Der Alberti’s Night Cocktail läßt sich bis 1977 zurückverfolgen
Der B.F.G. ist mehr oder weniger identisch mit dem 1937 erschienenen Johnnie of Skye.
Der B.O.B. wurde als Sans Pareil bereits 1937 publiziert
Für den B&B hatten wir das Postulat aufgestellt, er sei im Zusammenhang mit dem Deutsch-Französischem Krieg um 1870 entstanden. Wir haben nun eine Quelle gefunden, die eben dieses belegt.
1903 Anonymus: Manuel du Cocktail. Seite 10. Armour Cocktail.
Se servir du verre à mixtion. TROIS gouttes d’angostura; moitié Xérès; moitié vermouth. Remplir de glace, bien mélanger et filtrer dans un verre à cocktail. Ajouter un morceau de pelure d’orange.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 29. Armour Cocktail.
Fine ice in mixing-glass, three dashes orange bitters, half a jigger sherry, half a jigger Italian vermouth. Mix, strain into cocktail-glass. Add a pièce of orange-peel or a maraschino cherry.
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 3. Bamboo Cocktail.
Half a goblet of cracked ice. 1 dash of bitters (orange). 1/2 drink of Italian Vermouth. 1/2 drink of Sherry wine. Stir, strain into a cocktail glass and serve.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 7. Harvard Cocktail.
Use mixing glass, into which put 2 dashes orange bitters 1/3 jigger sherry 2/3 jigger Italian vermouth lce Strain into cocktail glass Put piece of twisted lemon peel on top.
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 3. Bamboo Cocktail.
Half a goblet of cracked ice. 1 dash of bitters (orange). 1/2 drink of Italian vermouth; 1/2 drink of Sherry wine. Stir, strain into a cocktail glass and serve.
1923 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 23. Amour Cocktail.
Gobelet n° 3 au 1/4 plein de petite glace. 2 traits peach bitter. 1/2 verre à liqueur marasquin. 3/4 verre à madère Marsala. Adapter la timbale. Frapper. Passer dans le verre n° S. Pailles. Servir avec zeste citron et une cerise.
1926 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 21. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/3 Sherry, 2/3 Gancia Italian Vermouth.
1927 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 8. Bamboo Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass. TWO dashes orange bitters; one-half sherry and one-half Italian vermouth. Fill with ice, mix well, and strain into a cocktail glass.
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 23. Bamboo.
Fill large bar glass 1-3 full fine ice. 3/4 jigger sherry wine. 3/4 jigger Italian Vermouth. Stir; strain into cocktail glass. Serve.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 19. Amour Cocktail.
Dans un shaker avec de la glace pilée, trois traits de Peach Bitter, un demi-verre à liqueur de Marasquin, un demi-verre à madère de Marsala, agiter, passer dans un verre à cocktail, garnir d’un zeste d’orange pressé et de courtes pailles.
1929 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 23. Amour Cocktail.
Gobelet n° 3 au 1/4 plein de petite glace. 2 traits peach bitter. 1/2 verre à liqueur marasquin. 3/4 verre à madère Marsala. Adapter la timbale. Frapper. Passer dans le verre n° 8. Pailles. Servir avec zeste citron et une cerise.
1930 Edgar Baudoin: Les Meilleurs Cocktails. Seite 31. Galathie Cocktail.
1930 Pedro Chicote: Le ley mojada. Seite 88. Adonis-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de hielo pi- cado. Unas gotas de Orange bitters. 1/3 de copita de Jerez. 2/3 — de vermut italiano. Agítese bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
Adonis Cocktail. Pedro Chicote, La ley mojada, 1930. Seite 88.
1930 Pedro Chicote: Le ley mojada. Seite 111. Bomboo-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de biela picado. 1 cucharada de las de calé de curaçao. Unas gotas de mandarina bitters. 1 copita de vermut italiano. 1 — de jerez. Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail, con una rodaja de limón.
1931 John: „Happy Days!“. Seite 31. Bamboo Cocktail.
50 per cent Sherry Wine 50 per cent M & R Italian Vermouth Dash Orange Bitters Half glass of ice. Stir, strain and serve.
1931 Louis Leospo: Traité d’industrie hotelière. Seite 629. Amour-cocktail.
1/4 verre à liqueur d’orange-bitter. 1/4 verre à liqueur de marasquin. 3/4 verre à Madère de Marsala.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 3. Amour.
Sherry . . . . . . . . 1 pony Fr. Vermouth . . . . . 1 pony . Orange Bitters . . . 2 dashes Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist orange peel over and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 5. Armour.
It. Vermouth . . . . . . 1 pony Sherry . . . . . . . . . 1 pony . Orange Bitters . . . 2 dashes Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist orange peel over and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 74. Sherry, No. 2.
Sherry . . . . . . . . . . 1 pony It. Vermouth . . . . . . 1 pony . Angostura . . . . . . . 2 drops Stir well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist lemon peel over and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 155. La Pirouette.
Sherry . . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Fr. Vermouth . . . . . 1 jigger Orange Bitters . . . . 1 dash Angostura . . . . . . . 2 drops Stir well with ice, strain into short highball glass, twist lemon peel over and serve.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 17. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters. 1/3 Italian Vermouth. 2/3 Dry Sherry. Stir well and strain into cocktail glass.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 63. Duke of Marlborough Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry. 1/2 Italian Vermouth. 3 Dashes Orange Bitters. Stir well and twist orange peel on top.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 146. Sherry Cocktail.
4 Dashes Orange Bitters. 4 Dashes French Vermouth. 1 Glass Sherry. Stir well and strain into cocktail glass.
1933 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 23. Amour Cocktail.
Gobelet n° 3 au 1/4 plein de petite glace. 2 traits peach bitter. 1/2 verre à liqueur marasquin. 3/4 verre à madère Marsala. Adapter la timbale. Frapper. Passer dans le verre n° 8. Pailles. Servir avec zeste citron et une cerise.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 151. Adonis-Cocktail.
1 D. [Dash] Orangebitter 1/3 Ital. Verrnouth 2/3 Sherry M-Gl. [Mischglas] K. [Kirsche] Z. [Zitronenspirale]
1934 Bernard: 100 Cocktails. Seite 13. Bamboo Cocktail 2.
1/3 gill of Dry Sherry. 1/6 gill of Italian Vermouth. 1/2 teaspoonful of Orange Bitters. 1 dash of Lemon Peel Juice. 1/2 tumblerful of broken Ice. This cocktail is made up in exactly the same way as the previous one; but Italian Vermouth is used instead of French Vermouth. This makes the flavour much sweeter and, in our experience, it is preferred by women-folk.
1934 G. F. Steele: My New Cocktail Book. Seite 21. Adonis.
1/3 Sherry 2/3 Italian Vermouth 2 dashes Orange bitters
1934 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 21. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/3 Sherry, 2/3 Italian Vermouth.
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 212. Duke of Marlborough Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry Wine 1/2 Italian Vermouth 3 Dashes Raspberry Syrup Juice of 1 Lime Shake well with cracked ice and strain. Use glass number 4
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 214. Sherry Cocktail.
4 Dashes Orange Bitters 4 Dashes French Vermouth 1 Glass Sherry Stir well in ice and strain into glass. Use glass number 1
1934 Tom & Jerry: How to Mix Drinks [collectiv1801]. Seite 96. The Armour.
Mixing glass half full ice, half a jigger sherry, half a jigger Italian Vermouth, three dashes orange bitters, mix well, strain into cocktail glass, add a piece of orange peel.
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 63. Spanish Cocktail.
1935 Gustav Selmer Fougner: Along the Wine Trail. Seite 215. Bamboo.
Two-thirds Sherry One-third Italian Vermouth Dash of orange bitters
1935 Gustav Selmer Fougner: Along the Wine Trail. Seite 215. Border Cocktail.
One part Sherry One part Italian Vermouth Two dashes of orange bitters
1935 Gustav Selmer Fougner: Along the Wine Trail. Seite 215. Cherie.
Two parts Sherry Wine One part French Vermouth One part Italian Vermouth Twist of orange peel
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 3. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters 1/3 Italian Vermouth 2/3 Dry Sherry Stir well in ice and strain into 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 11. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry 1/2 Italian Vermouth 1 Dash Bitters Stir well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 22. Adonis.
1 part Sherry 2 parts Italian Vermouth.
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 5. Adonis Cocktail.
Drops of orange bitters. 1/3 dry sherry. 2/3 CORA vermouth. Stir and serve.
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 8. Armour Cocktail.
Drops of orange bitters. 1/2 CORA vermouth. 1/2 dry sherry. Stir and serve.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 120. Wop.
2/3 Italian Vermouth 1/3 Sherry 1 Dash Orange Bitters
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 80. Armour Cock-Tail.
Gotas de orange bitters. Media parto vermouth FERRERO. Media parte Jerez TIO PEPE. Revuélvase.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 81. Bamboo Cock-Tail.
Un tercera parte vermouth FERRERO. Dos terceras partes Jerez TIO PEPE. Gotas de orange bitters. Bátase.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 100. Harvard Cock-Tail.
Gotas de orauge bitters. Dos terceras partes Jerez sec TIO PEPE. Tercera parte vermouth FERRERO. Revuélvase bien. Cáscara de limón en copa al servir.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 106. Lobo De Mar Cock-Tail.
Media parte vermouth FERRERO. Media parte Jerez seco TIO PEPE. Gotas curacao. Revuélvase.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 89. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters 1/3 Italian Vermouth 2/3 Dry Sherry Stir well Strain into Cocktail Glass
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 90. Amour Cocktail.
2 dashes Orange Bitters 1/2 jigger Sherry 1/2 jigger Italian Vermouth Stir — serve in Cocktail Glass
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 14. Adonis Cocktail.
2 dashes Orange Bitters, 3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth, 1 1/2 oz Dry Sherry. Stir well in cracked ice and strain into cocktail glass.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 29. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash of orange bitters, 1/2 gill of dry sherry, 1/6 gill of Italian vermouth. Use the mixing glass.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 37. Bamboo or Reform Cocktail (1).
1 dash of Angostura bitters, 1/4 gill of dry sherry, 1/4 gill of Italian vermouth. Use the mixing glass. Serve with a little lemon-peel juice squeezed on top.
1/3 part Cinzano Vermouth (Sweet) 2/3 part Dry Sherry Dash of Orange Bitters Stir in cracked ice and strain into cocktail glass. Dry Vermouth, Sherry, and Angostura Bitters make a BAMBOO COCKTAIL. Orange Bitters may be used with Sweet Vermouth and Angostura with the Dry.
1943 Jacinto Sanfeliu Brucart: Cien Cocktails. Seite 47. Marlborough-Cocktail.
Póngase en el vaso mezclador unos pe- dacitos de hielo y añadir: 1/2 Jerez seco 1/2 Vermut Italiano 3 golpes Orange bitters Agítese bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 73. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Italian Vermouth 1 Sherry Orange Bitters, 2 Dashes Ice. — Stir. Strain and serve with an Orange Twist.
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 28. Amour Cocktail.
2 oz. Dry Sherry 1⁄2 oz. Sweet Vermouth Dash Angostura Bitters Stir Twist of lemon peel
1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 20. Golden Bell Cocktail.
Use mixing glass. Ice, fill glass. Orange bitters, 3 dashes. Sherry, fill glass 1/2 full. Vermouth, fill balance of glass. Orange peel, 1 piece. Mix and strain into cocktail glass.
1946 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 33. Amour Cocktail.
2 oz. Dry Sherry 1⁄2 oz. Sweet Vermouth Dash Angostura Bitters Twist of lemon peel Stir
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 13. Adonis Cocktail.
1 trait de Bitter ou Angustura; 1/2 Xérès; 1/2 Cinzano.
1947 Karl Büskens: Mixbuch für Jedermann. Seite 53. Sherry.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 248. Adonis Cocktail.
1 oz. sherry 1/2 oz. Italian vermouth . 1 dash orange bitters Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 252. Marlborough Cocktail.
3/4 oz. sherry 3/4 oz. Italian vermouth . 2 dashes orange bitters Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 337. La Pirouette.
2 oz. sherry 1 dash orange bitters 2 oz. French vermouth 2 drops Angostura bitters Stir well with ice and strain into short highball glass. Twist lemon peel over drink and serve.
1949 Anonymus: Bottoms Up. Seite 22. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters 3/4 oz. Italian Vermouth 1 1/2 oz. Dry Sherry Stir well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 290. Adonis-Cocktail.
Mixglas. 1 d. Orangenbitter, 1/3 Sherry, 2/3 ital. Ver- mouth. Gut rühren.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 120. Adonis.
1 dash Orange Bitters 1/2 oz. Italian Vermouth . 1 oz. Sherry Shake with cracked ice and strain.
1951 Ted Saucier: Ted Saucier’s Bottoms Up. Seite 107. General Brock.
Courtesy, The General Brock, Niagara Falls, Ontario 1 oz. dry sherry 1 oz. Italian vermouth 1 oz. French vermouth Dash Angostura bitters Ice Serve cold with maraschino cherry in cocktail glass.
1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 63. Adonis.
Dans le verre à mélange: Un trait d’orange bitters, 1/2 de dry Sherry, 1/2 de vermouth italien, Remuer vivement et servir.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 29. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash of orange bitters, 1/2 gill of dry sherry, 1/6 gill of Italian vermouth. Use the mixing glass.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 146. Adonis.
. 1 golpe de Bitter Oranje. Refrescado. 30 gramos de Vermouth Fran- Servido en copa de 100 cés. gramos. 30 gramos de Jerez . 30 “ “ Dry Gin.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 155. Bambu.
. 40 gramos de Jerez. Refrescado. 30 gramos de Vermouth To- Servido en copa de 90 rino. gramos.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 174. Adonis.
1 part Italian Vermouth 2 parts Dry Sherry 1 or 2 dashes Bitters8 to each drink. Stir quickly with large cubes of ice.
8 „Wherever the word „bitters“ is used without specifying the brand, use your favorite bitters, whatever that may be.
1953 „Kappa“: Bartender’s Guide to Mixed Drinks. Seite 1. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth 1 1/2 oz. Dry Sherry Stir well with cracked Ice and strain in 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 53. Adonis.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 17. Adonis Cocktail.
Dans le verre à mélange 1 jet de Bitter Angustura, 1/2 Xérès Chaplins, 1/2 Martini. Mélanger et servir.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 20. Amour Cocktail.
Dans le verre à mélange: 1 jet d’Angustura Bitter, 2 jets de Maras- chino, 1 verre de Sherry Chaplins. Mélanger et servir.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 11. Adonis.
2/3 Dry Sherry 1/3 Sweet Vermouth 1 Dash Orange Bitters Stir well with ice and strain into glass.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 11. Bamboo.
1/2 Sherry 1/2 Sweet Vermouth 1 Dash Angostura Bitters Stir well with ice and strain into glass.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 11. Duke of Marlborough.
1/2 Sherry 1/2 Sweet Vermouth 3 Dashes Raspberry Syrup Juice of 1 Lime Shake well with ice and strain into glass.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 17. Adonis.
Timbale à mélange, glace 2/3 Dry Sherry 1/3 Vermouth italien 1 trait Angostura Bien remuer en timbale à mélange et passer dans un verre à cocktail. Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 39. Duke of Marlborough.
Shaker, glace 1/2 Sherry 1/2 Vermouth italien 3 traits sirop de framboises jus frais d’un citron Bien frapper au shaker et passer dans verre à cocktail. Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 81. Adonis.
2 parts sherry 1 part Italian-type vermouth . 1 dash orange bitters Stir with ice, strain.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 51. Adonis.
1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissante. Seite 14. Adonis.
1/2 Xérès 1/2 Cinzano blanc 1 jet Bitter
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 30. Adonis Wine Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di sherry secco 1/3 di bicchiere di vermouth classico 2 gocce di orange bitter ghiaccio a cubetti Introdurre qualche cubetto di ghiaccio nel mixer. Versare lo sherry ed il vermouth e mescolarli usando l’apposito cucchiaio; aggiungere l’orange bitter. Mescolare piutto- sto forte, lasciar riposare uno o due secondi, riprendere infine a mescolare ma lentamente. Servire subito. L’orange bitter può essere sostituito con altro bitter secondo il proprio gusto.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 57. Adonis Wine Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di sherry secco 1/3 di bicchiere di vermouth classico 2 gocce di orange bitter ghiaccio a cubetti Introdurre qualche cubetto di ghiaccio nel mixer. Versare 10 sherry ed il vermouth e mescolarli usando l’apposito cucchiaio; aggiungere l’orange bitter. Mescolare piutto- sto forte, lasciar riposare uno o due secondi, riprendere infine a mescolare ma lentamente. Servire subito. L’oran- ge bitter può essere sostituito con altro bitter, secondo il proprio gusto.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 66. Amour Wine Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/2 di marsala secco 1 bicchierino da liquore di maraschino 4 gocce di peach bitter ghiaccio a cubetti Riempire lo shaker fino a 1/4 della sua altezza con ghiac- cio. Aggiungere il marsala, il maraschino ed il peach bitter. Chiudere, lo shaker, agitarlo vigorosamente, farlo riposare un secondo, riprendere infine ad agitarlo ma lentamente. Servire subito.
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 42. Adonis.
1966 John Doxat: Booth’s Handbook of Cocktails and Mixed Drinks. Seite 134. Adonis.
2 oz. Dry Sherry 1 oz. Sweet Vermouth Dash of Angostura Stir, strain into cocktail-glass. (Do not over-ice).
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 33. Amour Cocktail.
2 oz. Sweet Sherry, 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth Twist of lemon peel on top. Stir with Ice and Strain.
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 100. Topaz Cocktail.
2 oz. Sweet Sherry 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth. Stir with Ice & Strain. Decorate with Twist of Lemon Peel.
1972 Anonymus: Recipes – Wines and Spirits. Seite 46. Merry Widow.
To make 1 apéritif 1 1/2 ounces sherry 1 1/2 ounces sweet vermouth 1 strip lemon peel 3 to 4 ice cubes A 4-ounce cocktail or old-fashioned glass, chilled Combine the sherry and vermouth in a mixing glass. Twist the lemon peel over the glass to release the oil, and drop the peel in. Add the ice cubes, stir gently with a bar spoon, and strain into a glass. To make a variation known as the Duplex, substitute 1 1/2 ounces dry vermouth for the sherry.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 1. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth 1 1/2 oz. Dry Sherry Wine Stir well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 74. East India Cocktail – 4.
1 1/4 ounces French vermouth 1 1/4 ounces sweet sherry 1 dash orange bitters Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 17. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters. 1/3 Italian Vermouth. 2/3 Dry Sherry. Stir well and strain into cocktail glass.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 62. Duke of Marlborough Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry. 1/2 Italian Vermouth. 3 Dashes Orange Bitters. Stir well and twist orange peel on top.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 210. Adonis.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1 dash orange bitters 3/4 oz sweet vermouth 1-1/2 oz dry sherry
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 213. Amour.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1-1/2 oz sherry 1-1/2 oz dry vermouth 1 dash Angostura bitters Lemon twist
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 218. Armour.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1-1/2 oz sherry 1-1/2 oz dry vermouth 1 dash orange bitters
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 272. Duke of Marlborough.
Cocktail Glass Shake 1 oz lime juice 1 oz sherry 1 oz sweet vermouth 1/4 oz grenadine
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 335. Marlborough.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1-1/4 oz sherry 1-1/4 oz sweet vermouth 1 dash orange bitters
2011 Helmut Adam, Jens Hasenbein, Bastian Heuser: Cocktailian 1. Seite 442. Adonis. 6 cl Sherry trocken (Fino oder Manzanilla), 3 cl roter Wermut; 2 Dashes Orange Bitters; Garnitur: Zitronenzeste.
2012 Tom Sandham: World’s Best Cocktails. Seite 20. Adonis. 30 ml fino sherry; 3 tsp sweet vermouth; 3 tsp dry vermouth; 2 dashes orange bitters.
2014 Talia Baiocchi: Sherry. Seite 171. Adonis. 1 ounce sweet vermouth (Carpano Antica); 2 ounces fino (Lustau La Ina); 2 dashes orange bitters; garnish: orange peel.
2017 Dr. Adam Elmegirab: Book of Bitters. Seite 144. Adonis Cocktail. 45 ml Oloroso sherry; 45 ml Cocchi vermouth di Torino; 2 dashes Regan’s orange bitters no. 6.
Wer diesen Drink entwickelt hat und wann das war, läßt sich nicht genau feststellen. Das Internet schweigt sich darüber aus. Doch wir haben ihn in einem Buch aus dem Jahr 1977 gefunden, in Stan Jones‘ „Complete Barguide“.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 211. Alberti’s Night Cocktail.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1-3/4 oz whiskey 3/4 oz Strega 1 dash orange bitters
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 188. Montecarlo Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di rye whisky 1/3 di bicchiere di bénédictine 1/3 di bicchiere di succo di limone spremuto dalla sola polpa 2 gocce di angostura bitter ghiaccio a cubetti Riempire lo shaker fino a 1/4 della sua altezza con ghiac- cio. Aggiungere il succo di limone, il rye, il bénédictine e l’angostura. Chiudere lo shaker, agitarlo vigorosamente, farlo riposare un secondo, riprendere infine ad agitare ma lentamente. Servire subito.
1965 Anonymus: John de Kuyper’s Complete Guide to Cordials. Seite 14. Monte Carlo.
2 ounces De Kuyper Rock and Rye 3/4 ounce De Kuyper Delecta Shake with ice, strain into cocktail glass.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 52. Monte Carlo Cocktail.
1 1/2 ounces rye 2 dashes Angostura bitters 1/2 ounce Benedictine Shake well with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass.
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 70. Monte-Carlo Cocktail.
2 oz. Rye. 3/4 oz. Benedictine. Stir with Ice and strain.
1973 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 70. Monte-Carlo Cocktail.
2 oz. Rye, 3/4 oz. Benedictine. Stir with Ice and strain.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 184. Alexander.
There is one recipe for an Alexander listed in a bar book from the early 1900’s that calls for: 3/4 jigger of rye, 1/4 jigger Bénédictine, and an orange peel!
Es gibt nicht nur den Amber von Hendrik Albrecht. Ein gleichnamiger Drink wurde einmalig im jahr 1931 publiziert. Dieser ist jedoch so etwas wie ein minimalistischer Martini aus Gin und Wermut.
1931 John: „Happy Days!“. Seite 30. Amber Cocktail.
Dash One-half French Vermouth One-half Gin Frappe.
50 ml Rutte Dry Gin Eversbusch Doppelwachholder 10 ml Zitronensaft 10 ml Luxardo Maraschino Schladerer Maraschino 10 ml Rothman & Winter Crème de Violette
San Francisco Chronicle, 9. Januar 1911, Seite 2.
Wir freuen uns sehr, daß Greg Boehm uns darauf aufmerksam gemacht hat, daß im San Francisco Chronicle am 9. Januar 1911 auf Seite 2 ein Aviation Cocktail erwähnt wird. Dort heißt es, „“Dick“ Ferris was one of the visitors at the hangars yesterday. He arrived with a recipe for what he called an „aviation cocktail.“ It is mixed as follows: „Whiskey, a dash of Italian vermouth, bitters and a drop.“ „A drop of what, Dick?“ asked a friend. „Any old drop suits an aviator, so long as it is on the soft spot,“ was the reply.“ Diesem Artikel zufolge sei Dick Ferris also am 8. Januar 1911 einer der Besucher am Hangar gewesen. Er hätte ein Rezept für den „Aviation Cocktail“ dabei gehabt, welches aus Whiskey, einem Dash italienischem Wermut, Bitter und einem Tropfen bestünde. Ein Freund hätte gefragt, um was für einen Tropfen es sich handle, und Dick antwortete, ….[genaue Übersetzung folgt noch]
Wir haben noch drei weitere Aviation-Varianten gefunden: 1944 kennt Oscar Haimo eine Variante mit Gin, Limettensaft, Maraschino und Cointreau. 1956 verwendet Patrick Gavin Duffy Gin, Zitronensaft, Maraschino und Apricot Brandy. 1976 ist für Brian F. Rea ein Aviation nichts anderes als ein Gin Sour mit einer Maraschino-Kirsche.
1930 Pedro Chicote: Le ley mojada. Seite 102. Aviacion-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de hielo picado. Unas gotas de absinthe. 1 cucharada pequeña de jarabe de granadina. 1/3 de copita de jugo de limón. 3/4 — de apple Jack. Agítese muy bien y sírvase muy frío en copa de cocktail.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 5. Aviation.
Dubonnet . . . . . . 1 pony Sherry . . . . . . . . . 1 pony Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist orange peel over and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 6. Aviation No. 2.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . . 1 pony Grape Juice . . . . . . . . . 1 pony Stir well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 25. Aviation Cocktail.
1/3 Lemon Juice. 2/3 Dry Gin. 2 Dashes Maraschino. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 156. Aviation-Cocktail.
(sprich: awiäschn) 2 D. [Dash] Maraschino 1/3 Zitronensaft 2/3 Dry Gin Sch-.B. [Schüttelbecher] K. [Kirsche] Z. [Zitronenspirale]
1934 G. F. Steele: My New Cocktail Book. Seite 23. Aviation.
3/4 jigger Applejack 1/2 jigger Lime juice dash Absinthe Grenadine syrup to taste
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 51. Aviation Cocktail.
1 Jigger of Apple-jack 1 Pony of lime juice 1 Dash of Absinthe 2 or 3 dashes of Grenadine
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 10. Aviation Cocktail.
1/3 Lemon Juice 2/3 Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin 2 Dashes Maraschino Shake well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 8. Aviation Cocktail.
3/4 applejack. 1/2 jigger lime juice. Drops of absinthe. A teaspoonful of granadine. Stir and verve.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 81. Aviation Cock-Tail.
Tres cuartas partes applejack. Medio vasito jugo de limón. Gotas de ajenjo. Cucharadita de granadina. Bátase.
1938 Bud Caroll: Popular Drinks of Today. Seite 8. Aviation.
Dubonnet . . . . . . . . .1/2 jigger Sherry . . . . . . . . 1/2 jigger Stir well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist orange peel over and serve.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 92. Aviation Cocktail.
1/3 Lemon Juice 2/3 Dry Gin 2 dashes Maraschino Shake — strain into Cocktail Glass
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 18. Aviation Cocktail.
1 1/2 oz Dry Gin, 1/2 oz Lemon juice, 1/4 oz Maraschino Cordial. Shake with ice and strain into cocktail glass.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 36. Aviation Cocktail.
2 dashes of maraschino, 1/6 gill of fresh lemon juice, 1/3 gill of dry gin. Use the shaker.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 31. Aviation Cocktail.
2 ounces Gin Juice of 1/2 Lemon 2 dashes Maraschino Shake with ice.
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 29. Aviation Cocktail.
Juice of 1⁄2 Florida Seedless Lime 3 Dashes Maraschino 3 dashes Cointreau 2 oz. Gin Shake well.
1946 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 34. Aviation Cocktail.
Juice of 1/2 Lime 3 dashes Maraschino 3 dashes Triple Sec 2 oz. Gin Shake well.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 100. Aviation Cocktail.
1 1/2 oz. gin 3/4 oz. lemon juice . 2 dashes maraschino liqueur Stir with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass. Variation: Add 2 dashes crème de violette.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 249. Aviation Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Dubonnet 3/4 oz. sherry Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass. Twist orange peel over drink.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 301. Aviation-Cocktail.
2 d. Maraschino, 1/3 Zitronensaft, 2/3 Gin. Schütteln.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 45. Aviation Cocktail.
1/2 Apple Jack, 1/2 Limonensaft, 1 Schuß Absinth, 2 oder 3 Schuß Grenadine.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 46. Aviation.
3/4 oz. Lemon Juice 1 jigger Gin . 2 dashes Maraschino Liqueur Stir with cracked ice and strain. For flying without any mechanical assistance.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 120. Aviation.
1 part Dubonnet 1 part Sherry Shake with cracked ice and strain. Twist of orange peel.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 36. Aviation Cocktail.
2 dashes of maraschino, 1/6 gill of fresh lemon juice, 1/3 gill of dry gin. Use the shaker.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 130. Aviation.
1 part Maraschino 2 parts Lemon Juice 8 parts Gin Shake vigorously with cracked ice.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 44. Aviation Cocktail.
Deux traits Cointreau Deux traits Crème de fraise 1/3 Jus de citron 2/3 Gin.
1954 Robert H. Loeb, Jr.: Nip Ahoy. Seite 72. Aviation Cocktail.
Aviation Cocktail. Robert H. Loeb, Jr, Nip Ahoy, 1954. Seite 72.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 35. Aviation.
2/3 Dry Gin 1/3 Lemon Juice 2 Dashes Maraschino 2 Dashes Apricot Brandy Stir well with ice and strain into glass.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 22. Aviation.
Shaker, glace 2/3 Dry Gin 1/3 jus de citron frais 2 traits Marasquin 2 traits Apricot Brandy Bien frapper au shaker et passer dans verre à cocktail, Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 73. Aviation Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di dry gin 1/3 di bicchiere di succo di limone spremuto dalla sola polpa 1 cucchiaio di maraschino ghiaccio a cubetti Riempire lo shaker fino a 1/4 della sua altezza con ghiac- cio. Aggiungere il succo di limone, il dry gin ed il mara- schino. Chiudere lo shaker, agitarlo vigorosamente, farlo riposare un secondo, riprenderò ad agitare ma lentamente. Servire subito.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 350. Aviation Cocktail.
2 dashes marasquin, 1/3 jus de citron, 2/3 gin. Agiter.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 33. Aviation Cocktail.
1 1/2 ounces dry gin 1/4 ounce maraschino liqueur 1/2 ounce lemon juice Shake with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 27. Aviation Cocktail.
Shaker. 2 d [dash] marasquin, 1/3 jus de citron, 2/3 gin.
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 34. Aviation Cocktail.
Juice of 1/2 Lime, 3 dashes Maraschino 3 dashes Triple Sec, 2 oz. Gin. Shake with Ice and strain.
2017 Jim Meehan: Meehan’s Bartender Manual. Seite 223. Aviation. 2 oz. Tanqueray gin; 0,75 oz. lemon juice; 0,5 oz. Luxardo maraschino liqueur; 0,25 oz. Rothman & Winter crème de violette.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 292. Alfonso XIII-Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry, 1/2 Dubonnet. Gut rühren.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 120. Aviation.
1 part Dubonnet 1 part Sherry Shake with cracked ice and strain. Twist of orange peel.
1951 Ted Saucier: Ted Saucier’s Bottoms Up. Seite 25. Alfonso XIII.
Courtesy, Hotel Ritz, Paris 1/2 Dubonnet 1/2 dry sherry Ice Stir. Strain into cocktail glass.
1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 64. Alfonse XIII.
Dans un verre à mélange: 1/2 de Dubonnet, 1/2 de dry Sherry, Remuer vivement et servir.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 112. Dubonnet Sherry.
Passer rapidement au verre à mélange : 1/2 Dubonnet 1/2 Xérès.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 19. Alfonso Cocktail.
Dans le shaker: 1/2 de Dubonnet, 1/2 Sherry Chaplin. Mélanger et servir.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 65. Merry Widow Cocktail #1.
1 1/2 ounces Dubonnet or Byrrh 1 1/2 ounces dry vermouth or dry . gin Stir well with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass. Serve with twist of lemon peel.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 67. Zaza Cocktail #1.
1 ounce sherry 1 ounce Dubonnet Stir with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 20. Alfonso XIII Cocktail.
1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 58. Boston Bamboo.
Take 1/2 Vermouth. 1/2 sherry. Bitters and syrup Stir and strain
1908 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks. Seite 22. Bamboo Cocktail.
ORIGINATED AND NAMED BY MR. LOUIS EPPINGER, YOKOHAMA, JAPAN. Into a mixing-glass of cracked ice place half a jiggerful of French vermouth, half a jiggerful of sherry, two dashes of Orange bitters and two drops of Angostura bitters; stir thoroughly and strain into a stem cocktail- glass; squeeze and twist a piece of lemon peel over the top and serve with a pimola or an olive.
1908 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks. Seite 52. Bamboo.
A WELL-KNOWN JAPANESE MIXTURE, VERY POPUL AR W ITH STEAMSHIP MEN AND TOURISTS WHO HAVE VISITED THE ORIENT. Half sherry and half French vermouth in any quantity is called a Bamboo. A Bamboo Cocktail is also popular and is made and flavored just like any ordinary cocktail, only that a mixture of equal parts of sherry and vermouth is used instead of the usual American decoctions. (See Recipe No. 32.)
[Recipe No. 32 = Bamboo Cocktail, Seite 22.]
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 3. Bamboo Cocktail.
Half a goblet of cracked ice. 1 dash of bitters (orange). 1/2 drink of Italian Vermouth. 1/2 drink of Sherry wine. Stir, strain into a cocktail glass and serve.
1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 40. Bamboo-Cocktail.
3—4 Stückchen Kristalleis, 3 Dashes Angostura-Bitters, 1 Dash Orange-Bitters, 1/2 Cocktailglas französischen Vermouth, 1/2 „ Sherry. Im übrigen verfahre wie bei Imperial-Cocktail.
Seite 40. Imperial-Cocktail.
Mische gut mit einem Barlöffel, seihe es in ein Cocktailglas, presse den Saft aus einem Stückchen Zitronenschale hinein und serviere mit Kirsche.
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 3. Bamboo Cocktail.
Half a goblet of cracked ice. 1 dash of bitters (orange). 1/2 drink of Italian vermouth; 1/2 drink of Sherry wine. Stir, strain into a cocktail glass and serve.
1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 40. Bamboo-Cocktail.
3—4 Stückchen Kristalleis, 3 Dashes Angostura-Bitters, 1 „ Orange-Bitters, 1/2 Cocktailglas französischen Vermouth, 1/2 „ Sherry. Im übrigen verfahre wie bei Imperial-Cocktail.
Seite 40. Imperial Cocktail.
Mische gut mit einem Barlöffel, seihe es in ein Cocktailglas, presse den Saft aus einem Stückchen Zitronenschale hinein und serviere mit Kirsche.
1926 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 23. Bamboo Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/2 wineglass Dry Sherry, 1/2 wineglass French Vermouth. (Charlie Mahoney, Bar-tender, Hoffman House, New York.)
1926 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 77. Reform Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/3 french Vermouth, 2/3 Sherry. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass, with cherry.
1926 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 82. Sherry Cocktail.
1 dash Peach Bitters, 1 dash Orange Bitters, 1 dash French Vermouth, 1 glass Pale Dry Sherry. Shake well and strain.
1927 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 8. Bamboo Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass. TWO dashes orange bitters; one-half sherry and one-half Italian vermouth. Fill with ice, mix well, and strain into a cocktail glass.
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 23. Bamboo.
Fill large bar glass 1-3 full fine ice. 3/4 jigger sherry wine. 3/4 jigger Italian Vermouth. Stir; strain into cocktail glass. Serve.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 28. Bomboo Cocktail.
Dans un shaker avec de la glace pilée, une cuillère à Café de Curaçao sec, un trait de Mandarine-Bitter, un verre à liqueur de Vermouth Italien, un verre à liqueur de Sherry- Wine, agiter, passer dans un verre à cocktail aux bords sucrés. Garnir d’un zeste de citron. Courtes pailles.
1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 35. Bamboo.
Two parts Sherry and one part Italian Vermouth with a dash of Benedictine were well shaken. Sometimes Angostura was used instead of Benedictine.
1930 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 9. Bamboo Cocktail.
Half fill shaker or mixing glass with fine ice. 1/2 wineglass Sherry. 1/2 wineglass Italian Vermouth. 3 dashes Angostura Bitters. Shake or stir; strain into cock- tail glass. Serve.
1930 Edgar Baudoin: Les Meilleurs Cocktails. Seite 57. Bamboo Cocktail.
1930 Pedro Chicote: Le ley mojada. Seite 104. Bambu-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos trocitos de hielo. 10 gotas de Angostura. 1/2 vasito de vermut. 1/2 — de coñac. Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1930 Pedro Chicote: Le ley mojada. Seite 111. Bomboo-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de biela picado. 1 cucharada de las de calé de curaçao. Unas gotas de mandarina bitters. 1 copita de vermut italiano. 1 — de jerez. Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail, con una rodaja de limón.
1931 John: „Happy Days!“. Seite 31. Bamboo Cocktail.
50 per cent Sherry Wine 50 per cent M & R Italian Vermouth Dash Orange Bitters Half glass of ice. Stir, strain and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 8. Bamboo.
Sherry . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 jigger Orange Bitters . . . . . 2 dashes Fr. Vermouth . . . . . 1/2 jigger Angostura . . . . . . . . 2 drops Stir well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, add green olive or pimola, twist lemon peel over and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 15. Brazil.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 69. Reform.
Sherry . . . . . . . . . 1 pony Fr. Vermouth . . . . . 1 pony . Orange Bitters . . . 2 dashes Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist lemon peel over and serve.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 133. Reform Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters. 1/3 French Vermouth. 2/3 Sherry. Stir well and strain into cocktail glass. Add a cherry.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 282. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/4 French Vermouth. 1/4 Italian Vermouth. 1/4 Dry Sherry. Stir well and strain into cocktail glass.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 156. Bamboo-Cocktail.
Originalrezept von Charlie Mahoney Bartender, New-York (Hoff- man House). Der Bamboo-Cocktail wird in Britisch-Indien „Reform- Cocktail“ genannt. 1 D. [Dash] Orangebitter 3 D. [Dash] Angostura 1/2 Fran. Vermouth 1/2 Sherry M-Gl. [Mischglas] K. [Kirsche] Z. [Zitronenspirale]
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 210. Reform-Cocktail.
1 D. [Dash] Orangebitter 1/3 Franz. Vermouth 2/3 Sherry
1934 Bernard: 100 Cocktails. Seite 13. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/4 gill of Dry Sherry. 1/4 gill of French Vermouth. 1/2 teaspoonful of Orange Bitters. 1 dash of Lemon Peel Juice. 1/2 tumblerful of broken Ice. Half fill a tumbler with broken ice and add the Orange Bitters. Then add the Dry Sherry and the French Vermouth. Stir well, strain and serve in a cocktail glass with a dash of lemon peel juice on top.
1934 Bernard: 100 Cocktails. Seite 13. Bamboo Cocktail 2.
1/3 gill of Dry Sherry. 1/6 gill of Italian Vermouth. 1/2 teaspoonful of Orange Bitters. 1 dash of Lemon Peel Juice. 1/2 tumblerful of broken Ice. This cocktail is made up in exactly the same way as the previous one; but Italian Vermouth is used instead of French Vermouth. This makes the flavour much sweeter and, in our experience, it is preferred by women-folk.
1934 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 25. Bamboo Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/2 wineglass Dry Sherry, 1/2 wineglass French Vermouth. (Charlie Mahoney, bar-tender, Hoffman House, New York.)
1934 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 84. Reform Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/3 French Vermouth, 2/3 Sherry. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass, with Cherry.
1934 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 90. Sherry Cocktail.
1 dash Peach Bitters, 1 dash Orange Bitters, dash French Vermouth, 1 glass Pale Dry Sherry. Shake well and strain.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 52. Bamboo Cocktail.
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 8. Armour Cocktail.
Drops of orange bitters. 1/2 CORA vermouth. 1/2 dry sherry. Stir and serve.
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 10. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/3 CORA vermouth. 2/3 dry sherry. Drops of orange bitters. Stir well and serve.
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 37. Harvard Cocktail.
Drops of orange bitters. 2/3 dry cherry. 1/3 CORA vermouth. Stir Well and serve. Dress with lime peel.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 81. Bamboo Cock-Tail.
Un tercera parte vermouth FERRERO. Dos terceras partes Jerez TIO PEPE. Gotas de orange bitters. Bátase.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 100. Harvard Cock-Tail.
Gotas de orauge bitters. Dos terceras partes Jerez sec TIO PEPE. Tercera parte vermouth FERRERO. Revuélvase bien. Cáscara de limón en copa al servir.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 106. Lobo De Mar Cock-Tail.
Media parte vermouth FERRERO. Media parte Jerez seco TIO PEPE. Gotas curacao. Revuélvase.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 137. Reform Cocktail.
1 pony Sherry 1 pony French Vermouth 2 dashes Orange Bitters Shake well Strain into Cocktail Glass
1938 Krönlein-Beutel: Das Getränkebuch. Seite 74. Bamboo.
(65er Cocktailglas) In ein Mischglas 4—6 Eisstückchen (Walnußgröße) 2 Spritzer Orange Bitter 2 ccm Sherry 30 ccm French Vermouth 35 ccm Olive (bestäuben)
1938 Robert Vermeire: L’art du cocktail. Seite 17. Bamboo.
Verre à mélange: 1 trait d’orange bitter. 1/2 sherry pale dry. 1/2 vermouth français. Remuer à la cuiller. Passer dans le verre et presser pelure de citron dessus. Ce cocktail est très populaire parmi la colonie anglaise aux Indes, où on le nomme aussi «Reform Cocktail».
1939 Ambrose Heath: Good Drinks. Seite 38. Sherry.
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 20. Bamboo Cocktail.
1 1/2 oz Sherry, 1 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth, 2 dashes Angostura Bitters. Stir well in cracked ice, strain into cocktail glass.
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 86. Sherry Cocktail (2).
4 dashes of orange bitters, 4 dashes of French vermouth, 1/2 gill of dry sherry. Use the mixing glass.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 37. Bamboo or Reform Cocktail (1).
1 dash of Angostura bitters, 1/4 gill of dry sherry, 1/4 gill of Italian vermouth. Use the mixing glass. Serve with a little lemon-peel juice squeezed on top.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 37. Bamboo or Reform Cocktail (2).
1 dash of orange bitters, 1/4 gill of dry sherry, 1/4 gill of French vermouth. Use the mixing glass. Serve with a little lemon-peel juice squeezed on top.
1940 Crosby Gaige: Crosby Gaige’s Cocktail Guide. Seite 167. Your Slip Is Showing.
1 jigger Sherry 1 jigger Dry Vermouth 2 dashes Angostura Bitters Stir in cracked ice and watch your slip as you pour into cocktail glass.
1/3 part Cinzano Vermouth (Sweet) 2/3 part Dry Sherry Dash of Orange Bitters Stir in cracked ice and strain into cocktail glass. Dry Vermouth, Sherry, and Angostura Bitters make a BAMBOO COCKTAIL. Orange Bitters may be used with Sweet Vermouth and Angostura with the Dry.
1943 Jacinto Sanfeliu Brucart: Cien Cocktails. Seite 24. Bamboo-Cocktail.
Póngase en el vaso mezclador unos peda- citos de hielo y añadir: 1/2 Jerez seco 1/2 Vermut Francés 1 golpe de Orange bitters Agítese bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail. — Creación de Charlie Mahoney, Hoffman House, Nueva York —.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 73. Bamboo Cocktail.
Sherry, 1 Glass French Vermouth, 3 Dashes Orange Bitters, 4 Dashes Ice. — Stir. Strain and serve.
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 30. Bamboo Cocktail.
2 oz. Dry Sherry 3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth Stir.
1946 Charles H. Baker, Jr.: The Gentleman’s Companion. Seite 33. East India Cocktail.
EAST INDIA COCKTAIL, which CAME to OUR DEVOTED ATTEN- TION also in FIRPO’S, in CALCUTTA It is mild and appetite-inspiring in hot weather, and is now known everywhere, but we append it just the same. Into a bar glass turn 1 jigger each of dry French vermouth and really good really dry sherry — the usual sweet American sherry just won’t serve. Add 2 dashes of orange bitters, plenty of big-lump ice, then stir with a bar spoon and turn into a Manhattan glass. Garnish with green cherry or not, to preference.
1946 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 35. Bamboo Cocktail.
2 oz. Dry Sherry 3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth Stir.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 18. Bambou Cocktail (La Bambou).
1 trait de Curaçao; 1/2 Sherry Sandeman; 1/2 Cinzano Dry. Autre recette: 1/2 Noilly; 1/2 Xérès sec; trait Bitter d’oran- ge; zeste de citron.
1947 Karl Büskens: Mixbuch für Jedermann. Seite 53. Sherry.
1948 Adolphe Torelli: 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Américaines. Seite 28. Bomboo Cocktail.
Dans un shaker avec de la glace pilée, une cuillère à café de Curaçao sec, un trait de Mandarine-Bitter, un verre à liqueur de Vermouth Italien, un verre à liqueur de Sherry- Wine, agiter, passer dans un verre à cocktail aux bords sucrés. Garnir d’un zeste de citron. Courtes pailles.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 249. Amour Cocktail.
3/4 oz. sherry 3/4 oz. French vermouth . 2 dashes Angostura bitters Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass. Twist orange peel over drink.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 249. Armour Cocktail.
Substitute orange bitters in Amour Cocktail.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 249. Bamboo Cocktail.
1 oz. sherry 2 dashes orange bitters 1/2 oz. French vermouth 2 drops Angostura bitters Stir with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve with green olive.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 252. East Indian Cocktail.
3/4 oz. sherry 3/4 oz. French vermouth . 1 dash orange bitters Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 255. Reform Cocktail.
Same as Armour Cocktail.
1949 Anonymus: Bottoms Up. Seite 22. Bamboo Cocktail.
2 oz. Sherry 3/4 oz. French Vermouth 1 Dash Orange Bitters Stir well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1949 Anonymus: Bottoms Up. Seite 22. Reform Cocktail.
3/4 oz. French Vermouth 1 1/2 oz. Sherry Wine 1 Dash Orange Bitters Stir well with cracked Ice, strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Serve with a Cherry.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 303. Bamboo-Cocktail.
1 d. Orange-Bitter, 1/2 Pale-Sherry, 1/2 franz. Vermouth. Rühren.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 420. Pueblos-Cocktail.
1 d. Orangebitter, 2 d. Angosturabitter, 1/2 Pale-Sherry, 1/2 franz. Vermouth. Schütteln. Stückchen Zitronen- schale hinzugeben.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 423. Reform-Cocktail.
1 d. Orange-Bitter, 2/3 franz. Vermouth,1/3 Pale-Sherry. Rühren. Kirsche ins Glas.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 438. Sherry-Cocktail.
1 d. Orangebitter, 1 d. franz. Vermouth, 1 Glas Pale- Sherry. Gut rühren.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 46. Bamboo Cocktail.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 124. Reform.
2 dashes Orange Bitters 1/2 jigger French Vermouth . 1/2 jigger Sherry Shake with cracked ice and strain. Twist of orange peel.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 125. Sherry.
4 dashes Orange Bitters 4 dashes French Vermouth . 1 glass Sherry Stir well in ice and strain.
1951 Ted Saucier: Ted Saucier’s Bottoms Up. Seite 37. Bamboo.
1/2 jigger sherry 1/2 jigger French vermouth 2 dashes of orange bitters Ice Stir. Strain into cocktail glass.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 37. Bamboo or Reform Cocktail.
1 dash of orange bitters, 1/4 gill of dry sherry, 1/4 gill of French vermouth. Use the mixing glass. Serve with a little lemon-peel juice squeezed on top.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 86. Sherry Cocktail (2).
4 dashes of orange bitters, 4 dashes of French vermouth, 1/2 gill of dry sherry. Use the mixing glass.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 129. Bamboo Cocktail.
Whose assembly line-up runs: one jig- ger of sherry, one jigger dry vermouth (both now ably produced in this coun- try), two dashes Angostura (the ex- tension of whose century-old heavy- secret manufacture to certain West In- dian islands of Uncle Sam’s has won them the name of Embittered Virgins), stirred with ice and strained into stem glass bonused with green olive or pickled onionette.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 129. Sherry Cocktail.
2 parts dry sherry, pre-chilled 2 parts French Vermouth pre- chilled
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 146. Adonis.
. 1 golpe de Bitter Oranje. Refrescado. 30 gramos de Vermouth Fran- Servido en copa de 100 cés. gramos. 30 gramos de Jerez . 30 “ “ Dry Gin.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 155. Bambu.
. 40 gramos de Jerez. Refrescado. 30 gramos de Vermouth To- Servido en copa de 90 rino. gramos.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 54. Bamboo.
1/2 Dry Sherry. 1/2 Dry Vermouth. 1 Dash Orange Bitters. Stir well and Strain. Add squeeze Lemon Peel.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 79. Reform (Modified Bamboo).
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 174. Bamboo or Amour.
1 part French Vermouth 1 part Dry Sherry 1 or 2 dashes Bitters8 to each drink Stir quickly with large cubes of ice. A twist of orange peel over each glass.
8 Wherever the word „bitters“ is used without specifying the brand, use your favorite bitters, whatever that may be.
1953 „Kappa“: Bartender’s Guide to Mixed Drinks. Seite 111. Sherry Cocktail.
4 dashes Orange Bitters 1/3 Teaspoon Dry Vermouth 4 oz. Sherry Stir well in Ice and strain into 5 oz. Wine glass.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 24. Bamboo Cocktail.
1 1/2 oz. Sherry 3/4 oz. French Vermouth 1 Dash Orange Bitters Stir well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 121. Reform Cocktail.
3/4 oz. French Vermouth 1 1/2 oz. Sherry Wine 1 Dash Orange Bitters Stir well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Serve with a Cherry.
1953 S. S. Field: The American Drinking Book. Seite 213. Bamboo.
2 ounces of dry Sherry, 3/4 ounce of French (dry) Ver- mouth. Stir with cracked ice and strain. Also quite appropriate for the emancipated „tween agers“ and for the ultra-conservative. A rather charming drink, nevertheless. A kind of Shy Martini.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 54. Bamboo.
1/2 Dry Sherry. 1/2 Dry Vermouth. 1 Dash Orange Bitters. Stir well and Strain. Add squeeze Lemon Peel.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 79. Reform (Modified Bamboo).
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 28. Bambou Cocktail.
Dans le verre à mélange: 1 jet de Cointreau,1/2 Sherry Chaplins, 1/2 Martini Dry. Mélanger et servir.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 11. Bamboo.
1/2 Sherry 1/2 Sweet Vermouth 1 Dash Angostura Bitters Stir well with ice and strain into glass.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 11. East Indian.
1/2 Sherry 1/2 Dry Vermouth 1 Dash Orange Bitters Stir well with ice and strain into glass.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 12. Reform.
2/3 Sherry 1/3 Dry Vermouth 1 Dash Orange Bitters Stir well with ice and strain into glass. Serve with a Cherry.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 12. Sherry.
2 Jiggers Sherry 4 Dashes Dry Vermouth 4 Dashes Orange Bitters Stir well with ice and strain into glass.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 23. Bamboo.
Timbale à mélange, glace 1/3 Sherry 1/2 Vermouth italien 1 trait Angostura Bien remuer en timbale et passer dans verre à cocktail. Essence de citron. Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 40. East Indian.
Timbale à mélange, glace 1/2 Sherry 1/2 Vermouth français 1 trait Orangebitter Bien remuer en timbale et passer dans verre à cocktail. Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 78. Reform.
Timbale à mélange, glace 2/3 Sherry 1/3 Vermouth français 1 trait Orangebitter Bien remuer en timbale et passer dans verre à cocktail. Servir avec cerise. Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 82. Bamboo Cocktail.
2 parts sherry 1 part Italian-type vermouth 1 part French-type vermouth 2 dashes Angostura Stir with ice, strain.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 87. Sherry Cocktail.
4 ounces dry sherry 1 teaspoon French vermouth . 1 dash orange bitters Stir with ice and strain.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 52. Bamboo.
1/2 Dry Sherry. 1/2 Dry Vermouth. 1 Dash Orange Bitters. Stir well and Strain. Add squeeze Lemon Peel.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 79. Reform (Modified Bamboo).
1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissante. Seite 20. Bambou.
1/2 Martini Dry 1/2 Xérès 1 trait Curaçao
1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissante. Seite 26. Bomboo.
1/2 Sherry 1/2 Vermouth italien 1 trait de Curaçao 1 trait de Mandarine-Bitter 1 zeste de citron
1963 Eddie Clarke: Shaking in the 60’s. Seite 99. Bamboo.
1 measure dry sherry 1 measure dry Vermouth Stir and strain into a cocktail glass, add a squeeze of lemon peel.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 78. Bamboo Wine Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di sherry secco 1/3 di bicchiere di vermouth dry 2 gocce di angostura bitter 2 olive verdi non troppo grosse ghiaccio a cubetti Introdurre qualche cubetto di ghiaccio nel mixer. Versare lo sherry ed il vermouth e mescolarli usando l’apposito cucchiaio; aggiungere l’angostura. Mescolare piuttosto for- te, lasciar riposare uno o due secondi, riprendere infine a mescolare ma più lentamente. Servire subito in bicchieri guarniti con un’oliva.
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 41. Bamboo.
1/2 Pedro Dry Sherry 1/4 Noilly Prat Vermouth 1/4 Stock Vermouth rot 1 dash Orangenbitter im Mixglas mit Eis rühren, abseihen
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 88. Bamboo Cocktail.
(Charlie Nahoney, Hoffmann House, New York) 1/2 Sherry 1/2 Vermouth Chambéry 1 dash Orangenbitter im Mixglas mit Eis rühren, ins Cocktailglas seihen und mit 1 Kirsche servieren
1965 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 56. Bamboo.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 128. Sherry Cocktail.
2 oz. medium dry Sherry 4 dashes orange bitters 1 oz. dry vermouth Stir well. Ice.
1976 Brian F. Rea – Brian’s Booze Guide. Seite 37. Bamboo.
Stir/strain into pre-chilled cocktail glass 1⁄2 ounces dry Sherry 1⁄2 ounces dry Vermouth Dash of Angostura Bitters Lemon twist
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 133. Reform Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters. 1/3 French Vermouth. 2/3 Sherry. Stir well and strain into cocktail glass. Add a cherry.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 146. Sherry Cocktail.
4 Dashes Orange Bitters. 4 Dashes French Vermouth. 1 Glass Sherry. Stir well and strain into cocktail glass.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 213. Amour.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1-1/2 oz sherry 1-1/2 oz dry vermouth 1 dash Angostura bitters Lemon twist
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 218. Armour.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1-1/2 oz sherry 1-1/2 oz dry vermouth 1 dash orange bitters
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 222. Bamboo.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1 oz dry sherry 1 oz sweet vermouth 1 dash Angostura bitters 1 dash orange bitters Olive
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 274. East India Cocktail.
Cocktail Glass Shake 1-3/4 oz brandy 1/4 oz pineapple juice 1/4 oz orange curaçao 1 dash Angostura bitters (1/4 oz Jamaica rum optional) Lemon twist, Cherry
Variation Stir 1-1/4 oz dry vermouth 1-1/4 oz sherry 1 dash orange bitters
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 326. La Pirouette.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1-1/4 oz sherry 1-1/4 oz dry vermouth 1 dash orange bitters 1 dash Angostura bitters Lemon twist
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 380. Reform.
2015 Duggan McDonnell: Drinking the devil’s acre. Seite 216. Bamboo Cocktail. 60 ml fino sherry; 30 ml French vermouth; 2 dashes orange bitters; 2 dashes aromatic bitters. Garnish: expressed orange peel.
2016 André Darlington & Tenaya Darlington: The New Cocktail Hour. Seite 51. Bamboo. 45 ml dry sherry (La Gitana); 22 ml white vermouth (Dolin Blanc); 15 ml white vermouth (Dolin); dash of orange bitters (Reagans‘); garnish: orange twist.
2016 Brian Silva: Mixing in the Right Circles at Balthazar London. Seite 130. Bamboo Cocktail. 35 ml Martini Dry Vermouth; 25 ml fino sherry; orange peel; 3 drops Angostura bitters; garnish: olive.
2017 Dr. Adam Elmegirab: Book of Bitters. Seite 145. Bamboo. 45 ml fino sherry; 45 ml Noilly Prat vermouth; 1 dash Angostura bittera; 1 dash aromatic bitters (Angostura, The Bittter Truth Old Time or Orinoco bitters)
2017 Jim Meehan: Meehan’s Bartender Manual. Seite 175. Bamboo. 1,5 oz. Dolin blanc vermouth; 1,5 oz. Lustau palo cortado sherry; 2 dashes Angostura bitters; 1 dash Reagan’s bitters; garnish: 1 lemon twist.
Wir haben das Mengenverhältnis verändert und nehmen jetzt:
50 ml 60 ml Park XO Cognac 20 ml Bénédictine
Zu unserer Theorie, der B&B sei ein Kind des Deutsch-Französischen Krieges gibt es, wie wir nach unserer Postulierung festgestellt haben, einen weiteren gewichtigen Beweis aus dem Jahr 1963. In seinem Buch „I cocktails“ von Luigi Veronelli werden Zeitzeugen zitiert. Er schreibt übder den B&B folgendes: „II B and B è uno short drink, non un cocktail, e come tale viene dato senza l’indicazione di categoria. La sua « storia » confidata nel 1911 dal colonnello Federico Gattorno ad un giovane commis di Rimini, ora maître al Savini, Guido Ferniani, ha origini tanto nobili che non può non essere ricordata. 1870, Sedan, furibonda battaglia della guerra franco-prussiana. L’unica bandiera strappata ai tedeschi lo fu dai volontari del corpo garibaldino, capeggiati da Garibaldi stesso. I francesi vollero festeggiare il generale e gli ufficiali del suo comando; eccoli organizzare, sul campo stesso delta battaglia, a Sedan, un cocktail-party ante litteram. Non furono scovate al momento che bottiglie di cognac e di bénédictine; si fece fifty fifty, metà e metà, e si brindò all’amicizia dei due popoli. Per lungo tempo lo short drink, metà cognac metà bénédictine, fu proprio chiamato Sedan. I barmen d’oltre Atlantico – di che cosa non sono capaci gli americani? – l’hanno ribattezzato B and B.“ Er gibt an, der B&B sei ein Short Drink, kein Cocktail, und Oberst Federico Gattorno hätte dessen Geschichte 1911 Guido Ferniani anvertraut. Dieser sei damals ein junger Commis in Rimini gewesen und wäre [zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung] Maître im Savini. Die Geschichte gehe zurück auf das Jahr 1870, als in Sedan eine Schlacht des Deutsch-Französischen Krieges wütete. Die einzige Fahne, die den Deutschen entrissen worden sei, hätten Freiwillige des Garibaldi-Korps erbeutet, angeführt von General Garibaldi selbst. Die Franzosen hätten daraufhin den General und dessen Offiziere gefeiert und auf dem Schlachtfeld in Sedan eine Cocktailparty organisiert. Damals hätte man Flaschen mit Cognac und Bénédictine gefunden. Man hätte den Inhalt zu gleichen Teilen gemischt, und auf die Freunschaft zwischen beiden Völkern angestoßen. Dieser Short Drink hätte für lange Zeit „Sedan“ geheißen, und die Barmänner auf der anderen Seite des Atlantiks hätten diesen einfach in „B&B“ umbenannt.
Dies ist natürlich eine ganz andere Geschichte, als die von uns hergeleitete. Dieser zufolge ist der B&B kein „deutscher“ Drink, sondern ein „französisch-italienischer“. Doch wichtig ist zunächst einmal die Gemeinsamkeit, daß der B&B – oder wie auch immer ihn nennen mag – auf den Deutsch-Französischen Krieg zurückgeht. Doch wie sieht es nun mit dieser alternativen Geschichte aus? Könnte daran etwas wahres sein?
Giuseppe Garibaldi im Jahre 1870.
Es gab in der Tat ein italienisches Freiwilligenkorps. Dieses wurde 1870/71, während des Deusch-Französischen Krieges, von Garibaldi, unterstützt von seinen Söhnen und seinem Schwiegersohn, zusammengestellt. Er griff damit in Burgund erfolglos gegen die Deutschen ein. Genau hier liegt das Problem: Sedan liegt an der Grenze zu Deutschland, nicht im Burgund. Außerdem erlitten die Franzosen eine Niederlage, sie kapitulierten und ihr Kaiser Napoléon III. wurde gefangen genommen. Es ist also kaum wahrscheinlich ist, daß die Franzosen anschließend auf dem Schlachtfeld von Sedan eine Cocktailparty gegeben haben. Was soll man nun davon halten? Vermutlich hat sich in der Erinnerung einiges verändert, Mythen und Legenden haben sich vermischt, und so ist es dazu gekommen, daß die Entstehungsgeschichte falsch überliefert wurde. Doch wie gesagt – das wichtigste an dieser Quelle ist, daß sie belegt, daß es zwischen dem B&B und dem Deutsch-Französischen Krieg eine enge Verbindung gibt, ganz so, wie wir es hergeleitet haben.
1910 Raymond E. Sullivan: The Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 32. Benedictine and Brandy.
Use cordial glass. Put in two-thirds Benedictine, Float one-third Brandy on top carefully so as not to mix them. Serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 149. Benedictine-Brandy.
Benedictine . . . . . . . 1/4 jigger Cognac . . . . . . . . . . . 1/4 jigger Pour Benedictine into pony glass without ice, float cognac over and serve with ice-water chaser.
1935 Anonymus: Cocktail Memoirs of Fresco Lime. Seite 4. B and B.
1/2 Bénédictine, 1/2 Cognac brandy: This suave sophisticated after-dinner drink has a decided Continental vogue.
1938 Bud Caroll: Popular Drinks of Today. Seite 30. Benedictine Brandy.
Benedictine . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Cognac . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 jigger Pour benedictine into pony glass without ice, float cognac over and serve with ice water chaser.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 93. B and B Cocktail.
1/2 Benedictine 1/2 Cognac Brandy Serve in Pony Glass
1939 Anonymus: Cuna del Daiquiri Cocktail. Seite 16. B and B.
1/2 Ounce of Benedictino. 1/2 Ounce Brandy.
1940 Anonymus: Recipes. Seite 35. Benedictine and Brandy (Known as B and B)
Use pousse cafe glass 3/4 glass Benedictine 1/4 glass Brandy
1940 Anonymus: Libro de cocina. Seite 146. Brandy Cocktail.
1/4 Curaçao 3/4 Cogñac Agítese bien.
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 19. B and B (Benedictine and Brandy).
1/2 Benedictine and 1/2 Brandy. Pour these into a pony glass and they will blend of their own accord. (Bottled B and B can be obtained, pre- blended in France by the makers of Benedictine.)
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 78. B & B.
1/2 Benedictine 1/2 Brandy Pour into Cordial glass and they will blend.
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 30. B and B.
1⁄2 oz. Benedictine 1/2 oz. Brandy Serve in cordial glass.
1946 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 35. B and B.
