Es sind erneut zahlreiche historische Bücher im Internet verfügbar geworden. Wir ergänzen unsere Bibliographie um weitere 55 Bücher.
Im folgenden erhaltet Ihr eine Auflistung derjenigen Bücher, die inzwischen im Internet verfügbar geworden sind. Unsere bereits zuvor veröffentlichte Bibliographie haben wir entsprechend aktualisiert.
[1827] Anonymus: Wine and Spirit Adulterations Unmasked in a Treatise, Setting Forth the Manner Employed, and the Various Ingredients Which Constitute the Adulterations and Impositions Effected with the Different Wines and Spirits Offered to the Public, Through the Medium of Cheap Prices, By Many of the Advertising and Placarding Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants, and Gin-Shop-Keepers, of the Present Day. London, Eigenverlag, 1827.
[1876] Henry Vizetelly: Facts About Sherry, Gleaned in the Vineyards and Bodegas of the Jerez, Seville, Moguer, & Montilla Districts During the Autumn of 1875. London, Ward, Lock, and Tyler, 1876.
[1876] Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide; or, How to Mix All Kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks, Containing Clear and Reliable Directions for Mixing All the Beverages Used in the United States, Together with the Most Popular British, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish Recipes; Embracing Punches, Juleps, Cobblers, Etc., Etc., Etc., in Endless Variety. New York, Dick & Fitzgerald, 1876.
[1876] P. Duplais: Traité de la fabrication des liqueurs et de la distillation des alcools, contenant les procédés les plus nouveaux pour la fabrication des liqueurs françaises et étrangères, fruits a l’eau-de-vie et au sucre, sirops, conserves, eaux et esprits parfumés, vermouts, vins de liqueur, suivi du traité de la fabrication des eaux et boissons gazeuses et de la description complète des operations nécessaires pour la distillation des alcools. Tome premier. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1876.
[1880] Henry Vizetelly: Facts about Port and Madeira with Notices of the Wines Vintaged Around Lisbon, and the Wines of Tenerife. London, Ward, Lock, and Co., 1880.
[1884] M. Louis-Perrier: Mémoire sur le vin de Champagne. Èpernay, Bonnedame Fils, 1884.
[1890] G. G. Gervinus: The Art of Drinking. A Historical Sketch. New York, United States Brewers‘ Association, 1890.
[1895] R. C. Miller: The American Bar-Tender. A Treatise on the Manufacture and Service of Drinks, and A Manual for the Manufacture of Cordials, Etc. St. Paul, R. C. Miller, 1895.
[1896] Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Hot and Cold for All Seasons. London, John Hogg,
[1898] Anonymus: Anleitung zur Bereitung Amerikanischer Eis-Getränke etc. und Kochrecepte für die feine Küche unter Verwendung unserer Special-Bodega-Marken. Frankfurt, The Continental Bodega Company, ohne Jahr.
[1902] Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. How They Are Mixed. Cleveland, Chicago, St.Paul, New York, Bishop & Babcock Company, 1902.
[1903] Don. Wilkes: The Bachelor Book. London, A. J. White, ohne Jahr.
[1905] Anonymus: Bebidas americanas, refrescos y licores. Barcelona, Coleciòn de libros modernos, ohne Jahr.
[1909] Charlie Paul: American and Other Iced Drinks. London, McCorquodale & Co, 1909.
[1910] Anonymus: 101 Drinks and How to Mix Them. Oshkosh, Direct Mail Associates, ohne Jahr.
[1914] Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Them. Chicago, Felix Mendelsohn, ohne Jahr.
[1914] Ernest P. Rawling: Rawling’s Book of Mixed Drinks. An Up-To-Date Guide for Mixing and Serving All Kind of Beverages, and Written Expressly for the Man Who Entertains at Home. San Francisco, Guild Press Publishers, 1914.
[1920] Anonymus: „Good Cheer“. A Handbook of Recipes of spirituous and non–spirituous Drinks gathered from authoritative sources. Compiled in order to preserve some evidence of the genius and artistry of those good old days. Ohne Ort, ohne jahr.
