hot Whiskey-
Sling, adding a slice of lemon and the juice of a
quarter of a lemon before mixing; leave the nut-
meg out.
Seite 72. Hot Whiskey Sling.
One lump of sugar in a hot-drink glass half-full
boiling water, add one jigger of whiskey, a small
piece lemon-peel; mix and grate a little nutmeg
on top.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 88. Irish Punch.
Fill a mixing-glass half -full of fine ice, add one
tablespoonful fine sugar, a little water, the juice
of half a lemon, one jigger Irish whiskey; mix
well, strain into a fancy bar-glass, trim with fruit,
or leave on ice, and serve with straws.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 88. Jamaica Rum Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Irish Punch,
substituting Jamaica rum for Irish whiskey.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 90. Medford Rum Punch.
Dissolve a tablespoonful fine sugar with a little
water in a mixing-glass, add the juice of half a
lemon, fill the glass half-full fine ice, add one jig-
ger Medford rum; mix well, strain into fancy
bar-glass, and trim with fruit, or leave on ice and
serve straws.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 94. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Brandy Punch,
substituting Scotch whiskey for brandy.
Seite 82. Brandy Punch.
A mixing-glass half -full fine ice, add one table-
spoonful fine sugar, the juice of half a lemon, one
jigger brandy; shake well, serve on ice in long
thin glass, trim with fruit. Serve with straws.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 95. St. Croix Rum Punch.
One tablespoonful fine sugar dissolved with a
little water in a mixing-glass, add the juice of half
a lemon, one jigger of St. Croix rum, fill the glass
with fine ice; mix well. Serve on ice with straws
or strain, trim with fruit.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 96. Whiskey Punch (Plain).
Fill a mixing-glass half-full fine ice, add one
tablespoonful fine sugar, the juice of half a lemon,
one jigger whiskey; mix well. Serve in long
thin glass, trim with fruit. Sip with straws.
1895 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 97. Whiskey Punch (strained).
Prepare same as Plain Whiskey Punch, but
strain into a fancy bar-glass before trimming with
1895 Herbert W. Green: Mixed Drinks. Seite 26. Plain Whisky Punch.
Put in thin lemonade-glass two-thirds full fine
ice, juice one-half lemon, two large spoonfuls
syrup, one jigger whisky. Mix with long bar-
spoon; fill with fine ice; ornament with fruits,
serve with straws.
1895 Herbert W. Green: Mixed Drinks. Seite 31. Hot Whisky Punch.
Put in hot whisky-glass two lumps cut-loaf
sugar, hot water enough to dissolve, juice one-
quarter lemon, one jigger whisky, fill with hot
water; stir. Add one piece twisted lemon peel
and nutmeg.
1895 Herbert W. Green: Mixed Drinks. Seite 53. Frozen Whisky Punch.
Take two mixing-glasses, fill with ice, put in
one glass a large spoonful of syrup, juice one-
quarter lemon, one jigger whisky. Invert the
second glass so it will stand on the other bottom
up, grasp the two glasses where they join with the
thumb and forefinger and turn them so the top
glass will be on the bottom, repeat this until you
have enough liquid to fill punch-glass previously
cooled; put in fruits; strain into this by holding
the glasses horizontally, letting the liquid drain
through the small opening where the glasses join.
Can use rum and other liquors the same.
1895 R. C. Miller: The American Bar-Tender. Seite 11. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally
made one-third pure whiskey, two-thirds boiling water,
in which the sugar has been dissolved. If lemon punch,
the rind is rubbed on the sugar, and a small proportion
of juice added before the whiskey is poured in.
1895 R. C. Miller: The American Bar-Tender. Seite 12. Cold Whiskey Punch.
(For a party.)
This beverage ought always to be made with boiling
water, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or
two before it is put on the table. In this way the
materials get more intensely amalgamated than cold
water and cold whiskey ever get. As to the beautiful
mutual adaptation of cold rum and cold water, that is
beyond all praise, being one of Nature’s most exquisite
achievements. (See „Glasgow Punch,“ No. 29.)
1895 R. C. Miller: The American Bar-Tender. Seite 12. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Steep the thin yellow shavings of lemon peel in the
whiskey, which should be Glenlivet or Islay, of the
best quality; the sugar should be dissolved in boiling
water. As it requires genius to make whiskey punch, it
would be impertinent to give proportions. • (See
„Spread Eagle Punch,“ No. 39.)
1895 R. C. Miller: The American Bar-Tender. Seite 12. Whiskey Punch.
(Use small bar glass.)
1 wine-glass whiskey (Irish or Scotch.)
2 do. boiling water.
Sugar to taste.
Dissolve the sugar well with wine-glass of the water,
then pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the
water, sweeten to taste, and put in a small piece of
lemon rind, or a thin slice of lemon.
Seite 26: No. 50. Arrack.
Most of the arrack imported into this country is dis-
tilled from rice, and comes from Batavia. It is but
little used in America, except to flavor punch; the taste
of it is very agreeable in this mixture. Arrack improves
very much with age. It is much used in some parts of
India, where it is distilled from toddy, the ]uice of the
cocoanut tree.
1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 70. Medford Rum Punch.
Dissolve in a large tumbler with a little
water the juice of half a lemon and a table-
spoonful of icing sugar; nearly fill the glass
with shaved ice, add a wineglass and a half of
Medford rum, and a few drops of Jamaica rum;
stir well. Ornament with fruit in season, and
serve with a straw.
1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 73. Rum Punch.
Put into a large tumbler a tablespoonful of
sifted sugar, a wineglass of brandy, the like
quantity of rum, two teaspoonfuls of arrack,
the juice of a lemon, quarter of a wineglass of
green tea, a teaspoonful of essence of spice.
Half fill the glass with shaved ice, shake well,
strain, and add sufficient milk to fill the glass.
Dust with nutmeg and cinnamon, and serve
with a straw.
1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 74. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Put into a large tumbler one tablespoonful of
icing sugar, thirty drops of lime or lemon juice,
and dissolve in half a wineglass of water then
add one wineglass of St. Croix rum, and a
quarter of a wineglass of Jamaica rum fill up
with shaved ice, ornament with fruit in season,
and serve with a straw.
1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 94. Rum Punch.
Put into a large tumbler a teaspoonful of icing
sugar, one wineglass of Jamaica rum, and one
wineglass of brandy; then add half a pint of
boiling water, a little lemon-juice and grated
1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 97. Whisky Punch.
Put into a small tumbler one wineglass of Irish
or Scotch whisky, a teaspoonful of icing sugar,
and a slice of lemon fill up with boiling water.
1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 97. Whisky Punch. Another, Scotch.
This is made the same way as Irish Whisky
Punch, using Scotch whisky instead of Irish.
Seite 97: Whisky Punch. Another, Irish.
Rub the rind of a lemon on two small lumps
of loaf sugar, dissolve the sugar in a tumbler
with a gill of boiling water; add one wine-
glassful of Irish whisky, then serve.
1896 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Seite 97. Whisky Punch. Another, Scotch.
Put into a tumbler the thin rind of one lemon
and a teaspoonful of icing sugar; dissolve the
sugar in one wineglass of boiling water; add
one wineglass of Scotch whisky, then add
another wineglass of boiling water; mix well
and strain.
1896 Louis Fouquet: Bariana. Seite 83. Rum Punch Cold.
Remplir de glace pilée verre B, 3 traits de curaçao,
3 traits de noyaux, 2 cuillerées de sucre poudre, finir avec
rhum vieux et eau pure, bien remuer, saupoudrer de mus-
cade, chalumeaux et servir.
1896 Louis Fouquet: Bariana. Seite 96. Whiskey Punch Froid.
Remplir de glace pilée verre B, 3 traits de curaçao,
3 traits de noyaux, une cuillerée de sucre poudre, finir avec
du scotch ou irish whisky, bien remuer, chalumeaux et servir.
1896 Louis Fouquet: Bariana. Seite 116. Rum Punch.
Faire chauffer rhum vieux et eau en quantité égale, une
cuillerée de sucre poudre, verser et servir.
1896 Louis Fouquet: Bariana. Seite 123. Whiskey Punch Chaud.
Faire chauffer moitié whisky (scotch ou irish) et eau, une
cuillerée de sucre en poudre, verser et servit en flammes.
1896 William Schmidt: Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverage. Seite 59. Genuine Whiskey Punch.
A goblet filled with fine ice,
a dash of lemon-juice,
3 dashes of gum,
1 drink of whiskey.
Then fill another goblet with fine ice, and put this on top of
the first; turn them upside down five or six times; hold them up
together as high as you can with both hands, and let the liquid
drip down into a tall, fancy glass; 1 dash of Jamaica rum on the
top, and you will have an impressive and pleasant drink.
(Other liquors may be turned into punches the same way.)
1896 William Schmidt: Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverage. Seite 126. Rum Punch.
Put two pounds of sugar in a tureen; squeeze on it the juice
of five lemons, add the thin peel of two lemons, and three quarts
of boiling water. After the sugar is dissolved add a bottle of old
Jamaica rum, and a bottle of champagne, and serve cold or hot.
1896 William Schmidt: Fancy Drinks and Popular Beverage. Seite 129. Whiskey Punch.
Rub the rind of three lemons on seven ounces of sugar; put
the sugar in a tureen; add one quart of boiling water and the
juice of the fruit; this syrup is mixed with one pint or more of
old Irish whiskey.
1898 Anonymus: Anleitung zur Bereitung Amerikanischer Eis-Getränke. Seite 11. Hot Irish Whiskey-Punch.
1 oder 2 Stücke Würfelzucker, 1 Spritzer Citronen-
saft, löse dies gut mit etwas heissem Wasser auf,
1 Weinglas Irish Whisky (siehe Seite 38); fülle das
Glas mit heissem Wasser auf, füge eine Scheibe Citrone
hinzu, mische dies mit einem Löffel gut auf, streue ein
wenig Muskatnuss darüber und servire.
1898 Anonymus: Before & After Dinner Beverages. Seite 26. Rum Punch.
One quart Jamaica
Rum, two quarts Medford Rum,
one quart Brandy, one-half pint
Sherry, one gill Orange Curacoa, one
gill Maraschino, one pint
lemon-juice, one-half pound
sugar, one pot green tea.
Add sliced lemons, or-
anges and pineapples, and
pitted cherries. Two
quarts of Apollinaris, one
quart German Seltzer, and
one siphon carbonic.
Pour over one large lump
of ice in bowl.
1898 Anonymus: Before & After Dinner Beverages. Seite 27. Whiskey Punch.
Brew three
quarts of rich lemonade. To this
add a gill of Curacoa and a pint
of Medford Rum. Then add a quart of
Whiskey, and just before serving place a
large block of ice in the bowl. Straining
the Punch before pouring on the ice im-
proves the appearance of the drink. Dress
the Punch with sliced oranges and any
other fresh fruit.
1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 26. Hot Spiced Rum Punch.
Large glass one-half full boiling water, one lump sugar, one
glass Jamaica rum, one squirt claret wine, a little butter, a few
cloves, a roasted cracker on top; spoon in glass, stir.
1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 27. Whiskey Punch.
Rub the rind of three lemons on seven ounces of sugar; put
the sugar in a tureen; add one quart of boiling water and the
juice of the fruit; this syrup is mixed with one pint or more of
old Irish whiskey.
1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 29. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass. Juice of half a lemon, one wine glass
of whiskey, one-quarter wine glass of Jamaica, one tablespoon
of sugar, one-half wine glass of water, slice of orange; fill
tumbler with cracked ice, shake well, dress top with orange,
pineapple slice, and berries in season serve with straws.
1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 30. Hot Scotch Punch.
Use small bar glass. One-half wine glass of genuine Scotch
whiskey; fill up with boiling water, add sugar to taste and
some thin, yellow shavings of lemon peel; stir, and serve.
1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 30. Irish Whiskey Punch. – No. 1.
Use large bar glass. Add sugar to taste, slice of lemon,
pour on boiling water, and then add one wine glass of genuine
Irish whiskey.
N. B. This extracts the lemon flavor better than pouring
the whiskey cold on the lemon.
1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 30. Irish Whiskey Punch. – No. 2.
Use small bar glass. Sugar to taste, slice of lemon and a
slice of thin yellow shavings of lemon, whiskey to taste, add
boiling water.
The making of Whiskey Punch is a fine art, and like poets a
„punch-maker“ is born, and cannot be made.
1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 32. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. One tablespoon of sugar, juice of one-
half lemon, one wine glass St. Croix rum, one-half wine glass
Jamaica rum, one teaspoon raspberry syrup; fill with ice,
shake, ornament with berries, and serve with straws.
1898 Joseph L. Haywood: Mixology. Seite 33. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass. One tablespoon of sugar, one teaspoon
of Jamaica rum, two dashes of lemon juice, one and a half wine
glasses of Medford rum; fill with ice, shake, dress with orange,
lemon, and serve with straws.
1899 Aczél Miksa: American Bar. Seite 93. Whisky Punch.
(Pohár VI.)
Forralj vizet és whisky-t egyenlő mennyiségben,
édesitsd 2-3 darab czukorral – öntsd át a VI. sz.
pohárba, gyujtsd meg, czitromhéjat tégy bele és égve
szolgáld fel.
1899 Aczél Miksa: American Bar. Seite 93. Rum punch.
(Pohár VI.)
Tégy a VI. sz. pohárba 2-3 drb czukrot. For-
ralj Eldon-féle rumot és vizet egyenlő mennyiségben,
öntsd át, gyujtsd meg, tégy bele darabka czitrom hé-
ját, égve szolgáld fel.
1899 Aczél Miksa: American Bar. Seite 94. Rum Punch.
12 személyre.
Végy 1 liter vizet, 1/2 liter rum, 1/2 liter cognac-ot
préselj bele 2 czitrom levét, czukrozd izlésed szerint,
forrald, gyujtsd meg vn. sz. poharakban szolgáld fel.
1899 Anonymus: Hegenbarth’s Getränkebuch. Seite 45. Einfacher Punsch von Arrac, Rum oder Cognac.
Ueber 250 g Zucker giesse reichlich 1 l. kochen-
des Wasser, darüber den Saft von 2—4 Citronen =
25—50 g und schliesslich 1/2 Flasche Rum, Arrak oder
Cognac. Gut mischen. Abschmecken. Einige Zeit
gut verdeckt ziehen lassen.
Wer einen kräftigeren Geschmack liebt, reibe die
Schale einer Citrone oder Apfelsine leicht auf dem
Zucker ab.
Ebenso kann man natürlich auch anstatt Citronen-
saft solchen von Apfelsinen, oder wie viele thun, von
beiden gemischt nehmen.
1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 35. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(Use medium barglass.)
Take 1 wineglass Irish whiskey.
2 wineglasses of boiling water.
2 lumps of loaf-sugar.
Dissolve the sugar well with one wineglass of the
water, then pour in the whiskey, add the balance of
the water, and put in a small piece of lemon peel.
Before using the glass rinse it in hot water.
1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 32. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
(Use medium barglass.)
Take 1 wineglass of Glenlivet or Islay whiskey.
2 wineglasses of boiling water.
Sugar to taste.
Dissolve the sugar with one wineglass of the
water, then pour in the whiskey, add the balance of
the water, and put in a small piece of lemon peel.
Before using the glass rinse it in hot water.
1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 56. Whiskey Punch.
(Use lemonade-glass.)
Take quarter of a lemon, one barspoonful sugar,
little water; press the lemon; one jigger bourbon
or rye whiskey, fill glass with ice, two dashes rum;
shake well and strain into cool stem punch-glass,
add fruit. Two or three punches can be made in
large glass at the same time, first filling up your
stem glasses with ice for as many as required. This
is one of the best ways to make a good whiskey
1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 56. Old-fashioned Punch.
(Use medium-sized glass.)
Made with same ingredients as the foregoing, ex-
cepting to stir with spoon and serve with the ice in
same glass with a strainer or straws.
Seite 56: The foregoing = Whiskey Punch.
1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 57. Whiskey Punch (Chicago Style).
Take two same sized mixing glasses, fill with ice,
put four dashes syrup, four dashes lemon, one
jigger whiskey in one of the mixing glasses; place
the other on top, reversing until cold, then strain
from both into cool glass, holding them firmly; add
1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 57. St. Croix or Jamaica Rum Punch.
In same manner as whiskey punch.
1899 Niels Larsen: Les Boissons Américaines. Seite 46. Rhum Punch.
[à préparer dans un grand gobelet]
3/4 cuiller à bouche de sucre en poudre dissous
dans un peu d’eau. Ajoutez:
1/2 cuiller à café de jus de citron;
Un verre et demi à madère de rhum.
Remplissez de glace pilée.
Mélangez bien, ornez de fruits et servez avec de
grandes pailles.
1900 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 78. Santa Cruz Rhum Punch.
Verre no 7.
Prendre le verre n° 7:
2 cuillerées à café sucre en poudre,
1 cuillerée à café d’eau pour fondre le sucre,
1 verre 1/2 à liqueur de rhum,
1 tranche orange coupée en 4 morceaux,
1 tranche de citron coupée en 4 morceaux.
Remplir le verre de glace pilée, adapter un gobelet en
argent, frapper, chalumeaux, fruits de la saison, servir.
1900 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 108. Whisky Punch.
Verre no 4.
Faire chauffer:
1 cuillerée à café de sirop de gomme,
4 traits de curaçao,
2 traits de jus de citron,
1 verre à liqueur de whisky,
1 zeste de citron.
Remplir le verre avec de l’eau chaude, remuer, saupou-
drer de muscade, servir.
1900 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 109. Rum Punch.
Verre no 4.
Faire chauffer:
1 cuillerée à café de sirop de gomme,
4 traits de curaçao,
2 traits de jus de citron,
1 verre à liqueur de rhum,
1 zeste de citron.
Remplir le verre avec de l’eau chaude, remuer, saupou-
drer de muscade, servir.
1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 71. Hot Jamaica Rum Punch.
One lump of sugar in a hot-drink glass, add a
little lemon-juice, one slice lemon, one jigger of
Jamaica rum, fill up with boiling water; mix,
grate a little nutmeg on top.
1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 72. Hot Scotch Punch.
Prepare same as Hot Brandy Punch, substituting
Scotch whiskey for brandy.
Seite 69. Hot Brandy Punch.
Prepare same as hot Arrack Punch, substituting
brandy for arrack; leave out the nutmeg.
Seite 68. Hot Arrack Punch.
Two lumps of sugar in a hot-drink glass half-
full boiling water, the juice of one-fourth of a
lemon, one jigger arrack, one slice lemon; mix
and grate a little nutmeg on top.
1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 73. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Hot Whiskey
Sling, adding a slice of lemon and the juice of a
quarter of a lemon before mixing; leave nut-
meg out.
Seite 72. Hot Whiskey Sling.
One lump of sugar in a hot-drink glass half-full
boiling water, add one jigger of whiskey, a small
piece lemon-peel; mix and grate a little nutmeg
on top.
1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 88. Jamaica Rum Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Irish Punch,
substituting Jamaica rum for Irish whiskey.
Seite 88. Irish Punch.
Fill mixing-glass half-full of fine ice, add one
tablespoonful fine sugar, a little water, the juice
of half a lemon, one jigger Irish whiskey; mix
well, strain into a fancy bar-glass, trim with fruit,
or leave on ice, and serve with straws.
1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 94. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Brandy Punch,
substituting Scotch whiskey for brandy.
Seite 82. Brandy Punch.
A mixing-glass half-full fine ice, add one table-
spoonful fine sugar, the juice of half a lemon, one
jigger brandy; shake well, serve on ice in long
thin glass, trim with fruit. Serve with straws.
1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 95. St. Croix Rum Punch.
One tablespoonful fine sugar dissolved with a
little water in a mixing-glass, add the juice of half
a lemon, one jigger of St. Croix rum, fill the glass
with fine ice; mix well. Serve on ice with straws
or strain, trim with fruit.
1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 96. Whiskey Punch (Plain).
Fill a mixing-glass half-full fine ice, add one
tablespoonful fine sugar, the juice of half a lemon,
one jigger whiskey; mix well. Serve in long
thin glass, trim with fruit. Sip with straws.
1900 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 96. Whiskey Punch (Strained).
Prepare same as Plain Whiskey Punch, but
strain into a fancy bar-glass before trimming with
1900 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 200. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.)
1 tablesponful of sugar;
3 or 4 dashes of lime or lemon juice;
1/2 wine glass of water or squirt of seltzer, dissolved
well with a spoon;
1/4 pony glass of Jamaica rum;
1 wine glass of St. Croix rum;
Fill up with fine shaved ice;
Mix well with a spoon, ornament with fruit in sea-
son, and serve with a straw.
This is a very cooling and pleasant drink in the hot
season, providing you don’t use poor rum.
1900 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 227. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.)
3/4 tablespoonful of sugar;
2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice, dissolve well with a
little water, or squirt of syphon, vichy, or selters;
Fill the glass with finely shaved ice;
1 1/2 wineglassful of Medford rum;
Flavor with a few drops of Jamaica rum, stir up well
with a spoon, and dress the top with fruit in season
in a tasteful manner, and serve with a straw.
1900 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 229. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(Use a hot water glass.)
1 or 2 lumps of loaf sugar;
1 squirt of lemon juice, dissolve in a little hot water;
1 wine glass of Irish whiskey;
Fill the glass with hot water, stir up well, put a
slice of lemon into it, grate a little nutmeg on top, and
1900 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 250. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
(Use a hot water glass.)
1 or 2 lumps of loaf sugar;
Dissolve well with a little hot water;
1 wineglassful of Scotch whiskey;
Fill up a glass with hot water, stir up well with a
spoon, put a slice of lemon into it, grate a little nut-
meg on top, and serve.
1900 James C. Maloney: The 20th Century Guide For Mixing Fancy Drinks. Seite 31. Hot Irish Whisky Punch.
Take a hot water punch glass and rinse it in hot
water, then put in
2 pieces of cut loaf sugar.
1 piece lemon peel.
2 wine glasses of boiling water.
Dissolve the sugar well, then pour in
1 wine glass Bushmill’s Irish whisky.
Stir gently, with a little nutmeg on top, serve with
a spoon and a small glass of fine ice.
1900 James C. Maloney: The 20th Century Guide For Mixing Fancy Drinks. Seite 31. Hot Scotch Whisky Punch.
Same as Hot Irish Whisky Punch, using O. V. H.
Scotch whisky instead.
1900 James C. Maloney: The 20th Century Guide For Mixing Fancy Drinks. Seite 42. Rum Punch.
In same manner as whisky punch.
Seite 54. Whisky Punch.
Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice.
1 teaspoonful of syrup.
1 teaspoonful of lemon juice.
1 wine glass whisky (Hermitage).
Stir well and strain into a punch glass with fruit,
dash with seltzer water and serve.
1900 James C. Maloney: The 20th Century Guide For Mixing Fancy Drinks. Seite 54. Whisky Punch.
Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice.
1 teaspoonful of syrup.
1 teaspoonful of lemon juice.
1 wine glass whisky (Hermitage).
Stir well and strain into a punch glass with fruit,
dash with seltzer water and serve.
1900 William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American Bartender. #110. Whiskey Punch, Hot.
Dissolve a cube of sugar in a hot-water glass two-thirds full of boiling
water, pour in enough of the desired brand of whiskey to nearly fill the glass
and add a few drops of lemon juice, a slice of lemon and some spice.
1900 William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American Bartender. #245. Rum Punch.
See St. Croix Punch (Recipe No. 248), and use the desired brand of rum in
place of St. Croix.
1900 William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American Bartender. #248. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Into a punch glass place a piece of ice and a jigger of St. Croix rum.
Then place a spoonful of sugar and the juice of two limes in a medium-size
mixing-glass, and dissolve in a little plain soda or seltzer (a dash of Curaçoa is
usually added). Pour into the punch glass containing the rum and ice. Stir,
decorate and serve.
1900 William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American Bartender. #254. Whiskey Punch.
Make the same as Brandy Punch, with whiskey substituted for cognac.
(See Recipes Nos. 224-25.)
#224. Brandy Punch.
Into a stem glass place a piece of ice, over which pour a jigger of cognac.
Then take a small mixing-glass, into which place a large spoonful of sugar, the
juice of one lemon, a dash of Curaçoa and a very little Apollinaris or plain
water. Stir thouroughly, pour into the stem glass containing the ice and liquor,
stir again, add a little fruit and serve. A dash of champagne is usually added.
#225. Brandy Punch.
Into a large punch bowl place about one pound of sugar, three jiggerfuls
of gum, one jiggerful of raspberry syrup, one jiggerful of Curaçoa, one jiggerful
of maraschino and the juice of twenty limes. Pour in just enough Apollinaris
to make the mixture dissolve, add a bottle and a half of good cognac and flavor
with a wineglassful of Jamaica rum. Should the party be composed of any
ladies, in place of a rum flavor a pint of champagne would be preferable.
Place a large piece of ice in the bowl and decorate with fruits.
1901 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 40. Medford Rum Punch.
Use Large Glass.
THREE-QUARTERS tablespoonful
powdered sugar; two or three dashes
lemon juice. Dissolve with a little water.
Fill glass with fine shaved ice. One and
a quarter wine glass Medford rum. Shake
well, and ornament with fruit. Serve with
1901 J. E. Sheridan: The Complete Buffet Manual. Seite 50. Hot Irish Punch.
(Use large bar glass.)
3 teaspoonsful powdered sugar.
1 or 2 dashes of lemon juice.
1 wine-glass Irish whisky.
Fill up with hot water; stir well.
Place a slice of lemon on top, grate a little nutmeg
and serve.
1901 J. E. Sheridan: The Complete Buffet Manual. Seite 50. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.)
Fill glass with shaved ice.
1 teaspoonful powdered sugar.
2 or 3 dashes lemon juice.
1 1/4 glass Medford rum.
1 dash of Jamaica rum.
Stir Well. Dress with fruits. Serve with straw.
1901 J. E. Sheridan: The Complete Buffet Manual. Seite 55. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.)
2 teaspoonsful powdered sugar.
3 or 4 dashes lemon juice.
1/4 pony-glass Jamaica rum.
1 wine-glass St. Croix rum.
Fill up with shaved ice. Dress top with fruit and
berries. Serve with a straw.
1901 J. E. Sheridan: The Complete Buffet Manual. Seite 56. Whisky Punch (Hot).
(Use whisky glass.)
The juice of half a lemon, 3 teaspoonsful powdered
sugar in one wine-glass hot water.
2 wine-glasses Scotch or Irish whisky.
Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a
thin slice of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some
grate a little nutmeg on top. Always place ice be-
fore the customer, and allow a spoon to remain in
the drink, in order that the partaker of the beverage
can help himself to ice should the mixture be too
hot for him.
1902 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 54. Rum Punch.
LARGE BAR GLASS.—Dissolve three tea-
spoons fine sugar in water, three dashes lemon
juice, fill with fine ice, 1 1/4 wineglass Medford,
Santa Cruz or St. Croix rum, one dash Jamaica
rum. Mix well, decorate, serve with straws.
1902 Anonymus: Fox’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 39. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass.
Three-quarter tablespoonful of sugar; dissolve
Two or three dashes lemon juice.
Fill glass with fine ice.
One and one-half glass Medford rum.
One dash Jamaica rum.
Stir well with spoon. Dress with fruits in season,
and serve with straws.
1902 Anonymus: Fox’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 41. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass.
One tablespoonful powdered sugar, dissolved in a
little water.
Juice of one-half small lemon.
One and one-half wine-glass whiskey.
Fill glass with shaved ice, shake well; dress with
lemon and berries, and serve with straws.
1902 Anonymus: Fox’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 41. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass – warm.
Two wine-glasses boiling water.
Two lumps loaf sugar.
One wine-glass Scotch whiskey.
Dissolve the sugar with one wine-glass of the
water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance of
the water, and add a thin slice of lemon. Rinse
glass in warm water before using.
1902 Anonymus: Fox’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 42. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass.
One wine-glass best Irish whiskey.
Two wine-glasses boiling water.
Two lumps loaf sugar.
Dissolve the sugar well with one wine-glass of the
water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance of
the water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind or
a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glas rinse it
in hot water.
1902 Anonymus: Fox’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 44. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass.
One tablespoonful powdered white sugar, dissolved
in a little water.
One wine-glass Santa Cruz rum.
One-quarter wine-glass Jamaica rum.
Two or three dashes lemon juice.
One slice of orange (cut in quarters).
Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and
dress the top with sliced lime and berries in season.
Serve with a straw.
1902 Anonymus: Red Top Rye Guide. Seite 58. Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.)
Fill glass half full cracked ice.
Add One teaspoonful of sugar.
Three dashes of lime juice.
Juice of half an orange, quartered.
Small glass of Curacoa.
Half wine-glassful of Red Top
Half of small glass of Jamaica
Stir thoroughly and add dash of Port
Wine. Garnish with fruit and serve
with a straw.
1902 Anonymus: Red Top Rye Guide. Seite 60. Cold Whiskey Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.)
Take One teaspoonful of powdered
white sugar, dissolved in a little
Juice of half a lemon or one lime.
One and a half wine-glassesful of
Red Top Rye.
Fill glass with shaved ice.
Add two dashes of Rum.
Shake well and strain into cool stem
punch glass. Add two thin slices of
lemon and any other seasonable fruit.
Serve with a straw.
Several punches can be made up at
one time by using larger proportions of
the ingredients and mixing in a larger
1902 Anonymus: Red Top Rye Guide. Seite 63. Hot Whiskey Punch.
(Use a heated whiskey glass.)
Juice of half a lemon.
One or two lumps of sugar, dissolved
in one wine-glass of hot water.
Two wine-glassesful of Red Top Rye.
Fill glass with boiling water and place
on top thin slices of lemon or twisted
piece of the peel. Serve steaming hot,
with spoon in the glass. A little cracked
ice can also be served with it to regu-
late the temperature to suit the person
drinking the same.
An excellent drink just before retir-
1902 Niels Larsen: 156 Recettes de Boissons Américaines. Seite 64. Hot Irish Punch.
[A préparer dans un verre à grog.]
2 morceaux de sucre. Ajoutez:
1 cuiller à café de jus de citron;
1 verre à madère d’irish whisky;
Remplissez d’eau bouillante.
Mélangez bien et ornez d’une tranche de citron.
Râpez un peu de muscade et:
Servez avec une cuiller à café.
1902 Niels Larsen: 156 Recettes de Boissons Américaines. Seite 66. Rhum Punch.
[A préparer dans un grand gobelet.]
3/4 cuiller à bouche de sucre en poudre dissous
dans un peu d’eau. Ajoutez:
1/2 cuiller à café de jus de citron;
1 verre 1/2 à madère de rhum.
Remplissez de glace pilée.
Mélangez bien, ornez de fruits et servez avec
de grandes pailles.
1903 Anonymus: Hegenbarth’s Bowlen-, Punsch-, und Kaffee-Haus-Getränkebuch. Seite 56. Einfacher Punsch von Arrak, Rum oder Kognak.
Ueber 250 g Zucker giesse reichlich 1 l kochen-
des Wasser, darüber den Saft von 2-4 Zitronen
= 25 – 50 g und schliesslich 1/2 Flasche Rum, Arrak
oder Kognak. Gut mischen. Abschmecken. Einige
Zeit gut verdeckt ziehen lassen.
Wer einen kräftigeren Geschmack liebt, reibe
die Schale einer Zitrone oder Apfelsine leicht auf
dem Zucker ab.
Ebenso kann man anstatt Zitronensaft solchen
von Apfelsinen oder wie viele thun, von beiden ge-
mischt nehmen.
1903 Tim Daly: Daly’s Bartender’s Encyclopedia. Seite 64. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Use hot whiskey glass.
1 lump of loaf sugar.
Half fill the glass with hot water.
Dissolve the sugar.
1 slice of lemon.
Fill the glass with Scotch whiskey.
Stir with spoon, grate a little nutmeg on
top, and serve.
1903 Tim Daly: Daly’s Bartender’s Encyclopedia. Seite 69. Rum Punch.
Use a punch glass.
1 teaspoonful of sugar dissolved in a
little water.
The juice of one lime,
1 1/2 glasses of Medford rum.
Fill the glass with fine ice.
1 dash of St. Croix rum.
Stir well with spoon, dress with fruit,
and serve with straws.
1903 Tim Daly: Daly’s Bartender’s Encyclopedia. Seite 74. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Use hot whiskey glass.
1 lump of loaf sugar.
Half fill the glass with boiling water.
Dissolve the sugar, fill up with Irish
1 dash of lemon juice.
Stir with spoon, grate a little nutmeg on
top, and serve.
1903 Tim Daly: Daly’s Bartender’s Encyclopedia. Seite 75. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Use hot whiskey glass.
1 lump of loaf sugar.
Half fill the glass with hot water and
dissolve the sugar.
1 dash of lemon juice.
Fill up the glass with whiskey.
Grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.
1903 Tim Daly: Daly’s Bartender’s Encyclopedia. Seite 82. Whiskey Punch.
Use a punch glass.
1 teaspoonful of sugar dissolved in a
little water.
2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice.
1 1/2 wine glass of whiskey.
Fill the glass with fine ice, mix well with
a spoon, dress the top with fruit in season,
and serve with straws.
1903 Tim Daly: Daly’s Bartender’s Encyclopedia. Seite 107. Hot Rum Punch.
Use a hot water glass.
1 or 2 lumps of sugar dissolved in one-
half glass of water.
1 dash of lemon juice.
1 wine glass of Medford rum.
Spoon well, grate a little nutmeg on top,
and serve.
A cold-weather reviver, to stimulate the
heart’s action and create a good circulation.
1903 V. B. Lewis: The Complete Buffet Guide. Seite 49. Hot Irish Punch.
(Use large bar glass.)
3 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar.
1 or 2 dashes of lemon juice.
1 wine-glass Irish whisky.
Fill up with hot water; stir well.
Place a slice of lemon on top, grate a little nutmeg
and serve.
1903 V. B. Lewis: The Complete Buffet Guide. Seite 50. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.)
Fill glass with shaved ice.
1 teaspoonful powdered sugar.
2 or 3 dashes lemon juice.
1 1/4 glass Medford rum.
1 dash of Jamaica rum.
Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with straw.
1903 V. B. Lewis: The Complete Buffet Guide. Seite 54. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.)
2 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar.
3 or 4 dashes lemon juice.
1/4 pony-glass Jamaica rum.
1 wine-glass St. Croix rum.
Fill up with shaved ice. Dress top with fruit and
berries. Serve with a straw.
1903 V. B. Lewis: The Complete Buffet Guide. Seite 55. Whisky Punch (Hot).
(Use whisky glass.)
The juice of half a lemon, 3 teaspoonfuls powdered
sugar in one wine-glass hot water.
2 wine-glasses Scotch or Irish whisky.
Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a
thin slice of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some
grate a little nutmeg on top. Always place ice be-
fore the customer, and allow a spoon to remain in
the drink, in order that the partaker of the beverage
can help himself to ice should the mixture be too
hot for him.
1904 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 84. Rum punch.
Verre no 4
Chauffer le verre no 4:
1/2 verre à liqueur de sirop de gomme,
4 traits de curaçao,
2 traits de jus de citron,
1 verre à liqueur de rhum,
1 zeste de citron.
Remplir le verre avec de l’eau bien chaude, remuer,
saupoudrer de muscade, servir.
1904 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 89. Santa Cruz rum punch.
Verre no 7
Mettre dans le verre no 7:
2 cuillerées à café de sucre en poudre,
1 cuillerée à café d’eau pour fondre le sucre,
1 verre 1/2 à liqueur de rhum,
1 tranche d’orange coupée en 4 morceaux.
Remplir le verre de glace pilée, adapter un gobelet en
argent, frapper fortement, garnir avec des fruits de la
saison, servir avec chalumeaux.
1904 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 107. Whisky punch (chaud).
Verre no 4
Faire chauffer:
1/2 verre à liqueur de sirop dé gomme,
4 traits de curaçao,
2 traits de jus de citron,
1 verre à liqueur de whisky,
1 zeste de citron.
Remplir le verre avec de l’eau bien chaude, saupoudrer
de muscade, servir.
1904 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Barkeeper’s Guide. Seite 11. Whisky Punch.
Juice from half a lemon or lime.
1 table-spoon powdered s ugar
1 jigger whisky
Small quantity shaved ice
Shake well and strain into a fine thin glass, add
a piece of pineapple and a slice of orange and
1904 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Barkeeper’s Guide. Seite 11. Rum Punch.
Same as whisky punch, except to use rum in
place of whisky.
1904 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Barkeeper’s Guide. Seite 11. Scotch Whisky Punch.
Same as whisky punch, except to use Scotch
1904 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Barkeeper’s Guide. Seite 11. Irish Whisky Punch.
Same as whisky punch. except to use Irish
1904 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Barkeeper’s Guide. Seite 19. Hot Whisky Punch.
Use hot whisky glass.
Dissolve one and one-half lumps of sugar in
a little water, add one jigger of whisky.
Squeeze a quarter of a lemon and fill with hot
1904 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Barkeeper’s Guide. Seite 19. Hot Scotch Punch.
Same as whisky punch, except use Scotch
whisky in place of rye.
1904 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Barkeeper’s Guide. Seite 19. Hot Irish Punch.
Same as whisky punch, except use Irish whisky
whisky in place of rye.
1904 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Barkeeper’s Guide. Seite 19. Hot Rum Punch.
Same as whisky punch, except use rum in place
of whisky.
1904 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Barkeeper’s Guide. Seite 32. Rum Punch.
Use large punch bowl into which dissolve
5 pounds of sugar, then add
2 quarts lemon juice
5 quarts sauternes
2 1/2 quarts rum
1 quart apple brandy
1 pint brandy
8 quarts apollinaris
1 large piece of ice
Stir well and serve in small glass cups
This may also be frapped by putting it into a
large ice cream freezer and freezing it soft.
