Inventur Literatur

Inventur Nr. 3 vom 12. Juni 2016


Weitere historische Bücher sind online publiziert worden. Wir haben unsere Bibliographie um 33 Bände ergänzt.

Im folgenden erhaltet Ihr eine Auflistung derjenigen Bücher, die inzwischen im Internet verfügbar geworden sind. Unsere bereits zuvor veröffentlichte Bibliographie haben wir entsprechend aktualisiert.

Literatur im 19. Jahrhundert vor Harry Johnson (1827 – 1881)

[1860] Richard Cook: Oxford Night Caps. A Collection of Receipts for Making Various Beverages Used in the University. Oxford, Slatter & Rose, 1860.

[1878] Figuier Y Quentin: Manual del cafetero. arreglado para uso de las familias contiene la fabrication del hielo artificial junto con 100 fórmulas para la confeccion de helados, ponches, sorbetes, bávaras, granizados, zabayones y otros refrescos y bebidas calientes con una notocia acerca de las propiedades, clases y uso del café, té, chocolates y materias colorantes. 2. Auflage. Barcelona, Manuel Saurí, 1878.

[1880] Leo Engel: American & Other Drinks. Upwards of Two Hundred of The Most Approved Recipes, for Making The Principal Beverages Used in The United States and Elsewhere. 2. Auflage. London, Tinsley Brothers, London, ohne Jahr.

Literatur ab Harry Johnson bis zur Jahrhundertwende (1882 – 1899)

[1887] Charlie Paul: American and Other Iced Drinks Containing the Most Approved Recipes for Making the Principal „Drinks“ Used In the United States and Throughout the World. London, McCorquodale & Co. Limited, London, 1887.

[1889] Anonymus [Jerry Thomas]: The Bar-Tender’s Guide or How to Mix All Kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks Containing Clear and Reliable Directions for Mixing All the Beverages Used in the United States, Together with Most Popular British, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish Recipes; Embracing Punches, Juleps, Cobblers, Etc., Etc., in Endless Variety. An Entrely New and Enlarged Edition. (Australien), Victoria Brewery, J. E. Mitchel, 1889.

[1895] Herbert W. Green: Mixed Drinks. A Manual for Bar Clerks „Up to Date“. With Full Explanations on the Subject of Wines, Liquors, Cordials, Etc., and Other Important Information. Indianapolis, Frank H. Smith, 1895.

Literatur im 20. Jahrhundert bis zum Beginn der Prohibition (1900 – 1919)

[1902] Anonymus: „Red Top Rye Guide“ or How to Make Fine, Fancy, or Mixed Drinks. Cincinnati & St. Joseph, Ferdinand Westheimer & Sons, 1902.

[1902] Niels Larsen: 156 Recettes de Boissons Américaines. Simples et faciles a préparer chez soi. Paris, Libraire Nilsson, ohne Jahr.

[1908] Jacob Abraham Grohusko: Jack’s Manual. A Treatise On the Care and Handling of Wines and Liquors, Storing, Binning and Serving. Recipes for Mixed Drinks and When and How to Serve Them. New York City, 1908.

[1912] Anonymus: Dr. Siegert’s Angostura Bitters. Complete Mixing Guide Containing a Full List of Formulas for Making All Standard Fancy Drinks, Alphabetically Arranged, Carefully Compiled and Edited; Also Recipes for Attractive Desserts. New York, J. W. Wuppermann, ohne Jahr.

[1913] Jacques Straub: A Complete Manual of Mixed Drinks For All Occasions. This book contains over 675 clear and accurate directions for mixing all kinds of popular and fancy drinks, served in the best hotels, clubs, buffets, bars and homes. Added to this there is a splendid introduction on wines, their medicinal value, when and how to serve them, kinds and styles of glasses to use and other valuable information and facts of great importance to every user of wines and liquors. Chicago, R. Francis Welsh Publishing Co., 1913.

Literatur zu Zeiten der Prohibition (1920 – 1933)

[1921] Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Guide du Barman et du Gourmet Chic. Première Edition contenant 690 recettes. Ohne Ort.

[1922] Helen S. Wright: Old Time Recipes for Home Made Wines. Cordials and Liqueurs From Fruits, Flowers, Vegetables, and Shrubs. 4. Druck, Boston, The Page Company, 1922.

[1924] Carlo Beltramo: Carlo’s Cocktails et boissons américaines. Genève, 1924.

[1925 ?] „Robert“ Buckby & George Stone: The Buckstone Book of Cocktails. First Edition. Soho, Le Moulin d’Or Restaurant, ohne Jahr.

[1927] Maraya Vélez de Sánchez: Cocktails bebidas heladas ponches de todas clases. Paris, Cabaut y Cia., 1927.

[1927] Marcel Requien & Lucien Farnoux Reynaud: L’Heure du Cocktail. 224 Recettes. Paris, Société Mutuelle d’Éditions, 1927.