[1922] M. E. Steedman: Home-made Beverages and American Drinks. London, The Food & Cookery Publishing Agency, ohne Jahr.
[1922] W. Slagter: Hoe maakt men American Fancy Drinks. Amsterdam, W. B. Morandsard, 1922.
[1924] Anonymus: Angostura Bitters Centenary Recipe Book. Gift Book of Cocktail and Other Recipes. 1924. London, J. J. Kelther & Co., 1924
[1925] Anonymus: About Town Cocktail Book. Vancouver, Mitchel Printing & Publishing Co., ohne Jahr.
[1926] W. Slagter: Cocktails. Americanen Fancy Drinks IJsrecepten en -Dranken. Amsterdam, Richter’s Algem. Boekcentrale, 1926.
[1928] Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion or How to Mix Drinks. Seventh printing 1934. New York, Grosset & Dunlap, 1928.
[1929] Anonymus: For Home Use. Recipe Book containing useful information in selecting, mixing and general uses of Wines, Spirits and Liqueurs. Ohne Ort, E. G. G. Smythers Pty. Ltd, ohne Jahr.
[1929] Stanley Wisdom: Rubayat of Canada or Omar Up-To-Date. Montreal, Consolidated Distilleries, ohne Jahr.
[1930] Dominique Migliorero: L’Art du Shaker. Ohne Ort, ohne Jahr.
[1930] Knut W. Sundin: Two Hundres Selected Drinks. Göteborg, Ragnar Orstadius Boktryckeri, 1930.
[1932] Anonymus: One Hundred Ways especially prepared for Connoisseurs as well as for the novitate. Second Printing 1932. New York, Stafford Brothers, 1932.
[1933] Anonymus: Hollywood’s Favorite Cocktail Book Including the Favorite Cocktail Served at Each of the Smartest Stars‘ Rendezvous. 3. Druck. Hollywood, Buzza-Cardozo, 1933.
[1933] Anonymus: Lest We Forget. Mixed Drinks manual. 250 Recipes and Selected Toasts. First Edition 1933. Racine, The Commercial Press Co., 1933.
[1933] Fred W. Swan: When Good Fellows Get Together. Drink and Service Manual. Chicago, The Reilly & Lee Co., 1933.
[1933] Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual On the Vintage & Production, Care and Handling of Wines, Liquors, Etc. A Handbook of Information for Homes, Clubs, Hotels or Restaurants. Recipes for Fancy Mixed Drinks and When and How to Serve Cocktails, Cobblers, Coolers, Cordials, Daisies, Flips, Fizzes, Highballs, Juleps, Punches, Rickeys, Smashes, Sours, Cups, Sangarees and Toddies. Completely revised and reset. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1933.
[1933] William Guyer: The Merry Mixer or Cocktails and Their Ink. A Booklet on Mixtures and Mulches, Fizzes and Whizzes. New York, Jos. S. Finch & Co., 1933.
[1934] Anonymus: 100 Famous Cocktails. Published in collaboration with Oscar of The Waldorf. 2. Printing, New York, Kenilworth Press, 1934.
[1934] Anonymus: Angostura Recipes. Ohne Ort, ohne Jahr.
[1934] Magnus Bredenbek: What Shall We Drink? Popular Drinks, Receipes, and Toasts. London, T. Werner Laurie Ltd., 1934.
[1934] Tom and Jerry: How to Mix Drinks. Washington, Maxine Publishing Company, 1934.
[1935] Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. How to Mix Them. Buffalo, Pulsam Co., 1935.
[1935] Anonymus: For Home Use. A book of reference on many subjects relative to the table. Dritte Auflage. Port-of-Spain, Angostura Bitters Ltd., 1935.
[1935] Anonymus: A Guide to Cooling Hot-Weather Drinks. Ohne Ort, Calvert, ohne Jahr.
[1935] Anonymus: Cocktails Recommended. Baltimore, Calvert-Maryland Distilling Co., 1935.