The above will serve one hundred people
1904 May E. Southworth: One Hundred and One Beverages. Seite 49. Whisky Punch.
CUT a small ring of lemon
rind very thin and rub it
with a heaping tablespoonful
of sugar to extract the oil. Dis-
solve the sugar with a wine-glass
of hot water, stirring and rubbing
against the glass until it is a smooth
syrup; add a wine-glass of whisky
and a little lemon juice and fill the
glass with boiling water.
1904 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks as They Are Mixed. Seite 58. Hot Irish Punch.
Use hot water glass.
Sugar, 1 lump, dissolved in little
hot water.
Irish whiskey, 1 wineglass.
Lemon peel, 1 piece.
Hot water; fill up glass.
Stir and serve with nutmeg on top.
1904 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks as They Are Mixed. Seite 58. Hot Rum Punch.
Prepare the same as Hot Irish, sub-
stituting rum for Irish whiskey.
1904 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks as They Are Mixed. Seite 58. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Prepare the same as Hot Irish, sub-
stituting Rye or Bourbon for Irish
1904 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks as They Are Mixed. Seite 59. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass.
Ice, shaved; fill glass.
Sugar, 1 teaspoonful.
Lemon juice, 3 dashes.
Medford rum, 1 1/4 glass.
Jamaica rum, 1 dash.
Stir; decorate with fruit and serve
with straw.
1904 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks as They Are Mixed. Seite 61. St. Croix Punch.
Use large bar glass.
Ice, shaved; fill up glass.
Sugar, 2 teaspoonfuls.
Lemon juice, 4 dashes.
Jamaica rum, 1 teaspoonful.
St. Croix rum, 1 wineglass.
Stir; dress with fruit and berries
and serve with a straw.
1904 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks as They Are Mixed. Seite 62. Whiskey Punch.
Use mixing glass.
Ice, shaved; fill glass.
Sugar, 1 tablespoonful.
Lemon, 1/4 of 1, the juice to be
pressed into the sugar.
Whiskey, 1 jigger.
Water, 1/2 jigger.
Shake; strain into punch glass; dress
with fruit and serve.
1904 Thomas Stuart: Stuart’s Fancy Drinks. Seite 49. Hot Irish Punch.
(A hot water glass.)
1 or 2 lumps sugar.
1 or 2 dashes of lemon juice.
1 wine-glass Irish whisky.
Fill up with hot water; stirr well.
Place a slice of lemon on top, grate a little nutmeg,
and serve.
1904 Thomas Stuart: Stuart’s Fancy Drinks. Seite 49. Medford Rum Punch.
(A large bar glass.)
Fill glass with fine ice.
2 or 3 dashes lemon juice.
1 1/4 glass Medford rum.
1 dash of Jamaica rum.
Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with straw.
1904 Thomas Stuart: Stuart’s Fancy Drinks. Seite 54. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Large bar glass.)
1 table-spoon sugar.
3 or 4 dashes lemon juice.
1/4 pony-glass Jamaica rum.
1 wine-glass St. Croix rum.
Fill up with fine ice. Dress top with fruit and berries.
Serve with a straw.
1904 Thomas Stuart: Stuart’s Fancy Drinks. Seite 55. Hot Whisky Punch.
(A hot whisky glass.)
The juice of half a lemon, one or two lumps of sugar
dissolved in one wine-glass hot water.
2 wine-glasses Scotch or Irish whisky.
Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a thin
slice of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some grate a little
nutmeg on top. Always place ice before the customer,
and allow a spoon to remain in the drink, in order that
the partaker of the beverage can help himself to ice
should the mixture be too hot for him.
1905 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 176. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass.
Three-quarter tablespoonful of sugar; dissolve
Two or three dashes lemon juice.
Fill glass with fine ice.
One and one-half glass Medford rum.
One dash Jamaica rum.
Stir well with spoon. Dress with fruits in sea-
son, and serve with straws.
1905 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 176. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass.
One tablespoonful powdered sugar, dissolved in a
little water.
Juice of one-half small lemon.
One and one-half wine-glass whiskey.
Fill glass with shaved ice, shake well; dress with
lemon and berries, and serve with straws.
1905 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 177. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass — warm.
Two wine-glasses boiling water.
Two lumps loaf sugar.
One wine-glass Scotch whiskey.
Dissolve the sugar with one wine-glass of the
water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance of
the water, and add a thin slice of lemon. Rinse
glass in warm water before using.
1905 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 179. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass.
One wine-glass best Irish whiskey.
Two wine-glasses boiling water.
Two lumps loaf sugar.
Dissolve the sugar well with one wine glass of
the water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance
of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind
or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass rinse
it in hot water.
1905 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 182. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass.
One tablespoonful powdered white sugar, dis-
solved in a little water.
One wine-glass Santa Cruz rum.
One-quarter wine-glass Jamaica rum.
Two or three dashes lemon juice.
One slice of orange (cut in quarters).
Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and
dress the top with sliced lime and berries in season.
Serve with a straw.
1906 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 30. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Use hot water punch glass.
Rinse glass in hot water and then put in
2 lumps of sugar and enough hot water to
dissolve them.
1 piece lemon peel.
3 or 4 dashes of lemon juice.
1 jigger of whiskey.
Fill up with hot water, stir with spoon,
grate nutmeg on top, and serve.
1906 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 30. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Prepare the same as hot whiskey punch,
using Scotch whiskey instead.
1906 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 30. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Prepare the same as above [Anmerkung: hot whiskey punch],
using Irish whiskey instead.
1906 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 30. Hot Rum Punch.
Prepare the same as whiskey punch, sub-
stituting rum for whiskey.
1906 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 50. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass half full of ice.
1 tablespoon sugar.
3 or 4 dashes of lemon juice.
1 dash of mineral water.
1 dash of Jamaica rum.
1 dash Dr. Siegert’s Genuine Angostura
1 jigger of St. Croix rum.
1 slice of lemon.
Stir well, fill up with ice, trim with fruit,
serve with straw.
1906 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 55. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass half full of ice.
1 teaspoon sugar.
4 or 5 dashes lemon juice.
1 jigger whiskey and rum mixed.
1 dash Dr. Siegert’s Genuine Angostura
Shake well; strain into punch glass, with
slice of orange; 3 or 4 dashes of Curacoa on
top, with seltzer, and serve.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 70. Hot Irish Punch.
A hot-drink glass half full-boiling water, two
lumps of cut-loaf sugar, the juice of a quarter of a
lemon, one jigger of Irish whiskey; mix, and add
a slice of lemon and a little grated nutmeg.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 71. Hot Jamaica Rum Punch.
One lump of sugar in a hot-drink glass, add a
little lemon-juice, one slice lemon, one jigger of
Jamaica rum, fill up with boiling water; mix,
grate a little nutmeg on top.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 72. Hot Scotch Punch.
Prepare same as Hot Brandy Punch, substituting
Scotch whiskey for brandy.
Seite 69. Hot Brandy Punch.
Prepare same as hot Arrack Punch, substituting
brandy for arrack; leave out the nutmeg.
Seite 68. Hot Attack Punch.
Two lumps of sugar in a hot-drink glass half-
full boiling water, the juice of one-fourth of a
lemon, one jigger arrack, one slice lemon; mix
and grate a little nutmeg on top.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 73. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Hot Whiskey
Sling, adding a slice of lemon and the juice of a
quarter of a lemon before mixing; leave the nut-
meg out.
Seite 72. Hot Whiskey Sling.
One lump of sugar in a hot-drink glass half-full
boiling water, add one jigger of whiskey, a small
piece lemon-peel; mix and grate a little nutmeg
on top.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 88. Irish Punch.
Fill a mixing-glass half-full of fine ice, add one
tablespoonful fine sugar, a little water, the juice
of half a lemon, one jigger Irish whiskey; mix
well, strain into a fancy bar-glass, trim with fruit,
or leave on ice, and serve with straws.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 88. Jamaica Rum Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Irish Punch,
substituting Jamaica rum for Irish whiskey.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 90. Medford Rum Punch.
Dissolve a tablespoonful fine sugar with a little
water in a mixing-glass, add the juice of half a
lemon, fill the glass half-full fine ice, add one jig –
ger Medford rum; mix well, strain into fancy
bar-glass, and trim with fruit, or leave on ice and
serve straws.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 94. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Brandy Punch,
substituting Scotch whiskey for brandy.
Seite 82. Brandy Punch.
A mixing-glass half-full fine ice, add one table-
spoonful fine sugar, the juice of half a lemon, one
jigger brandy; shake well, serve on ice in long
thin glass, trim with fruit. Serve with straws.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 95. St. Croix Rum Punch.
One tablespoonful fine sugar dissolved with a
little water in a mixing-glass, add the juice of half
a lemon, one jigger of St. Croix rum, fill the glass
with fine ice; mix well. Serve on ice with straws
or strain, trim with fruit.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 96. Whiskey Punch (Plain).
Fill a mixing-glass half-full fine ice, add one
tablespoonful fine sugar, the juice of half a lemon,
one jigger whiskey; mix well. Serve in long
thin glass, trim with fruit. Sip with straws.
1906 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 97. Whiskey Punch (Strained).
Prepare same as Plain Whiskey Punch, but
strain into a fancy bar-glass before trimming with
1906 George Spaulding: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 39. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Use medium-sized glass. Rinse in warm
water before using.
Boiling water, two wine glasses full.
Loaf sugar, two lumps.
Scotch whiskey, one wine glassful.
Dissolve the sugar with one wine glass
full of water, then pour in the whis-
key; add the balance of the water,
then a thin slice of lemon.
1906 George Spaulding: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 39. Irish Whiskey Punch.
Use large glasses.
Irish whiskey, one wine glass.
Sugar, one lump.
Lemon rind, one piece.
The glass should be rinsed in hot water,
then the sugar put in, then half fill
the glass with boiling water, shake
well, decorate with slices of oranges
and lemons, or fruit in season.
1906 George Spaulding: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 40. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large glass.
Sugar, one tablespoon.
Jamaica rum, one teaspoonful.
Lemon juice, four dashes.
Medford rum, one and one -half wine
Fill with cracked ice, shake well, orna-
ment with orange, berries, etc., and
serve with straws.
1906 George Spaulding: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 42. St. Croix or Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
Use large glass.
Sugar, one tablespoonful.
Lemon juice, two or three dashes.
Rum (St. Croix or Santa Cruz), one
wine glass.
Orange, one slice, cut in quarters.
Jamaica rum, one-half wine glass.
Fill with cracked ice, shake well and
ornament with fruits in season; serve
with straws.
1906 George Spaulding: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 45. Whiskey Punch.
Use large glass.
Powdered sugar, one tablespoonful, dis-
solved in a little water.
Lemon, juice of one-half.
Whiskey, one and one-half wine glasses.
Fill glass with chopped ice and shake
thoroughly, ornament with lemon and
berries. Serve with straws.
1906 Louis Muckensturm: Louis‘ Mixed Drinks. Seite 69. Whiskey Punch.
Take the juice of half a lemon,
One teaspoonful of sugar, and
One-half a bar-glass of Rye whiskey.
Fill the mixing-glass with shaved ice; shake well and
strain into a star-glass. Ornament with fruit of season.
1906 Louis Muckensturm: Louis‘ Mixed Drinks. Seite 69. Whiskey Punch, New York Style.
Take the juice of half a lemon,
One teaspoonful of sugar, and
One-half a bar-glass of Rye whiskey.
Fill the mixing-glass with shaved ice; shake well and
strain into a star-glass. Ornament with fruit of season
and float a little claret on top.
1906 Louis Muckensturm: Louis‘ Mixed Drinks. Seite 73. Hot Scotch Punch.
Take a punch-bowl and put in the yolks of three eggs;
beat them together well with a pint of Old Tom gin.
Add a pinch of ground ginger and cinnamon to half a
pint of boiling water; stir in well, and add a quart of
Scotch ale. Mix this with the eggs; stir well and serve in
high-ball glasses, and grate a little nutmeg on top. Suf-
ficient for four people.
1907 Charles Smith: Smacks and Smiles. Seite 63. Hot Irish Punch.
Use a large hot water glass.
1 or 2 lumps sugar.
1 or 2 dashes lemon juice.
1 wine-glass Irish whisky.
Fill up with hot water; stir well.
Place a slice of lemon on top, grate
a little nutmeg and serve.
1907 Charles Smith: Smacks and Smiles. Seite 65. Hot Whisky Punch.
Use a hot whisky glass
The juice of half a lemon, one or
two lumps of sugar dissolved in one
wine-glass hot water.
2 wine-glasses Scotch or Irish
Fill glass with boiling water and
place on top a thin slice of lemon or
a piece of the peel. Some grate a
little nutmeg on top. Always place
ice before the customer, and allow a
spoon to remain in the drink, in or-
der that the partaker of the beverage
can help himself to ice should the
mixture be too hot for him.
1907 Charles Smith: Smacks and Smiles. Seite 74. Medford Rum Punch.
Use a large bar glass.
Fill glass with fine ice.
3/4 table-spoon sugar.
2 or 3 dashes lemon juice.
1 1/4 glass Medford rum.
1 dash of Jamaica rum.
Stir well. Dress with fruits in sea-
son and serve with straw.
1907 Charles Smith: Smacks and Smiles. Seite 111. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Use a large bar glass.
1 table-spoon sugar.
3 or 4 dashes lemon juice.
1/4 pony-glass Jamaica rum.
1 wine-glass St. Croix rum.
Fill up with fine ice. Dress top
with fruit and berries in season.
Serve with a straw.
1907 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 84. Rum punch.
Verre no 4
Chauffer le verre no 4:
1/2 verre à liqueur de sirop de gomme,
4 traits de curaçao,
2 traits de jus de citron,
1 verre à liqueur de rhum,
1 zeste de citron.
Remplir le verre avec de l’eau bien chaude, remuer,
saupoudrer de muscade, servir.
1907 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 89. Santa Cruz rum punch.
Verre no 7
Mettre dans le verre no 7:
2 cuillerées à café de sucre en poudre,
1 cuillerée à café d’eau pour fondre le sucre,
1 verre 1/2 à liqueur de rhum,
1 tranche d’orange coupée en 4 morceaux.
Remplir le verre de glace pilée, adapter un gobelet en
argent, frapper fortement, garnir avec des fruits de la
saison, servir avec chalumeaux.
1907 Frank Newman: American-Bar. Seite 107. Whisky punch (chaud).
Verre no 4
Faire chauffer:
1/2 verre à liqueur de sirop dé gomme,
4 traits de curaçao,
2 traits de jus de citron,
1 verre à liqueur de whisky,
1 zeste de citron.
Remplir le verre avec de l’eau bien chaude, saupou-
drer de muscade, servir.
1908 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 176. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass.
Three-quarter tablespoonful of sugar; dissolve
Two or three dashes lemon juiee.
Fill glass with fine ice.
One and one-half glass Medford rum.
One dash Jamaica rum.
Stir well with spoon. Dress with fruits in sea-
son, and serve with straws.
1908 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 176. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass.
One tablespoonful powdered sugar, dissolved in a
little water.
Juice of one-half small lemon.
One and one-half wine-glass whiskey.
Fill glass with shaved ice, shake well; dress with
lemon and berries, and serve with straws.
1908 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 177. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass — warm.
Two wine-glasses boiling water.
Two lumps loaf sugar.
One wine-glass Scotch whiskey.
Dissolve the sugar with one wine-glass of the
water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance of
the water, and add a thin slice of lemon. Rinse
glass in warm water before using.
1908 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 179. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass.
One wine-glass best Irish whiskey.
Two wine-glasses boiling water.
Two lumps loaf sugar.
Dissolve the sugar well with one wine glass of
the water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance
of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind
or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass rinse
it in hot water.
1908 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 182. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass.
One tablespoonful powdered white sugar, dis-
solved in a little water.
One wine-glass Santa Cruz rum.
One-quarter wine-glass Jamaica rum.
Two or three dashes lemon juice.
One slice of orange (cut in quarters).
Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and
dress the top with sliced lime and berries in season.
Serve with a straw.
1908 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 35. Hot Irish Punch.
2 lumps of sugar
Juice of 1/2 lemon
Dissolve in a little hot water
100% Irish whiskey
Fill glass with hot water.
Stir well, place slice of
lemon on top, grate nutmeg
and serve.
1908 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 42. Medford Rum Punch.
1 teaspoonful sugar
Juice of 1/2 lemon
Dissolve in little water
100% Medford rum
1/2 glass cracked ice.
Stir with spoon, dress with
fruits in season and serve with
1908 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 56. St. Croix Rum Punch.
1 tablespoon sugar
Juice 1 lemon
75% St. Croix rum
25% Jamaica rum
Fill glass with cracked ice.
Stir with spoon, ornament
with fruits in season and serve
with straws.
1908 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 61. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass half full
of ice
1 teaspoon sugar
4 or 5 dashes lemon juice
1 jigger whiskey and rum
1 dash Angostura bitters.
Shake well, strain into punch
glass, with slice of orange, 3
or 4 dashes of Curacao on top,
with seltzer and serve.
1908 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 44. Tam O’Shanter.
This drink is made the same as a Hot Whiskey Punch, with Scotch whiskey
substituted for Bourbon whiskey. (See Recipe No. 157.)
1908 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 45. Whiskey Punch, Hot.
Dissolve a cube of sugar in a hot-water glass two-thirds full of boiling
water, pour in enough of the desired brand of whiskey to nearly fill the glass
and add a few drops of lemon juice, a slice of lemon and some spice.
1908 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 82. Rum Punch.
See St. Croix Punch (Recipe No. 360), and use the desired brand of rum
in place of St. Croix.
1908 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 83. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Into a punch-glass place a jigger of St. Croix rum and a piece of ice.
Then place a spoonful of sugar and the juice of two lemons in a medium-size
mixing-glass and dissolve in a little plain soda. (A dash of Curaçoa is some-
times added.) Pour into the punch-glass containing the rum and ice, stir,
decorate and serve.
1908 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 83. Whiskey Punch.
Make the same as Brandy Punch, with whiskey substituted for cognac.
(See Recipes Nos. 331 and 332.)
Seite 77. Brandy Punch.
Into an egg-shaped goblet place a piece of ice, over which pour a jigger
of cognac. Then take a small mixing-glass, into which place a large spoonful
of bar sugar, the juice of two lemons, a dash of Curaçoa and a little water
or seltzer. Stir thoroughly, pour into the stem glass containing the ice and
liquor, add a little fruit and serve. Top off with a dash of Jamaica rum or
a little champagne.
Seite 77. Brandy Punch.
Into a large punch-bowl place about a pound of sugar, three jiggers of
Curaçoa, one jigger of maraschino and the juice of twenty lemons. Pour in
just enough effervescent water to make the mixture dissolve, add a bottle
and a half of good cognac and flavor with a wineglassful of Jamaica rum.
Should the party be composed of any ladies, in place of rum flavor a pint
of champagne would be preferable. Place a large piece of ice in the bowl
and decorate with fruits.
1909 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 47. Rum-Punsch, heiß.
Wie Arrak-Punsch. Gebrauche statt Arrak Jamaika-Rum oder
fertige Rumpunsch-Essenz, abbrennen.
Seite 47. Arrak-Punch, heiß, I.
Ein angewärmtes Punschglas fülle man 3/4 voll mit sehr heißem
Wasser, darauf gieße man es voll mit fertiger Arrakpunsch-Essenz,
gebe eine Scheibe Zitrone hinein, einige Tropfen Arrak de Batavia
und zünde denselben an.
Seite 47. Arrak-Punch, heiß, II.
In ein angewärmtes Punschglas gebe man 2 Stück Würfel-
zucker, 1 Scheibe Zitrone und einige Tropfen Zitronensaft. Darauf
fülle man es 3/4 voll mit sehr heißem Wasser und gieße es voll
mit Arrak de Batavia, abbrennen.
1909 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 48. Whisky-Punsch, heiß.
In ein angewärmtes Punschglas gebe man 2 Stück Würfel-
zucker, 1 Scheibe Zitrone und einige Tropfen Zitronensaft. Fülle
das Glas 3/4 voll mit recht heißem Wasser, dann gieße es voll mit
Whisky, serviere mit Löffel.
1909 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 84. Rum-Punsch.
In ein Punschglas gebe man 3/4 Eßlöffel Zucker, den Saft aus
1/2 Zitrone, löse dieses mit etwas Selterswasser auf, fülle das Glas 3/4
voll mit feinem Eis, alsdann füge man hinzu:
1/2 Likörglas Jamaika-Rum,
1 Sherryglas St. Croix-Rum.
Man mische mit einem Barlöffel, garniere in geschmackvoller Weise
mit verschiedenen Früchten und serviere mit Strohhalmen.
1909 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 89. Whisky-Punsch.
Wie Brandy-Punsch. Man nehme amerikanischen Whisky
statt Cognac.
Seite 89. Brandy Punch.
In ein Punschglas gib:
1 Eßlöffel Zucker,
2 Dashes Curaçao,
den Saft von 1/2 Zitrone.
Löse dieses mit etwas Selterswasser auf. Alsdann fülle das Glas
beinahe voll mit feinem Eis und gieße es voll mit gutem Cognac.
Mische mit einem Barlöffel, gieße einige Tropfen Jamaika-Rum
darauf, garniere mit verschiedenen Früchten und serviere mit
1909 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 92. Rum-Punsch (englisch).
(Gebrauche eine Bowle.)
In eine Kupferkasserolle gieße man 2 Flaschen englischen Ale,
setze es aufs Feuer, lasse es heiß werden und füge 1/4 Liter eng-
lischen Rum hinzu. Mittlerweile schlage man 4 Eier dünnflüssig,
gebe 3 Eßlöffel Zucker und etwas Muskat hinzu, verrühre alles
tüchtig mit dem Schneeschläger. Hierauf gieße man unter fort-
währendem Rühren das heiße Ale zu den Eiern.
1909 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 97. Rum-Punsch.
(Gebrauche eine Bowle.)
1 Liter Cognac,
1 „ Rum,
1/2 „ starken Tee,
1 kleines Weinglas Arrak,
den filtrierten Saft von 6 Zitronen,
die Rinde von 2 Zitronen,
10 Nelken, etwas Zimt, Koriander-Samen, Muskatnuß,
2 Pfund dünn geschnittene Ananas,
2 „ ganzen Zucker,
2 Liter kochendes Wasser.
Alles gut umrühren, die Bowle gut verschließen und 1 bis 2 Tage
stehen lassen. Dann durch ein feines Sieb laufen lassen und sehr kalt
servieren. Sie kann noch mit Wasser,Tee oder Milch verdünnt werden.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 70. Hot Irish Punch.
A hot-drink glass half full-boiling water, two
lumps of cut-loaf sugar, the juice of a quarter of a
lemon, one jigger of Irish whiskey; mix, and add
a slice of lemon and a little grated nutmeg.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 71. Hot Jamaica Rum Punch.
One lump of sugar in a hot-drink glass, add a
little lemon-juice, one slice lemon, one jigger of
Jamaica rum, fill up with boiling water; mix,
grate a little nutmeg on top.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 72. Hot Scotch Punch.
Prepare same as Hot Brandy Punch, substituting
Scotch whiskey for brandy.
Seite 69. Hot Brandy Punch.
Prepare same as hot Arrack Punch, substituting
brandy for arrack; leave out the nutmeg.
Seite 68. Hot Arrack Punch.
Two lumps of sugar in a hot-drink glass half-
full boiling water, the juice of one-fourth of a
lemon, one jigger arrack, one slice lemon; mix
and grate a little nutmeg on top.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 73. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Hot Whiskey
Sling, adding a slice of lemon and the juice of a
quarter of a lemon before mixing; leave the nut-
meg out.
Seite 72. Hot Whiskey Sling.
One lump of sugar in a hot-drink glass half-full
boiling water, add one jigger of whiskey, a small
piece lemon-peel; mix and grate a little nutmeg
on top.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 88. Irish Punch.
Fill a mixing-glass half-full of fine ice, add one
tablespoonful fine sugar, a little water, the juice
of half a lemon, one jigger Irish whiskey; mix
well, strain into a fancy bar-glass, trim with fruit,
or leave on ice, and serve with straws.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 88. Jamaica Rum Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Irish Punch,
substituting Jamaica rum for Irish whiskey.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 90. Medford Rum Punch.
Dissolve a tablespoonful fine sugar with a little
water in a mixing-glass, add the juice of half a
lemon, fill the glass half-full fine ice, acld one jig-
ger Medford rum; mix well, strain into fancy
bar-glass, and trim with fruit, or leave on ice and
serve straws.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 94. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Prepare in the same manner as Brandy Punch,
substituting Scotch whiskey for brandy.
Seite 82. Brandy Punch.
A mixing-glass half-full fine ice, add one table-
spoonful fine sugar, the juice of half a lemon, one
jigger brandy; shake well, serve on ice in long
thin glass, trim with fruit. Serve with straws.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 95. St. Croix Rum Punch.
One tablespoonful fine sugar dissolved with a
little water in a mixing-glass, add the juice of half
a lemon, one jigger of St. Croix rum, fill the glass
with fine ice; mix well. Serve on ice with straws
or strain, trim with fruit.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 96. Whiskey Punch (Plain).
Fill a mixing-glass half-full fine ice, add one
tablespoonful fine sugar, the juice of half a lemon,
one jigger whiskey; mix well. Serve in long
thin glass, trim with fruit. Sip with straws.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 97. Whiskey Punch (Strained).
Prepare same as Plain Whiskey Punch, but
strain into a fancy bar-glass before trimming with
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 40. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Use a hot water goblet.
2 lumps of loaf sugar.
2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice.
3/4 glass of boiling water.
Dissolve the sugar.
1 drink of whiskey.
Add a slice of lemon and serve.
(This drink may be made of al-
most any kind of liquor desired).
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 47. Whiskey Punch.
Use a punch glass (goblet).
3 or 4 dashes of gum syrup.
2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice.
1 large drink of whiskey.
Fill the glass with fine ice.
Stir, dress with fruit and serve
with straws.
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 48. Rum Punch.
Prepare this drink the same as
Whiskey Punch, using rum instead
of whiskey.
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 112. Irish Whiskey Punch.
(Two Quarts)
Rub the rind of three lemons with
nutmeg grater, in seven ounces of
sugar; add one quart of boiling wa-
ter; add the juice of the three
lemons; this syrup is mixed with one
quart of Irish whiskey; serve in
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 135. Rum Punch.
(Three Gallon Mixture)
Use a four-gallon vessel to mix in.
1 mixing glassfull lemon juice,
3 pounds fine sugar, dissolved
with lemon.
3 quarts Tokay wine (white).
1 quart brandy or whiskey
1 quart Jamaica rum.
1/2 pint Maraschino.
1/2 pint abricotine.
6 oranges and 3 lemons, sliced.
6 quarts Apollinaris or car-
bonated water.
Stir well; place block of ice in
punch bowl, serve in small punch
glasses with fruit.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 14. Whisky Punch.
Juice from 1/2 a lemon or lime
1 tablespoon powdered sugar
1 jigger whisky
Small quantity shaved ice
Shake well and strain into a fine thin glass,
add a piece of pineapple and a slice of
orange and serve.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 15. Rum Punch.
Same as whisky punch, except to use rum
in place of whisky.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 15. Scotch Whisky Punch.
Same as whisky punch, except to use
Scotch whisky.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 15. Irish Whisky Punch.
Same as whisky punch, except to use Irish
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 26. Hot Whisky Punch.
Use hot whisky glass.
Dissolve one and one-half lumps of sugar in
a little water, add one jigger of whisky.
Squeeze a quarter of a lemon and fill with
hot water.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 26. Hot Scotch Punch.
Same as whisky punch, except use Scotch
whisky in place of rye.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 26. Hot Irish Punch.
Same as whisky punch, except use Irish
whisky in place of rye.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 26. Hot Rum Punch.
Same as whisky punch, except use rum in
place of whisky.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 38. Rum Punch.
Use large punch bowl, into which dissolve
5 pounds of sugar, then add
2 quarts lemon juice
5 quarts sauterne
2 1/2 quarts rum
1 quart apple brandy
1 pint brandy
8 quarts apollinaris
1 large piece of ice
Stir well and serve in small glass cups.
This may also be frapped by putting it into
a large ice cream freezer and freezing it soft.
The above will serve one hundred people.
1909 Jorge Casparò: Guia practica del cantinero. Seite 60. Whiskey-punch.
(Usese vaso mediano).
Una cucharada de azúcar, dos chorros de
limón, una copa de Whiskey, un pedazo de
hielo; llénese el vaso de agua de seltz, adór-
nese y sírvase con sorbete.
1909 Jorge Casparò: Guia practica del cantinero. Seite 60. Rhum-punch.
Igual al anterior, sirviendo Rhum en lugar
de Whiskey.
1909 Jorge Casparò: Guia practica del cantinero. Seite 65. Hot-Rhum-Punch.
Igual al número 89, sirviendo Rhum en lu-
gar de Whiskey, y un chorro de cognac en
lugar de Rhum.
Seite 65. Núm. 89. Hot Whiskey.
(Whiskey caliente).
Usese vaso apropiado, póngase siempre pa-
ra las bebidas calientes, una cuchara en el
vaso antes de servir el líquido, un terrón de
azúcar y chorro de agua caliente, para disol-
verlo agréguesele un vasito de whiskey ameri-
cano, dos chorros de Rhum, una rebanada de
limón y un chorro de zumo de lo mismo; llé-
nese el vaso con agua también caliente, á la
cual habrá de agregársele un trozo de canela
y una cáscara de naranja, adórnese con nuez
moscada molida, y sírvase con la misma cu-
1910 Anonymus: 101 Drinks and How to Mix Them. Rye Whiskey Punch.
Grab a beaker of this when someone starts a
story you’ve heard several times before. One
of three happy results is sure to ensue: (1)
It will sound like a new story, (2) It will seem
funnier than ever before. (3) You won’t care
Shaker three-quarters One-half wine glass water
full shaved ice One wine glass Rye
Two heaping teaspoons – – Shake: strain into punch
ful powdered sugar glass. Decorate with
Juice of one-quarter fruit and serve
1910 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 176. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass.
Three-quarter tablespoonful of sugar; dissolve
Two or three dashes lemon juice.
Fill glass with fine ice.
One and one-half glass Medford rum.
One dash Jamaica rum.
Stir well with spoon. Dress with fruits in sea-
son, and serve with straws.
1910 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 176. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass.
One tablespoonful powdered sugar, dissolved in a
little water.
Juice of one-half small lemon.
One and one-half wine-glass whiskey.
Fill glass with shaved ice, shake well; dress with
lemon and berries, and serve with straws.
1910 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 177. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass — warm.
Two wine-glasses boiling water.
Two lumps loaf sugar.
One wine-glass Scotch whiskey.
Dissolve the sugar with one wine-glass of the
water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance of
the water, and add a thin slice of lemon. Rinse
glass in warm water before using.
1910 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 179. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass.
One wine-glass best Irish whiskey.
Two wine-glasses boiling water.
Two lumps loaf sugar.
Dissolve the sugar well with one wine glass of
the water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance
of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind
or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass rinse
it in hot water.
1910 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 182. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass.
One tablespoonful powdered white sugar, dis-
solved in a little water.
One wine-glass Santa Cruz rum.
One-quarter wine-glass Jamaica rum.
Two or three dashes lemon juice.
One slice of orange (cut in quarters).
Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and
dress the top with sliced lime and berries in season.
Serve with a straw.
1910 E. Moreno: Manual del cantinero. Seite 65. Ponche de ron.
Echese en una ponchera lo siguiente:
Ron añejo Santa Cruz . . . . 1/2 botella
Ron añejo Jamaica . . . . 1/2 botella
Dos botellas y media de agua.
Agréguese azúcar y jugo de limón según el gusto
y ofrézcase la bebida en vasos adecuados.
1910 E. Moreno: Manual del cantinero. Seite 66. Ponche de ron Medford y Jamaica.
En un vaso grande échese cuanto sigue:
Jarabe natural . . . . 1 cucharadita
Ron Medford . . . . 1 copa y media
Ron Jamaica . . . . 1 copita
Jugo de limón . . . . 3 gotas
Divídase una rebanada de naranja en cuatro partes
y añádanse estos pedazos á la mezcla. Llénese de
hielo el vaso, mézclese bien y ofrézcase la bebida con
una cañita de paja.
1910 E. Moreno: Manual del cantinero. Seite 66. Ponche de ron Santa Cruz.
En un vaso grande échese lo siguiente:
Jarabe natural . . . . 1 cucharada
Ron Santa Cruz . . . 1 copa
Ron Jamaica . . . . 1/4 de copa
Jugo de limón . . . . 3 gotas
Añádase una rebanada de naranja; llénese de hielo
desmenuzado el vaso; mézclese bien el contenido; a-
dórnese con cerezas y ofrézcase la bebida.
1910 E. Moreno: Manual del cantinero. Seite 69. Ponche de whiskey caliente.
En un vaso mediano échese lo siguiente:
Azúcar, según el gusto, disuelto en una co-
pita de agua hirviendo
Whiskey escocés ó irlandés . . 1 copa
Agua hirviendo . . . . . 1 copita
Añádase una rebanadita de limón y al tiempo de
ofrecer la bebida métase la copa en agua hirviendo.
1910 E. Moreno: Manual del cantinero. Seite 69. Ponche de whiskey frio.
En un vaso grande échese lo siguiente:
Jarabe natural . . . . . . 1 cucharada
Todo el jugo de medio limoncito
Whiskey irlandés ó escocés . . 1 copa y media
Llénese de hielo desmenuzado el vaso; mézclese
bien el contenido y, después de haberlo adornado con
dos rebanaditas de limón, ofrézcase la bebida con
una cañita de paja.
1910 E. Moreno: Manual del cantinero. Seite 69. Ponche de whiskey irlandes.
Después de haber disuelto un poco de azúcar cande
en una copita de agua caliente, échese ésta en un
vaso mediano y añádase lo siguiente:
Whiskey Iidandés . . . 1 copa
Agua caliente . . . . 1 copita
Agréguese un pedacito de corteza de limón y ofréz-
case la bebida en una copa, después de haber intro-
ducido ésta en agua hirviendo.
1910 J. Rey: Guide du Maître d’Hôtel. Seite 270. Punch chaud ordinaire.
(Proportions pour douze
personnes.) Mettez dans un bol à punch: 250
grammes de sucre en morceaux: le jus d’un gros
citron: 1 litre de thé (infusion) bien chaud et fort;
remuez bien pour dissoudre le sucre; ajoutez
1/4 litre de bon rhum et autant de cognac: puis
l’enflammez (avec une allumette en bois) et laissez-
le brûler jusqu’à la fin; mélangez-le bien et
servez-le chaud avec une rondelle de citron dans
chaque verre.
1910 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 49. Hot Irish Punch.
2 lumps of sugar
Juice of 1/2 lemon
Dissolve in a little hot water
100% Irish whiskey
Fill glass with hot water.
Stir well, place slice of lemon on top, grate nutmeg and
1910 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 56. Medford Rum Punch.
1 teaspoonful sugar
Juice of 1/2 lemon
Dissolve in little water
100% Medford rum
1/2 glass cracked ice.
Stir with spoon, dress with fruits in season and serve
with straws.
1910 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 72. St. Croix Rum Punch.
1 tablespoonful sugar
Juice 1 lemon
75% St. Croix rum
25% Jamaica rum
Fill glass with cracked ice.
Stir with spoon, ornament with fruits in season and serve
with straws.
1910 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 81. Whiskey Punch.
(Use large bar glass half full of ice.)
1 teaspoonful sugar
4 or 5 dashes lemon juice
100% whiskey and rum mixed
1 dash Angostura bitters.
Shake well, strain into punch glass, with slice of orange,
3 or 4 dashes of Curaçao on top, with seltzer and serve.
1910 Raymond E. Sullivan: The Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 12. Scotch Punch.
Use large glass.
One dash orange juice,
Juice one-half lemon,
One large spoonful sugar,
One and one-half jigger Scotch Whiskey.
Fill with ice and shake well. Serve with fruit.
1910 Raymond E. Sullivan: The Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 13. Whiskey Punch.
Use large glass.
Juice of one small lemon,
Juice of one-half orange,
One large spoonful of sugar,
One and one-half jigger Wilson Whiskey.
Fill the glass with ice and serve with fruit in
1910 Raymond E. Sullivan: The Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 15. Irish Whiskey Punch.
Use large glass.
Two lumps of sugar,
Juice of one-half lemon,
One wine glass of Irish Whiskey.
Add crushed ice, shake well and serve with
fruit in season.
1910 Raymond E. Sullivan: The Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 15. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Same as above, only add hot water, and put in
a slice of lemon instead of other fruits.
1910 Raymond E. Sullivan: The Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 19. Hot Rum Punch.
Use small glass.
Juice one-half lemon,
One and one-half teaspoonfuls sugar,
One and one-half jiggers Jamaica Rum.
Fill with hot water.
Stir and serve.
1911 George R. Washburne & Stanley Bronner: Beverages De Luxe. Whisky Punch.
One portion whisky.
Juice of one lemon.
One pony Curacoa.
One dash St. Croix Rum.
Shake well, and serve in small gob-
let with a slice of Orange and Pine-
1912 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 30. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Use hot water punch glass.
Rinse glass in hot water and then put in
2 lumps of sugar and enough hot water to
dissolve them.
1 piece lemon peel.
3 or 4 dashes of lemon juice.
1 jigger of whiskey.
Fill up with hot water, stir with spoon,
grate nutmeg on top, and serve.
1912 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 30. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Prepare the same as hot whiskey punch,
using Scotch whiskey instead.
1912 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 30. Hot Irish Punch.
Prepare the same as above, using Irish
whiskey instead.
1912 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 30. Hot Rum Punch.
Prepare the same as whiskey punch, sub-
stituting rum for whiskey.
1912 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 50. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass half full of ice.