1/2 oz. Benedictine 1/2 oz. Brandy Serve in cordial glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 50. B and B.
1/2 bénédictine 1/2 cognac Serve in liqueur glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 50. Been Bee.
3/4 oz. cognac 3/4 oz. bénédictine Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 153. B & B.
1 part cognac 1 part Benedictine Mix, pour into liqueur glass and serve at room temperature.
1953 „Kappa“: Bartender’s Guide to Mixed Drinks. Seite 12. B & B.
1/2 oz. Benedictine 1/2 oz. Cognac Use Cordial glass and carefully float the Cognac on top of the Benedictine.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 23. B & B.
1/2 oz. Benedictine 1/2 oz. Cognac Use Cordial glass and carefully float the Cognac on top of the Benedictine.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 44. B. and B..
Dans un verre à liqueur 1/2 Cognac 1/2 Bénédictine.
1954 Marcel Pace: Nos Meilleures boissons. B. and B..
Dans le verre à liqueurs Into liqueur glass 1/2 BÉNÉDICTINE 1/2 COGNAC
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 17. B. and B..
1/2 Brandy 1/2 Benedictine Serve in a liqueur glass or iced in a cocktail glass. This is an after-dinner drink.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 72. B. and B..
1/2 Benedictine 1/2 Brandy Serve in a liqueur glass or iced in a cocktail glass. This is an after- dinner drink.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 22. B. et B..
1/2 Bénédictine 1/2 Cognac Après le dîner servir dans un verre à liqueur.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 98. B & B.
1 part Benedictine 1 part cognac This is essentially an after-dinner drink, served in a liqueur glass, with the brandy cutting the sweetness of the Benedictine. However, it may be stirred with ice and strained into a cocktail glass before dinner. В & В is now bottled ready-mixed by the D.O.M. people.
1960 Anonymus: Recetas para cocteles. Seite 18. B and B.
En copa de cordial. 1/4 de Coñac francés 1/2 de Benedictine
1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissante. Seite 20. Ballerine.
1/2 Cognac 1/2 Bénédictine
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 79. B and B.
1 bicchiere di cognac 1 bicchiere di bénédictine Versare direttamente nei bicchieri, riempiendoli metà con cognac, metà con bénédictine. Servire. II B and B è uno short drink, non un cocktail, e come tale viene dato senza l’indicazione di categoria. La sua « sto- ria » confidata nel 1911 dal colonnello Federico Gattorno ad un giovane commis di Rimini, ora maître al Savini, Guido Ferniani, ha origini tanto nobili che non può non essere ricordata. 1870, Sedan, furibonda battaglia della guerra franco-prus- siana. L’unica bandiera strappata ai tedeschi lo fu dai volontari del corpo garibaldino, capeggiati da Garibaldi stesso. I francesi vollero festeggiare il generale e gli uf- ficiali del suo comando; eccoli organizzare, sul campo stesso delta battaglia, a Sedan, un cocktail-party ante litteram. Non furono scovate al momento che bottiglie di cognac e di bénédictine; si fece fifty fifty, metà e metà, e si brindò all’amicizia dei due popoli. Per lungo tempo lo short drink, metà cognac metà béné- dictine, fu proprio chiamato Sedan. I barmen d’oltre Atlan- tico – di che cosa non sono capaci gli americani? – l’hanno ribattezzato B and B.
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 68. B & B.
1/2 Remy Martin Cognac 1/2 Bénédictine D . O . M . in Zimmertemperatur servieren
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 350. B and B.
Mélange apprécié en Amérique, qui consiste en un 1/2 verre à liqueur de bénédictine et autant de cognac (Brandy) (total 25 g) servi dans une coupe bien glacée. Ce mélange peut également être servi comme cocktail. On met alors de la glace dans le verre mélangeur, 1/2 bénédictine et 1/2 cognac. Très bien remuer. (Le prix dans ce cas coûte autant que pour 1 petit verre de bénédictine et 1 petit verre de cognac, car on a besoin de 50 g pour faire un cocktail.)
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 71. B & B.
1/2 ounce Benedictine 1/2 ounce brandy Blend in a liqueur glass.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 28. B and B (Bénedictine et Brandy).
Coupe bien glacée ou «frozen glass». 1/2 bénédictine, 1/2 cognac. Servi comme cocktail: Mixingglass. 1/2 bénédictine, 1/2 cognac.
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 35. B and B.
1/2 oz. Benedictine, 1/2 oz. Brandy. Serve in cordial glass.
1968 Anonymus: The Dieter’s Drink Book. Seite 49. B&B.
1/2 oz. Benedictine 1/2 oz. brandy, 80 proof Pour Benedictine into small liqueur glass. Float brandy gently on top.
1971 Anonymus: Tropical Recipes. Standard Recipes. B. & B. (Benedictine & Brandy).
Liqueur Glass, 1 oz. Fill 2/3rds full Benedictine Float Brandy NOTE: Inasmuch as these two are near the same proof they blend perfectly. There is also a ready prepared bottled product on the market.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 5. B & B.
1/2 oz. Benedictine 1/2 oz. Cognac Use cordial glass and carefully float the Cognac on top of the Benedictine.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 249. B and B.
1/2 ounce Benedictine 1/2 ounce brandy Pour Benedictine into small cordial glass. Carefully float brandy on top of Benedictine.
1973 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 35. B and B.
1/2 oz. Benedictine, 1/2 oz. Brandy. Serve in Cordial glass.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 25. B. and B..
1/2 Brandy. 1/2 Benedictine. Serve in a liqueur glass or iced in a cocktail glass.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 221. B and B.
Pony Glass Build 1/2 oz Benedictine 1/2 oz brandy
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 225. Been Bee.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1-1/2 oz brandy 1 oz Benedictine
2010 Colin Peter Field: The Ritz Paris. Seite 32. B&B. 6/10 Hennessy Cognac, 4/10 Bénédictine.
Bei der Durchsicht der historischen Rezepte zeigt sich, daß der B.F.G. Vorgänger hatte. Diese werden zwar mit anderen Mengenverhältnissen zubereitet, doch sind sie in ihrer Grundzusammenstellung dem B.F.G. sehr ähnlich. 1937 veröffentlicht R. de Fleury den „Johnnie of Skye“ aus jeweils zwei Teilen italienischem Wermut (Martini) und Johnny Walker Whisky, einem Teil Drambuie und einem Dash Angostura Bitters. Auch der 1966 bei Harry Schraemli erschinenen „Braemer Cocktail“ hat eine gewise Ähnlichkeit. Er besteht aus gleichen Teilen Drambuie, Scotch und trockenem Wermut mit einer Zitronenzeste.
Zum Namen gibt Adam Elmegirab an: „The name is a nod to the first recorded reference of a drink combining whisky and Drambuie, the B.I.F., from 1937, which was named for the British Industries Fair held annually in Birmingham from the 1920s until the mid-20th century. I created this drink for the 2010 Drambuie Cocktail Competition. I formulated it specifically with the lead judge in mind – Simon Difford, of beverage industry publication Difford’s Guide, after reading an article where he’d been looking for the perfect whisky for the Rusty Nail. His choice? Laphroaig 10 year old.“ Er schreibt, der Name sei eine Anspielung auf die erste urkundliche Erwähnung eines Getränks aus Whisky und Drambuie, dem B.I.F. aus dem Jahre 1937, welches nach der British Industry Fair benannt worden sei. Diese Messe fand seit den 20er Jahren bis in die Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts statt. Er habe den B.F.G. für den Drambuie Cocktail Wettbewerb im Jahre 2010 kreiert und dabei ein Augenmerk auf den Hauptrichter, Simon Difford, gerichtet. Dieser habe in einem Artikel geschrieben, der zehnjährige Laphroaig sei der perfekte Whisky für einen Rusty Nail, und deshalb sei dieser Whisky auch Bestandteil des B.F.G.s geworden.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 68. Johnnie of Skye.
1/5 Drambuie 2/5 Martini Vermouth 2/5 Johnny Walker Whisky 1 Dash Angostura Bitters Shake well and strain. Decorate with a Cherry and Lemon Peel.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 50. Braemer Cocktail.
2017 Dr. Adam Elmegirab: Book of Bitters. Seite 140. B.F.G. 45 ml Drambuie; 22,5 ml Cocchi vermouth di Torino; 10 ml Laphroaig 10 years old; 2 dashes Boker’s bitters.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 27. Black Hawk Cocktail.
1 1/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Rye or Bour- bon Whiskey 1 1/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Sloe Gin Stir well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Serve with a Cherry.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 55. Black Hawk.
1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissante. Seite 24. Black hawk.
1/2 Gin 1/2 Rye
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 9. Black Hawk Cocktail.
1 1/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Whiskey * 1 1/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Sloe Gin Stir well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. cocktail glass. Serve with a cherry.
* Bourbon, Blended, Rye or Canadian.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 229. Black Hawk Cocktail.
1 1/4 ounces whisky (Bourbon, blended, rye, or Canadian) 1 1/4 ounces sloe gin Stir well with ice cubes. Strain into chilled 3-ounce cocktail glass. Serve with a cherry.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 229. Black Hawk.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1-1/4 oz sloe gin 1-1/4 oz Bourbon (or a blend) Cherry (1/2 oz lemon juice optional)
40 ml Nikka Coffey Malt Whisky 20 ml Orangensaft 20 ml Guignolet de Dijon von Gabriel Boudier 20 ml Antica Formula 3 Orangenzesten
Zubereitung: Geschüttelt (inklusive der Orangenzesten).
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 30. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/4 Orange Juice. 1/4 Scotch Whisky. 1/4 Cherry Brandy. 1/4 Italian Vermouth. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1934 G. F. Steele: My New Cocktail Book. Seite 29. Blood and Sand.
1/4 Orange juice 1/4 Scotch Whiskey 1/4 Cherry Brandy 1/4 Italian Vermouth
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 16. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/4 Orange Juice 1/4 Scotch Whiskey 1/4 Old Mr. Boston Cherry Nectar 1/4 Italian Vermouth Shake well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 174. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/3 jigger Scotch, Vat 69 preferably 1/3 jigger Cherry Brandy 1/3 jigger Sweet Vermouth 1/3 jigger Orange Juice Shake well with cracked ice and strain into cocktail glass.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 50. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1 ounce Scotch 1/2 ounce Orange Juice 1/2 ounce Cherry Brandy 1/2 ounce Sweet Vermouth Shake well with cracked ice.
1944 Harmann Burney Burke: Burke’s Complete Cocktail & Drinking Recipes. Seite 59. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1 Scotch Whiskey 1 Italian Vermouth 1 Orange Juice 1 Cherry Brandy Ice. — Stir. Strain and serve.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 262. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/2 oz. scotch 1/2 oz. Italian vermouth 1/2 oz. cherry brandy 1/2 oz. orange juice Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 20. Blood and Sand.
1 part Italian Vermouth 1 part Scotch 1 part Orange Juice 1 part Cherry Brandy Shake with cracked ice and strain. Do not use same ice twice, except in Scotland.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 39. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/8 gill of fresh orange juice, 1/8 gill of Italian vermouth, 1/8 gill of cherry brandy, 1/8 gill of Scotch whisky. Use the mixing glass.
1953 „Kappa“: Bartender’s Guide to Mixed Drinks. Seite 18. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/2 oz. Orange Juice 1/2 oz. Scotch Whiskey 1/2 oz. Brandy 1/2 oz. Sweet Vermouth Shake well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 28. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/2 oz. Orange Juice 1/2 oz. Scotch Whiskey 1/2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Wild Cherry Flavored Brandy 1/2 oz. Italian Vermouth Shake well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1954 Robert H. Loeb, Jr.: Nip Ahoy. Seite 76. Blood ’n‘ Sand Cocktail.
Blood ’n‘ Sand Cocktail. Robert H. Loeb, Jr, Nip Ahoy, 1954. Seite 76.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 96. Blood and Sand.
1/4 Scotch Whisky 1/4 Cherry Brandy 1/4 Sweet Vermouth 1/4 Orange Juice Stir well with ice and strain into glass.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 26. Blood and Sand.
Timbale à mélange, glace 1/4 Scotch Whisky 1/4 Cherry Brandy 1/4 Vermouth italien 1/4 jus d’orange frais Bien remuer en timbale et passer dans verre à cocktail. Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 32. Blood and Sandy.
1 part Scotch 1 part cherry cordial 1 part sweet vermouth 1 part orange juice Shake well with ice. Strain.
1963 Eddie Clarke: Shaking in the 60’s. Seite 90. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/2 measure Scotch whisky 1/2 measure cherry brandy 1/2 measure sweet Vermouth 1/2 measure orange juice Shake well and strain into a cocktail glass
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 65. Blood and Sand.
1966 John Doxat: Booth’s Handbook of Cocktails and Mixed Drinks. Seite 65. Blood and Sand.
1/2 oz. each — Scotch Whisky Cherry Brandy Orange Juice Sweet Vermouth Shake, strain into large cocktail-glass.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 9. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/2 oz. Orange Juice 1/2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Scotch Whisky 1/2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Wild Cherry Flavored Brandy 1/2 oz. Sweet Vermouth Shake well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 30. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/4 Orange Juice. 1/4 Scotch Whisky. 1/4 Cherry Brandy. 1/4 Italian Vermouth. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 230. Blood and Sand.
Cocktail Glass Shake 3/4 oz orange juice 3/4 oz Scotch 1/2 oz cherry flavored brandy 1/2 oz sweet vermouth
2014 Dave Arnold: Liquid Intelligence. Seite 130. Blood and Sand. 1 Unze Schottischer Whisky; 3/4 Unzen Cherry Heering; 3/4 Unzen süßer Wermut; 1/2 Unze Orangensaft; Garnierung: Orangenzeste, optional flambiert.
2015 Duggan McDonnell: Drinking the devil’s acre. Seite 207. The Blood and Sand. 20 ml blended Scotch, such as Great King Street; 20 ml Heering cherry liqueur; 20 ml Italian vermouth; 20 ml orange juice. Garnish: expressed orange peel.
2016 André Darlington & Tenaya Darlington: The New Cocktail Hour. Seite 71. Blood and Sand. 45 ml Talisker; 22 ml Cherry Heering; 22 ml Carpano Antica Formula; 30 ml Orangensaft; Garnitur: Orangenzeste.
2016 Brian Silva: Mixing in the Right Circles at Balthazar London. Seite 44. Blood And Sand. 35 ml The Famous Grouse; 15 ml Grant’s Morella Cherry Brandy; 15 ml Martini Rosso Vermouth; 25 ml orange juice.
2016 Klaus St. Rainer: Cocktails. Seite 128. Blood And Sand. 30 ml blended scotch whisky; 30 ml Carpano Antica Formula vermouth; 30 ml cherry liquor (Heering); creamy orange foam. Seite 162. Creamy Orange Foam. 500 ml orange juice; 2 spoons xanthan; 1 nitrous oxide cartridge.
2016 Philip Greene: The Manhattan. Seite 154. Blood & Sand. 3/4 Unze Monkey Shoulder Scotch Whisky; 3/4 Unze Cherry Heering; 3/4 Unze Martini Sweet Vermouth; 1 Unze Orangensaft; Garnitur: flambierte Orangenzeste.
2017 Jim Meehan: Meehan’s Bartender Manual. Seite 317. Blood And Sand. 1,5 oz. Johnnie Walker Black blended Scotch Whisky; 0,75 oz. orange juice; 0,5 oz. Carpano Antica Formula vermouth; 0,5 oz. Cherry Heering.
1887 Charlie Paul: American and Other Iced Drinks. Seite 52. Night-Cap.
[This to be taken the last thing at night as a digester for other drinks previously imbibed. The recipe was given to Charlie by a very old Norwegian captain.] Take a small wine glass; put in a liqueur- glassful of old brandy, ditto curaçoa, ditto of benedictine; let them blend for a moment; then take off at a single draught, after which say — „Good Night.“
1902 Charlie Paul: American and Other Iced Drinks. Seite 40. Night-Cap.
[This to be taken the last thing at night as a digester for other drinks previously imbibed. The recipe was given to Charlie by a very old Norwegian captain.] Take a small wine glass; put in a liqueur- glassful of old brandy, ditto curaçoa, ditto of benedictine; let them blend for a moment; then take off at a single draught, after which say — „Good Night.“
1909 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 63. April-Shower.
In ein Fizzglas gebe man: 1 schönes Stück Kristalleis, 1 Likörglas Cognac, 1 “ Benediktiner, den Saft einer Orange. Dann langsam auffüllen mit Selterswasser, vorsichtig mischen mit Barlöffel.
1909 Charlie Paul: American and Other Iced Drinks. Seite 42. Night-Cap.
[This to be taken the last thing at night as a digester for other drinks previously imbibed. The recipe was given to Charlie by a very old Norwegian captain.] Take a small wine glass; put in a liqueur-glassful of old brandy, ditto curaçoa, ditto of benedictine; let them blend for a moment; then take off at a single draught, after which say – „Good Night.“
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 151. Norwegian-Night-Cap.
In ein Cocktailglas gebe zu gleichen Teilen Curacao und Benedictiner, brenne vor dem Ser- vieren einen Augenblick an.
1929 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Guide. Seite 66. Brandy Champerelle.
Use small wineglass One-third brandy. One-third curaçao. One-third bitters. This is a delicious French cafe drink.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 100. Sans Pareil.
Man sieht, daß ein Bobby Burns überwiegend mit Bénédictine zubereitet wird.
1895 Anonymus: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 8. Baby Burns.
One teaspoon full of benedictine, teaspoon full of vermouth, Scotch whiskey. USHER – Lump of ice, squeeze lemon peel and serve.
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 4. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
A mixing glass half full of cracked ice. 1 teaspoonful of Benedictine. 1/2 drink of Italian vermouth. 1/2 drink of Scotch whiskey. Stir, strain into cocktail glass, twist lemon peel over top and serve.
1-2 Scotch 1-2 Italian vermouth 3 dashes Chartreuse Shake well and serve in cocktail glass. Squeeze lemon peel on top. In Bonny Scotland the wee bairns are weaned on this!
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 4. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
A mixing glass half full of cracked ice. 1 teaspoonful of Benedictine, 1/2 drink of Italian vermouth. 1/2 drink of Scotch whiskey. Stir, strain into cocktail glass, twist lemon peel over top and serve.
1931 John: „Happy Days!“. Seite 34. Bobbie Burns Cocktail.
(for two) One teaspoonful Orange Juice One teaspoonful Maraschino Crush one lump of sugar 50 per cent Scotch 50 per cent M&R Italian Vermouth. Shake.
1931 John: „Happy Days!“. Seite 61. Robert Burns Cocktail.
One dash Absinthe 25 per cent M&R Italian Vermouth 75 per cent Irish or Scotch Whiskey. Shake well.
1933 Anonymus: Bottoms Up! Y Como! Johnnie Aggie Cocktail.
1. One half Italian Vermouth. (For Men) 2. One half Johnnie Aggie Scotch Whisky.* 3. Three dashes Benedictine. Cocktail glass. Stir. Strain. Squeeze lemon peel on top. *Available in America after prohibition.
1933 Anonymus: Hollywood’s Favorite Cocktails. Seite 22. Johnnie Aggie Cocktail.
1/2 Italian Vermouth 1/2 Johnnie Aggie Scotch Whisky 3 Dashes Benedictine Shake well and strain into cock- tail glass. Squeeze Lemon Peel on top
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 33. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1/2 Italian Vermouth. 1/2 Scotch Whisky. 3 Dashes Benedictine. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. Squeeze lemon peel on top, One o f the very best Whisky Cocktails. A very fast mover on Saint Andrew’s Day.
1934 G. F. Steele: My New Cocktail Book. Seite 29. Bobbie Burns.
50% Scotch 50% Italian Vermouth 1 barspoonful Orange juice 1 barspoonful Maraschino
1934 G. F. Steele: My New Cocktail Book. Seite 29. Bobbie Burns – No. 2.
1/2 Italian Vermouth 1/2 Scotch Whiskey 3 dashes Benedictine twist of Lemon peel
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 60. Robert Burns Cocktail.
1 dash orange bitters. 1/4 shot Italian vermouth. 3/4 shot Irish or Scotch whiskey. 1 dash absinthe. Shake well.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 52. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1 Pony of Scotch Whisky 1/2 Pony Italian Vermouth 1 Dash of Angostura Bitters
1935 Gustav Selmer Fougner: Along the Wine Trail. Seite 203. Robert Burns.
Three-fourths Scotch Whisky One-fourth Italian Vermouth One dash orange bitters One dash Pernod or Ojen
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 18. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1/2 Italian Vermouth 1/2 Scotch Whiskey 2 Dashes Benedictine Stir well with cracked ice, strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass and serve with a twist of Lemon Peel on top of glass.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 26. Bobby Burns.
1 part Scotch Whisky 1 part Italian Vermouth 2 dashes Benedictine per cocktail Squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 174. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
3 glasses Scotch whisky 1 tablespoon orange juice 3 glasses Italian vermouth 1 tablespoon maraschino . 2 teaspoons sugar
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 85. Bobbie Burns Cock-Tail.
Cucharadita jugo de naranja. Cucharadita marraschino. Disuélvase un terrón de azúcar. Media parte whiskey VICTORIA VAT. Media parte vermouth FERRERO. Bátase.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 117. Robert Burns Cock-Tail.
Gotas ajenjo. Cuarta parte vermouth FERRERO. Tres cuartas partes whiskey Rye o Escocés. Bien batido.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 97. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1/2 Italian Vermouth 1/2 Scotch Whisky 3 dashes Benedictine Shake well Strain into Cocktail Glass Twist Lemon Peel on top
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 137. Robert Burns Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters 1 dash Absinthe 1/4 Italian Vermouth 3/4 Scotch Whisky Stir well Strain into Cocktail Glass
1939 Ambrose Heath: Good Drinks. Seite 24. Bobby Burns.
1/2 Scotch Whisky 1/2 Italian Vermouth 3 dashes Benedictine
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 22. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth, 1 1/2oz Scotch, 3 dashes Benedictine. Stir well in cracked ice, strain into cocktail glass. Twist Lemon Peel over top for oil.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 41. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
3 dashes of Bénédictine, 1/4 gill of Italian vermouth, 1/4 gill of Scotch whisky. Use the mixing glass. Serve with a little lemon-peel juice squeezed on top.
1940 Crosby Gaige: Crosby Gaige’s Cocktail Guide. Seite 131. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1 jigger Scotch Whiskey 1/2 jigger Sweet Vermouth 3 dashes Benedictine Stir well in cracked ice and strain into cocktail glass. Garnish with a twist of lemon peel.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 51. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1 jigger Scotch 1 ounce Sweet Vermouth 1 teaspoon Benedictine Stir with cracked ice and serve with a twist of Lemon Peel.
1944 Harmann Burney Burke: Burke’s Complete Cocktail & Drinking Recipes. Seite 60. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1 Scotch Whiskey 1 Italian Vermouth Benedictine, 1 Teaspoonful Ice. — Stir. Strain and serve with a Lemon Twist.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 262. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
3/4 oz. scotch 3/4 oz. Italian vermouth . 3 dashes bénédictine Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass Twist lemon peel over drink.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 282. Robert Burns Cocktail.
1 1/2 oz. scotch 1 dash orange bitters 1/2 oz. Italian vermouth 1 dash Pernod Stir with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 309. Bobby Burns-Cocktail.
1 d. Bénédictine, 1/4 ital. Vermouth, 1/4 franz. Vermouth, 1/2 Whisky. Gut rühren.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 48. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 21. Bobby Burns.
1/2 jigger Italian Vermouth 3 dashes Benedictine . 1⁄2 jigger Scotch Shake with cracked ice and strain. Twist lemon peel.
1951 Anonymus: The Holiday Drink Book. Seite 11. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
3/4 oz. sweet vermouth 1 1/2 oz. scotch 3 dashes Bénédictine Stir well in cracked ice, strain into cock- tail glass. Twist lemon peel over top.
1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 66. Bobby Burns.
Dans le à mélange: Un trait de bénédictine, 1/4 de vermouth italien, 1/2 de scotch whisky, Bien remuer et servir.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 41. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
3 dashes of Benedictine, 1/4 gill of Italian vermouth, 1/4 gill of Scotch whisky. Use the mixing glass. Serve with a little lemon-peel juice squeezed on top.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 158. Bobby Burns.
. 3 golpes de licor Benedictine. Refrescado. 40 gramos de Whisky Escocés. Servido en copa de 90 40 gramos de Vermouth Torino. gramos. 30 gramos de Vermouth Fran- . El zumo de una corteza de li- . món.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 56. Bobby Burns.
1/2 Scotch Whisky. 1/2 Sweet Vermouth. 3 Dashes Benedictine. Shake and Strain. Squeeze Lemon Peel on top.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 166. Bobbie Burns.
An interesting variation of the Rob Roy is the BOBBIE BURNS6 Rob Roy with the addition of 1 dash of Dram- buie for each drink. Benedictine is sometimes used in place of Drambuie. However, the Drambuie is preferable because it is made with a Scotch whisky base.
6 An interesting variation of these drinks may be obtained by substituting Peychaud bitters for the Angostura. Peychaud, somehow, seems to blend better than Angostura with the Scotch.
1953 „Kappa“: Bartender’s Guide to Mixed Drinks. Seite 19. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1 1/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth 1 1/4 oz. Scotch Whiskey 1 Teaspoon Benedictine Stir well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Add twist of Lemon Peel and drop in glass.
1953 „Kappa“: Bartender’s Guide to Mixed Drinks. Seite 58. Hoot Mon Cocktail.
1 oz. Sweet Vermouth 1 oz. Benedictine 2 oz. Scotch Whiskey Stir with cracked Ice and strain into 5 oz. Cocktail glass.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 28. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1 1/4 oz. Italian Vermouth 1 1/4 oz. Scotch Whiskey 1 Teaspoon Benedictine Stir well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Add twist of Lemon Peel and drop in glass.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 79. Hoot Mon Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Italian Vermouth 1 1/2 oz. Scotch Whiskey 1 Teaspoon Benedictine Stir well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Twist of Lemon Peel and drop in glass.
1954 Robert H. Loeb, Jr.: Nip Ahoy. Seite 77. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
Bobby Burns Cocktail. Robert H. Loeb, Jr, Nip Ahoy, 1954. Seite 77.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 56. Bobby Burns.
1/2 Scotch Whisky. 1/2 Sweet Vermouth. 3 Dashes Benedictine. Shake and Strain. Squeeze Lemon Peel on top.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 96. Bobby Burns.
1/2 Scotch Whisky 1/4 Dry Vermouth 1/4 Sweet Vermouth 1 Dash Benedictine Stir well with ice and strain into glass.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 27. Bobby Burns.
Timbale à mélange, glace 1/2 Scotch Whisky 1/4 Vermouth français 1/4 Vermouth italien 2 traits Bénédictine Bien remuer en timbale et passer dans verre à cocktail. Essence de citron. Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 32. Bobby Burns.
1 part Scotch 1 part Italian-type vermouth . 2 dashes Benedictine Stir with ice, strain, pour, drink, and gang agley.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 55. Bobby Burns.
1/2 Scotch Whisky. 1/2 Sweet Vermouth. 3 Dashes Benedictine. Shake and Strain. Squeeze Lemon Peel on top
1963 Eddie Clarke: Shaking in the 60’s. Seite 93. Bobby Burns.
1 1/2 measures Scotch whisky 1/2 measure sweet Vermouth 3 dashes Benedictine Shake well and strain into a cocktail glass. Squeeze a little lemon peel on drink before serving.
Bobby Burns. Eddie Clarke, Shaking in the 60’s, 1963. Seite 93.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 90. Bobbie Burns Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di scotch whisky 1/3 di bicchiere di vermouth classico 1/3 di bicchiere di vermouth dry 2 gocce di angostura bitter 2 gocce di bénédictine ghiaccio a cubetti Introdurre qualche cubetto di ghiaccio nel mixer. Versare lo scotch whisky, il vermouth classico ed il vermouth dry e mescolarli usando l’apposito cucchiaio; aggiungere l’an- gostura ed il bénédictine. Mescolare piuttosto forte, lasciar riposare uno o due secondi, riprendere infine a mescolare ma lentamente. Servire subito.
1965 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 59. Bobby Burns.
1966 John Doxat: Booth’s Handbook of Cocktails and Mixed Drinks. Seite 66. Bobby Burns.
1 1/2 oz. Scotch Whisky 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth Teaspoon Benedictine Stir well, strain into cocktail glass. Squeeze Lemon rind over but do not immerse.
1969 Mario Kardahi & Raul Echenique: El arte de la exquisitez y del buen beber. Seite 344. Bobby Burns.
Refrescado. Servir en copa Campana. 3 golpes de licor Benedictine, 40 gramos de Whisky Escocés, 40 “ “ Vermouth Torino. El Zumo de la corteza de un limón.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 10. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1 1/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth 1 1/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Scotch Whisky 1 Teaspoon Benedictine Stir well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. cocktail glass. Add twist of lemon peel and drop in glass.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 47. Hoot Mon Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth 1 1/2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Scotch Whisky 1 Teaspoon Benedictine Stir well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. cocktail glass. Add twist of lemon peel and drop in glass.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 240. Robert Burns Cocktail.
1 1/2 ounces scotch 1/2 ounce Italian vermouth 1 dash orange bitters 1 dash Pernod Stir with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 45. Bobby Burns.
1976 Brian F. Rea – Brian’s Booze Guide. Seite 40. Bobbie Burns.
a Rob Roy with a dash of Grena- dine.
Seite 76: Rob Roy.
a Scotch Manhattan. Make a Manhattan using Scotch instead of Bourbon.
Seite 64: Manhattan.
Stir/strain into pre-chilled cocktail glass 2 ounces Bourbon or Blended Whiskey 3⁄4 ounce sweet Vermouth (use less if desired) Garnish with cherry
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 33. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1/2 Italian Vermouth. 1/2 Scotch Whisky. 3 Dashes Bénédictine. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. Squeeze lemon peel on top.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 231. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1-1/4 oz Scotch 1-1/4 oz sweet vermouth 1/4 oz Benedictine or Drambuie
Variation: 1-3/4 oz Scotch 1/2 oz sweet vermouth 1/4 oz Benedictine or Drambuie
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 306. Hoot(s) Mon.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1-1/2 oz Scotch 3/4 oz sweet vermouth 1/4 oz Benedictine Lemon twist (Substitute: 1/2 oz Lillet for 1/4 oz Pernod 1-1/2 oz whiskey Benedictine and 1/2 oz for 3/4 oz sweet vermouth)
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 381. Robert Burns.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1-3/4 oz Scotch 1/2 oz sweet vermouth 1/4 oz Pernod 1 dash orange bitters
2017 Jim Meehan: Meehan’s Bartender Manual. Seite 323. Bobby Burns. 2 oz. Compass Box Oak Cross blended malt Scotch whisky; 0,75 oz. Martini Rosso vermouth; 0,25 oz. Bénédictine; Scottish shortbread (preferably Walker’s), for serving.
30 ml James E. Pepper 1776 Bourbon Knob Creek Bourbon 30 ml Negroni-Bitters Tuvè Bitter 30 ml Antica Formula Garnierung: Orangenzeste
Zubereitung: Gerührt, mit Orangenzeste abspritzen.
40 ml Woodford Reserve Bourbon 20 ml Campari 20 ml Antica Formula Garnierung: Orangenzeste und Zitronenzeste
Zubereitung: Gerührt, mit Orangenzeste und Zitronenzeste abspritzen.
Lange haben wir nach einer Alternative gesucht, und wir haben sie im Tuvé Bitter gefunden. Er zeigt die Komplexität und die Orangenaromen des alten Camparis mit denselben Bitteraromen im Abgang. Er ist natürlich nicht mit dem alten Campari hundertprozentig identisch, doch sie sind beide sehr ähnlich. Zu Anfang zeigt er deutlich mehr Orangenaromen. Hier zeigt sich auch, daß der Austausch des Farbstoffes nicht der Grund für die Veränderung der Aromatik sein kann. Im Tuvé Bitter ist Karmin enthalten. Karmin ist geschmacklos, und so dürfte es auch bei den neuerdings verwendeten Farbstoffen des Campari sein.
1935 Gustav Selmer Fougner: Along the Wine Trail. Seite 197. Boulevardier.
Two-thirds Rye and the remainder in equal parts of Grand Marnier and French Vermouth.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 81. Shenbey’s Special Cocktail.
1 trait de Bitter Campari; 1/3 Cinzano; 2/3 Whisky.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 365. Boulevardier (cocktail).
2016 Sasha Petraske: Regarding Cocktails. Seite 69. Left Hand. 45 ml bourbon; 22 ml sweet vermouth; 22 ml Campari; 3 dashes Bittermen’s chocolate bitters; garnish: brandied cherry.
2017 Jim Meehan: Meehan’s Bartender Manual. Seite 329. Boulevardier. 2 oz. Wild Turkey 101 proof rye whiskey; 1 oz. Cocchi vermouth di Torino; 1 oz. Campari: garnish: 1 orange twist.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 31. Whisky High Ball.
Use a medium size thin glass, into which put a small round piece of ice, and a small bar spoon. Let your customer help himself with rye or bourbon whisky, then fill the glass with siphon seltzer, or apollinaris water, or use ginger ale if customer prefers it.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 32. Ginger Ale High Ball.
Same as whisky high ball, except use ginger ale.
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 56. High Ball.
Drop a lump of ice in a high ball glass and place it before the customer, together with a bottle of Scotch Rye or Bourbon whiskey, as preferred, in order that he may pour his own drink. Then fill up with Apollinaris or Seltzer.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 179. Whisky Ginger Ale.
Dans un gobelet en cristal, un morceau de glace, un verre à ma- dère de Whisky et passer au consommateur avec une bouteille de Ginger Ale.
1931 John: „Happy Days!“. Seite 74. Bourbon Cocktail.
100 per cent Bourbon One lump of ice. Fill with siphon.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 48. Lionel.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . 1 pony Ginger Ale . . . . . . . 1 pony Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and serve.
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 35. Bourbon Highball.
1 shot bourbon. 1 lump ice. Fill with siphon.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 73. Bourbon Highball.
2 Cubes of ice 1 Jigger Bourbon whisky Use an 8 ounce tall glass and fill with car- bonated water or gingerale. Serve with a small bar spoon in the glass and a piece of lemon peel if desired.
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 20. Bourbon Highball.
To 1 Cube of Ice, add 1 Drink of Old Mr. Boston Whiskey, fill up with Carbonated Water or Ginger Ale. Serve with small bar spoon in glass and a piece of Lemon Peel if desired. Use 8 oz. Highball glass.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 81. Highballs.
1 glass of any Spirit, Liqueur or Wine desired 1 lump of Ice Use medium size glass. Fill glass with syphon soda water or split of soda. Ginger Ale can be used if preferred. Add twist of Lemon Peel if desired.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 168. Highball.
1 glass rye or Bourbon 1 split of sparkling water whisky (or ginger ale) Serve in a highball glass with plenty of cracked ice.
1937 Anonymus: Here’s How. Seite 13. Bourbon Highball.
Same as rye highball, substitute a quality bourbon whiskey.
Seite 13. Rye Highball.
Place two pieces of cube ice in highball glass. Add jigger good rye whiskey. Fill with Sparklet Syphon, serve with stirrer. If ginger ale is preferred with this drink, flavor with Sparklette Ginger Ale Syrup to taste. Some people enjoy a slice of lemon in their rye highball or, as in the Scotch highball, like a twist of lemon peel dropped into the liquor.
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 76. Bourbon Highball.
A jigger of Bourbon wiskey. A lump of ice. 1/4 San Agustin mineral water.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 194. Bourbon Highball.
1 Oz. Bourbon Whisky 1 Lump of Ice Fill up the glass with Soda.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 151. Bourbon Highball.
Vasito whiskey OLD CROW. Pedazo de hielo. Cuarto bot. agua mineral SAN AGUSTIN.
1943 Jacinto Sanfeliu Brucart: Cien Cocktails. Seite 63. Whisky-Highball.
Póngase en un vaso mediano: 1 pedacito de hielo 1 copa de Whisky 1 corteza de limón Terminar de llenar con soda muy fría.
1943 Stanley Clisby Arthur: Famous New Orleans Drinks. Seite 16. Highballs.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 95. Highballs.
1 Ice Cube 1 jigger of any Liquor Fill glass with Soda Water. Ginger Ale can be used if preferred.
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 57. Highball.
In highball glass 2 lumps Ice Add 1 1⁄2 oz. spirit desired Fill with plain water, Sparkling Canada Dry Water or Canada Dry Ginger Ale Stir.
1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 39. High Ball.
Use small punch glass. Ice, 1 lump. Bye, Bourbon or Scotch whiskey (al- low customer to pour). Carbonated water; fill glass. (Very popular drink.)
1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 39. Ginger Ale High Ball.
Use High Ball glass. Ice, 1 lump. Whiskey, Eye or Bourbon (allow cus- tomer to pour). Ginger ale; fill up glass.
1946 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 63. Highball (Spirit).
Lumps of ice in highball glass Add 1 1/2oz. spirit desired Fill with plain water, Sparkling Canada Dry Water or Canada Dry Ginger Ale (Twist of lemon peel if desired) Stir.
1947 Karl Büskens: Mixbuch für Jedermann. Seite 87. Highball.
Im Tumbler: 1 großes Stück Eis 1 Glas Brandy mit Syphon auffüllen Bacardi, Gin, Rum, Peach Brandy oder jeder Whisky Highball genau so wie Bran- dy Highball aber mit der je- weils erwählten Flüssigkeit
In tumbler: 1 large piece of ice 1 glass of Brandy add syphon soda water Bacardi, Gin, Rum, Peach Brandy or either Whisky Highball the same as Brandy Highball except use liquor chosen
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 262. Bordever Cocktail.
3/4 oz. bourbon 3/4 oz. ginger ale Stir with ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass. Twist lemon peel over drink.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 275. Lionel Cocktail.
Same as Bordever Cocktail.
1949 Anonymus: Bottoms Up. Seite 33. Bourbon Highball.
1 Cube of Ice 2 oz. Bourbon Whiskey Fill 8 oz. Highball glass with Ginger Ale or Carbonated Water. Add Twist of Lemon Peel, if desired, and stir gently.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 463. Whisky-Highball.
In einen grossen Tumbler gibt man 1 taubeneigrosses Stück Roheis, 1 Glas Whisky und füllt auf mit Ginger- Ale. Das Aroma aus einem grösseren Stück Zitronen- schale darauf pressen.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 36. Highballs.
1 jigger Scotch, Rye, Bourbon, or Irish in a 6-oz. glass 2 ice cubes Carbonated, branch, city, well, or plain water to fill Stir quickly, drink slowly Graduate to fit glasses
Seite 37. Bourbon, Rye, or Cognac.
To 1 cube of ice, add 1 drink liquor, and fill with carbonated water or ginger ale. Serve with piece of lemon peel if desired.
1951 Anonymus: The Holiday Drink Book. Seite 54. The Highball.
The Highball is a standard drink both be- fore and after dinner. It can be made with Scotch, Rye, Bourbon, Rum or Brandy. It is made with 1 1/2 oz. of liquor, (or a bit more), two or three cubes of ice, and soda, ginger aie or other carbonated water. It is normally served in an 8 oz. glass. Scotch, bourbon and brandy are normally served with soda, but some people prefer plain water. Rye is normally served with ginger aie. Rum is frequently served with cola instead of soda. NOTE that Soda, Seltzer, Charged water and Carbonated water are ail essentially the same thing and can be used inter- changeably in Highballs and other drinks. Many people feel that drinks made with carbonated water should never be stirred.
1 jigger bourbon Cracked ice Club soda or ginger ale A tall drink, served in a large highball glass. Pour liquor over ice and add soda or ginger ale.
1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 115. Whiskey Highball.
Comme le Brandy Highball en remplaçant le cognac par du bacardi, du gin, du Peach Brandy, du rhum, ou du whisky.
Seite 115. Brandy Highball.
Dans un tumbler: Un gros morceau de glace, Un verre de cognac. Ajouter du Schweppes soda ou du siphon et servir.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 115. Whisky Highball.
Prepare each of these as for Applejack Highball, using brandy, dry gin, rum, sherry, French or Italian vermouth, or Scotch (or Irish) whisky instead of applejack brandy.
Seite 115. Applejack Highball.
Put one or two lumps of ice in the tumbler, add 3/4 gill of applejack brandy, and fill up with soda water or ginger ale. Serve with a piece of lemon peel if desired; alternatively, with a slice of lemon.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 126. Bourbon [Highball].
Put 1 lump of ice in tumbler, add 1 1/2 ozs. of Spirit desired. Fill with Dry Ginger Ale or Soda Water if preferred. Squeeze lemon rind on top.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 32. Bourbon Highball.
1 Cube of Ice 2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Bourbon Whiskey Fill 8 oz. Highball glass with Ginger Ale or Carbonated Water. Add twist of Lemon Peel, if desired, and stir gently.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 151. Whiskey Highball.
1 Cube of Ice 2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Rye or Bourbon Whiskey Fill 8 oz. Highball glass with Ginger Ale or Carbonated Water. Add twist of Lemon Peel, if desired, and stir gently.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 126. Bourbon [Highball].
Put 1 lump of ice in tumbler, add 1 1/2 ozs. of Spirit desired. Fill with Dry Ginger Ale or Soda Water if preferred. Squeeze lemon rind on top.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 116. Bourbon [Highball].
Put 1 lump of ice in tumbler, add 1 1/2 ozs. of Spirit desired. Fill with Dry Ginger Ale or Soda Water if preferred. Squeeze lemon rind on top.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 285. Bourbon Highball.
2 bicchieri da cocktail di bourbon whisky 2 bicchieri di ghiaccio tritato seltz, o soda water, o ginger ale, o coca cola, o altra bibita gassata (cio che preferite purché sia freschissimo) Versare nel mixer il ghiaccio tritato; aggiungere il bourbon e mescolare. Versare nei bicchieri da highball e comple- tare con la bibita scelta. Servire subito.
1965 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 119. Bourbon [Highball].
Put 1 lump of ice in tumbler, add 1 1/2 ozs. of Spirit desired. Fill with Dry Ginger Ale or Soda Water if preferred. Squeeze lemon rind on top.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 483. Whisky Highball.
Dans un grand tumbler ou une grande coupe mettre quelques mor- ceaux de glace, 1 mesure Canadian- ou Bourbon-Whiskey et finir de remplir avec ginger-ale. Joindre une tranche d’écorce de citron. (Voir l’illustration en couleur.)
Whisky Highball. Harry Schraemli, Manuel du bar, 1965. Seite 384f.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 85. Highballs.
Serve highballs in 8- or 10-ounce highball glasses. To prepare any highball, place 1 or 2 ice cubes in the glass. Add 1 1/2 to 3 ounces of desired liquor. Fill glass with soda or ginger ale. Serve with a small bar spoon in glass and a twist of lemon peel if desired. Use any of the following liquors: applejack, bourbon, brandy, gin, rye, rum, Scotch, and cordials. Scotch is generally served with plain or soda water and you determine your guest’s choice of soda or ginger ale with the other liquors.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 49. Bourbon Ginger-Ale.
Tumbler 1 Bourbon, 2 dés de glace. Gin- ger-ale.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 176. Whisky Highball.
Dans un grand tumbler ou une grande coupe mettre quelques morceaux de glace, 1 mesure Canadian- ou Bourbon- Whiskey et finir de remplir avec ginger- ale. Ecorce de citron.
1966 John Doxat: Booth’s Handbook of Cocktails and Mixed Drinks. Seite 75. Highball.
This originally meant a tall (usually Whiskey) unflavoured spirit drink in the USA – as opposed, say, to a Julep. It is now indiscriminately used for various long iced spirit drinks topped with mineral or plain water.
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 63. Highball.
Cubes of Ice in highball glass Add 1 1/2 oz. of any spirit desired. Fill with Canada Dry Club Soda or Canada Dry Ginger Ale. Stir.
1971 Anonymus: Tropical Recipes. Standard Recipes. Bourbon & Ginger Ale.
(Build) Highball Glass 1 Cube of Ice 1 Jigger Bourbon Whiskey Fill with Ginger Ale Twist and drop Lemon peel
1972 Anonymus: Recipes – Wines and Spirits. Seite 8. Presbyterian.
To make 1 highball 2 to 3 ice cubes 3 ounces bourbon 2 ounces cold ginger ale 2 ounces cold club soda 1 strip lemon peel An 8-ounce highball glass Combine the ice cubes, bourbon, ginger ale and club soda in a highball glass and stir. Twist the lemon peel over the glass to release its oil, and drop it in.
1972 Anonymus: Recipes – Wines and Spirits. Seite 11. Whiskey Highball.
To make 1 highball 2 ounces whiskey 2 ice cubes 4 to 6 ounces cold club soda or ginger ale A 6- to 8-ounce highball glass A highball may be defined as a tall iced drink consisting of a generous jig- ger (or more) of whiskey, ice cubes and enough carbonated beverage to nearly fill the highball glass. Use a glass stirring rod to stir quickly and lightly. It is advisable to make a medium highball of 6 to 8 ounces rather than a taller one, because the ice melts and dilutes the drink as it stands. The most popular combinations for highballs are bourbon and club soda, Scotch and club soda, and blended whiskey (also called rye) and gin- ger ale or club soda. Bourbon and Scotch are often preferred with cold water instead of club soda.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 13. Bourbon Highball.
1 Cube of Ice 2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey Fill 8 oz. highball glass with ginger ale or carbonated water. Add twist of lemon peel, if desired, and stir.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Seite 107. Whiskey Highball.
1 Cube of Ice 2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Whiskey * Fill 8 oz. highball glass with ginger ale or carbonated water. Add twist of lemon peel, if desired, and stir.
* Bourbon, Blended, Rye or Canadian.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 230. Bourbon and Soda.
2 ounces Bourbon 6 ounces club soda Pour over 2 ice cubes in a 12-ounce chimney glass. Stir.
2 ounces Bourbon Ginger ale or club soda Pour Bourbon over ice cubes in a highball glass. Fill with ginger ale or soda. Add a twist of lemon peel, if desired. Stir.
1973 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 63. Highball.
Cubes of Ice in highball glass Add 1 1/2 oz. of any spirit desired. Fill with Water, Canada Dry Club Soda or Canada Dry Ginger Ale. Stir.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 85. Bourbon Highball.
Put ice in glass. Add spirit desired. Fill with dry ginger ale or soda water if preferred. Twist lemon rind.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 232. Bordever.
Cocktail Glass Stir 2 oz Bourbon 1/2 oz ginger ale Lemon twist
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 234. Bourbon Highball.
(Bourbon Bail) Hibal! Glass Build 1-1/2 oz Bourbon Fill with ice and soda or ginger ale Lemon twist
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 431. Whiskey Hiball.
Hiball Glass Build 1-1/2 oz whiskey Fill with soda or ginger ale Ice Lemon twist-optional
Bei der Durchsicht der Rezepte haben wir festgestellt, daß die Bezeichnung Panama bereits 1916 verwendet wurde. Desweiteren haben wir als Namensvarianten für diesen Drink folgende Bezeichnungen gefunden: Palm Beach Cocktail (1938), Panama Hattie (1940), Magnolia (1944), Playa (1948), Cacao Cocktail (1949), Alexandra No. 1 (1953), Alexander No. 1 (1956), Combinado Alexandre (1958), Canastero Cocktail (1961), Zandam (1972), Tuesday Weld, Twentieth Century (1977).
Als Kuriosiität sei noch der 1953 erstmals erschienene Angel’s Wing genannt, der nicht gerührt, sondern geschichtet wird. Auch der Between-Sheets aus dem Jahr 1939 ist einem Brandy Alexander ähnlich, wenn auch etwas erweitert um Angostura Bitters, Zucker und Zitronenzeste.
Interessanterweise wird der Panama Cocktail 1946 erstmals mit Rum zubereitet. Diesem folgt man in den Folgejahren mehrfach.
1916 Count Benvenito Martini: Cocktail-ology. Panama Cocktail.
1-3 Cream de Cocoa 1-3 Sweet Cream 1-3 Brandy Shake and strain into cocktail glass. Ho, for the life of a sailor!
1926 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 21. Alexander Cocktail.
1/3 Crème de Cacao, 1/3 Brandy, 1/3 Fresh Cream. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1930 Pedro Chicote: Le ley mojada. Seite 91. Alexandre-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de hielo picado. 1 cucharada pequeña de leche fresca, 1/2 vasito de crema de cacao. 1/2 — de coñac. Agítese y pásese a copa de cocktail.
1932 Al Hirschfeld: Manhattan Oases. Seite 50. Alexander Cocktail.
1/3 Creme de Cacao, 1/3 Brandy, 1/3 fresh cream. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 18. Alexander Cocktail (No. 2.).
1/3 Crème de Cacao. 1/3 Brandy. 1/3 Fresh Cream. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 118. Panama Cocktail.
1/3 Crème de Cacao. 1/3 Sweet Cream. 1/3 Brandy. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 153. Alexander-Cocktail.
Der Alexander-Cocktail hat einen Doppelgänger, bei dem an Stelle des Brandy Gin ver- wendet wird. 1/3 Brandy 1/3 Crême de Cacao, weiß 1/3 frische Sahne Sch-.B. [Schüttelbecher]
1934 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 21. Alexander Cocktail.
1/3 Crème de Cacao, 1/3 Brandy, 1/3 Fresh Cream. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 22. Alexander.
1 part Brandy 1 part Crème de Cacao 1 part Fresh Cream.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 191. Panama Cocktail.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 89. Alexander Cocktail – No. 2.
1/3 Creme de Cocoa 1/3 Brandy 1/3 Sweet Cream Shake well Strain into Cocktail Glass
1938 Krönlein-Beutel: Das Getränkebuch. Seite 64. Alexander.
(65er Cocktallglas) In den Schüttelbecher 6—8 Eisstückchen (Walnußgröße) Creme de Cacao weiß 25 ccm frische Sahne 10 ccm Deutscher Weinbrand 30 ccm Kirsche (bestäuben)
1939 Anonymus: Cuna del Daiquiri Cocktail. Seite 16. Between-Sheets
1/3 Brandy. 1/3 Creme Cacao. 1/3 Fresh Sweet Cream. 1 Dash Angostura. 1 Teaspoonful Sugar. 1 Lemon Peel. Plenty of Cracked ice. Shake well and strain into cock- tail glass.
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 16. Alexander Cocktail / Panama.
1 oz Dry Gin, 3/4 oz sweet Cream, 3/4 oz Creme de Cacao. Shake vigorously with cracked ice and strain into a large cocktail glass. (Use Brandy in place of Gin, for a Brandy Alexander. Also called a „Panama“.)
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 46. Panama Cocktail (sometimes called Brandy Alexander).
1 oz Brandy, 3/4 oz sweet Cream, 3/4 oz Creme de Cacao. Shake well with cracked ice and strain into a large cocktail glass.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 31. Alexander Cocktail (2).
1/6 gill of crème de cacao, 1/6 gill of sweet cream, 1/6 gill of brandy. Use the shaker.
1940 Crosby Gaige: Crosby Gaige’s Cocktail Guide. Seite 26. Alexander.
2/3 jigger Dry Gin 1/2 jigger Sweet Cream 14/2 jigger Crème de Cacao Shake well with cracked ice and strain into large cocktail glass. If Brandy is used in place of Gin the name is changed to a PANAMA COCKTAIL.
1940 Crosby Gaige: Crosby Gaige’s Cocktail Guide. Seite 141. Panama Hattie.
1/3 part Brandy 1/3 part Creme de Cacao 1/3 part sweet Cream Shake with cracked ice and strain into cocktail glass. Known in some circles as a Brandy Alex- ander.
1943 Jacinto Sanfeliu Brucart: Cien Cocktails. Seite 17. Alexandra-Cocktail.
Póngase en la cocktelera unos pedacitos de hielo, y añadir: 1/3 Coñac 1/3 nata fresca 1/3 crema de Cacao Agítese bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail. — Es el «Alexandra» uno de los cochtails más anti- guos y universalmente conocidos. A falta de nata, se puede preparar con leche cruda —.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 42. Panama Cocktail.
1 jigger Brandy 3/4 ounce Crème de Cacao 3/4 ounce Fresh Cream Shake with cracked ice.
1 Brandy 1 Fresh Cream 1 Crème de Cocoa Add 3 Cubes of Ice. 40 Shakes. Strain and serve.
1944 Nick Thomas: Bartender’s Friend. Magnolia.
1 oz. Brandy 1 oz. Creme de Cacao 1 Teaspoon Sweet Cream Shake with Ice. Glass.
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 27. Alexander Cocktail No. 2.
1/2 oz. Fresh Cream 3/4 oz. Creme de Cacao 1 1⁄2 oz. Brandy Shake well
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 68. Panama Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Cream 3/4 oz. Creme de Cacao 1 1/4 oz. Brandy Shake. Nutmeg on top.
1946 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 32. Alexander Cocktail No. 2.
1/2 oz. Fresh Cream 3/4 oz. Creme de Cacao 1 1⁄2 oz. Brandy Shake well
1946 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 75. Panama Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Fresh Cream 3/4 oz. Creme de Cacao 1 1/4 oz. Rum Shake Nutmeg on top.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 14. Alexandra Cocktail.
1/3 Crème de Cacao; 2/3 Cognac; même quantité de crème fraîche.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 392. Playa.
1/3 crema de cacao. 1/3 coñac español. 1/3 leche fresca. Gotas de Angostura. Hielo. Bátase, cuélese y sírvase.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 62. Alexander (Brandy) Cocktail.
1/2 oz. brandy 1/2 oz. crème de cacao . 1/2 oz. fresh cream Shake with cracked ice; strain into shallow chilled cocktail glass.
1949 Anonymus: Bottoms Up. Seite 14. Alexander Cocktail No. 2.
1 oz. Creme de Cacao 1 oz. Brandy 1 oz. Sweet Cream Shake well with cracked Ice, strain into 4 oz. Cocktail glass.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 292. Alexander-Cocktail.
1/3 frische Sahne, 1/3 Creme de Cacao, 1/3 Cognac. Schütteln.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 322. Cacao-Cocktail.
2 d. Cognac, 1 Esslöffel frische Sahne, 1 Glas Crème de Cacao. Schütteln. In grosses Cocktailglas seihen.
1951 Anonymus: The Holiday Drink Book. Seite 8. Brandy Alexander Cocktail.
3/4 oz. sweet cream 3/4 oz. creme de cacao 1 oz. dry gin Shake vigorously with cracked ice and strain into a large cocktail glass. (Use brandy instead of gin for a Brandy Alex- ander).
1951 Ted Saucier: Ted Saucier’s Bottoms Up. Seite 25. Alexander (brandy).
1/3 jigger brandy 1/3 jigger crème de cacao 1/3 jigger heavy cream Ice Shake well. Strain into cocktail glass.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 31. Alexander Cocktail (2).
1/6 gill of crème de cacao, 1/6 gill of sweet cream, 1/6 gill of brandy. Use the shaker.
1953 Anonymus: The ABC of Cocktails. Seite 11. Brandy Alexander.
2 parts Brandy 1 part Creme de Cacao 1 part Sweet Cream Shake with ice, and strain into cock- tail glass. The amount of Brandy may be doubled to make the drink less sweet.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 53. Alexander.
1/3 Creme de Cacao. 1/3 Fresh Cream. 1/3 Brandy. Shake and Strain. (In America it is suggested that this Cocktail is and was made with Gin. All records go to show how- ever that the „Alexander“ is made with Brandy.)
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 171. Panama.
1 part Sweet Cream 1 part Creme de Cacao 3 to 4 parts Cognac Shake vigorously with cracked or crushed ice.
The Panama, of course, is not an aromatic-type cocktail. I have put it here alongside the Chicago because both of them seem to me to represent such a futile waste of good liquor. The Panama is merely a Brandy Alexander with cognac substituted for the gin. The original Alexander recipe calls for equal parts of the three ingredients. I have tried to cut down on the sugar bowl and cream pitcher sufficiently to to make the drink halfway fit to introduce to the stomach as a prelude to the meal. As a dessert rather than an aperitif the original formula is excellent.
1953 „Kappa“: Bartender’s Guide to Mixed Drinks. Seite 3. Alexander Cocktail No. 2.
1 oz. Creme de Cacao 1 oz. California Brandy 1 oz. Sweet Cream Shake well with cracked Ice and strain into 4 oz. Cocktail glass.
1953 „Kappa“: Bartender’s Guide to Mixed Drinks. Seite 7. Angel’s Wing.
1/3 oz. Creme de Cacao 1/3 oz. Brandy 1/3 oz. Sweet Cream Pour ingredients carefully, in order given, so that they do not mix. Use Pousse Cafe glass.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 18. Alexander Cocktail No. 2.
1 oz. Old Mr. Boston Creme de Cacao 1 oz. Old Mr. Boston California Brandy 1 oz. Sweet Cream Shake well with cracked Ice and strain into 4 oz. Cocktail glass.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 20. Angel’s Wing.
1/3 oz. Old Mr. Boston Creme de Cacao 1/3 oz. Old Mr. Boston California Brandy 1/3 oz. Sweet Cream Pour ingredients carefully, in order given, so that they do not mix. Use Pousse Cafe glass.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 110. Panama Cocktail.
1 oz. Old Mr. Boston Creme de Cacao 1 oz. Sweet Cream 1 oz. Old Mr. Boston California Brandy Shake well with cracked Ice and strain into 4 oz. Cocktail glass.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 41. Alexandra No. 1.
1/3 Crème fraîche 1/3 Crème de cacao 1/3 Cognac.
1953 S. S. Field: The American Drinking Book. Seite 217. Panama.
1/2 ounce heavy cream, 3/4 ounce Crème de Cacao, 1 jigger of Brandy. Shake vigorously with cracked ice and serve in 4-ounce wine glass. This is a Brandy Alexander — scarcely a cock- tail, however, being less a stimulus to eating than a substitute for it. Excellent for a sudden weak- ness in the knees, or an attack of the horrors.
1954 Marcel Pace: Nos Meilleures boissons. Alexandra.
Dans un shaker In shaker 1/3 CRÈME DE CACAO 1/3 COGNAC 1/3 CRÈME FRAICHE fresh cream frapper énergiquement shake well
Alexandra. Marcel Pace, Nos Meilleures boissons, 1954. Seite 69.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 53. Alexander.
1/3 Creme de Cacao. 1/3 Fresh Cream. 1/3 Brandy. Shake and Strain. (In America it is suggested that this Cocktail is and was made with Gin. All records go to show how- ever that the „Alexander“ is made with Brandy.)
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 18. Alexandra Cocktail.
Dans le shaker: 1/3 Crème fraîche, 1/3 Crème de Cacao Cointreau, 1/3 de Cognac Renault. Agiter et servir dans un verre à flip.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 17. Alexander No. 1.
1/3 Brandy 1/3 Crème de Cacao 1/3 Cream Shake well with ice and strain into glass.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 88. Panama.
1 Jigger Jamaica Rum 1/2 Jigger Crème de Cacao 1/2 Jigger Cream Shake well with ice and strain into glass.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 18. Alexander I.
Shaker, glace 1/3 Cognac 1/3 Crème de Cacao 1/3 Crème fraîche Bien frapper au shaker et passer dans verre à cocktail. Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 70. Panama.
Shaker, glace 1/2 Cognac 1/4 Crème de Cacao 1/4 Crème fraîche Bien frapper au shaker et passer dans verre à cocktail. Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1958 G. Bernard De Ferrer: Los combinados. Seite 25. Combinado Alexandre.
Prepárese en coctelera: Unos trocitos de hielo picado y limpio, 1 cucharada grande de nata, 1/2 copita de crema de cacao, 6 ó 10 gotas de coñac de marca. Agítese y sírvase en copa de coctel, espolvoreándolo con canela molida.
1960 Anonymus: Recetas para cocteles. Seite 19. Brandy Alexander.
1 onza de Brandy 1 onza de Crema de Cacao 1 onza de Crema de Leche Batido a mano y servido en copa de vino con canela encima.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 51. Alexander.
1/3 Creme de Cacao. 1/3 Fresh Cream. 1/3 Brandy. Shake and Strain. (In America it is suggested that this Cocktail is and was made with Gin. All records go to show how- ever that the „Alexander“ is made with Brandy.)
1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissante. Seite 15. Alexandra.
1/3 crème fraîche 1/3 crème cacao 1/3 Cognac
1961 Pedro Chicote – El bar en el mundo. Seite 123. Alexandre Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de hielo. Una cucharada pequeña de leche fresca. 1/2 vasito de crema de cacao. 1/2 vasito de coñac. Agítese y pásese a copa de cocktail.
1961 Pedro Chicote – El bar en el mundo. Seite 136. Canastero Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de hielo. 1/3 de crema de cacao. 1/3 de crema fresca. 1/3 de coñac. Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1963 Eddie Clarke: Shaking in the 60’s. Seite 110. Alexander Cocktail (No. 2).
1 measure brandy 1/2 measure Creme de Cacao 1/2 measure fresh cream Shake well and strain into a cocktail glass.
Alexander Cocktail (No. 2). Eddie Clarke, Shaking in the 60’s, 1963. Seite 110.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 19. Alexander.
1/3 cognac 1/3 crema di cacao 1/3 crema di latte
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 20. Alexander.
4-5 parti di cognac 1 parte di crema di cacao 1 cucchiaio, per bibita, di crema di latte
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 61. Alexander Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di cognac 1/3 di bicchiere di crema di cacao 1 cucchiaio di crema di latte fresca piuttosto densa ghiaccio a cubettia Riempire lo shaker fino a 1/4 della sua altezza con ghiac cio. Aggiungere il cognac, la crema di cacao e la crema di latte. Chiudere lo shaker, agitarlo vigorosamente, farlo riposare un secondo, riprendere infine ad agitarlo ma lentamente. Servire subito. Una versione americana di questo cocktail sostituisce il cognac con gin.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 213. Panama Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di cognac o brandy 1/3 di bicchiere di crema di cacao 1/3 di bicchiere di crema di latte ghiaccio tritato Riempire lo shaker fino a 1/4 della sua altezza con ghiac- cio tritato. Aggiungere il cognac, la crema di cacao e la crema di latte. Chiudere lo shaker, agitarlo vigorosamente, farlo riposare un secondo, riprendere infine ad agitare ma lentamente. Servire subito.
1964 Anonymus: Peter Pauper’s Drink Book. Seite 8. Brandy Alexander.
3 parts Gin 1 part Crème de Cacao 1 part Sweet Cream Brandy can be substituted for the gin, to make a Brandy Alexander.