[1936] Anonymus: Cocktails, Drinks and Snacks. Lowville, Lewis County Publishing Co., 1936.
[1936] Anonymus: Exclusive Cocktails From the Recipes of Usher’s Hotel. 2. Auflage. Sidney, Usher’s Hotel, 1936.
[1937] Anonymus: Here’s how. Being a Symposium of Receipes of Good Cheer … A Dictionary for the Wine Connoisseur and a Most Helpful Guide to the Host and Hostess Who May or May Not Posses a Wine Cellar or Cocktail Bar. 2. Auflage. London, Victoria Wine Co. Ltd., 1937.
[1937] John R. Iverson: Liquid Gems. A Book of Drinks for the Fastidious Drinker. Ohne Ort, Eigenverlag, 1937.
[1938] Anonymus: Cocktails. Mixed Drinks as served at the Cafe-Bar Martinique. 6. Auflage. New York, Hotel Martinique Broadway, 1938.
[1939] Anonymus: Bar La Florida Cocktails. Ohne Ort, Ohne Jahr.
[1939] Anonymus: Floridita Cocktails. Ohne Ort, Ohne Jahr.
[1940] Anonymus: Sloppy Joe’s Cocktail Manual. Havana, 1940. Anmerkung: Ohne die Seiten 25-31.
[1945] R. M. Barrows & Betty Stone: 300 Ways to Mix Drinks. Chicago, Consolidated Book Publishers, ohne Jahr.
[1946] Bill Kelly: The Roving Bartender. Hollywood, Oxford Press, 1946.
[1946] Charles H. Baker, Jr.: The Gentleman’s Companion. Being an Exotic Drinking Book or, Around the World With Jigger, Beaker and Flask. Including: A personally collected Regiment of World-Famous Lively Liquid Masterpieces from Greater & Lesser Ports of Orient & Occident, & the South Seas. Not Forgetting: The Proper & Civilized Service of Beverages with Foods, together with Proven Formulae for Home Construction of Certain Bitters, Wines, Meads & Cordials; a Meaty Kernel of Advice for Those Departing for the Bars, & in the Last a Sextet of Temperance Delights, & a Platoon of Picker-Uppers of Proven Worth & Discretion. New York, Crown Publishers, 1946.
[1955] Anonymus: An Anthology on Cocktails together with Selected Observations by Distinguished Gathering and diverse Thoughts for Great Occasions. London, Booth’s Distillers Ltd., ohne Jahr.
[1959] Fernando Gaviria: El Coctel y Sus Derivados. Ohne Ort, 1959.
Außerdem müssen wir eine Korrektur vornehmen. Wir hatten zuvor folgenden Titel aufgenommen:
[1914] (Charles S. Mahoney & Harry Montague): New Bartender’s Guide Telling How to Mix All the Standard and Popular Drinks Called For Everyday. Baltimore, I. & M. Ottenheimer, ohne Jahr.
Korrekterweise handelt es sich hier um zwei verschiedene Bücher, die jedoch gebündelt miteinander 1914 erschienen. Betitel ist die Sammlung mit „New Bartender’s Guide. How to Mix Drinks. 2 Books in One“ Es handelt sich hierbei um die beiden Bücher:
[1914] Anonymus (Charles S. Mahoney): New Bartender’s Guide. Telling How to Mix all the Standard and Popular Drinks Called for Everyday. Baltimore & Maryland, L. & M. Ottenheimer, (Copyright) 1914.
http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/012392974 (nur Ansicht)
[1914] Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartenders‘ Guide. A Valuable Ready Reference Guide to the Art of Mixing Drinks.Containing All the Standard and Popular Drinks, With a Choice Selection of Appropriate Toasts. Ohne Ort, L. & M. Ottenheimer, (Copyright) 1913. Anmerkung: Der Titel und auch das Copyright ist identisch mit der Ausgabe aus dem Jahr 1913. Inhaltlich sind sie jedoch nicht identisch. Der hier vorliegende Nachdruck wurde um Rezepte erweitert, deshalb darf man als Erscheinungsjahr mit Sicherheit ebenfalls 1914 annehmen.
http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/012392974 (nur Ansicht)
Weitere Änderungen
Einige Bücher waren bisher nicht herunterladbar. Dies hat sich nun geändert, und zwar für:
[1898] Anonymus: Before & After Dinner Beverages and a Few Sandwiches, New York, The Meriden Company, ohne Jahr.