1 tablespoon sugar.
3 or 4 dashes of lemon juice.
1 dash of mineral water.
1 dash of Jamaica rum.
1 dash Dr. Siegert’s Genuine Angostura
1 jigger of St. Croix rum.
1 slice of lemon.
Stir well, fill up with ice, trim with fruit,
serve with straw.
1912 Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 55. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass half full of ice.
1 teaspoon sugar.
4 or 5 dashes lemon juice.
1 jigger whiskey and rum mixed.
1 dash Dr. Siegert’s Genuine Angostura
Shake well; strain into punch glass, with
slice of orange; 3 or 4 dashes of Curaçao on
top, with seltzer, and serve.
1912 Anonymus: Wehman Bros.‘ Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 51. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(Use a hot water glass.)
One or two lumps of sugar.
One or two dashes of lemon juice,
One wine-glass of Irish whiskey,
Fill up with hot water; stir well. Place a slice of lemon
on top, grate a little nutmeg and serve.
1912 Anonymus: Wehman Bros.‘ Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 51. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.)
Fill glass with fine ice,
Three-quarters tablespoon of sugar,
Two or three dashes of lemon juice,
One and one-quarter glasses of Medford rum,
One dash of Jamaica rum.
Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with a straw.
1912 Anonymus: Wehman Bros.‘ Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 55. Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.)
One tablespoonful of sugar,
Three or four dashes of lemon juice,
One-quarter pony of Jamaica rum,
One wine-glass of St. Croix or Santa Cruz rum,
One slice of orange cut in quarters.
Fill up with fine ice. Dress top with fruit and berries.
Serve with a straw.
1912 Anonymus: Wehman Bros.‘ Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 56. Hot Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.)
Same as Irish Whiskey, Hot, substituting rum for Irish
1912 Anonymus: Wehman Bros.‘ Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 58. Whiskey Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.)
One tablespoonful of powdered white sugar, dissolved
in a Iittle water;
Juice of half a small lemon.
One and one-half wine-glasses of Irish or Scotch
Fill the glass with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top
with two thin slices of lemon, and berries in season. Serve
with a straw.
1912 Anonymus: Wehman Bros.‘ Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 58. Hot Whiskey Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.)
Same as Irish Whiskey, Hot, substituting rye or bour-
bon for Irish whlskey.
1912 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 176. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass.
Three-quarter tablespoonful of sugar: dissolve
Two or three dashes lemon juice.
Fill glass with fine ice.
One and one-half glass Medford rum.
One dash Jamaica rum.
Stir well with spoon. Dress with fruits in sea-
son, and serve with straws.
1912 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 176. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass.
One tablespoonful powdered sugar, dissolved in a
little water.
Juice of one-half small lemon.
One and one-half wine-glass whiskey.
Fill glass with shaved ice, shake well; dress with
lemon and berries, and serve with straws.
1912 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 177. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass — warm.
Two wine-glasses boiling water.
Two lumps loaf sugar.
One wine-glass Scotch whiskey.
Dissolve the sugar with one wine-glass of the
water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance of
the water, and add a thin slice of lemon. Rinse
glass in warm water before using.
1912 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 179. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Use medium bar glass.
One wine-glass best Irish whiskey.
Two wine-glasses boiling water.
Two lumps loaf sugar.
Dissolve the sugar well with one wine glass of
the water, then pour in the whiskey; add the balance
of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind
or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass rinse
it in hot water.
1912 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 182. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass.
One tablespoonful powdered white sugar, dis-
solved in a little water.
One wine-glass Santa Cruz rum.
One-quarter wine-glass Jamaica rum.
Two or three dashes lemon juice.
One slice of orange (cut in quarters).
Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and
dress the top with sliced lime and berries in season.
Serve with a straw.
1912 E.J.M.: The Great American Cocktail. Seite 31. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Use a large glass Fill with
The juice of one Lemon Shaved ice,
Add a little Apollinaris Mix well and
And dissolve well Ornament with
One half wine glass St. Croix Rum Fruits.
Serve in
Glass cup
1912 Ignacio Doménech: El arte del cocktelero europeo. Seite 114. Hot-Irish-Punch.
Prepárese en una copa de cristal. Se ponen dos
terroqes de azúcar; una cucharada de las de café
de jugo de limón; una copa de la s que se bebe el
vino Madera, de Irish-whisky. Llenar lo que falte
de la copa con agua hirviendo. Mézclese bien, y
sírvase con un poco de nuez moscada y una roda-
ja de limón.
Servirlo con cucharilla de las de café.
1912 Ignacio Doménech: El arte del cocktelero europeo. Seite 121. Rhum-Punch.
Prepárese en una copa de cristal ó en una pon-
chera pequeña, una cucharada pequeña de azúcar
disuelta con un poco de agua. Añadir una pequeña
cucharada de jugo de limón, copa y media de las
que se bebe el vino jerez ó el Madera, de ron de
la Negrita. Llénese con hielo picado y algunas
frutas del tiempo picadas.
Sirvase con pajas.
1912 John H. Considine: The Buffet Blue Book. #109. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Use hot water punch glass. Rinse glass
in hot water and then put in 2 lumps of
sugar and enough hot water to dissolve
them, 1 piece lemon peel, 3 or 4 dashes of
lemon juice, 1 jigger of whiskey. Fill up
with hot water, stir with spoon, grate nut-
meg on top and serve.
1912 John H. Considine: The Buffet Blue Book. #110. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Prepare the same as hot whiskey punch,
using Scotch whiskey instead.
1912 John H. Considine: The Buffet Blue Book. #111. Hot Irish Punch.
Prepare the same as above, using Irish
whiskey instead.
1912 John H. Considine: The Buffet Blue Book. #112. Hot Rum Punch.
Prepare the same as whiskey punch, sub-
stituting rum instead of whiskey.
1912 John H. Considine: The Buffet Blue Book. #197. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass half full of ice; 1
tablespoon sugar, 3 or 4 dashes of lemon
juice, 1 dash of mineral water, 1 dash Ja-
maica rum, 1 jigger St. Croix rum, 1 slice
of lemon. Stir well, fill up with ice, trim
with fruit, serve with straw.
1912 John H. Considine: The Buffet Blue Book. #238. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass half full of ice; 1
teaspoonful sugar, 4 or 5 dashes of lemon
juice, 1 jigger whiskey and rum mixed.
Shake well; strain into punch glass, with
slice of orange; 3 or 4 dashes of curacoa
on top, with seltzer, and serve.
1912 Niels Larsen: 156 Recettes de boissons américaines. Seite 64. Hot Irish Punch.
[A préparer dans un verre à grog.]
2 morceaux de sucre. Ajoutez:
1 cuiller à café de jus de citron;
1 verre à madère d’irish whisky;
Remplissez d ‚eau bouillante.
Mélangez bien et ornez d’une tranche de citron.
Râpez un peu de muscade et:
Servez avec une cuiller à café.
1912 Niels Larsen: 156 Recettes de boissons américaines. Seite 66. Rhum Punch.
[A préparer dans un grand gobelet.]
3/4 cuiller à bouche de sucre en poudre dissous
dans un peu d’eau. Ajoutez:
1/2 cuiller à café de jus de citron;
1 verre 1/2 à madère de rhum.
Remplissez de glace pilée.
Mélangez bien, ornez de fruits et servez avec
de grandes pailles.
1912 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 45. Whiskey Punch, Hot.
Dissolve a cube of sugar in a hot-water glass two-thirds full of boiling
water, pour in enough of the desired brand of whiskey to nearly fill the glass
and add a few drops of lemon juice, a slice of lemon and some spice.
1912 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 82. Rum Punch.
See St. Croix Punch (Recipe No. 360), and use the desired brand of rum
in place of St. Croix.
1912 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 83. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Into a punch-glass place a jigger of St. Croix rum and a piece of ice.
Then place a spoonful of sugar and the juice of two lemons in a medium-size
mixing-glass and dissolve in a little plain soda. (A dash of Curaçoa is some-
times added.) Pour into the punch-glass containing the rum and ice, stir,
decorate and serve.
1912 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them. Seite 83. Whiskey Punch.
Make the same as Brandy Punch, with whiskey substituted for cognac.
(See Recipes Nos. 331 and 332.)
Seite 77. Brandy Punch.
Into an egg-shaped goblet place a piece of ice, over which pour a jigger
of cognac. Then take a small mixing-glass, into which place a large spoonful
of bar sugar, the juice of two lemons, a dash of Curaçoa and a little water
or seltzer. Stir thoroughly, pour into the stem glass containing the ice and
liquor, add a little fruit and serve. Top off with a dash of Jamaica rum or
a little champagne.
Seite 77. Brandy Punch.
Into a large punch-bowl place about a pound of sugar, three jiggers of
Curaçoa, one jigger of maraschino and the juice of twenty lemons. Pour in
just enough effervescent water to make the mixture dissolve, add a bottle
and a half of good cognac and flavor with a wineglassful of Jamaica rum.
Should the party be composed of any ladies, in place of rum flavor a pint
of champagne would be preferable. Place a large piece of ice in the bowl
and decorate with fruits.
1913 Bartender’s Association of America: Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 31. Hot Irish Punch.
(A hot water glass.) 1 or 2
lumps of sugar; 1 or 2 dashes of lemon juice; 1
wineglass of Irish whisky; fill up with hot water.
Stir well; place a slice of lemon on top; grate a
little nutmeg.
1913 Bartender’s Association of America: Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 32. Hot Whisky Punch.
(A hot whisky glass.) The
juice of 1/2 lemon; 1 or 2 lumps of sugar, dissolved
in 1 wineglass of hot water; 2 wineglasses of Scotch
or Irish whisky; fill glass with boiling water and
place on top a thin slice of lemon or a piece of the
peel. Some grate a little nutmeg on top. Always
place ice before the person, and allow a spoon to
remain in the drink, in order that the partaker of
the beverage can help himself to ice should the mix
ture he too hot for him.
1913 Bartender’s Association of America: Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 34. Medford Rum Punch.
(A large bar glass.) Fill
glass with fine ice; 3/4 tablespoon of sugar; 2 or 3
dashes of lemon juice; 1/4 glass of Medford rum;
1 dash of Jamaica rum. Stir well. Dress with
fruits. Serve with a straw.
1913 Bartender’s Association of America: Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 41. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.)
1 tablespoonful powdered white sugar, dissolved in
a little water; 1 wineglass Santa Cruz rum; 1/4 wine-
glass Jamaica rum; 2 or 3 dashes lemon juice; 1
slice of orange (cut in quarters). Fill the tumbler
with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top with
sliced lime and berries in season. Serve with a
1913 Bartender’s Association of America: Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 44. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(A large bar glass.) 1
tablespoon of sugar; 3 or 4 dashes of lemon juice;
1/4 pony of Jamaica rum; 1 wineglass of St. Croix
rum; fill up with fine ice. Dress top with fruit
and berries. Serve with a straw.
1913 Bartender’s Association of America: Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 46. Whisky Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) 1 table-
spoonful powdered sugar, dissolved in a little water;
juice of 1/2 small lemon; 1 1/2 wineglass whisky. Fill
glass with shaved ice, shake well; dress with lem-
on and berries, and serve with straws.
1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 47. Rum-Punsch, heiss.
Wie Arrak-Punsch. Gebrauche statt Arrak Jamaika-Rum oder fertige
Rumpunsch-Essenz, abbrennen.
Seite 47. Arrak-Punsch, heiß, I.
Ein angewärmtes Punschglas fülle man 3/4 voll mit sehr heißem
Wasser, darauf gieße man es voll mit fertiger Arrakpunsch-Essenz, gebe
eine Scheibe Zitrone hinein, einige Tropfen Arrak de Batavia und zünde
denselben an.
Seite 47. Arrak-Punsch, II.
In ein angewärmtes Punschglas gebe man 2 Stück Würfelzucker,
1 Scheibe Zitrone und einige Tropfen Zitronensaft. Darauf fülle man es
3/4 voll mit sehr heißem Wasser und gieße es voll mit Arrak de Batavia,
1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 48. Whisky-Punsch, heiss.
In ein angewärmtes Punschglas gebe man 2 Stück Würfelzucker,
1 Scheibe Zitrone und einige Tropfen Zitronensaft. Fülle das Glas 3/4
voll mit recht heißem Wasser, dann gieße es voll mit Whisky, serviere
mit Löffel.
1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 84. Rum-Punsch.
In ein Punschglas gebe man 3/4 Eßlöffel Zucker, den Saft aus
1/2 Zitrone, löse dieses mit etwas Selterswasser auf, fülle das Glas 3/4 voll
mit feinem Eis, alsdann füge man hinzu:
1/2 Likörglas Jamaika-Rum,
1 Sherryglas St. Croix-Rum.
Man mische mit einem Barlöffel, garniere in geschmackvoller Weise mit
verschiedenen Früchten und serviere mit Strohhalmen.
1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 89. Whisky-Punsch.
Wie Brandy-Punsch. Man nehme amerikanischen Whisky statt
Seite 89. Brandy-Punsch.
In ein Punschglas gib:
1 Eßlöffel Zucker,
2 Dashes Curaçao,
den Saft von 1/2 Zitrone.
Löse dieses mit etwas Selterswasser auf. Alsdann fülle das Glas beinahe
voll mit feinem Eis und gieße es voll mit gutem Cognac. Mische mit
einem Barlöffel, gieße einige Tropfen Jamaika-Rum darauf, garniere mit
verschiedenen Früchten und serviere mit Strohhalmen.
1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 92. Rum-Punsch (englisch.).
(Gebrauche eine Bowle)
In eine Kupferkasserolle gieße man 2 Flaschen englischen Ale,
setze es aufs Feuer, lasse es heiß werden und füge 1/4 Liter englischen
Rum hinzu. Mittlerweile schlage man 4 Eier dünnflüssig, gebe 3 Eßlöffel
Zucker und etwas Muskat hinzu, verrühre alles tüchtig mit dem
Schneeschläger. Hierauf gieße man unter fortwährendem Rühren das
heiße Ale zu den Eiern.
1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 97. Rum-Punsch.
(Gebrauche eine Bowle.)
1 Liter Cognac,
1 „ Rum,
1/2 „ starken Tee,
1 kleines Weinglas Arrak,
den filtrierten Saft von 6 Zitronen,
die Rinde von 2 Zitronen,
10 Nelken, etwas Zimt, Koriander-Samen, Muskatnuß,
2 Pfund dünn geschnittene Ananas,
2 „ ganzen Zucker,
2 Liter kochendes Wasser.
Alles gut umrühren, die Bowle gut verschließen und 1 bis 2 Tage stehen
lassen. Dann durch ein feines Sieb laufen lassen und sehr kalt servieren.
Sie kann noch mit Wasser, Tee oder Milch verdünnt werden.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 70. English Rum-Punch.
1/4 Ale lasse man mit 2 Likörgläsern
Rum heiß werden. Ein Ei schlage man mit einem
Eßlöffel Staubzucker und etwas Muskatnuß dünnflüssig
und gieße das heiße Ale unter fortwährendem Rühren
dazu und serviere in einem Punschglas.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 70. Engl. Rum-Punsch.
In eine Kasserolle gebe 2 Fl. Ale,
setze aufs Feuer, lasse heiß werden und füge 1/4 Ltr.
englischen Rum hinzu. Inzwischen schlage 4 Eier dünn-
flüssig, gebe 3 Eßlöffel Zucker und etwas Muskat hinzu
und schlage alles tüchtig mit dem Schneeschläger. Hier-
auf gieße man unter beständigem Rühren das heiße Ale
zu den Eiern.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 209. Rum-Punsch II.
Fülle Punschglas halb mit Eis, füge hinzu:
1 Teelöffel Zucker, 4 Spritzer Citronensaft, 1 Likörglas
Jamaica-Rum, 2 Likörgläser Santa-Cruz-Rum und gar-
niere geschmackvoll mit diversen Saisonfrüchten.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 209. Rum-Punsch III.
In eine Punschbowle gebe: den Saft von
10 Citronen, 3 Pfd. Staubzucker, 3 Ltr. Tockayer, 1
Ltr. Cognac, 1 Ltr. Jamaica-Rum, 1/4 Ltr. Maraschino,
1/4 Ltr. Abricotine, 6 Orangen und 3 Citronen in Schei-
ben geschnitten, 6 El. Apollinaris, diverse geschnittene
Früchte, rühren und kalt servieren.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 209. Rum-Punsch IV.
Wie Brandy-Punsch, gebrauche Rum
statt Cognac.
Seite 30. Brandy Punch.
Brandy-Punsch I. In ein angewärmtes Punschglas gib:
3 Stck. Würfelzucker, den Saft einer halben Citrone,
4 Likörgläser Cognac, fülle auf mit heißem Wasser und
gebe eine Citronenscheibe hinein.
Brandy-Punsch II. In eine große Punschbowle gib: 1 Pfd.
Zucker, 1/4 Ltr. Curacao, 1 Cocktailglas Maraschino,
6 Citronen, in Scheiben geschnitten, ein wenig Selter-
wasser zum Auflösen. Dann füge hinzu: 2 Fl. Cognac,
sowie ein Weinglas Rum, rühre gut und serviere sehr
Brandy-Punsch III. In eine Punschbowle gib: den Saft
von 12 Citronen, den Saft von 3 Orangen, 1 1/2 Pfd.
Zucker, 1 Cocktailglas Curacao, 1 Cocktailglas Himbeer-
sirup, 1 Ltr. Wasser, 2 Ltr. Cognac, diverse geschnit-
tene Früchte, rühre, serviere kalt.
Brandy-Punsch IV. Punschglas halb voll Eis, füge hinzu:
2 Spritzer Angostura, 1 Teelöffel Zucker, den Saft einer
halben Citrone, 3 Spritzer Curacao, 3 Spritzer Noyeau,
fülle auf mit Cognac und garniere mit Saisonfrüchten.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 209. Rum-Punsch V.
Den Saft von 6 Citronen, 6 Fl. Haut
Sauterne, 2 Fl. Rotwein, 1 Fl. Jamaica-Rum, gieße man
in eine Punschbowle, 1 1/2 Pfd. Zucker wird geläutert.
Sobald der Zucker kocht, gibt man von der Weinmasse
einige Löffel hinzu, läßt es noch einmal aufwallen und
gießt dann das Ganze in die Weinmasse, stelle kalt,
serviere in mit Eis gefüllten Gläsern.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 245. Whisky-Punch I.
Wie Brandy-Punch, gebrauche Whisky
statt Cognac.
Seite 30. Brandy Punch.
Brandy-Punsch I. In ein angewärmtes Punschglas gib:
3 Stck. Würfelzucker, den Saft einer halben Citrone,
4 Likörgläser Cognac, fülle auf mit heißem Wasser und
gebe eine Citronenscheibe hinein.
Brandy-Punsch II. In eine große Punschbowle gib: 1 Pfd.
Zucker, 1/4 Ltr. Curacao, 1 Cocktailglas Maraschino,
6 Citronen, in Scheiben geschnitten, ein wenig Selter-
wasser zum Auflösen. Dann füge hinzu: 2 Fl. Cognac,
sowie ein Weinglas Rum, rühre gut und serviere sehr
Brandy-Punsch III. In eine Punschbowle gib: den Saft
von 12 Citronen, den Saft von 3 Orangen, 1 1/2 Pfd.
Zucker, 1 Cocktailglas Curacao, 1 Cocktailglas Himbeer-
sirup, 1 Ltr. Wasser, 2 Ltr. Cognac, diverse geschnit-
tene Früchte, rühre, serviere kalt.
Brandy-Punsch IV. Punschglas halb voll Eis, füge hinzu:
2 Spritzer Angostura, 1 Teelöffel Zucker, den Saft einer
halben Citrone, 3 Spritzer Curacao, 3 Spritzer Noyeau,
fülle auf mit Cognac und garniere mit Saisonfrüchten.
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 245. Whisky-Punch II.
Fülle Punschglas halb mit Eis, füge
hinzu: 1 Teelöffel Zucker, 4 Spritzer Citronensaft, 2 Sprit-
zer Curacao, 1 Spritzer Noyaux, fülle auf mit Rye-
Whisky und garniere geschmackvoll mit Saisonfrüchten.
1913 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartender’s Guide. Seite 27. Hot Irish Punch.
Dissolve 1 lump of sugar with a little hot water in
hot whiskey punch-glass.
1 jigger Irish whiskey.
Fill up with hot water.
Twist a piece of lemon skin over drink and drop
it in.
Stir; sprinkle with nutmeg and serve.
1913 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartender’s Guide. Seite 27. Hot Rum Punch.
Substitute rum for Irish whiskey and proceed as
for Hot Irish Punch.
1913 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartender’s Guide. Seite 28. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Substitute Rye or Bourbon for Irish whiskey and
proceed as for Hot Irish Punch.
1913 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartender’s Guide. Seite 29. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Fill large bar glass nearly full shaved ice.
1 tablespoonful bar sugar.
4 dashes lemon juice.
3 dashes Jamaica rum.
1 jigger St. Croix rum.
Dress with berries and fruit and serve with
1913 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartender’s Guide. Seite 29. Whiskey Punch.
Fill mixing glass shaved ice.
1 tablespoonful sugar.
Press into sugar juice of 1/4 lemon.
1 jigger water.
1 jigger whiskey.
Shake; strain into punch glass; ornament with
fruit and serve.
1913 Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixed Drinks. Seite 108. Bourbon or Rye Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon.
1 Small Barspoonful Sugar.
1 Jigger Bourbon or Rye.
Shake. strain into Goblet with fine Ice.
Dress with Fruit and serve.
1913 Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixed Drinks. Seite 113. Irish Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon.
1 Barspoonful Sugar.
1 Jigger Irish Whiskey.
Shake and strain into Goblet with fine
Ice. Dress with Fruits in season.
1913 Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixed Drinks. Seite 115. Rum Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon or Lime.
1 Barspoonful Sugar.
1 Jigger Rum.
1 Dash Brandy.
Shake, strain into Goblet and dress with
1913 Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixed Drinks. Seite 115. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon.
1 Barspoonful of Sugar.
1 Jigger Scotch Whiskey.
Shake and strain into Goblet.
Dress with Fruit.
1913 Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixed Drinks. Seite 118. Whiskey Punch (Old Fashion).
1 Quart.
1 Quart Bourbon Whiskey.
3 Jiggers of Lemon Juice.
2 Jiggers of Curacao.
1/2 Pint Plain Water or Sparkling.
1 Jigger Plain Syrup.
1 Long Cube Ice.
3 or 4 Slices of Cucumber Rind.
Decorate with Fruit and Mint.
1914 Anonymus: New Bartender’s Guide. Seite 31. Hot Irish Punch.
One lump of sugar dissolved in a little hot
water in a hot punch-glass.
One wine-glass of Irish whiskey.
One piece of lemon peel.
Fill up with hot water; stir; grate nutmeg on
top and serve.
1914 Anonymus: New Bartender’s Guide. Seite 32. Hot Rum Punch.
Made the same as Irish Whiskey, substituting
Jamaica rum for Irish whiskey.
1914 Anonymus: New Bartender’s Guide. Seite 33. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Same as Hot Irish Whiskey, substituting Rye
or Bourbon for Irish whiskey.
1914 Anonymus: New Bartender’s Guide. Seite 37. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar-glass.
Three-fourths full of shaved ice.
One wine-glass of Medford rum.
Three dashes of lemon juice.
One teaspoonful of fine sugar.
One dash of Jamaica rum.
Stir well; dress with fruit and serve with
1914 Anonymus: New Bartender’s Guide. Seite 49. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Use large bar-glass.
One tablespoonful of sugar.
One wine-glass of St. Croix rum.
One teaspoonful of raspberry syrup.
One-half wine-glass of Jamaica rum.
Fill with cracked ice; shake well; ornament
with fruit in season and serve with straws.
1914 Anonymus: New Bartender’s Guide. Seite 61. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar-glass.
One tablespoonful of lemon juice.
One wine-glass of whiskey.
One-fourth wine-glass of Jamaica rum.
One tablespoonful of sugar.
One-half wine-glass of water.
Five drops of raspberry syrup.
Fill glass with cracked ice. Shake well; dress
top with 1 slice of orange, 1 piece of pineapple
and serve with straws.
1914 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Them. Seite 39. Hot Irish Punch.
(A hot water glass.) 1 or 2 lumps of sugar;
1 or 2 dashes of lemon juice; 1 wineglass of Irish
whisky; fill up with hot water. Stir well; place
a slice of lemon on top; grate a little nutmeg.
1914 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Them. Seite 39. Hot Whiskey Punch.
(A hot whisky glass.) The juice of 1/2 lemon;
1 or 2 lumps of sugar, dissolved in 1 wineglass
of hot water; 2 wineglasses of Scotch or Irish
whisky; fill glass with boiling water and place
on top a thin slice of lemon or a piece of the peel.
Some grate a little nutmeg on top. Always place
ice before the person, and allow a spoon to remain
in the drink, in order that the partaker of the
beverage can help himself to ice should the mix
ture be too hot for him.
1914 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Them. Seite 43. Medford Rum Punch.
(A large bar glass.) Fill glass with fine ice;
3/4 tablespoon of sugar; 2 or 3 dashes of lemon
juice; 1 1/4 glasses of Medford rum; 1 dash of
Jamaica rum. Stir well. Dress with fruits.
Serve with a straw.
1914 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Them. Seite 52. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) 1 tablespoonful pow-
dered white sugar, dissolved in a little water; 1
wineglass Santa Cruz rum; 1/4 wineglass Jamaica
rum; 2 or 3 dashes lemon juice; 1 slice of orange
(cut in quarters). Fill the tumbler with shaved
ice, shake well, and dress the top with sliced lime
and berries in season. Serve with a straw.
1914 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Them. Seite 60. Whisky Punch.
(Use large bar glass.) 1 tablespoonful pow-
dered sugar, dissolved in a little water; juice of
1/2 small lemon, 1 1/2 wineglasses whisky. Fill
glass with shaved ice, shake well; dress with
lemon and berries, and serve with straws.
1914 Ernest P. Rawling: Rawling’s Book of Mixed Drinks. Seite 65. Rum Punch.
Made in the same manner as a whis-
key punch (No. 90) using Jamaica rum
in place of whiskey.
1914 Ernest P. Rawling: Rawling’s Book of Mixed Drinks. Seite 66. Whiskey Punch.
Put into a long-stemmed punch or
fizz glass
one piece of ice
one slice of orange
one Maraschino cherry
one measure whiskey.
Then in the mixing glass
one tablespoonful bar sugar
juice of one lemon
two or three lumps of ice;
add sufficient water to fill the punch
glass, and stir well. Strain off the ice
in the mixing glass when pouring, and
stir again before serving. If desired a
little Jamaica rum, white wine or cham-
pagne may be floated on top.
1914 Ernest P. Rawling: Rawling’s Book of Mixed Drinks. Seite 71. Hot Rum Punch.
Prepare as for a Hot Whiskey Punch
(No. 105) with sugar and water. Then
one tablespoonful Batavian arrack
one measure Jamaica run
one twist of lemon peel.
Serve with a little grated nutmeg. Add
a small lump of butter.
1914 Ernest P. Rawling: Rawling’s Book of Mixed Drinks. Seite 75. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Into a stem hot water glass put one
lump of sugar, and pour in hot water to
fill the glass about two-thirds. Stir
well and add
one measure whiskey
piece of twisted lemon peel;
stir again, and sprinkle a little nutmeg
on top.
1914 George R. Washburne & Stanley Bronner: Beverages De Luxe. Whisky Punch.
One portion whisky.
Juice of one lemon.
One pony Curacoa
One dash St. Croix Rum.
Shake well, and serve in small gob-
let with a slice of Orange and Pine-
1914 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 27. Hot Irish Punch.
Dissolve 1 lump of sugar with a little hot water in
hot whiskey punch-glass.
1 jigger Irish whiskey.
Fill up with hot water.
Twist a piece of lemon skin over drink and drop
it in.
Stir; sprinkle with nutmeg and serve.
1914 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 27. Hot Rum Punch.
Substitute rum for Irish whiskey and proceed as
for Hot Irish Punch.
1914 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 28. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Substitute Rye or Bourbon for Irish whiskey
proceed as for Hot Irish Punch.
1914 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 29. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Fill large bar-glass nearly full shaved ice.
1 tablespoonful bar sugar.
4 dashes lemon juice.
3 dashes Jamaica rum
1 jigger St. Croix rum
Dress with berries and fruit and serve with
1914 Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 29. Whiskey Punch.
Fill mixing glass shaved ice.
1 tablespoonfull sugar.
Press into sugar juice of 1/4 lemon.
1 jigger water.
1 jigger whiskey.
Shake; strain into punch glass; ornament with
fruit and serve.
1914 Jacques Straub: Drinks. Seite 82. Bourbon Whiskey Punch, Rye Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 a lemon.
1 small barspoonful sugar.
1 jigger bourbon or rye, as desired.
Shake, strain into goblet with fine ice.
Dress with fruit and serve.
1914 Jacques Straub: Drinks. Seite 86. Irish Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon.
1 barspoonful sugar.
1 jigger Irish whiskey.
Shake and strain into goblet with fine ice. Dress
with fruit in season.
1914 Jacques Straub: Drinks. Seite 88. Rum Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon or lime.
1 barspoonful sugar.
1 jigger rum.
1 dash brandy.
Shake, strain into goblet and dress with fruit.
1914 Jacques Straub: Drinks. Seite 89. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon.
1 barspoonful of sugar.
1 jigger Scotch whiskey.
Shake and strain into goblet. Dress with fruit.
1914 Jacques Straub: Drinks. Seite 90. Whiskey Punch (Old Fashion).
1 quart bourbon whiskey.
3 jiggers of lemon juice.
2 jiggers of curaçao.
1/2 pint plain water or sparkling.
1 jigger plain syrup.
1 long cube ice.
3 or 4 slices of cucumber rind.
Decorate with fruit and mint.
1915 John B. Escalante: Manual del cantinero. Seite 58. Whiskey Punch.
(Guisqui ponch)
Procédase como para „Rioja Clarete Punch“ emplean-
do el whiskey en lugar del vino rioja.
Seite 58. Rioja Claret Punch.
(Rioja claret ponch)
Precédase como para el „Ron Bacardi Punch“ emplean-
do el vino rioja en lugar del ron.
Seite 58. Ron Bacardi Punch.
(Ron bacardi ponch)
Precédase como para el „Port Wine Punch“ empleando
el ron en lugar del vino de Oporto.
Seite 57. Port Wine Punch.
Procédase como para el „Marraschino Punch“ emplean-
do el vino de Oporto en lugar del marrasquino.
Seite 57. Marraschino Punch.
Procédase como para el „Gin Punch“, empleando el
marrasquino en lugar de la ginebra.
Seite 55. Gin Punch.
Procédase como para el „Curaçao Punch“, empleando la
ginebra en lugar de la curaçao.
Seite 53. Curaçao Punch.
Procédase como para el „Champagne Punch“, emplean-
do el curaçao en lugar del champán.
Seite 53. Champagne Punch.
Procédase como para el „Brandy Punch“, empleando el
do el champagne en lugar del coñac.
Seite 53. Brandy Punch.
Procédase como para el „Brandy Punch“, emplean-
do [el] coñac en lugar del ajenjo.
1915 John B. Escalante: Manual del cantinero. Seite 61. Hot Rye Whiskey Punch.
(Jat raí guisqui ponch)
Procédase como para el „Hot Brandy Punch“ emplean-
do el whiskey americano en lugar del coñac.
Seite 61. Hot Brandy Punch.
(Jat brandi ponch)
Rocíse el vaso con agua caliente para evitar que so
raje, y póngase en el
Azúcar cuadradillo . . . . . . . . 2 turrones.
Coñac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 copita.
Agua hirviendo . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 copa.
Mézclese con una cuchara, póngase una corteza de li-
món retorcida, y sírvase con una cucharita dentro del
1915 John B. Escalante: Manual del cantinero. Seite 61. Hot Ron Bacardi Punch.
(Jat ron bacardi ponch)
Procédase como para el „Hot Rye Whiskey Punch“ em-
pleando el ron en lugar del whiskey.
1915 John B. Escalante: Manual del cantinero. Seite 62. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
(Jat escach guisqui ponch)
Precédase como para el „Hot Bacardi Ron Punch“ em-
pleando el whiskey Escocés en lugar del ron.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 128. Bourbon Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
1 small teaspoonful sugar
100% Bourbon Whiskey.
Shake, strain into goblet with fine ice. Dress with fruit
and serve.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 132. Hot Irish Punch.
2 lumps of sugar
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
Dissolve in a little hot water
100% Irish Whiskey
Fill glass with hot water.
Stir well, place slice of lemon on top, grate nutmeg and
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 132. Irish Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
1 teaspoonful sugar
100% Irish Whiskey.
Shake and strain into goblet with fine ice. Dress with
fruit in season.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 133. Medford Rum Punch.
1 teaspoonful sugar
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
Dissolve in a little water
100% Medford Rum
1/2 glass cracked ice.
Stir with spoon, dress with fruits in season and serve
with straws.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 135. Old Fashioned Whiskey Punch.
80% Bourbon Whiskey
Juice of half a Lemon
20% Curacao
1/2 pt. plain or sparkling water
Plain Syrup
1 long cube of ice
3 or four slices of cucumber rind.
Decorate with fruit and mint.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 137. Rye Whiskey Punch.
Same as Bourbon Punch, but use Rye Whiskey instead of
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 137. St. Croix Rum Punch.
1 tablesponful sugar
Juice of one lemon
75% St. Croix Rum
25% Jamaica Rum.
Fill glass with cracked ice. Stir with spoon, ornament
with fruits in season and serve with straws.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 138. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Juice of half a lemon
1 teaspoonful of sugar
100% Scotch Whiskey.
Shake and strain into goblet. Dress with fruit.
1916 Jacob Abraham Grohusko. Jack’s Manual. Seite 139. Whiskey Punch.
(Use large bar glass half full of ice)
1 teaspoonful of sugar
4 or 5 dashes lemon iuice
100% Whiskey and Rum mixed
1 dash Angostura Bitters.
Shake well, strain into Punch glass, with slice of orange.
3 or 4 dashes of Curacao on top, with seltzer and serve.
1917 Hugo R. Ensslin: Recipes for Mixed Drinks. Seite 53. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Use Collins glass.
Juice of 1 Lemon
1 tablespoonful of Sugar, dissolved in a little water
1/2 wine glass of St. Croix Rum
Fill glass up with fine ice, decorate with fruit and serve with straws.
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 40. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Use a hot water goblet.
2 lumps of loaf sugar.
2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice;
3/4 glass of boiling water.
Dissolve the sugar.
1 drink of whiskey.
Add a slice of lemon and serve.
(This drink may be made of al-
most any kind of liquor desired).
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 47. Whiskey Punch.
Use a punch glass (goblet).
3 or 4 dashes of gum syrup.
2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice.
1 large drink of whiskey.
Fill the glass with fine ice.
Stir, dress with fruit and serve
with straws.
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 48. Rum Punch.
Prepare this drink the same as
Whiskey Punch, using rum instead
of whiskey.
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 112. Irish Whiskey Punch.
(Two Quarts)
Rub the rind of three lemons with
nutmeg grater, in seven ounces of
sugar; add one quart of boiling wa-
ter; add the juice of the three
lemons; this syrup is mixed with one
quart of Irish whiskey; serve in
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 135. Rum Punch.
(Three Gallon Mixture)
Use a four-gallon vessel to mix in.
1 mixing glassfull lemon juice,
3 pounds fine sugar, dissolved
with lemon.
3 quarts Tokay wine (white).
1 quart brandy or whiskey
1 quart Jamaica rum.
1/2 pint Maraschino.
1/2 pint abricotine.
6 oranges and 3 lemons, sliced.
6 quarts Apollinaris or car-
bonated water.
Stir well; place block of ice in
punch bowl, serve in small punch
glasses with fruit.
1917 Tom Bullock: The Ideal Bartender. 49. Whiskey Punch – St. Louis Style.
Use a large Mixing glass; fill with Lump Ice.
One jigger Bourbon Whiskey.
1/2 pony Italian Vermouth.
1/2 pony Pineapple Syrup.
1/2 pony Lemon Juice.
Shake well; strain into Stem glass and serve.
1918 Anonymus: „Home Brewed“ Wines and Beers and Bartender’s Guide. Seite 27. Hot Irish Punch.
(Use large bar glass.)
Three teaspoonfuls powdered sugar;
1 or 2 dashes of lemon juice; 1 wine-
glass Irish whiskey.
Fill up with hot water; stir well.
Place a slice of lemon on top; grate a
little nutmeg and serve.
1918 Anonymus: „Home Brewed“ Wines and Beers and Bartender’s Guide. Seite 28. Whiskey Punch.
(Use whiskey glass.)
The juice of half a lemon, 3 tea-
spoonfuls powdered sugar in 1 wine-
glass hot water; 2 wine-glasses Scotch
or Irish whiskey.
Fill glass half full with hot water,
put a piece of lemon peel on top, and
place on top a thin slice of lemon or a
piece of the peel. Some grate a little
nutmeg on top. Always place ice be-
fore the customer, and allow a spoon
to remain in the drink, in order that
the partaker of the beverage can help
himself to ice should the mixture be
too hot for him.
1919 Albert A. Hopkins: Home made beverages. Seite 220. Whiskey Punch.
1. — To 1 wineglassful of whiskey add 2 wineglassfuls of
hot water and then sugar to taste. Dissolve the sugar
well with 1 wineglassful of the water, then pour in the
whiskey and add the balance of the water; sweeten to
taste and put in a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice
of lemon.
2. — Scotch whiskey, 1 bottle; boiling water, 1 qt.; loaf
sugar, 1/2 lb.; the juice and finely pared rinds of 3 lemons.
Pour the boiling water over the sugar, lemon rinds and
juice. Let it remain until cold, then strain into a punch
bowl. Add the whiskey, place the bowl in a large vessel,
surround it with ice, cover and let it stand thus for at
least 1 hour before serving.