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 69. Alexander.
1/3 Dujardin Weinbrand 1/3 Creme de Cacao 1/3 süße Sahne im shaker sehr rasch mit Eis schütteln
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 72. Panama.
1/2 Robinson Rum 1/4 Creme de Cacao 1/4 Sahne im shaker mit Eis stark schütteln, abseihen und mit 1 Rumkirsche verzieren
1965 Anonymus: John de Kuyper’s Complete Guide to Cordials. Seite 55. Alexander Cacao.
3/4 ounce De Kuyper Creme de Cacao (Brown) 1 1/2 ounces dry gin 1/2 ounce cream Shake with ice, strain into cocktail glass.
1965 Anonymus: John de Kuyper’s Complete Guide to Cordials. Seite 57. Panama.
3/4 ounce De Kuyper Creme de Cacao (White) 3/4 ounce cream 1 1/4 ounces rum Nutmeg Shake with crushed ice, strain into cock- tail glass. Garnish with nutmeg.
1965 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 52. Alexander.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 344. Alexander Cocktail.
1/3 crème fraîche, 1/3 crème de cacao, 1/3 cognac. Agiter.
Alexander Cocktail. Harry Schraemli, Manuel du bar, 1965. Seite 344.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 446. Panama Cocktail.
1/4 crème, 1/4 crème de cacao, 1/2 rhum de la Jamaïque. Agiter.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 27. Panama Cocktail.
1 ounce brandy 3/4 ounce sweet cream 3/4 ounce crème de cacao Shake with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 32. Brandy Alexander.
1 1/2 ounces dry gin 3/4 ounce sweet cream 3/4 ounce crème de cacao Shake well with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass. Brandy or Rum Alexander: Substitute brandy or rum for gin.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 20. Alexander Cocktail.
Shaker. 1/3 crème fraîche, 1/3 crème de cacao, 1/3 cognac.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 135. Panama Cocktail.
Shaker. 1/4 crème double, 1/4 crème de cacao, 1/2 rhum de la Jamaïque.
1966 John Doxat: Booth’s Handbook of Cocktails and Mixed Drinks. Seite 99. Alexander.
1/3 Cognac 1/3 Creme de Cacao 1/3 Fresh Cream Shake thoroughly, and strain into cocktail-glass.
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 32. Alexander Cocktail No. 2.
1/2 oz. Cream 3/4 oz. Creme de Cacao 1 1/2 oz. Brandy. Shake with Ice & Strain. Top with Nutmeg
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 75. Panama Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Cream, 3/4 oz. Creme de Cacao, 1 1/4 oz. Rum Shake with Ice & Strain. Nutmeg on top.
1968 Anonymus: The Dieter’s Drink Book. Seite 48. Brandy Alexander.
Mix as above, substituting 80 proof brandy for gin. Same totals.
Above (Alexander):
1 oz. gin, 80 proof 1 oz. crème de cacao 2 tbs. light cream Shake ingredients well with cracked ice. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1972 Anonymus: Recipes – Wines and Spirits. Seite 34. Brandy Alexander.
To make 1 cocktail 1 ounce crème de cacao 2 ounces brandy 1/2 ounce (1 tablespoon) heavy cream 3 to 4 ice cubes A 4-ounce cocktail glass, chilled Combine the crème de cacao, brandy, heavy cream and ice cubes in a mix- ing glass. Set the shaker on top of the mixing glass and, grasping them firmly together with both hands, shake vigorously 7 or 8 times. Remove the shaker, place a strainer over the mixing glass, and pour into a cock- tail glass. A variation of this drink, called an Alexander, is made by substituting gin or vodka for the brandy.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 2. Alexander Cocktail No. 2.
1 oz. Old Mr. Boston Creme de Cacao 1 oz. Old Mr. Boston Five Star Brandy 1 oz. Sweet Cream Shake well with cracked ice and strain into 4 oz. cocktail glass.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 3. Angel’s Wing.
1/3 oz. Old Mr. Boston Creme de Cacao 1/3 oz. Old Mr. Boston Five Star Brandy 1/3 oz. Sweet Cream Pour ingredients carefully, in order given, so that they do not mix. Use Pousse Café glass.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 72. Panama Cocktail.
1 oz. Old Mr. Boston Creme de Cacao 1 oz. Sweet Cream 1 oz Old Mr. Boston Five Star Brandy Shake well with cracked ice and strain into 4 oz. cocktail glass.
1/3 ounce crème de cacao 1/3 ounce brandy 1/3 ounce fresh cream Pour ingredients carefully, in order listed, into pousse cafe glass, so that each ingredient floats upon preceding one.
1 ounce brandy 1/2 ounce white or dark crème de cacao 1 ounce fresh cream Shake well with ice cubes. Strain into a chilled champagne glass. Dust with grated nutmeg.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 260. Zandam.
1 ounce white crème de cacao 1/2 ounce brandy 1 ounce fresh cream Shake wed in commercial electric drink mixer (or in shaker can with mixing glass) with ice cubes. Strain into chilled champagne saucer. Dust with grated nutmeg.
1973 Anonymus: 500 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 57. Alexander.
1 jigger cognac 1 jigger creme de cacao 1 jigger heavy cream 3 ice cubes Blend for 15 seconds, strain and serve in cocktail or 4 oz. glasses. There are a lot of peo- ple who would substitute dry gin for the brandy in the above.
1973 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 33. Alexander Cocktail No. 2.
1/2 oz. Cream, 3/4 oz. Creme de Cacao, 1 1/2 oz. Brandy. Shake with Ice and Strain. Top with Nutmeg.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 44. Alexander.
1/3 Creme de Cacao 1/3 cream 1/3 brandy Shaker
1976 Brian F. Rea – Brian’s Booze Guide. Seite 35. Alexander.
ALEXANDER — the bartender’s nemises. A Prohi- bition creation that disguised bathtub Gin and off the boat Brandy. A Gin Alexander is only served upon specific request.
Blend/strain into pre-chilled cocktail glass 3⁄4 ounce Cacao — Dark 3⁄4 ounce Brandy 1 1⁄2 ounce cream or half and half (Top with Nutmeg)
1976 Brian F. Rea – Brian’s Booze Guide. Seite 71. Panama.
Blend/strain into pre-chilled cocktail glass 3⁄4 ounce dark Cacao 3⁄4 ounce light Rum 1 1⁄2 ounces cream or half and half Dash nutmeg on top
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 18. Alexander Cocktail (No. 2.).
1/3 Creme de Cacao. 1/3 Brandy. 1/3 Fresh Cream. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 34. Brandy Alexander.
1 oz. Brandy. 1/2 oz. White or Dark Creme de Cacao. 1 oz. Fresh Cream. Shake well with ice cubes. Strain into a chilled cham- pagne glass. Dust with grated nutmeg.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 118. Panama Cocktail.
1/3 Crème de Cacao. 1/3 Sweet Cream. 1/3 Brandy. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 185. Brandy Alexander.
cocktail glass shake or blend 3/4 oz brandy 3/4 oz dark crème de cacao 3/4 oz cream sprinkle nutmeg on top Rarely made in the portions given; usually made with a preponderance of cream.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 211. Alexander Cocktail.
Cocktail Glass Shake/Blend 1 oz cream 1 oz gin 1 oz light creme de cacao Nutmeg sprinkle
Variation 1 oz cream 1 oz brandy 1 oz dark creme de cacao Nutmeg sprinkle
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 213. Angel’s Wing(s).
Pony Glass Build Pousse cafe style 1/3 dark crème de cacao 1/3 brandy 1/3 cream
Variation 1/2 dark creme de cacao 1/2 prunelle liqueur
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 235. Brandy Alexander.
Cocktail Glass Shake 3/4 oz cream 3/4 oz brandy 3/4 oz dark creme de cacao Dust with nutmeg
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 359. Panama.
Cocktail Glass Shake 3/4 oz cream 3/4 oz light creme de cacao 1 oz rum (Some recipes call for brandy in place of rum – it is then an Alex- ander, light)
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 420. Tuesday Weld.
Cocktail Glass Shake 3/4 oz brandy 3/4 oz dark creme de cacao 1 oz cream Place Oreo Cookie in glass
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 420. Twentieth Century.
Cocktail Glass Shake 3/4 oz brandy 3/4 oz light creme de cacao 1 oz cream
2010 Colin Peter Field: The Ritz Paris. Seite 60. Brandy Alexander. 4/10 Cognac Hennessy; 3/10 Dark chocolate liqueur (Marie Brizard Crème de Cacao brun); 3/10 Fresh Cream.
2014 Dave Arnold: Liquid Intelligence. Seite 130. Alexander. 2 Unzen Cognac; 1 Unze Sahne; 1/4 Unze Demerara-Sirup
2016 André Darlington & Tenaya Darlington: The New Cocktail Hour. Seite 223. Brandy Alexander. 30 ml Paul Masson Grande Amber; 30 ml dunkler Crème de Cacao; 60 ml „half-and-half“ oder eine Kugel Vanilleeis; Garnitur: Geriebener Muskat.
2016 Brian Silva: Mixing in the Right Circles at Balthazar London. Seite 105. Brandy Alexander. 50 ml Courvoisier VSOP Cognac; 25 ml Briottet Dark Crème de Cacao; 25 ml single cream; garnish: dusting of nutmeg.
Wir haben diese Diagramm hinzugefügt und den dazugehörigen Text angepaßt:
Betrachtet man die Rezepte, so herrscht ein Durcheinander, es gibt viele verschiedenste Zutaten, und es fällt schwer, hier eine Konstanz zu entdecken. Doch hilft die Statistik, denn damit läßt sich erkennen, wie ein Brandy Crusta interpretiert wurde. Zunächst einmal sagt Jerry Thomas, der Brandy Crusta sei eine Weiterentwicklung des Cocktails, und wir können ableiten, daß er – abgesehen vom Crusta-Rand – eigentlich ein fancy Cocktail mit etwas Zitronensaft ist. Spiegelt sich das in den Rezepten wieder?
Brandy Crusta – Verwendung von Bitter und Zitrus.
Im ersten Diagramm zeigen wir – mit Ausnahme der Zuckerquelle – auf, ob die Zutaten, die einen Cocktail zum Cocktail machen auch durchgängig verwendet worden. Wir betrachten hier die Verwendung von Bitter und Zitrus. Hier sehen wir, daß bis auf wenige Ausnahmen ein Brandy Crusta Bitter und Zitronensaft enthält. Die Rezepte, die dies nicht haben, können wir also als einen degenerierten Brandy Crusta einstufen.
Brandy Crusta – Zuckerquellen.
Im zweiten Diagramm betrachten wir die Zuckerquellen. In der Regel sind dies Zuckersirup, der in der Regel zusammen mit Maraschino, Curaçao oder einer Kombination aus Maraschino und Curacao eingesetzt wird. Darüber hinaus gibt es noch zwölf weitere Zutaten, die wir unter der Rubrik „Sonstiges“ zusammengefaßt haben. Sie werden jeweils weniger als 10 Mal in Rezepten angegeben und können deshalb in unserer Betrachtung ignoriert werden. Diese Zutaten sind Absinth, Ananassirup, Apricot Brandy, Bénédictine, Eau D’Or, Erdbeersirup, Goldwasser, Grenadine, Himbeersirup (oder -saft), Kirschlikör, Orchard Sirup, Orgeat und Wermut.
1864 Jerry Thomas: The Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 49. Crusta.
The“Cocktail“ is a modern invention, and is generally used on fishing and other sporting parties, although some patients insist that it is good in the morning as a tonic. The „Crusta“ is an improvement on the“Cocktail,“ and is said to have been invented by Sajitina, a celebrated Spanish caterer.
1864 Jerry Thomas: The Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 52. Brandy Crusta.
(Use small bar glass.) Crusta is made the same as a fancy cocktail, with a little lemon juice and a small lump of ice added. First, mix the inorredients in a small tumbler, then take a fancy red wine-glass, rub a sliced lemon around the rim of the same, and dip It in pulverized white sugar, so that the sugar will adhere to the edge of the glass. Pare half a lemon the same as you would an apple (all in one piece) so that the paving will fit in the wine-glass, as shown in the cut, and strain the crusta from the tumbler into it. Then smile.
Seite 50. Fancy Brandy Cocktail.
(Use small bar glass.) This drink is made the same as the brandy cocktail, except that it is strained in a fancy wine-glass, and a piece of lemon peel thrown on top, and the edge of the glass moistened with lemon.
Seite 50. Brandy Cocktail.
(Use small bar glass.) 3 or 4 dashes of gum syrup. 2 do. bitters (Bogart’s). 1 wine-glass of brandy‘. 1 or 2 dashes of Curaçoa. Squeeze lemon peel; fill one-third full of ice, and stir with a spoon.
1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 16. Brandy Crusta.
(Use small bar glass.) 3 or 4 dashes of Gum Syrup. 1 dash of Bitters. 1 wine glass of Brandy. 2 dashes of Curacoa. 1 dash Lemon Juice. Before mixing the above ingredients, prepare a cocktail glass as follows: Rub a sliced lemon around the rim of the glass, and dip it in pulverized white sugar, so that the sugar will adhere to the edge of the glass. Pare half a lemon the same as you would an apple (all in one piece) so that the paring will lit in the wine glass. Put the above ingredients into a small whiskey glass filled one-third full of shaved ice, shake up well and strain cocktail glass prepared as above directed. Whiskey and Gin Crustas are made in the same manner, using either of these liquors instead of Brandy.
1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 45. Brandy Crust.
(Use small barglass.) Take 3 or 4 dashes of gumsyrup. 1 dash of Angostura bitters. 1 wineglass of brandy. 2 dashes of curaçoa. 1 dash lemon juice. Before mixing the above ingredients prepare cocktail-glass as follows: Rub a sliced lemon around the rim of the glass, and dip it in pulverized white sugar, so that the sugar will adhere to the edge of the glass; pare half a lemon the same as you would an apple (all in one piece) so that the paring will fit in the wine- glass; put the above ingredients into a small whis- key-glass filled one third full of shaved ice; shake up well, and strain the liquid into the cocktail-glass, prepared as above directed.
1900 William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American Bartender. #38. Brandy Crusta.
Prepare a stem claret glass by rubbing the rim with a piece of lemon. Then dip the edge in bar sugar so as to frost the glass. Pare a lemon as you would an apple, so the peel will all be in one piece; lay the peel in the glass carefully with a fork or sugar tongs, so it will just fit the interior of the glass. Now take a medium-size mixing-glass three-quarters full of cracked ice, and add four drops of Angostura bitters, one dash of gum and a taste of maraschino. Throw in ajigger of good cognac and a few drops of lime juice, stir thoroughly, strain into prepared glass, decorate and serve.
1901 J. E. Sheridan: The complete buffet manual. Seite 26. Brandy Crusta.
(Use small bar glass.) 3/4 of a glass filled with shaved ice. 3 or 4 dashes gum syrup, 1 or 2 dashes Angostura or Bolter’s bitters, 1 or 2 dashes lemon juice, 2 dashes Maraschino, 1 wine-glass of brandy. Procure a nice, bright lemon, the size of your wine glass; peel the rind from it all in one piece; fit it inti the glass, covering the entire inside; run a slice of lemon around the edge, and dip the glass in powdered sugar. Strain the mixture after being stirred well into this prepared glass. Ornament with a little fruit and serve.
1902 Anonymus: Fox’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 23. Brandy Crusta.
Rub a sliced lemon around the rim of a cocktail glass, and then dip the glass in pulverized white sugar, so that the sugar will adhere to the edge of the glass. Pare half a lemon so that the paring will be in one piece, and then fit the piece in the wine-glass. After which mix the following ingredients : Use small bar glass. Three dashes gum syrup One dash bitters. One wine-glass brandy. Two dashes Curacoa. One dash lemon juice. Shake up well and strain in the cocktail glass which h as been prepared.
1903 V. B. Lewis: The Complete Buffet Guide. Seite 26. Brandy Crusta.
(Use small bar glass.) 3/4 of a glass filled with shaved ice. 3 or 4 dashes gum syrup, 1 or 2 dashes Angostura or Boker’s bitters. 1 or 2 dashes lemon juice. 2 dashes Maraschino. 1 wine-glass of brandy. Procure a nice, bright lemon, the size of your wine- glass; peel the rind from it all in one piece; fit it into the glass, covering the entire inside; run a slice of lemon around the edge, and dip the glass in powdered sugar. Strain the mixture after being stirred well into this prepared glass. Ornament with a little fruit, and serve.
1905 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 162. Brandy Crusta.
Rub a sliced lemon around the rim of a cock- tail glass, and then dip the glass in pulverized white sugar, so that the sugar will adhere to the edge of the glass. Pare half a lemon so that the paring will be in one piece, and then fit the piece in the wine-glass. After which mix the following ingredients; Use small bar glass. Three dashes gum syrup. One dash bitters. One wine-glass brandy. Two dashes Curacoa. One dash lemon juice. Shake up well and strain in the cocktail glass which has been prepared.
1906 Anonymus: Dr. Siegbert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 14. Brandy Crusta.
Mixing glass 2/3 full of fine ice. 2 dashes Dr. Siegert’s Genuine Angostura Bitters. 3 dashes syrup. 1 dash orange bitters. 1 wine glass brandy. 3 dashes lemon juice. Stir thoroughly, peel the rind from a lemon all in one piece; fit it into the wine glass, cov- ering the entire inside; rub a slice of lemon around the top of glass; dip glass into pul- verized sugar; strain the mixture into this prepared (tall) glass, and serve.
1907 Charles Smith: Smacks and Smiles. Seite 18. Brandy Crusta.
Use a large bar glass. 3/4 of glass filled with fine ice. 3 or 4 dashes gum syrup. 1 or 3 “ Angostura bitters. 1 or 3 “ lemon juice. 8 dashes Maraschino. 1 wine-glass brandy. Procure a nice bright lemon the size of your wine-glass. Peel the rind from it all in one piece; fit it into the glass, covering the entire in side; run a slice of lemon around the edge, and dip the glass in powdered sugar. Strain the mixture after be- ing stirred well into this prepared glass. Dress with a little fruit and serve.
1908 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 162. Brandy Crusta.
Rub a sliced lemon around the rim of a cock- tail glass, and then dip the glass in pulverized white sugar, so that the sugar will adhere to the edge of the glass. Pare half a lemon so that the paring will be in one piece, and then fit the piece in the wine-glass. After which mix the following ingredients; Use small bar glass. Three dashes gum syrup. One dash bitters. One wine-glass brandy. Two dashes Curacoa. One dash lemon juice. Shake up well and strain in the cocktail glass which has been prepared.
1908 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks. Seite 57. Crusta.
Prepare a stem claret-glass by rubbing the rim with a piece of lemon; then dip the edge in bar sugar, so as to frost the glass. Pare a lemon as you would an apple, so the peel will all be in one piece; lay the peel in the glass carefully with a fork or sugar tongs, so it will just fit the interior of the glass. Now take a medium-size mixing-glass three-quarters full of cracked ice, and add two drops of Angostura bitters and a flavor of maraschino; throw in a jigger of good cognac, stir thoroughly, strain into prepared glass and serve.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 47. Brandy Crusta.
Fill a mixing-glass half full of fine ice; add three dashes of gum-syrup, two dashes mara- schino, the juice of a quarter of a lemon, two dashes Peyschaud or Angostura bitters, and one jigger brandy; mix. Take a lemon the size of a fancy sauterne or claret glass; peel the rind from three-fourths of it all in one piece; fit it into the glass; moisten the edge of the glass with a piece of lemon, and dip it into fine sugar, which gives it a frosted appearance. Strain your mix ture into this glass, trim with fruit, and serve.
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 73. Brandy Crusta.
Rub a slice of lemon a round the edge of a cocktail glass; dip the glass in pulverized sugar; take a lemon, cut off the ends, peel off the whole rind, and place it inside the glass; then take a mixing glass half full of cracked ice. 2 dashes of gum syrup. 1 dash of Angostura bitters. 2 dashes of curacoa. 1 dash of lemon juice. 1 drink of brandy. Stir, strain into the cocktail glass, which has been prepared, and serve
1910 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 162. Brandy Crusta.
Rub a sliced lemon around the rim of a cock- tail glass, and then dip the glass in pulverized white sugar, so that the sugar will adhere to the edge of the glass. Pare half a lemon so that the paring will be in one piece, and then fit the piece in the wine-glass. After whixh mix the following ingredients: Use small bar glass. Three dashes gum syrup. One dash bitters. One wine-glass brandy. Two dashes Curacoa. One dash lemon juice. Shake up well and strain in the cocktail glass which has been prepared.
1910 Rodolph Rose: Toasts Wines and how to serve them. Seite 8. Brandy Crusta.
(Use Small Bar Glass) Take 3 or 4 dashes of sugar syrup. 1 dash of Angostura Bitters. 1 wine glass of Brandy. 2 dashes Curacao. 1 dash lemon juice. Before mixing the above ingredients, prepare a cocktail glass as follows: Rub a slice o f lemon around the rim of the glass and dip it in pulverized white sugar so that the sugar will adhere to the edge of the glass. Pare half a lemon, the same as you would an apple (all in one piece), so that the paring will fit in the wine glass. Put the above ingredients in a small whiskey glass, filled one- third full of shaved ice, shake up well and strain the liquid in the cocktail glass, prepared as directed above.
1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 45. Brandy-Crusta.
Wie Whisky-Crusta. Gebrauche Cognac statt Whisky.
Seite 45. Whisky-Crusta
Befeuchte den Rand eines zierlichen Weinglases mit einer Scheibe Zitrone und tauche ihn in feinen Zucker. Darauf schneide die zwei Enden einer sauberen Zitrone, von der Größe und Umfang des Glases, ab, schäle sie dann mit einem Schnitt so, daß die Schale in einem Stück bleibt, und lege sie dann in das Weinglas. (Siehe Abbildung auf S. 44.) Hierauf fülle ein Barglas zur Hàlfte mit Eis und füge hinzu: 2 Dashes Angostura-Bitters, 1/2 Teelöffel Himbeersaft, 2 Dashes Maraschino, einige Tropfen Zitronensaft, 1 Cocktailglas amerikanischen Whisky. Mische alles tüchtig mit einem Barlöffel und seihe es in das Weinglas mit der Zitronenschale
1915 John B. Escalante: Manual del cantinero. Seite 6. Brandy Crusta.
(Brandi crusta) USE LA GINCOTELERA Y UN VASO MEDIANO Primeramente frótese una rebanada de limón sobre el borde del vaso, bordes que se polvorearán con azúcar, para que el azúcar quede en ellos. Entonces, tómese un li- món grande, móndesele procurando que toda la piel sal- ga en un trozo, guarnézcase con ella el interior del vaso, entonces échese en la gincotelera la necesaria cantidad de hielo fino para mediarla y agrégurse: Sirope de goma . . . . . . . . . . Unas gotas. Angosturas . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unas gotas. Curaçao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unas gotas. Coñac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 copa mediana. Agítese bien hasta que esté bien frappé, cuélese en el vaso que se tiene preparado, póngase una poca fruta va- riada por arriba, y sírvase.
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 73. Brandy Crusta.
Rub a slice of lemon around the edge of a cocktail glass; dip the glass in pulverized sugar; take a lemon, cut off the ends, peel off the whole rind, and place it inside the glass; then take a mixing glass half full of cracked ice. 2 dashes of gum syrup. 1 dash of Angostura bitters. 2 dashes of curacoa. 1 dash of lemon juice. 1 drink of brandy. Stir, strain into the cocktail glass, which has been prepared, and serve
1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 45. Brandy-Crusta.
Wie Whisky-Crusta. Gebrauche Cognac statt Whisky.
Seite 45. Whisky-Crusta.
Befeuchte den Rand eines zierlichen Weinglases mit einer Scheibe Zitrone und tauche ihn in feinen Zucker. Darauf schneide die zwei Enden einer sauberen Zitrone, von der Größe und Umfang des Glases, ab, schäle sie dann mit einem Schnitt so, daß die Schale in einem Stück bleibt, und lege sie dann in das Weinglas. (Siehe Abbildung auf Seite 44.) Hierauf fülle ein Barglas zur Hälfte mit Eis und füge hinzu: 2 Dashes Angostura-Bitters, 1/2 Teelöffel Himbeersaft, 2 Dashes Maraschino, einige Tropfen Zitronensaft, 1 Cocktailglas amerikanischen Whisky. Mische alles tüchtig mit einem Barlöffel und seihe es in das Wein- glas mit der Zitronenschale.
1920 Mazzon Ferruccio: Guida del barman. Seite 94. Crustas.
Prendete un limone d’una grandezza suf- ficente perchè entri in un bicchiere a crusta o bordeaux, tagliate le due estremità e pas- sando il coltello internamente la buccia deve levarsi in un sol pezzo, guernite con la me- desima l’interno del bicchiere fino all’orlo. Passate un pezzo di limone inzuccherato sul detto orlo inumidendolo e servite con quanto segue:
1920 Mazzon Ferruccio: Guida del barman. Seite 94. Brandy Crusta.
Riempite il bicchierone a metà di pezzetti di ghiaccio: 3 cucchiaini di zucchero in polvere 2 cuchiaini di succo di limone 1 cucchiaino di sciroppo di Lamponi 2 goccie di Maraschino 5 goccie di Angostura 1 bicchiere a madera di Cognac. Rimescolate bene e passate con l’aiuto del cuchiaio nel suddello biechiere ornandolo con 2 ciliegie e paglie.
1923 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 34. Crustas.
Petite boisson — short drink — proche parente du cocktail, à servir dans un verre à Bordeaux décoré comme suit: Peler un citron, ou moitié d’un gros citron, en la- nière spirale, d’une seule pièce, que vous placerez dans le verre n° 7 de façon à garnir l’intérieur de ce verre jusqu’à un centimètre au-dessous du bord. Humecter ce bord au citron et le givrer dans le sucre en poudre. Veiller à ce que l’écorce du citron ne dépasse pas le bord du verre qui deviendrait un verre baveur quand on boirait. Mettre une ou deux cerises dans le fond du verre, sur le zeste de citron et verser dessus l’une des com- positions suivantes:
1923 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 34. Brandy Crusta.
Dans la timbale moitié pleine de glace pilée. 1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre ou sirop. 1 cuiller à bouche jus de citron. 2 traits angostura, 2 traits curaçao. 3/4 verre à madère de cognac. Fermer le shaker. Frapper. Passer dans le verre n° 7 préparé comme indiqué plus haut.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 128. Crusta.
Man menge in einem auf Eis stehenden Becher 1 kleines Glas voll Goldwasser, 1/2 Teelöffel voll Caliprya-Bitter mit 1 Likörglas voll Kognak und gieße die Mischung in ein mit geschabtem Eis gefülltes Glas, das innen mit der zusammenhängenden Schale einer Zi- trone umlegt ist.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 128. Brandy Crusta.
Man menge in einem auf Eis stehen- den Becher 3—4 Spritzer Orchard-Sirup, 1—2 Spritzer Bittern, 4—5 Tropfen Zitronensaft und 2 Spritzer Ma- raschino mit 1 Weinglas voll Kognak, gieße die Mi- schung in ein mit geschabtem Eis gefülltes Glas, das innen mit der zusammenhängenden Schale einer Zitrone umlegt ist, verziere das Glas mit Früchten und richte mit Strohhalm an.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 129. Brandy Crusta (2).
Man löse in einem Becher etwas Zucker mit etwas Wasser auf, fülle den Becher 2/3 voll mit Eis, gieße 1 Weinglas voll Brandy zu, schüttle gut durch, seihe die Mischung in ein Glas, das innen mit der zusammenhängenden Schale einer Zitrone umlegt ist, und richte an.
1926 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 24. Brandy Crustas.
Take a small wineglass, moisten the rim with lemon, dip rim of glass into castor sugar, which action gives the glass a frosted appearance. Cut the rind of a half a lemon the same as you would peel an apple, then fit into your prepared glass. Then pour into your shaker 1 teaspoonful Sugar or Gomme Syrup, 3 dashes of Maraschino, 3 dashes of Angostura Bitters, Juice of a 1/4 Lemon, 1 glass Brandy. Shake well, pour into your glass, and add fruit.
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 29. Brandy Crusta.
Fill large bar glass 3/4 full shaved ice. 4 dashes gum syrup. 2 dashes Boker’s or Angostura bit- ters. 2 dashes Maraschino. 2 dashes lemon juice. 1 jigger brandy. Prepare a cocktail glass in the fol- lowing manner: Moisten the edge of the glass with lemon juice and dip it lightly in powdered sugar. Peei a whole lemon in one whole piece and fit this into the glass so as to entirely cover the inside. Stir well; strain into prepared cocktail glass; dress with fruit and serve.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 31. Brandy Crusta.
Préparation du verre: Prendre un citron de la grosseur suffisante pour garnir l’intérieur d’un verre à bordeaux, enlever l’écorce avec un couteau sans la déchirer, la placer dans un verre à bordeaux après avoir passé un morceau de citron sur le bord du verre et l’avoir trempé dans du sucre en poudre pour lui faire le collier givré; mettre une cerise macérée à l’Eau- de-vie au fond du verre et y verser la boisson sui- vante: Préparer dans un shaker avec de la glace pilée une demi-cuillère à café de sucre en poudre, deux traits d’Angostura, deux traits de Marasquin, une cuillère à café de jus de citron, un demi-verre à madère de bon Cognac, agiter et passer dans le verre préparé comme il a été indiqué ci-dessus.
1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 49. Brandy Crusta; St. Croix Rum Crusta.
These were prepared just like the Whiskey Crusta but only one wine-glass of the Brandy or Rum was used.
Seite 49: Whiskey Crusta:
A nice clean lemon was selected, the size of the wine- glass to be used. Both ends were cut off and the peel removed in circu- lar-spiral manner. The peel was then placed inside the wineglass to cover the inner surface. The edge of the glass and the top of the lemon peel were then dipped in pulverized sugar. In a large bar-glass was placed one-half pony-glass of Orgeat syrup, one or two dashes of Angostura, one dash of lemon juice, two dashes of Maraschino, one-half glass of fine shaved ice and three-quarters wine-glass of whiskey. This was well mixed with a spoon and then strained into the prepared wine-glass, a little fruit put on top and served.
1929 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Guide. Seite 62. Crusta.
THE crusta is an improvement on the cocktail, and is said to have been invented by Santina, a celebrated Spanish caterer.
1929 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Guide. Seite 62. Brandy Crusta.
Use small bar glass. Crusta is made the same as a fancy cocktail, with a little lernon juice and a small lump of ice added. First, mix the ingredients in a small tumbler, then take a fancy red wine- glass, rub a sliced lemon around the rim of the same, and dip it in pulverized white sugar, so that the sugar will adhere to the edge of the glass. Pare half a lemon the same as you would an apple (all in one piece) so that the paring will fit in the wineglass, and strain the crusta from the tumbler into it. Then smile.
Seite 51. Fancy Brandy Cocktail:
Use small bar glass THIS drink is made the same as the brandy cocktail, except that it is strained in a fancy wineglass, and a piece of lemon peel thrown on top, and the edge of the glass moistened with lemon.
Seite 51. Brandy Cocktail:
Use small bar glass Three or jour dashes of gum One wineglass of brandy. syrup. One or two dashes of cura- Two or three dashes of bit- çao. ters. Squeeze lemon peel; fill one-third full of ice, and stir with a spoon.
1929 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 36. Crustas.
Petite boisson — short drink — proche parente du cocktail, à servir dans un verre à Bordeaux décoré comme suit: Peler un citron, ou moitié d’un gros citron, en la- nière spirale, d’une seule pièce, que vous placerez dans le verre n° 7 de façon à garnir l’intérieur de ce verre jusqu’à un centimètre au-dessous du bord. Humecter ce bord au citron et le givrer dans le sucre en poudre. Veiller à ce que l’écorce du citron ne dépasse pas le bord du verre qui deviendrait un verre baveur quand on boirait. Mettre une ou deux cerises dans le fond du verre, sur le zeste de citron et verser dessus l’une des com- positions suivantes:
1929 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 36. Brandy Crusta.
Dans la timbale moitié pleine de glace pilée. 1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre ou sirop. 1 cuiller à bouche jus de citron. 2 traits angostura, 2 traits curaçào. 3/4 verre à madère de cognac. Fermer le shaker. Frapper. Passer dans le verre n° 7 préparé comme indiqué plus haut.
1929 Schürger Rezsö: A Mixer. Seite 22. Brandy Crusta.
1 szép citromnak a két végét levágni és a héját szépen lehámozni, mint az almát, a héj egyben maradjon, 1 boros pobárban porcukorba a citrom- héját beletenni, jól keverni 3-4 csepp Angostura, 4-5 csepp citromlé, 2 csepp Maraskino, 3/4 pohár törött jég, 1 borospohár cognac, jól keverni, bár- pohárba átszürni, egy keveé gyümölccsel fel- szolgálni.
1930 Edgar Baudoin: Les Meilleurs Cocktails. Seite 51. Brandy Crusta.
Dans la timbale moitié pleine de glace pilée, 1 cuil- ler à bouche sucre en poudre ou sirop, 1 cuiller à bouche jus de citron, 2 traits Angostura, 2 traits Curaçao, 3/4 verre à madère de Cognac. Fermer le shaker, frapper, passer.
1930 Pedro Chicote: Le ley mojada. Seite 269. Crustas.
El crusta es una combinación de bebidas muy se- mejante al cobbler. Se caracteriza por su prepara- ción y porque lleva jugo de limón.
1930 Pedro Chicote: Le ley mojada. Seite 269. Brandy-Crusta.
Prepárese en cocktelera: 2 ó 3 pedacitos de hielo. 1/4 de copita de licor de marrasquino. 3/4 — — de coñac. Unas gotas de jugo de limón. Bátase muy bien, cuélese, adórnese de fruta y sírvase en copa preparada como el gin-crusta.
Anmerkung: Zubereitung des Gin-Crustas, Seite 270:
Tómese una copa alta de cristal y humedézcase los bordes con jugo de limón, con el fin de que se adhiera un poco de azúcar en polvo. Se recorta la corteza de un limón en forma de sierpe y se pone en el interior de la copa. Se agita muy bien lo pre- parado en la cocktelera y se sirve en la copa pre- parada, añadiéndole dos guindas.
1931 Ignacio Domenech: El arte del cocktelero europeo. Seite 22. Brandy Crusta-Cocktail.
Se prepara de igual forma que en la receta anterior, poniendo la misma cantidad de Brandy, en lugar de la misma cantidad de gin o sea Ginebra. Asimismo puede prepararse con whisky.
Das vorherige Rezept: Gin Crusta-Cocktail:
(PREPARARLO EN UN GRAN VASO DE CRISTAL) El jugo de un limón dentro de un vaso, una copita de licor gin, una copita de jarabe de goma, una docena de gotas de curaçao, seis gotas de bitters, una cucharada de hielo picado; remuévase bien, y se vierte dentro la copa o copas de cocktails de color rojo o verde ligero; humedeciendo los bordes con limón pasado por azúcar en polvo; y, por último, se pone una corteza de limón cortada finísimamente en forma del espiral, colocándolo de forma que ocupe desde el borde al fondo de cada copa.
1931 Louis Leospo: Traité d’industrie hotelière. Seite 635. Crustas.
Préparation. — On humecte les bords d’un petit tumbler (genre verre à Bordeaux) avec une tranche de citron. On trempe les bords du verre ainsi humectés dans du sucre en poudre, qui s’y attache en donnant au bord du verre un aspect cristallisé. On décore ensuite la paroi intérieure du verre avec un zeste de citron, découpé en lanières d’une longueur suffisante pour entourer l’intérieur du verre. On garnit le fond avec deux cerises. D’autre part, on met dans le shaker 2 cuillerées de glace pilée, puis les liqueurs appropriées; on remue fortement le shaker, dont on verse le contenu dans le verre préalablement disposé.
1931 Louis Leospo: Traité d’industrie hotelière. Seite 636. Brandy Crusta.
1/4 verre à liqueur de sirop de gomme. 3 gouttes d’angostura-bitter. 1/4 verre à liqueur de marasquin. 1/2 verre à liqueur de cognac. Jus d’un demi-citron.
1932 Al Hirschfeld: Manhattan Oases. Seite 46. Brandy Crusta.
Moisten rim of small wineglass with lemon, dip rim in powdered sugar, to give glass frosted appearance, peel rind of 1/2 lemon and put in bottom of glass, then pour into shaker one teaspoonful of sugar or grenadine, three dashes of mara- schino, three dashes of Angostura bitters, juice of 1/2 lemon, one glass brandy. Shake well, pour into glass and add fruit.
1932 Niels Larsen: 156 Recettes de Boissons Américaines. Seite 33. Brandy Crusta.
[A préparer dans un grand gobelet] Remplissez aux trois quarts de glace pilée. Ajoutez: 2 cuillers à café de sirop de sucre; 1 cuiller — jus de citron; 4 gouttes d’angostura; 4 — de marasquin; 1 petit verre à bordeaux de cognac. Prenez un beau citron de la même largeur qu’un verre à bordeaux. Enlevez l’écorce d’un seul morceau et garnissez l’intérieur de ce verre avec. Humectez le bord du verre avec une tranche de citron et trempez légèrement dans du sucre en poudre. Agitez bien votre boisson et passez dans le verre que vous avez préparé. Ajoutez 3 petites cerises et servez.
1933 Anonymus: Here’s How to Mix ‚Em. Seite 12. Brandy Crusta.
(A large bar glass) 3/4 of glass filled with fine ice. 3 or 4 dashes gum syrup. 1 or 2 “ Angostura bitters. 1 or 2 “ lemon juice. 2 dashes Maraschino. 1 wine-glass of brandy. Procure a nice bright lemon the size of your wine glass. Peel the rind from it all in one piece; fit it into the glass, covering the entire inside; run a slice of lemon around the edge, and dip the glass in powdered sugar. Strain the mixture after being stirred well into this prepared glass. Dress with a little fruit and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 124. Crustas.
Choice of Liquor . . . . 1 jigger Maraschino . . . . . . . . . . 1 dash Angostura . . . . . . . . . 2 drops Lemon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . spiral peel Peel lemon in thin continuous spiral and fit on inside of frosted wineglass. Add cube of ice. Stir ingredients well with ice, strain into prepared glass and serve with spoon.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 35. Brandy Crusta.
Use small wine glass. Moisten the edge with lemon and dip edge into castor sugar which frosts the glass. Cut the rind of half a lemon spiral fashion; place in glass. Fill glass with cracked ice. 3 Dashes Maraschino. 1 Dash Angostura Bitters. 4 Dashes Lemon Juice. 1/4 Curaçao. 3/4 Brandy. Stir well and strain into prepared glass, adding slice of orange.
1933 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 36. Crustas.
Petite boisson — short drink — proche parente du cocktail, a servir dans un verre à Bordeaux décoré comme suit: Peler un citron, ou moitié d’un gros citron, en la- nière spirale, d’une seule pièce, que vous placerez dans le verre n° 7 de façon à garnir l’intérieur de ce verre jusqu’à un centimètre au-dessous du bord. Humecter ce bord au citron et le givrer dans le sucre en poudre. Veiller à ce que l’écorce du citron ne dépasse pas le bord du verre qui deviendrait un verre baveur quand on boirait. Mettre une ou deux cerises dans le fond du verre, sur le zeste de citron et verser dessus l’une des com- positions suivantes :
1933 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 36. Brandy Crusta.
Dans la timbale moitié pleine de glace pilée. 1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre ou sirop. 1 cuiller à bouche jus de citron. 2 traits angostura, 2 traits curaçào. 8/4 verre à madère de cognac. Fermer le shaker. Frapper. Passer dans le verre n° 7 préparé comme indiqué plus haut.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 88. Crustas.
Das Eigentümliche bei diesem Getränk ist die besondere Vorbereitung des Glases. — Man wählt eine Zitrone, die in ein Weinglas hineinpaßt, so daß sie vom Glasrand fest gehalten wird, schneidet das aus dem Glase herausragende Stück ca. 1/2 Centimeter über dem Glasrand ab und hernach ein ebensogroßes Stück am anderen Ende der Zitrone. Von dem auf diese Weise erhaltenen Mittelstück entfernt man das Zitronenfleisch, und zwar derart, daß die Schale dabei ganz bleibt (eine Röhre bildet). Diese Röhre steckt man dann in das Glas und stülpt dieses samt der Röhre in feinen Zucker, wodurch sich eine Kruste bildet, nach der das Ge- tränk auch seinen Namen erhalten hat. Will man die Kruste färben, dann taucht man den Rand zuerst in ein wenig auf einen Teller gegossenen roten, grünen oder anders- farbigen Likör und danach in feinen Zucker. Einfluß auf das Getränk hat diese Präparierung des Glases nur in fachlich als ungünstig zu bezeichnendem Sinne, denn erstens wird durch das ins Getränk hineinragende große Stück Zi- tronenschale ein übermäßig starker Zitronenöl-Geschmack übertragen und zweitens verursacht der Zuckerrand eine Klebrigkeit, die sich beim Trinken unangenehm bemerk- bar macht. Das Aussehen solcher Crustas ist zwar eigen- artig und gefällig, aber einen logischen Sinn kann man diesen Getränken nicht zusprechen.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 260. Crustas.
Wie schon im Teil I des Lehrbuches (Seite 113) angegeben wird, leitet dieses Getränk seinen Namen von dem dazu verwendeten eigenartig präparierten Glase ab. Die alko- holische Basis der Crustas ist entweder Gin, Whisky, Brandy oder Rum und — je nach der Verwendung einer dieser Spirituosen — wird das Getränk als Gin-Crusta, Whisky- Crusta, Brandy-Crusta oder Rum-Crusta bezeichnet. Die Mischung wird im Schüttelbecher hergestellt und in das präparierte Glas geseiht, mit Früchten garniert, mit Stroh halmen und einem kleinen Löffel serviert (Präparierung des Glases siehe Seite 88 im I. Teil des Lehrbuches). Rezept: 2 D. [Dash] Angostura 2 D. [Dash] Maraschino 3 D. [Dash] Gum oder Himbeersirup 5 D. [Dash] Zitronensaft 9/10 Gin, Whisky, Brandy oder Rum
1934 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 29. Brandy Crustas.
Take a small wineglass, moisten the rim with lemon, dip rim of glass into castor sugar, which action gives the glass a frosted appearance. Cut the rind of half a lemon the same as you would peel an apple, then fit into your prepared glass. Then pour into your Shaker 1 teaspoonful Sugar or Gomme Syrup, 3 dashes of Drioli Maraschino, 3 dashes of Angostura Bitters, Juice of a 1/4 Lemon, 1 glass Courvoisier Brandy. Shake well, pour into your glass, and add fruit.
1934 Tom & Jerry: How to Mix Drinks [collectiv1801]. Seite 26. Brandy Crusta.
(Use small bar glass.) 3/4 of a glass filled with shaved ice. 3 or 4 dashes gum syrup, 1 or 2 dashes Angostura or Boker’s bitters. 1 or 2 dashes lemon juice. 2 dashes Maraschino. 1 wine-glass of brandy. Procure a nice, bright lemon, the size of your wine glass; peel the rind from it all in one piece; fit it into the glass, covering the entire inside; run a slice of lemon around the edge, and dip the glass in powdered sugar. Strain the mixture after being stirred well into this prepared glass. Ornament with a little fruit, and serve.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 63. Crustas.
The „Crusta“ is an improvement on the „Cocktail“ and is said to have been invented by Santina, a celebrated Spanish caterer of New Orleans, of nearly 100 years ago.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 63. Brandy Crusta.
Fill mixing glass 3/4 full shaved ice 3 or 4 dashes gum syrup 1 o r 2 dashes Angostura 1 o r 2 dashes lemon juice 2 Dashes Maraschino 1 Jigger of brandy Using a nice bright lemon, the size of the wine glass; peel the rind from it all in one piece; fit it into the glass, covering the entire inside; run a slice of lemon around the edge, and dip the glass in powdered sugar to give the rim a frosted effect. Strain the mixture, after stirring well, into this prepared glass. Orna- ment with a little fruit and serve.
1935 George Pillaert: Le Bar Américan. Seite 47. Crustas.
Prendre un citron de grosseur suffisante, enlevé l’écorce en spirale sur toute sa longueur sans la déchirer de façon à pouvoir en garnir le verre à 1 cm. du bord.
1935 George Pillaert: Le Bar Américan. Seite 47. Brandy Crusta.
Fine Hennesy Le jus d’un 1/2 citron Marasquin Angostura . Passer Shakers Versé dans le verre ainsi préparé plus haut Garnir 2 cerises
1935 Gustav Selmer Fougner: Along the Wine Trail. Seite 278. Brandy, Whisky, Gin Crustas.
Peel half a lemon, all in one piece, dip it in pulverized sugar and dispose it so as to cover the inside of the glass, Now place a small quantity of cracked ice in the bottom of the glass and then pour in half a wineglass of brandy, three dashes of lemon juice, one teaspoon- ful of sugar, three dashes of bitters and mix all with a spoon. The same drink, made with whisky or gin, becomes a whisky or a gin „crusta“.
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 21. Brandy Crusta Cocktail.
Moisten the edge of a glass with lemon and dip edge into Sugar which frosts the glass. Cut the rind of half a lemon spiral fashion; place in glass. Fill glass with cracked ice 3 Dashes Maraschino 1 Dash Bitters 4 Dashes Lemon Juice 1/4 Curacao 3/4 Brandy Stir well and strain into prepared glass, adding slice of orange. Use Old Fashioned glass.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 193. Brandy Crusta.
See Rum Crusta, p. 183.
Seite 183. Rum Crusta.
1 glass rum 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon maraschino 1 teaspoon sugar syrup . 8 to 10 drops of bitters Peel a lemon in one continuous strip and line a large goblet with the peel, arranged spirally. Rub the rim of the goblet with lemon and dip it in powdered sugar to crust it. Then pour in the ingredients above, which have been mixed with ice in a large mixing glass, decorate with fruit.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 131. Crustas.
The Crustas are gener- ally made with Gin, Whisky, Brandy or Rum, and are there- fore called accordingly, that is to say, when Gin is used as the base liquor, it is called a Gin Crusta. Always remember that the Crusta glass — a small wineglass — should be prepared before the mixture in the follow ing way: — Moisten the edges with Lemon and dip the glass in pulverised Sugar. Cut the ends of a clean Lemon, peel the rest like an Apple, and put this Peel in the wineglass so that it lines the whole inside of the glass.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 131. Brandy Crusta – No. 1.
Use large bar glass 3/4 Glassful shaved Ice 4 Dashes Gum Syrup 2 Dashes Angostura or Boker’s Bitters 2 Dashes Lemon Juice 2 Dashes Maraschino 1 Wineglass Brandy
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 131. Brandy Crusta – No. 2.
Fill tumbler with chip- ped Ice Juice of 1/2 a Lemon 1 Teaspoonful Straw- berry Syrup 1/2 Wineglassful of Brandy Place a slice of Lemon on top.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 122. Brandy Crusta.
Cuarta parte marraschino. Tres cuartas partea coñac TRES COPAS. Gotas de limón. Bátase. Sírvase en vaso Delmónico. Pedacito de piña.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 99. Brandy Crusta.
Use Bar Glass with shaved ice Add 4 dashes Gomme Syrup 2 dashes Angostura Bitters 2 dashes Lemon Juice 2 dashes Maraschino 1 jigger Cognac Stir — strain into glass containing whole rind of one Lemon coated with Powdered Sugar — then dress with fruits in season
1938 Krönlein-Beutel: Das Getränkebuch. Seite 126. Crustas.
Der Name dieser Getränkeart wird von „Rinde, Kruste“ abgeleitet und dies aus dem Grunde, weil die Rinde oder Schale einer Zitrone, Orange oder Mandarine, mit einer Zuckerkruste versehen, das charakteristische Merkmal dieser Getränkeart bildet. Die Herstellung dieser Kruste ist für alle Mi- schungen die gleiche und wird auf folgende Art gemacht. Von einer Zitrone bzw. Orange oder Mandarine wird eine Scheibe von 2 cm Stärke aus der Mitte ausgeschnitten. Dieses Zitronenrädchen wird auf den Tisch gelegt, worauf man mit einem spitzen scharfen Messer einen runden Schnitt ausführt, so daß die Zitronenschale einen Ring bildet. Von diesem Ring wird das Weiße möglichst sauber entfernt. Das ausgehobene Zitronenfleisch wird ausgedrückt und nun der Schalenring an einer Seite in den Saft getaucht. Der so angefeuchtete Ring wird an der nassen Seite in Puderzucker getaucht, welcher als- bald eine Kruste bildet. Der so behandelte Ring wird nun auf ein Glas so gesetzt, daß der Zucker obenauf zu stehen kommt. Bei der Wahl der Zitrone muß man achten, daß die Größe derselben mit dem Glasumfang überein- stimmt, da der Krustenring am Glasrand etwas über diesen ragen soll. Die zu den Crustas nötigen Gläser sind Dessertwein- oder Rotweingläser.
1938 Krönlein-Beutel: Das Getränkebuch. Seite 126. Brandy-Crusta.
1 Eßlöffel Zitronensirup, 1 Eßlöffel Zitronensaft, 1 Kaffeelöffel Wermutwein, 2 Eßlöffel feingemahlenes Eis und 1/2 Madeiraglas Brandy in einem Glase mischen, in ein reines Glas einseihen und die Kruste einsetzen.
1938 Robert Vermeire: L’art du cocktail. Seite 63. Crustas.
Généralement, les crustas se font au gin, whisky, rhum, fine ou bacardi et s’appellent ainsi successivement: gin crusta, etc. Toujours se rappeler que le crusta se prépare dans un verre à vin (12 centilitres) et préparer le verre en frottant les bords de jus de citron et en trempant le verre dans du sucre en poudre. Ensuite couper les bouts d’un citron, le peler comme une pomme et mettre la pelure entière dans le verre qu’elle couvrira en entier. Au shaker: 3 traits de sirop de gomme. 3 traits de marasquin. 2 traits d’angostura bitter. Le jus d’un quart de citron et un verre à cocktail de gin ou… Frapper. Passer dans le verre préparé en ajoutant fruits de saison et servir avec une cuiller.
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 23. Brandy Crusta.
1 1/2 oz Brandy, 1/2 oz Lemon juice, 2 dashes Angostura Bitters, 1 teaspoon- ful fine granulated Sugar. Frost rim of Old Fashioned glass with Sugar. Next, peel the rind of half a lemon spiral fashion and place in the glass. Add 2 cubes of ice. Put the ingredi- ents into mixing glass, add cracked ice and shake well. Strain into the prepared Old Fashioned glass.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 108. Crustas.
All crustas are made in the same way. They are pre- pared in the shaker, half filled with broken ice, strained into the crusta glass, and decorated with slices of fruit in season. The crusta glass is about the same size as a small wine-glass, and it has to be specially prepared before- hand. Instructions for this preparation are as follows. First moisten the inside edges of the glass with lemon juice, and dust with castor sugar to obtain a frosted effect. Now take a clean lemon, cut off the ends, and peel the rest spiral fashion. Place this peel in the crusta glass as a lining.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 108. Brandy Crusta.
1 teaspoonful of sugar syrup, 1/6 gill of lemon juice, 1 dash of Angostura bitters, 1 teaspoonful of maraschino, 1 dash of orange bitters, 1/3 gill of brandy.
1 jigger Brandy 1/3 jigger Lemon Juice 2 dashes Angostura Bitters 1 teaspoon fine granulated Sugar Frost the rim of an „Old Fashioned“ glass with sugar. Peel the rind of half a lemon in a spiral and place in glass. Add 2 cubes of ice and strain in the ingredients which have been shaken with cracked ice. Sometimes Curaçao is added to this drink and Maraschino used instead of the sugar.
1943 J. Roldán: Recetario moderno del licorista y barman. Seite 224. Crusta.
Coñac, ginebra o whiski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 vasitos Zumo de limón . . . . . . de 1/4 de limón Azucar . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 cucharadas los tres vasitos de un mismo licor, uno de cada de los tres licores citados. Puede también prepararse con una parte de azúcar, 2 de zumo de limón y 7 de licor.
Line wine glass with lemon peel, moisten the edge of the glass and dip in powdered sugar. 3 Brandy 1 Curacao Maraschino, 3 Dashes Lemon Juice, 4 Dashes Angostura Bitters, 1 Dash Ice. — Stir. Strain into above glass and serve with a Slice of Orange.
1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 25. Brandy Crusta.
Use large bar glass. Ice, shaved, fill glass 3/4 full. Gum syrup, 4 dashes. Angostura or Boker’s bitters, 2 dashes. Lemon juice, 2 dashes. Maraschino, 2 dashes. Brandy, 1 wineglass. Peel the rind in one piece from a lemon and fit it into a cocktail glass so as to cover the entire inside; then moisten the rim of the glass with a piece of lemon and dip glass into pow- dered sugar. Stir and strain into the prepared glass. Dress with fruit and serve.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 22. Brandy Crusta.
(Voir avant tout Crustas pour la préparation du verre.) Première formule: 1 trait de jus de citron; 1 trait d’Angustura; 1 trait de Marasquin; 1 verre de Cognac. Deuxième formule: 1 trait d’Angustura; le jus d’un 1/2 citron; 1 trait de Marasquin; 1 verre de Cognac. Verser dans le verre préparé. Pour le Gin, Rhum, Whisky, Crustas, on procède de la même façon en se servant des liqueurs demandées.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 36. Crustas.
Prendre un citron de grosseur suffisante, enlever l’écorcoe en spirale sur toute sa lon- gueur sans le déchirer, de façon à pouvoir garnir le verre à 1 centimètre du bord. Givrer le bord du verre à Bordeaux, garnir de 2 ce- rises. Autre formule: Givrer le bord d’un verre à Bordeaux, ajou- ter l’écorce d’une demi orange ou citron et 1 ou 2 bigarreaux. (Voir: Brandy Crustas, Gin Crustas, Rhum Crustas, Whisky Crustas)
1947 Karl Büskens: Mixbuch für Jedermann. Seite 76. Brandy Crusta.
Reibe den Rand eines Wein- glases mit einer Scheibe Zi- trone ein und tauche ihn in Puderzucker. Setze in das Glas eine 1/2 Orangenscheibe (nur die Rinde) und tauche es in Maraschino. Fülle das Glas mitfolgenderMischung: Im Mixbecher: 1 Spritzer Angostura Bitters 1 Teelöffel Zitronensaft 1 Teelöffel Maraschino 1 Glas Brandy gut schütteln und abseihen ins vorbereitete Glas
Rub rim of wine glass with slice of lemon, dip edge in powdered sugar, fit into glass the rind of 1/2 orange, put in Maraschino and fill with the following mixture: In shaker: 1 dash Angostura Bitters 1 teaspoon of lemon juice 1 teaspoon of Maraschino 1 glass of Brandy shake well, strain into pre- pared glass
1948 Adolphe Torelli: 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Américaines. Seite 31. Brandy Crusta.
Préparation du verre: Prendre un citron de la grosseur suffisante pour garnir l’intérieur d’un verre à bordeaux, enlever l’écorce avec un couteau sans la déchirer, la placer dans un verre à bordeaux après avoir passé un morceau de citron sur le bord du verre et l’avoir trempé dans du sucre en poudre pour lui faire le collier givré ; mettre une cerise macérée à l’Eau- de-vie au fond du verre et y verser la boisson sui- vante: Préparer dans un shaker avec de la glace pilée une demi-cuillère à café de sucre en poudre, deux traits d’Angostura, deux traits de Marasquin, une cuillère à café de jus de citron, un demi-verre à madère de bon Cognac, agiter et passer dans le verre préparé comme il a été indiqué ci-dessus.
1948 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel 10. Seite 38. Crustas.
Petite boisson — short drink — proche parente du cocktail, à servir dans un verre à Bordeaux décoré comme suit: Peler un citron, ou moitié d’un gros citron, en la- nière spirale, d’une seule pièce, que vous placerez dans ie verre n° 7 de façon à garnir l’intérieur de ce verre jusqu’à un centimètre au-dessous du bord. Humecter ce bord au citron et le givrer dans le sucre en poudre. Veiller à ce que l’écorce du citron ne dépasse pas le bord du verre qui deviendrait un verre baveur quand on boirait. Mettre une ou deux cerises dans le fond du verre, sur le zeste de citron et verser dessus l’une des com- positions suivantes:
1948 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel 10. Seite 38. Brandy Crusta.
Dans la timbale moitié pleine de glace pilée. 1 cuiller â Douche sucre en poudre ou sirop 1 cuiller à bouche jus de citron. 2 traits angostura, 2 traits curaçao. 3/4 verre à madère de cognac. Fermer le shaker. Frapper. Passer dans le verre n° 7 préparé comme Indiqué plus haut.
1948 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel 11. Seite 38. Crustas.
Petite boisson — short drink — proche parente du cocktail, à servir dans un verre à Bordeaux décoré comme suit: Peler un citron, ou moitié d’un gros citron, en la- nière spirale, d’une seule pièce, que vous placerez dans le verre n° 7 de façon à garnir l’intérieur de ce verre jusqu’à un centimètre au-dessous du bord. Humecter ce bord au citron et le givrer dans le sucre en poudre. Veiller à ce que l’écorce du citron ne dépasse pas le bord du verre qui deviendrait un verre baveur quand on boirait. Mettre une ou deux cerises dans le fond du verre. sur le zeste de citron et verser dessus l’une des com positions suivantes:
1948 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel 11. Seite 38. Brandy Crusta.
Dans la timbale moitié pleine de glace pilée. 1 cuiller a bouche sucre en poudre ou sirop. 1 cuiller à bouche jus de citron. 2 traits angostura, 2 traits curaçao. 3/4 verre à madère de cognac. Fermer le shaker. Frapper. Passer dans le verre n° 7 préparé comme indiqué plus haut.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 291. Crustas.
A Crusta is a particular little breed of drink which seems to require two things to make it legitimate: a frosted wineglass and the entire peeling of a lemon or orange fitted right into the glass. The rest of it’s standard — liquor, lemon juice, maraschino liqueur, a dash of bitters or some other flavoring, all handled like a cocktail and poured into lemon or orange peel- ing.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 291. Brandy Crusta 1.
2 oz. brandy 1 tsp. lemon juice 1 dash Angostura bitters 1 tsp. maraschino liqueur Into a frosted wineglass which has been well chilled, fit the rind of 1/2 orange which has been peeled all in one piece. Add one lump of ice. Shake above ingredients with shaved ice; strain into prepared wineglass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 292. Brandy Crusta 2.
2 oz. brandy 2 dashes lemon juice 2 dashes Angostura bitters 2 dashes maraschino liqueur . 3 dashes sugar syrup Chill wineglass and frost; peel the rind from a fresh lemon all in one piece and fit it into the wineglass, covering the entire inside of the glass. Shake above ingredients with shaved ice; strain into prepared glass.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 262. Die Crustas.
Die «Crustas» sind lecker aussehende und ebenso schmeckende «Long-drinks». Dass sie nicht überall popu- lär sind, ist der Umständlichkeit ihrer Zubereitung zuzu- schreiben. «Crustas» sind wegen ihrer alkoholischen Stärke eigentliche Herrengetränke. Empfehlen kann man sie abends nach dem Essen. Grundrezept: Man nehme ein mittelgrosses Weinglas mit Stiel, fahre über dessen Rand mit einem Stückchen Zitrone, so dass der Rand angefeuchtet wird und tupfe dann das Glas sachte in Grieszucker. Der Grieszucker wird sich nun dort, wo der Rand feucht ist, anhef- ten, und es sieht nun aus als ob der Rand des Glases mit einer fei- nen Kruste Eis über zogen wäre. Hierauf schäle man eine Zitrone und zwar so, dass die Schale ein Band bildet und gebe sie in das präparierte Glas. Hierauf fülle man den Shaker halbvoll mit feingeschlagenem Roheis und füge hinzu: den Saft von 1/2 Zitrone, 1 Barlöffel Zucker, 2 dashes Angosturabitter, 3 das- hes Maraschino und 1 Glas der gewünschten Sorte Alkohol. Das Ganze wird sehr gut ge- schüttelt und in das hergerich- tete Glas gegossen. Mit Barlöf- fel und Saughalmen servieren. «Crustas» werden aus Co- gnac, Gin, Whisky, Rum, Wein etc. gemacht.
Brandy Crusta 1. Harry Schraemli, Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar, 1949. Seite 262.Brandy Crusta 2. Harry Schraemli, Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar, 1949. Seite 262.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 311. Brandy-Crusta.
Man befeuchtet den Rand eines Crustaglases (ballon- förmiges Weinglas) mit einem Stückchen Zitrone, tupft das Glas dann in Griesszucker, so dass ein gleichmässiger, etwa 2 Zentimeter breiter Zuk- kerrand entsteht. Dann schält man eine saubere, nicht zu grosse Zitrone, so wie man einen Apfel schält, d. h. dass die ganze Schale an einem Bande bleibt und gibt diese in das präparierte Glas. Hierauf gibt man in den Schüttelbecher 2-3 3igrosse Stücke Eis, den Saft von 1/2 Zitrone, 1 Barlöffel Zucker, 2 dashes Angosturabit- ter, 3 dashes Maraschino und 1 Glas Cognac. Gut schütteln und in das Glas seihen. Mit Barlöffel und Saughalmen servieren.
Brandy Crusta 3. Harry Schraemli, Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar, 1949. Seite 312.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 69. Crustas.
Der Cocktail eroberte auf seinem Siegeszug die ganze Welt. Nicht zuletzt gewann er auch das Herz und den Gaumen Santinas, eines berühmten soanischen Wirtes von New Orleans. Es dünkte ihn barbarisch, die köst- lichen Tropfen des Cocktails leblos hinter einer Glaswand zu sehen. Lange zerbrach er sich den Kopf. Dann hafte er es gefunden. Sanfina ging in den südlichen Garten und pflückte eine Zitrone von der Größe eines Weinglases. Sorfälfig schälte er sie in einem Stück ab und paßte die Schale dem Glase an, so daß sie die ganze Innenfläche bedeckte. Mit einer Zitronenscheibe fuhr er über den Rand des Glases. Als er den so angefeuchteten Rand in Staubzucker tauchte, schimmerte er wie überzogen mit Reif oder Eis, Nun verfuhr er wie mit einem Cocktail. Er seihte die durchgeschüttelte Mischung in das vorbereitete Glas und schmückte seinen so entstandenen Crusta mit verlockenden Früchten. Damit Du, mein Leser, gleich den richtigen Weg gehst, will Ich Dir meine speziellen Crustarezepte verraten.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 70. Brandy Crusta.