[1913] Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartenders‘ Guide. A valuable ready reference guide to the art of mixing drinks. Containing all the standard and popular drinks, with a choice selection of appropriate toasts. Baltimore, I. & M. Ottenheimer, 1913.
[1913] Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixed Drinks For All Occasions. This book contains over 675 clear and accurate directions for mixing all kinds of popular and fancy drinks, served in the best hotels, clubs, buffets, bars and homes. Added to this there is a splendid introduction on wines, their medicinal value, when and how to serve them, kinds and styles of glasses to use and other valuable information and facts of great importance to every user of wines and liquors. Chicago, R. Francis Welsh Publishing Co., 1913.
[1932] Anonymus: Sloppy Joe’s Cocktails Manual. Havana, 1932.
[1934] Anonymus: Sloppy Joe’s Cocktails Manual. Havana, 1934.
[1939] Anonymus: Bar La Florida Cocktails. La Habana, Obispo y Monserrate, ohne Jahr.
[1939] Anonymus: Floridita Cocktails. Ohne Ort, ohne Jahr.
[1939] Anonymus: Sloppy Joe’s Cocktail Manual. Havana, ohne Jahr.
explicit capitulum
Es sind erneut zahlreiche historische Bücher im Internet verfügbar geworden. Wir ergänzen unsere Bibliographie um weitere 55 Bücher.
Im folgenden erhaltet Ihr eine Auflistung derjenigen Bücher, die inzwischen im Internet verfügbar geworden sind. Unsere bereits zuvor veröffentlichte Bibliographie haben wir entsprechend aktualisiert.
Literatur im 19. Jahrhundert vor Harry Johnson (1827 – 1881)
[1827] Anonymus: Wine and Spirit Adulterations Unmasked in a Treatise, Setting Forth the Manner Employed, and the Various Ingredients Which Constitute the Adulterations and Impositions Effected with the Different Wines and Spirits Offered to the Public, Through the Medium of Cheap Prices, By Many of the Advertising and Placarding Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants, and Gin-Shop-Keepers, of the Present Day. London, Eigenverlag, 1827.
[1876] Henry Vizetelly: Facts About Sherry, Gleaned in the Vineyards and Bodegas of the Jerez, Seville, Moguer, & Montilla Districts During the Autumn of 1875. London, Ward, Lock, and Tyler, 1876.
[1876] Jerry Thomas: The Bar-Tender’s Guide; or, How to Mix All Kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks, Containing Clear and Reliable Directions for Mixing All the Beverages Used in the United States, Together with the Most Popular British, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish Recipes; Embracing Punches, Juleps, Cobblers, Etc., Etc., Etc., in Endless Variety. New York, Dick & Fitzgerald, 1876.
[1876] P. Duplais: Traité de la fabrication des liqueurs et de la distillation des alcools, contenant les procédés les plus nouveaux pour la fabrication des liqueurs françaises et étrangères, fruits a l’eau-de-vie et au sucre, sirops, conserves, eaux et esprits parfumés, vermouts, vins de liqueur, suivi du traité de la fabrication des eaux et boissons gazeuses et de la description complète des operations nécessaires pour la distillation des alcools. Tome premier. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1876.
[1880] Henry Vizetelly: Facts about Port and Madeira with Notices of the Wines Vintaged Around Lisbon, and the Wines of Tenerife. London, Ward, Lock, and Co., 1880.
Literatur ab Harry Johnson bis zur Jahrhundertwende (1882 – 1899)
[1884] M. Louis-Perrier: Mémoire sur le vin de Champagne. Èpernay, Bonnedame Fils, 1884.