3. — Whiskey, 1 wineglassful; lemon juice, 1 dessert-
spoonful; loaf sugar, 1 teaspoonful; orange, 1 thin slice;
pineapple, 1 thin small piece; crushed ice. Put a heaped
tablespoonful of crushed ice into a glass, pour over it the
whiskey and lemon juice, add the sugar and shake well
until sufficiently cooled. Strain into a small glass and
serve with the orange and pineapple floating on the
1920 Anonymus: Down the Hatch. Seite 2. Bacardi Rum Punch.
1/2 tablesp Sugar 1 pony Seltzer
3 drops Raspberry Syrup 1 tsp Lemon Juice
1 tsp Lime Juice 1 dash Curacaio
Stir well with spoon. Use cracked ice and strain into a punch
glass, adding Cherries and Pineapple after straining.
1920 Anonymus: Down the Hatch. Seite 13. Jamaica Rum Punch.
1/2 tsp Powdered Sugar 1 jigger Jamaica Rum
1/2 jigger Seltzer 2 tsp Lemon Juice
3 drops Raspberry Syrup 1 tsp Lime Juice
. 1/2 scoop broken Ice
Stir well and strain into a punch glass. Serve with cherry or
1920 Anonymus: Down the Hatch. Seite 21. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
1 tablesp Sugar 1 jigger Santa Cruz Rum
1/2 pony cold Seltzer 1 tsp Lime Juice
3 drops Raspberry Syrup 1 tsp Lemon Juice
Stir well with spoon, strain into a punch glass. Serve with
pineapple or cherries.
1920 Anonymus: Down the Hatch. Seite 25. Whiskey Punch.
1 tsp Sugar 1 Jigger Whiskey
1/2 pony Seltzer 1 tsp Lemon Juice
3 drops Raspberry Syrup 1 tsp Lime Juice
6 drops Jamaica Rum 1/2 scoop of Ice
Strain into punch glass with slice of orange.
1920 Anonymus: Good Cheer. Seite 57. Bourbon Whiskey Punch, Rye Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 a lemon.
1 small barspoonful sugar.
1 shot bourbon or rye, as desired.
Shake, strain into goblet with fine ice.
Dress with fruit and serve.
1920 Anonymus: Good Cheer. Seite 60. Irish Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 a lemon.
1 barspoonful sugar.
1 shot Irish whiskey.
Shake and strain into goblet with fine ice.
Dress with fruit in season.
1920 Anonymus: Good Cheer. Seite 62. Rum Punch.
Juice of 1/2 a lemon or lime.
1 barspoonful sugar.
1 shot rum.
1 dash brandy.
Shake, strain into goblet and dress with fruit.
1920 Anonymus: Good Cheer. Seite 62. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 a lemon.
1 barspoonful of sugar.
1 shot Scotch whiskey.
Shake and strain into goblet. Dress with fruit.
1920 Anonymus: Good Cheer. Seite 63. Whiskey Punch (Old Fashion).
1 Quart
1 quart bourbon whiskey.
3 shots of lemon juice.
2 shots of Curasao.
1/2 pint plain water or sparkling.
1 shot plain syrup.
1 long cube ice.
3 or 4 slices of cucumber rind.
Decorate with fruit and mint.
1920 Anonymus: Gooderham & Worts Limited. Seite 32. Rye Whiskey Punch.
One large tumbler G & W
„Special“ Rye
4 lumps of Sugar
one Lemon, sliced
one Orange, sliced
twelfe leaves of Green
Mint, cut in half.
Mix and place on ice for
half an hour: then add
one quart of ginger ale,
and serve. Place large
piece of ice in bowl to
keep punch cool.
1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 47. Rum-Punsch, heiß.
Wie Arrak-Punsch. Gebrauche statt Arrak Jamaika-Rum oder
fertige Rumpunsch-Essenz, abbrennen.
Seite 47. Arrak-Punsch, heiß, I.
Ein angewärmtes Punschglas fülle man 3/4 voll mit sehr heißem
Wasser, darauf gieße man es voll mit fertiger Arrakpunsch-Essenz,
gebe eine Scheibe Zitrone hinein, einige Tropfen Arrak de Batavia
und zünde denselben an.
Seite 47. Arrak-Punsch, heiß, II.
In ein angewärmtes Punschglas gebe man 2 Stück Würfel-
zucker, 1 Scheibe Zitrone und einige Tropfen Zitronensaft. Darauf
fülle man es 3/4 voll mit sehr heißem Wasser und gieße es voll
mit Arrak de Batavia, abbrennen.
1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 48. Whisky-Punsch, heiß.
In ein angewärmtes Punschglas gebe man 2 Stück Würfel-
zucker, 1 Scheibe Zitrone und einige Tropfen Zitronensaft. Fülle
das Glas 3/4 voll mit recht heißem Wasser, dann gieße es voll mit
Whisky, serviere mit Löffel.
1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 84. Rum-Punsch.
In ein Punschglas gebe man 3/4 Eßlöffel Zucker, den Saft aus
1/2 Zitrone, löse dieses mit etwas Selterswasser auf, fülle das Glas 3/4
voll mit feinem Eis, alsdann füge man hinzu:
1/2 Likörglas Jamaika-Rum,
1 Sherryglas St. Croix-Rum.
Man mische mit einem Barlöffel, garniere in geschmackvoller Weise
mit verschiedenen Früchten und serviere mit Strohhalmen.
1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 89. Whisky-Punsch.
Wie Brandy-Punsch. Man nehme amerikanischen Whisky
statt Cognac.
Seite 89. Brandy-Punsch.
In ein Punschglas gib:
1 Eßlöffel Zucker,
2 Dashes Curaçao,
den Saft von 1/2 Zitrone.
Löse dieses mit etwas Selterswasser auf. Alsdann fülle das Glas
beinahe voll mit feinem Eis und gieße es voll mit gutem Cognac.
Mische mit einem Barlöffel, gieße einige Tropfen Jamaika-Rum
darauf, garniere mit verschiedenen Früchten und serviere mit
1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 92. Rum-Punsch (englisch).
(Gebrauche eine Bowle.)
In eine Kupferkasserolle gieße man 2 Flaschen englischen Ale,
setze es aufs Feuer, lasse es heiß werden und füge 1/4 Liter eng-
lischen Rum hinzu. Mittlerweile schlage man 4 Eier dünnflüssig,
gebe 3 Eßlöffel Zucker und etwas Muskat hinzu, verrühre alles
tüchtig mit dem Schneeschläger. Hierauf gieße man unter fort-
währendem Rühren das heiße Ale zu den Eiern.
1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 97. Rum-Punsch.
(Gebrauche eine Bowle.)
1 Liter Cognac,
1 „ Rum,
1/2 „ starken Tee,
1 kleines Weinglas Arrak,
den filtrierten Saft von 6 Zitronen,
die Rinde von 2 Zitronen,
10 Nelken, etwas Zimt, Koriander-Samen, Muskatnuß,
2 Pfund dünn geschnittene Ananas,
2 „ ganzen Zucker,
2 Liter kochendes Wasser.
Alles gut umrühren, die Bowle gut verschließen und 1 bis 2 Tage
stehen lassen. Dann durch ein feines Sieb laufen lassen und sehr kalt
servieren. Sie kann noch mit Wasser, Tee oder Milch verdünnt werden.
1920 Mazzon Ferruccio: Guida del barman mixer. Seite 37. Rhum Punch (Punch al Rhum).
Si serve come il Brandy Punch solamen-
te invece di Cognac si usa un bicchiere di
Seite 37. Brandy Punch.
In un bicchiere (vedi piccolo Tumbler):
1 cucchiaio di zucchero in polvere o
sciroppo di Gomma
1/2 cucchiaio di succo di limone o di
1 bicchiere a liquori di Curacao
1 bicchiere a marsala di Cognac
1 fettina di limone; 1 fettina d’arancio.
Riempite il bicchiere di ghiaccio sminuz-
zato e acqua semplice od acqua di seltz;
rimescolate e servite con paglie.
1920 Mazzon Ferruccio: Guida del barman mixer. Seite 41. Whysky Punch.
Si prepara come l’ordinary Punch ma
invece di Cognac si prende del buon
1920 Mazzon Ferruccio: Guida del barman mixer. Seite 50. Hot Punch Rhum (Punch al Rhum caldo).
1 litro d’infusione di thè bollente
3 etti di zucchero in pezzi grattato sul
Aggiungeteci in un vaso 3/4 di litro di
rhum Giamaica acceso. Servite in bicchieri
a grog con una fettina di buccia di limone
in ogni bicchiere.
(Altra maniera)
A fuoco lento in una casseruola
si metta 1 bottiglia di birra inglese.
Pale-Ale; e un bicchiere a bordeaux di
Rhum, aggiungetevi 2 tuorli d’uovo ben
battuti con 2 cucchiai di zucchero.
Rimescolate tutto in una terrina e servite
in bicchieri a grog.
1920 Niels Larsen: 156 recettes de boissons américaines. Seite 64. Hot Irish Punch.
[A préparer dans un verre à grog.]
2 morceaux de sucre. Ajoutez:
1 cuiller à café de jus de citron;
1 verre à madère d’irish whisky;
Remplissez d’eau bouillante.
Mélangez bien et ornez d’une tranche de citron.
Râpez un peu de muscade et:
Servez avec une cuiller à café.
1920 Niels Larsen: 156 recettes de boissons américaines. Seite 66. Rhum Punch.
[A préparer dans un grand gobelet.]
3/4 cuiller à bouche de sucre en poudre dissous
dans un peu d’eau. Ajoutez:
1/2 cuiller à café de jus de citron;
1 verre 1/2 à madère de rhum.
Remplissez de glace pilée.
Mélangez bien, ornez de fruits et servez avec
de grandes pailles.
1921 Adolphe Torelli: Guide du barman. Seite 62. Hot Irish Punch.
Dans un verre à grog, trois
morceaux de sucre, trois traits de jus de citron,
un verre à madère d’Irish Whisky, remplir d’eau
bouillante, mélanger, garnir tranche de citron,
passer la râpe, muscade et servez.
1921 Adolphe Torelli: Guide du barman. Seite 93. Rum Punch (Cold).
Dans shaker avec glace
pilée, une cuillère à bouche sucre, dissoudre avec
un peu d’eau, deux traits jus d’orange, un trait
curaçao, un verre à madère de rhum, emplir
d’eau, frapper et passer dans un verre rouge
contenant tranche de citron, fruits coupés, sau-
pouder muscade et servez avec chalumeaux.
1921 Adolphe Torelli: Guide du barman. Seite 94. Rum Punch (Hot).
Dans un verre rouge à
pied une cuillère de sucre, deux traits de jus de
citron, un trait de grenadine, un verre à madere
de rhum passer la râpe muscade, un zeste de
citron pressé, emplir d’eau bouillante, arroser
de cognac et servez flambé.
1921 Adolphe Torelli: Guide du barman. Seite 117. Whisky Punch (Cold).
Dans un verre à pied,
une cuillère à bouche sirop d’ananas, un cuil-
lère à café curaçao, un verre à madère de whis-
ky, emplir avec eau et glace pilée, décorer de
fruits coupés, tranche d’ananas et servez avec
1921 Adolphe Torelli: Guide du barman. Seite 117. Whisky Punch (Hot).
Dans un verre rouge
à pied, un morceau de sucre, une cuillère à café
sirop d’ananas, une cuillère à café curaçao, un
verre de whisky, une tranche citron, un peu de
muscade, emplir avec eau bouillante, remuer,
ajouter une cuillère à café de rhum et servez
1921 Victor Hugo Himmelreich: American Drinks. Seite 55. Whisky [Punsch].
Lege in das Punschglas zur Hälfte klares, feinge-
stossenes Eis, übergiesse dieses mit 2 Teelöffel auf-
gelösten Zucker, 3 Spritzer Curacao, 1 Spritzer
Noyeaux, 1/1 Whisky, den Saft einer halben Citrone
und garniere mit Saisonfrüchten.
1921 Victor Hugo Himmelreich: American Drinks. Seite 55. Rum [Punsch].
Lege in das Punschglas zur Hälfte klares, feinge-
stossenes Eis, übergiesse dieses mit 2 Teelöffel auf-
gelösten Zucker, 3 Spritzer Curacao, 1 Spritzer Ma-
raskino, 1/1 Cow Boy Rum, den Saft einer halben Ci-
trone und garniere mit Saisonfrüchten.
1921 Victor Hugo Himmelreich: American Drinks. Seite 58. Rum [Punsch und Grog].
Beachte obige Erläuterung.
2—3 Teelöffel Zucker oder Würfelzucker werden
im heissen Wasser aufgelöst, 1 Cocktailglas Rum,
eine dünne Scheibe Citrone obenauf, beim Servieren
auf die Citronenscheibe ein wenig Arrac oder Rum
anzünden und brennend servieren.
Seite 58. Warme Punsche und Grogs.
sind beide Trotzkinder der kühlen Jahreszeit und ist
deren Zubereitung eine so einfache, dass es wohl
keiner näheren besonderen Erläuterung bedarf. Zur
Verhütung von Accidents lege stets den kleinen Löffel
in den Punsch beziehungsweise Grog Glas (siehe
Abbildungen), eine dünne Scheibe Citrone stets oben
auf, auf welche 1—2 Teelöffel Arrac, Rum oder
Cognac gegossen und sodann angezündet serviert wird.
1921 Victor Hugo Himmelreich: American Drinks. Seite 58. Whisky [Punsch und Grog].
2—3 Teelöffel Zucker oder Würfelzucker werden
im heissen Wasser aufgelöst, 1 Cocktailglas Whisky,
eine dünne Scheibe Citrone obenauf, beim Servieren
auf die Citronenscheibe ein wenig Arrac oder Rum,
anzünden und brennend servieren.
1922 Anonymus: Quelques recettes pour boissons américaines. Seite 17. Whisky Punch (chaud).
Verre no 4.
Faire chauffer:
1/2 verre à liqueur d ‚ORANGEADE BOLS,
4 traits de CURAÇAO BOLS,
2 traits de JUS DE CITRON,
1 verre à liqueur de WHISKY,
1 zeste de CITRON.
Remplir le verre ave de l’EAU BIEN CHAUDE,
saupoudrer d muscade, servir.
1922 M. E. Steedman: Home-made Beverages and American Drinks. Seite 66. Whisky Punch.
Put the thinly pared rind and strained juice
of 3 lemons into a bowl, add 7 oz. of loaf sugar,
one and a half pints of boiling water and 1 1/4
pints of whisky. Stir until the sugar is dissolved,
then strain and serve at once.
1922 M. E. Steedman: Home-made Beverages and American Drinks. Seite 87. Whisky Punch.
Put 8 oz. shaved ice into a jug, add 4 wine-
glassfuls of whisky, a large table-spoonful of
castor sugar, and 2 table-spoonfuls of strained
lemon juice. Shake well, strain into small
glasses, and serve with thin slices of orange and
pineapple on the top.
1922 Robert Vermeire: Cocktails. Seite 80. Rum Punch.
Fill the shaker half full of broken ice
and add:
1 tablespoonful of plain Syrup or
The juice of half a lemon.
3/4 gill of Rum.
Shake well and strain into a wine-glass
and add cold Soda Water.
1922 W. Slagter: Hoe maakt men american plainen fancy drinks. Seite 144. Rum Punch. Warm.
Behandelen als recept 447, neemt in
plaats van Cognac – Jamaica Rum.
Kan ook koud gebruikt worden.
Seite 134. 447. Brandy Punch. Koud.
Doet in een Punchglas:
2 Cognacglaasjes Cognac
1 Cognacglaasj e Curaçao (Bruine)
1 Cognacglaasje Suikersiroop.
Bijschenken met heet water.
1922 W. Slagter: Hoe maakt men american plainen fancy drinks. Seite 147. Whisky Punch. Warm en koud.
Behandelen als recept No. 447 (Warm)
en No. 448. (Koud.)
Neemt in plaats van Cognac, Canadian-
club Whisky.
Seite 134. 447. Brandy Punch. Koud.
Doet in een Punchglas:
2 Cognacglaasjes Cognac
1 Cognacglaasj e Curaçao (Bruine)
1 Cognacglaasje Suikersiroop.
Bijschenken met heet water.
Seite 134. 447. Brandy Punch. Warm.
Behandelen als recept No. 447, in plaats
van heet water, neemt men Mineraalwater
en verschillende stukj es vruchten. Ijs
naar smaak.
1923 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel. Seite 70. Punches.
Le punch se fait à volonté chaud — short drink — ou
froid — long drink — suivant que l’on emploie de l’eau
glacée ou bouillante. On le prépare aussi au lait.
PUNCH CHAUD. — Servir dans un verre à petit grog
avec tranches de citron ou d’orange, sucre supplémen-
taire et petite cuiller. Si on le sert dans un gobelet,
munir ce dernier d’un porte-verre. Réchauffer le verre.
PUNCH FROID. — Servir dans un grand gobelet avec
fruits de saison.: fraises, cerises, raisin, etc., et rondelles
d’orange ou de citron, ou d’ananas, entières ou coupées.
Donner des pailles. On le sert aussi parfois dans des
On peut préparer chaud ou froid pour plusieurs per-
sonnes à la fois, ou en grande quantité pour réunions.
Dans ce cas on emploiera un bol en argent (chaud) ou
en porcelaine (froid), puis on servira avec la cuiller à
punch (douche a bec) dans les verres ad hoc.
1923 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel. Seite 74. Irish Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé:
1 cuiller à café jus de citron.
1 cuiller à café sucre en, poudre.
1 verre à liqueur Irish whisky.
Emplir d’eau très chaude.
Une tranche de citron. Muscader. Cuiller.
1923 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel. Seite 77. Rum Punch, Cold.
Gobelet n° 3:
1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre.
1 verre a liqueur d’eau.
1 cuiller à café jus de citron.
1 verre à madère de rhum.
Emplir aux 3/4 de glace pilée.
Adapter la timbale. Frapper.
Orner de fruits. Ronds d’orange. Pailles.
1923 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel. Seite 77. Rum Punch, Hot.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé:
1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre.
2 traits jus de citron.
1 verre à liqueur de rhum.
Emplir d’eau très chaude. Remuer.
Orner 2/2 tranches de citron. Muscader.
1923 P. Dagouret: Le barman universel. Seite 79. Whisky Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé:
1/2 cuiller à café jus de citron.
1 cuiller à bouche sirop de gomme.
2 traits curaçao.
1 verre à liqueur whisky.
Emplir d’eau chaude. Tranche de citron.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 37. Whiskeypunsch.
Man reibe die Schalen von 3 Zitro-
nen auf 300 g Zucker ab, presse den Saft von 2 Zitro-
nen darüber, übergieße die Mischung mit 3/4 Liter sie-
dendem Wasser, rühre die Mischung gut durch bis der
Zucker zergangen ist, füge 1/2 Liter Whiskey zu und
richte an.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 41. Irish Whiskey-Punch.
Man tue 1—2 Stück in etwas
heißem Wasser aufgelösten Zucker, 1 Weinglas voll
Irish Whiskey und 1 Zitronenscheibe in ein größeres
Glas und fülle es mit siedendem Wasser.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 45. Whiskey Punch Ben Nevis.
Man tue in einen erhitz-
ten Becher 3 Stück Zucker, 1 1/2 Glas siedendes Wasser,
1 Zitronenscheibe, 2 Teelöffel voll Honig und 2 Glas
voll Ben Nevis Whiskey, rühre gut um und richte
heiß an.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 101. Rumpunsch.
Man tue 1 Stück Zucker in eine Bowle,
presse den Saft von 4—6 Zitronen darauf, füge die
Schalen von 2 Zitronen zu, übergieße das Ganze mit
3 Liter siedendem Wasser, schütte, nachdem der Zucker
zergangen ist, 1 Flasche alten Jamaika-Rum und
1 Flasche Champagner zu, lasse den Punsch einige
Stunden stehen und richte kalt oder heiß an.
Statt des Champagners kann man auch Weißwein
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 149. St.-Croix-Rum Punch.
Man löse 1 Eßlöffel voll Zucker
in 3—4 Spritzern Lime- oder Zitronensaft und 1/2 Wein-
glas voll Wasser auf, gieße die Mischung mit 1/4 kleinem
Glas voll Jamaika-Rum nebst 1 Weinglas voll St.-Croix-
Rum in ein größeres mit geschabtem Eis gefülltes Glas,
schüttle gut durch, belege das Glas mit Frucht und
richte an.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 150. St.-Croix-Rum Punch (2).
Man menge 1 Weinglas
voll Limonen-Sirup mit 1 Weinglas voll St.-Croix-Rum
und 1 Likörglas voll Cognak, füge 1/2 Becher Milch zu,
gieße die Mischung in ein größeres mit Eis gefülltes
Glas, bestreue es mit gestoßenem Zimt oder gemischtem
Gewürz und richte an.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 153. Genuine Whiskey Punch.
Man tue in einen mit Eis
gefüllten Becher 1 Spritzer Zitronensaft, 3 Spritzer
Gum-Sirup und 1 Glas voll Whiskey, fülle alsdann einen
anderen Becher mit Eis, stülpe dessen Rand genau auf
den Rand des ersten Glases, schwenke die Flüssigkeit
so 5—6mal aus einem Becher in den anderen, lasse die
Flüssigkeit dann behutsam aus möglichster Höhe in ein
feines (fancy) Glas sickern, füge 1 Spritzer Jamaika-
Rum zu und richte an.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 157. Medford Rum Punch.
Man löse 3/4 Eßlöffel voll
Zucker nebst 2—3 Spritzern Zitronensaft in etwas Was-
ser auf, tue dies in ein mit geschabtem Eis gefülltes
Glas, gieße 1 1/2 Weinglas voll Medfordrum zu, menge
gut, umlege die Mischung mit Frucht und richte mit
Strohhalm an.
1924 Anonymus: Angostura Bitters Centenary Recipe Book. Seite 9. Whisky Punch.
(use large Glass half full of Ice).
One teaspoonful sugar; four or five dashes
lemon juice; half pint whisky and rum mixed;
a few dashes Angostura Bitters. Shake well, strain
into punch glass, with slice of orange, three or four
dashes of curaçoa on top, with seltzer, and serve.
1924 Antonio (Tony) Fernández: Manual del barman. Seite 85. Whisky Punch Caliente.
En una copa resis-
tente al calor, échense dos terrones de azúcar
una rebanada da limón, dos clavos de olor y una
copa de Whisky escocés: llénese con agua bien
1924 Carlo Beltramo: Les cocktails et les boissons américaines. Seite 72. Rhum Punch.
Se prépare dans le shaker à moitié rempli
de glace: Une demi cuillerée à soupe de sirop
de sucre, une demi cuillerée à soupe de cura-
çao orange, le jus d’un demi citron, 3/4 dl. de
bon Rhum vieux. — Bien remuer et servir
dans un verre à vin avec un peu de soda
1924 M. E. Steedman & C. H. Senn: President. Seite 40. Whisky Punch.
Put 8 oz. shaved ice into a jug, add 4 wine-
glassfuls whisky, 1 large tablespoonful castor
sugar, and 2 tablespoonfuls strained lemon
juice. Shake well, strain into small glasses,
and serve with thin slices of orange and
pineapple on the top.
1924 M. E. Steedman & C. H. Senn: President. Seite 49. Whisky Punch.
Put the thinly pared rind and strained juice
of 3 lemons into a bowl, add 7 oz. loaf sugar,
1 1/2 pints boiling water and 1 1/4 pints whisky.
Stir until the sugar is dissolved, then strain
and serve at once.
1925 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Illustriertes internationales Getränkebuch. Seite 47. Rum-Punsch, heiß.
Wie Arrak-Punsch. Gebrauche statt Arrak Jamaika-Rum oder
fertige Rumpunsch-Essenz, abbrennen.
Seite 47. Arrak-Punsch, heiß I.
Ein angewärmtes Punschglas fülle man 3/4 voll mit sehr heißem
Wasser, darauf gieße man es voll mit fertiger Arrakpunsch-Essenz,
gebe eine Scheibe Zitrone hinein, einige Tropfen Arrak de Batavia
und zünde denselben an.
Seite 47. Arrak-Punsch, heiß II.
In ein angewärmtes Punschglas gebe man 2 Stück Würfel-
zucker, 1 Scheibe Zitrone und einige Tropfen Zitronensaft. Darauf
fülle man es 3/4 voll mit sehr heißem Wasser und gieße es voll
mit Arrak de Batavia, abbrennen.
1925 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Illustriertes internationales Getränkebuch. Seite 48. Whisky-Punsch, heiß.
In ein angewärmtes Punschglas gebe man 2 Stück Würfel-
zucker, 1 Scheibe Zitrone und einige Tropfen Zitronensaft. Fülle
das Glas 3/4 voll mit recht heißem Wasser, dann gieße es voll mit
Whisky, serviere mit Löffel.
1925 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Illustriertes internationales Getränkebuch. Seite 84. Rum-Punsch.
In ein Punschglas gebe man 3/4 Eßlöffel Zucker, den Saft aus
1/2 Zitrone, löse dieses mit etwas Selterswasser auf, fülle das Glas 3/4
voll mit feinem Eis, alsdann füge man hinzu:
1/2 Likörglas Jamaika-Rum,
1 Sherryglas St. Croix-Rum.
Man mische mit einem Barlöffel, garniere in geschmackvoller Weise
mit verschiedenen Früchten und serviere mit Strohhalmen.
1925 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Illustriertes internationales Getränkebuch. Seite 89. Whisky-Punsch.
Wie Brandy-Punsch. Man nehme amerikanischen Whisky
statt Cognac.
Seite 89. Brandy-Punsch.
In ein Punschglas gib:
1 Eßlöffel Zucker,
2 Dashes Curaçao,
den Saft von 1/2 Zitrone.
Löse dieses mit etwas Selterswasser auf. Alsdann fülle das Glas
beinahe voll mit feinem Eis und gieße es voll mit gutem Cognac.
Mische mit einem Barlöffel, gieße einige Tropfen Jamaika-Rum
darauf, garniere mit verschiedenen Früchten und serviere mit
1926 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 49. Medford Rum Punch.
Use Large Glass.
THREE -QUARTERS tablespoonful
powdered sugar; two or three dashes
lemon juice. Dissolve with a little water.
Fill glass with fine shaved ice. One and a
quarter wine glass Medford rum. Shake
well, and ornament with fruit. Serve with
1926 W. Slagter: Cocktails. Seite 183. Rum Punch. Warm.
Behandelen als recept 595; neemt inplaats
van Cognac, Jamaica Rum.
Kan ook koud gebruikt worden.
Seite 175. 595. Brandy Punch. Koud.
Doet in een Punchglas:
2 Cognacglaasjes Cognac
1 Cognacglaasje Curaçao (Bruine)
Wijnand Fockink
1 Cognacglaasje Suikersiroop.
Bijschenken met heet water.
1926 W. Slagter: Cocktails. Seite 186. Whisky Punch. Warm en koud.
Behandelen als recept No. 596 (Warm)
en No. 597 (Koud).
Neemt riplaats van Cognac, Whisky.
Seite 175. 596. Brandy Punch. Warm.
Behandelen als recept No. 595; inplaats
van heet water, neemt men Mineraal-
water en verschillende stukjes vruchten.
IJs naar smaak.
Seite 175. 595. Brandy Punch. Koud.
Doet in een Punchglas:
2 Cognacglaasjes Cognac
1 Cognacglaasje Curaçao (Bruine)
Wijnand Fockink
1 Cognacglaasje Suikersiroop.
Bijschenken met heet water.
Anmerkung: 597. Ist ein Bourgogne Punch. Warm. Im Rezept ist wohl ein Fehler. Anstatt 597 (Koud) soll es bestimmt 595 (Koud) heißen.
1927 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 86. Hot Irish Punch.
Dans un verre à grog
trois morceaux de sucre, trois traits de jus de
citron, un verre à madère d’Irish Whisky, remplir
d’eau bouillante, remuer, garnir d’une tranche
de citron, saupoudrer de muscade.
1927 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 91. Irish Whisky Punch.
Dans un gobe-
let moyen, deux cuillères de sucre en poudre, une
cuillère à café de Curaçao, deux traits de jus de
citron, un verre à madère d’lrish Whisky, une
tranche d’orange. Remplir d’eau glacée ou bouil-
lante, suivant la demande (Hot or Cold).
1927 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 143. Rhum Punch (Cold).
Dans un shaker
avec de la glace pilée, une cuillère de sucre. Dis-
soudre avec un peu d’eau, ajouter deux traits de
jus de citron ou d’orange, un trait de Curaçao, un
verre à madère de Rhum. Remplir d’eau. Remuer.
Passer dans un verre rouge. Garnir d‘ une tranche
de citron, de fruits coupés. Saupoudrer de mu-
cade. Chalumeaux.
1927 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 143. Rhum Punch (Hot).
Dans un verre rouge
à pied, une cuillère de sucre, un trait de Grena-
dine, deux traits de jus de citron, un verre à ma-
dère de Rhum, passer la râpe muscade, un zeste
de citron. Remplir d’eau bouillante et flamber.
1927 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 180. Whisky Punch (Hot).
Dans un verre
rouge à pied. un morceau de sucre, une cuillère à
café de sirop d’Ananas, autant de Curaçao, une
tranche de citron, un verre de Whisky, une pin-
cée de muscade remplir d’eau bouillante, remuer,
arroser avec du Rhum et flamber.
1927 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 180. Whisky Punch (Cold).
Dans un verre
à pied, une cuillère à bouche de sirop d’Ananas,
une cuillère à café de Curaçao, un verre à madère
de Whisky, remplir avec de l’eau et de la glace
pilée, garnir d’une tranche d’ananas, de fruits
coupés et de chalumeaux.
1927 Anonymus: El arte de hacer un cocktail. Seite 111. Bourbon Whiskey Punch, Rye Whiskey Punch.
Jugo de 1/2 limón.
Cucharadita de azúcar.
Vasito de whiskey Rye o Bourbon.
Bátase, cuélese a copa fina con hielo y adórnese
con fruta.
1927 Anonymus: El arte de hacer un cocktail. Seite 121. Irish Whiskey Punch (ponche de whiskey irlandés).
Jugo de 1/2 limón.
Cucharadita de azúcar.
Vasito de whiskey irlandés.
Bátase y cuélese a copa con hielo menudo.
Adórnese con fruta.
1927 Anonymus: El arte de hacer un cocktail. Seite 127. Rum (de ron). Anmerkung: Punch.
Jugo de 1/2 limón.
Cucharadita de azúcar.
Vasito de ron.
Gotas de cognac Domecq.
Bátase, cuélese a copa y adórnese con fruta.
1927 Anonymus: El arte de hacer un cocktail. Seite 129. Scotch Whiskey (de whiskey Escocés). Anmerkung: Punch.
Jugo de 1/2 limón.
Cucharadita de azúcar.
Vasito de whiskey escocés.
Bátase, cuélese a copa y adórnese con fruta.
1927 Anonymus: El arte de hacer un cocktail. Seite 133. Whiskey (a la antigua). Anmerkung: Punch.
Litro de whiskey Bourbon.
3 vasitos jugo de limón.
3 vasitos de Curacao.
1/2 botella de agua mineral carbonatada.
Vasito de sirope.
Trozo grande de hielo.
3 ó 4 pedazos de cascara de pepino.
Adórnese con fruta y yerbabuena.
1927 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 49. Medford Rum Punch.
Use Large Glass.
THREE-QUARTERS tablespoonful
powdered sugar; two or three dashes
lemon juice. Dissolve with a little water.
Fill glass with fine shaved ice. One and a
quarter wine glass Medford rum. Shake
well, and ornament with fruit. Serve with
1927 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of all Kinds. Seite 70. Medford Rum Punch.
Dissolve in a large tumbler with a little
water the juice of half a lemon and a table-
spoonful of icing sugar; nearly fill the glass
with shaved ice, add a wineglass and a half of
Medford rum, and a few drops of Jamaica rum;
stir well. Ornament with fruit in season, and
serve with a straw.
1927 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of all Kinds. Seite 73. Rum Punch.
Put into a large tumbler a tablespoonful of
icing sugar, a wineglass of brandy, the like
quantity of rum, two teaspoonfuls of arrack,
the juice of a lemon, quarter of a wineglass of
green tea, a teaspoonful of essence of spice.
Half fill the glass with shaved ice, shake well,
strain, and add sufficient milk to fill the glass.
Dust with nutmeg and cinnamon, and serve
with a straw.
1927 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of all Kinds. Seite 74. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Put into a large tumbler one tablespoonful of
icing sugar, thirty drops of lime or lemon juice,
and dissolve in half a wineglass of water; then
add one wineglass of St. Croix rum, and a
quarter of a wineglass of Jamaica rum; fill up
with shaved ice, ornament with fruit in season,
and serve with a straw.
1927 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of all Kinds. Seite 94. Rum Punch.
Put into a large tumbler a teaspoonful of icing
sugar, one wineglass of Jamaica rum, and one
wineglass of brandy; then add half a pint of
boiling water, a little lemon-juice and grated
1927 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of all Kinds. Seite 97. Whisky Punch.
Put into a small tumbler one wineglass of Irish
or Scotch whisky, a teaspoonful of icing sugar,
and a slice of lemon; fill up with boiling water.
1927 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of all Kinds. Seite 97. Whisky Punch. Another, Irish.
Rub the rind of a lemon on two small lumps
of loaf sugar, dissolve the sugar in a tumbler
with a gill of boiling water; add one wine-
glassful of Irish whisky, then serve.
1927 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of all Kinds. Seite 97. Whisky Punch. Another, Scotch.
This is made the same way as Irish Whisky
Punch, using Scotch whisky instead of Irish.
1927 Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of all Kinds. Seite 97. Whisky Punch. Another, Scotch.
Put into a tumbler the thin rind of one lemon
and a teaspoonful of icing sugar; dissolve the
sugar in one wineglass of boiling water; add
one wineglass of Scotch whisky, then add
another wineglass of boiling water; mix well
and strain.
1927 Maraya Vélez de Sánchez: Cocktails bebidas heladas ponches de todas clases. Seite 68. Ron Ponche.
Un litro de agua, tres cuartos de libra de azúcar, el zumo
de cuatro limones y medio litro de ron Sainte-Croix. Se
hiela, se le agregan algunas frutas cortadas en pedacitos
y se sirve.
1927 Maraya Vélez de Sánchez: Cocktails bebidas heladas ponches de todas clases. Seite 76. Whisky Ponche.
Una botella de scotch whisky, un litro de agua caliente,
media libra de azúcar, el jugo y la corteza de tres limones. Se
vacia el agua sobre el azúcar, corteza y zumo de los limones;
se deja enfriar, se vacia en una vasija propia para ponches,
se le junta el whisky, se coloca la vasija sobre hielo y pasada
una hora puede servirse.
1927 Maraya Vélez de Sánchez: Cocktails bebidas heladas ponches de todas clases. Seite 76. Whisky Ponche.
Una copa de whisky, una cucharada de jugo de limón,
una cucharadita de azúcar, una rebanada de naranja,
otra de piña y hielo machacado. Se pone una cucharada de
hielo machacado en un vaso, se le vacia por encima
el whisky y el zumo de limón, se le añade el azúcar; se
sacude bien, se vacia en un vaso y se le pone la piña y la
1927 Nina Toye & A. H. Adair: Petits & grands verres. Seite 77. Le Punch Au Whisky. Whisky Punch.
Verser dans un broc la valeur d’un verre à liqueur
de whisky par personne. Y ajouter une orange coupée
en rondelles, quelques clous de girofle et quelques
gouttes d’eau de fleurs d’oranger. Sucrer selon le goût.
Compléter avec de la glace en morceaux et un peu d’eau.
1927 Nina Toye & A. H. Adair: Petits & grands verres. Seite 87. Le Punch Au Rhum. Rum punch.
Recette pour huit à dix personnes. Prendre une demi-
bouteille de rhum Sainte-Croix ou de la Jamaïque, un
quart de bouteille de cognac, un bon verre de triple-
sec, le zeste entier d’un citron et celui d’une orange
pelée finement. Verser le tout dans un grand bol et y
ajouter une orange ainsi qu’un citron coupés en rouelles.
Sucrer selon le goût. Verser sur le tout la valeur d’un
litre et demi d’eau bouillante. Bien mélanger. Servir
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 58. Hot Irish Punch.
Dissolve a lump of sugar with a little
water in a hot punch glass.
1 jigger Irish whiskey.
1 piece lemon skin.
Fill up with hot water; stir; grate
nutmeg on top and serve.
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 58. Hot Rum Punch.
Substitute rum for Irish whiskey and
proceed as for Hot Irish Whiskey.
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 59. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Substitute Rye or Bourbon whiskey
for Irish, and proceed as for Hot Irish
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 65. Medford or New England Rum Punch.
Fill large bar glass 1/2 full shaved ice.
1 teaspoonful bar sugar.
3 dashes lemon juice.
1 dash Jamaica, rum.
1 jigger Medford or New England
Stir; dress with fruit and serve with
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 81. Santa Cruz or St. Croix Punch.
Fill large bar glass 3/4 full shaved ice.
2 teaspoonfuls bar sugar.
6 dashes lemon juice.
1 teaspoonful Jamaica rum.
1/4 jigger Santa Cruz rum.
Stir well; strain into tall, thin glass;
fill up with carbonated water; dress with
fruit and serve.
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 94. Whiskey Punch.
Fill large bar glass 3/4 full shaved
2 heaping teaspoonfuls bar sugar.
Drop in 1/4 of a lemon; bruise well
with muddler and add:
1/2 jigger water.
1 jigger whiskey.
Shake; strain into punch glass; dec-
orate with fruit and serve.
1927 Pedro Chicote: El bar americano en España. Seite 123. Ron-Ponche.
Prepárese en vaso grande:
3 ó 4 pedacitos de hielo.