1 Gläschen Brandy, 2 Spritzer Angosturabitter, 2 Schuß Zuckersirup, 2 Schuß Maraschino, 2 Schuß Zitronensaft. Schüttle alles gut durch und seihe den Drink in ein vorbereitetes „Crusta-Glas“.
1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 104. Brandy Crusta.
Humecter le bord d’un verre avec une tranche de citron, tremper dans du sucre en poudre, mettre dans le verre l’écorce entière d’une demi-orange, ajouter trois ou quatre cerises et remplir avec le mé- lange suivant: Un trait d’angustura, Une cuiller à café de jus de citron et de marasquin, Un verre de cognac, Bien frapper, verser dans le verre préparé et servir.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 108. Crustas.
All crustas are made in the same way. They are pre- pared in the shaker, half filled with broken ice, strained into the crusta glass, and decorated with slices of fruit in season. The crusta glass is about the same size as a small wine-glass, and it has to be specially prepared before- hand. Instructions for this preparation are as follows. First moisten the inside edges of the glass with lemon juice, and dust with castor sugar to obtain a frosted effect. Now take a clean lemon, cut off the ends, and peel the rest spiral fashion. Place this peel in the crusta glass as a lining.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 108. Brandy Crusta.
1 teaspoonful of sugar syrup, 1/6 gill of lemon juice, 1 dash of Angostura bitters, 1 teaspoonful of maraschino, 1 dash of orange bitters, 1/3 gill of brandy.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 131. Brandy Crustas.
(as served at Harry’s Bar, Paris) Take small wine glass, moisten rim with lemon, dip rim of glass into castor sugar. Peel the rind of half a lemon and fit this curl of peel into the contour of your glass. Then in a shaker mix 1 tea- spoon of sugar, 3 dashes of Maras- chino, 3 dashes of bitters, juice of one- quarter of a lemon, 1 glass of brandy. Shake well and pour into a prepared glass.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 290. Crustas.
Bebida de origen americano, se prepara en forma muy parecida al „Cobbler“, difiere de éste, por ell hecho de no agregarle fruta, su principal característica consiste en deco- rar la copa con un borde de azúcar cristalizada. Se depo- sita dento del vaso o copa la cáscara de medio limón cortado en espiral.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 291. Brandy Crusta.
. 3 golpes de Marrasquino. Servido en una copa o 1 golpe de Bitter Angostura. vaso de 200 gramos, la 1 cucharadita de Jugo d[e] Li- que se le formará una món. corona, humedeciendo 10 gramos de Curaçao. el borde con limón y pa- 60 gramos de Cognac. sándola por azúcar cris- talizado, se agrega un pedazo de hielo y se in- troduce la cáscara de medio limón, cortada en espiral.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 108. Brandy Crusta.
Rub rim of glass with slice of Lemon. Dip edge in powdered Sugar. Fit into glass the rind of one half Orange in spiral fashion. Fill glass with cracked Ice. Put into Mixing Glass: 1 dash Angostura Bitters. 3 dashes Maraschino. 2 ozs. Brandy. Stir and strain into prepared glass. Add Maraschino cherry.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 233. Crustas.
The distinguishing feature of the Crusta is that the entire inside of the glass is lined with lemon or orange peel. The drink may be served in either a wineglass or an Old-Fashioned glass, although it is much harder to make the peel fit in the Old-Fashioned glass. Take a large lemon or a small orange of a size approximating that of the glass to be used. Cut off both ends and peel the remainder in spiral fashion so as to keep the peel all in one piece. Line the inside of the glass with this peel, wet the edge of the glass, and dip in powdered sugar to frost the edge of both peel and glass. In a bar glass mix 1 part sugar syrup, 2 parts lemon juice, and 8 parts brandy with 1 or 2 dashes each of maraschino and bitters to each drink. Shake with finely crushed ice and strain into the prepared glass.
While the BRANDY CRUSTA is the most common form of this drink, it is, after all, merely a Sour-type drink served in fancy style.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 32. Brandy Crusta Cocktail.
Moisten the edge of 4 oz. Cocktail glass with Lemon and dip into Sugar. Cut the rind of half a Lemon in a spiral, and place in glass. 1 Teaspoon Maraschino 1 Dash Bitters 1 Teaspoon Lemon Juice 1/2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Curacao 2 oz. Old Mr. Boston California Brandy Stir above ingredients in mixing glass and strain into glass prepared as above. Add Slice of Orange.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 47. Brandy Crusta.
Garnir un verre à cocktail d’une demi-écorce de ci- tron (spirale), deux bigar- reaux, collerette dgivre; dans le shaker: Le jus d’un demi-citron Un trait d’Angostura Un trait Maraschino Luxardo Un trait Curaçao Orange Un verre de Cognac. On peut compléter à l’eau gazeuse ou au Champagne brut, dans ce cas, servir dans un verre à collins orné d’une écorce entière dé ci- tron. Opérer de la même façon pour les Calvados, Gin, Rhum, Whisky « Crustas ».
Brandy Crusta. Marcel und Roger Louc, Cocktails et grand crus, 1953. Seite 47.
1954 Robert H. Loeb, Jr.: Nip Ahoy. Seite 59. Cognac or Brandy Crusta.
Brandy Crusta. Robert H. Loeb, Nip Ahoy, 1954. Seite 59.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 108. Brandy Crusta.
Rub rim of glass with slice of Lemon. Dip edge in powdered Sugar. Fit into glass the rind of one half Orange in spiral fashion. Fill glass with cracked Ice. Put into Mixing Glass: 1 dash Angostura Bitters. 3 dashes Maraschino. 2 ozs. Brandy. Stir and strain into prepared glass. Add Maraschino cherry.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 32. Brandy Crustas.
Givrer le bord d’un verre à Bordeaux et ajoutez l’écorce d’une 1/2 orange, ou citron et un bigarreau. Dans le shaker: 1 jet d’Angustura, 1 jet de jus de citron, 1 jet Maraschino, 1 verre de Cognac Renault. Bien agiter et servir dans le verre préparé à l’avance.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 111. Crustas.
Crustas may be made of Applejack, Brandy, Gin, Rum or Whiskey. Rub the rim of a large Wineglass with Lemon, then dip glass in Powdered Sugar. Place in the glass a large twist of Lemon or Orange Peel and a Cherry. In a shaker with ice put 1 dash Angostura Bitters, 1 teaspoon each Lemon Juice and Maraschino and 1 or 2 jiggers of the desired liquor. Strain into prepared glass and serve.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 122. Crustas.
Ce beau ”longdrink” jouissant d’ailleurs d’une haute considé- ration tient son nom du fait, que jadis l’écorce de citron, prescrite par toutes les recettes, était complètement garnie d’une croute (crusta) de sucre. Cette opération assez compliquée a été grande- ment simplifiée. Maintenant on agit comme suit : on prend un verre à vin (sur pied) en forme de ballon de moyenne grandeur et on en frotte le bord avec un zeste de citron. Après cela le bord est trempé dans le sucre râpé, qui le ”givre”, là ou l’essence de citron a tenu. Ensuite on prend un citron dont on coupe une pointe, de façon à ce que le fruit ait la hauteur même du verre. On épluche le citron en forme de spirale et l’écorce est mise en spirale dans le verre. Le dernier bout de l’écorce est attaché au bord du verre. Les ingrédients, prescrits dans la recette, sont bien frappés dans le shaker et passés dans le verre préparé. Note pour le mélangeur électrique : qui dispose du gobelet avec batteur spécial pour cocktails peut remuer les ingrédients avec la glace. L e meilleur temps de mélange se trouve entre 10 et 20 sec. Si on se sert du gobelet standard avec les couteaux ordinaires, ne pas mélanger la glace avec les ingrédients, car la glace serait moulue finement et noyerait la boisson. 11 suffit de rafraîchir le gobelet avec de la glace, que l’on évacue, avec l’eau glacée, avant de faire les mélanges. Temps nécessaire pour le mélange : de 10 à 20 sec.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 122. Brandy Crusta.
Shaker, 3 morceaux de glace Jus 1/2 citron 1 cuill. à thé sucre râpé 2 traits Angostura 3 traits Marasquin 1 verre Cognac Bien frapper au shaker et passer dans le verre à crusta préparé d’avance (voir in- troduction). Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 106. Brandy Crusta.
Rub rim of glass with slice of Lemon. Dip edge in powdered Sugar. Fit into glass the rind of one half Orange in spiral fashion. Fill glass with cracked Ice. Put into Mixing Glass; 1 dash Angostura Bitters. 3 dashes Maraschino. 3 ozs. Brandy. Stir and strain into prepared glass. Add Maraschino cherry.
1961 Pedro Chicote – El bar en el mundo. Seite 213. Crusta.
El crusta es una combinación de bebidas muy semejante al cobbler. Se caracteriza por su pre- paración y porque lleva jugo de limón.
1961 Pedro Chicote – El bar en el mundo. Seite 214. Brandy Crusta.
Prepárese en cocktelera: 2 ó 3 pedacitos de hielo. 1/4 de copita de licor de ma- rrasquino. 3/4 de copita de licor de co- ñac. Unas gotas de jugo de limón. Tómese una copa alta de cristal y humedézcase los bordes con jugo de limón, con el fin de que se adhie- ra un poco de azúcar en polvo. Se recorta la corte- za de un limón en forma de sierpe y se pone en el interior de la copa. Bátase muy bien, cuélese, adórnese de fruta y sírva- se en la copa ya prepa- rada.
1963 Eddie Clarke: Shaking in the 60’s. Seite 91. Brandy Crusta Cocktail.
Use small wine glass. Moisten the rim with lemon and dip rim into castor sugar. (This is known as frosting the glass.) Cut the rind of half a lemon in a spiral fashion, place this in the glass and half fill with crushed ice. Shake well in the cocktail shaker the following ingredients. 1/2 teaspoonful Maraschino 1 dash of Angostura 3 teaspoonfuls fresh lemon juice 1/2 measure Curacao 1 1/2 measures brandy Strain into the prepared glass and decorate the drink with a slice of orange.
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 118. Crustas.
Eine kräftige Verlockung für Zungen, die sich nach einer Erfrischung sehnen. Der leckere Herren=long=drink für die unterhaltsame Zeit nach dem Abendessen, an dem Gaumen und Auge Freude haben. Grundrezept: Ein Weinglas mit Stiel wird an seinem oberen Rand rundherum mit einem Zitronenviertel gut angefeuchtet und schnell, bevor der Saft innen und außen abtropft, in einen Staubzuckerhaufen gestülpt. Es bildet sich dadurch die Crusta, ein wie Rauhreif aussehender Zucker= kristallstreifen am Glasrand. Diese Crustas können auch mit Oran= gen, Grapefruit, Ananas oder Pfirsich präpariert werden. Wieder andere Crustas entstehen, wenn man die Gläser ganz vorsichtig, so daß wirklich nur ihr äußerster Rand berührt wird, in dicken Sirup dippt und dann in Zucker steckt (z. B . in Sirup von eingemachten Zwergorangen, Himbeeren, in Cassis= oder Maplesirup). Am be= kanntesten sind die Zitronencrustas, bei denen man auch noch die ganze Schalenspirale der Zitronen in das Innere des Glases dressiert, bevor man die geschüttelten Mischungen darübergibt.
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 119. Brandy Crusta.
Die Crusta wird mit Orange prä= pariert, und auch die Schalen= spirale besteht aus Orange. Im übrigen wie im Grundrezept ver= fahren und einen sanften Wein= brand nehmen
1965 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 108. Brandy Crusta.
Rub rim of glass with slice of Lemon. Dip edge in powdered Sugar. Fit into glass the rind of one half Orange in spiral fashion. Fill glass with cracked Ice. Put into Mixing Glass; 1 dash Angostura Bitters. 3 dashes Maraschino. 3 ozs. Brandy. Stir with ice and strain into prepared glass. Add Maraschino cherry.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 319. Les crustas.
Boissons pour messieurs qui, bien qu’on ne les mélange pas avec de l’eau, etc., peuvent être comptées parmi les «long drinks»; l’eau s’ajoute lors du secouement. On recommande ce genre de drinks le soir après le repas, également dans des soirées, etc.
Recette de base: On garnit en premier lieu un verre ballon de moyenne grandeur d’une jolie bordure bien égale de sucre (voir illustration en couleur). Dans ce verre on place ensuite l’écorce entière d’un citron moyen. Puis on remplit la moitié du shaker de petits dés de glace et on ajoute ce qui suit: 1/2 jus de citron, 1 cuillère à bar de sucre, 2 dashes d’angosturabitter, 3 dashes de marasquin et 1 verre mesure de whisky ou ce que la recette prescrit. On secoue comme il faut le tout et on le verse dans le verre. Servir avec paille. On prépare les crustas avec du cognac (brandy), whisky, gin, rhum, etc.
Brandy Crusta. Harry Schraemli, Manuel du bar, 1965. Seite 319.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 366. Brandy Crusta.
On humecte le bord d’un verre à crusta (verre à vin forme ballon) avec un petit morceau de citron, on plonge ensuite le verre dans du sucre-semoule, de sorte qu’il se produise une bordure de sucre bien égale d’environ 2 cm de largeur. On pèle ensuite un citron pas trop gros ainsi qu’une pomme, de sorte que toute l’écorce forme un ruban et on le met dans le verre préparé. On met ensuite dans le shaker 3—4 dés de glace, le jus d’un 1/2 citron, 1 cuillère à bar de sucre, 2 dashes d’angostura, 3 dashes de marasquin et 1 verre de cognac. Bien agiter, passer dans le verre. Servir avec cuillère à bar et paille.
Brandy Crusta. Harry Schraemli, Manuel du bar, 1965. Seite 366.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 74. Brandy Crusta Cocktail.
Moisten the edge of a small wine glass with lemon and rub edge into powdered sugar to frost edge. Combine in a mixing glass: 1 1/2 ounces brandy 1 dash Angostura bitters 1/2 ounce curaçao 4 dashes lemon juice 3 dashes maraschino liqueur Add cracked ice, stir, and strain into prepared glass. Serve with a slice of orange. Gin or Rum Crusta: Substitute dry gin or gold label rum for brandy.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 51. Brandy Crusta.
Préparer un verre à Crusta (forme ballon) avec bordure de sucre. Ecorce de citron entière. Shaker. 1/2 jus de citron, 1 cb [cuillère de bar] sucre, 2 d angostura, 3 d marasquin, 1 cognac.
1966 John Doxat: Booth’s Handbook of Cocktails and Mixed Drinks. Seite 101. Brandy Crusta.
Moisten edge of glass with Lemon and frost with Powdered Sugar. Cut the rind of a Lemon in a spiral; place in glass, hooking over rim. Fill glass with cracked ice. 3/4 Brandy 3 dashes Maraschino 1/4 Cointreau 1 dash Angostura Bitters 4 dashes Lemon Juice Stir well, strain into glass; add slice of Orange.
1969 Mario Kardahi & Raul Echenique: El arte de la exquisitez y del buen beber. Seite 376. Crustas.
Trago de origen norteamericano. Se diferencia del Cobbler por su presentación, y su principal característica es la „coronación“. Su preparación se efectúa dentro de la coctelera, que deberá estar llena hasta la mitad con hielo en trozos chicos; una vez bien mez- clados los distinos componentes colar en vaso para „Crustas“ o para trago largo (en algunas excepciones se utilizan vasos más peque- ños o copas de Vino) y decorar con rodajas de frutas de la estación (esto último, algunos barmen – internacionalmente hablando -, prefieren suprimirlo). La „coronación“ debe ser preparada de antemano de la siguiente manera: Cortar el extremo de un limón, pasarlo por el borde del vaso (o copa) para que se moje con el jugo, invertir luego y apoyar sobre azúcar cristalizado blanco previamente preparado en un platito. De esta manera todo el borde quedará recubierto de una „corona“ blanca de azúcar. Después cortar la cáscara del resto del limón en forma de espiral (debe estar lo más finita posible y sin lo blanco) y colocarla dentro del vaso como revestimiento. Este procedimiento es igual para todos los „Crustas“.
1969 Mario Kardahi & Raul Echenique: El arte de la exquisitez y del buen beber. Seite 377. Brandy Crusta.
3 golpes de Marrasquino, 1 golpe de Bitter Angostura, 1 cucharadita de Jugo de Limón, 10 gramos de Curazao, 60 “ “ Cognac.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 14. Brandy Crusta Cocktail.
Mositen the edge of 4 oz. cocktail glass with lemon and dip into sugar. Cut the rind of half a lemon in a spiral, and place in glass. 1 Teaspoon Maraschino 1 Dash Bitters 1 Teaspoon Lemon Juice 1/2 oz. Curacao 2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Five Star Brandy Stir above ingedients in mixing glass and strain into glass prepared as above. Add slice of orange.
1973 Anonymus: 500 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 46. Crustas.
The crusta is made in an old- fashioned or a wine glass that has been lined with the spiral peel from half a lemon or orange. Shake the ingredients and pour into the glass filled with ice.
1973 Anonymus: 500 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 46. Brandy Crusta.
1 jigger brandy 1/2 ounce lemon juice 2 dashes Angostura bitters 1 teaspoon sugar Shake well with ice and strain into glass filled with fruit peel. Serve as above. Deco- rate with a maraschino cherry.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 100. Crustas.
Made with any preferred spirit. Use medium goblet. Rub rim of glass with slice of lemon. Dip edge in powdered sugar. Fit into glass the rind of one half orange in spiral fashion Fill glass with cracked ice. Put into mixing glass; 1 dash Angostura bitters, 3 dashes maraschino, 1 measure spirit. Stir with ice and strain into prepared glass. Add maraschino cherry.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 34. Brandy Crusta.
Use small wine glass. Moisten the edge with lemon and dip edge into castor sugar which frosts the glass. Cut the rind of half a lemon spiral fashion; place in glass. Fill glass with cracked ice. 3 Dashes Maraschino. 1 Dash Angostura Bitters. 4 Dashes Lemon Juice. 1/4 Curaçao. 3/4 Brandy. Stir well and strain into prepared glass, adding slice of orange.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 235. Brandy Crusta.
Cocktail Glass Stir Sugar rim of glass Insert 1 lemon rind in glass 1-1/2 oz brandy 1/4 oz maraschino liqueur 1 dash bitters 1/4 oz lemon juice 1/2 oz orange curaçao Strain into prepared glass
2017 Dr. Adam Elmegirab: Book of Bitters. Seite 62. Brandy Crusta. 60 ml Pierre Ferrand 1840 cognac (or VSOP cognac); 3 dashes Dr. Adam Elmegirab’s Boker’s bitters; 10 ml Pierre Ferrand orange curaçao; 20 ml lemon juice; 10 ml sugar syrup.
2 Italian Vermouth 1 Creme de Cassis Add a Cube of Ice. Stir, add Soda Water to taste and serve.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 345. Vermouth-Cassis.
2 oz. French vermouth 1 tbs. crème de cassis Mix in large wineglass with lump of ice; add Schweppes soda or seltzer to fill.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 324. Cassis-Vermouth.
In ein Aperitifglas gibt man 2/3 Cassis, 1/3 Vermouth und füllt auf mit Sodawasser. (Kann auch mit Wasser ver- dünnt getrunken werden.)
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 454. Vermouth-Cassis.
In. einen Tumbler gibt man 1/2 Glas Cassis und 1/2 Glas ital. Vermouth. Auffüllen mit Sodawasser.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 42. Cascade.
1 oz. French Vermouth 1 oz. Creme de Cassis 1 Cube of Ice Use 8 oz. Stem Goblet and fill balance with Carbonated Water and stir.
1965 Anonymus: John de Kuyper’s Complete Guide to Cordials. Seite 15. Vermouth Cassis, Sweet.
1 ounce De Kuyper Creme de Cassis 2 ounces sweet vermouth Soda Pour Creme de Cassis and vermouth over ice cubes in goblet or Old-Fashioned glass, fill with soda.
1966 John Doxat: Booth’s Handbook of Cocktails and Mixed Drinks. Seite 117. Vermouth Cassis.
2 oz. Dry Vermouth (or Sweet) 1/2 oz. Cassis (Blackcurrant Cordial) Pour over ice in tumbler; add splash of Soda-Water. (Traditional French aperitif drink.)
50 ml Lot No. 40 Rye Whiskey 40 ml James E. Pepper 1776 Rye Whiskey 30 ml Morrand Kirsch 10 ml Tempus Fugit Crème de Cacao 1 Dash Angostura Bitters
1910 Anonymus: 101 Drinks and How to Mix Them. Cherry Blossom.
Don’t neglect to serve at least one round of Cherry Blossoms. There’s a reason. White of one egg raspberry syrup and Same quantity of dry Gin orange juice Three dashes each of Shake well with fine ice
1925 „Robert“ Buckby & George Stone: The Buckstone Book of Cocktails. Seite 17. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
1/2 Cherry Brandy, 1/4 Brandy, dash of lemon juice, dash of Curaçao, dash of Grenadine. Shake and strain.
1927 Anonymus: El arte de hacer un cocktail. Seite 20. Cherry Blossom (Flor de Cerezo).
Vasito de Sloe Gin. Poquito de jugo de naranja. Cucharadita de azúcar. Bátase y sírvase.
1927 Nina Toye & A. H. Adair: Petits & grands verres. Seite 46. La fleur de cerisier. Cherry Blossom.
Dans le gobelet à moitié rempli de glace en mor- ceaux, mettre une grande cuillerée de curaçao sec, une grande cuillerée de jus de citron, une grande cuillerée de grenadine, deux verres et demi de cherry-brandy et trois de cognac. Frapper à fond et servir très froid.
1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 36. Cherry Blossom.
Served in a claret glass, the white of one egg and about the same quantity of dry gin were shaken with three dashes each of rasp- berry syrup and orange juice.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 27. Cherry Blossom.
1933 Anonymus: O’Dell’s Book of Cocktails and Fancy Drinks. Seite 50 und 146. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
(Mr. Tao’s Formula) Dash of Maraschino, 1/3 Canadian Club Whisky, 1/3 Cherry Brandy, 1/3 Italian Vermouth.
1933 Anonymus: The Bartender’s Friend. Seite 58. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
Gin Into a mixer put white of one egg, 4 Cherry dashes raspberry syrup, 2 dashes lemon Raspberry Syrup juice, 1 jigger of gin, and fill with ice. Lemon Juice Shake and strain. Insert a cherry. White of Egg Serve. Ice
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 45. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
(6 people) To a glass half full of cracked ice add a tablespoonful of dry Curaçao, one of Lemon Juice, one of Grenadine, 2 1⁄2 glasses of Cherry Brandy and 2 of Brandy. Shake thoroughly and serve very cold.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 165. Cherry-Blossom-Cocktail.
2 D. [Dash] Curaçao, orange 3 D. [Dash] Grenadine 3 D. [Dash] Zitronensaft 1/3 Cherry-Brandy 1/3 Weinbrand Sch-.B. [Schüttelbecher] K. [Kirsche] Z. [Zitronenspirale]
1934 Harry Jerrold Gordon: Gordon’s Cocktail and Food Recipes. Seite 46. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual [collectic1806]. Seite 157. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
2 1/2 Glasses Cherry Brandy 2 Glasses Brandy 1/2 Glass Cracked Ice 1 Tablespoonful Dry Curagao 1 Tablespoonful Lemon Juice 1 Tablespoonful Grenadine Shake thoroughly and serve very cold. Use glass number 1
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 33. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
1/2 Old Mr. Boston Cherry Nectar 1/2 Old Mr. Boston Apricot Nec- tar 1 Dash Curacao 1 Dash Lemon Juice 1 Dash Grenadine Shake well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1936 Anonymus: Cocktails, Drinks and Snacks. Seite 30. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
2 oz. Cherry Brandy 2 oz. Brandy 4 dashes lemon juice 4 dashes Curacao 8 dashes Grenadine Ice, 40 shakes, strain into cocktail glass.
1937 John R. Iverson: Liquid Gems. Seite 39. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
Shaker—ice 1 oz. Cherry Brandy 1/2 oz. Apricot Brandy Dash Curacao Dash Grenadine Two or three drops lemon juice Shake, strain and serve in cocktail glass. No decoration. Observations This is a really nice one. It is considered sweet, but has both power and body. Its palatability gives it its prime characteristic, and has made it a great favorite with the ladies. When ordering this one for your girl friend, you can’t go wrong.
1938 Bud Caroll: Popular Drinks of Today. Seite 11. Cherry Blossom.
2/3 Cherry Brandy 1/3 Brandy 1 dash lemon juice 1 dash Grenadine 1 dash Dry Gin shake well
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 67. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
3/4 oz. cognac 1/2 tsp. curaçao 3/4 oz. cherry brandy 1/2 tsp. grenadine . 1/2 tsp. lemon juice Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 31. Cherry Blossom (La Fleur de Cerisier).
1/2 Cognac; 1/2 Cherry Brandy; 1 trait de Curaçao sec 1 trait de Grenadine 1 trait de jus de citron.
1947 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails mundiales. Seite 138. Cherry Blossom-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera: Unos pedacitos de hielo. Unas gotas de curaçao. Unas gotas de granadina. Una cucharada pequeña de jugo de limón. 3/4 de Cherry Brandy. 1/4 de coñac español. Agítese muy bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 113. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
1 oz. gin 2 dashes orange bitters 2 dashes raspberry syrup 1 egg white Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1949 Emile Bauwens: Livre de Cocktails. Seite 33. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
1 Cuiller Curaçao Blanc – 1 Cuiller Sirop Grenadine – 1 Cuiller Jus Citron – 1/2 Cognac – 1/2 Cherry Brandy – Frapper au, shaker et passer dans un verre à cocktail ; avant de servir, ajouter une cerise.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 329. Cherry-Blossom-Cocktail.
3 d. Curaçao-Orange , 3 d. Grenadine, 1/3 Orangensaft, 1/3 Cherry-Brandy und 1/3 Cognac. Schütteln. Kirsche ins Glas.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 97. Cherry Blossom.
1/2 tsp. Curacao 1/2 tsp. Lemon Juice 1/2 tsp Grenadine 1/2 jigger Cherry Brandy . 1/2 jigger Cognac Shake with cracked ice and strain.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 46. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
1 dash of grenadine, 1 dash of Curaçao, 1 dash of fresh lemon juice, 1/4 gill of cherry brandy, 1/4 gill of brandy. Use the shaker. Serve very cold.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 58. Cherry Blossom.
3/5 Cherry Brandy. 2/5 Brandy. 1 Dash Fresh Lemon Juice. 1 Dash Grenadine. 1 Dash Curacao. Shake well and Strain.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 231. Cherry Blossom.
1 part Curaçao & Grenadine, half & half 2 parts Lemon Juice 3 parts Cognac 5 parts Kirsch Shake with cracked ice. Decorate with a cherry.
1953 „Kappa“: Bartender’s Guide to Mixed Drinks. Seite 30. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
1 oz. Cherry Flavored Brandy 1 oz. Brandy 1/4 Teaspoon Curacao 1/4 Teaspoon Lemon Juice 1/4 teaspoon Grenadine Shake well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 44. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
1 oz. Old Mr. Boston Wild Cherry Flavored Brandy 1 oz. Old Mr. Boston California Brandy 1/4 Teaspoon Old Mr. Boston Curacao 1/4 Teaspoon Lemon Juice 1/4 Teaspoon Grenadine Shake well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 53. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
Un trait Grenadine Le jus d’une demi-orange 1/4 Cointreau 1/2 Cherry liqueur 1/4 Cognac.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 58. Cherry Blossom.
3/5 Cherry Brandy. 2/5 Brandy. 1 Dash Fresh Lemon Juice. 1 Dash Grenadine. 1 Dash Curacao. Shake well and Strain.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 19. Cherry Blossom (for 6).
5 Jiggers Brandy 4 Jiggers Cherry Brandy 1 Tablespoon Curaçao 1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice 1 Tablespoon Grenadine Shake thoroughly with shaved ice and strain into glasses.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 32. Cherry Blossom.
Shaker, glace 1/2 Cognac 1/2 Cherry Brandy 1 trait Curaçao 1 trait Grenadine 1 trait jus de citron frais Bien frapper au shaker et passer dans verre à cocktail. Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 57. Cherry Blossom.
3/5 Cherry Brandy. 2/5 Brandy. 1 Dash Fresh Lemon Juice. 1 Dash Grenadine. 1 Dash Curacao. Shake well and Strain.
1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissante. Seite 33. Cherry blossom.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 382. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
3 dashes curaçao-orange, 3 dashes grenadine, 1/3 jus d’orange, 1/3 cherry-brandy et 1/3 cognac. Agiter. Cerise dans le verre.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 25. Cherry Blossom Cocktail #1.
1 1/2 ounces cherry brandy 3 dashes lemon juice 1 ounce brandy 3 dashes grenadine 3 dashes curaçao Shake with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass. Another version of this popular cocktail with sloe gin as the base ingredient is in the cordial cocktail section.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 29. Cherry Blossom Cocktail #2.
1 1/2 ounces sloe gin 1/4 ounce lemon juice 1/2 ounce orange juice 1/4 ounce maraschino cherry juice Shake with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 68. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
Shaker. 3 d [dash] curaçao-orange, 3 d [dash] grena- dine, 1/3 jus d’orange, 1/3 cherry-brandy, 1/3 cognac. Cerise.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 23. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
1 oz. Old Mr. Boston Wild Cherry Flavored Brandy 1 oz. Old Mr. Boston Five Star Brandy 1/4 Teaspoon Curacao 1/4 Teaspoon Lemon Juice 1/4 Teaspoon Grenadine Shake well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 45. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
To a glass half full of cracked ice add a tablespoonful of dry Curacao, one of Lemon Juice, one of Grenadine, 2 1/2 glasses of Cherry Brandy and 2 of Brandy. Shake thoroughly and sérve very cold.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 251. Cherry Blossom.
Cocktail Glass Shake 1 oz cherry flavored brandy 3/4 oz brandy 3/4 oz lemon juice 1/4 oz grenadine 1/4 oz orange curaçao
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 47. Chrysanthemum Cocktail.
3 Dashes Absinthe. 1/3 Benedictine. 2/3 French Vermouth. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. Squeeze orange peel on top. Well-known and very popular in the American Bar of the S.S. „Europa.“
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 166. Chrysanthemum-Cocktail.
Dieser Cocktail ist auf Dampfer „Europa“ des NDL. sehr populär. 3 D. [Dash] Pernod 1/3 Benedictine 2/3 Franz. Vermouth Sch-.B. [Schüttelbecher] K. [Kirsche] Z. [Zitronenspirale]
1934 G. F. Steele: My New Cocktail Book. Seite 37. Chrysanthemum.
1/3 Benedictine 2/3 French Vermouth twist Orange peel on top 3 dashes Absinthe
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 222. Chrysanthemum Cocktail.
3 Dashes Absinthe 1/2 Benedictine 1/2 French Vermouth Stir well with cracked ice, strain and serve with a twist of Orange Peel. Use glass number 1
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 34. Chrysanthemum Cocktail.
1/2 Benedictine 1/2 French Vermouth 3 Dashes Absinthe Shake well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 104. Chrysanthemum Cocktail.
3 dashes Absinthe 1/3 Benedictine 2/3 French Vermouth Shake well Strain into Cocktail Glass
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 47. Chrysanthemum Cocktail.
1 oz. Benedictine 1 oz. French Vermouth 1 Teaspoon Absinthe Substitute Shake well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 13. Chrysanthemum.
1/2 Dry Vermouth 1/2 Benedictine 3 Dashes Pernod Stir well with ice and strain into glass. Serve with twist of Orange Peel.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 33. Chrysanthème.
Timbale à mélange, glace 1/2 Vermouth français 1/2 Bénédictine 3 traits Pernod Bien remuer en timbale et passer dans verre à cocktail. Zeste de citron. Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 251. Chrysanthemum Cocktail.
1 oz. French vermouth 1/2 oz. benedictine . 3 dashes Pernod or Herbsaint Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass; twist orange peel over drink.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 253. Chrysanthemum.
Cocktail Glass Stir 1 oz dry vermouth 1 oz Benedictine Hiball Glass 1/2 oz Pernod Orange peel
2010 Colin Peter Field: The Ritz Paris. Seite 106. Chrysanthemum. 5/10 Pisco; 3/10 Junmai rice wine; 2/10 Green Chartreuse.
50 ml Rutte Dry Gin Eversbusch Doppelwachholder 20 ml Zitronensaft 10 ml Combier Triple Sec 10 ml D’Arbo Himbeersirup
Es besteht eine Verbindung zum Leave-it-to-me Cocktail, den Harry McElhone 1926 in seinem Buch „Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails“ auf Seite 55 veröffentlichte. Man ersetze den dort verwendeten Maraschino durch einen Triple Sec, um einen dem Cosmopolitan 1934 vergleichbaren Drink zu erhalten:
1960 erschien ein Cosmopolitan mit Cognac und Rotwein als Hauptzutat: 1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissante. Seite 37. Cosmopolitain.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 56. Dandy Cocktail.
1/2 Rye or Canadian Club Whisky. 1/2 Dubonnet. 1 Dash Angostura Bitters. 3 Dashes Cointreau. 1 Piece Lemon Peel. 1 Piece Orange Peel. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 170. Dandy-Cocktail.
Zitronen- und Orangenschale werden mitgeschüttelt, aber nicht im fertigen Getränk be- lassen. 1 Streif. Zitronenschale 1 Streif. Orangenschale 1 D. [Dash] Angostura 3 D. [Dash] Cointreau 1/2 Canadian Club- Whisky 1/2 Dubonnet Sch-.B. [Schüttelbecher] K. [Kirsche]
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 42. Dandy Cocktail.
1/2 Old Mr. Boston Whiskey 1/2 Dubonnet 1 Dash Bitters 3 Dashes Cointreau 1 Piece Lemon Peel 1 Piece Orange Peel Shake well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 34. Dandy.
1 part Rye or Canadian Club Whisky 1 part Dubonnet 1 dash Angostura Bitters 3 dashes Cointreau 1 piece Lemon Peel 1 piece Orange Peel.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 108. Dandy Cocktail.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 50. Dandy Cocktail.
1 dash of Angostura bitters, 3 dashes of Cointreau, 1 piece of lemon peel, 1 piece of orange peel, 1/4 gill of Dubonnet, 1/4 gill of Canadian Club whisky. Use the shaker.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 267. Dandy Cocktail.
3/4 oz. bourbon 3 dashes Cointreau 3/4 oz. Dubonnet 1 strip lemon jeel 1 dash Angostura bitters 1 strip orange peel Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 267. Deshler Cocktail.
3/4 oz. rye 2 dashes Cointreau 3/4 oz. Dubonnet 1 strip lemon peel 2 dashes Peychaud’s bitters 1 strip orange peel Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass. Twist lemon peel over drink.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 272. Home On The Range Cocktail.
Same as Dandy Cocktail.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 338. Dandy-Cocktail.
1. d. Angosturabitter, 1 d. Orangensaft, 1 d. Zitronen- saft, 3 d. Cointreau, 1/2 Dubonnet, 1/2 Whisky. Kurz schütteln.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 23. Deshler.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 50. Dandy Cocktail.
1 dash of Angostura bitters, 3 dashes of Cointreau, 1 piece of lemon peel, 1 piece of orange peel, 1/4 gill of Dubonnet, 1/4 gill of Canadian Club whisky. Use the shaker.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 176. Dandy.
. 1 golpe de Bitters Angostura. Refrescado. 1 golpe de Triple Sec. Servido en una copa de 40 gramos de Whisky America- 90 gramos. no Rye. . 40 gramos de Dubonnet. . El zumo de una corteza de Li- . món.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 61. Dandy.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 55. Dandy Cocktail.
1 oz. Old Mr. Boston Rye or Bourbon Whiskey 1 oz. Dubonnet 1 Dash Bitters 1 Teaspoon Old Mr. Boston Triple Sec Twist of Lemon Peel Twist of Orange Peel Shake well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 55. Dandy’s Cocktail.
Trois traits Curaçao blanc Deux traits Bitter Orange 1/2 Dubonnet 1/2 Whisky Canadien Un zeste de citron Un zeste d’orange.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 61. Dandy.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 96. Capetown.
1/2 Rye Whiskey 1/2 Dubonnet 3 Dashes Curasao 1 Dash Angostura Bitters Stir well with ice and strain into glass. Serve with twist of Lemon Peel.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 97. Dandy.
1/2 Rye Whiskey 1/2 Dubonnet 1 Dash Angostura Bitters 3 Dashes Cointreau 1 Twist each Lemon and Orange Peel Stir well with ice and strain into glass.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 97. Deshler.
1 Jigger Rye Whiskey 1 Jigger Dubonnet 2 Dashes Peychaud’s Bitters 2 Dashes Cointreau 2 Twists Orange Peel 1 Twist Lemon Peel Shake well with ice and strain into glass. Serve with a twist of Orange Peel.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 31. Capetown.
Timbale à mélange, glace 1/2 Canadian Whisky 1/2 Dubonnet 3 traits Curaçao 1 trait Angostura Bien remuer en timbale et passer dans verre à cocktail. Spiralette d’écorce de citron. Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 36. Dandy.
Shaker, glace 1/2 Canadian Club Whisky 1/2 Dubonnet 1 trait Angostura 3 traits Cointreau 1 zeste de citron 1 zeste d’orange Bien frapper au shaker et passer dans verre à cocktail, Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 22. Dandy Cocktail.
1 part rye or blended whisky 1 part Dubonnet 1 dash Angostura bitters 3 dashes Triple Sec Stir with some dandy cracked ice, strain into a dandy cocktail glass, and add a double twist of orange and lemon peel.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 61. Dandy.
East India Cocktail – Himbeer und Ananas im Vergleich.
1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 11. East India Cocktail.
(Use a large bar glass.) Fill the glass with shaved ice. 1 tea-spoonful of Curacoa (red). 1 tea-spoonful of Pineapple Syrup. 2 or 3 dashes of Bitters. 2 dashes of Maraschino. 1 wine glassful of Brandy. Stir up with a spoon, strain into a cocktail glass, twist a piece of lemon peel on top, and serve.
1901 J. E. Sheridan: The complete buffet manual. Seite 23. East India Cocktail.
(Use large bar glass.) 1 teaspoonful raspberry syrup. 1 teaspoonful red Curacoa. 2 or 3 dashes Angostura bitters. 2 or 3 dashes Maraschino. 1 wine-glass brandy. Stir well; strain into a cocktail glass. Twist a piece of lemon peel on top and serve.
1903 V. B. Lewis: The Complete Buffet Guide. Seite 23. East India Cocktail.
(Use large bar glass.) 1 teaspoonful raspberry syrup. 1 teaspoonful red Curacoa. 2 or 3 dashes Boker’s or Angostura bitters. 2 or 3 dashes Maraschino. 1 wine-glass brandy. Stir well; strain into a cocktailglass. Twist a piece of lemon peel on top and serve.
1907 Charles Smith: Smacks and Smiles. Seite 38. East India Cocktail.
Use a large bar glass. 1 tea-spoon raspberry syrup. 1 tea-spoon Curaçoa (red). 3 or three dashes Angostura bitters. 3 or 3 dashes Maraschino. 1 wine glass brandy. Stir well; strain into a cocktail glass. Twisting a piece oflemon peel on top, serve.
1912 Niels Larsen: 156 Recettes de Boissons Américaines. Seite 17. East India Cocktail.
[A préparer dans un grand gobelet.] Remplissez à moitié de petits morceaux de glace. Ajoutez: 1 cuiller à café de sirop de framboises; 1 — — curaçao; 6 gouttes d’angostura; 6 — marasquin; 1 verre à madère de cognac. Mélangez bien le tout et passez dans un verre à cocktail. Ajoutez un zeste de citron pressé et servez avec de petites pailles.
1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 42. East-India-Cocktail.
3—4 Stückchen Kristalleis, 1 Teelöffel Curaçao, 1/2 „ Ananas-Sirup, 3 Dashes Angostura-Bitters, 3/4 Cocktailglas Cognac. Im weiteren wie bei Bronx-Cocktail.
Seite 41. Bronx-Cocktail.
Mische tüchtig mit einem Barlöffel, seihe es in ein Cocktailglas, in das eine Kirsche gelegt wurde, drücke den Saft aus einem Stückchen Zitronenschale darüber und serviere.
1915 John B. Escalante: Manual del cantinero. Seite 17. East India Cocktail.
(Ist India cockieil) USE UN VASO DE LOS DE REFRESCO Echese la necesaria cantidad de hielo en pedacitos para mediar el vaso, y agréguese: Marrasquino . . . . . . . . . . Unas gotas. Curaçao encarnado . . . . Unas gotas. Angostura bitters . . . . . . Unas potas. Coñac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 copita. Mézclese todo con una cuchara, cuélese en una copa de las de cocktail, y sírvase.
1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 42. East-India-Cocktail.
3—4 Stückchen Kristalleis, 1 Teelöffel Curaçao, 1/2 „ Ananas-Sirup, 3 Dashes Angostura-Bitters, 3/4 Cocktailglas Cognac. Im weiteren wie bei Bronx-Cocktail.
Seite 41. Bronx-Cocktail.
Mische tüchtig mit einem Barlöffel, seihe es in ein Cocktailglas, in welches eine Kirsche gelegt wurde, drücke den Saft aus einem Stückchen Zitronenschale darüber und serviere.
1920 Mazzon Ferruccio: Guida del barman. Seite 23. East India Cocktail.
1/3 del bicchierone di pezzetti di ghiaccio con: 1/2 bicchierino a liquori di sciroppo di Uva 1/2 bicchierino a liquori di Curacao 1/2 bicchierino a liquori di Maraschino 5 goccie d’Angostura 1/2 bicchiere a liquori di Cognac. Rimescolate bene e regolatevi come per il Chicago Cocktail.
1923 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 25. India ou East-India Cocktail.
Gobelet n° 3 au 1 /4 plein de petite glace. 1 cuiller à café de grenadine. 2 traits curacào, 2 traits angostura. 3/4 verre à madère Brandy. Remuer à la cuiller et passer dans verre n° 8 dans lequel se trouve un zeste de citron pressé. Courtes pailles.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 117. East India Cocktail.
Man tue je 1 Teelöffel voll Cu- raçao, Ananas-Sirup, 2—3 Spritzer Bittern, 2 Spritzer Maraschino und 1 Weinglas voll Brandy in ein größe- res mit geschabtem Eis gefülltes Glas, mische gut und richte mit einem Stückchen Zitronenschale belegt an.
1926 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 39. East India Cocktail.
1 teaspoonful of Curaçao, 1 teaspoonful of Pine- apple Syrup, 2 dashes Angostura Bitters, 2/3 Brandy. Stir up with a spoon, strain into a cocktail glass, serve with a cherry. (Recipe of Harry Johnson, of New Orleans.)
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 46. East India Cocktail.
Fill large bar glass 3/4 full shaved ice. 3 dashes Maraschino. 3 dashes red Curacoa. 3 dashes Angostura bitters. 1 jigger brandy. Stir well; strain into cocktail glass and serve with a piece of twisted lemon peel on top.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 65. Est-India Cocktail.
Dans un shaker avec de la glace pilée, un trait de Curaçao, un trait de Marasquin, deux traits d’Angostura, une cuil- lère à café de Sirop d’ananas, un verre de Cognac. Agiter, passer dans un verre à cocktail, avec le collier givré, garnir d’une cerise, d’un zeste de citron, de courtes pailles.
1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 37. East India.
The large bar glass filled with shaved ice was prepared with one teaspoon of raspberry syrup, one teaspoon of Curacao (red), two or three dashes of Angostura, two dashes of Maraschino and one wine glass of brandy. This was well stirred with spoon and strained into cocktail glass with twist of lemon peel on top.
1929 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 26. India ou East-India Cocktail.
Gobelet no 3 au 1/4 plein de petite glace. 1 cuiller à café de grenadine. 2 traits curacào, 2 traits angostura. 3/4 verre à madère Brandy. Remuer à la cuiller et passer dans verre no 8 dans lequel se trouve un zeste de citron pressé. Courtes pailles.
1930 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 10. East India Cocktail.
Use shaker or mixing glass. [1/?] full fine ice. 3 dashes Maraschino. 3 dashes Red Curacoa. 3 dashes Angostura Bitters. 1 wineglass Brandy. Shake or stir well; strain into cocktail glass and serve with a piece of twisted lemon peel on top.
1930 Edgar Baudoin: Les Meilleurs Cocktails. Seite 13. East India Cocktail.
1 jet sirop Ananas, 1 jet Curaçao, 2 jets Angostura Fockink, 2/3 Cognac. Servir avec une cerise.
1932 Niels Larsen: 156 Recettes de Boissons Américaines. Seite 17. East India Cocktail.
[A préparer dans un grand gobelet.] Remplissez à moitié de petits morceaux de glace. Ajoutez: 1 cuiller à café de sirop de framboises; 1 — — curaçao; 6 gouttes d’angostura; 6 — marasquin; 1 verre à madère de cognac. Mélangez bien le tout et passez dans un verre à cocktail. Ajoutez un zeste de citron pressé et servez avec de petites pailles.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 33. East India.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 64. East India Cocktail.
1/8 Pineapple Juice. 1/8 Orange Curaçao. 1 Dash Angostura Bitters. 3/4 Brandy. Stir well and strain into cocktail glass.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 64. East Indian Cocktail.
Equal parts of French Ver- mouth and Sherry, with a dash of Orange Bitters. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1933 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 26. India ou East India Cocktail.
Gobelet n° 3 au 1/4 plein de petite glace. 1 cuiller à café de grenadine. 2 traits curacào, 2 traits angostura. 3/4 verre à madère Brandy. Remuer à la cuiller et passer dans verre n° 8 dans lequel se trouve un zeste de citron pressé. Courtes pailles.
1933 Virginia Elliott: Quiet Drinking. Seite 56. East Indian Cocktail.
One wine glass of rye, one teaspoon of raspberry syrup, three dashes of curaçao, two dashes of angos- tura bitters and two dashes of maraschino. Stir well and serve in cocktail glasses.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 172. East-India-Cocktail.
An Stelle von Maraschino kann auch Ananas-Sirup ver- wendet werden. 2 D. [Dash] Angostura 2 D. [Dash] Curaçao 2 D. [Dash] Maraschino 9/10 Weinbrand M-Gl. [Mischglas] K. [Kirsche] Z. [Zitronenspirale]
1934 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 45. East India Cocktail.
1 teaspoonful of Curaçao, 1 teaspoonful of Pine- apple Syrup, 2 dashes Angostura Bitters, 2/3 Brandy. Stir up with a spoon, strain into a cocktail glass, serve with a Cherry. (Recipe by Harry Johnson, of New Orleans.)
1934 Tom & Jerry: How to Mix Drinks [collectiv1801]. Seite 23. East India Cocktail.
(Use large bar glass.) 1 teaspoonful raspberry syrup. 1 teaspoonful red Curacoa. 2 or 3 dashes Boker’s or Angostura bitters. 2 or 3 dashes Maraschino. 1 wine-glass brandy. Stir well; strain into a cocktail glass. Twist a piece of lemon peel on top and serve.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 55. East India Cocktail.
3 Dashes Raspberry syrup 3 Dashes Red Curacoa 3 Dashes Angostura bitters 3 Dashes Maraschino 1 Jigger of brandy Serve with a twist of lemon peel.
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 47. East India Cocktail No. 1.
1/8 Pineapple Juice 1/8 Orange Curacao 3/4 Old Mr. Boston Apricot Nectar 1 Dash Bitters 2 Dashes Jamaica Rum Shake well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 47. East India Cocktail No. 2.
1/2 French Vermouth 1/2 Sherry 1 Dash Orange Bitters Stir well in ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 38. East India.
1 part Brandy 2 dashes Angostura Bitters per cocktail 2 dashes Curaçao per cocktail 2 dashes Pineapple Juice per cocktail Squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top and serve with a cherry.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 110. East India Cocktail.
1 teaspoon Raspberry Syrup 1 teaspoon Red Curacao 3 dashes Angostura Bitters 3 dashes Maraschino 1 jigger Brandy Stir well Strain into Cocktail Glass Twist Lemon Peel over top
1938 Krönlein-Beutel: Das Getränkebuch. Seite 64. East India.
(65er Cocktallglas) In den Schüttelbecher 6—8 Eisstückchen (Walnußgröße) Spritzer Amer Picon 1 ccm Schuß Curacao 10 ccm Ananas-Syrup 25 ccm Deutscher Weinbrand 30 ccm Kirsche (bestäuben)
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 30. East India Cocktail.
11/2 oz Brandy, 1 teaspoonful Pine apple juice, 1 teaspoonful Curacao (Red), 3 dashes Angostura Bitters. Shake well with ice and strain into cocktail glass dressed with Cherry.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 52. East India Cocktail.
2 dashes of Angostura bitters, 2 dashes of pineapple juice (or maraschino), 2 dashes of orange curaçao, 1/2 gill of brandy. Use the shaker. Serve with a cherry and a little lemon- peel juice squeezed on top.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 44. East India Cocktail.
1 jigger Brandy 3/4 ounce Pineapple Juice 1/2 ounce Orange Curacao 3 dashes Angostura Bitters Shake with ice. Serve with Cherry.
1944 Harmann Burney Burke: Burke’s Complete Cocktail & Drinking Recipes. Seite 48. East India Cocktail.
Brandy, 1 Glass Angostura Bitters, 3 Dashes Curacao, 1 Teaspoonful Maraschino, 2 Dashes Pineapple Juice Syrup, 1 Tea- spoonful Ice. — Stir. Strain and serve in a glass with an Olive and a Lemon Twist.
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 48. East India Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Pineapple Juice 1/2 oz. Orange Curacao 1 1/2 oz. Brandy Decorate with cherry Shake.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 40. East India Cocktail.
1 trait d’Angustura; 2 traits jus d’Ananas; 1 verre de Cognac. Servir avec un morceau d’ananas.
1948 Adolphe Torelli: 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Américaines. Seite 65. Est-India Cocktail.
Dans un shaker avec de la glace pilée, un trait de Curaçao, un trait de Marasquin, deux traits d’Angostura, une cuil- lère a café de Sirop d’ananas, un verre de Cognac. Agiter, passer dans un verre à cocktail, avec le collier givré, garnir d’une cerise, d’un zeste de citron, de courtes pailles.
1948 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel 10. Seite 28. India ou East India Cocktail.
Gobelet n° 3 au 1/4 plein de petite glace. 1 cuiller à café de grenadine. 2 traits curaçao, 2 traits angostura. 3/4 verre à madère Brandy. Remuer à la cuiller et passer dans verre n° 8 dans lequel se trouve un zeste de citron pressé. Courtes pailles.
1948 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel 11. Seite 28. India ou East India Cocktail.
Gobelet n° 3 au 1/4 plein de petite glace. 1 cuiller à café de grenadine. 2 traits curaçao, 2 traits angostura. 3/4 verre à madère Brandy. Remuer à la cuiller et passer dans verre n° 8 dans lequel se trouve un zeste de citron pressé. Courtes pailles.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 72. East India Cocktail 1.
1 1/2 oz. brandy 3 dashes Angostura bitters 3 dashes maraschino liqueur 1 tsp. red Curaçao . 1 tsp. raspberry syrup Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 72. East India Cocktail 2.
11/2 oz. brandy 1/4 oz. orange Curasao 1/4 oz. pineapple juice 1 dash Angostura bitters Stir with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 342. East-India-Cocktail.
2 d. weissen Curacao, 2 d. Ananassirup, 2 d. Ango- sturabitter, 1 Glas Cognac. Schütteln.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 51. East India Cocktail.
Ostindischer Cocktail 1 Gläschen Brandy oder Cognac, 1 Teelöffel Ananas-Sirup, 1 Schuß Curaçao, 1 Schuß Maraschino, 2 Spritzer Angosturabitter. Serviere im Cocktailglas ohne Eis. Garniere mit Kirsche und Zitronen- schale.
1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 72. East India.
Dans le shaker: Un trait d’angustura bitters, Une cuiller à café de sirop d’ananas, Un verre de cognac, Bien frapper et servir avec un morceau d’ananas.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 52. East India Cocktail.
2 dashes of Angostura bitters, 2 dashes of pineapple juice (or maraschino), 2 dashes of orange curaçao, 1/2 gill of brandy. Use the shaker. Serve with a cherry and a little lemon- peel juice squeezed on top.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 131. East India.
1 1/2 oz. brandy 1 tsp. pineapple juice 1 tsp. Curaçao, preferably the red 3 dashes Angostura Ice and shake; strain onto a cherry. 1 teaspoon of Curaçao 1 teaspoon pineapple syrup 1 jigger brandy 2 dashes Abbott’s bitters Stir with spoon, serve with cherry in cocktail glass.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 184. East India.
. 1 cucharadita de Crema de Batido. Cacao. Servido en una copa de 1 golpe de Bitters Angostura. 80 gramos. 50 gramos de Cognac.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 62. East India.
3/4 Brandy. 1/8 Curacao. 1/8 Pineapple Juice. 1 Dash Angostura Bitters. Shake and Strain. Twist of Lemon Peel on Top. Add Cherry.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 170. East India.
A cocktail something like Sloppy Joe’s (page 254) in that it uses pine apple juice in conjunction with cognac is the EAST INDIA 1 part Curaçao . 1 part Pineapple Juice . 8 parts Cognac . 1 or 2 dashes Angostura to each drink Shake well with cracked ice. Decorate with a cherry and a twist of lemon. Maraschino may be substituted for the pineapple juice.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 60. East India Cocktail No. 1.
1 1/2 oz. Old Mr. Boston California Brandy 1/2 Teaspoon Pineapple Juice 1/2 Teaspoon Old Mr. Boston Curacao 1 Teaspoon Jamaica Rum 1 Dash Bitters Shake well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Twist of Lemon Peel and add a Cherry.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 60. East India Cocktail No. 2.
1 1/4 oz. French Vermouth 1 1/4 oz. Sherry Wine 1 Dash Orange Bitters Stir well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1954 Robert H. Loeb, Jr.: Nip Ahoy. Seite 80. East India Cocktail.
East India Cocktail. Robert H. Loeb, Jr, Nip Ahoy, 1954. Seite 80.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 62. East India.
3/4 Brandy. 1/8 Curacao. 1/8 Pineapple Juice. 1 Dash Angostura Bitters. Shake and Strain. Twist of Lemon Peel on Top. Add Cherry.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 55. East India Cocktail.
Dans le shaker: 1 jet d’Angustura, 2 jets de jus d’Ananas, 1 verre de Cognac Renault. Agiter et servir avec un morceau d’Ana- nas.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 21. East India.
3/4 Brandy 1/8 Pineapple Juice 1/8 Curaçao 1 Dash Angostura Bitters Stir well with ice and strain into glass.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 40. East India.
Timbale à mélange, glace 3/4 Cognac 1/8 Curaçao 1/8 jus d’ananas 1 trait Angostura Bien remuer en timbale et passer dans verre à cocktail. Servir avec un cerise. Essence de citron. Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 40. East Indian.
Timbale à mélange, glace 1/2 Sherry 1/2 Vermouth français 1 trait Orangebitter Bien remuer en timbale et passer dans verre à cocktail. Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 68. East India Cocktail.
1 jigger cognac 1 tablespoon pineapple juice 3 dashes Curaçao 1 dash Angostura Shake with ice, strain.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 63. East India.
3/4 Brandy. 1/8 Curacao. 1/8 Pineapple Juice. 1 Dash Angostura Bitters. Shake and Strain. Twist of Lemon Peel on Top. Add Cherry.
1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissante. Seite 43. East India.
1/4 jus d’ananas 3/4 Cognac 1 trait d’angustura
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 130. East India Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 2/3 di cognac 2 cucchiaini da caffè di succo di ananasso (ottenuto passando nella centrifuga di un buon frullatore una fettina di ananasso) 3 gocce di angostura bitter 2 fettine finissime di ananasso ghiaccio tritato Riempire lo shaker sino a 1/4 della sua altezza con ghiac- cio tritato. Aggiungere il cognac, il succo di ananasso e l’angostura. Chiudere lo shaker, agitarlo vigorosamente, farlo riposare un secondo, riprendere infine ad agitarlo ma lentamente. Servire subito in bicchieri guarniti con una fettina di ananasso.
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 68. East India.
9/10 Hennessy Cognac 1 TL Curaçao Triple sec 1 TL Ananassaft Asbach Grand 2 dashes Angosturabitter im Mixglas rühren und mit 1 Kir= sche servieren
1965 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 66. East India.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 26. East India Cocktail.
1 1/2 ounces brandy 2 dashes Angostura bitters 2 dashes maraschino liqueur 2 dashes orange curaçao Shake with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass. Serve with cherry or twist of lemon peel.
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 52. East Indies Cocktail.
3/4 OZ. Pineapple Juice 1/2 oz. Orange Curacao. 1 1/2 oz. Brandy Decorate with cherry. Shake with Ice & Strain.
1971 Anonymus: Tropical Recipes. Standard Recipes. East Indies Cocktail.
(Shake) Cocktail Glass (Chill) Mixing Glass, Fine Ice 1⁄2 Jigger Pineapple Juice 1⁄2 “ Curacao 1 “ Brandy Shake well and strain Decorate with Red Cherry
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 33. East India Cocktail No. 1.
1 1/2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Five Star Brandy 1/2 Teaspoon Pineapple Juice 1/2 Teaspoon Curacao 1 Teaspoon Jamaica Rum 1 Dash Bitters Shake well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. cocktail glass. Twist of lemon peel and add a cherry.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 33. East India Cocktail No. 2.
1 1/4 oz. Dry Vermouth 1 1/4 oz. Sherry Wine 1 Dash Orange Bitters Stir well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 74. East India Cocktail – 1.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 74. East India Cocktail – 2.
1 1/2 ounces brandy 1/4 ounce pineapple juice 1/4 ounce curaçao 1 dash Angostura bitters Stir with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 74. East India Cocktail – 3.
1 1/2 ounces brandy 1/2 teaspoon pineapple juice 1/2 teaspoon curacao 1 teaspoon Jamaica rum 1 dash bitters Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass. Add a twist of lemon peel, and add a cherry.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 74. East India Cocktail – 4.
1 1/4 ounces French vermouth 1 1/4 ounces sweet sherry 1 dash orange bitters Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1973 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 51. East Indies Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Pineapple Juice 1/2 oz. Orange Curacao. 1 1/2 oz. Brandy. Decorate with cherry. Shake with Ice & Strain.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 50. East India.
3/4 brandy 1/8 orange curaçao 1/8 pineapple juice 1 dash Angostura bitters Twist of lemon peel Add cherry Shaker
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 64. East India Cocktail.
1/8 Pineapple Juice. 1/8 Orange Curaçao. 1 Dash Angostura Bitters. 3/4 Brandy. Stir well and strain into cocktail glass.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 65. East Indian Cocktail.
Equal parts of French Ver- mouth and Sherry, with a dash of Orange Bitters. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 274. East India Cocktail.
Cocktail Glass Shake 1-3/4 oz brandy 1/4 oz pineapple juice 1/4 oz orange curaçao 1 dash Angostura bitters (1/4 oz Jamaica rum optional) Lemon twist, Cherry Variation Stir 1-1/4 oz dry vermouth 1-1/4 oz sherry 1 dash orange bitters
2015 Duggan McDonnell: Drinking the devil’s acre. Seite 71. East India Cocktail. 45 ml Campo de Encanto Grand & Noble Pisco; 20 ml pineapple cordial; 15 ml aged rum; 15 ml lime juice; 15 ml orange juice; 2 dashes aromatic bitters. Garnish: expressed orange peel.
2016 André Darlington & Tenaya Darlington: The New Cocktail Hour. Seite 44. East India Cocktail. 60 ml Pierre Ferrand Ambre Cognac; 15 ml Pierre Ferrand Curaçao; 15 ml Luxardo Maraschino; 45 ml Ananassaft; 1 Dash Angostura Bitters; Garnitur: Frisch geriebener Muskat.
2016 Brian Silva: Mixing in the Right Circles at Balthazar London. Seite 74. East India Cocktail. 35 ml Courvoisier Exclusif Cognac; 25 ml Ableforth’s Rumbullion Navy Strength Rum; 10 ml Cointreau; 2,5 ml Luxardo Maraschino Liqueur; 20 ml pineapple juice; 2 drops Angostura bitters.
2017 Dr. Adam Elmegirab: Book of Bitters. Seite 98. East India Cocktail. 60 ml VSOP cognac; 5 ml orange curaçao; 3 dashes Dr. Adam Elmegirab’s Boker’s Bitters or Angostura Bitters; 2 dashes maraschino liqueur; 5 ml pineapple syrup.
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Die interessantesten Funde dabei sind wohl:
Adonis Cocktail
Wir haben folgendes Diagramm hinzu gefügt, aus dem die zeitliche Verteilung der einzelnen Bezeichnungen ersichtlich wird:
1895 Anonymus: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 6. Arkwood Cocktail.
Angustora bitters 2 dashes, gum 2 dashes, 1/2 sherry 1/2 vermouth.
1903 Anonymus: Manuel du Cocktail. Seite 10. Armour Cocktail.
Se servir du verre à mixtion.
TROIS gouttes d’angostura; moitié
Xérès; moitié vermouth. Remplir
de glace, bien mélanger et filtrer dans un
verre à cocktail. Ajouter un morceau de
pelure d’orange.
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 29. Armour Cocktail.
Fine ice in mixing-glass, three dashes orange
bitters, half a jigger sherry, half a jigger Italian
vermouth. Mix, strain into cocktail-glass. Add
a pièce of orange-peel or a maraschino cherry.
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 3. Bamboo Cocktail.
Half a goblet of cracked ice.
1 dash of bitters (orange).
1/2 drink of Italian Vermouth.
1/2 drink of Sherry wine.
Stir, strain into a cocktail glass
and serve.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 7. Harvard Cocktail.
Use mixing glass, into which put
2 dashes orange bitters
1/3 jigger sherry
2/3 jigger Italian vermouth
Strain into cocktail glass
Put piece of twisted lemon peel on top.
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 3. Bamboo Cocktail.
Half a goblet of cracked ice.
1 dash of bitters (orange).
1/2 drink of Italian vermouth;
1/2 drink of Sherry wine.
Stir, strain into a cocktail glass
and serve.
1923 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 23. Amour Cocktail.