[1890] G. G. Gervinus: The Art of Drinking. A Historical Sketch. New York, United States Brewers‘ Association, 1890.
[1895] R. C. Miller: The American Bar-Tender. A Treatise on the Manufacture and Service of Drinks, and A Manual for the Manufacture of Cordials, Etc. St. Paul, R. C. Miller, 1895.
[1896] Frederick Davies & Seymour Davies: Drinks of All Kinds. Hot and Cold for All Seasons. London, John Hogg,
[1898] Anonymus: Anleitung zur Bereitung Amerikanischer Eis-Getränke etc. und Kochrecepte für die feine Küche unter Verwendung unserer Special-Bodega-Marken. Frankfurt, The Continental Bodega Company, ohne Jahr.
Literatur im 20. Jahrhundert bis zum Beginn der Prohibition (1900 – 1919)
[1902] Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. How They Are Mixed. Cleveland, Chicago, St.Paul, New York, Bishop & Babcock Company, 1902.
[1903] Don. Wilkes: The Bachelor Book. London, A. J. White, ohne Jahr.
[1905] Anonymus: Bebidas americanas, refrescos y licores. Barcelona, Coleciòn de libros modernos, ohne Jahr.
[1909] Charlie Paul: American and Other Iced Drinks. London, McCorquodale & Co, 1909.
[1910] Anonymus: 101 Drinks and How to Mix Them. Oshkosh, Direct Mail Associates, ohne Jahr.
[1914] Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Them. Chicago, Felix Mendelsohn, ohne Jahr.
[1914] Ernest P. Rawling: Rawling’s Book of Mixed Drinks. An Up-To-Date Guide for Mixing and Serving All Kind of Beverages, and Written Expressly for the Man Who Entertains at Home. San Francisco, Guild Press Publishers, 1914.
Literatur zu Zeiten der Prohibition (1920 – 1933)
[1920] Anonymus: „Good Cheer“. A Handbook of Recipes of spirituous and non–spirituous Drinks gathered from authoritative sources. Compiled in order to preserve some evidence of the genius and artistry of those good old days. Ohne Ort, ohne jahr.
[1922] M. E. Steedman: Home-made Beverages and American Drinks. London, The Food & Cookery Publishing Agency, ohne Jahr.
[1922] W. Slagter: Hoe maakt men American Fancy Drinks. Amsterdam, W. B. Morandsard, 1922.
[1924] Anonymus: Angostura Bitters Centenary Recipe Book. Gift Book of Cocktail and Other Recipes. 1924. London, J. J. Kelther & Co., 1924
[1925] Anonymus: About Town Cocktail Book. Vancouver, Mitchel Printing & Publishing Co., ohne Jahr.
[1926] W. Slagter: Cocktails. Americanen Fancy Drinks IJsrecepten en -Dranken. Amsterdam, Richter’s Algem. Boekcentrale, 1926.
[1928] Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Companion or How to Mix Drinks. Seventh printing 1934. New York, Grosset & Dunlap, 1928.
[1929] Anonymus: For Home Use. Recipe Book containing useful information in selecting, mixing and general uses of Wines, Spirits and Liqueurs. Ohne Ort, E. G. G. Smythers Pty. Ltd, ohne Jahr.
[1929] Stanley Wisdom: Rubayat of Canada or Omar Up-To-Date. Montreal, Consolidated Distilleries, ohne Jahr.
[1930] Dominique Migliorero: L’Art du Shaker. Ohne Ort, ohne Jahr.
[1930] Knut W. Sundin: Two Hundres Selected Drinks. Göteborg, Ragnar Orstadius Boktryckeri, 1930.
[1932] Anonymus: One Hundred Ways especially prepared for Connoisseurs as well as for the novitate. Second Printing 1932. New York, Stafford Brothers, 1932.