1 cucharada grande de azúcar.
10 gotas de curaçao.
El jugo de medio limón.
Unos pedacitos de fruta variada.
1 copita de ron.
Termínese de llenar el vaso con agua de seltz.
Remuévase con una cucharilla y sírvase en el
mismo vaso con unas pajas.
1928 Anonymus: A.B.C. of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 32. Rye Whiskey Punch.
One large tumbler G & W
„Special“ Rye
4 lumps of Sugar
one Lemon, sliced
one Orange, sliced
twelve leaves of Green
Mint, cut in half.
Mix and place on ice for
half an hour: then add
one quart of ginger ale,
and serve. Place large
piece of ice in bowl to
keep punch cool.
1928 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: „Cheerio!“. Seite 40. Hot Scotch Punch.
Mix in a large glass, one wine-glass of Scotch
whiskey, two wine-glasses of boiling water. Add two
lumps of sugar and serve.
1928 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: „Cheerio!“. Seite 40. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Mix in large glass, one wine-glass of Irish whiskey,
two wine-glasses of boiling water, two lumps of sugar.
Put in a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice of
lemon. Before using the glass, rinse it in hot water.
1928 Charles S. Warnock: Giggle Water. Seite 74. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(Use medium bar-glass)
Take 1 wine-glass Kinahan’s or Jamieson’s Irish
2 wine-glasses of boiling water
2 lumps of loaf-sugar
Dissolve the sugar well with one wine-glass of the water,
then pour in the whiskey, add the balance of the water,
and put in a small piece of lemon rind, or a thin slice
of lemon. Before using the glass, rinse it in hot water.
1928 Charles S. Warnock: Giggle Water. Seite 74. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
(Use medium bar-glass)
Take 1 wine-glass of Glenlivet or Islay whiskey
2 wine-glasses of boiling water
Sugar to taste (about 2 lumps of loaf sugar)
Dissolve the sugar with one wine-glass of the water,
then poirr in the whiskey, add the balance of the water,
and put in a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice
of lemon. Before using the glass rinse it in hot water.
1928 Charles S. Warnock: Giggle Water. Seite 74. Cold Whiskey Punch.
(Use large bar-glass)
Take 1 tablespoonful of powdered white sugar dis-
solved in a little water
Juice of half a small lemon
1 1/2 wine-glasses of Irish or Scotch whiskey
Fill the glass with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the
top with two thin slices of lemon, and berries in season.
Serve with a straw.
1928 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 3. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
STEEP the thin yellow shavings of lemon peel in the whiskey,
which should be of the best quality; the sugar should be
dissolved in boiling water. As it requires genius to make
whiskey punch, it would be impertinent to give proportions.
1928 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 4. Whiskey Punch.
One wineglass of whiskey Two wineglasses of boiling
(Irish or Scotch). water.
Sugar to taste.
DISSOLVE the sugar well with one wineglass of the water,
then pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the water.
Sweeten to taste, and put in a small piece of lemon rind, or a
thin slice of lemon.
1928 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 4. Cold Whiskey Punch.
One tablespoonful of pow- One and one-half wine-
dered white sugar dis- glasses of Irish or Scotch
solved in a little water. whiskey.
Juice of half a small lemon.
FILL the glass with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top
with two thin slices of lemon, and berries in season. Serve
with a straw.
This beverage ought always to be made with boiling
water, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or two be-
fore it is put on the table. In this way, the materials get more
intensely amalgamated than cold water and cold whiskey
ever get. As to the beautiful mutual adaptation of cold rum
and cold water, that is beyond all praise, being one of Na-
ture’s most exquisite achievements.
1928 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 7. Irish Whiskey Punch.
THIS is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made one-
third pure whiskey, and two-thirds boiling water, in which
the sugar has been dissolved. If lemon punch, the rind is
rubbed on the sugar, and a small proportion of juice added
before the whiskey is poured in.
Irish whiskey is not fit to drink until it is three years
1928 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 42. Medford Punch.
Use large bar glass One pony glass of Jamaica
One tablespoonful of pow- rum.
dered white sugar dis- Two or three dashes of
solved in a little water. lemon juice.
One and one-half glass of One slice of orange (cut in
Medford rum. quarters).
FILL the tumbler with ice, shake well, and dress the
top with sliced lime and berries in season. Serve with a
1928 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails. Seite 305. Irish-Ponche (caliente).
Prepárese en vaso de grog:
1 cucharada de azúcar.
1 – pequeña de jugo de limón.
1 vasito de los de jerez de irish whisky.
El resto, de agua caliente.
Remuévase y añádase una rodaja de limón.
1928 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails. Seite 311. Ron-Ponche.
Prepárese en vaso grande:
3 ó 4 pedacitos de hielo.
1 cuchrada grande de azúcar.
10 gotas de curaçao.
El jugo de medio limón.
Unos pedacitos de fruta variada.
1 copita de ron.
Termínese de llenar el vaso con agua de seltz.
Remuévase con una cucharilla y sírvase en el
mismo vaso con unas pajas.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 86. Hot Irish Punch.
Dans un verre à grog,
trois morceaux de sucre, trois traits de jus de
citron, un verre à madère d’Irish Whisky, remplir
d’eau bouillante, remuer, garnir d’une tranche
de citron, saupoudrer de muscade.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 91. Irish Whisky Punch.
Dans un gobe-
let moyen, deux cuillères de sucre en poudre, une
cuillère à café de Curaçao, deux traits de jus de
citron, un verre à madère d’Irish Whisky, une
tranche d’orange. Remplir d’eau glacée ou bouil-
lante, suivant la demande (Hot or Cold).
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 143. Rhum Punch (Cold).
Dans un shaker
avec de la glace pilée, une cuillère de sucre. Dis-
soudre avec un peu d’eau, ajouter deux traits de
jus de citron ou d’orange, un trait de Curaçao, un
verre à madère de Rhum. Remplir d’eau. Remuer.
Passer dans un verre rouge. Garnir d’une tranche
de citron, de fruits coupés. Saupoudrer de mus-
cade. Chalumeaux.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 143. Rhum Punch (Hot).
Dans un verre rouge
à pied, une cuillère de sucre, un trait de Grena-
dine, deux traits de jus de citron, un verre à ma-
dère de Rhum, passer la râpe muscade, un zeste
de citron. Remplir d’eau bouillante et flamber.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 180. Whisky Punch (Hot).
Dans un verre
rouge à pied, un morceau de sucre, une cuillère à
café de sirop d’Ananas, autant de Curaçao, une
tranche de citron, un verre de Whisky, une pin-
cée de muscade remplir d’eau bouillante, remuer,
arroser avec du Rhum et flamber.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 180. Whisky Punch (Cold).
Dans un verre
à pied, une cuillère à bouche d e sirop d’Ananas,
une cuillère à café de Curaçao, un verre à madère
de Whisky, remplir avec de l’eau et de la glace
pilée, garnir d’une tranche d’ananas, de fruits
coupés et de chalumeaux.
1929 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 11. Hot Whisky Punch.
Dissolve lump of Sugar in little hot water
in warmed punch glass. 3 or 4 dashes Fernet
Bitters, 1 wineglass Harvey’s Whisky, 1 piece
Lemon Peel twisted and dropped into glass.
Fill up with hot water, grate Nutmeg on
top, and serve.
1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 50. St. Croix Rum Punch.
The usual bar-glass in this case became the re-
ceptacle of a tablespoon of sugar, three or four dashes of lime or lemon
juice, one-half wine-glass of water and very well dissolved by stirring.
Before filling with the shaved ice, a wine-glass of St. Croix rum and one-
quarter pony-glass of Jamaica rum were put in. Mixed well with a
spoon and duly ornamented with fruits in season, it was served with a
1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 51. Medford Rum Punch.
Of course you just know they will use the old
bar-glass of large proportions. Within it were assembled such things
as a three-quarter tablespoon of sugar accurately measured, no more —
no less, and two or three dashes of lemon juice and then some water,
well stirred together before filling the glass with fine ice. The one-and-
a-quarter wine-glass of old Medford rum were added and the whole
well stirred and flavored with a few drops of Jamaica rum before top
ping off with fruits in season and serving with a straw.
1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 52. Virginian Whiskey Punch.
Carefully prepared this is one of the most
exquisite of drinks as the friends of Morrill Chamberlin well remember
when he concocted the same in the old days before he moved to Cali-
fornia and traditional hospitality yet reigned in Wyoming Avenue. The
result largely depended upon the use of fresh ice. That is, ice pounded
in a tea-cloth or a canvas bag with a mallet and used before the air
escaped from the crushed mass. Enough ice was first prepared and tall
thin high-ball glasses were used for making and for serving. Each glass
was filled one-third full of crushed ice and two teaspoons of sugar and
then stirred hard. To this were added juice of one-half lemon, more
ice and a good sized jigger or wine-glass of good Bourbon or old Rye
whiskey. Then it was stirred and stirred as more and more ice was
added gradually until the glass was filled to the top and there was a
fine frosted effect on the outside of the glass. This frosting added
greatly to the effectiveness of the result. It was a labor of love to
produce this wonderful drink and its traditions go way back to the old
happy days in the fine family homes of the South. A little sugar was
added to the top — just lightly dusted on.
1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 52. Strained Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar-glass — fill glass with fine ice
— juice of one-half lemon — two teaspoons of powdered sugar — one ounce
of Rye whiskey — one-quarter ounce of Jamaica or Santa Cruz rum —
shake well — strain into Delmonico glass — garnish with slice of orange.
1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 52. Hot Irish Punch.
In a hot water glass, one or two lumps of loaf sugar,
one squirt of lemon juice, a little hot water to dissolve, one wine-glass
of Irish whiskey, the balance hot water, well stirred, nutmeg and a slice
of lemon and, Arrah, there ye are!
1929 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 3. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Steep the thin yellow shavings of lemon peel in the whiskey,
which should be of the best quality; the sugar should be
dissolved in boiling water. As it requires genius to make
whiskey punch, it would be impertinent to give proportions.
1929 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 4. Whiskey Punch.
One wineglass of whiskey Two wineglasses of boiling
(Irish or Scotch). water.
. Sugar to taste.
Dissolve the sugar well with one wineglass of the water,
then pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the water.
Sweeten to taste, and put in a small piece of lemon rind, or a
thin slice of lemon.
1929 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 4. Cold Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass
One tablespoonful of pow- One and one-half wine-
dered white sugar dis- glasses of Irish or Scotch
solved in a little water. whiskey.
Juice of half a small lemon.
Fill the glass with shaved ice, shake well, and dress the top
with two thin slices of lemon, and berries in season. Serve
with a straw.
This beverage ought always to be made with boiling
water, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or two be-
fore it is put on the table. In this way, the materials get more
intensely amalgamated than cold water and cold whiskey
ever get. As to the beautiful mutual adaptation of cold rum
and cold water, that is beyond all praise, being one of Na-
ture’s most exquisite achievements.
1929 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 4. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made one-
third pure whiskey, and two-thirds boiling water, in which
the sugar has been dissolved. If lemon punch, the rind is
rubbed on the sugar, and a small proportion of juice added
before the whiskey is poured in.
Irish whiskey is not fit to drink until it is three years
1929 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 42. Medford Punch.
Use large bar glass One pony glass of Jamaica
One tablespoonful of pow- rum.
dered white sugar dis- Two or three dashes of
solved in a little water. lemon juice.
One and one-half glass of One slice of orange (cut in
Medford rum. quarters).
FILL the tumbler with ice, shake well, and dress the
top with sliced lime and berries in season. Serve with a
1929 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 46. Essence of Bourbon Whiskey Punch For Bottling.
Four and one-half gallons One-half pint tincture of or-
Bourbon whiskey. ange peel.
Three gallons of plain syrup. Three ounces tincture of all-
One-half pint tincture of spice.
lemon peel. Five dessert-spoonfuls tinc-
. ture of cloves.
Mix the tinctures thoroughly with the whiskey, and then
add the syrup.
The essence of rum punch may be made by substitut-
ing Jamaica or Santa Cruz rum for the whiskey.
1929 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 76. Irish Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé:
1 cuiller à café jus de citron.
1 cuiller à café sucre en poudre.
1 erre à liqueur Irish whisky.
Emplir d’eau très chaude.
Une tranche de citron. Muscader. Cuiller.
1929 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 79. Rum Punch, Cold.
Gobelet n° 3:
1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre.
1 verre à liqueur d’eau.
1 cuiller à café jus de citron.
1 verre à madère de rhum.
Emplir aux 3/4 de glace pilée.
Adapter la timbale. Frapper.
Orner de fruits. Ronds d’orange. Pailles.
1929 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 79. Rum Punch, Hot.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé:
1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre.
2 traits jus de citron.
1 verre à liqueur de rhum.
Emplir d’eau très chaude. Remuer.
Orner 2/2 tranches de citron. Muscader.
1929 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 81. Whisky Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé:
1/2 cuiller à café jus de citron.
1 cuiller à bouche sirop de gomme.
2 traits curaçao.
1 verre à liqueur whisky.
Emplir d’eau chaude. Tranche de citron.
1929 Stanley Wisdom: Rubayat of Canada. Seite 8. Whisky Punch.
Fill large mixing glass three-quarters full of
shaved ice; add two heaping teaspoonfuls of
powdered sugar.
Put in one-quarter lemon well bruised.
Add one-third cocktail glass of water.
Two-thirds cocktail glass Embassy Liqueur Whisky.
Shake and strain into punch glass, ornament with
fruit and serve.
1930 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 17. Hot Rum Punch.
Pound to pulp, with a 4 lb. of white
Sugar, the thin peelings of 2 Lemons
and add the strained juice of 3
Lemons and a teaspoonful of
ground Ginger. Mix well and put
into a fairly large, previously warmed,
punch bowl. Add in this order:
1 pint Rum (see page 8).
1 pint Brandy.
1/2 pint Sherry.
1 quart boiling water.
Mix well, sweeten further with
Syrup to taste, and allow to stand
near fire for 20 minutes. Serve in
hot punch glasses with a little
nutmeg grated on top.
1930 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 18. Hot Irish Punch.
Dissolve a lump of sugar in a little
hot water, in a hot punch glass.
3 or 4 dashes Angostura Bitters.
1 wineglass Irish Whisky.
1 piece Lemon peel (twisted).
Fill up with hot water; stir,
grate nutmeg on top, and serve.
1930 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 18. Hot Rum Punch.
Dissolve 2, lumps of sugar in a little
hot water in an already warmed
punch glass.
4 or 5 dashes Angostura Bitters.
1 wineglass Rum (see page 8).
1 slice of Lemon with peel attached.
Fill up with hot water, grate
nutmeg on top, and serve.
1930 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 18. Hot Whisky Punch.
Dissolve a lump of sugar in a little
hot water in an already warmed
punch glass.
3 or 4 dashes Angostura Bitters.
1 wineglass Scotch Whisky.
1 piece Lemon peel twisted over, and
dropped into glass.
Fill up with hot water, grate
nutmeg on top, and serve.
1930 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 18. Whisky Punch.
Use mixing glass half full of fine ice.
2 teaspoonfuls Syrup.
4 or 5 dashes Lemon Juice.
4 or 5 dashes Angostura Bitters.
1 wineglass Whisky.
Mix well and strain into punch
glass. Decorate with slice of Orange,
add 3 or 4 dashes of Curacoa on top,
and serve.
1930 Anonymus: Here’s How. Seite 35. Bourbon Whiskey Punch. Rye Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 a lemon.
1 small barspoonful sugar.
1 shot bourbon or rye, as desired.
Shake, strain into goblet with fine ice
Dress with fruit ond serve.
1930 Anonymus: Here’s How. Seite 37. Irish Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 a lemon.
1 barspoonful sugar.
1 shot Irish whiskey.
Shake and strain into goblet with fine ice.
Dress with fruit in season.
1930 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: „Cheerio!“. Seite 30. Hot Scotch Punch.
Mix in a large glass, one wine-glass of Scotch whiskey,
two wine-glasses of boiling water. Add two lumps of
sugar and serve.
1930 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: „Cheerio!“. Seite 30. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Mix in large glass, one wine-glass of Irish whiskey,
two wine-glasses of boiling water, two lumps of sugar.
Put in a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice of lemon.
Before using the glass, rinse it in hot water.
1930 Charlie Roe & Jim Schwenck: The Home-Bartender’s Guide and Song Book. Seite 62. Rye Whiskey Punch.
An old-time recipe used at numerous conventions
where speakers were considered a bore. Three
of these and you’d never know they were speaking!
Shaker three-quarters full Shaved Ice
Two heaping teaspoonfuls Powdered Sugar
Juice of one-quarter Lemon
One-half wineglass Water
One wineglass Rye
Shake; strain into punch glass. Decorate
with Fruit and serve
1930 Charlie Roe & Jim Schwenck: The Home-Bartender’s Guide and Song Book. Seite 74. Whiskey Punch.
Somebody with a sense of humor must have added
that word „Punch.“ Be very careful when lifting
the glass to your lips — it may explode — and look
out for blisters on the way down. In Chicago they
start their gangster parties with this one.
Crush a piece of Lemon Peel in a tumbler
One heaping teaspoonful Powdered Sugar
One-third wineglass Sloe Gin
Two-thirds wineglass Old Parr
Stir well; strain into cocktail glass; add a
slice of Peach. Top off with Rum and serve
1930 F. Koki: Cocktails. Old fashioned american Punch.
In ein Punschglas gebe man:
2-3 Stückchen Kristalleis,
1/2 Esslöffel Zucker,
1 Teelöffel Zitronensaft,
1 Sherryglas guten, amer. Whisky.
Man fülle das Glas auf mit Ginger-Ale oder Selterswasser,
mische vorsichtig mit einem Barlöffel, garniere es mit verschiedenen
Früchten und serviere mit Strohhalmen.
1930 Gerardo Corrales: Club de Cantineros de la Republica de Cuba. Manual Oficial. Seite 100. Hot Spiced Rum (Ron con especias caliente).
1/2 terrón de azúcar.
Vasito de ron.
1/2 cucharadita de especias surtidas.
Llénese con agua caliente.
1930 Gerardo Corrales: Club de Cantineros de la Republica de Cuba. Manual Oficial. Seite 118. Bourbon ó Rye Whiskey Punch.
Jugo de un limón.
Cucharadita de azúcar.
Vasito de whiskey Rye o Bourbon.
Batido. Colado a copa de agua llena con hielo
Adórnese con frutas.
1930 Gerardo Corrales: Club de Cantineros de la Republica de Cuba. Manual Oficial. Seite 125. Rum Punch.
Jugo de 1/2 limón.
Cucharadita de azúcar.
Vasito de ron.
Gotas de cognac.
Bátase. Cuélese a copa de agua.
Adórnese con frutas.
1930 Gerardo Corrales: Club de Cantineros de la Republica de Cuba. Manual Oficial. Seite 125. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Jugo de 1/2 limón.
cucharadita de azúcar.
Vasito de whiskey Escocés.
Bátase. Cuélese a copa de agua.
Adórnese con frutas.
1930 Gerardo Corrales: Club de Cantineros de la Republica de Cuba. Manual Oficial. Seite 126. Whiskey Punch (A la antigua).
Botella de whiskey Bourbon.
Jugo de tres limones.
2 vasitos curacao.
1/2 agua mineral con gas.
Vásito de almíbar.
Pedazo grande de hielo.
4 cáscaras de pepino.
Adórnese con fruta y yerbabuena.
1930 Jere Sullivan: The Drinks of Yesteryear. Seite 40. Whiskey [Punch].
For the Seasoned A good dash of lemon juice; a tea-
Drinker. spoonful of sugar or plain syrup; a dash
. of Grenadine Syrup; stir in mixing glass;
. strain into Punch glass; and garnish with
. fruit.
1930 Jere Sullivan: The Drinks of Yesteryear. Seite 40. Rum [Punch].
Same as above using Rum instead of
Brandy as base.
1930 Knut W. Sundin: Two Hundred Selected Drinks. Seite 67. Rum Punch.
Fill the shaker half full of broken ice and add:
1 tablespoonful of plain syrup or Curacao
The juice of half a lemon
1 wine glass of Jamaica Rum.
Shake well and strain into a tumbler, add
cold soda water.
1930 Miguel R. Reguera: Cocktails. Seite 87. Rum Punch.
En un vaso:
Una cucharada de azúcar
. » de jugo de limón
Una copa de ron
Una corteza de limón
El resto de agua hirviendo.
Se mezcla bien y se sirve caliente.
1930 Pedro Chicote: La ley mojada. Seite 325. Irish-Ponche (caliente).
Prepárese en vaso de grog:
1 cucharada de azúcar.
1 — pequeña de jugo de limón.
1 vasito de los de jerez de irish whisky.
El resto, de agua caliente.
Remuévase y añádase una rodaja de limón.
1930 Pedro Chicote: La ley mojada. Seite 331. Ron-Ponche.
Prepárese en vaso grande:
3 ó 4 pedacitos de hielo.
1 cucharada grande de azúcar.
10 gotas de curagao.
El jugo de medio limón.
Unos pedacitos de fruta variada.
1 copita de ron.
Termínese de llenar el vaso con agua de seltz.
Remuévase con una cucharilla y sírvase en el mis-
mo vaso con unas pajas.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 121. Rum Punch.
Rum . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Curacoa . . . . . . . . . . 1 dash
Lemon . . . . . . . . . . . 4 spoons Sugar Syrup . . . . . . . 2 spoons
Stir well with ice and strain into highball glass. Add cracked ice to fill,
decorate and serve with straws.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 121. Rum Punch, No. 2.
Rum . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 jigger Curacoa . . . . . . . . . . 2 spoons
Lemon . . . . . . . . . . . 1 spoon Seltzer . . . . . . . . . . . to fill
Shake well with ice and strain into goblet. Add cracked ice, seltzer to fill,
decorate and serve with straws.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 125. Whisky Punch.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Curacoa . . . . . . . . . . 1 dash
Rum . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 dash Lemon . . . . . . . . . . . 4 spoons
Sugar Syrup . . . . . 2 spoons Seltzer . . . . . . . . . . . to fill
Stir well in goblet with ice. Add cracked ice, seltzer to fill, dash rum
over, decorate and serve with straws.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 125. Whisky Punch, No. 2.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Brandy . . . . . . . . . . 1 dash
Lemon . . . . . . . . . . 1 spoon Sugar Syrup . . . . . . 1 spoon
. Plain Soda . . . . . . . . to fill
Stir well with ice and strain into highball glass. Add cracked ice, soda to
fill and serve.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 136. Whisky Punch.
Whisky . . . . . . . . 1 1/2 jiggers Sugar . . . . . . . . . 1 spoon
Lemon . . . . . . . . few drops Spice . . . . . . . . . to taste
. Hot Water . . . . . . . . . . to fill
Stir well in highball glass, adding hot water to fill Add half slice of
lemon, spice to taste and serve with spoon.
1931 Albert Stevens Crockett: Old Waldorf Bar Days. Seite 216. Rum Punch.
Juice of one-half Lemon
One-half spoon Sugar
One pony of Water
One jigger Rum
Fill glass two-thirds fine Ice; fruit
1931 Albert Stevens Crockett: Old Waldorf Bar Days. Seite 226. Whiskey Punch.
Juice of one-half Lemon
One-half spoon Sugar
One pony of Water
Fill glass two-thirds with fine Ice
One jigger Whiskey
Stir; fruit well in season
1931 Anonymus: ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 7. Rye Whisky Punch.
One large tumbler 1 grand verre de
G.&W. „Special“ Rye G.&W. „Special“ Rye
Whisky. 4 lumps of Whisky. 4 morceaux
sugar. 1 lemon sliced. de sucre. 1 citron tran-
1 orange sliced. 12 ché. 1 orange tranchée.
leaves of green mint, Feuilles ou essence de
cut in half. Mix and menthe, au goût. Mé-
place on ice for half an langer et placer sur la
hour. Add one quart glace durant une demi-
of ginger ale and serve. heure. Ajouter une
Place large piece of ice bouteille de Ginger Ale
in bowl to keep Punch et servir. Placer un gros
cool. morceau de glace dans
. le bol pour garder le
. Punch frais.
1931 Dexter Mason: Tipple and Snack. Seite 39. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Dissolve a teaspoon of sugar in a glass, add
a jigger of whiskey (Scotch or rye) and a
pinch of clove and cinnamon. Fill the glass
with boiling water, and drop in a slice of
lemon, and one of orange.
1931 Dexter Mason: Tipple and Snack. Seite 47. Rum Punch.
1 jigger of rum
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
1 tablespoon of simple syrup
Pour into a glass containing several cubes
of ice, decorate with fruits and serve.
1931 Ignacio Domenech: El arte del cocktelero europeo. Seite 119. Hot-Irish-Punch (caliente).
(Proporciones para una persona)
Prepárese en una copa de cristal. Se ponen dos terrones de
azúcar; una cucharada de las de café de jugo de limón; una
copa de las que se bebe el vino Madera, de Irish-whisky. Llenar
lo que falte de la copa con agua hirviendo. Mézclese bien, y
sírvase con un poco de nuez moscada y una rodaja de limón.
Servirlo con cucharilla de las de café.
1931 Ignacio Domenech: El arte del cocktelero europeo. Seite 124. Rhum-Punch.
(Proporciones para una persona)
Prepárese en una copa de cristal o en una ponchera peque-
ña, una cucharada pequeña de azúcar disuelta con un poco de
agua. Añadir una pequeña cucharada de jugo de limón, copa
y media de las que se bebe el vino o el Madera, de ron de la
Negrita. Llénese con hielo picado y algunas frutas del tiempo
Sírvase con pajas.
1931 John: „Happy Days!“. Seite 85. Bourbon Whisky Punch.
Juice of one-half a Lemon
One small teaspoonful Sugar
100 per cent Bourbon Whiskey.
Shake, strain into goblet with fine ice. Dress with
fruit and serve.
1931 Louis Leospo: Traité d’industrie hotelière. Seite 642. Punchs.
Préparation. — Elle se fait à chaud ou à froid, selon le désir du
On peut préparer plusieurs punchs à la fois dans un bol en
argent ou en porcelaine; on sert ensuite avec une cuillère à punch
(genre louche).
Si le punch est chaud, on le sert dans un gobelet muni d’un
porte-gobelet en argent; s’il est froid, on le sert dans une coupe ou
dans un gobelet de cristal.
Les recettes suivantes sont les plus usitées. (Proportions néces-
saires pour une personne).
1931 Louis Leospo: Traité d’industrie hotelière. Seite 645. Whisky-punch.
Mettre dans un tumbler moyen préalablement ré-
1 cuillerée à café de sucre en poudre.
1/2 verre à liqueur de whisky.
4 gouttes de curaçao.
Jus d’un quart de citron.
Remplir le tumbler d’eau bouillante. Garnir d’une demi-rondelle
de citron. Pointe de muscade.
Ce punch peut être servi froid; il suffit de remplacer l’eau bouil-
lante par de la glace pilée.
1931 Virginia Elliott & Phil D. Stong: Shake ‚em Up. Seite 48. Whiskey Punch.
Fill a tall glass one-third full of very finely
crushed ice, add two teaspoons of sugar and stir
well. Add the juice of one-half lemon, then a
little more ice. Over this pour one wine glass
of whiskey. Stir constantly, while adding a
tablespoon of ice at a time, until the glass is
full. The glasses will be frosted on the outside.
Dust lightly with powdered sugar and drink.
This is a famous old Southern drink.
1932 Niels Larsen: 156 recettes de boissons américaines. Seite 64. Hot Irish Punch.
[A préparer dans un verre à grog.]
2 morceaux de sucre. Ajoutez:
1 cuiller à café de jus de citron;
1 verre à madère d’irish whisky;
Remplissez d’eau bouillante.
Mélangez bien et ornez d’une tranche de citron.
Râpez un peu de muscade et:
Servez avec une cuiller à café.
1932 Niels Larsen: 156 recettes de boissons américaines. Seite 66. Rhum Punch.
[A préparer dans un grand gobelet.]
3/4 cuiller à bouche de sucre en poudre dissous
dans un peu d’eau. Ajoutez:
1/2 cuiller à café de jus de citron;
1 verre 1/2 à madère de rhum.
Remplissez de glace pilée.
Mélangez bien, ornez de fruits et servez avec
de grandes pailles.
1933 A. E. P. Bird & William C. Turner: Cocktails. Seite 28. Whiskey Punch.
Rye or Bourbon, 1 pint Rum, 8 dashes
Curacoa, 8 dashes Lemons, Juice of 4
Sugar Syrup, 2 ozs. Charged Water, 1 quart
Mix materials together in punch howl and add large
piece of ice; garnish with sliced lemon and orange. The
above will serve 16 four ounce portions.
1933 Anonymus: 300 Drinks and How to Mix ‚em. Seite 30. Hot Irish Punch.
(A hot water glass)
1 or 2 lumps sugar.
1 or 2 dashes of lemon Juice.
1 wine-glass Irish whisky.
Fill up with hot water; stir well.
Place a slice of lemon on top, grate a little nutmeg,
and serve.
1933 Anonymus: 300 Drinks and How to Mix ‚em. Seite 31. Medford Punch.
(A large bar glass)
Fill glass with fine ice.
3/4 table-spoon sugar.
2 or 3 dashes lemon juice.
1 1/4 glass Medford rum.
1 dash Jamaica rum.
Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with straw.
1933 Anonymus: 300 Drinks and How to Mix ‚em. Seite 34. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Large bar glass)
1 table-spoon sugar.
3 or 4 dashes lemon juice.
1/4 pony-glass Jamaica rum.
1 wine-glass St. Croix rum.
Fill up with fine ice. Dress top with fruit and ber-
Serve with a straw.
1933 Anonymus: 300 Drinks and How to Mix ‚em. Seite 35. Hot Whisky Punch.
(A hot whisky glass)
The juice of half a lemon, one or two lumps of sugar
dissolved in one wine-glass hot water.
2 wine-glasses Scotch or Irish whisky.
Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a thin
slice of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some grate a lit-
tle nutmeg on top. Always place ice before the cus-
tomer, and allow a spoon to remain in the drink, in
order that the partaker of the beverage can help him
self to ice should the mixture be too hot for him.
1933 Anonymus: Cocktails. Their Kicks and Side-Kicks. Seite 28. Whiskey Punch.
Rye or Bourbon, 1 pint Rum, 8 dashes
Curacoa, 8 dashes Lemons, Juice of 4
Sugar Syrup, 2 ozs. Charged Water, 1 quart
Mix materials together in punch bowl and add large
piece of ice; garnish with sliced lemon and orange. The
above will serve 16 four ounce portions.
1933 Anonymus: Here’s How to Mix ‚Em. Seite 30. Hot Irish Punch.
(A hot water glass)
1 or 2 lumps sugar.
1 or 2 dashes of lemon juice.
1 wine-glass Irish whisky.
Fill up with hot water; stir well.
Place a slice of lemon on top, grate a little nutmeg,
and serve.
1933 Anonymus: Here’s How to Mix ‚Em. Seite 31. Medford Rum Punch.
(A large bar glass)
Fill glass with fine ice.
3/4 table-spoon sugar.
2 or 3 dashes lemon juice.
1 1/4 glass Medford rum.
1 dash Jamaica rum.
Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with straw.
1933 Anonymus: Here’s How to Mix ‚Em. Seite 34. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Large bar glass)
1 table-spoon sugar.
3 or 4 dashes lemon juice.
1/4 pony-glass Jamaica rum.
1 wine-glass St. Croix rum.
Fill up with fine ice. Dress top with fruit and berries.
Serve with a straw.
1933 Anonymus: Here’s How to Mix ‚Em. Seite 35. Hot Whisky Punch.
(A hot whisky glass)
The juice of half a lemon, one or two lumps of sugar
dissolved in one wine-glass hot water.
2 wine-glasses Scotch or Irish whisky.
Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a thin
slice of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some grate a lit-
tle nutmeg on top. Always place ice before the cus-
tomer, and allow a spoon to remain in the drink, in
order that the partaker of the beverage can help him-
self to ice should the mixture be too hot for him.
1933 Anonymus: Lest We Forget. Seite 35. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass.
Three-quarters tablespoonful of sugar,
dissolve well.
Two or three dashes lemon juice.
Fill glass with fine ice.
One and one-half glass Medford rum.
One dash Jamaica rum.
Stir well with spoon. Dress with fruits in
season, and serve with straws.
1933 Anonymus: Lest We Forget. Seite 35. Whiskey Punch.
Use large bar glass.
One tablespoonful powdered sugar, dis-
solved in a little water.
Juice of one-half small lemon.
One and one-half wine-glass whiskey.
Fill glass with shaved ice, shake well; dress
with lemon and berries, and serve with straws.
1933 Anonymus: Lest We Forget. Seite 37. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass.
One tablespoonful powdered white sugar,
dissolved in a little water.
One wine-glass Santa Cruz rum.
One-quarter wine-glass Jamaica rum.
Two or three dashes lemon juice.
One slice of orange (cut in quarters).
Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well,
and dress the top with sliced lime and ber-
ries in season.
Serve with a straw.
1933 Anonymus: O’Dell’s Book of Cocktails and Fancy Drinks. Seite 210. Hot Rum Punch.
Dissolve 2 lumps of Sugar in a little
hot water in an already warmed punch
glass. 4 or 5 dashes Angostura Bitters,
1 wineglass Rum, 1 slice of Lemon with
peel attached.
Fill up with hot water, grate Nut-
meg on top, and serve.
1933 Anonymus: The Bartender’s Friend. Seite 45. Bottled Rum Punch Essence.
Rum, Medford Mix 1 qt. of rum, 2 qts. spirits, 2 qts.
Spirits (70%) syrup, 1 1/2 ponies tinct. lemon peel, 20
Syrup, Plain drops tinct. cloves. Strain through fine
Tinct. Lemon Peel cloth. Bottle. In using the essence to
Tinct. Cloves make a drink, mix with equal parts of
. boiling water or fill up a punch glass
. already full of fine ice, as desired.
1933 Anonymus: The Bartender’s Friend. Seite 45. Bottled Whiskey Punch Essence.
Whiskey With 1 gal. of whisky, mix 1 1/2 ponies
Syrup, Plain of tincture of lemon peel and 1 1/2 tea-
Tinct. of Lemon spoonfuls of tincture of cloves. Add
Peel 3 qts. of syrup. Stir well and bottle.
Tinct. of Cloves
1933 Anonymus: The Bartender’s Friend. Seite 87. Hot Rum Punch.
Follow recipe for Rum Punch, filling
with hot water instead of ice. Stir
and sprinkle with nutmeg. No fruit.
Serve with spoon.
Seite 122. Rum Punch.
Jamaica Rum Into a mixing glass put 1 jigger of
Lemon Juice rum, the juice of 1/2 lemon and juice of
Orange Juice 1/2 orange, 1 tablespoonful of syrup,
Syrup, Plain and fill with fine ice. Shake, add fruit,
Ice and serve with straw in a punch glass.
1933 Anonymus: The Bartender’s Friend. Seite 88. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Follow recipe for Whiskey Punch
(which see), but use hot water in place
of ice, and stir instead of shake.
Seite 144. Whiskey Punch.
Rye Whiskey In a mixing glass dissolve 1 teaspoonful
Rum of fine sugar in a little water and the
Lemon Juice juice of 1/2 lemon, half fill with fine
Sugar ice, add 1 jigger of whiskey and 1 tea-
Water spoonful of rum. Shake, strain, and
Ice serve.
1933 Anonymus: The Bartender’s Friend. Seite 122. Rum Punch.
Jamaica Rum Into a mixing glass put 1 jigger of
Lemon Juice rum, the juice of 1/2 lemon and juice of
Orange Juice 1/2 orange, 1 tablespoonful of syrup,
Syrup, Plain and fill with fine ice. Shake, add fruit,
Ice and serve with straw in a punch glass.
1933 Anonymus: The Bartender’s Friend. Seite 144. Whiskey Punch.
Rye Whiskey In a mixing glass dissolve 1 teaspoonful
Rum of fine sugar in a little water and the
Lemon Juice juice of 1/2 lemon, half fill with fine
Sugar ice, add 1 jigger of whiskey and 1 tea-
Water spoonful of rum. Shake, strain, and
Ice serve.
1933 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 49. Medford Rum Punch.
Use Large Glass.
THREE-QUARTERS tablespoonful
powdered sugar; two or three dashes
lemon juice. Dissolve with a little water.
Fill glass with fine shaved ice. One and a
quarter wine glass Medford rum. Shake
well, and ornament with fruit. Serve with
1933 Fred W. Swan: When Good Fellows Get Together. Seite 53. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(use hot water
1 or 2 lumps sugar.
1 or 2 dashes lemon juice.
1 wineglass Irish Whiskey.
Fill up glass with hot water. Stir well.
Top with a slice of lemon, over which a
little nutmeg is sprinkled, and serve.
1933 Fred W. Swan: When Good Fellows Get Together. Seite 54. Medford Rum Punch.
(use large bar glass)
Partly fill glass wth shaved ice.
tablespoon sugar.
2 or 3 dashes lemon juice.
1 1/4 glasses Medford Rum.
1 dash Jamaica Rum.
Stir well. Dress with fruit in season and
serve with a straw.
1933 Fred W. Swan: When Good Fellows Get Together. Seite 56. Rum Punch.
(use large bar glass)
1 tablespoon sugar.
3 or 4 dashes lemon juice.
1/4 pony glass Jamaica Rum.
1 wineglass St. Croix Rum.
1 slice of orange, cut into quarters.
Fill up glass with shaved ice. Decorate
with fruit or berries in season. Serve with a
1933 Fred W. Swan: When Good Fellows Get Together. Seite 56. Hot Rum Punch.
(use large bar glass)
Prepare same as Irish Whiskey, Hot, sub-
stituting Rum for Irish Whiskey.
Seite 53. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(use hot water
1 or 2 lumps sugar.
1 or 2 dashes lemon juice.