Gobelet n° 3 au 1/4 plein de petite glace.
2 traits peach bitter.
1/2 verre à liqueur marasquin.
3/4 verre à madère Marsala.
Adapter la timbale. Frapper.
Passer dans le verre n° S. Pailles. Servir avec zeste
citron et une cerise.
1926 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 21. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/3 Sherry, 2/3 Gancia Italian
1927 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 8. Bamboo Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass.
TWO dashes orange bitters; one-half
sherry and one-half Italian vermouth.
Fill with ice, mix well, and strain into a
cocktail glass.
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 23. Bamboo.
Fill large bar glass 1-3 full fine ice.
3/4 jigger sherry wine.
3/4 jigger Italian Vermouth.
Stir; strain into cocktail glass. Serve.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 19. Amour Cocktail.
Dans un shaker avec
de la glace pilée, trois traits de Peach Bitter, un
demi-verre à liqueur de Marasquin, un demi-verre
à madère de Marsala, agiter, passer dans un verre
à cocktail, garnir d’un zeste d’orange pressé et de
courtes pailles.
1929 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 23. Amour Cocktail.
Gobelet n° 3 au 1/4 plein de petite glace.
2 traits peach bitter.
1/2 verre à liqueur marasquin.
3/4 verre à madère Marsala.
Adapter la timbale. Frapper.
Passer dans le verre n° 8. Pailles. Servir avec zeste
citron et une cerise.
1930 Edgar Baudoin: Les Meilleurs Cocktails. Seite 31. Galathie Cocktail.
1 jet Bitter orange, 1/3 Sherry Sandeman, 2/3 ver-
mouth Cinzano.
1930 Pedro Chicote: Le ley mojada. Seite 88. Adonis-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de hielo pi-
Unas gotas de Orange bitters.
1/3 de copita de Jerez.
2/3 — de vermut italiano.
Agítese bien y sírvase en copa
de cocktail.
1930 Pedro Chicote: Le ley mojada. Seite 111. Bomboo-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de biela picado.
1 cucharada de las de calé de curaçao.
Unas gotas de mandarina bitters.
1 copita de vermut italiano.
1 — de jerez.
Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail, con una
rodaja de limón.
1931 John: „Happy Days!“. Seite 31. Bamboo Cocktail.
50 per cent Sherry Wine
50 per cent M & R Italian Vermouth
Dash Orange Bitters
Half glass of ice.
Stir, strain and serve.
1931 Louis Leospo: Traité d’industrie hotelière. Seite 629. Amour-cocktail.
1/4 verre à liqueur d’orange-bitter.
1/4 verre à liqueur de marasquin.
3/4 verre à Madère de Marsala.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 3. Amour.
Sherry . . . . . . . . 1 pony Fr. Vermouth . . . . . 1 pony
. Orange Bitters . . . 2 dashes
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist
orange peel over and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 5. Armour.
It. Vermouth . . . . . . 1 pony Sherry . . . . . . . . . 1 pony
. Orange Bitters . . . 2 dashes
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist
orange peel over and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 74. Sherry, No. 2.
Sherry . . . . . . . . . . 1 pony It. Vermouth . . . . . . 1 pony
. Angostura . . . . . . . 2 drops
Stir well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist
lemon peel over and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 155. La Pirouette.
Sherry . . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Fr. Vermouth . . . . . 1 jigger
Orange Bitters . . . . 1 dash Angostura . . . . . . . 2 drops
Stir well with ice, strain into short highball glass, twist
lemon peel over and serve.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 17. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
1/3 Italian Vermouth.
2/3 Dry Sherry.
Stir well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 63. Duke of Marlborough Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry.
1/2 Italian Vermouth.
3 Dashes Orange Bitters.
Stir well and twist orange peel
on top.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 146. Sherry Cocktail.
4 Dashes Orange Bitters.
4 Dashes French Vermouth.
1 Glass Sherry.
Stir well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1933 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 23. Amour Cocktail.
Gobelet n° 3 au 1/4 plein de petite glace.
2 traits peach bitter.
1/2 verre à liqueur marasquin.
3/4 verre à madère Marsala.
Adapter la timbale. Frapper.
Passer dans le verre n° 8. Pailles. Servir avec zeste
citron et une cerise.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 151. Adonis-Cocktail.
1 D. [Dash] Orangebitter
1/3 Ital. Verrnouth
2/3 Sherry
M-Gl. [Mischglas] K. [Kirsche] Z. [Zitronenspirale]
1934 Bernard: 100 Cocktails. Seite 13. Bamboo Cocktail 2.
1/3 gill of Dry Sherry.
1/6 gill of Italian Vermouth.
1/2 teaspoonful of Orange Bitters.
1 dash of Lemon Peel Juice.
1/2 tumblerful of broken Ice.
This cocktail is made up in exactly the same
way as the previous one; but Italian Vermouth
is used instead of French Vermouth. This
makes the flavour much sweeter and, in our
experience, it is preferred by women-folk.
1934 G. F. Steele: My New Cocktail Book. Seite 21. Adonis.
1/3 Sherry
2/3 Italian Vermouth
2 dashes Orange bitters
1934 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 21. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/3 Sherry, 2/3 Italian
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 212. Duke of Marlborough Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry Wine
1/2 Italian Vermouth
3 Dashes Raspberry Syrup
Juice of 1 Lime
Shake well with cracked ice and strain.
Use glass number 4
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 214. Sherry Cocktail.
4 Dashes Orange Bitters
4 Dashes French Vermouth
1 Glass Sherry
Stir well in ice and strain into glass.
Use glass number 1
1934 Tom & Jerry: How to Mix Drinks [collectiv1801]. Seite 96. The Armour.
Mixing glass half full ice, half a jigger sherry, half a jigger
Italian Vermouth, three dashes orange bitters, mix well, strain
into cocktail glass, add a piece of orange peel.
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 63. Spanish Cocktail.
2 dashes orange bitters.
1/3 shot imported sherry.
2/3 shot Italian vermouth. Stir.
1935 Gustav Selmer Fougner: Along the Wine Trail. Seite 215. Bamboo.
Two-thirds Sherry
One-third Italian Vermouth
Dash of orange bitters
1935 Gustav Selmer Fougner: Along the Wine Trail. Seite 215. Border Cocktail.
One part Sherry
One part Italian Vermouth
Two dashes of orange bitters
1935 Gustav Selmer Fougner: Along the Wine Trail. Seite 215. Cherie.
Two parts Sherry Wine One part French Vermouth
One part Italian Vermouth Twist of orange peel
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 3. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters
1/3 Italian Vermouth
2/3 Dry Sherry
Stir well in ice and strain into 3 oz.
cocktail glass.
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 11. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry
1/2 Italian Vermouth
1 Dash Bitters
Stir well with cracked ice and
strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 22. Adonis.
1 part Sherry
2 parts Italian Vermouth.
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 5. Adonis Cocktail.
Drops of orange bitters.
1/3 dry sherry.
2/3 CORA vermouth.
Stir and serve.
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 8. Armour Cocktail.
Drops of orange bitters.
1/2 CORA vermouth.
1/2 dry sherry.
Stir and serve.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 120. Wop.
2/3 Italian Vermouth
1/3 Sherry
1 Dash Orange Bitters
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 80. Armour Cock-Tail.
Gotas de orange bitters.
Media parto vermouth FERRERO.
Media parte Jerez TIO PEPE. Revuélvase.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 81. Bamboo Cock-Tail.
Un tercera parte vermouth FERRERO.
Dos terceras partes Jerez TIO PEPE.
Gotas de orange bitters. Bátase.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 100. Harvard Cock-Tail.
Gotas de orauge bitters.
Dos terceras partes Jerez sec TIO PEPE.
Tercera parte vermouth FERRERO.
Revuélvase bien.
Cáscara de limón en copa al servir.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 106. Lobo De Mar Cock-Tail.
Media parte vermouth FERRERO.
Media parte Jerez seco TIO PEPE.
Gotas curacao. Revuélvase.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 89. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters
1/3 Italian Vermouth
2/3 Dry Sherry
Stir well
Strain into Cocktail Glass
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 90. Amour Cocktail.
2 dashes Orange Bitters
1/2 jigger Sherry
1/2 jigger Italian Vermouth
Stir — serve in Cocktail Glass
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 14. Adonis Cocktail.
2 dashes Orange Bitters, 3/4 oz Sweet
Vermouth, 1 1/2 oz Dry Sherry. Stir
well in cracked ice and strain into
cocktail glass.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 29. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash of orange bitters,
1/2 gill of dry sherry,
1/6 gill of Italian vermouth.
Use the mixing glass.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 37. Bamboo or Reform Cocktail (1).
1 dash of Angostura bitters,
1/4 gill of dry sherry,
1/4 gill of Italian vermouth.
Use the mixing glass. Serve with a little lemon-peel
juice squeezed on top.
1940 Crosby Gaige: Crosby Gaige’s Cocktail Guide. Seite 168. Adonis Cocktail.
1/3 part Cinzano Vermouth (Sweet)
2/3 part Dry Sherry
Dash of Orange Bitters
Stir in cracked ice and strain into cocktail
glass. Dry Vermouth, Sherry, and Angostura Bitters
make a BAMBOO COCKTAIL. Orange Bitters may be
used with Sweet Vermouth and Angostura with the
1943 Jacinto Sanfeliu Brucart: Cien Cocktails. Seite 47. Marlborough-Cocktail.
Póngase en el vaso mezclador unos pe-
dacitos de hielo y añadir:
1/2 Jerez seco
1/2 Vermut Italiano
3 golpes Orange bitters
Agítese bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 73. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters
3/4 ounce Sweet Vermouth
2 ounces Dry Sherry
Stir with cracked ice.
1944 Harmann Burney Burke: Burke’s Complete Cocktail & Drinking Recipes. Seite 106. Vermouth Sherry Cocktail.
1 Italian Vermouth
1 Sherry
Orange Bitters, 2 Dashes
Ice. — Stir.
Strain and serve with an
Orange Twist.
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 28. Amour Cocktail.
2 oz. Dry Sherry
1⁄2 oz. Sweet Vermouth
Dash Angostura Bitters
Twist of lemon peel
1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 20. Golden Bell Cocktail.
Use mixing glass.
Ice, fill glass.
Orange bitters, 3 dashes.
Sherry, fill glass 1/2 full.
Vermouth, fill balance of glass.
Orange peel, 1 piece.
Mix and strain into cocktail glass.
1946 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 33. Amour Cocktail.
2 oz. Dry Sherry
1⁄2 oz. Sweet Vermouth
Dash Angostura Bitters
Twist of lemon peel
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 13. Adonis Cocktail.
1 trait de Bitter ou Angustura; 1/2 Xérès;
1/2 Cinzano.
1947 Karl Büskens: Mixbuch für Jedermann. Seite 53. Sherry.
4 Spritzer Orange Bitter
4 Spritzer Franz. Vermouth
1 Glas Sherry
4 dashes Orange Bitters
4 dashes French Vermouth
1 glass Sherry
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 248. Adonis Cocktail.
1 oz. sherry 1/2 oz. Italian vermouth
. 1 dash orange bitters
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 252. Marlborough Cocktail.
3/4 oz. sherry 3/4 oz. Italian vermouth
. 2 dashes orange bitters
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 337. La Pirouette.
2 oz. sherry 1 dash orange bitters
2 oz. French vermouth 2 drops Angostura bitters
Stir well with ice and strain into short highball glass. Twist
lemon peel over drink and serve.
1949 Anonymus: Bottoms Up. Seite 22. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters
3/4 oz. Italian Vermouth
1 1/2 oz. Dry Sherry
Stir well with cracked Ice and strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 290. Adonis-Cocktail.
Mixglas. 1 d. Orangenbitter, 1/3 Sherry, 2/3 ital. Ver-
mouth. Gut rühren.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 120. Adonis.
1 dash Orange Bitters 1/2 oz. Italian Vermouth
. 1 oz. Sherry
Shake with cracked ice and strain.
1951 Ted Saucier: Ted Saucier’s Bottoms Up. Seite 107. General Brock.
Courtesy, The General Brock, Niagara Falls, Ontario
1 oz. dry sherry
1 oz. Italian vermouth
1 oz. French vermouth
Dash Angostura bitters
Serve cold with maraschino cherry in cocktail
1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 63. Adonis.
Dans le verre à mélange:
Un trait d’orange bitters,
1/2 de dry Sherry,
1/2 de vermouth italien,
Remuer vivement et servir.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 29. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash of orange bitters,
1/2 gill of dry sherry,
1/6 gill of Italian vermouth.
Use the mixing glass.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 146. Adonis.
. 1 golpe de Bitter Oranje.
Refrescado. 30 gramos de Vermouth Fran-
Servido en copa de 100 cés.
gramos. 30 gramos de Jerez
. 30 “ “ Dry Gin.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 155. Bambu.
. 40 gramos de Jerez.
Refrescado. 30 gramos de Vermouth To-
Servido en copa de 90 rino.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 174. Adonis.
1 part Italian Vermouth
2 parts Dry Sherry
1 or 2 dashes Bitters8 to each drink.
Stir quickly with large cubes of ice.
8 „Wherever the word „bitters“ is used without specifying the
brand, use your favorite bitters, whatever that may be.
1953 „Kappa“: Bartender’s Guide to Mixed Drinks. Seite 1. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters
3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth
1 1/2 oz. Dry Sherry
Stir well with cracked Ice and strain in 3 oz.
Cocktail glass.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 53. Adonis.
1/3 Sweet Vermouth.
2/3 Dry Sherry.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
Stir and Strain.
Squeeze Orange Peel.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 16. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters
3/4 oz. Italian Vermouth
1 1/2 oz. Dry Sherry
Stir well with cracked Ice and strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 41. Adonis Cocktail.
Un trait Orange Bitter
1/4 Xérès
3/4 Vermouth Italien
Un zeste d citron.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 43. Amour Cocktail.
Deux traits Orange Bitter
1/3 Maraschino Luxardo
2/3 Frontignan
Un zeste d’orange
Deux bigarreaux.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 53. Adonis.
1/3 Sweet Vermouth.
2/3 Dry Sherry.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
Stir and Strain.
Squeeze Orange Peel.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 17. Adonis Cocktail.
Dans le verre à mélange
1 jet de Bitter Angustura, 1/2 Xérès
Chaplins, 1/2 Martini.
Mélanger et servir.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 20. Amour Cocktail.
Dans le verre à mélange:
1 jet d’Angustura Bitter, 2 jets de Maras-
chino, 1 verre de Sherry Chaplins.
Mélanger et servir.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 11. Adonis.
2/3 Dry Sherry
1/3 Sweet Vermouth
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Stir well with ice and strain into
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 11. Bamboo.
1/2 Sherry
1/2 Sweet Vermouth
1 Dash Angostura Bitters
Stir well with ice and strain into
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 11. Duke of Marlborough.
1/2 Sherry
1/2 Sweet Vermouth
3 Dashes Raspberry Syrup
Juice of 1 Lime
Shake well with ice and strain
into glass.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 17. Adonis.
Timbale à mélange, glace
2/3 Dry Sherry
1/3 Vermouth italien
1 trait Angostura
Bien remuer en timbale à
mélange et passer dans un
verre à cocktail.
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 39. Duke of Marlborough.
Shaker, glace
1/2 Sherry
1/2 Vermouth italien
3 traits sirop de framboises
jus frais d’un citron
Bien frapper au shaker et
passer dans verre à cocktail.
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 81. Adonis.
2 parts sherry 1 part Italian-type vermouth
. 1 dash orange bitters
Stir with ice, strain.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 51. Adonis.
1/3 Sweet Vermouth.
2/3 Dry Sherry.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
Stir and Strain.
Squeeze Orange Peel.
1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissante. Seite 14. Adonis.
1/2 Xérès
1/2 Cinzano blanc
1 jet Bitter
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 30. Adonis Wine Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di sherry secco
1/3 di bicchiere di vermouth classico
2 gocce di orange bitter
ghiaccio a cubetti
Introdurre qualche cubetto di ghiaccio nel mixer. Versare
lo sherry ed il vermouth e mescolarli usando l’apposito
cucchiaio; aggiungere l’orange bitter. Mescolare piutto-
sto forte, lasciar riposare uno o due secondi, riprendere
infine a mescolare ma lentamente. Servire subito. L’orange
bitter può essere sostituito con altro bitter secondo il
proprio gusto.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 57. Adonis Wine Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di sherry secco
1/3 di bicchiere di vermouth classico
2 gocce di orange bitter
ghiaccio a cubetti
Introdurre qualche cubetto di ghiaccio nel mixer. Versare
10 sherry ed il vermouth e mescolarli usando l’apposito
cucchiaio; aggiungere l’orange bitter. Mescolare piutto-
sto forte, lasciar riposare uno o due secondi, riprendere
infine a mescolare ma lentamente. Servire subito. L’oran-
ge bitter può essere sostituito con altro bitter, secondo
il proprio gusto.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 66. Amour Wine Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/2 di marsala secco
1 bicchierino da liquore di maraschino
4 gocce di peach bitter
ghiaccio a cubetti
Riempire lo shaker fino a 1/4 della sua altezza con ghiac-
cio. Aggiungere il marsala, il maraschino ed il peach bitter.
Chiudere, lo shaker, agitarlo vigorosamente, farlo riposare
un secondo, riprendere infine ad agitarlo ma lentamente.
Servire subito.
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 42. Adonis.
2/3 Bobadillo Sherry
1/3 Cinzano Vermouth rot
1 dash Angosturabitter
1965 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 52. Adonis.
1 /3 Sweet Vermouth.
2 /3 Dry Sherry.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
Squeeze Orange Peel.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 343. Adonis Cocktail.
1 dash orange bitter, 1/3 sherry, 2/3 vermouth rouge. Bien remuer.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 63. Adonis Cocktail.
3/4 ounce sweet vermouth 2 dashes orange bitters
1 1/2 ounces dry sherry
Stir well in cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass.
1966 John Doxat: Booth’s Handbook of Cocktails and Mixed Drinks. Seite 115. Bamboo.
1/4 Dry Vermouth
1/4 Sweet Vermouth
1/2 Dry Sherry
Stir well, strain into cocktail-glass.
1966 John Doxat: Booth’s Handbook of Cocktails and Mixed Drinks. Seite 134. Adonis.
2 oz. Dry Sherry
1 oz. Sweet Vermouth
Dash of Angostura
Stir, strain into cocktail-glass. (Do not over-ice).
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 33. Amour Cocktail.
2 oz. Sweet Sherry, 3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth
Twist of lemon peel on top. Stir with Ice and
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 100. Topaz Cocktail.
2 oz. Sweet Sherry
3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth. Stir with Ice & Strain.
Decorate with Twist of Lemon Peel.
1972 Anonymus: Recipes – Wines and Spirits. Seite 46. Merry Widow.
To make 1 apéritif
1 1/2 ounces sherry
1 1/2 ounces sweet vermouth
1 strip lemon peel
3 to 4 ice cubes
A 4-ounce cocktail or old-fashioned
glass, chilled
Combine the sherry and vermouth in a mixing glass. Twist the lemon
peel over the glass to release the oil, and drop the peel in. Add the ice
cubes, stir gently with a bar spoon, and strain into a glass.
To make a variation known as the Duplex, substitute 1 1/2 ounces
dry vermouth for the sherry.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 1. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters
3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth
1 1/2 oz. Dry Sherry Wine
Stir well with cracked ice and strain
into 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 74. East India Cocktail – 4.
1 1/4 ounces French vermouth
1 1/4 ounces sweet sherry
1 dash orange bitters
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 219. Adonis Cocktail.
1 ounce sweet sherry
1/2 ounce Italian vermouth
1 dash orange bitters
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 219. Amour Cocktail.
3/4 ounce sweet sherry
3/4 ounce French vermouth
2 dashes Angostura bitters
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass. Add
a twist ot orange peel.
Variation: Substitute orange bitters for Angostura bitters.
1973 Anonymus: 500 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 37. Duke of Marlborough Cocktail.
1/2 sherry
1/2 Italian vermouth
1 teaspoon raspberry liqueur
1 juice of a lime
Shake well with ice and strain
into cocktail glass.
1973 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 33. Amour Cocktail.
2 oz. Sweet Sherry
3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth
Twist of Lemon Peel on top. Stir with Ice and Strain.
1973 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 100. Topaz Cocktail.
2 oz. Sweet Sherry
3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth. Stir with Ice & Strain.
Decorate with Twist of Lemon Peel.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 43. Adonis.
1/3 sweet vermouth
2/3 dry sherry
Dash orange bitters
Twist orange peel
Mixing glass
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 17. Adonis Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
1/3 Italian Vermouth.
2/3 Dry Sherry.
Stir well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 62. Duke of Marlborough Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry.
1/2 Italian Vermouth.
3 Dashes Orange Bitters.
Stir well and twist orange peel
on top.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 210. Adonis.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1 dash orange bitters
3/4 oz sweet vermouth
1-1/2 oz dry sherry
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 213. Amour.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-1/2 oz sherry
1-1/2 oz dry vermouth
1 dash Angostura bitters
Lemon twist
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 218. Armour.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-1/2 oz sherry
1-1/2 oz dry vermouth
1 dash orange bitters
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 272. Duke of Marlborough.
Cocktail Glass Shake
1 oz lime juice
1 oz sherry
1 oz sweet vermouth
1/4 oz grenadine
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 335. Marlborough.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-1/4 oz sherry
1-1/4 oz sweet vermouth
1 dash orange bitters
2011 Helmut Adam, Jens Hasenbein, Bastian Heuser: Cocktailian 1. Seite 442. Adonis. 6 cl Sherry trocken (Fino oder Manzanilla), 3 cl roter Wermut; 2 Dashes Orange Bitters; Garnitur: Zitronenzeste.
2012 Tom Sandham: World’s Best Cocktails. Seite 20. Adonis. 30 ml fino sherry; 3 tsp sweet vermouth; 3 tsp dry vermouth; 2 dashes orange bitters.
2014 Talia Baiocchi: Sherry. Seite 171. Adonis. 1 ounce sweet vermouth (Carpano Antica); 2 ounces fino (Lustau La Ina); 2 dashes orange bitters; garnish: orange peel.
2017 Dr. Adam Elmegirab: Book of Bitters. Seite 144. Adonis Cocktail. 45 ml Oloroso sherry; 45 ml Cocchi vermouth di Torino; 2 dashes Regan’s orange bitters no. 6.
Alberti’s Night Cocktail
Wer diesen Drink entwickelt hat und wann das war, läßt sich nicht genau feststellen. Das Internet schweigt sich darüber aus. Doch wir haben ihn in einem Buch aus dem Jahr 1977 gefunden, in Stan Jones‘ „Complete Barguide“.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 211. Alberti’s Night Cocktail.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-3/4 oz whiskey
3/4 oz Strega
1 dash orange bitters
Alexander 1908
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 188. Montecarlo Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di rye whisky
1/3 di bicchiere di bénédictine
1/3 di bicchiere di succo di limone spremuto dalla
sola polpa
2 gocce di angostura bitter
ghiaccio a cubetti
Riempire lo shaker fino a 1/4 della sua altezza con ghiac-
cio. Aggiungere il succo di limone, il rye, il bénédictine e
l’angostura. Chiudere lo shaker, agitarlo vigorosamente,
farlo riposare un secondo, riprendere infine ad agitare ma
lentamente. Servire subito.
1965 Anonymus: John de Kuyper’s Complete Guide to Cordials. Seite 14. Monte Carlo.
2 ounces De Kuyper Rock and Rye
3/4 ounce De Kuyper Delecta
Shake with ice, strain into cocktail glass.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 52. Monte Carlo Cocktail.
1 1/2 ounces rye 2 dashes Angostura bitters
1/2 ounce Benedictine
Shake well with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass.
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 70. Monte-Carlo Cocktail.
2 oz. Rye. 3/4 oz. Benedictine.
Stir with Ice and strain.
1973 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 70. Monte-Carlo Cocktail.
2 oz. Rye, 3/4 oz. Benedictine. Stir with Ice and strain.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 184. Alexander.
There is one recipe for an Alexander listed in a bar book from the early 1900’s that
calls for: 3/4 jigger of rye, 1/4 jigger Bénédictine, and an orange peel!
Es gibt nicht nur den Amber von Hendrik Albrecht. Ein gleichnamiger Drink wurde einmalig im jahr 1931 publiziert. Dieser ist jedoch so etwas wie ein minimalistischer Martini aus Gin und Wermut.
1931 John: „Happy Days!“. Seite 30. Amber Cocktail.
One-half French Vermouth
One-half Gin
Aviation Cocktail
Wir haben unsere Rezeptur geändert:
50 ml
Rutte Dry GinEversbusch Doppelwachholder10 ml Zitronensaft
10 ml
Luxardo MaraschinoSchladerer Maraschino10 ml Rothman & Winter Crème de Violette
Wir freuen uns sehr, daß Greg Boehm uns darauf aufmerksam gemacht hat, daß im San Francisco Chronicle am 9. Januar 1911 auf Seite 2 ein Aviation Cocktail erwähnt wird. Dort heißt es, „“Dick“ Ferris was one of the visitors at the hangars yesterday. He arrived with a recipe for what he called an „aviation cocktail.“ It is mixed as follows: „Whiskey, a dash of Italian vermouth, bitters and a drop.“ „A drop of what, Dick?“ asked a friend. „Any old drop suits an aviator, so long as it is on the soft spot,“ was the reply.“ Diesem Artikel zufolge sei Dick Ferris also am 8. Januar 1911 einer der Besucher am Hangar gewesen. Er hätte ein Rezept für den „Aviation Cocktail“ dabei gehabt, welches aus Whiskey, einem Dash italienischem Wermut, Bitter und einem Tropfen bestünde. Ein Freund hätte gefragt, um was für einen Tropfen es sich handle, und Dick antwortete, ….[genaue Übersetzung folgt noch]
Wir haben noch drei weitere Aviation-Varianten gefunden: 1944 kennt Oscar Haimo eine Variante mit Gin, Limettensaft, Maraschino und Cointreau. 1956 verwendet Patrick Gavin Duffy Gin, Zitronensaft, Maraschino und Apricot Brandy. 1976 ist für Brian F. Rea ein Aviation nichts anderes als ein Gin Sour mit einer Maraschino-Kirsche.
1930 Pedro Chicote: Le ley mojada. Seite 102. Aviacion-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de hielo picado.
Unas gotas de absinthe.
1 cucharada pequeña de jarabe de granadina.
1/3 de copita de jugo de limón.
3/4 — de apple Jack.
Agítese muy bien y sírvase muy frío en copa de
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 5. Aviation.
Dubonnet . . . . . . 1 pony Sherry . . . . . . . . . 1 pony
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist
orange peel over and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 6. Aviation No. 2.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . . 1 pony Grape Juice . . . . . . . . . 1 pony
Stir well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 25. Aviation Cocktail.
1/3 Lemon Juice. 2/3 Dry Gin.
2 Dashes Maraschino.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 156. Aviation-Cocktail.
(sprich: awiäschn)
2 D. [Dash] Maraschino
1/3 Zitronensaft
2/3 Dry Gin
Sch-.B. [Schüttelbecher] K. [Kirsche] Z. [Zitronenspirale]
1934 G. F. Steele: My New Cocktail Book. Seite 23. Aviation.
3/4 jigger Applejack
1/2 jigger Lime juice
dash Absinthe
Grenadine syrup to taste
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 51. Aviation Cocktail.
1 Jigger of Apple-jack
1 Pony of lime juice
1 Dash of Absinthe
2 or 3 dashes of Grenadine
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 10. Aviation Cocktail.
1/3 Lemon Juice
2/3 Old Mr. Boston Dry Gin
2 Dashes Maraschino
Shake well with cracked ice and
strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 8. Aviation Cocktail.
3/4 applejack.
1/2 jigger lime juice.
Drops of absinthe.
A teaspoonful of granadine.
Stir and verve.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 81. Aviation Cock-Tail.
Tres cuartas partes applejack.
Medio vasito jugo de limón.
Gotas de ajenjo.
Cucharadita de granadina. Bátase.
1938 Bud Caroll: Popular Drinks of Today. Seite 8. Aviation.
Dubonnet . . . . . . . . .1/2 jigger Sherry . . . . . . . . 1/2 jigger
Stir well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass,
twist orange peel over and serve.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 92. Aviation Cocktail.
1/3 Lemon Juice
2/3 Dry Gin
2 dashes Maraschino
Shake — strain into Cocktail Glass
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 18. Aviation Cocktail.
1 1/2 oz Dry Gin, 1/2 oz Lemon juice,
1/4 oz Maraschino Cordial. Shake with
ice and strain into cocktail glass.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 36. Aviation Cocktail.
2 dashes of maraschino,
1/6 gill of fresh lemon juice,
1/3 gill of dry gin.
Use the shaker.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 31. Aviation Cocktail.
2 ounces Gin
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
2 dashes Maraschino
Shake with ice.
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 29. Aviation Cocktail.
Juice of 1⁄2 Florida Seedless Lime
3 Dashes Maraschino
3 dashes Cointreau
2 oz. Gin
Shake well.
1946 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 34. Aviation Cocktail.
Juice of 1/2 Lime
3 dashes Maraschino
3 dashes Triple Sec
2 oz. Gin
Shake well.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 100. Aviation Cocktail.
1 1/2 oz. gin 3/4 oz. lemon juice
. 2 dashes maraschino liqueur
Stir with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
Variation: Add 2 dashes crème de violette.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 249. Aviation Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Dubonnet 3/4 oz. sherry
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
Twist orange peel over drink.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 301. Aviation-Cocktail.
2 d. Maraschino, 1/3 Zitronensaft, 2/3 Gin. Schütteln.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 45. Aviation Cocktail.
1/2 Apple Jack,
1/2 Limonensaft,
1 Schuß Absinth,
2 oder 3 Schuß Grenadine.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 46. Aviation.
3/4 oz. Lemon Juice 1 jigger Gin
. 2 dashes Maraschino Liqueur
Stir with cracked ice and strain.
For flying without any mechanical assistance.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 120. Aviation.
1 part Dubonnet
1 part Sherry
Shake with cracked ice and
strain. Twist of orange peel.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 36. Aviation Cocktail.
2 dashes of maraschino,
1/6 gill of fresh lemon juice,
1/3 gill of dry gin.
Use the shaker.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 130. Aviation.
1 part Maraschino
2 parts Lemon Juice
8 parts Gin
Shake vigorously with cracked ice.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 44. Aviation Cocktail.
Deux traits Cointreau
Deux traits Crème de fraise
1/3 Jus de citron
2/3 Gin.
1954 Robert H. Loeb, Jr.: Nip Ahoy. Seite 72. Aviation Cocktail.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 35. Aviation.
2/3 Dry Gin
1/3 Lemon Juice
2 Dashes Maraschino
2 Dashes Apricot Brandy
Stir well with ice and strain into
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 22. Aviation.
Shaker, glace
2/3 Dry Gin
1/3 jus de citron frais
2 traits Marasquin
2 traits Apricot Brandy
Bien frapper au shaker et
passer dans verre à cocktail,
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 73. Aviation Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di dry gin
1/3 di bicchiere di succo di limone spremuto dalla
sola polpa
1 cucchiaio di maraschino
ghiaccio a cubetti
Riempire lo shaker fino a 1/4 della sua altezza con ghiac-
cio. Aggiungere il succo di limone, il dry gin ed il mara-
schino. Chiudere lo shaker, agitarlo vigorosamente, farlo
riposare un secondo, riprenderò ad agitare ma lentamente.
Servire subito.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 350. Aviation Cocktail.
2 dashes marasquin, 1/3 jus de citron, 2/3 gin. Agiter.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 33. Aviation Cocktail.
1 1/2 ounces dry gin 1/4 ounce maraschino liqueur
1/2 ounce lemon juice
Shake with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 27. Aviation Cocktail.
Shaker. 2 d [dash] marasquin, 1/3 jus de citron,
2/3 gin.
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 34. Aviation Cocktail.
Juice of 1/2 Lime, 3 dashes Maraschino
3 dashes Triple Sec, 2 oz. Gin. Shake with Ice and strain.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 219. Aviation Cocktail.
3/4 ounce Dubonnet
3/4 ounce sweet sherry
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass. Add
a twist of orange peel.
1973 Anonymus: 500 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 57. Aviation.
2 jiggers dry gin
1 jigger lemon juice
1 teaspoon maraschino
2 dashes creme de violette
3 ice cubes
Blend 5 to 8 seconds. Strain
into chilled cocktail glasses.
1976 Brian F. Rea – Brian’s Booze Guide. Seite 36. Aviation.
a Gin Sour* with maraschino cherry
*See Sours.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 25. Aviation Cocktail.
1/3 Lemo n Juice. 2/3 Dry Gin.
2 Dashes Maraschino.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 219. Aviation.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-1/2 oz gin
1/4 oz apricot flavored brandy
1/4 oz maraschino liqueur
1/2 oz lemon juice
1-1/2 oz Bourbon
1-1/2 oz grape juice
2016 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 43. Aviation. 5 cl Dry Gin; 2 cl Zitronensaft; 1,5 cl Maraschino; 1 Barlöffel Crème de Violette; Garnierung: eingelegte Kirsche.
2017 Jim Meehan: Meehan’s Bartender Manual. Seite 223. Aviation. 2 oz. Tanqueray gin; 0,75 oz. lemon juice; 0,5 oz. Luxardo maraschino liqueur; 0,25 oz. Rothman & Winter crème de violette.
Aviation Cocktail 1912
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 292. Alfonso XIII-Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry, 1/2 Dubonnet. Gut rühren.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 120. Aviation.
1 part Dubonnet
1 part Sherry
Shake with cracked ice and
strain. Twist of orange peel.
1951 Ted Saucier: Ted Saucier’s Bottoms Up. Seite 25. Alfonso XIII.
Courtesy, Hotel Ritz, Paris
1/2 Dubonnet
1/2 dry sherry
Stir. Strain into cocktail
1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 64. Alfonse XIII.
Dans un verre à mélange:
1/2 de Dubonnet,
1/2 de dry Sherry,
Remuer vivement et servir.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 112. Dubonnet Sherry.
Passer rapidement au verre
à mélange :
1/2 Dubonnet
1/2 Xérès.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 19. Alfonso Cocktail.
Dans le shaker:
1/2 de Dubonnet, 1/2 Sherry Chaplin.
Mélanger et servir.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 65. Merry Widow Cocktail #1.
1 1/2 ounces Dubonnet or Byrrh 1 1/2 ounces dry vermouth or dry
. gin
Stir well with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass. Serve with twist
of lemon peel.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 67. Zaza Cocktail #1.
1 ounce sherry 1 ounce Dubonnet
Stir with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 20. Alfonso XIII Cocktail.
Mixingglass. 1/2 sherry, 1/2 Dubonnet.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 219. Aviation Cocktail.
3/4 ounce Dubonnet
3/4 ounce sweet sherry
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass. Add
a twist of orange peel.
Bamboo Cocktail
1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 58. Boston Bamboo.
Take 1/2 Vermouth.
1/2 sherry.
Bitters and syrup
Stir and strain
1908 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks. Seite 22. Bamboo Cocktail.
Into a mixing-glass of cracked ice place half a jiggerful of French
vermouth, half a jiggerful of sherry, two dashes of Orange bitters and two
drops of Angostura bitters; stir thoroughly and strain into a stem cocktail-
glass; squeeze and twist a piece of lemon peel over the top and serve with a
pimola or an olive.
1908 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks. Seite 52. Bamboo.
Half sherry and half French vermouth in any quantity is called a
Bamboo. A Bamboo Cocktail is also popular and is made and flavored just
like any ordinary cocktail, only that a mixture of equal parts of sherry and
vermouth is used instead of the usual American decoctions. (See Recipe
No. 32.)
[Recipe No. 32 = Bamboo Cocktail, Seite 22.]
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 3. Bamboo Cocktail.
Half a goblet of cracked ice.
1 dash of bitters (orange).
1/2 drink of Italian Vermouth.
1/2 drink of Sherry wine.
Stir, strain into a cocktail glass
and serve.
1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 40. Bamboo-Cocktail.
3—4 Stückchen Kristalleis,
3 Dashes Angostura-Bitters,
1 Dash Orange-Bitters,
1/2 Cocktailglas französischen Vermouth,
1/2 „ Sherry.
Im übrigen verfahre wie bei Imperial-Cocktail.
Seite 40. Imperial-Cocktail.
Mische gut mit einem Barlöffel, seihe es in ein Cocktailglas, presse den
Saft aus einem Stückchen Zitronenschale hinein und serviere mit Kirsche.
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 3. Bamboo Cocktail.
Half a goblet of cracked ice.
1 dash of bitters (orange).
1/2 drink of Italian vermouth;
1/2 drink of Sherry wine.
Stir, strain into a cocktail glass
and serve.
1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 40. Bamboo-Cocktail.
3—4 Stückchen Kristalleis,
3 Dashes Angostura-Bitters,
1 „ Orange-Bitters,
1/2 Cocktailglas französischen Vermouth,
1/2 „ Sherry.
Im übrigen verfahre wie bei Imperial-Cocktail.
Seite 40. Imperial Cocktail.
Mische gut mit einem Barlöffel, seihe es in ein Cocktailglas, presse den
Saft aus einem Stückchen Zitronenschale hinein und serviere mit Kirsche.
1926 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 23. Bamboo Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/2 wineglass Dry Sherry,
1/2 wineglass French Vermouth.
(Charlie Mahoney, Bar-tender, Hoffman House,
New York.)
1926 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 77. Reform Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/3 french Vermouth,
2/3 Sherry.
Shake well and strain into cocktail glass, with
1926 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 82. Sherry Cocktail.
1 dash Peach Bitters, 1 dash Orange Bitters,
1 dash French Vermouth, 1 glass Pale Dry Sherry.
Shake well and strain.
1927 Anonymus: The Cocktail Book. Seite 8. Bamboo Cocktail.
Use Mixing Glass.
TWO dashes orange bitters; one-half
sherry and one-half Italian vermouth.
Fill with ice, mix well, and strain into a
cocktail glass.
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 23. Bamboo.
Fill large bar glass 1-3 full fine ice.
3/4 jigger sherry wine.
3/4 jigger Italian Vermouth.
Stir; strain into cocktail glass. Serve.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 28. Bomboo Cocktail.
Dans un shaker avec de
la glace pilée, une cuillère à Café de Curaçao sec,
un trait de Mandarine-Bitter, un verre à liqueur de
Vermouth Italien, un verre à liqueur de Sherry-
Wine, agiter, passer dans un verre à cocktail aux
bords sucrés. Garnir d’un zeste de citron. Courtes
1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 35. Bamboo.
Two parts Sherry and one part Italian Vermouth with a dash of
Benedictine were well shaken. Sometimes Angostura was used instead
of Benedictine.
1930 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 9. Bamboo Cocktail.
Half fill shaker or mixing glass with
fine ice.
1/2 wineglass Sherry.
1/2 wineglass Italian Vermouth.
3 dashes Angostura Bitters.
Shake or stir; strain into cock-
tail glass. Serve.
1930 Edgar Baudoin: Les Meilleurs Cocktails. Seite 57. Bamboo Cocktail.
1 jet Grand Marnier, 1 /2 verre Sherry Sandeman,
1/2 verre vermouth Noilly Prat.
1930 Pedro Chicote: Le ley mojada. Seite 104. Bambu-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos trocitos de hielo.
10 gotas de Angostura.
1/2 vasito de vermut.
1/2 — de coñac.
Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1930 Pedro Chicote: Le ley mojada. Seite 111. Bomboo-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de biela picado.
1 cucharada de las de calé de curaçao.
Unas gotas de mandarina bitters.
1 copita de vermut italiano.
1 — de jerez.
Agítese y sírvase en copa de cocktail, con una
rodaja de limón.
1931 John: „Happy Days!“. Seite 31. Bamboo Cocktail.
50 per cent Sherry Wine
50 per cent M & R Italian Vermouth
Dash Orange Bitters
Half glass of ice.
Stir, strain and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 8. Bamboo.
Sherry . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 jigger Orange Bitters . . . . . 2 dashes
Fr. Vermouth . . . . . 1/2 jigger Angostura . . . . . . . . 2 drops
Stir well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, add
green olive or pimola, twist lemon peel over and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 15. Brazil.
Sherry . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 jigger Fr. Vermouth . . . . . 1/3 jigger
Absinthe . . . . . . . . 2 dashes Orange Bitters . . . . 1 dash
. Sugar Syrup . . . . . 2 dashes
Stir well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist
lemon peel over and serve.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 69. Reform.
Sherry . . . . . . . . . 1 pony Fr. Vermouth . . . . . 1 pony
. Orange Bitters . . . 2 dashes
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, twist
lemon peel over and serve.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 133. Reform Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
1/3 French Vermouth.
2/3 Sherry.
Stir well and strain into cocktail
glass. Add a cherry.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 282. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/4 French Vermouth.
1/4 Italian Vermouth.
1/4 Dry Sherry.
Stir well and strain into cocktail
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 156. Bamboo-Cocktail.
Originalrezept von
Charlie Mahoney
Bartender, New-York (Hoff-
man House).
Der Bamboo-Cocktail wird
in Britisch-Indien „Reform-
Cocktail“ genannt.
1 D. [Dash] Orangebitter
3 D. [Dash] Angostura
1/2 Fran. Vermouth
1/2 Sherry
M-Gl. [Mischglas] K. [Kirsche] Z. [Zitronenspirale]
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 210. Reform-Cocktail.
1 D. [Dash] Orangebitter
1/3 Franz. Vermouth
2/3 Sherry
1934 Bernard: 100 Cocktails. Seite 13. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/4 gill of Dry Sherry.
1/4 gill of French Vermouth.
1/2 teaspoonful of Orange Bitters.
1 dash of Lemon Peel Juice.
1/2 tumblerful of broken Ice.
Half fill a tumbler with broken ice and add
the Orange Bitters. Then add the Dry
Sherry and the French Vermouth. Stir well,
strain and serve in a cocktail glass with a
dash of lemon peel juice on top.
1934 Bernard: 100 Cocktails. Seite 13. Bamboo Cocktail 2.
1/3 gill of Dry Sherry.
1/6 gill of Italian Vermouth.
1/2 teaspoonful of Orange Bitters.
1 dash of Lemon Peel Juice.
1/2 tumblerful of broken Ice.
This cocktail is made up in exactly the same
way as the previous one; but Italian Vermouth
is used instead of French Vermouth. This
makes the flavour much sweeter and, in our
experience, it is preferred by women-folk.
1934 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 25. Bamboo Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/2 wineglass Dry Sherry,
1/2 wineglass French Vermouth.
(Charlie Mahoney, bar-tender, Hoffman House,
New York.)
1934 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 84. Reform Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters, 1/3 French Vermouth,
2/3 Sherry.
Shake well and strain into cocktail glass, with
1934 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 90. Sherry Cocktail.
1 dash Peach Bitters, 1 dash Orange Bitters,
dash French Vermouth, 1 glass Pale Dry Sherry.
Shake well and strain.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 52. Bamboo Cocktail.
1 Pony Sherry wine
1 Pony French Vermouth
2 Dashes Orange bitters
1935 Gustav Selmer Fougner: Along the Wine Trail. Seite 215. Bamboo.
Two-thirds Sherry
One-third Italian Vermouth
Dash of orange bitters
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 11. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry
1/2 Italian Vermouth
1 Dash Bitters
Stir well with cracked ice and
strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 104. Reform Cocktail.
1/3 French Vermouth
2/3 Sherry
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Stir well in ice and strain into 3 oz.
Cocktail glass. Serve with a Cherry.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 24. Bamboo.
2 parts Sherry
2 parts French Vermouth
1 part Orange Juice
1 dash Angostura Bitters per cocktail
Squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 63. Sherry.
1 glass Sherry
4 dashes French Vermouth
4 dashes Orange Bitters.
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 8. Armour Cocktail.
Drops of orange bitters.
1/2 CORA vermouth.
1/2 dry sherry.
Stir and serve.
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 10. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/3 CORA vermouth.
2/3 dry sherry.
Drops of orange bitters.
Stir well and serve.
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 37. Harvard Cocktail.
Drops of orange bitters.
2/3 dry cherry.
1/3 CORA vermouth.
Stir Well and serve.
Dress with lime peel.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 81. Bamboo Cock-Tail.
Un tercera parte vermouth FERRERO.
Dos terceras partes Jerez TIO PEPE.
Gotas de orange bitters. Bátase.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 100. Harvard Cock-Tail.
Gotas de orauge bitters.
Dos terceras partes Jerez sec TIO PEPE.
Tercera parte vermouth FERRERO.
Revuélvase bien.
Cáscara de limón en copa al servir.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 106. Lobo De Mar Cock-Tail.
Media parte vermouth FERRERO.
Media parte Jerez seco TIO PEPE.
Gotas curacao. Revuélvase.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 137. Reform Cocktail.
1 pony Sherry
1 pony French Vermouth
2 dashes Orange Bitters
Shake well
Strain into Cocktail Glass
1938 Krönlein-Beutel: Das Getränkebuch. Seite 74. Bamboo.
(65er Cocktailglas)
In ein Mischglas
4—6 Eisstückchen (Walnußgröße)
2 Spritzer Orange Bitter 2 ccm
Sherry 30 ccm
French Vermouth 35 ccm
1938 Robert Vermeire: L’art du cocktail. Seite 17. Bamboo.
Verre à mélange:
1 trait d’orange bitter.
1/2 sherry pale dry.
1/2 vermouth français.
Remuer à la cuiller. Passer dans le verre et
presser pelure de citron dessus. Ce cocktail
est très populaire parmi la colonie anglaise
aux Indes, où on le nomme aussi «Reform
1939 Ambrose Heath: Good Drinks. Seite 38. Sherry.
1 glass Sherry
4 dashes French Vermouth
4 dashes Orange Bitters
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 20. Bamboo Cocktail.
1 1/2 oz Sherry, 1 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth,
2 dashes Angostura Bitters. Stir well
in cracked ice, strain into cocktail
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 86. Sherry Cocktail (2).
4 dashes of orange bitters,
4 dashes of French vermouth,
1/2 gill of dry sherry.
Use the mixing glass.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 37. Bamboo or Reform Cocktail (1).
1 dash of Angostura bitters,
1/4 gill of dry sherry,
1/4 gill of Italian vermouth.
Use the mixing glass. Serve with a little lemon-peel
juice squeezed on top.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 37. Bamboo or Reform Cocktail (2).
1 dash of orange bitters,
1/4 gill of dry sherry,
1/4 gill of French vermouth.
Use the mixing glass. Serve with a little lemon-peel
juice squeezed on top.
1940 Crosby Gaige: Crosby Gaige’s Cocktail Guide. Seite 167. Your Slip Is Showing.
1 jigger Sherry
1 jigger Dry Vermouth
2 dashes Angostura Bitters
Stir in cracked ice and watch your slip as
you pour into cocktail glass.
1940 Crosby Gaige: Crosby Gaige’s Cocktail Guide. Seite 168. Adonis Cocktail.
1/3 part Cinzano Vermouth (Sweet)
2/3 part Dry Sherry
Dash of Orange Bitters
Stir in cracked ice and strain into cocktail
glass. Dry Vermouth, Sherry, and Angostura Bitters
make a BAMBOO COCKTAIL. Orange Bitters may be
used with Sweet Vermouth and Angostura with the
1943 Jacinto Sanfeliu Brucart: Cien Cocktails. Seite 24. Bamboo-Cocktail.
Póngase en el vaso mezclador unos peda-
citos de hielo y añadir:
1/2 Jerez seco
1/2 Vermut Francés
1 golpe de Orange bitters
Agítese bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
— Creación de Charlie Mahoney, Hoffman House,
Nueva York —.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 73. Bamboo Cocktail.
1 1/2 ounces Dry Sherry
1 1/2 ounces Dry Vermouth
2 dashes Angostura Bitters
Stir with cracked ice.
1944 Harmann Burney Burke: Burke’s Complete Cocktail & Drinking Recipes. Seite 104. Sherry Cocktail.
Sherry, 1 Glass
French Vermouth, 3 Dashes
Orange Bitters, 4 Dashes
Ice. — Stir. Strain and serve.
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 30. Bamboo Cocktail.
2 oz. Dry Sherry
3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth
1946 Charles H. Baker, Jr.: The Gentleman’s Companion. Seite 33. East India Cocktail.
It is mild and appetite-inspiring in hot weather, and is now known
everywhere, but we append it just the same. Into a bar glass turn 1
jigger each of dry French vermouth and really good really dry sherry
— the usual sweet American sherry just won’t serve. Add 2 dashes of
orange bitters, plenty of big-lump ice, then stir with a bar spoon and
turn into a Manhattan glass. Garnish with green cherry or not, to
1946 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 35. Bamboo Cocktail.
2 oz. Dry Sherry
3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 18. Bambou Cocktail (La Bambou).
1 trait de Curaçao; 1/2 Sherry Sandeman;
1/2 Cinzano Dry.
Autre recette:
1/2 Noilly; 1/2 Xérès sec; trait Bitter d’oran-
ge; zeste de citron.
1947 Karl Büskens: Mixbuch für Jedermann. Seite 53. Sherry.
4 Spritzer Orange Bitter
4 Spritzer Franz. Vermouth
1 Glas Sherry
4 dashes Orange Bitters
4 dashes French Vermouth
1 glass Sherry
1948 Adolphe Torelli: 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Américaines. Seite 28. Bomboo Cocktail.
Dans un shaker avec de
la glace pilée, une cuillère à café de Curaçao sec,
un trait de Mandarine-Bitter, un verre à liqueur de
Vermouth Italien, un verre à liqueur de Sherry-
Wine, agiter, passer dans un verre à cocktail aux
bords sucrés. Garnir d’un zeste de citron. Courtes
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 249. Amour Cocktail.
3/4 oz. sherry 3/4 oz. French vermouth
. 2 dashes Angostura bitters
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
Twist orange peel over drink.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 249. Armour Cocktail.
Substitute orange bitters in Amour Cocktail.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 249. Bamboo Cocktail.
1 oz. sherry 2 dashes orange bitters
1/2 oz. French vermouth 2 drops Angostura bitters
Stir with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass and
serve with green olive.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 252. East Indian Cocktail.
3/4 oz. sherry 3/4 oz. French vermouth
. 1 dash orange bitters
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 255. Reform Cocktail.
Same as Armour Cocktail.
1949 Anonymus: Bottoms Up. Seite 22. Bamboo Cocktail.
2 oz. Sherry
3/4 oz. French Vermouth
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Stir well with cracked Ice and strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1949 Anonymus: Bottoms Up. Seite 22. Reform Cocktail.
3/4 oz. French Vermouth
1 1/2 oz. Sherry Wine
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Stir well with cracked Ice, strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Serve with
a Cherry.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 303. Bamboo-Cocktail.
1 d. Orange-Bitter, 1/2 Pale-Sherry, 1/2 franz. Vermouth.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 420. Pueblos-Cocktail.
1 d. Orangebitter, 2 d. Angosturabitter, 1/2 Pale-Sherry,
1/2 franz. Vermouth. Schütteln. Stückchen Zitronen-
schale hinzugeben.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 423. Reform-Cocktail.
1 d. Orange-Bitter, 2/3 franz. Vermouth,1/3 Pale-Sherry.
Rühren. Kirsche ins Glas.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 438. Sherry-Cocktail.
1 d. Orangebitter, 1 d. franz. Vermouth, 1 Glas Pale-
Sherry. Gut rühren.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 46. Bamboo Cocktail.
1/2 Sherry Wein,
1/2 Französischer Vermouth,
2 Spritzer Orangenbitter.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 124. Reform.
2 dashes Orange Bitters 1/2 jigger French Vermouth
. 1/2 jigger Sherry
Shake with cracked ice and strain. Twist of orange peel.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 125. Sherry.
4 dashes Orange Bitters 4 dashes French Vermouth
. 1 glass Sherry
Stir well in ice and strain.
1951 Ted Saucier: Ted Saucier’s Bottoms Up. Seite 37. Bamboo.
1/2 jigger sherry
1/2 jigger French vermouth
2 dashes of orange bitters
Stir. Strain into cocktail
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 37. Bamboo or Reform Cocktail.
1 dash of orange bitters,
1/4 gill of dry sherry,
1/4 gill of French vermouth.
Use the mixing glass. Serve with a little lemon-peel
juice squeezed on top.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 86. Sherry Cocktail (2).
4 dashes of orange bitters,
4 dashes of French vermouth,
1/2 gill of dry sherry.
Use the mixing glass.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 129. Bamboo Cocktail.
Whose assembly line-up runs: one jig-
ger of sherry, one jigger dry vermouth
(both now ably produced in this coun-
try), two dashes Angostura (the ex-
tension of whose century-old heavy-
secret manufacture to certain West In-
dian islands of Uncle Sam’s has won
them the name of Embittered Virgins),
stirred with ice and strained into stem
glass bonused with green olive or
pickled onionette.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 129. Sherry Cocktail.
2 parts dry sherry, pre-chilled
2 parts French Vermouth pre-
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 146. Adonis.
. 1 golpe de Bitter Oranje.
Refrescado. 30 gramos de Vermouth Fran-
Servido en copa de 100 cés.
gramos. 30 gramos de Jerez
. 30 “ “ Dry Gin.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 155. Bambu.
. 40 gramos de Jerez.
Refrescado. 30 gramos de Vermouth To-
Servido en copa de 90 rino.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 54. Bamboo.
1/2 Dry Sherry.
1/2 Dry Vermouth.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
Stir well and Strain.
Add squeeze Lemon Peel.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 79. Reform (Modified Bamboo).
2 / 3 Sherry.
1/3 Dry Vermouth.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
Stir and Strain.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 174. Bamboo or Amour.
1 part French Vermouth
1 part Dry Sherry
1 or 2 dashes Bitters8 to each drink
Stir quickly with large cubes of ice. A twist of orange
peel over each glass.
8 Wherever the word „bitters“ is used without specifying the
brand, use your favorite bitters, whatever that may be.
1953 „Kappa“: Bartender’s Guide to Mixed Drinks. Seite 111. Sherry Cocktail.
4 dashes Orange Bitters
1/3 Teaspoon Dry Vermouth
4 oz. Sherry
Stir well in Ice and strain into 5 oz. Wine glass.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 24. Bamboo Cocktail.
1 1/2 oz. Sherry
3/4 oz. French Vermouth
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Stir well with cracked Ice and strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 121. Reform Cocktail.
3/4 oz. French Vermouth
1 1/2 oz. Sherry Wine
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Stir well with cracked Ice and strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Serve with
a Cherry.
1953 S. S. Field: The American Drinking Book. Seite 213. Bamboo.
2 ounces of dry Sherry, 3/4 ounce of French (dry) Ver-
mouth. Stir with cracked ice and strain.
Also quite appropriate for the emancipated
„tween agers“ and for the ultra-conservative. A
rather charming drink, nevertheless. A kind of
Shy Martini.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 54. Bamboo.
1/2 Dry Sherry.
1/2 Dry Vermouth.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
Stir well and Strain.
Add squeeze Lemon Peel.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 79. Reform (Modified Bamboo).
2 / 3 Sherry.
1/3 Dry Vermouth.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
Stir and Strain.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 28. Bambou Cocktail.
Dans le verre à mélange:
1 jet de Cointreau,1/2 Sherry Chaplins,
1/2 Martini Dry.
Mélanger et servir.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 11. Bamboo.
1/2 Sherry
1/2 Sweet Vermouth
1 Dash Angostura Bitters
Stir well with ice and strain into
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 11. East Indian.
1/2 Sherry
1/2 Dry Vermouth
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Stir well with ice and strain into
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 12. Reform.
2/3 Sherry
1/3 Dry Vermouth
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Stir well with ice and strain into
glass. Serve with a Cherry.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 12. Sherry.
2 Jiggers Sherry
4 Dashes Dry Vermouth
4 Dashes Orange Bitters
Stir well with ice and strain into
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 23. Bamboo.
Timbale à mélange, glace
1/3 Sherry
1/2 Vermouth italien
1 trait Angostura
Bien remuer en timbale et
passer dans verre à cocktail.
Essence de citron.
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 40. East Indian.
Timbale à mélange, glace
1/2 Sherry
1/2 Vermouth français
1 trait Orangebitter
Bien remuer en timbale et
passer dans verre à cocktail.
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 78. Reform.
Timbale à mélange, glace
2/3 Sherry
1/3 Vermouth français
1 trait Orangebitter
Bien remuer en timbale et
passer dans verre à cocktail.
Servir avec cerise.
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 82. Bamboo Cocktail.
2 parts sherry 1 part Italian-type vermouth
1 part French-type vermouth 2 dashes Angostura
Stir with ice, strain.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 87. Sherry Cocktail.
4 ounces dry sherry 1 teaspoon French vermouth
. 1 dash orange bitters
Stir with ice and strain.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 52. Bamboo.
1/2 Dry Sherry.
1/2 Dry Vermouth.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
Stir well and Strain.
Add squeeze Lemon Peel.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 79. Reform (Modified Bamboo).
2/3 Sherry.
1/3 Dry Vermouth.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
Stir and Strain.
1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissante. Seite 20. Bambou.
1/2 Martini Dry
1/2 Xérès
1 trait Curaçao
1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissante. Seite 26. Bomboo.
1/2 Sherry
1/2 Vermouth italien
1 trait de Curaçao
1 trait de Mandarine-Bitter
1 zeste de citron
1963 Eddie Clarke: Shaking in the 60’s. Seite 99. Bamboo.
1 measure dry sherry
1 measure dry Vermouth
Stir and strain into a cocktail glass, add a
squeeze of lemon peel.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 78. Bamboo Wine Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di sherry secco
1/3 di bicchiere di vermouth dry
2 gocce di angostura bitter
2 olive verdi non troppo grosse
ghiaccio a cubetti
Introdurre qualche cubetto di ghiaccio nel mixer. Versare
lo sherry ed il vermouth e mescolarli usando l’apposito
cucchiaio; aggiungere l’angostura. Mescolare piuttosto for-
te, lasciar riposare uno o due secondi, riprendere infine
a mescolare ma più lentamente. Servire subito in bicchieri
guarniti con un’oliva.
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 41. Bamboo.
1/2 Pedro Dry Sherry
1/4 Noilly Prat Vermouth
1/4 Stock Vermouth rot
1 dash Orangenbitter
im Mixglas mit Eis rühren,
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 88. Bamboo Cocktail.
(Charlie Nahoney,
Hoffmann House, New York)
1/2 Sherry
1/2 Vermouth Chambéry
1 dash Orangenbitter
im Mixglas mit Eis rühren, ins
Cocktailglas seihen und mit
1 Kirsche servieren
1965 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 56. Bamboo.
1/2 Dry Sherry.
1/2 Dry Vermouth.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
Add squeeze Lemon Peel.
1965 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 82. Reform (Modified Bamboo).
2/3 Sherry.
1/3 Dry Vermouth.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 350. Bamboo Cocktail.
1 dash bitter à l’orange, 1/2 pale-sherry, 1/2 vermouth blanc. Remuer.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 63. Bamboo Cocktail.
1 1/2 ounces sherry 2 dashes Angostura bitters
1 1/2 ounces dry vermouth
Stir well with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 65. Sherry Cocktail.
2 1/2 ounces sherry 3 dashes orange bitters
3 dashes dry vermouth
Stir with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 29. Bamboo Cocktail (Charlie Mahoney).
Mixingglass. 1 d [dash] bitter à l’orange, 1/2 pale
sherry, 1/2 vermouth blanc.
1966 John Doxat: Booth’s Handbook of Cocktails and Mixed Drinks. Seite 115. Bamboo.
1/4 Dry Vermouth
1/4 Sweet Vermouth
1/2 Dry Sherry
Stir well, strain into cocktail-glass.
1966 John Doxat: Booth’s Handbook of Cocktails and Mixed Drinks. Seite 137. Sherry Cocktail.
2 oz. Sherry
4 dashes Orange Bitters
3 dashes Dry Vermouth
Stir well, and strain into cocktail-glass.
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 35. Bamboo Cocktail.
2 oz. Dry Sherry, 3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth
1 Dash Orang e Bitter. Stir with Ice & Strain.
1969 Mario Kardahi & Raul Echenique: El arte de la exquisitez y del buen beber. Seite 343. Bambú.
Refrescado. Servir en copa de 90 gramos.
40 gramos de Jerez,
40 “ “ Vermouth Seco,
1 golpe de Bitter Orange.
1971 Anonymus: Tropical Recipes. Standard Recipes. Bamboo Cocktail.
Cocktail Glass (Chill)
Mixing Glass, 2 Cubes Ice
1 Jigger DRY Vermouth
1 “ Sherry Wine
Stir well and strain
Twist over, do not drop
lemon peel
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 5. Bamboo Cocktail.
1 1/2 oz. Sherry Wine
3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Stir well with cracked ice and strain
into 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 33. East India Cocktail No. 2.
1 1/4 oz. Dry Vermouth
1 1/4 oz. Sherry Wine
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Stir well with cracked ice and strain
into 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Seite 80. Reform Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth
1 1/2 oz. Sherry Wine
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Stir well with cracked ice and strain
into 3 oz. cocktail glass. Serve with a
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 219. Bamboo Cocktail.
1 ounce dry sherry
1/2 ounce French vermouth
2 dashes orange bitters
2 drops Angostura bitters
Stir with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass. Add a
green olive.
1973 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 35. Bamboo Cocktail.
2 oz. Dry Sherry, 3/4 oz. Dry Vermouth
1 dash Orange Bitters. Stir with Ice and Strain.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 44. Bamboo.
1⁄2 dry sherry
1⁄2 dry vermouth
Dash orange bitters
Twist lemon peel
Mixing glass
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 128. Sherry Cocktail.
2 oz. medium dry Sherry
4 dashes orange bitters
1 oz. dry vermouth
Stir well.
1976 Brian F. Rea – Brian’s Booze Guide. Seite 37. Bamboo.
Stir/strain into pre-chilled cocktail glass
1⁄2 ounces dry Sherry
1⁄2 ounces dry Vermouth
Dash of Angostura Bitters
Lemon twist
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 133. Reform Cocktail.
1 Dash Orange Bitters.
1/3 French Vermouth.
2/3 Sherry.
Stir well and strain into cocktail
glass. Add a cherry.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 146. Sherry Cocktail.