[1933] Anonymus: Hollywood’s Favorite Cocktail Book Including the Favorite Cocktail Served at Each of the Smartest Stars‘ Rendezvous. 3. Druck. Hollywood, Buzza-Cardozo, 1933.
[1933] Anonymus: Lest We Forget. Mixed Drinks manual. 250 Recipes and Selected Toasts. First Edition 1933. Racine, The Commercial Press Co., 1933.
[1933] Fred W. Swan: When Good Fellows Get Together. Drink and Service Manual. Chicago, The Reilly & Lee Co., 1933.
[1933] Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual On the Vintage & Production, Care and Handling of Wines, Liquors, Etc. A Handbook of Information for Homes, Clubs, Hotels or Restaurants. Recipes for Fancy Mixed Drinks and When and How to Serve Cocktails, Cobblers, Coolers, Cordials, Daisies, Flips, Fizzes, Highballs, Juleps, Punches, Rickeys, Smashes, Sours, Cups, Sangarees and Toddies. Completely revised and reset. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1933.
[1933] William Guyer: The Merry Mixer or Cocktails and Their Ink. A Booklet on Mixtures and Mulches, Fizzes and Whizzes. New York, Jos. S. Finch & Co., 1933.
Literatur nach der Prohibition bis zum Eintritt der USA in den 2. Weltkrieg (1934 – 1941)
[1934] Anonymus: 100 Famous Cocktails. Published in collaboration with Oscar of The Waldorf. 2. Printing, New York, Kenilworth Press, 1934.
[1934] Anonymus: Angostura Recipes. Ohne Ort, ohne Jahr.
[1934] Magnus Bredenbek: What Shall We Drink? Popular Drinks, Receipes, and Toasts. London, T. Werner Laurie Ltd., 1934.
[1934] Tom and Jerry: How to Mix Drinks. Washington, Maxine Publishing Company, 1934.
[1935] Anonymus: Fancy Drinks. How to Mix Them. Buffalo, Pulsam Co., 1935.
[1935] Anonymus: For Home Use. A book of reference on many subjects relative to the table. Dritte Auflage. Port-of-Spain, Angostura Bitters Ltd., 1935.
[1935] Anonymus: A Guide to Cooling Hot-Weather Drinks. Ohne Ort, Calvert, ohne Jahr.
[1935] Anonymus: Cocktails Recommended. Baltimore, Calvert-Maryland Distilling Co., 1935.
[1936] Anonymus: Cocktails, Drinks and Snacks. Lowville, Lewis County Publishing Co., 1936.
[1936] Anonymus: Exclusive Cocktails From the Recipes of Usher’s Hotel. 2. Auflage. Sidney, Usher’s Hotel, 1936.
[1937] Anonymus: Here’s how. Being a Symposium of Receipes of Good Cheer … A Dictionary for the Wine Connoisseur and a Most Helpful Guide to the Host and Hostess Who May or May Not Posses a Wine Cellar or Cocktail Bar. 2. Auflage. London, Victoria Wine Co. Ltd., 1937.
[1937] John R. Iverson: Liquid Gems. A Book of Drinks for the Fastidious Drinker. Ohne Ort, Eigenverlag, 1937.
[1938] Anonymus: Cocktails. Mixed Drinks as served at the Cafe-Bar Martinique. 6. Auflage. New York, Hotel Martinique Broadway, 1938.
[1939] Anonymus: Bar La Florida Cocktails. Ohne Ort, Ohne Jahr.
[1939] Anonymus: Floridita Cocktails. Ohne Ort, Ohne Jahr.
[1940] Anonymus: Sloppy Joe’s Cocktail Manual. Havana, 1940. Anmerkung: Ohne die Seiten 25-31.
Literatur nach 1941
[1945] R. M. Barrows & Betty Stone: 300 Ways to Mix Drinks. Chicago, Consolidated Book Publishers, ohne Jahr.
[1946] Bill Kelly: The Roving Bartender. Hollywood, Oxford Press, 1946.