1 wineglass Irish Whiskey.
Fill up glass with hot water. Stir well.
Top with a slice of lemon, over which a
little nutmeg is sprinkled, and serve.
1933 Fred W. Swan: When Good Fellows Get Together. Seite 58. Whiskey Punch.
(use large bar glass)
1 tablespoon powdered sugar, dissolved
in a little water.
Juice of 1/2 lemon.
1 wineglass Irish or Scotch Whiskey.
Fill glass with shaved ice. Shake well.
Garnish with 2 thin slices of lemon or ber-
ries in season. Serve with a straw.
1933 Fred W. Swan: When Good Fellows Get Together. Seite 58. Hot Whiskey Punch.
(use large bar glass)
Prepare same as Irish Whiskey, Hot, sub-
stituting Rye or Bourbon for Irish Whiskey.
Seite 53. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(use hot water
1 or 2 lumps sugar.
1 or 2 dashes lemon juice.
1 wineglass Irish Whiskey.
Fill up glass with hot water. Stir well.
Top with a slice of lemon, over which a
little nutmeg is sprinkled, and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 129. Rum Punch.
Rum . . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Curacoa . . . . . . . . . 1 dash
Lemon . . . . . . . . . 4 spoons Sugar Syrup . . . . . . 2 spoons
Stir well with ice and strain into highball glass. Add
cracked ice to fill, decorate and serve with straws.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 129. Rum Punch, No. 2.
Rum . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 jigger Curacoa . . . . . . . . . 2 spoons
Lemon . . . . . . . . . 1 spoon Seltzer . . . . . . . . . . . to fill
Shake well with ice and strain into goblet. Add cracked
ice, seltzer to fill, decorate and serve with straws.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 133. Whisky Punch.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Curacoa . . . . . . . . . 1 dash
Rum . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 dash Lemon . . . . . . . . . . 4 spoons
Sugar Syrup . . . . . . . 2 spoons Seltzer . . . . . . . . . . to fill
Stir well in goblet with ice. Add cracked ice, seltzer to fill,
dash rum over, decorate and serve with straws.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 133. Whisky Punch, No. 2.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Brandy . . . . . . . . . . . 1 dash
Lemon . . . . . . . . . . . 1 spoon Sugar Syrup . . . . . . . 1 spoon
. Plain Soda . . . . . . . . to fill
Stir well with ice and strain into highball glass. Add
cracked ice, soda to fill and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 147. Whisky Punch.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . 1 1/2 jiggers Sugar . . . . . . . . . 1 spoon
Lemon . . . . . . . . . few drops Spice . . . . . . . . . to taste
Stir well in highball glass, adding hot water to fill. Add
half slice of lemon, spice to taste and serve with spoon.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 175. Rum Punch.
Rum . . . . . . . . . . 1 quart Orange Juice . . . . . 1 quart
. Sugar . . . . . . . . . 1/2 pound
Stir well, strain through jelly hag and bottle for use.
1933 George Albert Zabriskie: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 68. Medford Rum Punch.
1 teaspoonful sugar
Juice of 1/2 lemon
Dissolve in little water
1 jigger Medford rum
1/2 glass cracked ice
Stir with spoon; dress with fruits in season.
1933 George Albert Zabriskie: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 75. Whiskey Punch.
1 wineglass of whiskey (Irish or Scotch)
2 wineglasses of boiling water
Sugar to taste
Dissolve sugar well with one wineglass of water, then
pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the water;
sweeten to taste; put in a small piece of lemon rind, or
a slice of lemon
1933 George Albert Zabriskie: The Bon Vivant’s Companion. Seite 75. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is a genuine Irish beverage.
1/3 pure whiskey
2/3 boiling water, in which sugar has been dissolved
If lemon is used, the rind is rubbed on the sugar, and a
little of the juice is added before the whiskey is poured in.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 84. Bourbon Whiskey Punch.
Juice of one-half a lemon.
One small teaspoonful sugar.
Jigger bourbon whiskey.
Shake, strain into goblet with fine ice. Dress with fruit and serve.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 90. Hot Irish Punch.
One lump of sugar dissolved in a little hot water in a hot punch
One wine glass of Irish whisky.
One piece of lemon peel.
Fill up with hot water; stir; grate nutmeg on top and serve.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 91. Hot Rum Punch.
Made the same as Irish Whisky, substituting rum for Irish whisky.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 91. Hot Whisky Punch.
Same as Hot Irish Whisky, substimting Rye or Bourbon for Irish
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 92. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass.
Three-fourths full of shaved ice.
One wine glass of Medford rum.
Three dashes of fine sugar.
One dash of Jamaica rum.
Stir well; dress with fruit and serve with straws.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 96. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass.
One tablespoonful of sugar.
One wine glass of St. Croix rum.
One teaspoonful of raspberry syrup.
One-half wine glass of Jamaica rum.
Fill with cracked ice; shake well; ornament with fruit in season
and serve with straws.
1933 Harry Todd: Mixer’s Guide. Seite 96. Whisky Punch.
Use large bar glass.
One tablespoonful of lemon juice.
One wine glass of whisky.
One-fourth wine glass of Jamaica rum.
One tablespoonful of sugar.
One-half wine glass of water.
Five drops of raspberry syrup.
Fill glass with cracked ice. Shake well; dress top with 1 slice
of orange, 1 piece of pineapple and serve with straws.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 189. Bourbon Whisky Punch.
Juice of half a lemon
1 small teaspoonful sugar
100% Bourbon whisky
Shake, and strain into goblet with fine ice. Dress with fruit
and serve.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 196. Hot Irish Punch.
2 lumps of sugar
Juice of half a lemon
Dissolve in a little hot water.
100% Irish whisky
Fill glass with hot water. Stir well, place slice of lemon on
top, grate nutmeg, and serve.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 197. Irish Whisky Punch.
Juice of half a lemon
1 teaspoonful sugar
100% Irish whisky
Shake and strain into a goblet with fine ice. Dress with fruit
in season.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 197. Hot Rum Punch.
1 teaspoonful o£ sugar
100% Jamaica rum
Fill glass with hot water. Twist 2 pieces of lemon peel on
top, and drop them into the glass. Add 2 whole cloves. Stir with
spoon, and serve.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 197. Irish Whisky Punch.
Juice of half a lemon
1 teaspoonful sugar
100% Irish whisky
Shake and strain into a goblet with fine ice. Dress with fruit
in season.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 198. Medford Rum Punch.
1 teaspoonful sugar
Juice of half a lemon
Dissolve in a little water.
100% rum
1/2 glass cracked ice
Stir with spoon, dress with fruits in season, and serve with
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 200. Old-Fashioned Whisky Punch.
80% Bourbon whisky
Juice of half a lemon
20% curaçao
1/2 pint plain or sparkling water
Plain syrup
1 long cube of ice
3 or 4 slices of cucumber rind
Decorate with fruit and mint.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 203. Rye Whisky Punch.
Same as Bourbon Whisky Punch, but use rye whisky instead of
Seite 189. Bourbon Whisky Punch.
Juice of half a lemon
1 small teaspoonful sugar
100% Bourbon whisky
Shake, and strain into goblet with fine ice. Dress with fruit
and serve.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 203. St. Croix Rum Punch.
1 tablespoonful sugar
Juice of one lemon
75% St. Croix rum
25% Jamaica rum
Fill glass with cracked ice. Stir with spoon, ornament with
fruits in season, and serve with straws.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 204. Scotch Whisky Punch.
Juice of half a lemon
1 teaspoonful of sugar
100% Scotch whisky
Shake, and strain into a goblet. Dress with fruit.
1933 Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. Seite 206. Whisky Punch.
(Use large bar glass half full of ice)
1 teaspoonful of sugar
Juice of one lemon
100% whisky and rum mixed
2 dashes angostura bitters
Shake well, and strain into punch glass, with slice of orange,
and 3 or 4 dashes of curagao on top. Fill with seltzer and serve.
1933 John F. Driscoll: The Home Bartender. Seite 39. Whiskey Punch (English).
Rub 4 large cubes of sugar upon the rind of three lemons
till yellow disappears, add more sugar to make a quantity
of six ounces, put this sugar into a bowl and squeeze upon
it the juice of two lemons and pour upon it a pint and a
half of boiling water, add one quart of good aged Whiskey,
also three quarts of imported soda Water, Garnish with
fresh mixed fruits and drop 6 or 8 clean sprigs of mint into
punch and stir. Ice.
1933 Joseph P. Santana & Charles A. Sasena: Fine Beverages. Seite 34. Whiskey Punch.
Take mixing glass with juice of one lemon
One tablespoonful of fine sugar
Fill glass with fine ice
Add 2 oz. Whiskey
A little Jamaica Rurti and a little Brandy
Shake well. Strain into lemonade glass, and fill up with seltzer.
Decorate with fruit and serve.
1933 Julien J. Proskauer: Whatt’ll You Have. Seite 96. Genuine Whiskey Punch.
A goblet filled with fine ice,
a dash of lemon-juice,
3 dashes of gum,
1 drink of whiskey.
Then fill another goblet with fine ice, and put
this on top of the first; turn them upside down
five or six times; hold them up together as
high as you can with both hands, and let the
liquid drip down into a tall, fancy glass; 1
dash of Jamaica rum on the top, and you will
have an impressive and pleasant drink.
(Other liquors may be turned into punches the
same way.)
1933 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 76. Irish Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé:
1 cuiller à café jus de citron.
1 cuiller à café sucre en poudre.
1 erre à liqueur Irish whisky.
Emplir d’eau très chaude.
Une tranche de citron. Muscader. Cuiller.
1933 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 79. Rum Punch, Cold.
Gobelet n° 3:
1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre.
1 verre à liqueur d’eau.
1 cuiller à café jus de citron.
1 verre à madère de rhum.
Emplir aux 3/4 de glace pilée.
Adapter la timbale. Frapper.
Orner de fruits. Ronds d’orange. Pailles.
1933 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 79. Rum Punch, Hot.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé:
1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre.
2 traits jus de citron.
1 verre à liqueur de rhum.
Emplir d’eau très chaude. Remuer.
Orner 2/2 tranches de citron. Muscader.
1933 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 81. Whisky Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé:
1/2 cuiller à café jus de citron.
1 cuiller à bouche sirop de gomme.
2 traits curaçao.
1 verre à liqueur whisky.
Emplir d’eau chaude. Tranche de citron.
1933 R. C. Miller: The American Bar Guide. Seite 3. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is the genuine Irish beverage. It is generally made
one-third pure whiskey, two-thirds boiling water, in which
the sugar has been dissolved. If lemon punch, the rind
is rubbed on the sugar, and a small proportion of juice
added before the whiskey is poured in.
1933 R. C. Miller: The American Bar Guide. Seite 4. Cold Whiskey Punch.
(For a party)
This beverage ought always to be made with boiling
water, and allowed to concoct and cool for a day or two
before it is put on the table. In this way the materials
get more intensely amalgamated than cold water and cold
whiskey ever get. As to the beautiful mutual adaptation
of cold rum and cold water, that is beyond all praise,
being one of Nature’s most exquisite achievements. (See
„Glasgow Punch,“ No. 29.)
Seite 12. Glasgow Punch.
Melt lump-sugar in cold water, with the juice of a
couple of lemons, passed through a fine hair-strainer. This
is sherbet, and must be well mingled. Then add old
Jamaica rum-one part of rum to five of sherbet. Cut
a couple of limes in two, and run each section rapidly
around the edge of the jug or bowl, gently squeezing in
some of the delicate acid. This done, the punch is made.
1933 R. C. Miller: The American Bar Guide. Seite 4. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Steep the thin yellow shavings of lemon peel in the
whiskey, which should be Glenlivet or Islay, of the best
quality; the sugar should be dissolved in boiling water.
As it requires genius to make whiskey punch, it would be
impertient to give proportions. (See „Spread Eagle
Punch,“ No. 39.
Seite 15. The Spread Eagle Punch.
1 bottle of whiskey.
1 bottle of brandy.
Lemon peel, sugar and-boiling water at discretion.
1933 R. C. Miller: The American Bar Guide. Seite 4. Whiskey Punch.
(Use small bar glass)
1 wine-glass whiskey (Irish or Scotch).
2 do. boiling water.
Sugar to taste.
Dissolve the sugar well with wine-glass of the water,
then pour in the whiskey, and add the balance of the water,
sweeten to taste, and put in a small piece of lemon rind,
or a thin slice of lemon.
1934 Anonymus: 100 Famous Cocktails. Seite 44. Whiskey Punch.
Juice of one-half Lemon
One-half spoon sugar
One pony of water
Fill glass two-thirds with fine ice
One jigger Whiskey
Stir, fruit well in season
1934 Anonymus: A Life-Time Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks. Seite 104. Bourbon Whisky Punch, Rye Whisky Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon Shake
1 small barspoonful sugar Strain into goblet with
1 jigger Bourbon or Rye fine ice. Dress with
as desired fruit and serve
1934 Anonymus: A Life-Time Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks. Seite 108. Irish Whisky Punch.
Juice of 1 lemon Shake and strain into
1 barspoonful sugar goblet with fine ice
1 jigger Irish Whisky Dress with fruit
1934 Anonymus: A Life-Time Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks. Seite 111. Rum Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon or lime Shake
1 barspoonful of sugar Strain into goblet and
1 jigger of Rum dress with fruit
1 dash Brandy
1934 Anonymus: A Life-Time Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks. Seite 111. Scotch Whisky Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon Shake and strain into
1 barspoonful of sugar goblet
1 jigger Scotch Whisky Dress with fruit
1934 Anonymus: A Life-Time Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks. Seite 113. Whisky Punch (old Fashion).
1 quart Bourbon Whisky 1 long cube ice
1 jigger of lemon juice 3 or 4 slices cucumber
2 jiggers Curaçao rind
1/2 pint water or sparkling Decorate with fruit and
1 jigger plain Syrup mint
1934 Anonymus: Angostura Recipes. Seite 18. Scotch Whisky Punch.
as mixed at ANGOSTURA BAR,Trinidad
Large Glass, 1/2 Ice. 1 Teaspoon Sugar
4 or 5 Dashes Lime (or Lemon) Juice
1/2 Pint Scotch Whisky and Rum, mixed
4 or 5 Dashes Angostura Bitters
Shake well, strain into punch glass with
Slice of Orange — 3 or 4 Dashes Curaçao
on top. Splash with Seltzer.
1934 Anonymus: Angostura Recipes. Seite 20. Whisky Punch.
as mixed at ANGOSTURA BAR,Trinidad
Large glass 1/2 ice — 1 Teaspoon Sugar — 4
or 5 dashes Lime (or Lemon) Juice — 1/2
Pint Whisky and Rum mixed — 4 or 5
dashes Angostura Bitters. Shake well,
strain into punch glass with slice of
orange — 3 or 4 dashes Curaçao on top,
with Seltzer.
1934 Anonymus: The Complete Bartender’s Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 49. Hot Irish Punch.
(Use large bar glass.)
3 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar.
1 or 2 dashes of lemon juice.
1 wine-glass Irish whisky.
Fill up with hot water; stir well.
Place a slice of lemon on top, grate a little nutmeg
and serve.
1934 Anonymus: The Complete Bartender’s Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 50. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.)
Fill glass with shaved ice.
1 teaspoonful powdered sugar.
2 or 3 dashes lemon juice.
1 1/4 glass Medford rum.
1 dash of Jamaica rum.
Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with straw.
1934 Anonymus: The Complete Bartender’s Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 54. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.)
2 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar.
3 or 4 dashes lemon juice.
1/4 pony-glass Jamaica rum.
1 wine-glass St. Croix rum.
Fill up with shaved ice. Dress top with fruit and
berries. Serve with a straw.
1934 Anonymus: The Complete Bartender’s Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 55. Whisky Punch (Hot).
(Use whisky glass.)
The juice of half a lemon, 3 teaspoonfuls powdered
sugar in one wine-glass hot water.
2 wine-glasses Scotch or Irish whisky.
Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a
thin slice of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some
grate a little nutmeg on top. Always place ice be-
fore the customer, and allow a spoon to remain in
the drink, in order that the partaker of the beverage
can help himself to ice should the mixture be too
hot for him.
1934 Anonymus: The Complete Bartender’s Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 120. Whisky Punch (Cold).
Fill a tall glass 1/3 full of very finely crushed ice, add 2 teaspoons
of sugar and stir well. Add juice of 1/2 lemon, then a little more ice.
Over this pour 1 wine glass of whisky. Stir constantly, while add-
ing a tablespoon of ice at a time until glass is full. The glasses
will be frosted on the outside. Dust lightly with powdered sugar.
This is a famous old Southern drink.
1934 Anonymus: The Masterly Touch. Seite 20. Whisky Punch.
3 glasses orange juice
2 glasses lemon juice • 1 cup sugar
2 big bottles Canada Dry Ginger Ale
1 12-oz. bottle Canada Dry’s Sparkling Water
1 quart Cedar Brook
dress with sliced fruit
1934 Anonymus: What goes with what. Seite 19. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Use a large glass; the juice of one Lemon, one tablespoonful of
Sugar. Add a little Carbonated Water and dissolve well, one-half
wine glass of St. Croix Rum.
Fill with shaved ice, mix well, and ornament with fruits.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 273. Whisky-Punsch.
wie Brandy-Punsch, je-
doch an Stelle von Wein-
brand nehme man Rye-
Seite 265 Brandy-Punch.
1 Eßlöffelvoll Zucker in
etwas Wasser auflösen
1/2 Zitronensaft
1/10 Curaçao, orange
1/1 Weinbrand
weiter wie Arrak-Punsch.
Seite 265 Arrack-Punch.
1 Eßlöffelvoll Zucker in
etwas Wasser auflösen
1/2 Zitronensaft
1/2 Arrak in das mit Eis
gefüllte Punschglas
geben, umrühren, mit
Früchten garnieren
und servieren.
1934 Bernard: 100 Cocktails. Seite 91. Rum Punch.
1/2 gill of Rum.
1/4 gill of Lemon Juice.
1 dash of Brandy.
2 dashes of Plain Syrup.
Soda Water.
1/2 shakerful of broken Ice.
Half fill the shaker with broken ice and add the
Rum. Then add the Lemon juice, the Plain
Syrup and the Brandy. Shake well and pass
through a strainer into a large wine glass.
To serve, fill up with Soda Water.
This punch is one of the most popular ones,
but you can vary the recipe by using Brandy,
Gin, Sherry or Whisky in place of Rum.
1934 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: Punches and Cocktails. Seite 8. Hot Spiced Rum.
Fill a tumbler two thirds full of hot water after plac-
ing spoon in glass and mix in a pony of Jamaica rum. Add
one teaspoonful of sugar, juice of a quarter of a lemon,
and whole cloves to suit taste. Serve with spoon.
1934 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: Punches and Cocktails. Seite 9. Hot Irish.
Fill a tumbler two thirds full of boiling water, putting
a spoon in glass first to prevent cracking. In this dissolve
a spoonful of sugar and add a portion of Irish whiskey.
Squirt in the juice of a quarter lemon, and ornament with
a slice of lemon. Serve with a spoon.
1934 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: Punches and Cocktails. Seite 28. Hot Rum.
In a heated bar glass pour one wine-glass of Jamaica
rum. Add a teaspoonful of powdered sugar and a small
piece of butter, big as the end of your fingernail. Fill with
boiling water, stirring as you pour. Grate a little nutmeg
on top and serve.
1934 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: Punches and Cocktails. Seite 30. Hot Scotch Punch.
Mix in a large glass, one wine-glass of Scotch whiskey,
two wine-glasses of boiling water. Add two lumps of
sugar and serve.
1934 Charles Nicholas Reinhardt: Punches and Cocktails. Seite 30. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
Mix in large glass, one wine-glass of Irish whiskey,
two wine-glasses of boiling water, two lumps of sugar.
Put in a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice of lemon.
Before using the glass, rinse it in hot water.
1934 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 200. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.)
1 tablesponful of sugar;
3 or 4 dashes of lime or lemon juice;
1/2 wine glass of water or squirt of seltzer, dissolved
well with a spoon;
pony glass of Jamaica rum;
1 wine glass of St. Croix rum;
Fill up with fine shaved ice;
Mix well with a spoon, ornament with fruit in sea-
son, and serve with a straw.
This is a very cooling and pleasant drink in the hot
season, providing you don’t use poor rum.
1934 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 227. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use a large bar glass.)
3/4 tablespoonful of sugar;
2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice, dissolve well with a
little water, or squirt of syphon, vichy, or setters;
Fill the glass with finely shaved ice;
1 1/2 wineglassful of Medford rum;
Flavor with a few drops of Jamaica rum, stir up well
with a spoon, and dress the top with fruit in season
in a tasteful manner, and serve with a straw.
1934 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 229. Hot Irish Whiskey Punch.
(Use a hot water glass.)
1 or 2 lumps of loaf sugar;
1 squirt of lemon juice, dissolve in a little hot water;
1 wine glass of Irish whiskey;
Fill the glass with hot water, stir up well, put a
slice of lemon into it, grate a little nutmeg on top, and
1934 Harry Johnson: The New and Improved Illustrated Bartenders‘ Manual. Seite 250. Hot Scotch Whiskey Punch.
(Use a hot water glass.)
1 or 2 lumps of loaf sugar;
Dissolve well with a little hot water;
1 wineglassful of Scotch whiskey;
Fill up a glass with hot water, stir up well with a
spoon, put a slice of lemon into it, grate a little nut-
meg on top, and serve.
1934 Ira A. Altschul: Drinks as They Were Made Before Prohibition. Seite 40. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Use a hot water glass.
Any whiskey. Rye, Bourbon, Scotch or Irish.
Heat glass with hot water while preparing drink.
One cube sugar dissolved in a little hot water.
One jigger whiskey, fill with hot water.
One thin slice of lemon dropped in and serve with a toddy spoon.
1934 Ira A. Altschul: Drinks as They Were Made Before Prohibition. Seite 42. Rum Punch.
In a punch glass.
Two spoons gum syrup.
Two or three dashes lemon juice.
Fill glass with shaved ice.
One jigger Medford Rum.
One dash Jamaica Rum.
Stir well, dress with fruit and serve straws.
1934 Ira A. Altschul: Drinks as They Were Made Before Prohibition. Seite 43. Santa Cruz Rum Punch.
Use a small mixing glass.
Two spoons sugar.
One jigger Santa Cruz Rum.
One-half jigger Jamaica Rum.
Juice of one-half lemon.
Fill with shaved ice, shake well and strain into a punch glass.
Dress with fruit and serve with straws.
1934 Ira A. Altschul: Drinks as They Were Made Before Prohibition. Seite 43. Whiskey Punch.
Use a small mixing glass.
Half fill with shaved ice.
Two spoons sugar.
Juice of one small lemon.
One jigger Whiskey.
Stir well and strain into a punch glass filled with cracked ice.
Dress with fruit
and serve with straws.
1934 John Robert Meyer: Bottoms Up. Seite 22. Rye Whisky Punch.
Dress with fresh fruit.
3 teaspoons lemon juice
1-3 mineral water
2-3 Rye
3 teaspoons powdered sugar.
1934 Magnus Bredenbek: What Shall We Drink. Seite 50. Rye Whisky Punch.
Let’s make this one just for us two: Pour into your shaker
containing a small amount of ice to chill mixture, six ounces
of rye whisky and add two teaspoonsful of lemon juice and
a tablespoonful of „gum.“ Shake thoroughly and strain into
two punch glasses half full of shaved ice. Garnish with a
half slice of orange and a thin spear-head of pineapple. It’s
„stiff“ but delicious!
1934 Magnus Bredenbek: What Shall We Drink. Seite 50. Scotch Punch.
Then try this one: — this time for a gathering of friends:
Drag out the punch bowl and put into it cracked ice for
chilling purposes. Into the ice pour two quarts of Scotch
whisky, two quarts of seltzer or carbonated water, juice of a
half dozen lemons and thin slivers of the yellow rinds, and
about two teacups of „gum.“ Stir thoroughly and serve.
You have enough for thirty drinks in this portion.
1934 Magnus Bredenbek: What Shall We Drink. Seite 51. Whisky Punch.
There are many varieties of whisky punches, but these
that follow will be found almost universally satisfactory and
may be used as the bases for your own inventive genius in
adding other ingredients.
1934 Magnus Bredenbek: What Shall We Drink. Seite 51. Hot Whisky Punch.
Now let’s try a hot whisky punch, just the two of us.
Use either Rye or Scotch, Bourbon or Irish six ounces.
Add one and a half teacups of hot water and „gum“ to taste
for sweetness. Stir well and pour into heavy glasses, adding
a thin slice of lemon or orange, as you desire.
1934 Magnus Bredenbek: What Shall We Drink. Seite 59. Hot Whisky Punch.
For a simple hot punch on a cold day, or in case of ill-
ness, this Whisky Punch is easily made up: Into heat re-
sisting tumbler pour one wine-glass of whisky (Rye, Bourbon,
Scotch or Irish) and add two lumps of sugar and a quarter
teaspoon of lemon juice. Fill glass with hot water, stir well
and on top let a half slice of lemon float. Substitute brandy
for whisky if you wish.
1934 Magnus Bredenbek: What Shall We Drink. Seite 60. Frosted Rum Punch.
Have your shaker ready wdth some finely chipped ice.
Pour in three ounces of fine rum (any kind), add a half tea-
spoon of strained lemon juice and „gum“ to taste, say, about
two teaspoons. Shake well and pour into thin goblet almost
filled with snowy ice, add a dash of Arrack and top with
your favorite fruit or berries. Use straw or glass sipper.
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 259. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Juice of 1 Lemon
1 Tablespoonful of Sugar, dissolved in a
little water
1/2 Wine Glass of St. Croix Rum
Fill glass up with fine ice, decorate with Fruit
and serve with straws.
Use glass number 12
1934 Tom and Jerry: How to Mix Drinks. Seite 6. Rye Whiskey Punch.
2/3 Rye Whiskey
3 Teaspoons Lemon Juice
3 Teaspoons Powdered Sugar
1/3 Mineral Water
Dress up with Fresh Fruit
1934 Tom and Jerry: Tom and Jerry’s Bartenders Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 49. Hot Irish Punch.
(Use large bar glass.)
3 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar.
1 or 2 dashes of lemon juice.
1 wine-glass Irish whisky.
Fill up with hot water; stir well.
Place a slice of lemon on top, grate a little nutmeg
and serve.
1934 Tom and Jerry: Tom and Jerry’s Bartenders Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 50. Medford Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.)
Fill glass with shaved ice.
1 teaspoonful powdered sugar.
2 or 3 dashes lemon juice.
1 1/4 glass Medford rum.
1 dash of Jamaica rum.
Stir well. Dress with fruits. Serve with straw.
1934 Tom and Jerry: Tom and Jerry’s Bartenders Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 54. St. Croix Rum Punch.
(Use large bar glass.)
2 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar.
3 or 4 dashes lemon juice.
1/4 pony-glass Jamaica rum.
1 wine-glass St. Croix rum.
Fill up with shaved ice. Dress top with fruit and
berries. Serve with a straw.
1934 Tom and Jerry: Tom and Jerry’s Bartenders Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 55. Whisky Punch (Hot).
(Use whisky glass.)
The juice of half a lemon, 3 teaspoonfuls powdered
sugar in one wine-glass hot water.
2 wine-glasses Scotch or Irish whisky.
Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a
thin slice of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some
grate a little nutmeg on top. Always place ice be-
fore the customer, and allow a spoon to remain in
the drink, in order that the partaker of the beverage
can help himself to ice should the mixture be too
hot for him.
1934 Tom and Jerry: Tom and Jerry’s Bartenders Guide. How to Mix Drinks. Seite 120. Whisky Punch (Cold).
Fill a tall glass 1/3 full of very finely crushed ice, add 2 teaspoons
of sugar and stir well. Add juice of 1/2 lemon, then a little more ice.
Over this pour 1 wine glass of whisky. Stir constantly, while add-
ing a tablespoon of ice at a time until glass is full. The glasses
will be frosted on the outside. Dust lightly with powdered sugar.
This is a famous old Southern drink.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 221. Rum Punch.
Rum . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Curacoa . . . . . . . . . 1 dash
Lemon . . . . . . . . . . 4 spoons Sugar Syrup . . . . . 2 spoons
Stir well with ice and strain into highball glass. Add cracked ice to fill,
decorate and serve with straws.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 222. Rum Punch, No. 2.
Rum . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 jigger Curacoa . . . . . . . . . 2 spoons
Lemon . . . . . . . . . . 1 spoon Seltzer . . . . . . . . . . to fill
Shake well with ice and strain into goblet. Add cracked ice, seltzer to fill,
decorate and serve with straws.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 225. Whisky Punch.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Curacoa . . . . . . . 1 dash
Rum . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 dash Lemon . . . . . . . . 4 spoons
Sugar Syrup . . . . . . 2 spoons Seltzer . . . . . . . . to fill
Stir well in goblet with ice. Add cracked ice, seltzer to fill, dash rum
over, decorate and serve with straws.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 225. Whisky Punch, No. 2.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Sweet-Sour . . . . . . . 2 spoons
Brandy . . . . . . . . . . 1 dash Plain Soda . . . . . . . . to fill
Stir well with ice and strain into highball glass. Add cracked ice, soda to
fill and serve.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 234. Whisky Punch.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1/2 jiggers Sugar . . . . . . . . . . 1 spoon
Lemon . . . . . . . . . . . few drops Spice . . . . . . . . . . to taste
. Hot Water . . . . . . . . to fill
Stir well in highball glass, adding hot water to fill
lemon, spice to taste and serve with spoon.
1934 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 260. Rum Punch.
(For Twenty)
Rumola . . . . . . . . 2 bottles (5ths) Brandy . . . . . . . . . 1 bottle (5th)
Lemon . . . . . . . . . 2 bottles 5ths) Pineapple . . . . . . 1 pint
. Plain Soda . . . . . . 1 bottle (5th)
Stir all in punch bowl with large lump of ice. Add bits of fruits,
pineapple, orange. Maraschino cherries, etc., and serve in punch glasses.
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 84. Rum Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon or lime.
1 barspoonful sugar.
1 shot rum.
1 dash brandy.
Shake, strain into goblet dress with fruit.
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 74. Bourbon Whiskey Punch, Rye Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon.
1 small barspoonful sugar.
1 shot bourbon or rye, as desired.
Shake, strain into goblet with fine ice.
Dress wih fruit and serve.
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 81. Irish Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon.
1 barspoonful sugar.
1 shot Irish whiskey.
Shake and strain into goblet with fine ice.
Dress with fruit in season.
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 84. Rum Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon or lime.
1 barspoonful sugar.
1 shot rum.
1 dash brandy.
Shake, strain into goblet dress with fruit.
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 85. Scotch Whiskey Punch No. 2.
Juice of 1/2 lemon.
1 barspoonful sugar.
1 shot Scotch whiskey.
Shake and strain into goblet. Dress with fruit.
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 85. Whiskey Punch (Old-Fashion).
1 quart bourbon whiskey.
3 shots of lemon juice.
2 shots of curacao.
1/2 pint plain water
1 shot plain syrup.
1 long cube ice.
3 or 4 slices of cucumber rind.
Decorate with fruit and mint.
1935 Albert Stevens Crockett: The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book. Seite 96. Rum Punch.
Juice of one-half Lemon
One-half spoon Sugar
One pony of Water
One jigger Rum
Fill glass two-thirds fine Ice; Fruit
1935 Albert Stevens Crockett: The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book. Seite 96. Whiskey Punch.
Juice of one-half Lemon
One-half spoon Sugar
One pony of Water
Fill glass two-thirds with fine Ice
One jigger Whiskey
Stir; fruit well in season
1935 Anonymus: Cocktail Memoirs of Fresco Lime. Seite 3. Hot Rum Punch.
Juice of 1 Fresco lime
2 Lumps sugar
1 Jigger Rum Carioca
Fill tall glass with boiling water
and stir
1935 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 20. Hot Whiskey Punch.
The juice of half a Lemon, one or two lumps of Sugar
dissolved in 1 wine-glass hot Water.
2 wine-glasses Scotch or Irish Whiskey
Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a thin slice
of lemon or a piece of the peel. Some grate a little nutmeg
on top.
1935 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 31. Rum Punch.
1 tablespoon Sugar
3 or 4 dashes Lemon Juice or Lemon Mixer
1/4 pony glass Cuban Rum
1 wine-glass Jamaica Rum
Fill up with fine ice. Dress top with fruit and berries. Serve
with a straw.
1935 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 32. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Large glass
1 teaspoon Sugar
4 or 5 dashes Lime (or Lemon) Juice or Lemon Mixer
1/2 pint Scotch Whiskey and Rum mixed with 4 or 5 dashes
Angostura, Old Fashion or Aromatic Bitters
Shake well, strain into punch glass with slice of orange — 3 or
4 dashes curacao on top, splash with seltzer.
1935 Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. Seite 39. Whiskey Punch.
Large glass 1/2 Ice
1 teaspoon Sugar
4 or 5 dashes Lime or Lemon Juice or Lemon Mixer
1/2 pint Whiskey and Rum mixed
4 or 5 dashes Angostura or Old Fashion Bitters
Shake well, strain into punch glass with slice of orange —
3 or 4 dashes curacao on top, with seltzer.
1935 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 17. Hot Rum Punch.
Pound to pulp, with a 1/4 lb. of white
Sugar, the thin peelings of 2 Lemons
and add the strained juice of 3
Lemons and a teaspoonful of
ground Ginger. Mix well and put
into a fairly large, previously warmed
punch bowl. Add in this order:
1 pint Rum (see page 8).
1 pint Brandy,
1/2 pint Sherry.
1 quart boiling water.
Mix well, sweeten further with
Syrup to taste, and allow to stand
near fire for 20 minutes. Serve in
hot punch glasses with a little
nutmeg grated on top.
1935 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 18. Hot Irish Punch.
Dissolve a lump of sugar in a little
hot water, in a hot punch glass.
3 or 4 dashes Angostura Bitters.
1 wineglass Irish Whisky.
1 piece Lemon peel (twisted).
Fill up with hot water; stir,
grate nutmeg on top, and serve.
1935 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 18. Hot Rum Punch.
Dissolve 2 lumps of sugar in a little
hot water in an already warmed
punch glass.
4 or 5 dashes Angostura Bitters.
1 wineglass Rum (res page 8).
1 slice of Lemon with peel attached.
Fill up with hot water, grate
nutmeg on top, and serve.
1935 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 18. Hot Whisky Punch.
Dissolve a lump of sugar in a little
hot water in an already warmed
punch glass.
3 or 4 dashes Angostura Bitters.
1 wineglass Scotch Whisky.
1 piece Lemon peel twisted over and
dropped into glass.
Fill up with hot water, grate
nutmeg on top, and serve.
1935 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 18. Whisky Punch.
Use mixing glass half full of fine ice.
2 teaspoonfuls Syrup.
4 or 5 dashes Lemon Juice.
4 or 5 dashes Angostura Bitters.
1 wineglass Whisky.
Mix well and strain into punch
glass. Decorate with slice of Orange,
add 3 or 4 dashes of Curaçoa on top,
and serve.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 97. Bourbon or Rye Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1 Teaspoonful sugar
1 Jigger Bourbon or Rye whisky
Shake well, strain into a goblet with fine
ice, dress with fruits and serve.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 103. Rum Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lime or lemon
1 Teaspoonful sugar
1 Jigger Jamaica rum
1 Dash brandy
Shake well, strain into a goblet and dress
with fruits.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 104. Scotch Whisky Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1 Teaspoonful sugar
1 Jigger Scotch whisky
Shake, strain into a goblet, dress with fruits
and serve.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 104. St. Croix Rum Punch.
2 Teaspoonfuls powdered sugar
3 or 4 dashes lemon juice
1/4 Pony Jamaica rum
1 Jigger St Croix rum
Fill with shaved ice , dress with fruit and
berries and serve with a straw.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 105. Whisky Punch (Hot).
Juice of 1/2 lemon
3 Teaspoonfuls powdered sugar
1 Wineglass hot water
1 Jigger Scotch or Irish whisky
Fill glass with boiling water and place on top
a thin slice of lemon or a piece of the rind.
Some grate a little nutmeg on top.
1935 George Pillaert: Le bar américan. Seite 73. Whisky Punch.
Création Bar Napoléon Paris
Whisky John Robertson
le jus d’un 1/2 citron
sucré légèrement Passer Shakers
remplir eau bouillante
1935 John Held: Peychaud’s New Orleans Cocktails. Whiskey Punch.
(Use Bar Tumbler)
1 Teaspoonful Sugar, dissolved
with water.
Juice of half Lemon.
2 Dashes Curacoa.
Fill glass with ice, stir well and
strain into high-ball glass, with
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 211. Punches.
Punclies can be prepared cold or warm. They are similar to the
Cups, Shrubs and Bowls; dressed with fruits to the Cobbler. The
warm Punch, however, resembles the Toddies or Grogs.
The cold Punch ist prepared, dressed, and served in various ways.
We advise following exactly the various recipes.
The warm Punch is simpler to prepare. It contains a slice of lemon
and is handled like a Grog. Extracts for warm pundies are obtain-
able everywhere.
They are also served like High Balls.
Les Punches peuvent être préparées froids ou chauds, ressemblent
aux Cups, Shrubs et Bols, et sont garnis avec des fruits au Cobbler.
Les Punches chauds se rangent parmi les Toddies ou les Grogs.
Le Punch froid est préparé, garni et servi de dilférentes manières.
Le mieux est de se tenir, à la lettre, aux recettes des variantes
Le Punch chaud est de préparation plus simple, est garni d’une
tranche de citron et traité comme un Grog. Les essences pour les
Punches chauds se vendent partout. Le Punch chaud est servi
comme les High Balls.