4 Dashes Orange Bitters.
4 Dashes French Vermouth.
1 Glass Sherry.
Stir well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 213. Amour.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-1/2 oz sherry
1-1/2 oz dry vermouth
1 dash Angostura bitters
Lemon twist
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 218. Armour.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-1/2 oz sherry
1-1/2 oz dry vermouth
1 dash orange bitters
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 222. Bamboo.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1 oz dry sherry
1 oz sweet vermouth
1 dash Angostura bitters
1 dash orange bitters
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 274. East India Cocktail.
Cocktail Glass Shake
1-3/4 oz brandy
1/4 oz pineapple juice
1/4 oz orange curaçao
1 dash Angostura bitters
(1/4 oz Jamaica rum optional)
Lemon twist, Cherry
Variation Stir
1-1/4 oz dry vermouth
1-1/4 oz sherry
1 dash orange bitters
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 326. La Pirouette.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-1/4 oz sherry
1-1/4 oz dry vermouth
1 dash orange bitters
1 dash Angostura bitters
Lemon twist
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 380. Reform.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-3/4 oz sherry
3/4 oz dry vermouth
1 dash orange bitters
Angostura bitters &
orange peel optional
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 398. Sherry Cocktail.
Cocktail Glass Stir
2 oz sherry
1/2 oz dry vermouth
2 dashes orange bitters
2-1/2 oz sherry
1 dash bitters
Orange peel
1-3/4 oz sherry
3/4 oz dry vermouth
Variation Shake
1 oz sherry
3/4 oz gin
3/4 oz lemon juice
2014 Talia Baiocchi: Sherry. Seite 181. Bamboo. 1 1/2 ounces fino; 1 1/2 ounces dry vermouth; 1 teaspoon cane syrup (2:1); 2 dashes Angostura bitters; 2 dashes orange bitters; garnish: lemon peel.
2015 Duggan McDonnell: Drinking the devil’s acre. Seite 216. Bamboo Cocktail. 60 ml fino sherry; 30 ml French vermouth; 2 dashes orange bitters; 2 dashes aromatic bitters. Garnish: expressed orange peel.
2016 André Darlington & Tenaya Darlington: The New Cocktail Hour. Seite 51. Bamboo. 45 ml dry sherry (La Gitana); 22 ml white vermouth (Dolin Blanc); 15 ml white vermouth (Dolin); dash of orange bitters (Reagans‘); garnish: orange twist.
2016 Brian Silva: Mixing in the Right Circles at Balthazar London. Seite 130. Bamboo Cocktail. 35 ml Martini Dry Vermouth; 25 ml fino sherry; orange peel; 3 drops Angostura bitters; garnish: olive.
2017 Dr. Adam Elmegirab: Book of Bitters. Seite 145. Bamboo. 45 ml fino sherry; 45 ml Noilly Prat vermouth; 1 dash Angostura bittera; 1 dash aromatic bitters (Angostura, The Bittter Truth Old Time or Orinoco bitters)
2017 Jim Meehan: Meehan’s Bartender Manual. Seite 175. Bamboo. 1,5 oz. Dolin blanc vermouth; 1,5 oz. Lustau palo cortado sherry; 2 dashes Angostura bitters; 1 dash Reagan’s bitters; garnish: 1 lemon twist.
Wir haben das Mengenverhältnis verändert und nehmen jetzt:
50 ml60 ml Park XO Cognac20 ml Bénédictine
Zu unserer Theorie, der B&B sei ein Kind des Deutsch-Französischen Krieges gibt es, wie wir nach unserer Postulierung festgestellt haben, einen weiteren gewichtigen Beweis aus dem Jahr 1963. In seinem Buch „I cocktails“ von Luigi Veronelli werden Zeitzeugen zitiert. Er schreibt übder den B&B folgendes: „II B and B è uno short drink, non un cocktail, e come tale viene dato senza l’indicazione di categoria. La sua « storia » confidata nel 1911 dal colonnello Federico Gattorno ad un giovane commis di Rimini, ora maître al Savini, Guido Ferniani, ha origini tanto nobili che non può non essere ricordata. 1870, Sedan, furibonda battaglia della guerra franco-prussiana. L’unica bandiera strappata ai tedeschi lo fu dai volontari del corpo garibaldino, capeggiati da Garibaldi stesso. I francesi vollero festeggiare il generale e gli ufficiali del suo comando; eccoli organizzare, sul campo stesso delta battaglia, a Sedan, un cocktail-party ante litteram. Non furono scovate al momento che bottiglie di cognac e di bénédictine; si fece fifty fifty, metà e metà, e si brindò all’amicizia dei due popoli. Per lungo tempo lo short drink, metà cognac metà bénédictine, fu proprio chiamato Sedan. I barmen d’oltre Atlantico – di che cosa non sono capaci gli americani? – l’hanno
ribattezzato B and B.“ Er gibt an, der B&B sei ein Short Drink, kein Cocktail, und Oberst Federico Gattorno hätte dessen Geschichte 1911 Guido Ferniani anvertraut. Dieser sei damals ein junger Commis in Rimini gewesen und wäre [zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung] Maître im Savini. Die Geschichte gehe zurück auf das Jahr 1870, als in Sedan eine Schlacht des Deutsch-Französischen Krieges wütete. Die einzige Fahne, die den Deutschen entrissen worden sei, hätten Freiwillige des Garibaldi-Korps erbeutet, angeführt von General Garibaldi selbst. Die Franzosen hätten daraufhin den General und dessen Offiziere gefeiert und auf dem Schlachtfeld in Sedan eine Cocktailparty organisiert. Damals hätte man Flaschen mit Cognac und Bénédictine gefunden. Man hätte den Inhalt zu gleichen Teilen gemischt, und auf die Freunschaft zwischen beiden Völkern angestoßen. Dieser Short Drink hätte für lange Zeit „Sedan“ geheißen, und die Barmänner auf der anderen Seite des Atlantiks hätten diesen einfach in „B&B“ umbenannt.
Dies ist natürlich eine ganz andere Geschichte, als die von uns hergeleitete. Dieser zufolge ist der B&B kein „deutscher“ Drink, sondern ein „französisch-italienischer“. Doch wichtig ist zunächst einmal die Gemeinsamkeit, daß der B&B – oder wie auch immer ihn nennen mag – auf den Deutsch-Französischen Krieg zurückgeht. Doch wie sieht es nun mit dieser alternativen Geschichte aus? Könnte daran etwas wahres sein?
Es gab in der Tat ein italienisches Freiwilligenkorps. Dieses wurde 1870/71, während des Deusch-Französischen Krieges, von Garibaldi, unterstützt von seinen Söhnen und seinem Schwiegersohn, zusammengestellt. Er griff damit in Burgund erfolglos gegen die Deutschen ein. Genau hier liegt das Problem: Sedan liegt an der Grenze zu Deutschland, nicht im Burgund. Außerdem erlitten die Franzosen eine Niederlage, sie kapitulierten und ihr Kaiser Napoléon III. wurde gefangen genommen. Es ist also kaum wahrscheinlich ist, daß die Franzosen anschließend auf dem Schlachtfeld von Sedan eine Cocktailparty gegeben haben. Was soll man nun davon halten? Vermutlich hat sich in der Erinnerung einiges verändert, Mythen und Legenden haben sich vermischt, und so ist es dazu gekommen, daß die Entstehungsgeschichte falsch überliefert wurde. Doch wie gesagt – das wichtigste an dieser Quelle ist, daß sie belegt, daß es zwischen dem B&B und dem Deutsch-Französischen Krieg eine enge Verbindung gibt, ganz so, wie wir es hergeleitet haben.
1910 Raymond E. Sullivan: The Barkeeper’s Manual. Seite 32. Benedictine and Brandy.
Use cordial glass.
Put in two-thirds Benedictine,
Float one-third Brandy on top carefully so as
not to mix them.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 149. Benedictine-Brandy.
Benedictine . . . . . . . 1/4 jigger Cognac . . . . . . . . . . . 1/4 jigger
Pour Benedictine into pony glass without ice, float cognac
over and serve with ice-water chaser.
1935 Anonymus: Cocktail Memoirs of Fresco Lime. Seite 4. B and B.
1/2 Bénédictine, 1/2
Cognac brandy: This suave
sophisticated after-dinner drink has
a decided Continental vogue.
1938 Bud Caroll: Popular Drinks of Today. Seite 30. Benedictine Brandy.
Benedictine . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 jigger Cognac . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 jigger
Pour benedictine into pony glass without ice, float
cognac over and serve with ice water chaser.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 93. B and B Cocktail.
1/2 Benedictine
1/2 Cognac Brandy
Serve in Pony Glass
1939 Anonymus: Cuna del Daiquiri Cocktail. Seite 16. B and B.
1/2 Ounce of Benedictino.
1/2 Ounce Brandy.
1940 Anonymus: Recipes. Seite 35. Benedictine and Brandy (Known as B and B)
Use pousse cafe glass
3/4 glass Benedictine
1/4 glass Brandy
1940 Anonymus: Libro de cocina. Seite 146. Brandy Cocktail.
1/4 Curaçao
3/4 Cogñac
Agítese bien.
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 19. B and B (Benedictine and Brandy).
1/2 Benedictine and 1/2 Brandy. Pour
these into a pony glass and they will
blend of their own accord. (Bottled
B and B can be obtained, pre-
blended in France by the makers of
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 78. B & B.
1/2 Benedictine
1/2 Brandy
Pour into Cordial glass and they will blend.
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 30. B and B.
1⁄2 oz. Benedictine
1/2 oz. Brandy
Serve in cordial glass.
1946 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 35. B and B.
1/2 oz. Benedictine
1/2 oz. Brandy
Serve in cordial
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 50. B and B.
1/2 bénédictine 1/2 cognac
Serve in liqueur glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 50. Been Bee.
3/4 oz. cognac 3/4 oz. bénédictine
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 153. B & B.
1 part cognac
1 part Benedictine
Mix, pour into liqueur glass and serve
at room temperature.
1953 „Kappa“: Bartender’s Guide to Mixed Drinks. Seite 12. B & B.
1/2 oz. Benedictine
1/2 oz. Cognac
Use Cordial glass and carefully float the Cognac
on top of the Benedictine.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 23. B & B.
1/2 oz. Benedictine
1/2 oz. Cognac
Use Cordial glass and carefully float
the Cognac on top of the Benedictine.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 44. B. and B..
Dans un verre à liqueur
1/2 Cognac
1/2 Bénédictine.
1954 Marcel Pace: Nos Meilleures boissons. B. and B..
Dans le verre à liqueurs Into liqueur glass
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 17. B. and B..
1/2 Brandy
1/2 Benedictine
Serve in a liqueur glass or iced
in a cocktail glass. This is an
after-dinner drink.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 72. B. and B..
1/2 Benedictine
1/2 Brandy
Serve in a liqueur glass or iced in
a cocktail glass. This is an after-
dinner drink.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 22. B. et B..
1/2 Bénédictine
1/2 Cognac
Après le dîner servir dans
un verre à liqueur.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 98. B & B.
1 part Benedictine 1 part cognac
This is essentially an after-dinner drink, served in a
liqueur glass, with the brandy cutting the sweetness of
the Benedictine. However, it may be stirred with ice and
strained into a cocktail glass before dinner. В & В is
now bottled ready-mixed by the D.O.M. people.
1960 Anonymus: Recetas para cocteles. Seite 18. B and B.
En copa de cordial.
1/4 de Coñac francés
1/2 de Benedictine
1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissante. Seite 20. Ballerine.
1/2 Cognac
1/2 Bénédictine
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 79. B and B.
1 bicchiere di cognac
1 bicchiere di bénédictine
Versare direttamente nei bicchieri, riempiendoli metà con
cognac, metà con bénédictine. Servire.
II B and B è uno short drink, non un cocktail, e come tale
viene dato senza l’indicazione di categoria. La sua « sto-
ria » confidata nel 1911 dal colonnello Federico Gattorno
ad un giovane commis di Rimini, ora maître al Savini,
Guido Ferniani, ha origini tanto nobili che non può non
essere ricordata.
1870, Sedan, furibonda battaglia della guerra franco-prus-
siana. L’unica bandiera strappata ai tedeschi lo fu dai
volontari del corpo garibaldino, capeggiati da Garibaldi
stesso. I francesi vollero festeggiare il generale e gli uf-
ficiali del suo comando; eccoli organizzare, sul campo
stesso delta battaglia, a Sedan, un cocktail-party ante
litteram. Non furono scovate al momento che bottiglie di
cognac e di bénédictine; si fece fifty fifty, metà e metà,
e si brindò all’amicizia dei due popoli.
Per lungo tempo lo short drink, metà cognac metà béné-
dictine, fu proprio chiamato Sedan. I barmen d’oltre Atlan-
tico – di che cosa non sono capaci gli americani? – l’hanno
ribattezzato B and B.
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 68. B & B.
1/2 Remy Martin Cognac
1/2 Bénédictine D . O . M .
in Zimmertemperatur servieren
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 350. B and B.
Mélange apprécié en Amérique, qui consiste en un 1/2 verre à liqueur
de bénédictine et autant de cognac (Brandy) (total 25 g) servi dans
une coupe bien glacée. Ce mélange peut également être servi
comme cocktail. On met alors de la glace dans le verre mélangeur,
1/2 bénédictine et 1/2 cognac. Très bien remuer. (Le prix dans ce cas
coûte autant que pour 1 petit verre de bénédictine et 1 petit verre de
cognac, car on a besoin de 50 g pour faire un cocktail.)
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 71. B & B.
1/2 ounce Benedictine 1/2 ounce brandy
Blend in a liqueur glass.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 28. B and B (Bénedictine et Brandy).
Coupe bien glacée ou «frozen glass». 1/2
bénédictine, 1/2 cognac. Servi comme
cocktail: Mixingglass. 1/2 bénédictine, 1/2
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 35. B and B.
1/2 oz. Benedictine, 1/2 oz. Brandy. Serve in cordial glass.
1968 Anonymus: The Dieter’s Drink Book. Seite 49. B&B.
1/2 oz. Benedictine
1/2 oz. brandy, 80 proof
Pour Benedictine into small liqueur glass. Float
brandy gently on top.
1971 Anonymus: Tropical Recipes. Standard Recipes. B. & B. (Benedictine & Brandy).
Liqueur Glass, 1 oz.
Fill 2/3rds full Benedictine
Float Brandy
NOTE: Inasmuch as these two
are near the same proof they
blend perfectly. There is
also a ready prepared bottled
product on the market.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 5. B & B.
1/2 oz. Benedictine
1/2 oz. Cognac
Use cordial glass and carefully float
the Cognac on top of the Benedictine.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 249. B and B.
1/2 ounce Benedictine
1/2 ounce brandy
Pour Benedictine into small cordial glass. Carefully float
brandy on top of Benedictine.
1973 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 35. B and B.
1/2 oz. Benedictine, 1/2 oz. Brandy. Serve in Cordial glass.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 25. B. and B..
1/2 Brandy.
1/2 Benedictine.
Serve in a liqueur glass or
iced in a cocktail glass.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 221. B and B.
Pony Glass Build
1/2 oz Benedictine
1/2 oz brandy
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 225. Been Bee.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-1/2 oz brandy
1 oz Benedictine
2010 Colin Peter Field: The Ritz Paris. Seite 32. B&B. 6/10 Hennessy Cognac, 4/10 Bénédictine.
Better & Better
Wir haben unsere Rezeptur geändert:
45 ml Del Maguey Chichicapa Mezcal
15 ml Smith & Cross
7,5 ml Velvet Falernum7,5 ml The Amber Falernum1 Zitronenzeste als Garnierung
Betsy Ross
Wir haben folgende zusätzlichen Rezepte gefunden:
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 226. Betsy Ross.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1 oz brandy
1 oz port
1 dash Angostura bitters
1/4 oz orange curaçao
Hiball Glass Shake
Add egg yolk and
1 tsp sugar to above
Garnish with nutmeg
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 311. Imperial.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-1/4 oz dry vermouth
1-1/4 oz gin
1 dash bitters
1/4 tsp maraschino liqueur
Cherry or Olive
Cocktail Glass Shake
3/4 oz orange curacao
3/4 oz port
1 oz Cognac
Bei der Durchsicht der historischen Rezepte zeigt sich, daß der B.F.G. Vorgänger hatte. Diese werden zwar mit anderen Mengenverhältnissen zubereitet, doch sind sie in ihrer Grundzusammenstellung dem B.F.G. sehr ähnlich. 1937 veröffentlicht R. de Fleury den „Johnnie of Skye“ aus jeweils zwei Teilen italienischem Wermut (Martini) und Johnny Walker Whisky, einem Teil Drambuie und einem Dash Angostura Bitters. Auch der 1966 bei Harry Schraemli erschinenen „Braemer Cocktail“ hat eine gewise Ähnlichkeit. Er besteht aus gleichen Teilen Drambuie, Scotch und trockenem Wermut mit einer Zitronenzeste.
Zum Namen gibt Adam Elmegirab an: „The name is a nod to the first recorded reference of a drink combining whisky and Drambuie, the B.I.F., from 1937, which was named for the British Industries Fair held annually in Birmingham from the 1920s until the mid-20th century. I created this drink for the 2010 Drambuie Cocktail Competition. I formulated it specifically with the lead judge in mind – Simon Difford, of beverage industry publication Difford’s Guide, after reading an article where he’d been looking for the perfect whisky for the Rusty Nail. His choice? Laphroaig 10 year old.“ Er schreibt, der Name sei eine Anspielung auf die erste urkundliche Erwähnung eines Getränks aus Whisky und Drambuie, dem B.I.F. aus dem Jahre 1937, welches nach der British Industry Fair benannt worden sei. Diese Messe fand seit den 20er Jahren bis in die Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts statt. Er habe den B.F.G. für den Drambuie Cocktail Wettbewerb im Jahre 2010 kreiert und dabei ein Augenmerk auf den Hauptrichter, Simon Difford, gerichtet. Dieser habe in einem Artikel geschrieben, der zehnjährige Laphroaig sei der perfekte Whisky für einen Rusty Nail, und deshalb sei dieser Whisky auch Bestandteil des B.F.G.s geworden.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 68. Johnnie of Skye.
1/5 Drambuie
2/5 Martini Vermouth
2/5 Johnny Walker
1 Dash Angostura
Shake well and strain.
Decorate with a Cherry
and Lemon Peel.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 50. Braemer Cocktail.
Mixingglass. 1/3 Drambuie, 1/3 Scotch
whisky, 1/3 vermouth sec. ZC. [Zitronenzeste]
2017 Dr. Adam Elmegirab: Book of Bitters. Seite 140. B.F.G. 45 ml Drambuie; 22,5 ml Cocchi vermouth di Torino; 10 ml Laphroaig 10 years old; 2 dashes Boker’s bitters.
Black Hawk
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 48. Gold Digger’s Cocktail.
1/2 shot rye whiskey.
1/2 shot sloe gin. Stir. 1 cherry.
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 15. Black Hawk Cocktail.
1/2 Old Mr. Boston Whiskey
1/2 Old Mr. Boston Sloe Gin
Serve with a cherry.
Shake well
with cracked ice and strain into 3
oz. Cocktail glass.
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 12. Black Hawk Cocktail.
1/2 Rye whiskey.
1/2 Sloe gin.
Stir and serve.
Dress with a sherry.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 59. Gold Digger’s.
1/2 Rye whiskey.
1/2 Sloe gin.
Stir well and serve with
a sherry.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 84. Black Hawk Cock-Tail.
Media parte whiskey MONT VERNON.
Media parte sloe gin.
Revuélvase. Una cereza.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 20. Black Hawk.
1/2 Sloe Gin; 1/2 Whisky.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 55. Black Hawk.
1/2 Rye Whisky.
1/2 Sloe Gin
Stir and Strain.
Add Cherry.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 27. Black Hawk Cocktail.
1 1/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Rye or Bour-
bon Whiskey
1 1/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Sloe Gin
Stir well with cracked Ice and strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Serve with a
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 55. Black Hawk.
1/2 Rye Whisky.
1/2 Sloe Gin
Stir and Strain.
Add Cherry.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 29. Black Hawk.
Dans le verre à mélange:
1/2 Sloe Gin, 1/2 Rye Whisky.
Mélanger et servir.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 53. Black Hawk.
1/2 Rye Whisky.
1/2 Sloe Gin.
Stir and Strain.
Add Cherry.
1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissante. Seite 24. Black hawk.
1/2 Gin
1/2 Rye
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 9. Black Hawk Cocktail.
1 1/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Whiskey *
1 1/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Sloe Gin
Stir well with cracked ice and strain
into 3 oz. cocktail glass. Serve with a
* Bourbon, Blended, Rye or Canadian.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 229. Black Hawk Cocktail.
1 1/4 ounces whisky (Bourbon, blended, rye, or Canadian)
1 1/4 ounces sloe gin
Stir well with ice cubes. Strain into chilled 3-ounce cocktail
glass. Serve with a cherry.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 229. Black Hawk.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-1/4 oz sloe gin
1-1/4 oz Bourbon (or a blend)
(1/2 oz lemon juice optional)
Blood and Sand
Neues Rezept mit Nikka Coffey
Wir haben eine alternative Rezeptur hinzugefügt:
40 ml Nikka Coffey Malt Whisky
20 ml Orangensaft
20 ml Guignolet de Dijon von Gabriel Boudier
20 ml Antica Formula
3 Orangenzesten
Zubereitung: Geschüttelt (inklusive der Orangenzesten).
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 30. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/4 Orange Juice.
1/4 Scotch Whisky.
1/4 Cherry Brandy.
1/4 Italian Vermouth.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1934 G. F. Steele: My New Cocktail Book. Seite 29. Blood and Sand.
1/4 Orange juice
1/4 Scotch Whiskey
1/4 Cherry Brandy
1/4 Italian Vermouth
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 16. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/4 Orange Juice
1/4 Scotch Whiskey
1/4 Old Mr. Boston Cherry Nectar
1/4 Italian Vermouth
Shake well with cracked ice and
strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 174. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1 1/2 glasses Scotch whisky 1 1/2 glasses Italian
1 1/2 glasses cherry liqueur vermouth
. 1 1/2 glasses orange juice
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 97. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/4 Orange Juice
1/4 Scotch Whisky
1/4 Cherry Brandy
1/4 Italian Vermouth
Shake well
Strain into Cocktail Glass
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 22. Blood ’n‘ Sand Cocktail.
1/2 oz Orange juice, 1/2 oz Scotch, 1/2 oz
Cherry Brandy, 1/2 oz Sweet Ver-
mouth. Shake well with cracked ice
and strain into cocktail glass.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 39. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/8 gill of fresh orange juice,
1/8 gill of Italian vermouth,
1/8 gill of cherry brandy,
1/8 gill of Scotch whisky.
Use the mixing glass.
1940 Crosby Gaige: Crosby Gaige’s Cocktail Guide. Seite 125. Blood ’n‘ Sand Cocktail.
1/3 jigger Scotch, Vat 69 preferably
1/3 jigger Cherry Brandy
1/3 jigger Sweet Vermouth
1/3 jigger Orange Juice
Shake well with cracked ice and strain into
cocktail glass.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 50. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1 ounce Scotch
1/2 ounce Orange Juice
1/2 ounce Cherry Brandy
1/2 ounce Sweet Vermouth
Shake well with cracked ice.
1944 Harmann Burney Burke: Burke’s Complete Cocktail & Drinking Recipes. Seite 59. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1 Scotch Whiskey
1 Italian Vermouth
1 Orange Juice
1 Cherry Brandy
Ice. — Stir. Strain and serve.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 262. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/2 oz. scotch 1/2 oz. Italian vermouth
1/2 oz. cherry brandy 1/2 oz. orange juice
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 20. Blood and Sand.
1 part Italian Vermouth 1 part Scotch
1 part Orange Juice 1 part Cherry Brandy
Shake with cracked ice and strain.
Do not use same ice twice, except in Scotland.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 39. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/8 gill of fresh orange juice,
1/8 gill of Italian vermouth,
1/8 gill of cherry brandy,
1/8 gill of Scotch whisky.
Use the mixing glass.
1953 „Kappa“: Bartender’s Guide to Mixed Drinks. Seite 18. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/2 oz. Orange Juice
1/2 oz. Scotch Whiskey
1/2 oz. Brandy
1/2 oz. Sweet Vermouth
Shake well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz.
Cocktail glass.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 28. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/2 oz. Orange Juice
1/2 oz. Scotch Whiskey
1/2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Wild Cherry
Flavored Brandy
1/2 oz. Italian Vermouth
Shake well with cracked Ice and strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1954 Robert H. Loeb, Jr.: Nip Ahoy. Seite 76. Blood ’n‘ Sand Cocktail.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 96. Blood and Sand.
1/4 Scotch Whisky
1/4 Cherry Brandy
1/4 Sweet Vermouth
1/4 Orange Juice
Stir well with ice and strain into
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 26. Blood and Sand.
Timbale à mélange, glace
1/4 Scotch Whisky
1/4 Cherry Brandy
1/4 Vermouth italien
1/4 jus d’orange frais
Bien remuer en timbale et
passer dans verre à cocktail.
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 32. Blood and Sandy.
1 part Scotch 1 part cherry cordial
1 part sweet vermouth 1 part orange juice
Shake well with ice. Strain.
1963 Eddie Clarke: Shaking in the 60’s. Seite 90. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/2 measure Scotch whisky
1/2 measure cherry brandy
1/2 measure sweet Vermouth
1/2 measure orange juice
Shake well and strain into a cocktail glass
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 65. Blood and Sand.
1/4 Grant’s Straight Malt
Highland Scotch
1/4 Heering Cherry Brandy
1/4 Gancia Vermouth rot
1/4 Orangensaft
im shaker schütteln
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 356. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/4 jus d’orange, 1/4 Cherry-brandy, 1/4 vermouth rouge, 1/4 whisky.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 50. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/2 ounce Scotch whisky 1/2 ounce orange juice
1/2 ounce cherry brandy 1/2 ounce sweet vermouth
Shake well with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 36. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
Shaker. 1/4 jus d’orange, 1/4 sherry-brandy,
1/4 vermouth rouge, 1/4 whisky.
1966 John Doxat: Booth’s Handbook of Cocktails and Mixed Drinks. Seite 65. Blood and Sand.
1/2 oz. each —
Scotch Whisky
Cherry Brandy
Orange Juice
Sweet Vermouth
Shake, strain into large cocktail-glass.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 9. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/2 oz. Orange Juice
1/2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Scotch
1/2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Wild Cherry
Flavored Brandy
1/2 oz. Sweet Vermouth
Shake well with cracked ice and
strain into 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 30. Blood and Sand Cocktail.
1/4 Orange Juice.
1/4 Scotch Whisky.
1/4 Cherry Brandy.
1/4 Italian Vermouth.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 230. Blood and Sand.
Cocktail Glass Shake
3/4 oz orange juice
3/4 oz Scotch
1/2 oz cherry flavored brandy
1/2 oz sweet vermouth
2014 Dave Arnold: Liquid Intelligence. Seite 130. Blood and Sand. 1 Unze Schottischer Whisky; 3/4 Unzen Cherry Heering; 3/4 Unzen süßer Wermut; 1/2 Unze Orangensaft; Garnierung: Orangenzeste, optional flambiert.
2015 Duggan McDonnell: Drinking the devil’s acre. Seite 207. The Blood and Sand. 20 ml blended Scotch, such as Great King Street; 20 ml Heering cherry liqueur; 20 ml Italian vermouth; 20 ml orange juice. Garnish: expressed orange peel.
2016 André Darlington & Tenaya Darlington: The New Cocktail Hour. Seite 71. Blood and Sand. 45 ml Talisker; 22 ml Cherry Heering; 22 ml Carpano Antica Formula; 30 ml Orangensaft; Garnitur: Orangenzeste.
2016 Brian Silva: Mixing in the Right Circles at Balthazar London. Seite 44. Blood And Sand. 35 ml The Famous Grouse; 15 ml Grant’s Morella Cherry Brandy; 15 ml Martini Rosso Vermouth; 25 ml orange juice.
2016 Klaus St. Rainer: Cocktails. Seite 128. Blood And Sand. 30 ml blended scotch whisky; 30 ml Carpano Antica Formula vermouth; 30 ml cherry liquor (Heering); creamy orange foam. Seite 162. Creamy Orange Foam. 500 ml orange juice; 2 spoons xanthan; 1 nitrous oxide cartridge.
2016 Philip Greene: The Manhattan. Seite 154. Blood & Sand. 3/4 Unze Monkey Shoulder Scotch Whisky; 3/4 Unze Cherry Heering; 3/4 Unze Martini Sweet Vermouth; 1 Unze Orangensaft; Garnitur: flambierte Orangenzeste.
2017 Jim Meehan: Meehan’s Bartender Manual. Seite 317. Blood And Sand. 1,5 oz. Johnnie Walker Black blended Scotch Whisky; 0,75 oz. orange juice; 0,5 oz. Carpano Antica Formula vermouth; 0,5 oz. Cherry Heering.
1887 Charlie Paul: American and Other Iced Drinks. Seite 52. Night-Cap.
[This to be taken the last thing at night as a
digester for other drinks previously imbibed.
The recipe was given to Charlie by a very old
Norwegian captain.]
Take a small wine glass; put in a liqueur-
glassful of old brandy, ditto curaçoa, ditto of
benedictine; let them blend for a moment; then
take off at a single draught, after which say —
„Good Night.“
1902 Charlie Paul: American and Other Iced Drinks. Seite 40. Night-Cap.
[This to be taken the last thing at night as a
digester for other drinks previously imbibed. The
recipe was given to Charlie by a very old Norwegian
Take a small wine glass; put in a liqueur-
glassful of old brandy, ditto curaçoa, ditto of
benedictine; let them blend for a moment; then
take off at a single draught, after which say —
„Good Night.“
1909 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 63. April-Shower.
In ein Fizzglas gebe man:
1 schönes Stück Kristalleis,
1 Likörglas Cognac,
1 “ Benediktiner,
den Saft einer Orange.
Dann langsam auffüllen mit Selterswasser, vorsichtig mischen mit
1909 Charlie Paul: American and Other Iced Drinks. Seite 42. Night-Cap.
[This to be taken the last thing at night as a
digester for other drinks previously imbibed. The
recipe was given to Charlie by a very old Norwegian
Take a small wine glass; put in a liqueur-glassful
of old brandy, ditto curaçoa, ditto of benedictine;
let them blend for a moment; then take off at a
single draught, after which say – „Good Night.“
1913 Hans Schönfeld & John Leybold: Lexikon der Getränke. Seite 151. Norwegian-Night-Cap.
In ein Cocktailglas gebe zu gleichen
Teilen Curacao und Benedictiner, brenne vor dem Ser-
vieren einen Augenblick an.
1929 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Guide. Seite 66. Brandy Champerelle.
Use small wineglass
One-third brandy. One-third curaçao.
One-third bitters.
This is a delicious French cafe drink.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 100. Sans Pareil.
1/3 Benedictine D.O.M.
1/3 Curacao
1/3 Cognac
1 Dash Angostura
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 225. Night Cap – No. 1.
Use a Small Wine
1 Liqueur Glass Old
1 Liqueur Glass Curacao
1 Liqueur Glass Bene-
Let them blend for a
1939 Ambrose Heath: Good Drinks. Seite 59. Night-Cap.
1 liqueur-glassful old Brandy
1 liqueur-glassful Curaçao
1 liqueur-glassful Benedictine
Blend for a moment, and say your prayers.
1949 Emile Bauwens: Livre de Cocktails. Seite 63. Olympic cocktail.
1/3 Cognac –
1/3 Jus Orange-
1/3 Curaçao –
Frapper au shaker et passer dans un
verre à cocktail.
Bobby Burns
Wir haben folgendes Diagramm hinzugefügt:
Man sieht, daß ein Bobby Burns überwiegend mit Bénédictine zubereitet wird.
1895 Anonymus: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 8. Baby Burns.
One teaspoon full of benedictine, teaspoon full of vermouth,
Scotch whiskey.
USHER – Lump of ice, squeeze lemon peel and serve.
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 4. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
A mixing glass half full of cracked
1 teaspoonful of Benedictine.
1/2 drink of Italian vermouth.
1/2 drink of Scotch whiskey.
Stir, strain into cocktail glass,
twist lemon peel over top and serve.
1916 Count Benvenito Martini: Cocktail-ology. Bobbie Burns.
1-2 Scotch
1-2 Italian vermouth
3 dashes Chartreuse
Shake well and serve in cocktail glass.
Squeeze lemon peel on top. In Bonny
Scotland the wee bairns are weaned on
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 4. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
A mixing glass half full of cracked
1 teaspoonful of Benedictine,
1/2 drink of Italian vermouth.
1/2 drink of Scotch whiskey.
Stir, strain into cocktail glass,
twist lemon peel over top and serve.
1931 John: „Happy Days!“. Seite 34. Bobbie Burns Cocktail.
(for two)
One teaspoonful Orange Juice
One teaspoonful Maraschino
Crush one lump of sugar
50 per cent Scotch
50 per cent M&R Italian Vermouth.
1931 John: „Happy Days!“. Seite 61. Robert Burns Cocktail.
One dash Absinthe
25 per cent M&R Italian Vermouth
75 per cent Irish or Scotch Whiskey.
Shake well.
1933 Anonymus: Bottoms Up! Y Como! Johnnie Aggie Cocktail.
1. One half Italian Vermouth. (For Men)
2. One half Johnnie Aggie Scotch
3. Three dashes Benedictine.
Cocktail glass. Stir. Strain.
Squeeze lemon peel on top.
*Available in America after prohibition.
1933 Anonymus: Hollywood’s Favorite Cocktails. Seite 22. Johnnie Aggie Cocktail.
1/2 Italian Vermouth
1/2 Johnnie Aggie Scotch Whisky
3 Dashes Benedictine
Shake well and strain into cock-
tail glass. Squeeze Lemon Peel
on top
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 33. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1/2 Italian Vermouth.
1/2 Scotch Whisky.
3 Dashes Benedictine.
Shake well and strain into cocktail
glass. Squeeze lemon peel on top,
One o f the very best Whisky Cocktails. A very
fast mover on Saint Andrew’s Day.
1934 G. F. Steele: My New Cocktail Book. Seite 29. Bobbie Burns.
50% Scotch
50% Italian Vermouth
1 barspoonful Orange juice
1 barspoonful Maraschino
1934 G. F. Steele: My New Cocktail Book. Seite 29. Bobbie Burns – No. 2.
1/2 Italian Vermouth
1/2 Scotch Whiskey
3 dashes Benedictine
twist of Lemon peel
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 60. Robert Burns Cocktail.
1 dash orange bitters.
1/4 shot Italian vermouth.
3/4 shot Irish or Scotch whiskey.
1 dash absinthe. Shake well.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 52. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1 Pony of Scotch Whisky
1/2 Pony Italian Vermouth
1 Dash of Angostura Bitters
1935 Gustav Selmer Fougner: Along the Wine Trail. Seite 203. Robert Burns.
Three-fourths Scotch Whisky
One-fourth Italian Vermouth
One dash orange bitters
One dash Pernod or Ojen
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 18. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1/2 Italian Vermouth
1/2 Scotch Whiskey
2 Dashes Benedictine
Stir well with cracked ice, strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass and serve
with a twist of Lemon Peel on top
of glass.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 26. Bobby Burns.
1 part Scotch Whisky
1 part Italian Vermouth
2 dashes Benedictine per cocktail
Squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 174. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
3 glasses Scotch whisky 1 tablespoon orange juice
3 glasses Italian vermouth 1 tablespoon maraschino
. 2 teaspoons sugar
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 85. Bobbie Burns Cock-Tail.
Cucharadita jugo de naranja.
Cucharadita marraschino.
Disuélvase un terrón de azúcar.
Media parte whiskey VICTORIA VAT.
Media parte vermouth FERRERO. Bátase.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 117. Robert Burns Cock-Tail.
Gotas ajenjo.
Cuarta parte vermouth FERRERO.
Tres cuartas partes whiskey Rye o Escocés.
Bien batido.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 97. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1/2 Italian Vermouth
1/2 Scotch Whisky
3 dashes Benedictine
Shake well
Strain into Cocktail Glass
Twist Lemon Peel on top
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 137. Robert Burns Cocktail.
1 dash Orange Bitters
1 dash Absinthe
1/4 Italian Vermouth
3/4 Scotch Whisky
Stir well
Strain into Cocktail Glass
1939 Ambrose Heath: Good Drinks. Seite 24. Bobby Burns.
1/2 Scotch Whisky
1/2 Italian Vermouth
3 dashes Benedictine
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 22. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth, 1 1/2oz Scotch,
3 dashes Benedictine. Stir well in
cracked ice, strain into cocktail glass.
Twist Lemon Peel over top for oil.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 41. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
3 dashes of Bénédictine,
1/4 gill of Italian vermouth,
1/4 gill of Scotch whisky.
Use the mixing glass. Serve with a little lemon-peel juice
squeezed on top.
1940 Crosby Gaige: Crosby Gaige’s Cocktail Guide. Seite 131. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1 jigger Scotch Whiskey
1/2 jigger Sweet Vermouth
3 dashes Benedictine
Stir well in cracked ice and strain into
cocktail glass. Garnish with a twist of lemon peel.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 51. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1 jigger Scotch
1 ounce Sweet Vermouth
1 teaspoon Benedictine
Stir with cracked ice and serve with a twist of
Lemon Peel.
1944 Harmann Burney Burke: Burke’s Complete Cocktail & Drinking Recipes. Seite 60. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1 Scotch Whiskey
1 Italian Vermouth
Benedictine, 1 Teaspoonful
Ice. — Stir. Strain and serve with a Lemon
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 262. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
3/4 oz. scotch 3/4 oz. Italian vermouth
. 3 dashes bénédictine
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass
Twist lemon peel over drink.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 282. Robert Burns Cocktail.
1 1/2 oz. scotch 1 dash orange bitters
1/2 oz. Italian vermouth 1 dash Pernod
Stir with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 309. Bobby Burns-Cocktail.
1 d. Bénédictine, 1/4 ital. Vermouth, 1/4 franz. Vermouth,
1/2 Whisky. Gut rühren.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 48. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1/2 Scotch Whisky,
1/2 Italienischer Vermouth,
1 Spritzer Angosturabitter.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 21. Bobby Burns.
1/2 jigger Italian Vermouth 3 dashes Benedictine
. 1⁄2 jigger Scotch
Shake with cracked ice and strain. Twist lemon peel.
1951 Anonymus: The Holiday Drink Book. Seite 11. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
3/4 oz. sweet vermouth
1 1/2 oz. scotch
3 dashes Bénédictine
Stir well in cracked ice, strain into cock-
tail glass. Twist lemon peel over top.
1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 66. Bobby Burns.
Dans le à mélange:
Un trait de bénédictine,
1/4 de vermouth italien,
1/2 de scotch whisky,
Bien remuer et servir.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 41. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
3 dashes of Benedictine,
1/4 gill of Italian vermouth,
1/4 gill of Scotch whisky.
Use the mixing glass. Serve with a little lemon-peel juice
squeezed on top.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 158. Bobby Burns.
. 3 golpes de licor Benedictine.
Refrescado. 40 gramos de Whisky Escocés.
Servido en copa de 90 40 gramos de Vermouth Torino.
gramos. 30 gramos de Vermouth Fran-
. El zumo de una corteza de li-
. món.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 56. Bobby Burns.
1/2 Scotch Whisky.
1/2 Sweet Vermouth.
3 Dashes Benedictine.
Shake and Strain.
Squeeze Lemon Peel on top.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 166. Bobbie Burns.
An interesting variation of the Rob Roy is the
BOBBIE BURNS6 Rob Roy with the addition of 1 dash of Dram-
buie for each drink. Benedictine is sometimes used in place of
Drambuie. However, the Drambuie is preferable because it is made with
a Scotch whisky base.
6 An interesting variation of these drinks may be obtained by substituting
Peychaud bitters for the Angostura. Peychaud, somehow, seems to blend better
than Angostura with the Scotch.
1953 „Kappa“: Bartender’s Guide to Mixed Drinks. Seite 19. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1 1/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth
1 1/4 oz. Scotch Whiskey
1 Teaspoon Benedictine
Stir well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz.
Cocktail glass. Add twist of Lemon Peel and
drop in glass.
1953 „Kappa“: Bartender’s Guide to Mixed Drinks. Seite 58. Hoot Mon Cocktail.
1 oz. Sweet Vermouth
1 oz. Benedictine
2 oz. Scotch Whiskey
Stir with cracked Ice and strain into 5 oz.
Cocktail glass.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 28. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1 1/4 oz. Italian Vermouth
1 1/4 oz. Scotch Whiskey
1 Teaspoon Benedictine
Stir well with cracked Ice and strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Add twist of
Lemon Peel and drop in glass.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 79. Hoot Mon Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Italian Vermouth
1 1/2 oz. Scotch Whiskey
1 Teaspoon Benedictine
Stir well with cracked Ice and strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Twist of
Lemon Peel and drop in glass.
1954 Robert H. Loeb, Jr.: Nip Ahoy. Seite 77. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 56. Bobby Burns.
1/2 Scotch Whisky.
1/2 Sweet Vermouth.
3 Dashes Benedictine.
Shake and Strain.
Squeeze Lemon Peel on top.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 96. Bobby Burns.
1/2 Scotch Whisky
1/4 Dry Vermouth
1/4 Sweet Vermouth
1 Dash Benedictine
Stir well with ice and strain into
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 27. Bobby Burns.
Timbale à mélange, glace
1/2 Scotch Whisky
1/4 Vermouth français
1/4 Vermouth italien
2 traits Bénédictine
Bien remuer en timbale et
passer dans verre à cocktail.
Essence de citron.
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 32. Bobby Burns.
1 part Scotch 1 part Italian-type vermouth
. 2 dashes Benedictine
Stir with ice, strain, pour, drink, and gang agley.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 55. Bobby Burns.
1/2 Scotch Whisky.
1/2 Sweet Vermouth.
3 Dashes Benedictine.
Shake and Strain.
Squeeze Lemon Peel on top
1963 Eddie Clarke: Shaking in the 60’s. Seite 93. Bobby Burns.
1 1/2 measures Scotch whisky
1/2 measure sweet Vermouth
3 dashes Benedictine
Shake well and strain into a cocktail glass.
Squeeze a little lemon peel on drink before
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 90. Bobbie Burns Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di scotch whisky
1/3 di bicchiere di vermouth classico
1/3 di bicchiere di vermouth dry
2 gocce di angostura bitter
2 gocce di bénédictine
ghiaccio a cubetti
Introdurre qualche cubetto di ghiaccio nel mixer. Versare
lo scotch whisky, il vermouth classico ed il vermouth dry
e mescolarli usando l’apposito cucchiaio; aggiungere l’an-
gostura ed il bénédictine. Mescolare piuttosto forte, lasciar
riposare uno o due secondi, riprendere infine a mescolare
ma lentamente. Servire subito.
1965 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 59. Bobby Burns.
1/2 Scotch Whisky.
1/2 Sweet Vermouth.
1/4 Fresh Lemon Juice.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 358. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1 dash bénédictine,1/4 vermouth rouge, 1/4 vermouth sec, 1/2 whisky.
Bien remuer.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 50. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1/2 ounces Scotch whisky 3 dashes Benedictine
1 ounce sweet vermouth
Stir with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass. Serve with twist of
lemon peel.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 39. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
Mixingglass. 1 d [dash] bénédictine, 1/4 vermouth
rouge, 1/4 vermouth sec, 1/2 whisky.
1966 John Doxat: Booth’s Handbook of Cocktails and Mixed Drinks. Seite 66. Bobby Burns.
1 1/2 oz. Scotch Whisky
3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth
Teaspoon Benedictine
Stir well, strain into cocktail glass.
Squeeze Lemon rind over but do not immerse.
1969 Mario Kardahi & Raul Echenique: El arte de la exquisitez y del buen beber. Seite 344. Bobby Burns.
Refrescado. Servir en copa Campana.
3 golpes de licor Benedictine,
40 gramos de Whisky Escocés,
40 “ “ Vermouth Torino.
El Zumo de la corteza de un limón.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 10. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1 1/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth
1 1/4 oz. Old Mr. Boston Scotch
1 Teaspoon Benedictine
Stir well with cracked ice and strain
into 3 oz. cocktail glass. Add twist of
lemon peel and drop in glass.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 47. Hoot Mon Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Sweet Vermouth
1 1/2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Scotch
1 Teaspoon Benedictine
Stir well with cracked ice and strain
into 3 oz. cocktail glass. Add twist of
lemon peel and drop in glass.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 240. Robert Burns Cocktail.
1 1/2 ounces scotch
1/2 ounce Italian vermouth
1 dash orange bitters
1 dash Pernod
Stir with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 45. Bobby Burns.
1/2 Scotch whisky
1/2 sweet vermouth
3 dashes Benedictine
Mixing glass
1976 Brian F. Rea – Brian’s Booze Guide. Seite 40. Bobbie Burns.
a Rob Roy with a dash of Grena-
Seite 76: Rob Roy.
a Scotch Manhattan.
Make a Manhattan using Scotch instead of Bourbon.
Seite 64: Manhattan.
Stir/strain into pre-chilled cocktail glass
2 ounces Bourbon or Blended Whiskey
3⁄4 ounce sweet Vermouth (use less if desired)
Garnish with cherry
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 33. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
1/2 Italian Vermouth.
1/2 Scotch Whisky.
3 Dashes Bénédictine.
Shake well and strain into cocktail
glass. Squeeze lemon peel on top.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 231. Bobby Burns Cocktail.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-1/4 oz Scotch
1-1/4 oz sweet vermouth
1/4 oz Benedictine or Drambuie
1-3/4 oz Scotch
1/2 oz sweet vermouth
1/4 oz Benedictine or Drambuie
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 306. Hoot(s) Mon.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-1/2 oz Scotch
3/4 oz sweet vermouth
1/4 oz Benedictine
Lemon twist
(Substitute: 1/2 oz Lillet for
1/4 oz Pernod 1-1/2 oz whiskey
Benedictine and 1/2 oz for 3/4
oz sweet vermouth)
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 381. Robert Burns.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-3/4 oz Scotch
1/2 oz sweet vermouth
1/4 oz Pernod
1 dash orange bitters
2017 Jim Meehan: Meehan’s Bartender Manual. Seite 323. Bobby Burns. 2 oz. Compass Box Oak Cross blended malt Scotch whisky; 0,75 oz. Martini Rosso vermouth; 0,25 oz. Bénédictine; Scottish shortbread (preferably Walker’s), for serving.
Wir haben unsere Rezeptur geändert:
30 ml
James E. Pepper 1776 BourbonKnob Creek Bourbon30 ml
Negroni-BittersTuvè Bitter30 ml Antica Formula
Garnierung: Orangenzeste
Zubereitung: Gerührt, mit Orangenzeste abspritzen.
40 ml Woodford Reserve Bourbon
20 ml Campari
20 ml Antica Formula
Garnierung: Orangenzeste und Zitronenzeste
Zubereitung: Gerührt, mit Orangenzeste und Zitronenzeste abspritzen.
Lange haben wir nach einer Alternative gesucht, und wir haben sie im Tuvé Bitter gefunden. Er zeigt die Komplexität und die Orangenaromen des alten Camparis mit denselben Bitteraromen im Abgang. Er ist natürlich nicht mit dem alten Campari hundertprozentig identisch, doch sie sind beide sehr ähnlich. Zu Anfang zeigt er deutlich mehr Orangenaromen. Hier zeigt sich auch, daß der Austausch des Farbstoffes nicht der Grund für die Veränderung der Aromatik sein kann. Im Tuvé Bitter ist Karmin enthalten. Karmin ist geschmacklos, und so dürfte es auch bei den neuerdings verwendeten Farbstoffen des Campari sein.
1935 Gustav Selmer Fougner: Along the Wine Trail. Seite 197. Boulevardier.
Two-thirds Rye and the remainder in equal parts of Grand
Marnier and French Vermouth.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 81. Shenbey’s Special Cocktail.
1 trait de Bitter Campari; 1/3 Cinzano;
2/3 Whisky.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 365. Boulevardier (cocktail).
1/6 Campari, 1/6 cognac, 1/3 Dubonnet, 1/3 Raphaël. Agiter.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 48. Boulevardier Cocktail.
Shaker. 1/6 Campari, 1/6 cognac, 1/3 Du-
bonnet, 1/3 St. Raphaël.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 405. Special Manhattan.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-3/4 oz Bourbon or rye
1/2 oz sweet vermouth
1/4 oz Campari
2016 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 72. Boulevardier. 2 cl Bourbon Whiskey; 2 cl Campari; 2 cl roter Wermut; Garnierung: Orangenzeste.
2016 Sasha Petraske: Regarding Cocktails. Seite 69. Left Hand. 45 ml bourbon; 22 ml sweet vermouth; 22 ml Campari; 3 dashes Bittermen’s chocolate bitters; garnish: brandied cherry.
2017 Jim Meehan: Meehan’s Bartender Manual. Seite 329. Boulevardier. 2 oz. Wild Turkey 101 proof rye whiskey; 1 oz. Cocchi vermouth di Torino; 1 oz. Campari: garnish: 1 orange twist.
Boulevardier 1929
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 365. Boulevardier (cocktail).
1/6 Campari, 1/6 cognac, 1/3 Dubonnet, 1/3 Raphaël. Agiter.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 48. Boulevardier Cocktail.
Shaker. 1/6 Campari, 1/6 cognac, 1/3 Du-
bonnet, 1/3 St. Raphaël.
Bourbon Highball
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 31. Whisky High Ball.
Use a medium size thin glass, into which put
a small round piece of ice, and a small bar
Let your customer help himself with rye or
bourbon whisky, then fill the glass with siphon
seltzer, or apollinaris water, or use ginger ale
if customer prefers it.
1909 John Applegreen: Applegreen’s Bar Book. Seite 32. Ginger Ale High Ball.
Same as whisky high ball, except use ginger
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 56. High Ball.
Drop a lump of ice in a high ball
glass and place it before the customer,
together with a bottle of Scotch Rye
or Bourbon whiskey, as preferred, in
order that he may pour his own drink.
Then fill up with Apollinaris or Seltzer.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 179. Whisky Ginger Ale.
Dans un gobelet
en cristal, un morceau de glace, un verre à ma-
dère de Whisky et passer au consommateur avec
une bouteille de Ginger Ale.
1931 John: „Happy Days!“. Seite 74. Bourbon Cocktail.
100 per cent Bourbon
One lump of ice. Fill with siphon.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 48. Lionel.
Whisky . . . . . . . . . 1 pony Ginger Ale . . . . . . . 1 pony
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass and
1935 Adrian: Cocktail Fashions of 1936. Seite 35. Bourbon Highball.
1 shot bourbon.
1 lump ice. Fill with siphon.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 73. Bourbon Highball.
2 Cubes of ice
1 Jigger Bourbon whisky
Use an 8 ounce tall glass and fill with car-
bonated water or gingerale. Serve with a small
bar spoon in the glass and a piece of lemon
peel if desired.
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 20. Bourbon Highball.
To 1 Cube of Ice, add 1 Drink of
Old Mr. Boston Whiskey, fill up
with Carbonated Water or Ginger
Serve with small bar spoon
in glass and a piece of Lemon Peel
if desired. Use 8 oz. Highball glass.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 81. Highballs.
1 glass of any Spirit, Liqueur or Wine desired
1 lump of Ice
Use medium size glass.
Fill glass with syphon soda water or split of soda.
Ginger Ale can be used if preferred. Add twist of
Lemon Peel if desired.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 168. Highball.
1 glass rye or Bourbon 1 split of sparkling water
whisky (or ginger ale)
Serve in a highball glass with plenty of cracked ice.
1937 Anonymus: Here’s How. Seite 13. Bourbon Highball.
Same as rye highball, substitute a quality
bourbon whiskey.
Seite 13. Rye Highball.
Place two pieces of cube ice in highball
glass. Add jigger good rye whiskey. Fill
with Sparklet Syphon, serve with stirrer.
If ginger ale is preferred with this drink,
flavor with Sparklette Ginger Ale Syrup
to taste. Some people enjoy a slice of
lemon in their rye highball or, as in the
Scotch highball, like a twist of lemon peel
dropped into the liquor.
1937 Anonymus: Hotel „Lincoln“ Cock-tail Book. Seite 76. Bourbon Highball.
A jigger of Bourbon wiskey.
A lump of ice.
1/4 San Agustin mineral water.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 194. Bourbon Highball.
1 Oz. Bourbon Whisky
1 Lump of Ice
Fill up the glass with
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 151. Bourbon Highball.
Vasito whiskey OLD CROW.
Pedazo de hielo.
Cuarto bot. agua mineral SAN AGUSTIN.
1943 Jacinto Sanfeliu Brucart: Cien Cocktails. Seite 63. Whisky-Highball.
Póngase en un vaso mediano:
1 pedacito de hielo
1 copa de Whisky
1 corteza de limón
Terminar de llenar con soda muy fría.
1943 Stanley Clisby Arthur: Famous New Orleans Drinks. Seite 16. Highballs.
1 jigger rye whiskey,
Bourbon whiskey,
Scotch whisky,
Irish whiskey,
cognac brandy,
fizz water
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 95. Highballs.
1 Ice Cube
1 jigger of any Liquor
Fill glass with Soda Water. Ginger Ale can be
used if preferred.
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 57. Highball.
In highball glass
2 lumps Ice
Add 1 1⁄2 oz. spirit desired
Fill with plain water,
Sparkling Canada Dry Water
or Canada Dry Ginger Ale
1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 39. High Ball.
Use small punch glass.
Ice, 1 lump.
Bye, Bourbon or Scotch whiskey (al-
low customer to pour).
Carbonated water; fill glass.
(Very popular drink.)
1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 39. Ginger Ale High Ball.
Use High Ball glass.
Ice, 1 lump.
Whiskey, Eye or Bourbon (allow cus-
tomer to pour).
Ginger ale; fill up glass.
1946 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 63. Highball (Spirit).
Lumps of ice in highball glass
Add 1 1/2oz. spirit desired
Fill with plain water,
Sparkling Canada Dry Water or
Canada Dry Ginger Ale (Twist
of lemon peel if desired)
1947 Karl Büskens: Mixbuch für Jedermann. Seite 87. Highball.
Im Tumbler:
1 großes Stück Eis
1 Glas Brandy
mit Syphon auffüllen
Bacardi, Gin, Rum, Peach
Brandy oder jeder Whisky
Highball genau so wie Bran-
dy Highball aber mit der je-
weils erwählten Flüssigkeit
In tumbler:
1 large piece of ice
1 glass of Brandy
add syphon soda water
Bacardi, Gin, Rum, Peach
Brandy or either Whisky
Highball the same as Brandy
Highball except use liquor
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 262. Bordever Cocktail.
3/4 oz. bourbon 3/4 oz. ginger ale
Stir with ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass. Twist lemon
peel over drink.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 275. Lionel Cocktail.
Same as Bordever Cocktail.
1949 Anonymus: Bottoms Up. Seite 33. Bourbon Highball.
1 Cube of Ice
2 oz. Bourbon Whiskey
Fill 8 oz. Highball glass with Ginger
Ale or Carbonated Water. Add
Twist of Lemon Peel, if desired, and
stir gently.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 463. Whisky-Highball.
In einen grossen Tumbler gibt man 1 taubeneigrosses
Stück Roheis, 1 Glas Whisky und füllt auf mit Ginger-
Ale. Das Aroma aus einem grösseren Stück Zitronen-
schale darauf pressen.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 36. Highballs.
1 jigger Scotch, Rye, Bourbon, or Irish in a 6-oz. glass
2 ice cubes
Carbonated, branch, city, well, or plain water to fill
Stir quickly, drink slowly
Graduate to fit glasses
Seite 37. Bourbon, Rye, or Cognac.
To 1 cube of ice, add
1 drink liquor, and fill with carbonated water or
ginger ale. Serve with piece of lemon peel if desired.
1951 Anonymus: The Holiday Drink Book. Seite 54. The Highball.
The Highball is a standard drink both be-
fore and after dinner. It can be made with
Scotch, Rye, Bourbon, Rum or Brandy. It
is made with 1 1/2 oz. of liquor, (or a bit
more), two or three cubes of ice, and soda,
ginger aie or other carbonated water. It is
normally served in an 8 oz. glass.
Scotch, bourbon and brandy are normally
served with soda, but some people prefer
plain water. Rye is normally served with
ginger aie. Rum is frequently served with
cola instead of soda.
NOTE that Soda, Seltzer, Charged water
and Carbonated water are ail essentially
the same thing and can be used inter-
changeably in Highballs and other drinks.
Many people feel that drinks made with
carbonated water should never be stirred.
1951 Ted Saucier: Ted Saucier’s Bottoms Up. Seite 47. Bourbon Highball.
1 jigger bourbon
Cracked ice
Club soda or ginger ale
A tall drink, served in a large highball glass. Pour
liquor over ice and add soda or ginger ale.
1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 115. Whiskey Highball.
Comme le Brandy Highball en remplaçant
le cognac par du bacardi, du gin, du
Peach Brandy, du rhum, ou du whisky.
Seite 115. Brandy Highball.
Dans un tumbler:
Un gros morceau de glace,
Un verre de cognac.
Ajouter du Schweppes soda ou du siphon
et servir.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 115. Whisky Highball.
Prepare each of these as for Applejack Highball, using
brandy, dry gin, rum, sherry, French or Italian vermouth,
or Scotch (or Irish) whisky instead of applejack brandy.
Seite 115. Applejack Highball.
Put one or two lumps of ice in the tumbler, add 3/4 gill
of applejack brandy, and fill up with soda water or
ginger ale. Serve with a piece of lemon peel if desired;
alternatively, with a slice of lemon.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 126. Bourbon [Highball].
Put 1 lump of ice in tumbler, add 1 1/2 ozs. of Spirit desired. Fill
with Dry Ginger Ale or Soda Water if preferred. Squeeze
lemon rind on top.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 32. Bourbon Highball.
1 Cube of Ice
2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Bourbon
Fill 8 oz. Highball glass with Ginger
Ale or Carbonated Water. Add twist
of Lemon Peel, if desired, and stir
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 151. Whiskey Highball.
1 Cube of Ice
2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Rye or Bourbon
Fill 8 oz. Highball glass with Ginger
Ale or Carbonated Water. Add twist
of Lemon Peel, if desired, and stir
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 126. Bourbon [Highball].
Put 1 lump of ice in tumbler, add 1 1/2 ozs. of Spirit desired. Fill
with Dry Ginger Ale or Soda Water if preferred. Squeeze
lemon rind on top.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 116. Bourbon [Highball].
Put 1 lump of ice in tumbler, add 1 1/2 ozs. of Spirit desired. Fill
with Dry Ginger Ale or Soda Water if preferred. Squeeze
lemon rind on top.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 285. Bourbon Highball.
2 bicchieri da cocktail di bourbon whisky
2 bicchieri di ghiaccio tritato
seltz, o soda water, o ginger ale, o coca cola, o
altra bibita gassata (cio che preferite purché sia
Versare nel mixer il ghiaccio tritato; aggiungere il bourbon
e mescolare. Versare nei bicchieri da highball e comple-
tare con la bibita scelta. Servire subito.
1965 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 119. Bourbon [Highball].
Put 1 lump of ice in tumbler, add 1 1/2 ozs. of Spirit desired. Fill
with Dry Ginger Ale or Soda Water if preferred. Squeeze
lemon rind on top.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 483. Whisky Highball.
Dans un grand tumbler ou une grande coupe mettre quelques mor-
ceaux de glace, 1 mesure Canadian- ou Bourbon-Whiskey et finir de
remplir avec ginger-ale. Joindre une tranche d’écorce de citron. (Voir
l’illustration en couleur.)
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 85. Highballs.
Serve highballs in 8- or 10-ounce highball glasses. To prepare any
highball, place 1 or 2 ice cubes in the glass. Add 1 1/2 to 3 ounces of
desired liquor. Fill glass with soda or ginger ale. Serve with a small
bar spoon in glass and a twist of lemon peel if desired. Use any of the
following liquors: applejack, bourbon, brandy, gin, rye, rum, Scotch,
and cordials. Scotch is generally served with plain or soda water and
you determine your guest’s choice of soda or ginger ale with the other
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 49. Bourbon Ginger-Ale.
Tumbler 1 Bourbon, 2 dés de glace. Gin-
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 176. Whisky Highball.
Dans un grand tumbler ou une grande
coupe mettre quelques morceaux de
glace, 1 mesure Canadian- ou Bourbon-
Whiskey et finir de remplir avec ginger-
ale. Ecorce de citron.
1966 John Doxat: Booth’s Handbook of Cocktails and Mixed Drinks. Seite 75. Highball.
This originally meant a tall (usually Whiskey) unflavoured
spirit drink in the USA – as opposed, say, to a Julep. It is
now indiscriminately used for various long iced spirit drinks
topped with mineral or plain water.
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 63. Highball.
Cubes of Ice in highball glass
Add 1 1/2 oz. of any spirit desired. Fill with Canada Dry
Club Soda or Canada Dry Ginger Ale. Stir.
1971 Anonymus: Tropical Recipes. Standard Recipes. Bourbon & Ginger Ale.
Highball Glass
1 Cube of Ice
1 Jigger Bourbon Whiskey
Fill with Ginger Ale
Twist and drop Lemon peel
1972 Anonymus: Recipes – Wines and Spirits. Seite 8. Presbyterian.
To make 1 highball
2 to 3 ice cubes
3 ounces bourbon
2 ounces cold ginger ale
2 ounces cold club soda
1 strip lemon peel
An 8-ounce highball glass
Combine the ice cubes, bourbon, ginger ale and club soda in a highball
glass and stir. Twist the lemon peel over the glass to release its oil, and
drop it in.
1972 Anonymus: Recipes – Wines and Spirits. Seite 11. Whiskey Highball.
To make 1 highball
2 ounces whiskey
2 ice cubes
4 to 6 ounces cold club soda or ginger
A 6- to 8-ounce highball glass
A highball may be defined as a tall iced drink consisting of a generous jig-
ger (or more) of whiskey, ice cubes and enough carbonated beverage to
nearly fill the highball glass. Use a glass stirring rod to stir quickly and
lightly. It is advisable to make a medium highball of 6 to 8 ounces rather
than a taller one, because the ice melts and dilutes the drink as it stands.
The most popular combinations for highballs are bourbon and club
soda, Scotch and club soda, and blended whiskey (also called rye) and gin-
ger ale or club soda. Bourbon and Scotch are often preferred with cold
water instead of club soda.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 13. Bourbon Highball.