[1946] Charles H. Baker, Jr.: The Gentleman’s Companion. Being an Exotic Drinking Book or, Around the World With Jigger, Beaker and Flask. Including: A personally collected Regiment of World-Famous Lively Liquid Masterpieces from Greater & Lesser Ports of Orient & Occident, & the South Seas. Not Forgetting: The Proper & Civilized Service of Beverages with Foods, together with Proven Formulae for Home Construction of Certain Bitters, Wines, Meads & Cordials; a Meaty Kernel of Advice for Those Departing for the Bars, & in the Last a Sextet of Temperance Delights, & a Platoon of Picker-Uppers of Proven Worth & Discretion. New York, Crown Publishers, 1946.
[1955] Anonymus: An Anthology on Cocktails together with Selected Observations by Distinguished Gathering and diverse Thoughts for Great Occasions. London, Booth’s Distillers Ltd., ohne Jahr.
[1959] Fernando Gaviria: El Coctel y Sus Derivados. Ohne Ort, 1959.
Außerdem müssen wir eine Korrektur vornehmen. Wir hatten zuvor folgenden Titel aufgenommen:
[1914] (Charles S. Mahoney & Harry Montague): New Bartender’s Guide Telling How to Mix All the Standard and Popular Drinks Called For Everyday. Baltimore, I. & M. Ottenheimer, ohne Jahr.
Korrekterweise handelt es sich hier um zwei verschiedene Bücher, die jedoch gebündelt miteinander 1914 erschienen. Betitel ist die Sammlung mit „New Bartender’s Guide. How to Mix Drinks. 2 Books in One“ Es handelt sich hierbei um die beiden Bücher:
[1914] Anonymus (Charles S. Mahoney): New Bartender’s Guide. Telling How to Mix all the Standard and Popular Drinks Called for Everyday. Baltimore & Maryland, L. & M. Ottenheimer, (Copyright) 1914.
http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/012392974 (nur Ansicht)
[1914] Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartenders‘ Guide. A Valuable Ready Reference Guide to the Art of Mixing Drinks.Containing All the Standard and Popular Drinks, With a Choice Selection of Appropriate Toasts. Ohne Ort, L. & M. Ottenheimer, (Copyright) 1913. Anmerkung: Der Titel und auch das Copyright ist identisch mit der Ausgabe aus dem Jahr 1913. Inhaltlich sind sie jedoch nicht identisch. Der hier vorliegende Nachdruck wurde um Rezepte erweitert, deshalb darf man als Erscheinungsjahr mit Sicherheit ebenfalls 1914 annehmen.
http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/012392974 (nur Ansicht)
Weitere Änderungen
Einige Bücher waren bisher nicht herunterladbar. Dies hat sich nun geändert, und zwar für:
[1898] Anonymus: Before & After Dinner Beverages and a Few Sandwiches, New York, The Meriden Company, ohne Jahr.
[1913] Harry Montague: The Up-To-Date Bartenders‘ Guide. A valuable ready reference guide to the art of mixing drinks. Containing all the standard and popular drinks, with a choice selection of appropriate toasts. Baltimore, I. & M. Ottenheimer, 1913.
[1913] Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixed Drinks For All Occasions. This book contains over 675 clear and accurate directions for mixing all kinds of popular and fancy drinks, served in the best hotels, clubs, buffets, bars and homes. Added to this there is a splendid introduction on wines, their medicinal value, when and how to serve them, kinds and styles of glasses to use and other valuable information and facts of great importance to every user of wines and liquors. Chicago, R. Francis Welsh Publishing Co., 1913.
[1932] Anonymus: Sloppy Joe’s Cocktails Manual. Havana, 1932.
[1934] Anonymus: Sloppy Joe’s Cocktails Manual. Havana, 1934.
[1939] Anonymus: Bar La Florida Cocktails. La Habana, Obispo y Monserrate, ohne Jahr.
[1939] Anonymus: Floridita Cocktails. Ohne Ort, ohne Jahr.
[1939] Anonymus: Sloppy Joe’s Cocktail Manual. Havana, ohne Jahr.
explicit capitulum