[1930] Gedelp: Los „cock-tails“ mas sabrosos. 202 fórmulas. Madrid, Agencia general de librería y artes gráficas, ohne Jahr.

[1930] William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks and How to Prepare Them. Completely Revised and Greatly Enlarged into an Unabridged Encyclopedia of All Popular Beverages. San Francisco, The Recorder Printing & Publishing Co., 1930.

[1931] Dexter Mason: The Art of Drinking More (Tipple and Snack). New York, Farrar & Rinehart, 1931.

[1932] Jimmy: The Green Cocktail Book. London, T. Werner Laurie, 1932.

[1933] Anonymus: O’Dell’s Book of Cocktails and Fancy Drinks in English and Japanese. 4. Auflage. Ohne Ort, ohne Jahr.

[1933] Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. A Sideboard Manual for Gentlemen. Repeal Edition. New Revised Edition. Boston, Herausgegeben für die The St. Botolph Society durch L. C. Page & Company, Siebter Druck, 1933.

[1933] Joseph P. Santana & Charles A. Sasena: Fine Beverages and Recipes for Mixed Drinks. Ohne Ort, 1933.

Literatur nach der Prohibition bis zum Eintritt der USA in den 2. Weltkrieg (1934 – 1941)

[1934] Anonymus: Apple Jack. How to Serve and a Collection of Celebrated Recipes. 1. Auflage. Herausgegeben von Laird & Company, Februar 1934.

[1934] Bengamin Gayelord Hauser: Here’s How to Be Healthy. New York, Tempo Books Inc., 1934.

[1934] William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks and How to Mix Them.  San Francisco, The Recorder Printing & Publishing Co., 1934.

[1936] Raymond Porta Mingot: Gran Manual de Cocktails. Ohne Ort, 1936.

[1938] Anonymus: Sloppy Joe’s Cocktail Manual. Havana, 1938.

[1938] Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Paris, Les Œuvres Françaises, 1938.

Literatur nach 1941

[1943] Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest (From Private Notes). Brooklyn, Oscar Haimo, 1943.

[1948] Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Compiègne, Eigenverlag, 1948.

[1949] P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. 600 recettes de boissons de bar. Paris, Flammarion, ohne Jahr.

Weitere Änderungen

Einige Bücher waren bisher nicht herunterladbar. Dies hat sich nun geändert, und zwar für:

[1884] O. H. Byron: The Modern Bartenders‘ Guide, or Fancy Drinks and How to Mix Them. Containing Clear and Practical Directions for Mixing All Kinds of Cocktails, Sours, Egg Nogg, Sherry Cobblers, Coolers, Absinthe, Crustas, Fizzes, Flips, Juleps, Fixes, Punches, Lemonades, And Pousse Cafes, Together With Complete Directions and Receipts for Making All Kinds of Domestic Brandies, Beers, Wines, Cordials, Extracts and Syrups. New York, 1884.

[1900] George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. How to Mix and Serve All Kinds of Cups and Drinks. Akron, New York & Chicago, Saalfield Publishing Co., 1900.

[1902] Charlie Paul: American and other Iced Drinks. London, McCorquodale & Co, 1902.

[1912] E.J.M.: The Great American cocktail. New York, Holtz & Freystedt, ohne Jahr.

[1912] John H, Considine: The Buffet Blue Book. A ready reference and guide containing plain and reliable directions for mixing all kinds of beverages used in first class bars throughout the world. A thorough variety, Formulas, etc. Chicago, Stromberg, Allen & Co., 1912.

[1914] Jacques Straub: Drinks. This book contains about seven hundred accurate directions for mixing various kinds of popular and fancy drinks served in the best hotels, clubs, buffets, bars and homes of the civilized world. The introductory chapter on Wines tells of their medicinal value; when and how to serve them; the kinds and styles of glasses to use, and other information of importance to users of wines and liquors. Chicago, The Hotel Monthly Press, 1914.

[1917] Hugo R. Ensslin: Recipes for Mixed Drinks, 2. Auflage, New York 1917.

[1929] Anonymus: Cocktails de Paris préséntes par RIP. Paris. Editions Demangel, ohne Jahr.

[1934] Jean Robert Meyer: „Bottoms Up“. New York, The John Robert Meyer Studio, 1934

[1939] Anonymus: Bar La Florida Cocktails. Ohne Ort, Ohne Jahr.

explicit capitulum


Hallo, ich bin Armin, und in meiner Freizeit als Blogger, freier Journalist und Bildungstrinker möchte ich die Barkultur fördern. Mein Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Recherche zur Geschichte der Mischgetränke. Falls ich einmal eine Dir bekannte Quelle nicht berücksichtigt habe, und Du der Meinung bist, diese müsse berücksichtigt werden, freue ich mich schon darauf, diese von Dir zu erfahren, um etwas Neues zu lernen.