Die Punsche können kalt oder warm zubereitet werden und sind
den Cups, Shrubs und Bowlen ähnlich, in der Garnitur mit Früch-
ten wie Cobbler. Die warmen Punsche gleichen dagegen den Tod-
dies oder Grogs. Der kalte Punsch wird auf verschiedene Arten
bereitet, garniert und serviert. Am besten ist, man halte sich
genau an die Rezepte der verschiedenen Variationen.
Der warme Punsch wird einfacher zubereitet, erhält eine Zitronen-
scheibe und wird als Grog behandelt. Essenzen für warme Punsche
sind im Handel zu bekommen und sie werden auch wie High
Balls serviert.
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 219. Rum Punch.
1 Barspoon Sugar
1/2 Lemon Juice
2 Ponies Rum — stir well
Punchglass with cracked Ice
decorate with Fruits
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 221. Boston Rye Punch.
1 Portion Rye Whisky
1 Slice of Lemon
balance hot Water
Silver Cup or hot Tumbler
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 223. Rum Punch.
1-2 Lumps Sugar
clove and cinnamon
1 Portion Rum
balance hot Water
Nutmeg on top
1935 O. Blunier: The Barkeeper’s Golden Book. Seite 224. Whisky Punch (old style).
Use Silver Cup
3 Lumps Sugar hot Water
2 Barspoons Honey
1 Pony Rye Whisky
stir well
1 Slice of Lemon
1936 Elvezio Grassi: 1000 Misture. Seite 199. Bacardi Punch.
Versate in un bicchiere da
1 cucchiaio zucchero
1 fetta limone
30% Rhum Bacardi
Riempire d’acqua bollente.
Servire con cucchiaio.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 173. Old-Fashioned Whisky Punch.
1 qt. Bourbon whisky 1/2 glass sugar syrup
1 1/2 glasses lemon juice Rind of 1 cucumber
1 glass curaço 1 split of sparkling water
Mix in a bowl with a large piece of ice, decorate with
fruit, mint, and so on. Serves 10.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 173. Rye Whisky Punch.
3 qts. rye whisky 1 glass sugar syrup
1 pt. Jamaica rum 1 pineapple, sliced
Juice of 6 lemons 5 qts. sparkling water
Mix in a bowl with a large piece of ice. Serves 20.
1936 Frank Meier: The Artistry of Mixing Drinks. Seite 82. Rum Punch, Whiskey Punch.
In tumbler: one-half teaspoon
of Sugar dissolved in little wa-
ter, a teaspoon of Raspberry
syrup, the juice of one-half
Lemon, one glass of Brandy;
fill with shaved ice, stir well,
decorate with Berries of sea-
son, slice of Orange, serve with
spoon and straws.
GIN, RUM or either WHISKEY
PUNCH the same as above ex-
cept use liquor chosen.
1936 Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran manual de cocktails. Seite 99. Whisky Ponche.
Usese le cocktelera.
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
2 cucharaditas de azúcar.
2 cucharaditas de jugo de limón.
Una cucharadita de Curacao Marie Bri-
Una yema de huevo.
2 copitas de licor de Whisky John Haig.
Agítese, cuélese y sírvase en vaso de 250
gramos con una rodaja de naranja y
otra de limón.
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 79. Borbon or Rye Whiskey Punch.
The juice of a lime.
A teaspoonful of sugar.
A jigger of Bourbon or Rye whiskey.
Shaked and strain into a water glass
full of fine ice.
Dress with fruits.
1937 Julio Castro: Autococktail „Castro“. Seite 111. Punch de rhum martinique.
En el vaso No 5 se ponen:
1 Rebanada de limón
3 Terroncitos de azúcar
60 Gramos Rhum La Martinique
Se termina de llenar con agua caliente y se sirve.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 263. Bourbon or Rye Whisky Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
1 Small barspoonful
1 Oz. Rye or Bourbon
Shake well and strain
into a Goblet with
crushed Ice. Dress with
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 282. Irish Punch (Hot).
Use Hot Water Glass
1 Lump of Sugar dis-
solved in a little Hot
1 Wineglass
1 Piece of Lemon Peel
Fill glass with Hot
Water. Stir and serve
with Nutmeg on top.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 282. Irish Whisky Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
1 Barspoonful Sugar
1 Oz. Irish Whisky
6 Quarts Water
Shake well and strain
into a Goblet filled with
crushed Ice. Dress with
Fruit in season.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 284. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass
Fill glass with shaved
1 Teaspoonful Sugar
3 Dashes Lemon Juice
1 1/4 Glasses Medford
1 Dash Jamaica Rum
Stir; decorate with
Fruit and serve with
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 297. Rum Punch – No. 1.
1 Pint Jamaica, Santa
Cruz or Medford Rum
1/2 Pint Brandy
1 Wineglass Cointreau
The Peel of an Orange
and a Lemon cut in
a long strip
1 Sliced Orange
1 Sliced Lemon
Sugar to taste. Add 3
pints boiling Water,
stir well and serve
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 297. Rum Punch (Hot) – No. 2.
Dissolve 2 lumps of
Sugar in a little hot
Water in an already
warmed Punch Glass
4 or 5 Dashes Angos-
tura Bitters
1 Wineglass Rum
1 Slice of Lime or
Lemon with Peel
Fill up with hot Water,
grate Nutmeg on top
and serve.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 298. Rum Punch – No. 3.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon or
1 Barspoonful Sugar
1 Oz. Rum
1 Dash Brandy
Shake well and strain
into a Goblet. Dress
with Fruit.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 298. Rum Punch (Hot) – No. 4.
(For 8 to 10 people)
1 Pint Jamaica Rum
1/2 Pint Cognac
1/2 Wineglass Kummel
1/2 Wineglass Benedic-
Peel of 1 Lemon or
Peel of 1 Orange
Add one sliced Orange
or Grape Fruit. One
sliced Lemon or Lime.
Sugar to taste. Put
ingredients in Bowl and
add 3 pints of Boiling
Water. Stir well and
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 298. Rum Punch – No. 5.
1 Teaspoonful of Syrup
Juice of 1/2 Lime
1/2 Glass Jamaica Rum
Shake well and strain
into a cocktail glass.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 299. St. Croix Punch.
(Use large bar glass)
Fill glass with shaved
2 Teaspoonfuls Sugar
4 Dashes Lemon Juice
1 Teaspoonful Jamaica
1 Wineglass St. Croix
Stir; dress with Fruit
and Berries. Serve
with a straw.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 300. Scotch Whisky Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
1 Barspoonful Sugar
1 Oz. Scotch Whisky
Shake well and strain
into a Goblet. Dress
with Fruit.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 305. Whisky Punch – No. 1.
Put a Brandy glass of
Whisky into the Punch
Bowl and add an
Orange cut in slices
A few Cloves
2 Drops of Eau de
Fleurs d’Orange
Sweeten to taste, add
Ice and half a tumbler
of cold Water.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 305. Whisky Punch – No. 2.
Use large Glass half
full of Ice
1 Teaspoonful Sugar
4 or 5 Dashes Lemon
or Lime Juice
4 Pint Whisky and
Rum mixed
A few Dashes Angos-
tura Bitters
Shake well; strain into
Punch glass with slice
of Orange; 3 or 4
dashes of Curacao on
top, with Seltzer, and
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 305. Whisky Punch – No. 3.
(Hotel Astoria)
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
3/4 Teaspoonful Sugar
4 1/2 Oz. Canadian
Shake well. Ice and
strain into a Highball
Glass. Add a dash of
Seltzer and decorate
with 1/2 slice of Orange,
1/2 slice of Lemon and
a cube of Pineapple.
Float a Cherry on top.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 305. Whisky Punch – No. 4.
(Old Fashion)
1 Quart Bourbon
3 Oz. Lemon Juice
2 Oz. Curacao
1/2 Pint Water
1 Oz. Plain Syrup
3-4 Slices Cucumber
Decorate with Fruit
and Mint.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 175. Bourbon o Rye Whiskey Punch.
Jugo de un limón.
Cucharadita de azúcar.
Vasito de whiskey Rye o Bourbon.
Batido. Colado a copa de agua llena con
hielo fino.
Adórnese con frutas.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 183. Rum Punch.
Jugo de medio limón.
Cucharadita de azúcar.
Vasito de BACARDI.
Gotas de coñac SOBERANO.
Bátase. Cuélese a copa de agua.
Adórnese con frutas.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 184. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
Jugo de medio limón.
Cucharadita de azúcar.
Vasito de whiskey WHITE LABEL.
Bátase. Cuélese a copa de agua.
Adórnese con frutas.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 185. Whiskey Punch (A la antigua).
(Un litro)
Botella de whlskey OLD CROW.
Jugo de tres limones.
Dos vasitos curacao.
Media botella agua mineral con gas SAN
Vasito de almíbar.
Pedazo grande de hielo.
Cuatro cáscaras de pepino.
Adórnese con fruta y hierbabuena.
1938 Anonymus: The Merry Mixer. Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
1 teaspoon Sugar
1 jigger of any Schenley Brand of Whiskey
Shake well with fine ice, pour contents into goblet
and decorate with fruits.
1938 Bud Caroll: Popular Drinks of Today. Seite 46. Rum Punch.
Rum . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Curacao . . . . . . . . . . 1 dash
Lemon Juice . . . . . . 1 jigger Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 spoon
Stir well with ice in goblet. Decorate with fruit and
serve with straws.
1938 Bud Caroll: Popular Drinks of Today. Seite 47. Whisky Punch.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Sugar . . . . . . . . . . 1 spoon
Rum . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 dash Lemon Juice . . . . . 1 jigger
Stir well with ice in goblet. Add seltzer to fill, deco-
rate with small pieces of pineapple and orange. Serve
with straws.
1938 Bud Caroll: Popular Drinks of Today. Seite 51. Hot Whisky Punch.
Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 cube Whisky . . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger
Lemon . . . . . . . . . . . 1 slice Spice . . . . . . . . . . . . . to taste
. Hot Water . . . . . . . . . to fill
Stir in small goblet and serve.
1938 Bud Caroll: Popular Drinks of Today. Seite 51. Hot Rum Punch.
Same as Whisky Punch, using Rum instead.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 155. Rum Punch.
1 pint Jamaica Rum
1/2 pint Brandy
1/2 jigger Kummel
1/2 jigger Benedictine
Peel of one Lemon
Peel of one Orange
1 sliced Orange
1 sliced Lemon
Sweeten to taste
Add boiling water to Spirits
Stir well
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 161. Hot Irish Punch.
3 teaspoons Powdered Sugar
2 dashes Lemon Juice
1 wineglass Irish Whisky
Fill with hot water — stir well
Serve with grate of Nutmeg over top
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 161. Medford Rum Punch.
Fill glass with shaved ice
1 teaspoon Powdered Sugar
3 dashes Lemon Juice
1 1/2 jiggers New England Rum
1 dash Jamaica Rum
Stir well and dress with Fruit
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 164. Rum Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
1/2 spoon Sugar
1 pony Water
1 jigger Rum
Shake well
Strain into Goblet 2/3 full of ice
Dress with Fruit
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 164. Rum Punch.
(8 People)
1 quart Rum
1 quart Orange Juice
1/2 pound Sugar
Stir well
Strain through Jelly Bag
Bottle for use
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 165. Scotch Punch.
Melt 1 lump Sugar in cold water
Strain juice of two Lemons through
fine hair strainer, and add to sugar
and water
Add Jamaica rum — 1 part to five
parts of Sherbet
Cut a Lime in half. Run each half
over the rim of the glass, gently
squeezing in some of the juice
The punch is then ready for serving
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 165. St. Croix Rum Punch.
2 teaspoons Powdered Sugar
3 dashes Lemon Juice
2 dashes Jamaica Rum
1 jigger St. Croix Rum
Fill with shaved ice
Dress with Fruit
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 166. Whisky Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
1/2 spoon Sugar
1 pony Water
Fill glass 2/3 fine ice
Add mixture
1 jigger Whisky
Stir well
Decorate with Fruit
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 166. Whisky Punch (Hot).
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
3 teaspoons Powdered Sugar
1 jigger hot water
2 jiggers Scotch
Place all in Whisky Glass
Add slice of Lemon
Grate Nutmeg over top
1938 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 146. Whiskey Punch (chaud).
Dans un gobelet moyen:
1 cuillerée à café de sucre en poudre,
1 verre de Whisky Johnnie Walker, 1 verre
d’eau bouillante.
Mélanger et servir en ajoutant une tran-
che de citron ou d’Orange.
1938 Robert Vermeire: L’art du cocktail. Seite 86. Rum Punch.
Au shaker:
1 cuillerée à café de sirop de sucre ou
de curaçao.
Le jus d’un demi-citron.
1 verre et demi à cocktail de rhum.
Frapper. Passer dans un verre à vin et
ajouter un trait de siphon.
1939 Ambrose Heath: Good Drinks. Seite 105. Rum Punch.
‘The recipe . . . for real punch is as follows:
three parts Rum, two of Brandy, one of Lemon
juice, and six of hot water, the quantity of Sugar
being a matter quite of taste. I never knew this
mixture found fault with by respectable persons
of any age, sex or condition, from undergraduates
to old ladies, at any hour between sunset and sun-
rise.’ (Notes from a Cellar Book.)
1939 Ambrose Heath: Good Drinks. Seite 105. Rum Punch.
Put half a pound of powdered Sugar into a bowl
with the rind of a Lemon and half a pint of water.
Let it dissolve, then add a bottle of Rum, a bottle
of White Wine, a Lemon squeezed, and two
liqueur-glassfuls of Curaçao. Serve with pieces of
broken ice in the jug.
1939 Charles Browne: The Gun Club Drink Book. Seite 105. Whiskey Punch or Sour.
A whiskey sour is a strong whiskey punch, made
with rye, Bourbon or Scotch whisky, lemon juice and
sugar, shaken up with ice and strained into a small
(Delmonico) glass.
1939 Charles H. Baker, Jr.: The Gentleman’s Companion. Vol. II. Seite 59. The Oxford University Hot Rum Punch.
Take 1 1/2 bottles of Barbados, or lighter Jamaica, or 1 bottle of
Demerara 160 proof; add 1 bottle of cognac, 3 quarts of boiling water,
2 cups of lemon juice. Add brown sugar, to taste, and a handful of
whole cloves. Put a spiral of yellow lemon peel in each cup, and there
it is. Most excellent for anyone coming down with anything, due to
the lemon juice.
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 74. Whiskey Punch.
1 qt Bourbon, 4 1/2oz Lemon juice, 3oz
Curacao, 1/2 pt plain or Carbonated
Water, 1 1/2oz Simple Syrup, 1 large
block crystal-clear ice. Decorate with
fruit in season. Serve in Punch
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 78. Hot Rum Punch.
(16 persons)
Grate the rind of 3 Lemons into a
small earthenware bowl and add 1/4 lb
of granulated Sugar. With muddler
macerate sugar and lemon gratings,
add the juice of the 3 Lemons, and 1
teaspoonful of ground Ginger. Mix
well and put into another earthen
ware bowl, somewhat larger and
which has been previously warmed.
Then add, in the following order: 1pt
Siegert’s Bouquet Rum, 1 pt Brandy,
1/2 pt Sherry, 1 qt boiling water. Mix
well, sweeten further if desired with
Simple Syrup, and allow to stand
near heat for 20 minutes. Serve in
Punch glasses, dust with Nutmeg.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 131. Rum Punch.
The juice of half a lemon,
1 tablespoonful of sugar syrup,
3/4 gill of rum.
Curaçao or grenadine may be used instead of sugar
1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 249. Bacardi Rum Punch.
1 Jigger Gum Syrup or Grenadine
1 Drink Bacardi Rum
Place Syrup or Grenadine in glass, fill up with
fine ice, add Rum, stir until glass is frosted,
decorate with Fruit and serve with straws.
Use glass number 13
1940 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 259. St. Croix Rum Punch.
Juice of 1 Lemon
1 Tablespoonful of Sugar, dissolved in a
little water
1/2 Wine Glass of St. Croix Rum
Fill glass up with fine ice, decorate with Fruit
and serve with straws.
Use glass number 12
1940 Pedro Talavera: Los secretos del cocktail. Seite 186. Ron Punch.
Viértase en la copa núm. 2:
1/2 copa de Jarabe de Goma.
8 gotas de Curaçao La Campana.
1/3 limón exprimido.
1 copa de Ron Jamaica.
1 raja de limón.
Llénese de agua caliente, añadiendo un poco de
nuez moscada.
1940 Pedro Talavera: Los secretos del cocktail. Seite 222. Whisky Punch, caliente.
Prepápese en la copa núm. 4:
1/2 copa de Jarabe de Goma.
8 gotas de Curaçao La Campana.
1/2 limón exprimido.
1 copa de Whisky Pandy.
Llénese de agua muy caliente, añadiendo un poco
de nuez moscada.
1941 Anonymus: Book of Hospitality. Seite 4. Rye Whisky Punch.
One large tumbler G & W
„Special“ Rye
4 lumps of Sugar
1 Lemon, sliced
1 Orange, sliced
12 leaves of Green Mint, cut in
Mix and place on ice for half an
hour; then add one quart of ginger
ale and serve. Place in a bowl to
keep punch cool.
1943 Jacinto Sanfeliu Brucart: Cien Cocktails. Seite 85. Ponche Al Ron (Caliente).
Póngase en un vaso grande:
1 Yema de huevo
2 cucharaditas de Azúcar
La cuarta parte del vaso de leche, muy
caliente; batir muy bien con una cucharilla,
añadir una copita de Ron y terminar de
llenar con leche muy caliente. Florear con
El de Coñac, Whisky, etc., se preparan de
igual forma, sustituyendo el Ron por el licor
1943 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 61. Rum Punch.
Juice of Half Lemon
1 tsp. Sugar
2 oz. Rum
1 dash Brandy
Serve in goblet with fine ice.
1943 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 62. Whiskey Punch.
2 oz. Whiskey
Juice of Half Lemon
1 tsp. Sugar
Shaved Ice
Use goblet
Dress with fruit
Squirt of Seltzer.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 108. Rum Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
1 teaspoon Sugar
2 ounces Rum
1 dash Brandy
Shake and strain into goblet filled with shaved
ice. Garnish with fruit.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 108. Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
1 teaspoon Sugar
2 ounces Whiskey
1 dash Brandy
Shake and strain into goblet filled with shaved
ice. Garnish with fruit.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 110. Hot Rum Punch.
(16 persons)
Grate the rind of 3 Lemons into a small
earthenware bowl and add 1/4 pound of Granu-
lated Sugar. With muddler macerate Sugar and
Lemon gratings, add the juice of the 3 Lemons,
and 1 teaspoon of ground Ginger. Mix well and
put into another earthenware bowl, somewhat
larger and which has been previously warmed.
Then add, in the following order: 1 pint Bou-
quet Rum, 1 pint Brandy, 1/2 pint Sherry, 1
quart boiling water. Mix well, sweeten further
if desired with Simple Syrup, and allow to
stand near heat for 20 minutes. Serve in Punch
glasses, dust with Nutmeg.
1944 Nick Thomas: Bartender’s Friend. Hot Rum Punch.
1 oz. Rum Pour Hot Water over Ingredients
1 Teaspoonful Sugar Use 6-oz. glass.
1 Small Lump Butter Stir.
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 74. Rum Punch.
(for 1 gallon)
6 oz. Pineapple Juice
Juice of 6 Oranges
Juice of 6 Lemons
3/4 cup Powdered Sugar
1 1⁄2 bot. Rum (Amber or Gold Label)
1 1⁄2 bot. Canada Dry Ginger Ale
Block of Ice
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 74. Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
2 oz. Whiskey
4 dashes Curacao
Shaved Ice
Use goblet
Dress with fruit
Squirt of Sparkling Canada Dry Water.
1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 58. Hot Irish Punch.
Use hot water glass.
Sugar, 1 lump, dissolved in little
hot water.
Irish whiskey, 1 wineglass.
Lemon peel, 1 piece.
Hot water; fill up glass.
Stir and serve with nutmeg on top.
1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 58. Hot Whiskey Punch.
Prepare the same as Hot Irish, sub-
stituting Rye or Bourbon for Irish
1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 59. Medford Rum Punch.
Use large bar glass.
Ice, shaved; fill glass.
Sugar, 1 teaspoonful.
Lemon juice, 3 dashes.
Medford rum, 1 1/4 glass.
Jamaica rum, 1 dash.
Stir; decorate with fruit and serve
with straw.
1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 61. St. Croix Punch.
Use large bar glass.
Ice, shaved; fill up glass.
Sugar, 2 teaspoonfuls.
Lemon juice, 4 dashes.
Jamaica rum, 1 teaspoonful.
St. Croix rum, 1 wineglass.
Stir; dress with fruit and berries
and serve with a straw.
1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 62. Whiskey Punch.
Use mixing glass.
Ice, shaved; fill glass.
Sugar, 1 tablespoonful.
Lemon, 1/4 of 1, the juice to be
pressed into the sugar.
Whiskey, 1 jigger.
Water, 1/2 jigger.
Shake; strain into punch glass; dress
with fruit and serve.
1945 R. M. Barrows & Betty Stone: 300 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 40. Whiskey Punch.
(12 people)
1 Pound Sugar
1 Pt. Orange Juice
1 Pt. Lemon Juice
2 Qts. Rye Whiskey
4 Qts. Seltzer
1/2 Pineapple thinly sliced
3 Oranges — quartered
2 Lemons thinly sliced
Well Iced in punch bowl.
1946 Bill Kelly: The Roving Bartender. Seite 34. Hot Whiskey Punch.
1 spoon bar sugar
1/2 oz. lemon juice
3 cloves
1 slice of lemon
1 oz. whiskey
Use 7 oz. hot water glass for
this drink. Rinse the glass first
in hot water. Add whiskey and
slice of lemon last.
1946 Bill Kelly: The Roving Bartender. Seite 52. Whiskey Punch.
1/4 lb. bar sugar
1/2 pt. lemon juice
4 oz. Curacao
1 qt. Whiskey (rye or bour
1 pt. charged water
Dilute the sugar. Put in small
block clear ice, add other in-
gredients. Fruit. Service, 15
5 oz. cups.
1946 Charles H. Baker, Jr.: The Gentleman’s Companion. Seite 59. The Oxford University Hot Rum Punch.
Take 1 1/2 bottles of Barbados, or lighter Jamaica, or 1 bottle of
Demerara 160 proof; add 1 bottle of cognac, 3 quarts of boiling water,
2 cups of lemon juice. Add brown sugar, to taste, and a handful of
whole cloves. Put a spiral of yellow lemon peel in each cup, and there
it is. Most excellent for anyone coming down with anything, due to
the lemon juice.
1946 Lucius Beebe: The Stork Club Bar Book. Seite 98. Whisky Punch.
2 oz. whisky
juice of half lemon
1 tsp. sugar
shaved ice
Use goblet. Dress with fruit. Squirt of
1946 Lucius Beebe: The Stork Club Bar Book. Seite 99. Rum Punch.
juice of half lemon
1 tsp. sugar
2 oz. rum
1 dash brandy
Fruit. Serve in goblet with fine ice.
1946 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 82. Rum Punch.
(for 1 gallon)
6 oz. Pineapple Juice
Juice of 6 Oranges
Juice of 6 Lemons
3/4 cup Powdered Sugar
1 1/2 bot. Rum
1 1/2 bot. Canada Dry Ginger Ale
Block of Ice
1946 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 82. Spirits or Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
2 oz. Whiskey or Spirits Desired
4 dashes Curacao
2 dashes Brandy
Shaved Ice
Use goblet
Dress with fruit
Squirt of Sparkling Canada Dry Water.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 24. Rhum Punch, Whisky Punch.
Dans un grand verre:
1 cuillerée de sucre: 1 goutte d’eau pour
diluer le sucre. Décorer le verre avec des
fruits de saison et des morceaux de glace
puis ajouter: 2 traits de sirop de Framboise;
le jus d’un 1/2 citron; 1 verre de Cognac;
1 tranche d’orange. Mélanger légèrement et
servir avec paille et cuillère.
Pour la préparation des Apricots. Gin,
Rhum, Whisky Punch, etc., on procède de
la même façon en se servant de la liqueur
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 76. Rhum Punch Froid Ou Chaud (Le punch au Rhum).
(Voir Brandy Punch froid)
Autre recette (chaud):
Recette pour huit ou dix personnes. Prendre
une demi bouteille de Rhum, un quart de
bouteille de Cognac, un bon verre de Triple
Sec, le zeste entier d’un citron et celui d’une
orange pelée finement. Verser le tout dans
un grand bol et y ajouter une orange, ainsi
qu’un citron coupés en rondelles. Sucrer selon
le goût, verser sur le tout la valeur d’un litre
et demi d’eau bouillante, bien mélanger et
servir chaud.
Seite 24. Brandy Punch Froid.
Dans un grand verre:
1 cuillerée de sucre: 1 goutte d’eau pour
diluer le sucre. Décorer le verre avec des
fruits de saison et des morceaux de glace
puis ajouter: 2 traits de sirop de Framboise;
le jus d’un 1/2 citron; 1 verre de Cognac;
1 tranche d’orange. Mélanger légèrement et
servir avec paille et cuillère.
Pour la préparation des Apricots, Gin,
Rhum, Whisky Punch, etc., on procède de
la même façon en se servant de la liqueur
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 91. Whisky Punch Chaud.
Dans un gobelet moyen: 1 cuillerée de sucre;
1 verre de Whisky; 1 verre d’eau bouillante.
Mélanger et servir en ajoutant une tranche
de citron ou d’orange.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 91. Whisky Punch Froid.
(Voir Brandy Punch)
Seite 24. Brandy Punch Froid.
Dans un grand verre:
1 cuillerée de sucre; 1 goutte d’eau pour
diluer le sucre. Décorer le verre avec des
fruits de saison et des morceaux de glace
puis ajouter: 2 traits de sirop de Framboise;
le jus d’un 1/2 citron; 1 verre de Cognac;
1 tranche d’orange. Mélanger légèrement et
servir avec paille et cuillère.
Pour la préparation des Apricots, Gin,
Rhum, Whisky Punch, etc., on procède de
la même façon en se servant de la liqueur
1948 Adolphe Torelli: 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Américaines. Seite 86. Hot Irish Punch.
Dans un verre à grog,
trois morceaux de sucre, trois traits de jus de
citron, un verre à madère d’Irish Whisky, remplir
d’eau bouillante, remuer, garnir d’une tranche
de citron, saupoudrer de muscade.
1948 Adolphe Torelli: 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Américaines. Seite 91. Irish Whisky Punch.
Dans un gobe-
let moyen, deux cuillères de sucre en poudre, une
cuillère à café de Curaçao, deux traits de jus de
citron, un verre à madère d’Irish Whisky, une
tranche d’orange. Remplir d’eau glacée ou bouil-
lante, suivant la demande (Hot or Cold).
1948 Adolphe Torelli: 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Américaines. Seite 143. Rhum Punch (Cold).
Dans un shaker
avec de la glace pilée, une cuillère de sucre. Dis-
soudre avec un peu d’eau, ajouter deux traits de
pus de citron ou d’orange, un trait de Curaçao, un
verre à madère de Rhum. Remplir d’eau. Remuer.
Passer dans un verre rouge. Garnir d’une tranche
de citron, de fruits coupés. Saupoudrer de mus-
cade. Chalumeaux.
1948 Adolphe Torelli: 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Américaines. Seite 143. Rhum Punch (Hot).
Dans un verre rouge
à pied, une cuillère de sucre, un trait de Grena-
dine, deux traits de jus d e citron, un verre à ma-
dère de Rhum, passer la râpe muscade, un zeste
de citron. Remplir d’eau bouillante et flamber.
1948 Adolphe Torelli: 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Américaines. Seite 180. Whisky Punch (Hot).
Dans un verre
rouge à pied, un morceau de sucre, une cuillère à
café de sirop d’Ananas, autant de Curaçao, une
tranche de citron, un verre de Whisky, une pin-
cée de muscade remplir d’eau bouillante, remuer,
arroser avec du Rhum et flamber.
1948 Adolphe Torelli: 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Américaines. Seite 180. Whisky Punch (Cold).
Dans un verre
à pied, une cuillère à bouche de sirop d’Ananas,
une cuillère à café de Curaçao, un verre à madère
de Whisky, remplir avec de l’eau et de la glace
pilée, garnir d’une tranche d’ananas, de fruits
coupés et de chalumeaux.
1948 Anonymus: Ron Daiquiri Coctelera Cocktail Book. Seite 27. Rum Punch.
Fill the shaker half full of broken ice and add:
1 Tablespoonful of plain Syrup or Curacao.
The juice of half a lemon.
1 Glass of Daiquiri Coctelera Jamaica Special.
Shake well and strain into a wine-glass and add
cold Soda Water.
1948 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 305. Whisky Punch.
1 part Curaçao
2 parts Lemon Juice
3 parts Whisky
Prepare and serve like Planters‘ Punch.
Seite 304. Planters‘ Punch.
Shake vigorously with crushed ice and pour, without
straining, into Collins glasses. Pack glasses to top with
crushed ice, fill to within 1/2″ to 3/8″ of top with
charged water and chum with a bar spoon until
glasses start to frost. Decorate with fruit as desired
and serve with straws.
1948 George Albert Zabriskie: The Bon Vivant’s Companion or How to Mix Drinks. Seite 83. Medford Rum Punch.
1 teaspoonful sugar
Juice of 1/2 lemon
Dissolve in little water
1 jigger Medford rum
1/2 glass cracked ice
Stir with spoon; dress with
fruits in season.
1948 George Albert Zabriskie: The Bon Vivant’s Companion or How to Mix Drinks. Seite 90. Whiskey Punch.
1 wineglass of whiskey (Irish or Scotch)
2 wineglasses of boiling water
Sugar to taste
Dissolve sugar well with one wineglass of water, then pour in
the whiskey, and add the balance of the water; sweeten to taste;
put in a small piece of lemonrind, or a slice of lemon.
1948 George Albert Zabriskie: The Bon Vivant’s Companion or How to Mix Drinks. Seite 90. Irish Whiskey Punch.
This is a genuine Irish beverage.
1/3 pure whiskey
2/3 boiling water, in which
sugar has been dissolved
If lemon is used, the rind is rubbed on the sugar, and a little of
the juice is added before the whiskey is poured in.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 421. Bourbon o Rye Whisky Punch.
Jugo de un limón.
Cucharada de azúcar.
Vasito de whisky Rye o
Batido, colado y servido
en copa de agua llena de
hielo fino y adornada con
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 425. Rum Punch No. 2.
Jugo de medio limón.
Cucharadita de azúcar.
Vasito de ron.
Gotas de coñac.
Bátase, cuélese y sírvase
en copa de agua llena de hie-
lo fino y adornado con fru-
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 425. Scotch Whisky Punch.
Jugo de medio limón.
Cucharadita de azúcar.
Vasito de whisky escocés.
Bátase, cuélese y sírvase
en copa de agua llena de
hielo fino, adornado con fru-
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 426. Whisky Punch.
Jugo de medio limón.
1 onza de whisky Bourbon.
1 cucharadita de azúcar.
Batido con hielo fino, co-
lado y servido en copa de
ponche adornado con una
tajada de naranja, otra de
limón, otra de pina y una
cereza flotando.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 426. Whisky Punch (Sistema antiguo).
(Un litro)
En una ponchera échese:
1 botella de whisky Bour-
Jugo de tres limones.
2 vasitos de Curazao.
1/2 botella de agua mineral.
Vasito de almíbar.
Trozo grande de hielo.
Cuatro cascaras de pepino.
Tajadas de frutas diversas y
1948 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 108. Whiskey Punch (chaud).
Dans un gobelet moyen:
1 cuillerée à café de sucre en poudre,
1 verre de Whisky Johnnie Walker, 1 verre
d’eau bouillante.
Mélanger et servir en ajoutant une tran-
che de citron ou d’Orange.
1948 P. Dagouret – Le Barman Universel 10. Seite 78. Irisch Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé:
1 cuiller à café jus de citron.
1 cuiller à café sucre en poudre.
1 verre à liqueur Irish whisky.
Emplir d’eau très chaude.
Une tranche de citron. Muscader. Cuiller.
1948 P. Dagouret – Le Barman Universel 10. Seite 81. Rum Punch, Cold.
Gobelet n° 3:
1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre
1 verre à liqueur d’eau.
1 cuiller à café jus de citron.
1 verre a madère de rhum.
Emplir aux 3/4 de glace pilée.
Adapter la timbale. Frapper.
Orner de fruits. Ronds d’orange. Pailles.
1948 P. Dagouret – Le Barman Universel 10. Seite 81. Rum Punch, Hot.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé:
1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre.
2 traits jus de citron.
1 verre à liqueur de rhum.
Emplir d’eau très chaude. Remuer.
Orner 2/2 tranches de citron. Muscade.
1948 P. Dagouret – Le Barman Universel 10. Seite 83. Whisky Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé:
1/2 cuiller à café jus de citron.
1 cuiller à bouche sirop de gomme.
2 traits curaçao.
1 verre a liqueur whisky.
Emplir d’eau chaude. Tranche de citron.
1948 P. Dagouret – Le Barman Universel 11. Seite 78. Irisch Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé:
1 cuiller à café jus de citron.
1 cuiller à café sucre en poudre.
1 verre à liqueur Irish whisky.
Emplir d’eau très chaude.
Une tranche de citron. Muscader. Cuiller.
1948 P. Dagouret – Le Barman Universel 11. Seite 81. Rum Punch, Cold.
Gobelet n° 3:
1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre.
1 verre à liqueur d’eau.
1 cuiller à café jus de citron.
1 verre à madère de rhum.
Emplir aux 3/4 de glace pilée.
Adapter la timbale. Frapper.
Orner de fruits. Ronds d’orange. Pailles.
1948 P. Dagouret – Le Barman Universel 11. Seite 81. Rum Punch, Hot.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé:
1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre.
2 traits jus de citron.
1 verre à liqueur de rhum
Emplir d’eau très chaude. Remuer.
Orner 2/2 tranches de citron. Muscader.
1948 P. Dagouret – Le Barman Universel 11. Seite 83. Whisky Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé:
1/2 cuiller à café jus de citron.
1 cuiller à bouche sirop de gomme.
2 traits curaçao.
1 verre à liqueur whisky.
Emplir d’eau chaude. Tranche de citron.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 321. Whisky Punch.
3 oz. whisky 1 tsp. sugar
. 1/2 tsp. lemon juice
Serve in preheated highball glass; mix and fill with hot
water. Add slice of lemon and dust with allspice or nutmeg.
Serve with spoon.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 369. Rum Punch – 1.
2 oz. rum 2 tsp. lemon juice
1 dash curaçao 1 tsp. sugar syrup
Shake with cracked ice; strain into highball glass; add
cracked ice to fill. Decorate and serve with straws.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 369. Rum Punch – 2.
1 1/2 oz. rum 1 tsp. curaçao
. 1/2 tsp. lemon juice
Shake with cracked ice; strain into goblet. Add cracked ice
and fill with seltzer. Decorate and serve with straws.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 372. Whisky Punch – 1.
2 oz. bourbon 1 tsp. sugar syrup
1 dash curaçao 2 tsp. lemon juice
. Dash rum
Stir with cracked ice; strain into goblet; add cracked ice and
fill with seltzer. Add dash of rum on top and serve with straws.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 372. Whisky Punch – 2.
2 oz. bourbon 1 tsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. sugar syrup Dash brandy
Shake with cracked ice; strain into highball glass. Add
crushed ice; fill with soda and top with a dash of brandy.
1949 Emile Bauwens: Livre de Cocktails. Seite 123. Rhum punch.
10 Morceaux Sucre imbibés de
zeste de citron –
10 Clous Girofle –
1 Verre à bière Eau –
Faire fondre et passer au linge
très fin.
1 Petit Tumbler Porto Rouge –
1 Petit Tumbler Curaçao Brun –
1 Bouteille Rhum Saint-James
(1 litre)
Mettre le tout dans un bol à punch,
et chauffer; servir très chaud, au
moyen d’une petite louche, dans des
verres garnis d’une anse.
Recette pour 15 personnes.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 430. Rum-Punsch (kalt).
Man füllt ein Punschglas halbvoll mit feingeschabtem
Roheis, gibt 1 Esslöffel Zucker, den Saft von 1/2 Zitrone
und 1 Glas Rum hinzu. Sehr gut umrühren und mit
verschiedenen Früchten garnieren. Mit Barlöffel und
Saughalmen servieren.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 430. Rum-Punsch (warm).
In ein Punschglas gibt man 1 Glas Rum, 1 Esslöffel
Zucker, den Saft von 1/2 Zitrone, füllt auf mit frischem
Wasser und lässt das Ganze auf kleinem Feuer auf
den Siedepunkt kommen. Im angewärmten Glas ser-
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 464. Whisky-Punch (kalt).
Man fülle ein Punschglas halbvoll mit feingeschlage-
nem Roheis und gebe hinzu: 3 d. Grenadine, 3 d. Cu-
raçao-Orange, den Saft von 1/2 Zitrone und 1 Glas
Whisky. Gut umrühren und verschiedene Früchte bei
fügen. Mit Barlöffel und Saughalmen servieren.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 465. Whisky-Punch (warm).
In ein Punschglas gibt man 2—3 Barlöffel Zucker, den
Saft von 1/2 Zitrone, 1 Messglas Whisky und füllt auf
mit frischem Wasser. Das Ganze lässt man auf den
Siedepunkt kommen und seiht es in ein angewärmtes
Punschglas. Dünne Scheibe Zitrone beifügen.
1949 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 74. Punches.
Le punch se fait à volonté chaud — short drlnk — ou
froid — long drink — suivant que l’on emploie de l’eau
glacée ou bouillante. On le prépare aussi au lait.
PUNCH CHAUD. — Servir dans un verre à pelil grog
avec tranches de citron ou d’orange, sucre supplémen-
taire et petite, cuiller. Si on le sert dans un gobelet,
munir ce dernier d’un porte-verre. Réchauffer le verre.