1 Cube of Ice
2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Kentucky
Bourbon Whiskey
Fill 8 oz. highball glass with ginger
ale or carbonated water. Add twist of
lemon peel, if desired, and stir.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Seite 107. Whiskey Highball.
1 Cube of Ice
2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Whiskey *
Fill 8 oz. highball glass with ginger
ale or carbonated water. Add twist
of lemon peel, if desired, and stir.
* Bourbon, Blended, Rye or Canadian.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 230. Bourbon and Soda.
2 ounces Bourbon
6 ounces club soda
Pour over 2 ice cubes in a 12-ounce chimney glass. Stir.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 230. Bourbon Highball.
2 ounces Bourbon
Ginger ale or club soda
Pour Bourbon over ice cubes in a highball glass. Fill with
ginger ale or soda. Add a twist of lemon peel, if desired. Stir.
1973 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 63. Highball.
Cubes of Ice in highball glass
Add 1 1/2 oz. of any spirit desired. Fill with Water, Canada
Dry Club Soda or Canada Dry Ginger Ale. Stir.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 85. Bourbon Highball.
Put ice in glass. Add spirit desired.
Fill with dry ginger ale or soda
water if preferred. Twist lemon
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 232. Bordever.
Cocktail Glass Stir
2 oz Bourbon
1/2 oz ginger ale
Lemon twist
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 234. Bourbon Highball.
(Bourbon Bail)
Hibal! Glass Build
1-1/2 oz Bourbon
Fill with ice and soda or
ginger ale
Lemon twist
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 431. Whiskey Hiball.
Hiball Glass Build
1-1/2 oz whiskey
Fill with soda or ginger ale
Lemon twist-optional
1965 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 158. Bramble.
Scotland recommends the following, which is particularly popular in
1 oz. Lime Juice 1 oz. Scotch Whisky Top up with ginger ale
Decorate with slices or orange and lemon.
Brandy Alexander
Bei der Durchsicht der Rezepte haben wir festgestellt, daß die Bezeichnung Panama bereits 1916 verwendet wurde. Desweiteren haben wir als Namensvarianten für diesen Drink folgende Bezeichnungen gefunden: Palm Beach Cocktail (1938), Panama Hattie (1940), Magnolia (1944), Playa (1948), Cacao Cocktail (1949), Alexandra No. 1 (1953), Alexander No. 1 (1956), Combinado Alexandre (1958), Canastero Cocktail (1961), Zandam (1972), Tuesday Weld, Twentieth Century (1977).
Als Kuriosiität sei noch der 1953 erstmals erschienene Angel’s Wing genannt, der nicht gerührt, sondern geschichtet wird. Auch der Between-Sheets aus dem Jahr 1939 ist einem Brandy Alexander ähnlich, wenn auch etwas erweitert um Angostura Bitters, Zucker und Zitronenzeste.
Interessanterweise wird der Panama Cocktail 1946 erstmals mit Rum zubereitet. Diesem folgt man in den Folgejahren mehrfach.
1916 Count Benvenito Martini: Cocktail-ology. Panama Cocktail.
1-3 Cream de Cocoa
1-3 Sweet Cream
1-3 Brandy
Shake and strain into cocktail glass.
Ho, for the life of a sailor!
1926 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 21. Alexander Cocktail.
1/3 Crème de Cacao, 1/3 Brandy, 1/3 Fresh Cream.
Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1930 Pedro Chicote: Le ley mojada. Seite 91. Alexandre-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de hielo picado.
1 cucharada pequeña de leche fresca,
1/2 vasito de crema de cacao.
1/2 — de coñac.
Agítese y pásese a copa de cocktail.
1932 Al Hirschfeld: Manhattan Oases. Seite 50. Alexander Cocktail.
1/3 Creme de Cacao, 1/3 Brandy,
1/3 fresh cream. Shake well and strain
into cocktail glass.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 18. Alexander Cocktail (No. 2.).
1/3 Crème de Cacao.
1/3 Brandy. 1/3 Fresh Cream.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 118. Panama Cocktail.
1/3 Crème de Cacao.
1/3 Sweet Cream.
1/3 Brandy.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 153. Alexander-Cocktail.
Der Alexander-Cocktail hat
einen Doppelgänger, bei dem
an Stelle des Brandy Gin ver-
wendet wird.
1/3 Brandy
1/3 Crême de Cacao, weiß
1/3 frische Sahne
Sch-.B. [Schüttelbecher]
1934 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 21. Alexander Cocktail.
1/3 Crème de Cacao, 1/3 Brandy, 1/3 Fresh Cream.
Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 22. Alexander.
1 part Brandy
1 part Crème de Cacao
1 part Fresh Cream.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 191. Panama Cocktail.
2 glasses brandy 2 glasses crème de cacao
. 2 glasses sweet cream
1938 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 14. Palm Beach Cocktail.
1/3 Jigger Creme de Cacao
1/3 jigger Sweet Cream
1/3 Jigger Cognac
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 89. Alexander Cocktail – No. 2.
1/3 Creme de Cocoa
1/3 Brandy
1/3 Sweet Cream
Shake well
Strain into Cocktail Glass
1938 Krönlein-Beutel: Das Getränkebuch. Seite 64. Alexander.
(65er Cocktallglas)
In den Schüttelbecher
6—8 Eisstückchen (Walnußgröße)
Creme de Cacao weiß 25 ccm
frische Sahne 10 ccm
Deutscher Weinbrand 30 ccm
1939 Anonymus: Cuna del Daiquiri Cocktail. Seite 16. Between-Sheets
1/3 Brandy.
1/3 Creme Cacao.
1/3 Fresh Sweet Cream.
1 Dash Angostura.
1 Teaspoonful Sugar.
1 Lemon Peel.
Plenty of Cracked ice.
Shake well and strain into cock-
tail glass.
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 16. Alexander Cocktail / Panama.
1 oz Dry Gin, 3/4 oz sweet Cream, 3/4 oz
Creme de Cacao. Shake vigorously
with cracked ice and strain into a
large cocktail glass. (Use Brandy in
place of Gin, for a Brandy Alexander.
Also called a „Panama“.)
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 46. Panama Cocktail (sometimes called Brandy Alexander).
1 oz Brandy, 3/4 oz sweet Cream, 3/4 oz
Creme de Cacao. Shake well with
cracked ice and strain into a large
cocktail glass.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 31. Alexander Cocktail (2).
1/6 gill of crème de cacao,
1/6 gill of sweet cream,
1/6 gill of brandy.
Use the shaker.
1940 Crosby Gaige: Crosby Gaige’s Cocktail Guide. Seite 26. Alexander.
2/3 jigger Dry Gin
1/2 jigger Sweet Cream
14/2 jigger Crème de Cacao
Shake well with cracked ice and strain
into large cocktail glass.
If Brandy is used in place of Gin the name is
changed to a PANAMA COCKTAIL.
1940 Crosby Gaige: Crosby Gaige’s Cocktail Guide. Seite 141. Panama Hattie.
1/3 part Brandy
1/3 part Creme de Cacao
1/3 part sweet Cream
Shake with cracked ice and strain into
cocktail glass. Known in some circles as a Brandy Alex-
1943 Jacinto Sanfeliu Brucart: Cien Cocktails. Seite 17. Alexandra-Cocktail.
Póngase en la cocktelera unos pedacitos
de hielo, y añadir:
1/3 Coñac
1/3 nata fresca
1/3 crema de Cacao
Agítese bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
— Es el «Alexandra» uno de los cochtails más anti-
guos y universalmente conocidos. A falta de nata, se
puede preparar con leche cruda —.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 42. Panama Cocktail.
1 jigger Brandy
3/4 ounce Crème de Cacao
3/4 ounce Fresh Cream
Shake with cracked ice.
1944 Harmann Burney Burke: Burke’s Complete Cocktail & Drinking Recipes. Seite 44. Brandy Alexander.
1 Brandy
1 Fresh Cream
1 Crème de Cocoa
Add 3 Cubes of Ice. 40 Shakes. Strain
and serve.
1944 Nick Thomas: Bartender’s Friend. Magnolia.
1 oz. Brandy
1 oz. Creme de Cacao
1 Teaspoon Sweet Cream
Shake with Ice.
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 27. Alexander Cocktail No. 2.
1/2 oz. Fresh Cream
3/4 oz. Creme de Cacao
1 1⁄2 oz. Brandy
Shake well
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 68. Panama Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Cream
3/4 oz. Creme de Cacao
1 1/4 oz. Brandy
Nutmeg on top.
1946 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 32. Alexander Cocktail No. 2.
1/2 oz. Fresh Cream
3/4 oz. Creme de Cacao
1 1⁄2 oz. Brandy
Shake well
1946 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 75. Panama Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Fresh Cream
3/4 oz. Creme de Cacao
1 1/4 oz. Rum
Nutmeg on top.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 14. Alexandra Cocktail.
1/3 Crème de Cacao; 2/3 Cognac; même
quantité de crème fraîche.
1948 Hilario Alonso Sanchez: El Arte del Cantinero. Seite 392. Playa.
1/3 crema de cacao.
1/3 coñac español.
1/3 leche fresca.
Gotas de Angostura.
Hielo. Bátase, cuélese y
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 62. Alexander (Brandy) Cocktail.
1/2 oz. brandy 1/2 oz. crème de cacao
. 1/2 oz. fresh cream
Shake with cracked ice; strain into shallow chilled cocktail
1949 Anonymus: Bottoms Up. Seite 14. Alexander Cocktail No. 2.
1 oz. Creme de Cacao
1 oz. Brandy
1 oz. Sweet Cream
Shake well with cracked Ice, strain
into 4 oz. Cocktail glass.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 292. Alexander-Cocktail.
1/3 frische Sahne, 1/3 Creme de Cacao, 1/3 Cognac.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 322. Cacao-Cocktail.
2 d. Cognac, 1 Esslöffel frische Sahne, 1 Glas Crème
de Cacao. Schütteln. In grosses Cocktailglas seihen.
1951 Anonymus: The Holiday Drink Book. Seite 8. Brandy Alexander Cocktail.
3/4 oz. sweet cream
3/4 oz. creme de cacao
1 oz. dry gin
Shake vigorously with cracked ice and
strain into a large cocktail glass. (Use
brandy instead of gin for a Brandy Alex-
1951 Ted Saucier: Ted Saucier’s Bottoms Up. Seite 25. Alexander (brandy).
1/3 jigger brandy
1/3 jigger crème de cacao
1/3 jigger heavy cream
Shake well. Strain into cocktail
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 31. Alexander Cocktail (2).
1/6 gill of crème de cacao,
1/6 gill of sweet cream,
1/6 gill of brandy.
Use the shaker.
1953 Anonymus: The ABC of Cocktails. Seite 11. Brandy Alexander.
2 parts Brandy
1 part Creme de Cacao
1 part Sweet Cream
Shake with ice, and strain into cock-
tail glass. The amount of Brandy
may be doubled to make the drink
less sweet.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 53. Alexander.
1/3 Creme de Cacao.
1/3 Fresh Cream.
1/3 Brandy.
Shake and Strain.
(In America it is suggested
that this Cocktail is and
was made with Gin. All
records go to show how-
ever that the „Alexander“
is made with Brandy.)
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 171. Panama.
1 part Sweet Cream
1 part Creme de Cacao
3 to 4 parts Cognac
Shake vigorously with cracked or crushed ice.
The Panama, of course, is not an aromatic-type cocktail. I have put
it here alongside the Chicago because both of them seem to
me to represent such a futile waste of good liquor. The Panama is merely a
Brandy Alexander with cognac substituted for the gin. The original
Alexander recipe calls for equal parts of the three ingredients. I have
tried to cut down on the sugar bowl and cream pitcher sufficiently to
to make the drink halfway fit to introduce to the stomach as a prelude to
the meal. As a dessert rather than an aperitif the original formula is
1953 „Kappa“: Bartender’s Guide to Mixed Drinks. Seite 3. Alexander Cocktail No. 2.
1 oz. Creme de Cacao
1 oz. California Brandy
1 oz. Sweet Cream
Shake well with cracked Ice and strain into 4 oz.
Cocktail glass.
1953 „Kappa“: Bartender’s Guide to Mixed Drinks. Seite 7. Angel’s Wing.
1/3 oz. Creme de Cacao
1/3 oz. Brandy
1/3 oz. Sweet Cream
Pour ingredients carefully, in order given, so that
they do not mix. Use Pousse Cafe glass.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 18. Alexander Cocktail No. 2.
1 oz. Old Mr. Boston Creme de Cacao
1 oz. Old Mr. Boston California
1 oz. Sweet Cream
Shake well with cracked Ice and strain
into 4 oz. Cocktail glass.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 20. Angel’s Wing.
1/3 oz. Old Mr. Boston Creme de
1/3 oz. Old Mr. Boston California
1/3 oz. Sweet Cream
Pour ingredients carefully, in order
given, so that they do not mix. Use
Pousse Cafe glass.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 110. Panama Cocktail.
1 oz. Old Mr. Boston Creme de Cacao
1 oz. Sweet Cream
1 oz. Old Mr. Boston California
Shake well with cracked Ice and strain
into 4 oz. Cocktail glass.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 41. Alexandra No. 1.
1/3 Crème fraîche
1/3 Crème de cacao
1/3 Cognac.
1953 S. S. Field: The American Drinking Book. Seite 217. Panama.
1/2 ounce heavy cream, 3/4 ounce Crème de Cacao, 1
jigger of Brandy. Shake vigorously with cracked ice and serve in
4-ounce wine glass.
This is a Brandy Alexander — scarcely a cock-
tail, however, being less a stimulus to eating than
a substitute for it. Excellent for a sudden weak-
ness in the knees, or an attack of the horrors.
1954 Marcel Pace: Nos Meilleures boissons. Alexandra.
Dans un shaker In shaker
1/3 CRÈME FRAICHE fresh cream
frapper énergiquement shake well
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 53. Alexander.
1/3 Creme de Cacao.
1/3 Fresh Cream.
1/3 Brandy.
Shake and Strain.
(In America it is suggested
that this Cocktail is and
was made with Gin. All
records go to show how-
ever that the „Alexander“
is made with Brandy.)
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 18. Alexandra Cocktail.
Dans le shaker:
1/3 Crème fraîche, 1/3 Crème de Cacao
Cointreau, 1/3 de Cognac Renault.
Agiter et servir dans un verre à flip.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 17. Alexander No. 1.
1/3 Brandy
1/3 Crème de Cacao
1/3 Cream
Shake well with ice and strain
into glass.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 88. Panama.
1 Jigger Jamaica Rum
1/2 Jigger Crème de Cacao
1/2 Jigger Cream
Shake well with ice and strain
into glass.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 18. Alexander I.
Shaker, glace
1/3 Cognac
1/3 Crème de Cacao
1/3 Crème fraîche
Bien frapper au shaker et
passer dans verre à cocktail.
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 70. Panama.
Shaker, glace
1/2 Cognac
1/4 Crème de Cacao
1/4 Crème fraîche
Bien frapper au shaker et
passer dans verre à cocktail.
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1958 G. Bernard De Ferrer: Los combinados. Seite 25. Combinado Alexandre.
Prepárese en coctelera:
Unos trocitos de hielo picado y limpio,
1 cucharada grande de nata,
1/2 copita de crema de cacao,
6 ó 10 gotas de coñac de marca.
Agítese y sírvase en copa de coctel, espolvoreándolo
con canela molida.
1960 Anonymus: Recetas para cocteles. Seite 19. Brandy Alexander.
1 onza de Brandy
1 onza de Crema de Cacao
1 onza de Crema de Leche
Batido a mano y servido en copa de vino con
canela encima.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 51. Alexander.
1/3 Creme de Cacao.
1/3 Fresh Cream.
1/3 Brandy.
Shake and Strain.
(In America it is suggested
that this Cocktail is and
was made with Gin. All
records go to show how-
ever that the „Alexander“
is made with Brandy.)
1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissante. Seite 15. Alexandra.
1/3 crème fraîche
1/3 crème cacao
1/3 Cognac
1961 Pedro Chicote – El bar en el mundo. Seite 123. Alexandre Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
Una cucharada pequeña de
leche fresca.
1/2 vasito de crema de cacao.
1/2 vasito de coñac.
Agítese y pásese a copa de
1961 Pedro Chicote – El bar en el mundo. Seite 136. Canastero Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
1/3 de crema de cacao.
1/3 de crema fresca.
1/3 de coñac.
Agítese y sírvase en copa de
1963 Eddie Clarke: Shaking in the 60’s. Seite 110. Alexander Cocktail (No. 2).
1 measure brandy
1/2 measure Creme de Cacao
1/2 measure fresh cream
Shake well and strain into a cocktail glass.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 19. Alexander.
1/3 cognac
1/3 crema di cacao
1/3 crema di latte
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 20. Alexander.
4-5 parti di cognac
1 parte di crema di cacao
1 cucchiaio, per bibita, di crema di latte
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 61. Alexander Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di cognac
1/3 di bicchiere di crema di cacao
1 cucchiaio di crema di latte fresca piuttosto densa
ghiaccio a cubettia
Riempire lo shaker fino a 1/4 della sua altezza con ghiac
cio. Aggiungere il cognac, la crema di cacao e la crema
di latte. Chiudere lo shaker, agitarlo vigorosamente, farlo
riposare un secondo, riprendere infine ad agitarlo ma
lentamente. Servire subito.
Una versione americana di questo cocktail sostituisce il
cognac con gin.
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 213. Panama Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 1/3 di cognac o brandy
1/3 di bicchiere di crema di cacao
1/3 di bicchiere di crema di latte
ghiaccio tritato
Riempire lo shaker fino a 1/4 della sua altezza con ghiac-
cio tritato. Aggiungere il cognac, la crema di cacao e la
crema di latte. Chiudere lo shaker, agitarlo vigorosamente,
farlo riposare un secondo, riprendere infine ad agitare ma
lentamente. Servire subito.
1964 Anonymus: Peter Pauper’s Drink Book. Seite 8. Brandy Alexander.
3 parts Gin
1 part Crème de Cacao
1 part Sweet Cream
Brandy can be substituted for the gin, to make
a Brandy Alexander.
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 69. Alexander.
1/3 Dujardin Weinbrand
1/3 Creme de Cacao
1/3 süße Sahne
im shaker sehr rasch mit Eis
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 72. Panama.
1/2 Robinson Rum
1/4 Creme de Cacao
1/4 Sahne
im shaker mit Eis stark schütteln,
abseihen und mit 1 Rumkirsche
1965 Anonymus: John de Kuyper’s Complete Guide to Cordials. Seite 55. Alexander Cacao.
3/4 ounce De Kuyper Creme de Cacao
1 1/2 ounces dry gin
1/2 ounce cream
Shake with ice, strain into cocktail glass.
1965 Anonymus: John de Kuyper’s Complete Guide to Cordials. Seite 57. Panama.
3/4 ounce De Kuyper Creme de Cacao
3/4 ounce cream
1 1/4 ounces rum
Shake with crushed ice, strain into cock-
tail glass. Garnish with nutmeg.
1965 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 52. Alexander.
1/3 Creme de Cacao.
1/3 Fresh Cream.
1 /3 Brandy . * * *
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 344. Alexander Cocktail.
1/3 crème fraîche, 1/3 crème de cacao, 1/3 cognac. Agiter.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 446. Panama Cocktail.
1/4 crème, 1/4 crème de cacao, 1/2 rhum de la Jamaïque. Agiter.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 27. Panama Cocktail.
1 ounce brandy 3/4 ounce sweet cream
3/4 ounce crème de cacao
Shake with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 32. Brandy Alexander.
1 1/2 ounces dry gin 3/4 ounce sweet cream
3/4 ounce crème de cacao
Shake well with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass.
Brandy or Rum Alexander: Substitute brandy or rum for gin.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 20. Alexander Cocktail.
Shaker. 1/3 crème fraîche, 1/3 crème de
cacao, 1/3 cognac.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 135. Panama Cocktail.
Shaker. 1/4 crème double, 1/4 crème de
cacao, 1/2 rhum de la Jamaïque.
1966 John Doxat: Booth’s Handbook of Cocktails and Mixed Drinks. Seite 99. Alexander.
1/3 Cognac
1/3 Creme de Cacao
1/3 Fresh Cream
Shake thoroughly, and strain into cocktail-glass.
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 32. Alexander Cocktail No. 2.
1/2 oz. Cream
3/4 oz. Creme de Cacao
1 1/2 oz. Brandy. Shake with Ice & Strain.
Top with Nutmeg
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 75. Panama Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Cream, 3/4 oz. Creme de Cacao, 1 1/4 oz. Rum
Shake with Ice & Strain. Nutmeg on top.
1968 Anonymus: The Dieter’s Drink Book. Seite 48. Brandy Alexander.
Mix as above, substituting
80 proof brandy for gin. Same totals.
Above (Alexander):
1 oz. gin, 80 proof
1 oz. crème de cacao
2 tbs. light cream
Shake ingredients well with cracked ice. Strain
into chilled cocktail glass.
1972 Anonymus: Recipes – Wines and Spirits. Seite 34. Brandy Alexander.
To make 1 cocktail
1 ounce crème de cacao
2 ounces brandy
1/2 ounce (1 tablespoon) heavy cream
3 to 4 ice cubes
A 4-ounce cocktail glass, chilled
Combine the crème de cacao, brandy, heavy cream and ice cubes in a mix-
ing glass. Set the shaker on top of the mixing glass and, grasping them
firmly together with both hands, shake vigorously 7 or 8 times. Remove
the shaker, place a strainer over the mixing glass, and pour into a cock-
tail glass.
A variation of this drink, called an Alexander, is made by substituting
gin or vodka for the brandy.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 2. Alexander Cocktail No. 2.
1 oz. Old Mr. Boston Creme de
1 oz. Old Mr. Boston Five Star
1 oz. Sweet Cream
Shake well with cracked ice and
strain into 4 oz. cocktail glass.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 3. Angel’s Wing.
1/3 oz. Old Mr. Boston Creme de
1/3 oz. Old Mr. Boston Five Star
1/3 oz. Sweet Cream
Pour ingredients carefully, in order
given, so that they do not mix. Use
Pousse Café glass.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 72. Panama Cocktail.
1 oz. Old Mr. Boston Creme de
1 oz. Sweet Cream
1 oz Old Mr. Boston Five Star
Shake well with cracked ice and
strain into 4 oz. cocktail glass.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 249. Angel’s Wing.
1/3 ounce crème de cacao
1/3 ounce brandy
1/3 ounce fresh cream
Pour ingredients carefully, in order listed, into pousse cafe
glass, so that each ingredient floats upon preceding one.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 250. Brandy Alexander.
1 ounce brandy
1/2 ounce white or dark crème de cacao
1 ounce fresh cream
Shake well with ice cubes. Strain into a chilled champagne
glass. Dust with grated nutmeg.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 260. Zandam.
1 ounce white crème de cacao
1/2 ounce brandy
1 ounce fresh cream
Shake wed in commercial electric drink mixer (or in shaker
can with mixing glass) with ice cubes. Strain into chilled
champagne saucer. Dust with grated nutmeg.
1973 Anonymus: 500 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 57. Alexander.
1 jigger cognac
1 jigger creme de cacao
1 jigger heavy cream
3 ice cubes
Blend for 15 seconds, strain
and serve in cocktail or 4 oz.
glasses. There are a lot of peo-
ple who would substitute dry
gin for the brandy in the
1973 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 33. Alexander Cocktail No. 2.
1/2 oz. Cream, 3/4 oz. Creme de Cacao, 1 1/2 oz. Brandy.
Shake with Ice and Strain. Top with Nutmeg.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 44. Alexander.
1/3 Creme de Cacao
1/3 cream
1/3 brandy
1976 Brian F. Rea – Brian’s Booze Guide. Seite 35. Alexander.
ALEXANDER — the bartender’s nemises. A Prohi-
bition creation that disguised bathtub Gin and off
the boat Brandy. A Gin Alexander is only served
upon specific request.
Blend/strain into pre-chilled cocktail glass
3⁄4 ounce Cacao — Dark
3⁄4 ounce Brandy
1 1⁄2 ounce cream or half and half
(Top with Nutmeg)
1976 Brian F. Rea – Brian’s Booze Guide. Seite 71. Panama.
Blend/strain into pre-chilled cocktail glass
3⁄4 ounce dark Cacao
3⁄4 ounce light Rum
1 1⁄2 ounces cream or half and half
Dash nutmeg on top
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 18. Alexander Cocktail (No. 2.).
1/3 Creme de Cacao.
1/3 Brandy. 1/3 Fresh Cream.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 34. Brandy Alexander.
1 oz. Brandy.
1/2 oz. White or Dark
Creme de Cacao.
1 oz. Fresh Cream.
Shake well with ice cubes.
Strain into a chilled cham-
pagne glass. Dust with
grated nutmeg.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 118. Panama Cocktail.
1/3 Crème de Cacao.
1/3 Sweet Cream.
1/3 Brandy.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 185. Brandy Alexander.
cocktail glass shake or blend
3/4 oz brandy
3/4 oz dark crème de cacao
3/4 oz cream
sprinkle nutmeg on top
Rarely made in the portions given; usually made with a preponderance of cream.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 211. Alexander Cocktail.
Cocktail Glass Shake/Blend
1 oz cream
1 oz gin
1 oz light creme de cacao
Nutmeg sprinkle
1 oz cream
1 oz brandy
1 oz dark creme de cacao
Nutmeg sprinkle
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 213. Angel’s Wing(s).
Pony Glass Build
Pousse cafe style
1/3 dark crème de cacao
1/3 brandy
1/3 cream
1/2 dark creme de cacao
1/2 prunelle liqueur
1/3 creme de violette
1/3 raspberry syrup
1/3 maraschino liqueur
1/3 cherry liqueur
1/3 maraschino liqueur
1/3 Parfait Amour
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 235. Brandy Alexander.
Cocktail Glass Shake
3/4 oz cream
3/4 oz brandy
3/4 oz dark creme de cacao
Dust with nutmeg
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 359. Panama.
Cocktail Glass Shake
3/4 oz cream
3/4 oz light creme de cacao
1 oz rum
(Some recipes call for brandy in
place of rum – it is then an Alex-
ander, light)
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 420. Tuesday Weld.
Cocktail Glass Shake
3/4 oz brandy
3/4 oz dark creme de cacao
1 oz cream
Place Oreo Cookie in glass
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 420. Twentieth Century.
Cocktail Glass Shake
3/4 oz brandy
3/4 oz light creme de cacao
1 oz cream
2010 Colin Peter Field: The Ritz Paris. Seite 60. Brandy Alexander. 4/10 Cognac Hennessy; 3/10 Dark chocolate liqueur (Marie Brizard Crème de Cacao brun); 3/10 Fresh Cream.
2014 Dave Arnold: Liquid Intelligence. Seite 130. Alexander. 2 Unzen Cognac; 1 Unze Sahne; 1/4 Unze Demerara-Sirup
2016 André Darlington & Tenaya Darlington: The New Cocktail Hour. Seite 223. Brandy Alexander. 30 ml Paul Masson Grande Amber; 30 ml dunkler Crème de Cacao; 60 ml „half-and-half“ oder eine Kugel Vanilleeis; Garnitur: Geriebener Muskat.
2016 Brian Silva: Mixing in the Right Circles at Balthazar London. Seite 105. Brandy Alexander. 50 ml Courvoisier VSOP Cognac; 25 ml Briottet Dark Crème de Cacao; 25 ml single cream; garnish: dusting of nutmeg.
Brandy Crusta
Wir haben diese Diagramm hinzugefügt und den dazugehörigen Text angepaßt:
Betrachtet man die Rezepte, so herrscht ein Durcheinander, es gibt viele verschiedenste Zutaten, und es fällt schwer, hier eine Konstanz zu entdecken. Doch hilft die Statistik, denn damit läßt sich erkennen, wie ein Brandy Crusta interpretiert wurde. Zunächst einmal sagt Jerry Thomas, der Brandy Crusta sei eine Weiterentwicklung des Cocktails, und wir können ableiten, daß er – abgesehen vom Crusta-Rand – eigentlich ein fancy Cocktail mit etwas Zitronensaft ist. Spiegelt sich das in den Rezepten wieder?
Im ersten Diagramm zeigen wir – mit Ausnahme der Zuckerquelle – auf, ob die Zutaten, die einen Cocktail zum Cocktail machen auch durchgängig verwendet worden. Wir betrachten hier die Verwendung von Bitter und Zitrus. Hier sehen wir, daß bis auf wenige Ausnahmen ein Brandy Crusta Bitter und Zitronensaft enthält. Die Rezepte, die dies nicht haben, können wir also als einen degenerierten Brandy Crusta einstufen.
Im zweiten Diagramm betrachten wir die Zuckerquellen. In der Regel sind dies Zuckersirup, der in der Regel zusammen mit Maraschino, Curaçao oder einer Kombination aus Maraschino und Curacao eingesetzt wird. Darüber hinaus gibt es noch zwölf weitere Zutaten, die wir unter der Rubrik „Sonstiges“ zusammengefaßt haben. Sie werden jeweils weniger als 10 Mal in Rezepten angegeben und können deshalb in unserer Betrachtung ignoriert werden. Diese Zutaten sind Absinth, Ananassirup, Apricot Brandy, Bénédictine, Eau D’Or, Erdbeersirup, Goldwasser, Grenadine, Himbeersirup (oder -saft), Kirschlikör, Orchard Sirup, Orgeat und Wermut.
1864 Jerry Thomas: The Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 49. Crusta.
The“Cocktail“ is a modern invention, and is generally
used on fishing and other sporting parties, although some
patients insist that it is good in the morning as a tonic.
The „Crusta“ is an improvement on the“Cocktail,“ and
is said to have been invented by Sajitina, a celebrated
Spanish caterer.
1864 Jerry Thomas: The Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 52. Brandy Crusta.
(Use small bar glass.)
Crusta is made the same as
a fancy cocktail, with a little
lemon juice and a small lump
of ice added. First, mix the
inorredients in a small tumbler,
then take a fancy red wine-glass,
rub a sliced lemon around the
rim of the same, and dip It in
pulverized white sugar, so that
the sugar will adhere to the
edge of the glass. Pare half a
lemon the same as you would
an apple (all in one piece) so
that the paving will fit in the
wine-glass, as shown in the cut,
and strain the crusta from the
tumbler into it. Then smile.
Seite 50. Fancy Brandy Cocktail.
(Use small bar glass.)
This drink is made the same as the brandy cocktail,
except that it is strained in a fancy wine-glass, and a piece
of lemon peel thrown on top, and the edge of the glass
moistened with lemon.
Seite 50. Brandy Cocktail.
(Use small bar glass.)
3 or 4 dashes of gum syrup.
2 do. bitters (Bogart’s).
1 wine-glass of brandy‘.
1 or 2 dashes of Curaçoa.
Squeeze lemon peel; fill one-third full of ice, and stir
with a spoon.
1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 16. Brandy Crusta.
(Use small bar glass.)
3 or 4 dashes of Gum Syrup.
1 dash of Bitters.
1 wine glass of Brandy.
2 dashes of Curacoa.
1 dash Lemon Juice.
Before mixing the above ingredients, prepare a cocktail glass
as follows:
Rub a sliced lemon around the rim of the glass, and dip it in
pulverized white sugar, so that the sugar will adhere to the
edge of the glass. Pare half a lemon the same as you would an
apple (all in one piece) so that the paring will lit in the wine
glass. Put the above ingredients into a small whiskey glass
filled one-third full of shaved ice, shake up well and strain
cocktail glass prepared as above directed.
Whiskey and Gin Crustas are made in the same manner, using
either of these liquors instead of Brandy.
1899 Chris F. Lawlor: The Mixicologist. Seite 45. Brandy Crust.
(Use small barglass.)
Take 3 or 4 dashes of gumsyrup.
1 dash of Angostura bitters.
1 wineglass of brandy.
2 dashes of curaçoa.
1 dash lemon juice.
Before mixing the above ingredients prepare
cocktail-glass as follows:
Rub a sliced lemon around the rim of the glass,
and dip it in pulverized white sugar, so that the
sugar will adhere to the edge of the glass; pare
half a lemon the same as you would an apple (all
in one piece) so that the paring will fit in the wine-
glass; put the above ingredients into a small whis-
key-glass filled one third full of shaved ice; shake
up well, and strain the liquid into the cocktail-glass,
prepared as above directed.
1900 William T. Boothby: Cocktail Boothby’s American Bartender. #38. Brandy Crusta.
Prepare a stem claret glass by rubbing the rim with a piece of lemon. Then
dip the edge in bar sugar so as to frost the glass. Pare a lemon as you would
an apple, so the peel will all be in one piece; lay the peel in the glass carefully
with a fork or sugar tongs, so it will just fit the interior of the glass. Now
take a medium-size mixing-glass three-quarters full of cracked ice, and add four
drops of Angostura bitters, one dash of gum and a taste of maraschino. Throw
in ajigger of good cognac and a few drops of lime juice, stir thoroughly, strain
into prepared glass, decorate and serve.
1901 J. E. Sheridan: The complete buffet manual. Seite 26. Brandy Crusta.
(Use small bar glass.)
3/4 of a glass filled with shaved ice.
3 or 4 dashes gum syrup,
1 or 2 dashes Angostura or Bolter’s bitters,
1 or 2 dashes lemon juice,
2 dashes Maraschino,
1 wine-glass of brandy.
Procure a nice, bright lemon, the size of your wine
glass; peel the rind from it all in one piece; fit it inti
the glass, covering the entire inside; run a slice of
lemon around the edge, and dip the glass in powdered
sugar. Strain the mixture after being stirred well
into this prepared glass. Ornament with a little fruit
and serve.
1902 Anonymus: Fox’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 23. Brandy Crusta.
Rub a sliced lemon around the rim of a cocktail
glass, and then dip the glass in pulverized white sugar,
so that the sugar will adhere to the edge of the glass.
Pare half a lemon so that the paring will be in one
piece, and then fit the piece in the wine-glass. After
which mix the following ingredients :
Use small bar glass.
Three dashes gum syrup
One dash bitters.
One wine-glass brandy.
Two dashes Curacoa.
One dash lemon juice.
Shake up well and strain in the cocktail glass
which h as been prepared.
1903 V. B. Lewis: The Complete Buffet Guide. Seite 26. Brandy Crusta.
(Use small bar glass.)
3/4 of a glass filled with shaved ice.
3 or 4 dashes gum syrup,
1 or 2 dashes Angostura or Boker’s bitters.
1 or 2 dashes lemon juice.
2 dashes Maraschino.
1 wine-glass of brandy.
Procure a nice, bright lemon, the size of your wine-
glass; peel the rind from it all in one piece; fit it into
the glass, covering the entire inside; run a slice of
lemon around the edge, and dip the glass in powdered
sugar. Strain the mixture after being stirred well
into this prepared glass. Ornament with a little
fruit, and serve.
1905 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 162. Brandy Crusta.
Rub a sliced lemon around the rim of a cock-
tail glass, and then dip the glass in pulverized white
sugar, so that the sugar will adhere to the edge of the
glass. Pare half a lemon so that the paring will be
in one piece, and then fit the piece in the wine-glass.
After which mix the following ingredients;
Use small bar glass.
Three dashes gum syrup.
One dash bitters.
One wine-glass brandy.
Two dashes Curacoa.
One dash lemon juice.
Shake up well and strain in the cocktail glass
which has been prepared.
1906 Anonymus: Dr. Siegbert’s Angostura Bitters. Seite 14. Brandy Crusta.
Mixing glass 2/3 full of fine ice.
2 dashes Dr. Siegert’s Genuine Angostura
3 dashes syrup.
1 dash orange bitters.
1 wine glass brandy.
3 dashes lemon juice.
Stir thoroughly, peel the rind from a lemon
all in one piece; fit it into the wine glass, cov-
ering the entire inside; rub a slice of lemon
around the top of glass; dip glass into pul-
verized sugar; strain the mixture into this
prepared (tall) glass, and serve.
1907 Charles Smith: Smacks and Smiles. Seite 18. Brandy Crusta.
Use a large bar glass.
3/4 of glass filled with fine ice.
3 or 4 dashes gum syrup.
1 or 3 “ Angostura bitters.
1 or 3 “ lemon juice.
8 dashes Maraschino.
1 wine-glass brandy.
Procure a nice bright lemon the
size of your wine-glass. Peel the
rind from it all in one piece; fit it
into the glass, covering the entire in
side; run a slice of lemon around the
edge, and dip the glass in powdered
sugar. Strain the mixture after be-
ing stirred well into this prepared
glass. Dress with a little fruit and
1908 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 162. Brandy Crusta.
Rub a sliced lemon around the rim of a cock-
tail glass, and then dip the glass in pulverized white
sugar, so that the sugar will adhere to the edge of the
glass. Pare half a lemon so that the paring will be
in one piece, and then fit the piece in the wine-glass.
After which mix the following ingredients;
Use small bar glass.
Three dashes gum syrup.
One dash bitters.
One wine-glass brandy.
Two dashes Curacoa.
One dash lemon juice.
Shake up well and strain in the cocktail glass
which has been prepared.
1908 William Boothby: The World’s Drinks. Seite 57. Crusta.
Prepare a stem claret-glass by rubbing the rim with a piece of lemon;
then dip the edge in bar sugar, so as to frost the glass. Pare a lemon as you
would an apple, so the peel will all be in one piece; lay the peel in the glass
carefully with a fork or sugar tongs, so it will just fit the interior of the
glass. Now take a medium-size mixing-glass three-quarters full of cracked
ice, and add two drops of Angostura bitters and a flavor of maraschino; throw
in a jigger of good cognac, stir thoroughly, strain into prepared glass and
1909 George J. Kappeler: Modern American Drinks. Seite 47. Brandy Crusta.
Fill a mixing-glass half full of fine ice; add
three dashes of gum-syrup, two dashes mara-
schino, the juice of a quarter of a lemon, two
dashes Peyschaud or Angostura bitters, and one
jigger brandy; mix. Take a lemon the size of a
fancy sauterne or claret glass; peel the rind
from three-fourths of it all in one piece; fit it into
the glass; moisten the edge of the glass with a
piece of lemon, and dip it into fine sugar, which
gives it a frosted appearance. Strain your mix
ture into this glass, trim with fruit, and serve.
1909 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 73. Brandy Crusta.
Rub a slice of lemon a round the
edge of a cocktail glass; dip the glass
in pulverized sugar; take a lemon,
cut off the ends, peel off the whole
rind, and place it inside the glass;
then take a mixing glass half full of
cracked ice.
2 dashes of gum syrup.
1 dash of Angostura bitters.
2 dashes of curacoa.
1 dash of lemon juice.
1 drink of brandy.
Stir, strain into the cocktail glass,
which has been prepared, and serve
1910 Charles S. Mahoney: The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide. Seite 162. Brandy Crusta.
Rub a sliced lemon around the rim of a cock-
tail glass, and then dip the glass in pulverized white
sugar, so that the sugar will adhere to the edge of the
glass. Pare half a lemon so that the paring will be
in one piece, and then fit the piece in the wine-glass.
After whixh mix the following ingredients:
Use small bar glass.
Three dashes gum syrup.
One dash bitters.
One wine-glass brandy.
Two dashes Curacoa.
One dash lemon juice.
Shake up well and strain in the cocktail glass
which has been prepared.
1910 Rodolph Rose: Toasts Wines and how to serve them. Seite 8. Brandy Crusta.
(Use Small Bar Glass)
Take 3 or 4 dashes of sugar syrup.
1 dash of Angostura Bitters.
1 wine glass of Brandy.
2 dashes Curacao.
1 dash lemon juice.
Before mixing the above ingredients, prepare a cocktail glass
as follows:
Rub a slice o f lemon around the rim of the glass and dip it in
pulverized white sugar so that the sugar will adhere to the edge
of the glass. Pare half a lemon, the same as you would an apple
(all in one piece), so that the paring will fit in the wine glass.
Put the above ingredients in a small whiskey glass, filled one-
third full of shaved ice, shake up well and strain the liquid in
the cocktail glass, prepared as directed above.
1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 45. Brandy-Crusta.
Wie Whisky-Crusta. Gebrauche Cognac statt Whisky.
Seite 45. Whisky-Crusta
Befeuchte den Rand eines zierlichen Weinglases mit einer Scheibe
Zitrone und tauche ihn in feinen Zucker. Darauf schneide die zwei
Enden einer sauberen Zitrone, von der Größe und Umfang des Glases,
ab, schäle sie dann mit einem Schnitt so, daß die Schale in einem Stück
bleibt, und lege sie dann in das Weinglas. (Siehe Abbildung auf S. 44.)
Hierauf fülle ein Barglas zur Hàlfte mit Eis und füge hinzu:
2 Dashes Angostura-Bitters,
1/2 Teelöffel Himbeersaft,
2 Dashes Maraschino,
einige Tropfen Zitronensaft,
1 Cocktailglas amerikanischen Whisky.
Mische alles tüchtig mit einem Barlöffel und seihe es in das Weinglas
mit der Zitronenschale
1915 John B. Escalante: Manual del cantinero. Seite 6. Brandy Crusta.
(Brandi crusta)
Primeramente frótese una rebanada de limón sobre
el borde del vaso, bordes que se polvorearán con azúcar,
para que el azúcar quede en ellos. Entonces, tómese un li-
món grande, móndesele procurando que toda la piel sal-
ga en un trozo, guarnézcase con ella el interior del vaso,
entonces échese en la gincotelera la necesaria cantidad de
hielo fino para mediarla y agrégurse:
Sirope de goma . . . . . . . . . . Unas gotas.
Angosturas . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unas gotas.
Curaçao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unas gotas.
Coñac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 copa mediana.
Agítese bien hasta que esté bien frappé, cuélese en el
vaso que se tiene preparado, póngase una poca fruta va-
riada por arriba, y sírvase.
1917 Jacob A. Didier: The Reminder. Seite 73. Brandy Crusta.
Rub a slice of lemon around the
edge of a cocktail glass; dip the glass
in pulverized sugar; take a lemon,
cut off the ends, peel off the whole
rind, and place it inside the glass;
then take a mixing glass half full of
cracked ice.
2 dashes of gum syrup.
1 dash of Angostura bitters.
2 dashes of curacoa.
1 dash of lemon juice.
1 drink of brandy.
Stir, strain into the cocktail glass,
which has been prepared, and serve
1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 45. Brandy-Crusta.
Wie Whisky-Crusta. Gebrauche Cognac statt Whisky.
Seite 45. Whisky-Crusta.
Befeuchte den Rand eines zierlichen Weinglases mit einer
Scheibe Zitrone und tauche ihn in feinen Zucker. Darauf schneide
die zwei Enden einer sauberen Zitrone, von der Größe und Umfang
des Glases, ab, schäle sie dann mit einem Schnitt so, daß die
Schale in einem Stück bleibt, und lege sie dann in das Weinglas.
(Siehe Abbildung auf Seite 44.) Hierauf fülle ein Barglas zur Hälfte
mit Eis und füge hinzu:
2 Dashes Angostura-Bitters,
1/2 Teelöffel Himbeersaft,
2 Dashes Maraschino,
einige Tropfen Zitronensaft,
1 Cocktailglas amerikanischen Whisky.
Mische alles tüchtig mit einem Barlöffel und seihe es in das Wein-
glas mit der Zitronenschale.
1920 Mazzon Ferruccio: Guida del barman. Seite 94. Crustas.
Prendete un limone d’una grandezza suf-
ficente perchè entri in un bicchiere a crusta
o bordeaux, tagliate le due estremità e pas-
sando il coltello internamente la buccia deve
levarsi in un sol pezzo, guernite con la me-
desima l’interno del bicchiere fino all’orlo.
Passate un pezzo di limone inzuccherato
sul detto orlo inumidendolo e servite con
quanto segue:
1920 Mazzon Ferruccio: Guida del barman. Seite 94. Brandy Crusta.
Riempite il bicchierone a metà di pezzetti
di ghiaccio:
3 cucchiaini di zucchero in polvere
2 cuchiaini di succo di limone
1 cucchiaino di sciroppo di Lamponi
2 goccie di Maraschino
5 goccie di Angostura
1 bicchiere a madera di Cognac.
Rimescolate bene e passate con l’aiuto del
cuchiaio nel suddello biechiere ornandolo
con 2 ciliegie e paglie.
1923 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 34. Crustas.
Petite boisson — short drink — proche parente du
cocktail, à servir dans un verre à Bordeaux décoré
comme suit:
Peler un citron, ou moitié d’un gros citron, en la-
nière spirale, d’une seule pièce, que vous placerez dans
le verre n° 7 de façon à garnir l’intérieur de ce verre
jusqu’à un centimètre au-dessous du bord. Humecter ce
bord au citron et le givrer dans le sucre en poudre.
Veiller à ce que l’écorce du citron ne dépasse pas le
bord du verre qui deviendrait un verre baveur quand
on boirait.
Mettre une ou deux cerises dans le fond du verre,
sur le zeste de citron et verser dessus l’une des com-
positions suivantes:
1923 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 34. Brandy Crusta.
Dans la timbale moitié pleine de glace pilée.
1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre ou sirop.
1 cuiller à bouche jus de citron.
2 traits angostura, 2 traits curaçao.
3/4 verre à madère de cognac.
Fermer le shaker. Frapper. Passer dans le verre n° 7
préparé comme indiqué plus haut.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 128. Crusta.
Man menge in einem auf Eis stehenden
Becher 1 kleines Glas voll Goldwasser, 1/2 Teelöffel voll
Caliprya-Bitter mit 1 Likörglas voll Kognak und gieße
die Mischung in ein mit geschabtem Eis gefülltes Glas,
das innen mit der zusammenhängenden Schale einer Zi-
trone umlegt ist.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 128. Brandy Crusta.
Man menge in einem auf Eis stehen-
den Becher 3—4 Spritzer Orchard-Sirup, 1—2 Spritzer
Bittern, 4—5 Tropfen Zitronensaft und 2 Spritzer Ma-
raschino mit 1 Weinglas voll Kognak, gieße die Mi-
schung in ein mit geschabtem Eis gefülltes Glas, das
innen mit der zusammenhängenden Schale einer Zitrone
umlegt ist, verziere das Glas mit Früchten und richte
mit Strohhalm an.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 129. Brandy Crusta (2).
Man löse in einem Becher etwas
Zucker mit etwas Wasser auf, fülle den Becher 2/3 voll
mit Eis, gieße 1 Weinglas voll Brandy zu, schüttle gut
durch, seihe die Mischung in ein Glas, das innen mit der
zusammenhängenden Schale einer Zitrone umlegt ist,
und richte an.
1926 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 24. Brandy Crustas.
Take a small wineglass, moisten the rim with
lemon, dip rim of glass into castor sugar, which
action gives the glass a frosted appearance. Cut
the rind of a half a lemon the same as you would
peel an apple, then fit into your prepared glass.
Then pour into your shaker 1 teaspoonful Sugar
or Gomme Syrup, 3 dashes of Maraschino, 3 dashes
of Angostura Bitters, Juice of a 1/4 Lemon, 1 glass
Brandy. Shake well, pour into your glass, and
add fruit.
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 29. Brandy Crusta.
Fill large bar glass 3/4 full shaved
4 dashes gum syrup.
2 dashes Boker’s or Angostura bit-
2 dashes Maraschino.
2 dashes lemon juice.
1 jigger brandy.
Prepare a cocktail glass in the fol-
lowing manner: Moisten the edge of
the glass with lemon juice and dip it
lightly in powdered sugar. Peei a
whole lemon in one whole piece and
fit this into the glass so as to entirely
cover the inside. Stir well; strain into
prepared cocktail glass; dress with
fruit and serve.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 31. Brandy Crusta.
Préparation du verre:
Prendre un citron de la grosseur suffisante pour
garnir l’intérieur d’un verre à bordeaux, enlever
l’écorce avec un couteau sans la déchirer, la placer
dans un verre à bordeaux après avoir passé un
morceau de citron sur le bord du verre et l’avoir
trempé dans du sucre en poudre pour lui faire
le collier givré; mettre une cerise macérée à l’Eau-
de-vie au fond du verre et y verser la boisson sui-
Préparer dans un shaker avec de la glace pilée
une demi-cuillère à café de sucre en poudre, deux
traits d’Angostura, deux traits de Marasquin, une
cuillère à café de jus de citron, un demi-verre à
madère de bon Cognac, agiter et passer dans le
verre préparé comme il a été indiqué ci-dessus.
1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 49. Brandy Crusta; St. Croix Rum Crusta.
These were prepared just
like the Whiskey Crusta but only one wine-glass of the Brandy or Rum
was used.
Seite 49: Whiskey Crusta:
A nice clean lemon was selected, the size of the wine-
glass to be used. Both ends were cut off and the peel removed in circu-
lar-spiral manner. The peel was then placed inside the wineglass to
cover the inner surface. The edge of the glass and the top of the lemon
peel were then dipped in pulverized sugar. In a large bar-glass was placed
one-half pony-glass of Orgeat syrup, one or two dashes of Angostura,
one dash of lemon juice, two dashes of Maraschino, one-half glass of
fine shaved ice and three-quarters wine-glass of whiskey. This was well
mixed with a spoon and then strained into the prepared wine-glass, a little
fruit put on top and served.
1929 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Guide. Seite 62. Crusta.
THE crusta is an improvement on the cocktail, and is
said to have been invented by Santina, a celebrated Spanish
1929 Jerry Thomas: The Bon Vivant’s Guide. Seite 62. Brandy Crusta.
Use small bar glass.
Crusta is made the same as a fancy cocktail, with a little
lernon juice and a small lump of ice added. First, mix the
ingredients in a small tumbler, then take a fancy red wine-
glass, rub a sliced lemon around the rim of the same, and
dip it in pulverized white sugar, so that the sugar will adhere
to the edge of the glass. Pare half a lemon the same as you
would an apple (all in one piece) so that the paring will fit
in the wineglass, and strain the crusta from the tumbler into
it. Then smile.
Seite 51. Fancy Brandy Cocktail:
Use small bar glass
THIS drink is made the same as the brandy cocktail, except
that it is strained in a fancy wineglass, and a piece of lemon
peel thrown on top, and the edge of the glass moistened
with lemon.
Seite 51. Brandy Cocktail:
Use small bar glass
Three or jour dashes of gum One wineglass of brandy.
syrup. One or two dashes of cura-
Two or three dashes of bit- çao.
Squeeze lemon peel; fill one-third full of ice, and stir with
a spoon.
1929 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 36. Crustas.
Petite boisson — short drink — proche parente du
cocktail, à servir dans un verre à Bordeaux décoré
comme suit:
Peler un citron, ou moitié d’un gros citron, en la-
nière spirale, d’une seule pièce, que vous placerez dans
le verre n° 7 de façon à garnir l’intérieur de ce verre
jusqu’à un centimètre au-dessous du bord. Humecter ce
bord au citron et le givrer dans le sucre en poudre.
Veiller à ce que l’écorce du citron ne dépasse pas le
bord du verre qui deviendrait un verre baveur quand
on boirait.
Mettre une ou deux cerises dans le fond du verre,
sur le zeste de citron et verser dessus l’une des com-
positions suivantes:
1929 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 36. Brandy Crusta.
Dans la timbale moitié pleine de glace pilée.
1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre ou sirop.
1 cuiller à bouche jus de citron.
2 traits angostura, 2 traits curaçào.
3/4 verre à madère de cognac.
Fermer le shaker. Frapper. Passer dans le verre n° 7
préparé comme indiqué plus haut.
1929 Schürger Rezsö: A Mixer. Seite 22. Brandy Crusta.
1 szép citromnak a két végét levágni és a
héját szépen lehámozni, mint az almát, a héj egyben
maradjon, 1 boros pobárban porcukorba a citrom-
héját beletenni, jól keverni 3-4 csepp Angostura,
4-5 csepp citromlé, 2 csepp Maraskino, 3/4 pohár
törött jég, 1 borospohár cognac, jól keverni, bár-
pohárba átszürni, egy keveé gyümölccsel fel-
1930 Edgar Baudoin: Les Meilleurs Cocktails. Seite 51. Brandy Crusta.
Dans la timbale moitié pleine de glace pilée, 1 cuil-
ler à bouche sucre en poudre ou sirop, 1 cuiller à
bouche jus de citron, 2 traits Angostura, 2 traits
Curaçao, 3/4 verre à madère de Cognac.
Fermer le shaker, frapper, passer.
1930 Pedro Chicote: Le ley mojada. Seite 269. Crustas.
El crusta es una combinación de bebidas muy se-
mejante al cobbler. Se caracteriza por su prepara-
ción y porque lleva jugo de limón.
1930 Pedro Chicote: Le ley mojada. Seite 269. Brandy-Crusta.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
2 ó 3 pedacitos de hielo.
1/4 de copita de licor de marrasquino.
3/4 — — de coñac.
Unas gotas de jugo de limón.
Bátase muy bien, cuélese, adórnese de fruta y
sírvase en copa preparada como el gin-crusta.
Anmerkung: Zubereitung des Gin-Crustas, Seite 270:
Tómese una copa alta de cristal y humedézcase
los bordes con jugo de limón, con el fin de que se
adhiera un poco de azúcar en polvo. Se recorta la
corteza de un limón en forma de sierpe y se pone
en el interior de la copa. Se agita muy bien lo pre-
parado en la cocktelera y se sirve en la copa pre-
parada, añadiéndole dos guindas.
1931 Ignacio Domenech: El arte del cocktelero europeo. Seite 22. Brandy Crusta-Cocktail.
Se prepara de igual forma que en la receta anterior, poniendo
la misma cantidad de Brandy, en lugar de la misma cantidad
de gin o sea Ginebra. Asimismo puede prepararse con whisky.
Das vorherige Rezept: Gin Crusta-Cocktail:
El jugo de un limón dentro de un vaso, una copita de licor
gin, una copita de jarabe de goma, una docena de gotas de
curaçao, seis gotas de bitters, una cucharada de hielo picado;
remuévase bien, y se vierte dentro la copa o copas de cocktails
de color rojo o verde ligero; humedeciendo los bordes con limón
pasado por azúcar en polvo; y, por último, se pone una corteza
de limón cortada finísimamente en forma del espiral, colocándolo
de forma que ocupe desde el borde al fondo de cada copa.
1931 Louis Leospo: Traité d’industrie hotelière. Seite 635. Crustas.
Préparation. — On humecte les bords d’un petit tumbler (genre
verre à Bordeaux) avec une tranche de citron. On trempe les bords
du verre ainsi humectés dans du sucre en poudre, qui s’y attache en
donnant au bord du verre un aspect cristallisé.
On décore ensuite la paroi intérieure du verre avec un zeste de
citron, découpé en lanières d’une longueur suffisante pour entourer
l’intérieur du verre. On garnit le fond avec deux cerises.
D’autre part, on met dans le shaker 2 cuillerées de glace pilée,
puis les liqueurs appropriées; on remue fortement le shaker, dont on
verse le contenu dans le verre préalablement disposé.
1931 Louis Leospo: Traité d’industrie hotelière. Seite 636. Brandy Crusta.
1/4 verre à liqueur de sirop de gomme.
3 gouttes d’angostura-bitter.
1/4 verre à liqueur de marasquin.
1/2 verre à liqueur de cognac.
Jus d’un demi-citron.
1932 Al Hirschfeld: Manhattan Oases. Seite 46. Brandy Crusta.
Moisten rim of small wineglass with
lemon, dip rim in powdered sugar,
to give glass frosted appearance,
peel rind of 1/2 lemon and put in
bottom of glass, then pour into
shaker one teaspoonful of sugar or
grenadine, three dashes of mara-
schino, three dashes of Angostura
bitters, juice of 1/2 lemon, one glass
brandy. Shake well, pour into glass
and add fruit.
1932 Niels Larsen: 156 Recettes de Boissons Américaines. Seite 33. Brandy Crusta.
[A préparer dans un grand gobelet]
Remplissez aux trois quarts de glace pilée.
2 cuillers à café de sirop de sucre;
1 cuiller — jus de citron;
4 gouttes d’angostura;
4 — de marasquin;
1 petit verre à bordeaux de cognac.
Prenez un beau citron de la même largeur
qu’un verre à bordeaux. Enlevez l’écorce d’un
seul morceau et garnissez l’intérieur de ce verre
avec. Humectez le bord du verre avec une tranche
de citron et trempez légèrement dans du sucre
en poudre. Agitez bien votre boisson et passez
dans le verre que vous avez préparé. Ajoutez
3 petites cerises et servez.
1933 Anonymus: Here’s How to Mix ‚Em. Seite 12. Brandy Crusta.
(A large bar glass)
3/4 of glass filled with fine ice.
3 or 4 dashes gum syrup.
1 or 2 “ Angostura bitters.
1 or 2 “ lemon juice.
2 dashes Maraschino.
1 wine-glass of brandy.
Procure a nice bright lemon the size of your wine
glass. Peel the rind from it all in one piece; fit it into
the glass, covering the entire inside; run a slice of
lemon around the edge, and dip the glass in powdered
sugar. Strain the mixture after being stirred well into
this prepared glass. Dress with a little fruit and
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 124. Crustas.
Choice of Liquor . . . . 1 jigger Maraschino . . . . . . . . . . 1 dash
Angostura . . . . . . . . . 2 drops Lemon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . spiral peel
Peel lemon in thin continuous spiral and fit on inside of
frosted wineglass. Add cube of ice. Stir ingredients well
with ice, strain into prepared glass and serve with spoon.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 35. Brandy Crusta.
Use small wine glass.
Moisten the edge with lemon
and dip edge into castor sugar
which frosts the glass.
Cut the rind of half a lemon
spiral fashion; place in glass.
Fill glass with cracked ice.
3 Dashes Maraschino.
1 Dash Angostura Bitters.
4 Dashes Lemon Juice.
1/4 Curaçao.
3/4 Brandy.
Stir well and strain into prepared
glass, adding slice of orange.
1933 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 36. Crustas.
Petite boisson — short drink — proche parente du
cocktail, a servir dans un verre à Bordeaux décoré
comme suit:
Peler un citron, ou moitié d’un gros citron, en la-
nière spirale, d’une seule pièce, que vous placerez dans
le verre n° 7 de façon à garnir l’intérieur de ce verre
jusqu’à un centimètre au-dessous du bord. Humecter ce
bord au citron et le givrer dans le sucre en poudre.
Veiller à ce que l’écorce du citron ne dépasse pas le
bord du verre qui deviendrait un verre baveur quand
on boirait.
Mettre une ou deux cerises dans le fond du verre,
sur le zeste de citron et verser dessus l’une des com-
positions suivantes :
1933 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 36. Brandy Crusta.
Dans la timbale moitié pleine de glace pilée.
1 cuiller à bouche sucre en poudre ou sirop.
1 cuiller à bouche jus de citron.
2 traits angostura, 2 traits curaçào.
8/4 verre à madère de cognac.
Fermer le shaker. Frapper. Passer dans le verre n° 7
préparé comme indiqué plus haut.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 88. Crustas.
Das Eigentümliche bei diesem Getränk ist die besondere
Vorbereitung des Glases. — Man wählt eine Zitrone, die
in ein Weinglas hineinpaßt, so daß sie vom Glasrand fest
gehalten wird, schneidet das aus dem Glase herausragende
Stück ca. 1/2 Centimeter über dem Glasrand ab und hernach
ein ebensogroßes Stück am anderen Ende der Zitrone. Von
dem auf diese Weise erhaltenen Mittelstück entfernt man
das Zitronenfleisch, und zwar derart, daß die Schale dabei
ganz bleibt (eine Röhre bildet). Diese Röhre steckt man
dann in das Glas und stülpt dieses samt der Röhre in feinen
Zucker, wodurch sich eine Kruste bildet, nach der das Ge-
tränk auch seinen Namen erhalten hat. Will man die
Kruste färben, dann taucht man den Rand zuerst in ein wenig
auf einen Teller gegossenen roten, grünen oder anders-
farbigen Likör und danach in feinen Zucker. Einfluß auf
das Getränk hat diese Präparierung des Glases nur in
fachlich als ungünstig zu bezeichnendem Sinne, denn erstens
wird durch das ins Getränk hineinragende große Stück Zi-
tronenschale ein übermäßig starker Zitronenöl-Geschmack
übertragen und zweitens verursacht der Zuckerrand eine
Klebrigkeit, die sich beim Trinken unangenehm bemerk-
bar macht. Das Aussehen solcher Crustas ist zwar eigen-
artig und gefällig, aber einen logischen Sinn kann man
diesen Getränken nicht zusprechen.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 260. Crustas.
Wie schon im Teil I des Lehrbuches (Seite 113) angegeben
wird, leitet dieses Getränk seinen Namen von dem dazu
verwendeten eigenartig präparierten Glase ab. Die alko-
holische Basis der Crustas ist entweder Gin, Whisky, Brandy
oder Rum und — je nach der Verwendung einer dieser
Spirituosen — wird das Getränk als Gin-Crusta, Whisky-
Crusta, Brandy-Crusta oder Rum-Crusta bezeichnet. Die
Mischung wird im Schüttelbecher hergestellt und in das
präparierte Glas geseiht, mit Früchten garniert, mit Stroh
halmen und einem kleinen Löffel serviert (Präparierung
des Glases siehe Seite 88 im I. Teil des Lehrbuches).
2 D. [Dash] Angostura
2 D. [Dash] Maraschino
3 D. [Dash] Gum oder Himbeersirup
5 D. [Dash] Zitronensaft
9/10 Gin, Whisky, Brandy oder Rum
1934 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 29. Brandy Crustas.
Take a small wineglass, moisten the rim with
lemon, dip rim of glass into castor sugar, which
action gives the glass a frosted appearance. Cut
the rind of half a lemon the same as you would
peel an apple, then fit into your prepared glass.
Then pour into your Shaker 1 teaspoonful Sugar
or Gomme Syrup, 3 dashes of Drioli Maraschino, 3
dashes of Angostura Bitters, Juice of a 1/4 Lemon,
1 glass Courvoisier Brandy. Shake well, pour into
your glass, and add fruit.
1934 Tom & Jerry: How to Mix Drinks [collectiv1801]. Seite 26. Brandy Crusta.
(Use small bar glass.)
3/4 of a glass filled with shaved ice.
3 or 4 dashes gum syrup,
1 or 2 dashes Angostura or Boker’s bitters.
1 or 2 dashes lemon juice.
2 dashes Maraschino.
1 wine-glass of brandy.