PUNCH FROID. — Servir dans un grand gobelet avec
fruits de saison : fraises, cerises, raisin, etc., et rondelles
d orange ou de citron, ou d’ananas, entières ou coupées.
Donner des pailles. On le sert aussi parfois dans des
On peut préparer chaud ou froid pour plusieurs per-
sonnes à la fois, ou en grande quantité pour réunions.
Dans ce cas on emploiera un bol en argent (chaud) ou
en porcelaine (froid), puis on servira avec la cuiller à
punch (ioucne a bec) dans les verres ad hoc.
1949 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 78. Irisch Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé:
1 cuiller à café jus de citron.
1 cuiller à café sucre en poudre.
1 verre à liqueur Irish whisky.
Emplir d’eau très chaude.
Une tranche de citron. Muscader. Cuiller.
1949 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 81. Rum Punch, Cold.
Gobelet n° 3;
1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre.
1 verre à liqueur d’eau.
1 cuiller à café jus de citron.
1 verre à madère de rhum.
Emplir aux 3/4 de glace pilée.
Adapter la timbale. Frapper.
Orner de fruits. Ronds d’orange. Pailles.
1949 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 81. Rum Punch, Hot.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé:
1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre.
2 traits jus de citron.
1 verre à liqueur de rhum.
Emplir d’eau très chaude. Remuer.
Orner 2/2 tranches de citron. Muscader.
1949 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 83. Whisky Punch.
Dans le verre n° 7 réchauffé;
1/2 cuiller à café jus de citron.
1 cuiller à bouche sirop de gomme.
2 traits curaçao.
1 verre à liqueur whisky.
Emplir d’eau chaude. Tranche de citron.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 103. Bourbon oder Rye Punch.
Saft 1/2 Zitrone,
1 Teelöffel Zucker,
1 Gläschen Bourbon oder Rye
Gut durchschütteln, serviere mit
Eis, garniere mit Früchten
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 106. Heisser Irischer Punsch. Hot Irish Punch.
3 Teelöffel Staubzucker,
Saft 1/4 Zitrone,
1 Gläschen Irish Whisky.
Fülle mit heißem Wasser auf, rühre
gut um, garniere mit einer Scheibe
Zitrone und reibe etwas Muskat-
nuß auf.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 106. Medford Rum Punch.
1 Teelöffel Staubzucker,
Saft 1/4 Zitrone,
2/3 Medford Rum,
1/3 Jamaika Rum.
Serviere das Getränk nach gutem
Umrühren mit geschabtem Eis und
verzierenden Früchten.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 108. Rum Punch.
Saft 1/2 Zitrone,
1 Teelöffel Zucker,
2/3 Jamaika Rum,
1/3 Brandy oder Cognac.
Gut durchschütteln, seihe in ein
Cocktailglas und garniere mit
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 108. Scotch Whisky Punch.
Saft 1/2 Zitrone,
1 Teelöffel Zucker,
1 Gläschen Scotch Whisky.
Gut durchschütteln, seihe in ein
Glas mit Fuß und garniere mit
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 109. St. Croix Punsch.
2 Teelöffel Staubzucker,
Saft 1/4 Zitrone,
1/4 Jamaika Rum,
3/4 St. Croix Rum.
Gut mischen (nicht schütteln). Ser-
viere mit geschabtem Eis und gar-
niere mit Früchten.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 109. Whisky Punsch (Heiss).
Saft 1/2 Zitrone,
3 Teelöffel Staubzucker,
1 Gläschen Scotch oder Irish
In Wasser aufgelöst,
Saft 1/4 Zitrone,
Fülle das Glas mit kochendem
Wasser auf und lege eine dünne
Scheibe Orange oder Zitrone
obenauf. Auf Wunsch kannst Du
auch Muskatnuß darüber reiben.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 136. Whiskey Punch.
2 jiggers Whiskey
1 tsp. Sugar
1/2 tsp. Lemon Juice
Serve in preheated glass. Mix
and fill with hot water. Add
slice of lemon and dust with
allspice or nutmeg.
1951 Anonymus: The Holiday Drink Book. Seite 42. Rum Punch.
Juice of 12 lemons
1 cup of sugar
1 pint very strong tea
2 bottles rum
Mix thoroughly. Pour over large piece
of ice (or 2 trays of cubes). Decorate
with fruit. Add 2 quarts of club soda.
Makes 40 servings, 4 oz. each.
1951 Anonymus: The Holiday Drink Book. Seite 42. Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 6 lemons (6 oz.)
Juice of 8 oranges (24 oz.)
1 small can of pineapple juice (18 oz.)
2 bottles rye
Pour over large piece of ice (or 2 trays
of cubes). Add two bottles of ginger ale.
Sugar to taste. Decorate with orange,
lemon and pineapple slices. Makes 45
servings, 4 oz. each. This whiskey punch
is a sure-fire guarantee to bring life to
your party!
1951 Ted Saucier: Ted Saucier’s Bottoms Up. Seite 211. Rum Punch.
1 jigger white Cuban rum
Juice 1/2 lemon
1 teaspoon sugar
Put ingredients in a tall highball glass. Fill glass
with shaved ice. Add soda water. Decorate with
orange slice, pineapple stick and maraschino
cherry. Serve with straws.
1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 130. Peach, Brandy, Gin, Rum ou Whisky Punch.
Comme le Brandy punch en remplaçant le
cognac par l’alcool choisi.
Seite 130. Brandy Punch.
Dans un tumbler:
Dissoudre une demi-cuiller à café de sucre
dans un peu d’eau,
Une cuiller à café de sirop de cassis,
Le jus d’un demi-citron,
Un verre de cognac,
Remplir avec de la glace râpée, bien re-
muer, décorer avec des fruits de saison,
une tranche d’orange et servir avec une
cuiller et une paille.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 131. Rum Punch.
The juice of half a lemon,
1 tablespoonful of sugar syrup,
3/4 gill of rum.
Curaçao or grenadine may be used instead of sugar
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 127. Haitian Rum Punch.
3 parts of Haitian rum
1 part of sugar
Peel of lime
Dash of bitters
Ice and stir a little
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 160. Rum Punch.
Pour over fine ice in tall glass:
1 1/2-2 oz. your favorite rum
Juice of half or whole lime
1 tsp. or more sugar syrup, to
Stir, stick in some mint sprigs and the
show is complete. No shaking. No
fruiting. Just drinking.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 169. Rum Punch.
Into a bowl put 1/2 cup granulated sugar
and juice of 4 large grapefruit. Stir
to dissolve the sugar and add 1 bottle
of rum, 4 oz. brandy, and 4 oz. of Bene-
dictine, 2 teaspoons of bitters, and the
juice of 1 lime. Stir well and add 1/2 nut-
meg grated and the peeling of 1 lime.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 170. Scotch Punch.
This all-purpose drink should be in any
country household. It can be put down
in the spring, say a gallon every week,
and set to rest in the cellar, properly
The recipe was given Esquire by
Howard MacAdams, who got it from his
grandpappy in Scotland. It goes like
2 quarts of Scotch whisky
1 pint of good brandy
1 cup of green tea
Rind of six lemons
1 teaspoon of cloves
1 tablespoon of allspice
30 lumps of sugar
Seal this in a glass jug and allow to
stand at least six weeks before serving.
Served with ice, either cracked in the
glass, or a chunk in the punch bowl,
the single potion is modified.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 173. Hot Irish Punch (Bowl).
12 lumps sugar
2 lemons
1 bottle Irish whisky
Boiling water
Rub sugar lumps on lemon rinds. Then
squeeze lemons and muddle sugar in
lemon juice. Add whisky, cinnamon,
cloves and boiling water to dilute as
per own judgment.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 173. Hot Irish Punch (Individual).
Dissolve 2 lumps of sugar in a little
hot water in large glass. Add small
amount of lemon juice, and one wine
glass Irish whisky. Fill glass with
hot water and stir well. Add nutmeg
and slice of lemon.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 173. Hot Rum Punch.
1 pt. Puerto Rico rum
1/2 pt. cognac
1/2 wineglass Kümmel
1/2 wineglass Benedictine
1 lemon or lime peel
1 orange peel
1 sliced orange or grapefruit
1 sliced lemon or lime
Sugar to taste
Put all in bowl, add 3 pts. boiling water.
Stir well and serve.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 176. Whisky Punch.
One pint of whisky and two glasses of
brandy are mixed with the juice and
peel of one lemon. Then add one wine
glass of boiling ale. Stir in one-half
pound of powdered sugar and a quart
of boiling water.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 297. Rhum Punch.
(caliente). Se procede como en el anterior,
Preparado y servido en sustituyendo el Cognac por
un vaso de 250 gramos. Rhum de Jamaica.
Seite 297. Brandy Punch.
(caliente) Empleando un batidor de alam-
Preparado y servido en bre se bate una Yema de
un vaso de 250 gramos. Huevo con dos cucharaditas
. de Azúcar, a continuación se
. vierten 30 gramos de Cognac
. y se termina de llenar con
. Leche caliente. Se florea con
. Canela.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 306. Whisky Punch.
1 part Curaçao
2 parts Lemon Juice
3 parts Whisky
Prepare and serve like Planters‘ Punch.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 35. Punches.
Ce sont des boissons mi-longues rappelant les grogs, mais alors
que ces derniers se servent toujours très chauds, les punches sont
servis à volonté froids ou chauds:
a) Froids: ils se préparent au shaker ou directement dans le verre
dans lequel ils seront servis. Ils se composent de jus de citron ou
autres jus de fruits, glace pilée, sucre, liqueur désirée, fruits de saison
et peuvent se compléter au Soda ou être accompagnés d’un verre
d’eau glacée.
b) Chauds: directement dans le verre réchauffé, liqueur, sucre,
jus de fruits, demi-tranche de citron et d’orange, compléter à l’eau
ou lait bouillant (dans ce dernier cas, ne pas ajouter de fruits ni
jus de fruits).
1953 S. S. Field: The American Drinking Book. Seite 237. Old Fashioned Rum Punch.
(For 12): Stir thoroughly in a
bowl 1/2 pint of Puerto Rican Rum, 1/2 pint of Peach Brandy, 1/2
pint of lemon or lime juice, 5 tablespoons of Angostura Bitters. When
ready to serve, add a block of ice and 6 pints of soda.
1954 Eddie Clark: King Cocktail. Seite 18. Punch.
One of England’s very own and oldest drinks, can be
traced back for several hundred years. Can be simple,
mixed in a glass, or more elaborately at the table in a large
punchbowl, and served in individual glasses. Could be a
hot or an iced drink, containing either wine, spirits, beers,
cider, fruit juices, tea or coffee, sugar and spices, or any-
thing else there is at hand. A most wonderful drink for a
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 138. Punches.
Punch in its oldest and simplest form is Rum and Water,
Hot or Iced, with sugar to taste and orange or lemon juice
(for Hot Punch) or Fresh Lime Juice (for Cold Punch).
It was in 1655 when they took Jamaica from Spain that the
English were first introduced to Punch. During the 18th
Century this drink became very popular. It was „brewed“
or mixed at a table in a punchbowl by the host, with Rum
as one of the ingredients but other spirits as well. (One
of the other popular ones was Brandy when made with
hot water.) Oranges and lemons in thin slices, grated
nutmeg and sundry decorations and flavouring to the taste
or discretion of the mixer.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 116. Whiskey Punch (chaud).
Dans un gobelet moyen:
1 cuillerée à café de sucre en poudre,
1 verre de Whisky Long John, 1 verre d’eau
Mélanger et servir en ajoutant une
tranche de citron ou d’orange.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 139. Rum Punch.
(for a large party)
10 Bottles White Wine
2 Pounds Brown Sugar
2 Quarts Orange Juice
1 Quart Lemon Juice
10 Sliced Bananas
2 Fresh Pineapples, cut or
Place the Fruit Juice, Rinds,
Bananas, Pineapple and Wine in
a crock with the Sugar. Cover
and let stand overnight. In the
morning add 6 bottles Light Rum
and 1 bottle Jamaica Rum and 1
bottle Crème de Banane. Let
stand until just before the party.
Strain into punch bowl with ice
as needed. Taste for seasoning
and add either Sugar Syrup or
Lemon Juice as you desire.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 139. Rye Whiskey Punch.
Shake with plenty of chopped ice
1 teaspoon Lemon Juice, 2 tea-
spoons Sugar and 2 jiggers Rye
Whiskey. Pour unstrained into
10-ounce glass and decorate with
slice of Orange.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 140. Scotch Whisky Punch.
(for 12)
Combine in a pitcher with
cracked ice 1 quart Scotch
Whisky, the Juice and Rind of 3
Lemons, 1/2 cup Sugar and 1
quart Soda Water. Stir and pour
into goblets with extra ice and
garnish with fruit as desired.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 140. Whisky Punch.
Place a block of ice in a punch
bowl and pour over it the Juice
of 6 Lemons, the Juice of 8
Oranges, 2 tablespoons Sugar and
2 jiggers Curaçao. Stir and pour
in 1-1/2 or 2 bottles of Rye,
Bourbon or Blended Whiskey.
Add fruits as desired and 2 quarts
chilled Soda Water. Stir and
Note: 1 quart of iced Tea may
be substituted for 1 quart of
Soda Water.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 148. Rhum Punch.
Verre à punch
2 verres a liq. Rhum
1 verre à liq. Curaçao brun
1/2 verre à liq. sirop de sucre
Compléter d’eau chaude
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 148. Whisky Punch.
Verre à punch
2 cuill. à thé sirop de sucre
Jus 1 citron
1 verre Canadian Club
Compléter d’eau chaude.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 144. Rum Punch.
1 bottle dark Jamaica rum 2 bottles golden rum
1 cup Curaçao 3 cups pineapple juice
1 cup lemon juice 1 cup lime juice
1 cup preserved ginger (with syrup) chopped fine
. Ginger ale
Blend all in punch bowl containing cake of ice. Deco-
rate with orange slices and pineapple wedges. Before
serving add 1 or 2 bottles of cold ginger ale.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 144. Quick Whisky Punch.
2 bottles rye or blended whisky Sparkling water
1 can frozen lemonade 1 can frozen orange-juice
concentrate concentrate
. 1/2 cup cherry cordial
Mix the 2 cans of fruit-juice concentrate with 6 cans
of cold water as directed and shake to a froth in a
two-quart mason jar. Pour into punch bowl with the
whisky and the cherry cordial. Stir with two trays of
ice cubes. Before serving add a quart (or more) of
chilled sparkling water.
1959 Anonymus: Manual de Cocteleria. Ron Punch.
En copa de agua llena de hielo frappé.
Una cucharadita de azúcar
1/4 onza de jugo de limón.
1/4 onza de Cognac
1 1/2 onza de Ron Carta Blanca
Adornado con frutas.
1960 Anonymus: Recetas para cocteles. Seite 51. Ron Punch.
En copa de agua llena de hielo frappé.
Una cucharadita de azúcar
1/4 onza de jugo de limón
1/4 onza de Cogñac
11/2 onza de Ron Carta Blanca
Adornado con frutas.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 123. Punches.
Punch in its oldest and simplest form is Rum and Water,
Hot or Iced, with sugar to taste and orange or lemon juice
(for Hot Punch) or fresh lime juice (for Cold Punch).
It was in 1655 when they took Jamaica from Spain that the
English were first introduced to Punch. During the 18th
Century this drink became very popular. It was „brewed“
or mixed at a table in a punchbowl b y the host, with Rum
as one of the ingredients but other spirits as well. (One
of the other popular ones was Brandy when made with
hot water). Oranges and lemons in thin slices, grated
nutmeg and sundry decorations and flavouring to the taste
or discretion of the mixer.
1961 Anonymus: Cocktails y bocaditos. Seite 92. Ponche de rhum.
(Para 30 ó 35 porciones)
Rhum, 2 botellas – Limones, 12 (el jugo) – Azúcar, 1 taza –
Infusión de té (muy fuerte), 3 tazas – Hielo, un trozo grande –
Soda, 2 litros – Fruta en trocitos o rodajas, a gusto.
• Mezclar todos los ingredientes, excepto la so-
da; y volcar sobre el trozo de hielo puesto en
una ponchera.
1963 Eddie Clarke: Shaking in the 60’s. Seite 130. Hot Jamaica Punch.
Pour into a long tumbler:
1 measure Jamaica rum
juice of 3/4 fresh lemon
1/2 tablespoonful sugar
dash of Angostura bitters
Add 3 cloves and a slice of lemon. Fill glass with
boiling water.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 46. Rhum Punch.
2 bicchieri di RHUM cubano giallo
2 cucchiai di succo di limone
1 cucchiaio di sciroppo di zucchero (in mancanza,
1 cucchiaino di zucchero)
2 scorzette di limone senza nulla del bianco interno
ghiaccio tritato
Riempire lo shaker fino a metà della sua altezza con ghiac-
cio tritato. Aggiungere il succo di limone, il RHUM, un bic-
chiere d’acqua naturale e lo sciroppo di zucchero. Chiu-
ere lo shaker, agitarlo vigorosamente, farlo riposare un
secondo, riprendere infine ad agitare ma lentamente. Ver-
sare in tumblers medi guarniti con una scorzetta di limone.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 50. Punch classico.
1 bicchierino da liquore di RHUM della Giamaica
2 cucchiaini di succo di limone spremuto dalla sola
1 cucchiaio di zucchero
1 fettina di limone
un pizzico di noce moscata grattugiata
acqua bollente
Versare in ogni tumbler piccolo con supporto di metallo
lo zucchero sciolto ben bene in poca acqua calda e su-
bito aggiungere il succo di limone e il RHUM. Completare
il bicchiere con acqua bollente, mescolare, guarnire con
la fettina di limone, e insaporire con il pizzico di noce
moscata grattugiata. Servire caldissimo.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 315. Rhum Punch.
2 bicchieri da cocktail di RHUM cubano giallo
2 cucchiai di succo di limone
1 cucchiaio di sciroppo di zucchero (in mancanza,
1 cucchiaino di zucchero)
2 scorzette di limone senza nulla del bianco interno
1 bicchiere di acqua naturale
ghiaccio tritato
Riempire lo shaker fino a metà della sua altezza con ghiac-
cio tritato. Aggiungere il succo di limone, il RHUM, un bic-
chiere d’acqua naturale e lo sciroppo di zucchero. Chiudere
lo shaker, agitarlo vigorosamente, farlo riposare un secon-
do, riprendere infine ad agitare ma lentamente. Versare in
tumblers medi guarniti con una scorzetta di limone.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 330. Punch Classico.
1 bicchierino da liquore di RHUM della Giamaica
2 cucchiaini di succo di limone spremuto dalla sola
1 cucchiaino di zucchero
1 fettina di limone
un pizzico di noce moscata grattugiata
acqua bollente
Versare in un tumbler piccolo con supporto di metallo lo
zucchero ben sciolto in un poco d’acqua calda e subito
aggiungere il succo di limone e il RHUM. Completare con
acqua bollente, mescolare, guarnire con la fettina di li-
mone e insaporire con il pizzico di noce moscata grattugia-
ta. Servire caldissimo
1964 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 298. Ponches.
Los ponches constituven una variedad de bebida si-
milar al grog, aunque difieren en algunos aspectos de su
preparación, ya que los mismos se sirven indistintamente,
fríos o calientes. Entran, asimismo, variedades de ingre-
dientes, como ser: leche, huevos, frutas, etc. Se preparan
en forma individual o en grandes recipiente5 para deter-
minada cantidad de persoms. Constituve, pues, una be-
bida muy indicada en las reuniones sociales y familiares.
1964 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 299. Rhum Punch (Caliente).
. Se procede como en el ante-
. rior, sustituyendo el Cognac
Preparado y servido en por Rhum de Jamaica.
un vaso de 250 gramos.
Seite 299. Brandy Punch (Caliente).
. Empleando un batidor de
. alambre se bate una yema de
Preparado y servido en huevo con dos cucharaditas
un vaso de 250 gramos. de azúcar, a continuación se
. vierten 30 gramos de Cog-
. nac y se termina de llenar
. con leche caliente. Se flo-
. rea con canela.
1964 Anonymus: Peter Pauper’s Drink Book. Seite 59. Hot Rum Punch.
1 bottle Gold Label Rum
1 bottle Brandy
8 ounces Sherry
6 Lemons, grated and juiced
6 ounces Sugar
2 teaspoons ground Ginger
1 1/2 quarts boiling Water
Mix and muddle water, ginger and lemon
gratings and juice. Let stand for an hour or
more. Put into large bowl, and add enough
hot water to cover. Stir thoroughly, and add
liquors and balance of hot water. 30 servings.
Warmed punch goblets are a nicety in serving
a hot punch.
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 155. Whiskey Punsch.
1 TL Zucker
1 EL Zitronensaft
1 TL Kirschsaft
1 Cocktailmaß Rye Whiskey
mit einem guten Schuß kochen=
dem Wasser auffüllen
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 158. Hot Irish Punsch.
der Saft von 2 Zitronen
die Schale von 1 Zitrone
100 g Zucker
100 g Honig
1 l heißes Wasser
werden miteinander verrührt,
dazu kommt 1 Prise Zimt und
etwas Muskatnuß,
2 Flaschen Irish Whiskey.
Bis an den Siedepunkt erhitzt,
wird der Punsch in vorgewärmte
Gläser umgefüllt
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 160. Scotch Punsch.
1 TL Zuckersirup
1 TL Ingwersirup
1 Prise weißen Pfeffer
1 Prise Nelkenpulver
1 Cocktailmaß Scotch Whisky
1/2 Cocktailmaß Arrak
2 gute Schuß kochend heißer
Darjeelingtee, verrühren und mit
Löffel servieren
1965 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 126. Punches.
Punch in its oldest and simplest form is Rum and Water,
Hot or Iced, with sugar to taste and orange or lemon juice
(for Hot Punch) or fresh lime juice (for Cold Punch).
It was in 1655 when they took Jamaica from Spain that the
English were first introduced to Punch. During the 18th
Century this drink became very popular. It was „brewed“
or mixed at a table in a punchbowl by the host, with Rum
as one of the ingredients but other spirits as well. (One
of the other popular ones was Brandy when made with
hot water). Oranges and lemons in thin slices, grated
nutmeg and sundry decorations and flavouring to the taste
or discretion of the mixer.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 484. Whisky Punch (chaud).
Dans un verre à punch mettre 2—3 cuillères à bar de sucre, 1/2 jus de
citron, 1 mesure whisky et finir de remplir avec de l’eau fraîche.
Amener le tout au point d’ébullition et passer dans un verre à punch
chaud. Ajouter une fine tranche de citron.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and snacks. Seite 89. Rum Punch #1.
Juice of 1/4 lemon 1 1/2 ounces gold label rum
1/4 teaspoon fine grain sugar 3/4 ounce chilled water
Pour into a tall glass 2/3 full of fine cracked ice. Add fruit in season.
Serve with straw.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and snacks. Seite 89. Rum Punch #2.
Juice of 1/2 lemon 2 ounces gold label rum
1/2 ounce pure maple syrup 2 dashes grenadine
Shake well with ice. Pour into a 10-ounce tumbler filled with crushed
ice. Garnish with sliver of pineapple, slice of orange, and a cherry.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and snacks. Seite 89. Whisky Punch.
Juice of 1/2 lemon 1 1/2 ounces whisky
1/2 teaspoon fine grain sugar
Shake with cracked ice. Strain into goblet. Add fruit in season. Fill
with chilled soda.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and snacks. Seite 100. Hot Rum Punch.
Grated rind of 3 lemons 1 pint gold label rum
1/4 pound granulated sugar 1 pint brandy
Juice of 3 lemons 8 ounces sherry wine
1 tablespoon ground ginger 1 quart boiling water
Combine rind and sugar. Grind it with a wooden muddler or the
back of a large spoon. Add lemon juice and ginger. Mix well together.
Turn into a large casserole. Add rum, brandy, sherry, and boiling
water. Add additional sugar, if desired. Allow to ripen over very low
heat (do not boil) for about 20 minutes. Serves about 15.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and snacks. Seite 104. Rum Punch.
2 bottles New England or Puerto 2 cups very strong tea
Rican rum 2 quarts soda water
Juice of 12 lemons
1 cup sugar
Mix all but soda and pour over block of ice in punch bowl. Decorate
with fruit. Add soda just before serving. Makes 45 (4-ounce) servings.
1966 Mario Kardahi: Tratado Práctico de Coctelería, Pastelería y Afines. Seite 48. Ponche.
Es el nombre que se le da al cóctel he-
cho a base de vino o leche (según la receta), hay va-
riedades, frío o caliente. Se sirve en tacitas especiales.
1966 Mario Kardahi: Tratado Práctico de Coctelería, Pastelería y Afines. Seite 201. Punches.
He aquí una variedad de bebida similar al „grog“.
En efecto lo que difiere a lo que respecta la prepara-
ción de los „punch“, es que los mismos se sirven in-
distintamente, fríos o calientes. Entran, asimismo, va-
riedades de ingredientes, cómo ser: leche, huevos, fru-
tas, etc. Esta es una bebida muy indicada en las reu-
niones sociales y familiares, en cuanto a su preparación,
es individual o en grandes recipientes para determi-
nadas personas.
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 82. Rum Punch.
(for 1 gallon)
6 oz. Pineapple Juice, Juice of 6 Oranges
Juice of 6 Lemons, 3/4 cup Powdered Sugar
1 1/2 Bottle (fifth) Rum
1 1/2 qts. Canada Dry Ginger Ale
Fruit. Block of Ice. Stir. Serve in Punch Glass.
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 82. Whiskey Punch.
Juice of Lemon, 4 dashes Curacao
2 oz. Whiskey or Spirit Desired
2 dashes Brandy. Shaved Ice. Use goblet. Dress with Fruit.
Top with Canada Dry Club Soda.
1969 Mario Kardahi & Raul Echenique: El arte de la exquisitez y del buen beber. Seite 394. Ponches.
Variedad de bebida similar al Grog. El Ponche se sirve frío o
caliente, y suelen entrar en su composición leche, huevos, frutas, etc.
Es una bebida muy indicada para las reuniones sociales y fami-
liares. Su preparación puede hacerse en vasos individuales o en
grandes recipientes cuando es para muchas personas.
1971 Anonymus: Tropical Recipes. Standard Recipes. Hot Rum Punch.
1 Jigger Lemon Juice
1 “ Syrup
1 “ Rum
Place Toddy spoon in glass
Fill with boiling hot water
3 Cloves on top
Build in Collins Glass, pre-
1971 Anonymus: Tropical Recipes. Standard Recipes. Rum Punch.
Shell Glass 10 oz. full fine
Mixing Glass, Fine Ice
1 Jigger Lemon juice
Juice of 1/2 Lime
1 Jigger Simple syrup or
1 Barspoon sugar
1 Jigger Rum
Shake well and strain
Decorate with slice Orange
Serve with straws.
1971 Anonymus: Tropical Recipes. Standard Recipes. Whiskey Punch.
Same as Brandy Punch, using
Whiskey instead of Brandy.
Brandy Punch.
Shell Glass, 10 oz.
Fill with Fine Ice
Mixing Glass, Fine Ice
1 Jigger Lemon Juice
1 “ Simple Syrup or
1 Barspoon Sugar
1 Dash Grenadine
1 1/2 Jiggers Brandy
Shake well and strain
Decorate with thin slice
Serve with straws.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide, Revised. Seite 305. Hot Rum Punch.
2 cocktail sugar cubes
Boiling water
4 ounces light Puerto Rican rum
4 dashes bitters
Dissolve sugar in a little hot water in a preheated punch glass.
Add rum, bitters, and a slice of lemon or lime. Fill glass with
hot water. Dust with grated nutmeg.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide, Revised. Seite 364. Old Fashioned Rum Punch.
1/2 pint light Puerto Rican rum
1/2 pint peach brandy
1/2 pint lemon or lime juice
5 tablespoons Angostura bitters
3 quarts club soda
Stir together thoroughly in a punch bowl the rum, brandy,
lemon juice, and bitters. Add a large block of ice and let
chill. At serving time, add soda. Serves 12.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide, Revised. Seite 375. Rum Punch – 1.
1 1/2 ounces light Puerto Rican rum
1 teaspoon curaçao
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
Club soda
Shake rum, curaçao, and lemon juice with ice cubes. Strain
into a goblet. Add ice cubes. Fill glass with soda. Decorate
with fresh fruits. Serve with straws.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide, Revised. Seite 376. Rum Punch – 2.
12 lemons
2 cups bar sugar
1 quart strong hot tea
1 quart light Jamaica rum
Squeeze the juice from lemons; save rinds. Stir sugar with
lemon juice to blend. Pour just-brewed tea, while very hot,
over lemon rinds; let steep for 20 minutes; strain. Add strained
tea to lemon juice; pour over a large block of ice in a punch
bowl. Add rum. Serve in punch cups. Garnish each serving
with a thin lemon slice. Makes about 18 five-ounce drinks.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide, Revised. Seite 376. Rum Punch – 3.
1 1/2 fifths light Puerto Rican rum
6 ounces pineapple juice
10 ounces orange juice
10 ounces lime juice
1 1/2 quarts ginger ale or club soda
1 pint fresh strawberries, sliced, and lemon and lime slices to
Combine ad ingredients except ginger ale or soda, and allow
to stand for 1 hour. Then pour over block of ice in a large
punch bowl. Let chill. At serving time, add chilled ginger ale
or soda. Stir gently. Decorate with sliced strawberries, lemons,
and limes. Serves 12.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide, Revised. Seite 378. Tahitian Rum Punch – 1.
1/2 lime
1 dash rock candy syrup
1 ounce St. James Rhum
Squeeze lime juice over 1 large scoop shaved ice in mixing
glass; save shell. Add syrup and rum. Shake. Pour into parfait
glass. Decorate with spent lime shell and a cherry. Dust with
grated nutmeg.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide, Revised. Seite 378. Tahitian Rum Punch – 2.
1 teaspoon bar sugar
1/2 lime
Fruit slice (banana, pineapple, or orange)
Combine rum and sugar in mixing glass with a large ice cube;
stir thoroughly. Squeeze lime juice over ice cubes in a 10-
ounce glass; add spent lime shell. Add mixed rum, sugar,
and ice. Stir. Decorate with a fruit slice. Dust with grated nut-
meg. Serve with straws.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide, Revised. Seite 379. Tahitian Rum Punch (Quantity).
2 pounds brown sugar
5 dozen oranges
4 dozen lemons
3 grapefruit
10 bananas
2 mint sprigs
10 fifths dry white table wine
6 fifths light Puerto Rican rum
1 fifth dark Jamaica rum
Put sugar into a large crock. Squeeze juice from oranges, lemons,
and grapefruit; add juices and all spent shells to crock.
Slice in bananas. Add mint and wine. Let stand overnight.
Next day, add the rum. Strain off and discard the fruit pulp
and citrus shells. Stir punch well. Pour over a large block of ice
in a punch bowl (or a barrel). Let mixture chill. Serve in
punch cups or coconut cups. Serves about 100.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide, Revised. Seite 383. Whisky Punch – 1.
2 ounces Bourbon
1 dash curaçao
1 teaspoon sugar syrup
2 teaspoons lemon juice
Club soda
1 dash dark Jamaica rum
Stir Bourbon, curaçao, syrup, and lemon juice with ice cubes.
Strain into goblet. Add ice cubes. Fill glass with soda. Add
rum on top. Serve with straws.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide, Revised. Seite 383. Whisky Punch – 2.
2 ounces Bourbon
1 teaspoon sugar syrup
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Club soda
1 dash brandy
Shake Bourbon, syrup, and lemon juice with ice cubes. Strain
into a double old fashioned glass. Add shaved ice. Fill glass
with soda. Add brandy on top.
1973 Anonymus: 500 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 50. Buttered Rum Punch.
2 qts. cider – very hot
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup butter
12 oz. Cuban rum
Ladle into punch glasses and
top with ground cinnamon.
12 servings
1973 Anonymus: 500 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 53. Whiskey Punch.
1 pound sugar
1 pt. orange juice
1 pt. lemon juice
2 qts. rye whiskey
4 qts. charged water
1/2 pineapple, thinly sliced
3 oranges, quartered
2 lemons, thinly sliced
Serve well iced in punch
12 servings
1973 Anonymus: 500 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 61. Whiskey Punch.
3 jiggers bourbon or
1 pony lemon juice
1 teaspoon sugar syrup
3 ice cubes
Blend 5 to 8 seconds, strain
into highball glasses. Add
crushed ice, a dash of cognac,
and fill with sparkling water.
1973 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 82. Rum Punch.
(for 1 gallon)
6 oz. Pineapple Juice, Juice of 6 Oranges
Juice of 6 Lemons, 3/4 cup Powdered Sugar
1 1/2 Bottle (fifth) Rum. 1 1/2 qts. Canada Dry Ginger Ale.
Fruit. Block of Ice Stir. Serve in Punch Glass.
1973 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 82. Whiskey Punch.
Juice of 1/2 Lemon, 4 dashes Curacao, 2 oz. Whiskey
2 dashes Brandy. Shaved Ice. Use goblet. Dress with Fruit.
Top with Canada Dry Club Soda.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 119. Irish Punch.
A great favourite in Ireland
during the ’soft‘ weather.
Serve in wine glass
1 measure Irish whiskey
1 teaspoon sugar
Hot water
1/2 slice lemon studded with cloves.
1976 Brian F. Rea: Brian’s Booze Guide. Seite 83. Tahitian Rum Punch.
Build in a collins glass filled with ice cubes
1 ounce light Rum
4 ounces fruit punch
3/4 ounce 151° Rum, stir
Garnish with cherry and pineapple wedge
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 387. Rum Punch.
Hiball Glass Shake
1-1/2 oz rum
1/4 oz orange curaçao
1/2 oz lemon juice
1/4 tsp sugar
Fill with crushed ice or soda
Fruit garnish
Tail Glass Build
Fill with crushed ice
1-1/2 oz rum
3/4 oz lime juice
1 tsp sugar
Several mint sprigs-stirred into
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 389. Rye Whiskey Punch.
Hiball Glass Shake
2 oz rye
1/2 oz lemon juice
1/2 tsp sugar
Pour unstrained into glass
Fill with ice
Orange slice
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 413. Tahitian Rum Punch.
Tail Glass Build
3/4 oz lime juice
Leave shell in glass
1/2 tsp sugar
Fill with crushed ice
1-1/2 oz Martinique rum
Banana slice, Pineapple
spear, Orange slice &
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 431. Whiskey Punch.
Hiball Glass Build
2 oz whiskey
1 tsp sugar
1/2 oz lemon juice
Fill with soda, ice
(Substitute-hot water for soda &
top with nutmeg)
Tall Glass Shake
1-1/2 oz Bourbon or rye
1 oz lemon juice
1 tsp sugar
1/2 oz orange curaçao
Fill with soda, ice
Float 1/4 oz rum or brandy
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 458. Hot Rum Punch.
In punchbowl put:
1 lemon or lime peel, 1 sliced orange or one
sliced grapefruit.
1 cup glass Bénédictine
1 cup Kummel
1 cup brandy or Cognac
2 cups Puerto Rican rum
Add sugar to taste and 6 cups boiling water.
Stir together and serve.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 461. Rum Punch.
2 whole pineapples
3 bananas
4 cups lemon juice
8 cups orange juice
4 cups brown sugar
10 bottles white wine
Dice pineapples and sugar. Add wine, other
fruit juices and allow to stand overnight.
Then add:
6 qts. light rum
1 bottle Jamaica rum
1 bottle Crème de Banana
Allow to stand for 2-3 hrs.
Strain into punchbowl with block of ice.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 462. Scotch Whisky Punch.
1/2 cup sugar
juice and rind of 3 lemons
1 qt soda
1 qt Scotch
Mix together in pitcher with cracked ice.
Pour into goblets with extra ice. Garnish as
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 463. Whisky Punch.
To punchbowl with block of ice add: juices
of 8 oranges and 6 lemons, 2 ozs curaçao, 2
tbsp sugar. Stir. Add 1-1/2 bottles of rye,
bourbon, or blended whiskey. Chili. To
serve, add 2 qts of chilled soda and fruit as
1977 Udo Henseler & Bernhard Weichsel: Wir mixen. Seite 123. Rum-Punsch.
Zutaten: 1/2 l Rum, 1 Flasche Rotwein, 1 Flasche Weißwein, 1/2 l star-
ker Teeaufguß (schwarzer Tee), 2 Zitronen, 300 g Zucker.
Zubereitung: Der Teeaufguß wird mit den Weinen, dem Zitronen-
saft, der Zitronenschale und dem Zucker so lange erhitzt, bis sich
der Zucker vollkommen gelöst hat. Die Zitronenschale wird entfernt
und vor dem Servieren der Rum hinzugegeben.
1979 Fred Powell: The Bartender’s Standard Manual. Seite 105. Rum Punch.
1/2 Pint Puerto Rican Rum
1/2 Pint Peach Brandy
1/2 Pint Lemon or Lime Juice
5 Tablespoons Bitters
6 Pints Soda Water
Stir rum, brandy, juice and
bitters in a bowl. When ready
to serve, add block of ice and
1979 Fred Powell: The Bartender’s Standard Manual. Seite 105. Scotch Whiskey Punch.
(Serves 12)
1 Quart Passport Scotch
Juice and Rind of 3 Lemons
1/2 Cup Sugar
1 Quart Soda
Combine in pitcher with
cracked ice. Pour into goblets
with extra ice. Garnish
with fruit slices.
1979 Fred Powell: The Bartender’s Standard Manual. Seite 106. Whiskey Punch.
2 Quarts Blended Bourbon
3 Ounces Curacao
1 Quart Apple Juice
Juice of 6 Lemons
2 Ounces Grenadine
2 Large Bottles Iced Ginger
Pour all but ginger ale over
block of ice in punch bowl.
Stir. Leave to chill. Add
ginger ale before serving. Gar-
nish with maraschino
explicit capitulum