Procure a nice, bright lemon, the size of your wine
glass; peel the rind from it all in one piece; fit it into
the glass, covering the entire inside; run a slice of
lemon around the edge, and dip the glass in powdered
sugar. Strain the mixture after being stirred well
into this prepared glass. Ornament with a little
fruit, and serve.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 63. Crustas.
The „Crusta“ is an improvement on the
„Cocktail“ and is said to have been invented
by Santina, a celebrated Spanish caterer of
New Orleans, of nearly 100 years ago.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 63. Brandy Crusta.
Fill mixing glass 3/4 full shaved ice
3 or 4 dashes gum syrup
1 o r 2 dashes Angostura
1 o r 2 dashes lemon juice
2 Dashes Maraschino
1 Jigger of brandy
Using a nice bright lemon, the size of the
wine glass; peel the rind from it all in one
piece; fit it into the glass, covering the entire
inside; run a slice of lemon around the edge,
and dip the glass in powdered sugar to give the
rim a frosted effect. Strain the mixture, after
stirring well, into this prepared glass. Orna-
ment with a little fruit and serve.
1935 George Pillaert: Le Bar Américan. Seite 47. Crustas.
Prendre un citron de grosseur suffisante, enlevé l’écorce
en spirale sur toute sa longueur sans la déchirer de façon
à pouvoir en garnir le verre à 1 cm. du bord.
1935 George Pillaert: Le Bar Américan. Seite 47. Brandy Crusta.
Fine Hennesy
Le jus d’un 1/2 citron
. Passer Shakers
Versé dans le verre ainsi préparé plus haut
Garnir 2 cerises
1935 Gustav Selmer Fougner: Along the Wine Trail. Seite 278. Brandy, Whisky, Gin Crustas.
Peel half a lemon, all in one piece, dip it in pulverized sugar and
dispose it so as to cover the inside of the glass, Now place a small
quantity of cracked ice in the bottom of the glass and then pour in
half a wineglass of brandy, three dashes of lemon juice, one teaspoon-
ful of sugar, three dashes of bitters and mix all with a spoon.
The same drink, made with whisky or gin, becomes a whisky or
a gin „crusta“.
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 21. Brandy Crusta Cocktail.
Moisten the edge of a glass with
lemon and dip edge into Sugar which
frosts the glass.
Cut the rind of half a lemon spiral
fashion; place in glass.
Fill glass with cracked ice
3 Dashes Maraschino
1 Dash Bitters
4 Dashes Lemon Juice
1/4 Curacao
3/4 Brandy
Stir well and strain into prepared
glass, adding slice of orange. Use
Old Fashioned glass.
1936 Frank A. Thomas: Wines, Cocktails and other Drinks. Seite 193. Brandy Crusta.
See Rum Crusta, p. 183.
Seite 183. Rum Crusta.
1 glass rum 1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon maraschino 1 teaspoon sugar syrup
. 8 to 10 drops of bitters
Peel a lemon in one continuous strip and line a large
goblet with the peel, arranged spirally. Rub the rim of the
goblet with lemon and dip it in powdered sugar to crust
it. Then pour in the ingredients above, which have been
mixed with ice in a large mixing glass, decorate with fruit.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 131. Crustas.
The Crustas are gener-
ally made with Gin,
Whisky, Brandy or
Rum, and are there-
fore called accordingly,
that is to say, when
Gin is used as the base
liquor, it is called a
Gin Crusta. Always
remember that the
Crusta glass — a small
wineglass — should be
prepared before the
mixture in the follow
ing way: —
Moisten the edges with
Lemon and dip the
glass in pulverised
Sugar. Cut the ends
of a clean Lemon, peel
the rest like an Apple,
and put this Peel in the
wineglass so that it
lines the whole inside
of the glass.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 131. Brandy Crusta – No. 1.
Use large bar glass
3/4 Glassful shaved Ice
4 Dashes Gum Syrup
2 Dashes Angostura or
Boker’s Bitters
2 Dashes Lemon Juice
2 Dashes Maraschino
1 Wineglass Brandy
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 131. Brandy Crusta – No. 2.
Fill tumbler with chip-
ped Ice
Juice of 1/2 a Lemon
1 Teaspoonful Straw-
berry Syrup
1/2 Wineglassful of
Place a slice of Lemon
on top.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 122. Brandy Crusta.
Cuarta parte marraschino.
Tres cuartas partea coñac TRES COPAS.
Gotas de limón.
Bátase. Sírvase en vaso Delmónico.
Pedacito de piña.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 99. Brandy Crusta.
Use Bar Glass with shaved ice
Add 4 dashes Gomme Syrup
2 dashes Angostura Bitters
2 dashes Lemon Juice
2 dashes Maraschino
1 jigger Cognac
Stir — strain into glass containing
whole rind of one Lemon coated
with Powdered Sugar — then dress
with fruits in season
1938 Krönlein-Beutel: Das Getränkebuch. Seite 126. Crustas.
Der Name dieser Getränkeart wird von „Rinde,
Kruste“ abgeleitet und dies aus dem Grunde, weil
die Rinde oder Schale einer Zitrone, Orange oder
Mandarine, mit einer Zuckerkruste versehen, das
charakteristische Merkmal dieser Getränkeart bildet.
Die Herstellung dieser Kruste ist für alle Mi-
schungen die gleiche und wird auf folgende Art
Von einer Zitrone bzw. Orange oder Mandarine
wird eine Scheibe von 2 cm Stärke aus der Mitte
ausgeschnitten. Dieses Zitronenrädchen wird auf
den Tisch gelegt, worauf man mit einem spitzen
scharfen Messer einen runden Schnitt ausführt, so
daß die Zitronenschale einen Ring bildet. Von
diesem Ring wird das Weiße möglichst sauber
Das ausgehobene Zitronenfleisch wird ausgedrückt
und nun der Schalenring an einer Seite in den Saft
getaucht. Der so angefeuchtete Ring wird an der
nassen Seite in Puderzucker getaucht, welcher als-
bald eine Kruste bildet.
Der so behandelte Ring wird nun auf ein Glas
so gesetzt, daß der Zucker obenauf zu stehen
Bei der Wahl der Zitrone muß man achten, daß
die Größe derselben mit dem Glasumfang überein-
stimmt, da der Krustenring am Glasrand etwas
über diesen ragen soll. Die zu den Crustas nötigen
Gläser sind Dessertwein- oder Rotweingläser.
1938 Krönlein-Beutel: Das Getränkebuch. Seite 126. Brandy-Crusta.
1 Eßlöffel Zitronensirup,
1 Eßlöffel Zitronensaft,
1 Kaffeelöffel Wermutwein,
2 Eßlöffel feingemahlenes Eis und
1/2 Madeiraglas Brandy
in einem Glase mischen, in ein reines Glas einseihen
und die Kruste einsetzen.
1938 Robert Vermeire: L’art du cocktail. Seite 63. Crustas.
Généralement, les crustas se font au gin,
whisky, rhum, fine ou bacardi et s’appellent
ainsi successivement: gin crusta, etc.
Toujours se rappeler que le crusta se
prépare dans un verre à vin (12 centilitres)
et préparer le verre en frottant les bords de
jus de citron et en trempant le verre dans
du sucre en poudre. Ensuite couper les bouts
d’un citron, le peler comme une pomme et
mettre la pelure entière dans le verre qu’elle
couvrira en entier.
Au shaker:
3 traits de sirop de gomme.
3 traits de marasquin.
2 traits d’angostura bitter.
Le jus d’un quart de citron et un verre à
cocktail de gin ou… Frapper. Passer dans
le verre préparé en ajoutant fruits de saison
et servir avec une cuiller.
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 23. Brandy Crusta.
1 1/2 oz Brandy, 1/2 oz Lemon juice, 2
dashes Angostura Bitters, 1 teaspoon-
ful fine granulated Sugar. Frost rim
of Old Fashioned glass with Sugar.
Next, peel the rind of half a lemon
spiral fashion and place in the glass.
Add 2 cubes of ice. Put the ingredi-
ents into mixing glass, add cracked
ice and shake well. Strain into the
prepared Old Fashioned glass.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 108. Crustas.
All crustas are made in the same way. They are pre-
pared in the shaker, half filled with broken ice, strained
into the crusta glass, and decorated with slices of fruit
in season.
The crusta glass is about the same size as a small
wine-glass, and it has to be specially prepared before-
hand. Instructions for this preparation are as follows.
First moisten the inside edges of the glass with
lemon juice, and dust with castor sugar to obtain a
frosted effect. Now take a clean lemon, cut off the ends,
and peel the rest spiral fashion. Place this peel in the
crusta glass as a lining.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 108. Brandy Crusta.
1 teaspoonful of sugar syrup,
1/6 gill of lemon juice,
1 dash of Angostura bitters,
1 teaspoonful of maraschino,
1 dash of orange bitters,
1/3 gill of brandy.
1940 Crosby Gaige: Crosby Gaige’s Cocktail Guide. Seite 143. Brandy Crusta.
1 jigger Brandy
1/3 jigger Lemon Juice
2 dashes Angostura Bitters
1 teaspoon fine granulated Sugar
Frost the rim of an „Old Fashioned“ glass
with sugar. Peel the rind of half a lemon in a spiral and
place in glass. Add 2 cubes of ice and strain in the
ingredients which have been shaken with cracked ice.
Sometimes Curaçao is added to this drink and
Maraschino used instead of the sugar.
1943 J. Roldán: Recetario moderno del licorista y barman. Seite 224. Crusta.
Coñac, ginebra o
whiski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 vasitos
Zumo de limón . . . . . . de 1/4 de limón
Azucar . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 cucharadas
los tres vasitos de un mismo licor, uno de cada de los
tres licores citados. Puede también prepararse con
una parte de azúcar, 2 de zumo de limón y 7 de licor.
1944 Harmann Burney Burke: Burke’s Complete Cocktail & Drinking Recipes. Seite 45. Brandy Crusta.
Line wine glass with lemon peel, moisten
the edge of the glass and dip in powdered
3 Brandy
1 Curacao
Maraschino, 3 Dashes
Lemon Juice, 4 Dashes
Angostura Bitters, 1 Dash
Ice. — Stir. Strain into above glass and
serve with a Slice of Orange.
1945 George Gardner: How to be a bartender. Seite 25. Brandy Crusta.
Use large bar glass.
Ice, shaved, fill glass 3/4 full.
Gum syrup, 4 dashes.
Angostura or Boker’s bitters, 2
Lemon juice, 2 dashes.
Maraschino, 2 dashes.
Brandy, 1 wineglass.
Peel the rind in one piece from a
lemon and fit it into a cocktail glass
so as to cover the entire inside; then
moisten the rim of the glass with a
piece of lemon and dip glass into pow-
dered sugar. Stir and strain into the
prepared glass. Dress with fruit and
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 22. Brandy Crusta.
(Voir avant tout Crustas pour la préparation
du verre.)
Première formule:
1 trait de jus de citron; 1 trait d’Angustura;
1 trait de Marasquin; 1 verre de Cognac.
Deuxième formule:
1 trait d’Angustura; le jus d’un 1/2 citron;
1 trait de Marasquin; 1 verre de Cognac.
Verser dans le verre préparé.
Pour le Gin, Rhum, Whisky, Crustas, on
procède de la même façon en se servant des
liqueurs demandées.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 36. Crustas.
Prendre un citron de grosseur suffisante,
enlever l’écorcoe en spirale sur toute sa lon-
gueur sans le déchirer, de façon à pouvoir
garnir le verre à 1 centimètre du bord. Givrer
le bord du verre à Bordeaux, garnir de 2 ce-
Autre formule:
Givrer le bord d’un verre à Bordeaux, ajou-
ter l’écorce d’une demi orange ou citron et 1
ou 2 bigarreaux.
(Voir: Brandy Crustas, Gin Crustas, Rhum
Crustas, Whisky Crustas)
1947 Karl Büskens: Mixbuch für Jedermann. Seite 76. Brandy Crusta.
Reibe den Rand eines Wein-
glases mit einer Scheibe Zi-
trone ein und tauche ihn in
Puderzucker. Setze in das
Glas eine 1/2 Orangenscheibe
(nur die Rinde) und tauche
es in Maraschino. Fülle das
Glas mitfolgenderMischung:
Im Mixbecher:
1 Spritzer Angostura Bitters
1 Teelöffel Zitronensaft
1 Teelöffel Maraschino
1 Glas Brandy
gut schütteln und abseihen
ins vorbereitete Glas
Rub rim of wine glass with
slice of lemon, dip edge in
powdered sugar, fit into
glass the rind of 1/2 orange,
put in Maraschino and fill
with the following mixture:
In shaker:
1 dash Angostura Bitters
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of Maraschino
1 glass of Brandy
shake well, strain into pre-
pared glass
1948 Adolphe Torelli: 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Américaines. Seite 31. Brandy Crusta.
Préparation du verre:
Prendre un citron de la grosseur suffisante pour
garnir l’intérieur d’un verre à bordeaux, enlever
l’écorce avec un couteau sans la déchirer, la placer
dans un verre à bordeaux après avoir passé un
morceau de citron sur le bord du verre et l’avoir
trempé dans du sucre en poudre pour lui faire
le collier givré ; mettre une cerise macérée à l’Eau-
de-vie au fond du verre et y verser la boisson sui-
Préparer dans un shaker avec de la glace pilée
une demi-cuillère à café de sucre en poudre, deux
traits d’Angostura, deux traits de Marasquin, une
cuillère à café de jus de citron, un demi-verre à
madère de bon Cognac, agiter et passer dans le
verre préparé comme il a été indiqué ci-dessus.
1948 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel 10. Seite 38. Crustas.
Petite boisson — short drink — proche parente du
cocktail, à servir dans un verre à Bordeaux décoré
comme suit:
Peler un citron, ou moitié d’un gros citron, en la-
nière spirale, d’une seule pièce, que vous placerez dans
ie verre n° 7 de façon à garnir l’intérieur de ce verre
jusqu’à un centimètre au-dessous du bord. Humecter ce
bord au citron et le givrer dans le sucre en poudre.
Veiller à ce que l’écorce du citron ne dépasse pas le
bord du verre qui deviendrait un verre baveur quand
on boirait.
Mettre une ou deux cerises dans le fond du verre,
sur le zeste de citron et verser dessus l’une des com-
positions suivantes:
1948 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel 10. Seite 38. Brandy Crusta.
Dans la timbale moitié pleine de glace pilée.
1 cuiller â Douche sucre en poudre ou sirop
1 cuiller à bouche jus de citron.
2 traits angostura, 2 traits curaçao.
3/4 verre à madère de cognac.
Fermer le shaker. Frapper. Passer dans le verre n° 7
préparé comme Indiqué plus haut.
1948 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel 11. Seite 38. Crustas.
Petite boisson — short drink — proche parente du
cocktail, à servir dans un verre à Bordeaux décoré
comme suit:
Peler un citron, ou moitié d’un gros citron, en la-
nière spirale, d’une seule pièce, que vous placerez dans
le verre n° 7 de façon à garnir l’intérieur de ce verre
jusqu’à un centimètre au-dessous du bord. Humecter ce
bord au citron et le givrer dans le sucre en poudre.
Veiller à ce que l’écorce du citron ne dépasse pas le
bord du verre qui deviendrait un verre baveur quand
on boirait.
Mettre une ou deux cerises dans le fond du verre.
sur le zeste de citron et verser dessus l’une des com
positions suivantes:
1948 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel 11. Seite 38. Brandy Crusta.
Dans la timbale moitié pleine de glace pilée.
1 cuiller a bouche sucre en poudre ou sirop.
1 cuiller à bouche jus de citron.
2 traits angostura, 2 traits curaçao.
3/4 verre à madère de cognac.
Fermer le shaker. Frapper. Passer dans le verre n° 7
préparé comme indiqué plus haut.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 291. Crustas.
A Crusta is a particular little breed of drink which
seems to require two things to make it legitimate: a
frosted wineglass and the entire peeling of a lemon or
orange fitted right into the glass. The rest of it’s
standard — liquor, lemon juice, maraschino liqueur,
a dash of bitters or some other flavoring, all handled
like a cocktail and poured into lemon or orange peel-
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 291. Brandy Crusta 1.
2 oz. brandy 1 tsp. lemon juice
1 dash Angostura bitters 1 tsp. maraschino liqueur
Into a frosted wineglass which has been well chilled, fit the
rind of 1/2 orange which has been peeled all in one piece. Add
one lump of ice. Shake above ingredients with shaved ice;
strain into prepared wineglass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 292. Brandy Crusta 2.
2 oz. brandy 2 dashes lemon juice
2 dashes Angostura bitters 2 dashes maraschino liqueur
. 3 dashes sugar syrup
Chill wineglass and frost; peel the rind from a fresh lemon
all in one piece and fit it into the wineglass, covering the
entire inside of the glass. Shake above ingredients with shaved
ice; strain into prepared glass.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 262. Die Crustas.
Die «Crustas» sind lecker aussehende und ebenso
schmeckende «Long-drinks». Dass sie nicht überall popu-
lär sind, ist der Umständlichkeit ihrer Zubereitung zuzu-
schreiben. «Crustas» sind wegen ihrer alkoholischen Stärke
eigentliche Herrengetränke. Empfehlen kann man sie
abends nach dem Essen.
Grundrezept: Man nehme ein mittelgrosses Weinglas
mit Stiel, fahre über dessen Rand mit einem Stückchen
Zitrone, so dass der
Rand angefeuchtet wird
und tupfe dann das Glas
sachte in Grieszucker.
Der Grieszucker wird
sich nun dort, wo der
Rand feucht ist, anhef-
ten, und es sieht nun
aus als ob der Rand
des Glases mit einer fei-
nen Kruste Eis über
zogen wäre. Hierauf
schäle man eine Zitrone und zwar so, dass die Schale ein
Band bildet und gebe sie in
das präparierte Glas. Hierauf
fülle man den Shaker halbvoll
mit feingeschlagenem Roheis
und füge hinzu: den Saft von
1/2 Zitrone, 1 Barlöffel Zucker,
2 dashes Angosturabitter, 3 das-
hes Maraschino und 1 Glas der
gewünschten Sorte Alkohol.
Das Ganze wird sehr gut ge-
schüttelt und in das hergerich-
tete Glas gegossen. Mit Barlöf-
fel und Saughalmen servieren.
«Crustas» werden aus Co-
gnac, Gin, Whisky, Rum, Wein
etc. gemacht.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 311. Brandy-Crusta.
Man befeuchtet den Rand eines Crustaglases (ballon-
förmiges Weinglas) mit einem Stückchen Zitrone, tupft
das Glas dann in Griesszucker,
so dass ein gleichmässiger,
etwa 2 Zentimeter breiter Zuk-
kerrand entsteht. Dann schält
man eine saubere, nicht zu
grosse Zitrone, so wie man
einen Apfel schält, d. h. dass
die ganze Schale an einem
Bande bleibt und gibt diese in
das präparierte Glas. Hierauf
gibt man in den Schüttelbecher
2-3 3igrosse Stücke Eis, den
Saft von 1/2 Zitrone, 1 Barlöffel
Zucker, 2 dashes Angosturabit-
ter, 3 dashes Maraschino und
1 Glas Cognac. Gut schütteln
und in das Glas seihen. Mit Barlöffel und Saughalmen
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 69. Crustas.
Der Cocktail eroberte auf seinem Siegeszug die ganze Welt. Nicht zuletzt
gewann er auch das Herz und den Gaumen Santinas, eines berühmten
soanischen Wirtes von New Orleans. Es dünkte ihn barbarisch, die köst-
lichen Tropfen des Cocktails leblos hinter einer Glaswand zu sehen. Lange
zerbrach er sich den Kopf. Dann hafte er es gefunden. Sanfina ging in den
südlichen Garten und pflückte eine Zitrone von der Größe eines Weinglases.
Sorfälfig schälte er sie in einem Stück ab und paßte die Schale dem Glase
an, so daß sie die ganze Innenfläche bedeckte. Mit einer Zitronenscheibe
fuhr er über den Rand des Glases. Als er den so angefeuchteten Rand in
Staubzucker tauchte, schimmerte er wie überzogen mit Reif oder Eis, Nun
verfuhr er wie mit einem Cocktail. Er seihte die durchgeschüttelte Mischung
in das vorbereitete Glas und schmückte seinen so entstandenen Crusta mit
verlockenden Früchten.
Damit Du, mein Leser, gleich den richtigen Weg gehst, will Ich Dir meine
speziellen Crustarezepte verraten.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 70. Brandy Crusta.
1 Gläschen Brandy,
2 Spritzer Angosturabitter,
2 Schuß Zuckersirup,
2 Schuß Maraschino,
2 Schuß Zitronensaft.
Schüttle alles gut durch und seihe
den Drink in ein vorbereitetes
1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 104. Brandy Crusta.
Humecter le bord d’un verre avec une
tranche de citron, tremper dans du sucre
en poudre, mettre dans le verre l’écorce
entière d’une demi-orange, ajouter trois
ou quatre cerises et remplir avec le mé-
lange suivant:
Un trait d’angustura,
Une cuiller à café de jus de citron et de
Un verre de cognac,
Bien frapper, verser dans le verre préparé
et servir.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 108. Crustas.
All crustas are made in the same way. They are pre-
pared in the shaker, half filled with broken ice, strained
into the crusta glass, and decorated with slices of fruit
in season.
The crusta glass is about the same size as a small
wine-glass, and it has to be specially prepared before-
hand. Instructions for this preparation are as follows.
First moisten the inside edges of the glass with
lemon juice, and dust with castor sugar to obtain a
frosted effect. Now take a clean lemon, cut off the ends,
and peel the rest spiral fashion. Place this peel in the
crusta glass as a lining.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 108. Brandy Crusta.
1 teaspoonful of sugar syrup,
1/6 gill of lemon juice,
1 dash of Angostura bitters,
1 teaspoonful of maraschino,
1 dash of orange bitters,
1/3 gill of brandy.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 131. Brandy Crustas.
(as served at Harry’s Bar, Paris)
Take small wine glass, moisten rim
with lemon, dip rim of glass into castor
sugar. Peel the rind of half a lemon and
fit this curl of peel into the contour of
your glass. Then in a shaker mix 1 tea-
spoon of sugar, 3 dashes of Maras-
chino, 3 dashes of bitters, juice of one-
quarter of a lemon, 1 glass of brandy.
Shake well and pour into a prepared
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 290. Crustas.
Bebida de origen americano, se prepara en forma muy
parecida al „Cobbler“, difiere de éste, por ell hecho de no
agregarle fruta, su principal característica consiste en deco-
rar la copa con un borde de azúcar cristalizada. Se depo-
sita dento del vaso o copa la cáscara de medio limón
cortado en espiral.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 291. Brandy Crusta.
. 3 golpes de Marrasquino.
Servido en una copa o 1 golpe de Bitter Angostura.
vaso de 200 gramos, la 1 cucharadita de Jugo d[e] Li-
que se le formará una món.
corona, humedeciendo 10 gramos de Curaçao.
el borde con limón y pa- 60 gramos de Cognac.
sándola por azúcar cris-
talizado, se agrega un
pedazo de hielo y se in-
troduce la cáscara de
medio limón, cortada en
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 108. Brandy Crusta.
Rub rim of glass with slice of Lemon.
Dip edge in powdered Sugar.
Fit into glass the rind of one half Orange in spiral fashion.
Fill glass with cracked Ice.
Put into Mixing Glass:
1 dash Angostura Bitters.
3 dashes Maraschino.
2 ozs. Brandy.
Stir and strain into prepared glass.
Add Maraschino cherry.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 233. Crustas.
The distinguishing feature of the Crusta is that the
entire inside of the glass is lined with lemon or orange peel. The drink
may be served in either a wineglass or an Old-Fashioned glass, although
it is much harder to make the peel fit in the Old-Fashioned glass.
Take a large lemon or a small orange of a size approximating that
of the glass to be used. Cut off both ends and peel the remainder in
spiral fashion so as to keep the peel all in one piece. Line the inside of
the glass with this peel, wet the edge of the glass, and dip in powdered
sugar to frost the edge of both peel and glass. In a bar glass mix 1 part
sugar syrup, 2 parts lemon juice, and 8 parts brandy with 1 or 2 dashes
each of maraschino and bitters to each drink. Shake with finely crushed
ice and strain into the prepared glass.
While the BRANDY CRUSTA is the most common form of this
drink, it is, after all, merely a Sour-type drink served in fancy style.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 32. Brandy Crusta Cocktail.
Moisten the edge of 4 oz. Cocktail
glass with Lemon and dip into Sugar.
Cut the rind of half a Lemon in a
spiral, and place in glass.
1 Teaspoon Maraschino
1 Dash Bitters
1 Teaspoon Lemon Juice
1/2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Curacao
2 oz. Old Mr. Boston California
Stir above ingredients in mixing glass
and strain into glass prepared as
above. Add Slice of Orange.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 47. Brandy Crusta.
Garnir un verre à cocktail
d’une demi-écorce de ci-
tron (spirale), deux bigar-
reaux, collerette dgivre;
dans le shaker:
Le jus d’un demi-citron
Un trait d’Angostura
Un trait Maraschino Luxardo
Un trait Curaçao Orange
Un verre de Cognac.
On peut compléter à l’eau
gazeuse ou au Champagne
brut, dans ce cas, servir
dans un verre à collins orné
d’une écorce entière dé ci-
Opérer de la même façon
pour les Calvados, Gin,
Rhum, Whisky « Crustas ».
1954 Robert H. Loeb, Jr.: Nip Ahoy. Seite 59. Cognac or Brandy Crusta.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 108. Brandy Crusta.
Rub rim of glass with slice of Lemon.
Dip edge in powdered Sugar.
Fit into glass the rind of one half Orange in spiral fashion.
Fill glass with cracked Ice.
Put into Mixing Glass:
1 dash Angostura Bitters.
3 dashes Maraschino.
2 ozs. Brandy.
Stir and strain into prepared glass.
Add Maraschino cherry.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 32. Brandy Crustas.
Givrer le bord d’un verre à Bordeaux et
ajoutez l’écorce d’une 1/2 orange, ou citron
et un bigarreau.
Dans le shaker:
1 jet d’Angustura, 1 jet de jus de citron,
1 jet Maraschino, 1 verre de Cognac
Bien agiter et servir dans le verre préparé
à l’avance.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 111. Crustas.
Crustas may be made of Applejack, Brandy, Gin, Rum or Whiskey. Rub
the rim of a large Wineglass with Lemon, then dip glass in Powdered
Sugar. Place in the glass a large twist of Lemon or Orange Peel and a
Cherry. In a shaker with ice put 1 dash Angostura Bitters, 1 teaspoon
each Lemon Juice and Maraschino and 1 or 2 jiggers of the desired
liquor. Strain into prepared glass and serve.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 122. Crustas.
Ce beau ”longdrink” jouissant d’ailleurs d’une haute considé-
ration tient son nom du fait, que jadis l’écorce de citron, prescrite
par toutes les recettes, était complètement garnie d’une croute
(crusta) de sucre. Cette opération assez compliquée a été grande-
ment simplifiée. Maintenant on agit comme suit : on prend un
verre à vin (sur pied) en forme de ballon de moyenne grandeur
et on en frotte le bord avec un zeste de citron. Après cela le bord
est trempé dans le sucre râpé, qui le ”givre”, là ou l’essence de
citron a tenu.
Ensuite on prend un citron dont on coupe une pointe, de façon
à ce que le fruit ait la hauteur même du verre. On épluche le citron
en forme de spirale et l’écorce est mise en spirale dans le verre.
Le dernier bout de l’écorce est attaché au bord du verre.
Les ingrédients, prescrits dans la recette, sont bien frappés dans
le shaker et passés dans le verre préparé.
Note pour le mélangeur électrique : qui dispose du gobelet avec
batteur spécial pour cocktails peut remuer les ingrédients avec la
glace. L e meilleur temps de mélange se trouve entre 10 et 20 sec.
Si on se sert du gobelet standard avec les couteaux ordinaires,
ne pas mélanger la glace avec les ingrédients, car la glace serait
moulue finement et noyerait la boisson. 11 suffit de rafraîchir le
gobelet avec de la glace, que l’on évacue, avec l’eau glacée, avant
de faire les mélanges.
Temps nécessaire pour le mélange : de 10 à 20 sec.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 122. Brandy Crusta.
Shaker, 3 morceaux de glace
Jus 1/2 citron
1 cuill. à thé sucre râpé
2 traits Angostura
3 traits Marasquin
1 verre Cognac
Bien frapper au shaker et
passer dans le verre à crusta
préparé d’avance (voir in-
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 106. Brandy Crusta.
Rub rim of glass with slice of Lemon.
Dip edge in powdered Sugar.
Fit into glass the rind of one half Orange in spiral fashion.
Fill glass with cracked Ice.
Put into Mixing Glass;
1 dash Angostura Bitters.
3 dashes Maraschino.
3 ozs. Brandy.
Stir and strain into prepared glass.
Add Maraschino cherry.
1961 Pedro Chicote – El bar en el mundo. Seite 213. Crusta.
El crusta es una combinación de bebidas muy
semejante al cobbler. Se caracteriza por su pre-
paración y porque lleva jugo de limón.
1961 Pedro Chicote – El bar en el mundo. Seite 214. Brandy Crusta.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
2 ó 3 pedacitos de hielo.
1/4 de copita de licor de ma-
3/4 de copita de licor de co-
Unas gotas de jugo de limón.
Tómese una copa alta de
cristal y humedézcase los
bordes con jugo de limón,
con el fin de que se adhie-
ra un poco de azúcar en
polvo. Se recorta la corte-
za de un limón en forma
de sierpe y se pone en el
interior de la copa.
Bátase muy bien, cuélese,
adórnese de fruta y sírva-
se en la copa ya prepa-
1963 Eddie Clarke: Shaking in the 60’s. Seite 91. Brandy Crusta Cocktail.
Use small wine glass. Moisten the rim with
lemon and dip rim into castor sugar. (This is
known as frosting the glass.) Cut the rind of
half a lemon in a spiral fashion, place this in
the glass and half fill with crushed ice. Shake
well in the cocktail shaker the following
1/2 teaspoonful Maraschino
1 dash of Angostura
3 teaspoonfuls fresh lemon juice
1/2 measure Curacao
1 1/2 measures brandy
Strain into the prepared glass and decorate the
drink with a slice of orange.
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 118. Crustas.
Eine kräftige Verlockung für Zungen, die sich nach einer Erfrischung
sehnen. Der leckere Herren=long=drink für die unterhaltsame Zeit
nach dem Abendessen, an dem Gaumen und Auge Freude haben.
Ein Weinglas mit Stiel wird an seinem oberen Rand rundherum mit
einem Zitronenviertel gut angefeuchtet und schnell, bevor der Saft
innen und außen abtropft, in einen Staubzuckerhaufen gestülpt. Es
bildet sich dadurch die Crusta, ein wie Rauhreif aussehender Zucker=
kristallstreifen am Glasrand. Diese Crustas können auch mit Oran=
gen, Grapefruit, Ananas oder Pfirsich präpariert werden. Wieder
andere Crustas entstehen, wenn man die Gläser ganz vorsichtig, so
daß wirklich nur ihr äußerster Rand berührt wird, in dicken Sirup
dippt und dann in Zucker steckt (z. B . in Sirup von eingemachten
Zwergorangen, Himbeeren, in Cassis= oder Maplesirup). Am be=
kanntesten sind die Zitronencrustas, bei denen man auch noch die
ganze Schalenspirale der Zitronen in das Innere des Glases dressiert,
bevor man die geschüttelten Mischungen darübergibt.
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 119. Brandy Crusta.
Die Crusta wird mit Orange prä=
pariert, und auch die Schalen=
spirale besteht aus Orange. Im
übrigen wie im Grundrezept ver=
fahren und einen sanften Wein=
brand nehmen
1965 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 108. Brandy Crusta.
Rub rim of glass with slice of Lemon.
Dip edge in powdered Sugar.
Fit into glass the rind of one half Orange in spiral fashion.
Fill glass with cracked Ice.
Put into Mixing Glass;
1 dash Angostura Bitters.
3 dashes Maraschino.
3 ozs. Brandy.
Stir with ice and strain into prepared glass.
Add Maraschino cherry.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 319. Les crustas.
Boissons pour messieurs qui, bien qu’on ne les mélange pas avec de l’eau, etc.,
peuvent être comptées parmi les «long drinks»; l’eau s’ajoute lors du secouement.
On recommande ce genre de drinks le soir après le repas, également dans des soirées,
Recette de base: On garnit en premier lieu un verre ballon de moyenne grandeur
d’une jolie bordure bien égale de sucre (voir illustration en couleur). Dans ce verre
on place ensuite l’écorce entière d’un citron moyen. Puis on remplit la moitié du
shaker de petits dés de glace et on ajoute ce qui suit: 1/2 jus de citron, 1 cuillère à bar
de sucre, 2 dashes d’angosturabitter, 3 dashes de marasquin et 1 verre mesure de
whisky ou ce que la recette prescrit. On secoue comme il faut le tout et on le verse
dans le verre. Servir avec paille. On prépare les crustas avec du cognac (brandy),
whisky, gin, rhum, etc.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 366. Brandy Crusta.
On humecte le bord d’un verre à crusta (verre
à vin forme ballon) avec un petit morceau de
citron, on plonge ensuite le verre dans du
sucre-semoule, de sorte qu’il se produise
une bordure de sucre bien égale d’environ
2 cm de largeur. On pèle ensuite un citron pas trop gros ainsi qu’une
pomme, de sorte que toute l’écorce forme un ruban et on le met dans
le verre préparé. On met ensuite dans le shaker 3—4 dés de glace,
le jus d’un 1/2 citron, 1 cuillère à bar de sucre, 2 dashes d’angostura,
3 dashes de marasquin et 1 verre de cognac. Bien agiter, passer dans
le verre. Servir avec cuillère à bar et paille.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 74. Brandy Crusta Cocktail.
Moisten the edge of a small wine glass with lemon and rub edge
into powdered sugar to frost edge. Combine in a mixing glass:
1 1/2 ounces brandy 1 dash Angostura bitters
1/2 ounce curaçao 4 dashes lemon juice
3 dashes maraschino liqueur
Add cracked ice, stir, and strain into prepared glass. Serve with a slice
of orange.
Gin or Rum Crusta: Substitute dry gin or gold label rum for brandy.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 51. Brandy Crusta.
Préparer un verre à Crusta (forme ballon)
avec bordure de sucre. Ecorce de citron
entière. Shaker. 1/2 jus de citron, 1 cb [cuillère de bar]
sucre, 2 d angostura, 3 d marasquin, 1
1966 John Doxat: Booth’s Handbook of Cocktails and Mixed Drinks. Seite 101. Brandy Crusta.
Moisten edge of glass with Lemon and frost with Powdered
Sugar. Cut the rind of a Lemon in a spiral; place in glass,
hooking over rim. Fill glass with cracked ice.
3/4 Brandy
3 dashes Maraschino
1/4 Cointreau
1 dash Angostura Bitters
4 dashes Lemon Juice
Stir well, strain into glass; add slice of Orange.
1969 Mario Kardahi & Raul Echenique: El arte de la exquisitez y del buen beber. Seite 376. Crustas.
Trago de origen norteamericano. Se diferencia del Cobbler por
su presentación, y su principal característica es la „coronación“.
Su preparación se efectúa dentro de la coctelera, que deberá estar
llena hasta la mitad con hielo en trozos chicos; una vez bien mez-
clados los distinos componentes colar en vaso para „Crustas“ o
para trago largo (en algunas excepciones se utilizan vasos más peque-
ños o copas de Vino) y decorar con rodajas de frutas de la estación
(esto último, algunos barmen – internacionalmente hablando -,
prefieren suprimirlo).
La „coronación“ debe ser preparada de antemano de la siguiente
Cortar el extremo de un limón, pasarlo por el borde del vaso
(o copa) para que se moje con el jugo, invertir luego y apoyar sobre
azúcar cristalizado blanco previamente preparado en un platito.
De esta manera todo el borde quedará recubierto de una „corona“
blanca de azúcar. Después cortar la cáscara del resto del limón en
forma de espiral (debe estar lo más finita posible y sin lo blanco)
y colocarla dentro del vaso como revestimiento.
Este procedimiento es igual para todos los „Crustas“.
1969 Mario Kardahi & Raul Echenique: El arte de la exquisitez y del buen beber. Seite 377. Brandy Crusta.
3 golpes de Marrasquino,
1 golpe de Bitter Angostura,
1 cucharadita de Jugo de Limón,
10 gramos de Curazao,
60 “ “ Cognac.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 14. Brandy Crusta Cocktail.
Mositen the edge of 4 oz. cocktail
glass with lemon and dip into sugar.
Cut the rind of half a lemon in a
spiral, and place in glass.
1 Teaspoon Maraschino
1 Dash Bitters
1 Teaspoon Lemon Juice
1/2 oz. Curacao
2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Five Star
Stir above ingedients in mixing
glass and strain into glass prepared
as above. Add slice of orange.
1973 Anonymus: 500 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 46. Crustas.
The crusta is made in an old-
fashioned or a wine glass that
has been lined with the spiral
peel from half a lemon or
orange. Shake the ingredients
and pour into the glass filled
with ice.
1973 Anonymus: 500 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 46. Brandy Crusta.
1 jigger brandy
1/2 ounce lemon juice
2 dashes Angostura bitters
1 teaspoon sugar
Shake well with ice and strain
into glass filled with fruit
peel. Serve as above. Deco-
rate with a maraschino cherry.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 100. Crustas.
Made with any preferred spirit.
Use medium goblet.
Rub rim of glass with slice of
lemon. Dip edge in powdered
sugar. Fit into glass the rind of
one half orange in spiral fashion
Fill glass with cracked ice. Put
into mixing glass; 1 dash
Angostura bitters, 3 dashes
maraschino, 1 measure spirit.
Stir with ice and strain into
prepared glass. Add maraschino
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 34. Brandy Crusta.
Use small wine glass.
Moisten the edge with lemon
and dip edge into castor sugar
which frosts the glass.
Cut the rind of half a lemon
spiral fashion; place in glass.
Fill glass with cracked ice.
3 Dashes Maraschino.
1 Dash Angostura Bitters.
4 Dashes Lemon Juice.
1/4 Curaçao.
3/4 Brandy.
Stir well and strain into prepared
glass, adding slice of orange.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 235. Brandy Crusta.
Cocktail Glass Stir
Sugar rim of glass
Insert 1 lemon rind in glass
1-1/2 oz brandy
1/4 oz maraschino liqueur
1 dash bitters
1/4 oz lemon juice
1/2 oz orange curaçao
Strain into prepared glass
2017 Dr. Adam Elmegirab: Book of Bitters. Seite 62. Brandy Crusta. 60 ml Pierre Ferrand 1840 cognac (or VSOP cognac); 3 dashes Dr. Adam Elmegirab’s Boker’s bitters; 10 ml Pierre Ferrand orange curaçao; 20 ml lemon juice; 10 ml sugar syrup.
Cascade Highball
1931 John: „Happy Days!“. Seite 74. Cascade Cocktail.
50 per cent M. & R. Italian Vermouth
50 per cent Creme de Cassis
One lump ice. Fill with siphon.
1937 R. de Fleury: 1800 – And All That. Seite 194. Cascade Highball.
1/2 Oz. Italian Vermouth
1/2 Oz. Creme de Cassis
1 Lump of Ice
Fill with Soda.
1937 Salvador Trullos Mateu: Recetario internacional de cock-tails. Seite 152. Cascade Highball.
Medio vasito vermouth FERRERO.
Medido vasi to crema de Casis.
Pedazo de hielo.
Cuarto bot. agua mineral SAN AGUSTIN.
1939 Anonymus: Cuna del Daiquiri Cocktail. Seite 47. Paris Midi.
Use a 10 ounces glass.
Cracked ice.
1/3 Creme Cassis.
2/3 Vermouth.
Sparkling water.
Stir with a spoon and serve.
1944 Harmann Burney Burke: Burke’s Complete Cocktail & Drinking Recipes. Seite 105. Vermouth Cassis.
2 Italian Vermouth
1 Creme de Cassis
Add a Cube of Ice.
Stir, add Soda Water to taste and serve.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 345. Vermouth-Cassis.
2 oz. French vermouth 1 tbs. crème de cassis
Mix in large wineglass with lump of ice; add Schweppes
soda or seltzer to fill.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 324. Cassis-Vermouth.
In ein Aperitifglas gibt man 2/3 Cassis, 1/3 Vermouth und
füllt auf mit Sodawasser. (Kann auch mit Wasser ver-
dünnt getrunken werden.)
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 454. Vermouth-Cassis.
In. einen Tumbler gibt man 1/2 Glas Cassis und 1/2 Glas
ital. Vermouth. Auffüllen mit Sodawasser.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 42. Cascade.
1 oz. French Vermouth
1 oz. Creme de Cassis
1 Cube of Ice
Use 8 oz. Stem Goblet and fill balance
with Carbonated Water and stir.
1965 Anonymus: John de Kuyper’s Complete Guide to Cordials. Seite 15. Vermouth Cassis, Sweet.
1 ounce De Kuyper Creme de Cassis
2 ounces sweet vermouth
Pour Creme de Cassis and vermouth over
ice cubes in goblet or Old-Fashioned
glass, fill with soda.
1966 John Doxat: Booth’s Handbook of Cocktails and Mixed Drinks. Seite 117. Vermouth Cassis.
2 oz. Dry Vermouth (or Sweet)
1/2 oz. Cassis (Blackcurrant Cordial)
Pour over ice in tumbler; add splash of Soda-Water.
(Traditional French aperitif drink.)
Cherry Blossom
Wir haben unsere Rezeptur geändert:
50 ml Lot No. 40 Rye Whiskey40 ml James E. Pepper 1776 Rye Whiskey30 ml Morrand Kirsch
10 ml Tempus Fugit Crème de Cacao
1 Dash Angostura Bitters
1910 Anonymus: 101 Drinks and How to Mix Them. Cherry Blossom.
Don’t neglect to serve at least one round of
Cherry Blossoms. There’s a reason.
White of one egg raspberry syrup and
Same quantity of dry Gin orange juice
Three dashes each of Shake well with fine ice
1925 „Robert“ Buckby & George Stone: The Buckstone Book of Cocktails. Seite 17. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
1/2 Cherry Brandy, 1/4 Brandy, dash of lemon
juice, dash of Curaçao, dash of Grenadine.
Shake and strain.
1927 Anonymus: El arte de hacer un cocktail. Seite 20. Cherry Blossom (Flor de Cerezo).
Vasito de Sloe Gin.
Poquito de jugo de naranja.
Cucharadita de azúcar.
Bátase y sírvase.
1927 Nina Toye & A. H. Adair: Petits & grands verres. Seite 46. La fleur de cerisier. Cherry Blossom.
Dans le gobelet à moitié rempli de glace en mor-
ceaux, mettre une grande cuillerée de curaçao sec, une
grande cuillerée de jus de citron, une grande cuillerée
de grenadine, deux verres et demi de cherry-brandy et
trois de cognac. Frapper à fond et servir très froid.
1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 36. Cherry Blossom.
Served in a claret glass, the white of one egg and about
the same quantity of dry gin were shaken with three dashes each of rasp-
berry syrup and orange juice.
1930 William T. Boothby: „Cocktail Bill“ Boothby’s World Drinks. Seite 27. Cherry Blossom.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 jigger Orange . . . . . . . . 2 dashes
Raspberry . . . . . . . 2 dashes Egg . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 of white
. Nutmeg . . . . . . . . . . to taste
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, grate nutmeg over
and serve.
1933 Anonymus: O’Dell’s Book of Cocktails and Fancy Drinks. Seite 50 und 146. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
(Mr. Tao’s Formula)
Dash of Maraschino,
1/3 Canadian Club Whisky,
1/3 Cherry Brandy,
1/3 Italian Vermouth.
1933 Anonymus: The Bartender’s Friend. Seite 58. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
Gin Into a mixer put white of one egg, 4
Cherry dashes raspberry syrup, 2 dashes lemon
Raspberry Syrup juice, 1 jigger of gin, and fill with ice.
Lemon Juice Shake and strain. Insert a cherry.
White of Egg Serve.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 45. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
(6 people)
To a glass half full of cracked
ice add a tablespoonful of
dry Curaçao, one of Lemon
Juice, one of Grenadine, 2 1⁄2
glasses of Cherry Brandy and
2 of Brandy. Shake thoroughly
and serve very cold.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 165. Cherry-Blossom-Cocktail.
2 D. [Dash] Curaçao, orange
3 D. [Dash] Grenadine
3 D. [Dash] Zitronensaft
1/3 Cherry-Brandy
1/3 Weinbrand
Sch-.B. [Schüttelbecher] K. [Kirsche] Z. [Zitronenspirale]
1934 Harry Jerrold Gordon: Gordon’s Cocktail and Food Recipes. Seite 46. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
3 Cherry Brandy
2 Brandy
Lemon Juice, 4 Dashes
Curacao, 4 Dashes
Grenadine, 3 Dashes
Ice. – 45 Shakes. Strain and serve.
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual [collectic1806]. Seite 157. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
2 1/2 Glasses Cherry Brandy
2 Glasses Brandy
1/2 Glass Cracked Ice
1 Tablespoonful Dry Curagao
1 Tablespoonful Lemon Juice
1 Tablespoonful Grenadine
Shake thoroughly and serve very cold.
Use glass number 1
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 33. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
1/2 Old Mr. Boston Cherry Nectar
1/2 Old Mr. Boston Apricot Nec-
1 Dash Curacao
1 Dash Lemon Juice
1 Dash Grenadine
Shake well with cracked ice and
strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1936 Anonymus: Cocktails, Drinks and Snacks. Seite 30. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
2 oz. Cherry Brandy
2 oz. Brandy
4 dashes lemon juice
4 dashes Curacao
8 dashes Grenadine
Ice, 40 shakes, strain into cocktail glass.
1937 John R. Iverson: Liquid Gems. Seite 39. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
1 oz. Cherry Brandy
1/2 oz. Apricot Brandy
Dash Curacao
Dash Grenadine
Two or three drops lemon juice
Shake, strain and serve in cocktail
No decoration.
This is a really nice one. It is considered sweet,
but has both power and body. Its palatability gives
it its prime characteristic, and has made it a great
favorite with the ladies. When ordering this one
for your girl friend, you can’t go wrong.
1938 Bud Caroll: Popular Drinks of Today. Seite 11. Cherry Blossom.
Gin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/4 jigger Orange Juice . . . . 2 dashes
Cherry Wine . . . . . . . 3/4 jigger Egg . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 of white
Raspberry . . . . . . . . . . 2 dashes Nutmeg . . . . . . . .to taste
Shake well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass.
Grate nutmeg over and serve.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 104. Cherry Blossom Cocktail – No. 1.
3/4 jigger Dry Gin
2 dashes Raspberry
2 dashes Orange Bitters
1/2 white of one Egg
Shake well
Strain into Cocktail Glass
Grate Nutmeg over top
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 104. Cherry Blossom Cocktail – No. 2.
(6 People)
1 tablespoon Curacao
1 tablespoon Lemon Juice
1 tablespoon Grenadine
2 1/2 jiggers Cherry Brandy
2 jiggers Cognac Brandy
Shake well
Serve very cold
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 46. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
1 dash of grenadine,
1 dash of Curaçao,
1 dash of fresh lemon juice,
1/4 gill of cherry brandy,
1/4 gill of brandy.
Use the shaker. Serve very cold.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 77. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
1 ounce Cherry Brandy
1 ounce Brandy
1 teaspoon Curaçao
1/4 teaspoon Lemon Juice
1/4 teaspoon Grenadine
Shake well with cracked ice.
1944 Harmann Burney Burke: Burke’s Complete Cocktail & Drinking Recipes. Seite 46. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
3 Cherry Brandy
2 Brandy
Lemon Juice, 4 Dashes
Curacao, 4 Dashes
Grenadine, 3 Dashes
Ice. — 45 Shakes. Strain and serve.
1947 Karl Büskens: Mixbuch für Jedermann. Seite 36. Cherry-Blossom.
2/3 Cherry Brandy
1/3 Brandy
1 Spritzer Zitronensaft
1 Spritzer Grenadine
1 Spritzer Dry Gin
gut schütteln
2/3 Cherry Brandy
1/3 Brandy
1 dash lemon juice
1 dash Grenadine
1 dash Dry Gin
shake well
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 67. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
3/4 oz. cognac 1/2 tsp. curaçao
3/4 oz. cherry brandy 1/2 tsp. grenadine
. 1/2 tsp. lemon juice
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 31. Cherry Blossom (La Fleur de Cerisier).
1/2 Cognac; 1/2 Cherry Brandy; 1 trait de
Curaçao sec 1 trait de Grenadine 1 trait de
jus de citron.
1947 Pedro Chicote: Cocktails mundiales. Seite 138. Cherry Blossom-Cocktail.
Prepárese en cocktelera:
Unos pedacitos de hielo.
Unas gotas de curaçao.
Unas gotas de granadina.
Una cucharada pequeña de jugo de limón.
3/4 de Cherry Brandy.
1/4 de coñac español.
Agítese muy bien y sírvase en copa de cocktail.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 113. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
1 oz. gin 2 dashes orange bitters
2 dashes raspberry syrup 1 egg white
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1949 Emile Bauwens: Livre de Cocktails. Seite 33. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
1 Cuiller Curaçao Blanc –
1 Cuiller Sirop Grenadine –
1 Cuiller Jus Citron –
1/2 Cognac –
1/2 Cherry Brandy –
Frapper au, shaker et passer dans
un verre à cocktail ; avant de servir,
ajouter une cerise.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 329. Cherry-Blossom-Cocktail.
3 d. Curaçao-Orange , 3 d. Grenadine, 1/3 Orangensaft,
1/3 Cherry-Brandy und 1/3 Cognac. Schütteln. Kirsche
ins Glas.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 97. Cherry Blossom.
1/2 tsp. Curacao 1/2 tsp. Lemon Juice
1/2 tsp Grenadine 1/2 jigger Cherry Brandy
. 1/2 jigger Cognac
Shake with cracked ice and strain.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 46. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
1 dash of grenadine,
1 dash of Curaçao,
1 dash of fresh lemon juice,
1/4 gill of cherry brandy,
1/4 gill of brandy.
Use the shaker. Serve very cold.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 58. Cherry Blossom.
3/5 Cherry Brandy.
2/5 Brandy.
1 Dash Fresh Lemon Juice.
1 Dash Grenadine.
1 Dash Curacao.
Shake well and Strain.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 231. Cherry Blossom.
1 part Curaçao & Grenadine, half &
2 parts Lemon Juice
3 parts Cognac
5 parts Kirsch
Shake with cracked ice. Decorate with a cherry.
1953 „Kappa“: Bartender’s Guide to Mixed Drinks. Seite 30. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
1 oz. Cherry Flavored Brandy
1 oz. Brandy
1/4 Teaspoon Curacao
1/4 Teaspoon Lemon Juice
1/4 teaspoon Grenadine
Shake well with cracked Ice and strain into 3 oz.
Cocktail glass.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 44. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
1 oz. Old Mr. Boston Wild Cherry
Flavored Brandy
1 oz. Old Mr. Boston California
1/4 Teaspoon Old Mr. Boston
1/4 Teaspoon Lemon Juice
1/4 Teaspoon Grenadine
Shake well with cracked Ice and strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 53. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
Un trait Grenadine
Le jus d’une demi-orange
1/4 Cointreau
1/2 Cherry liqueur
1/4 Cognac.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 58. Cherry Blossom.
3/5 Cherry Brandy.
2/5 Brandy.
1 Dash Fresh Lemon Juice.
1 Dash Grenadine.
1 Dash Curacao.
Shake well and Strain.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 19. Cherry Blossom (for 6).
5 Jiggers Brandy
4 Jiggers Cherry Brandy
1 Tablespoon Curaçao
1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
1 Tablespoon Grenadine
Shake thoroughly with shaved ice
and strain into glasses.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 32. Cherry Blossom.
Shaker, glace
1/2 Cognac
1/2 Cherry Brandy
1 trait Curaçao
1 trait Grenadine
1 trait jus de citron frais
Bien frapper au shaker et
passer dans verre à cocktail.
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 57. Cherry Blossom.
3/5 Cherry Brandy.
2/5 Brandy.
1 Dash Fresh Lemon Juice.
1 Dash Grenadine.
1 Dash Curacao.
Shake well and Strain.
1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissante. Seite 33. Cherry blossom.
1/2 Cognac
1/2 Cherry Brandy
1 trait Curaçao
1 trait grenadine
1 trait jus de citron
1965 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 61. Cherry Blossom.
3/5 Cherry Brandy.
2/5 Brandy.
1 Dash Fresh Lemon Juice.
1 Dash Grenadine.
1 Dash Curaçao.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 382. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
3 dashes curaçao-orange, 3 dashes grenadine, 1/3 jus d’orange, 1/3
cherry-brandy et 1/3 cognac. Agiter. Cerise dans le verre.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 25. Cherry Blossom Cocktail #1.
1 1/2 ounces cherry brandy 3 dashes lemon juice
1 ounce brandy
3 dashes grenadine
3 dashes curaçao
Shake with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass. Another version of
this popular cocktail with sloe gin as the base ingredient is in the
cordial cocktail section.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 29. Cherry Blossom Cocktail #2.
1 1/2 ounces sloe gin 1/4 ounce lemon juice
1/2 ounce orange juice 1/4 ounce maraschino cherry juice
Shake with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 68. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
Shaker. 3 d [dash] curaçao-orange, 3 d [dash] grena-
dine, 1/3 jus d’orange, 1/3 cherry-brandy,
1/3 cognac. Cerise.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 23. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
1 oz. Old Mr. Boston Wild Cherry
Flavored Brandy
1 oz. Old Mr. Boston Five Star
1/4 Teaspoon Curacao
1/4 Teaspoon Lemon Juice
1/4 Teaspoon Grenadine
Shake well with cracked ice and
strain into 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 120. Cherry Blossom Cocktail – 1.
3/4 ounce cognac
3/4 ounce cherry brandy
1/2 teaspoon curaçao
1/2 teaspoon grenadine
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 120. Cherry Blossom Cocktail – 2.
1 ounce gin
2 dashes raspberry syrup
2 dashes orange bitters
1 egg white
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1973 Anonymus: 500 Ways to Mix Drinks. Seite 35. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
1 jigger cherry liqueur
1 pony brandy
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon curacao
1/2 teaspoon grenadine
Shake well with ice and strain
into cocktail glass.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 47. Cherry Blossom.
3/5 cherry brandy
2/5 brandy
1 dash lemon juice
Dash Grenadine
Dash orange curaçao
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 45. Cherry Blossom Cocktail.
To a glass half full of cracked
ice add a tablespoonful of
dry Curacao, one of Lemon
Juice, one of Grenadine, 2 1/2
glasses of Cherry Brandy and
2 of Brandy. Shake thoroughly
and sérve very cold.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 251. Cherry Blossom.
Cocktail Glass Shake
1 oz cherry flavored brandy
3/4 oz brandy
3/4 oz lemon juice
1/4 oz grenadine
1/4 oz orange curaçao
Chrysanthemum Cocktail
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 47. Chrysanthemum Cocktail.
3 Dashes Absinthe.
1/3 Benedictine.
2/3 French Vermouth.
Shake well and strain into cocktail
glass. Squeeze orange peel on top.
Well-known and very popular in the American
Bar of the S.S. „Europa.“
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 166. Chrysanthemum-Cocktail.
Dieser Cocktail ist auf
Dampfer „Europa“ des NDL.
sehr populär.
3 D. [Dash] Pernod
1/3 Benedictine
2/3 Franz. Vermouth
Sch-.B. [Schüttelbecher] K. [Kirsche] Z. [Zitronenspirale]
1934 G. F. Steele: My New Cocktail Book. Seite 37. Chrysanthemum.
1/3 Benedictine
2/3 French Vermouth
twist Orange peel on top
3 dashes Absinthe
1934 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 222. Chrysanthemum Cocktail.
3 Dashes Absinthe
1/2 Benedictine
1/2 French Vermouth
Stir well with cracked ice, strain and serve
with a twist of Orange Peel.
Use glass number 1
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 34. Chrysanthemum Cocktail.
1/2 Benedictine
1/2 French Vermouth
3 Dashes Absinthe
Shake well with cracked ice and
strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 104. Chrysanthemum Cocktail.
3 dashes Absinthe
1/3 Benedictine
2/3 French Vermouth
Shake well
Strain into Cocktail Glass
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 47. Chrysanthemum Cocktail.
1 oz. Benedictine
1 oz. French Vermouth
1 Teaspoon Absinthe Substitute
Shake well with cracked Ice and strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 13. Chrysanthemum.
1/2 Dry Vermouth
1/2 Benedictine
3 Dashes Pernod
Stir well with ice and strain into
glass. Serve with twist of Orange
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 33. Chrysanthème.
Timbale à mélange, glace
1/2 Vermouth français
1/2 Bénédictine
3 traits Pernod
Bien remuer en timbale et
passer dans verre à cocktail.
Zeste de citron.
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 251. Chrysanthemum Cocktail.
1 oz. French vermouth 1/2 oz. benedictine
. 3 dashes Pernod or Herbsaint
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass;
twist orange peel over drink.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 253. Chrysanthemum.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1 oz dry vermouth
1 oz Benedictine
Hiball Glass
1/2 oz Pernod
Orange peel
2010 Colin Peter Field: The Ritz Paris. Seite 106. Chrysanthemum. 5/10 Pisco; 3/10 Junmai rice wine; 2/10 Green Chartreuse.
Cosmopolitan 1934
Wir haben unsere Rezeptur verändert:
50 ml
Rutte Dry GinEversbusch Doppelwachholder20 ml Zitronensaft
10 ml Combier Triple Sec
10 ml D’Arbo Himbeersirup
Es besteht eine Verbindung zum Leave-it-to-me Cocktail, den Harry McElhone 1926 in seinem Buch „Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails“ auf Seite 55 veröffentlichte. Man ersetze den dort verwendeten Maraschino durch einen Triple Sec, um einen dem Cosmopolitan 1934 vergleichbaren Drink zu erhalten:
Leave-it-to-me Cocktail. Harry McElhone, 1926.
1 teaspoonful of Raspberry Syrup, 1 teaspoonful
Lemon Juice, 1 dash Maraschino, 2/3 Gin.
1960 erschien ein Cosmopolitan mit Cognac und Rotwein als Hauptzutat:
1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissante. Seite 37. Cosmopolitain.
1/2 Cognac
1/2 Vin rouge
3 traits Curaçao
2 traits Noyau de Poissy
1 tranche d’orange
Cus D’Amato
Im Le Lion haben wir den Cus D’Amato auch mit dem Compass Box Spice Tree anstelle des Glenfarclas erhalten. Es ist ein wirklich guter Ersatz.
Deshler Cocktail
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 56. Dandy Cocktail.
1/2 Rye or Canadian Club
1/2 Dubonnet.
1 Dash Angostura Bitters.
3 Dashes Cointreau.
1 Piece Lemon Peel.
1 Piece Orange Peel.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 170. Dandy-Cocktail.
Zitronen- und Orangenschale
werden mitgeschüttelt, aber
nicht im fertigen Getränk be-
1 Streif. Zitronenschale
1 Streif. Orangenschale
1 D. [Dash] Angostura
3 D. [Dash] Cointreau
1/2 Canadian Club-
1/2 Dubonnet
Sch-.B. [Schüttelbecher] K. [Kirsche]
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 42. Dandy Cocktail.
1/2 Old Mr. Boston Whiskey
1/2 Dubonnet
1 Dash Bitters
3 Dashes Cointreau
1 Piece Lemon Peel
1 Piece Orange Peel
Shake well with cracked ice and
strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 34. Dandy.
1 part Rye or Canadian Club Whisky
1 part Dubonnet
1 dash Angostura Bitters
3 dashes Cointreau
1 piece Lemon Peel
1 piece Orange Peel.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 108. Dandy Cocktail.
1/2 jigger Whisky
1/2 jigger Dubonnet
1 dash Angostura Bitters
3 dashes Cointreau
1 piece Lemon Peel
1 piece Orange Peel
Shake well
Strain into Cocktail Glass
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 50. Dandy Cocktail.
1 dash of Angostura bitters,
3 dashes of Cointreau,
1 piece of lemon peel,
1 piece of orange peel,
1/4 gill of Dubonnet,
1/4 gill of Canadian Club whisky.
Use the shaker.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 267. Dandy Cocktail.
3/4 oz. bourbon 3 dashes Cointreau
3/4 oz. Dubonnet 1 strip lemon jeel
1 dash Angostura bitters 1 strip orange peel
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 267. Deshler Cocktail.
3/4 oz. rye 2 dashes Cointreau
3/4 oz. Dubonnet 1 strip lemon peel
2 dashes Peychaud’s bitters 1 strip orange peel
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
Twist lemon peel over drink.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 272. Home On The Range Cocktail.
Same as Dandy Cocktail.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 338. Dandy-Cocktail.
1. d. Angosturabitter, 1 d. Orangensaft, 1 d. Zitronen-
saft, 3 d. Cointreau, 1/2 Dubonnet, 1/2 Whisky.
Kurz schütteln.
1950 Ted Shane: Authentic and Hilarious Bar Guide. Seite 23. Deshler.
1/2 jigger Dubonnet 1 strip Lemon Peel
2 dashes Peychaud’s Bitters 1 strip Orange Peel
2 dashes Cointreau 1⁄2 jigger Rye
Shake with cracked ice and strain.
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 50. Dandy Cocktail.
1 dash of Angostura bitters,
3 dashes of Cointreau,
1 piece of lemon peel,
1 piece of orange peel,
1/4 gill of Dubonnet,
1/4 gill of Canadian Club whisky.
Use the shaker.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 176. Dandy.
. 1 golpe de Bitters Angostura.
Refrescado. 1 golpe de Triple Sec.
Servido en una copa de 40 gramos de Whisky America-
90 gramos. no Rye.
. 40 gramos de Dubonnet.
. El zumo de una corteza de Li-
. món.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 61. Dandy.
1/2 Rye Whisky.
1/2 Dubonnet.
1 Dash Angostura Bitters.
3 Dashes Cointreau.
Shake and Strain.
Add 1 Piece Orange Peel
and 1 Piece Lemon Peel.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 55. Dandy Cocktail.
1 oz. Old Mr. Boston Rye or Bourbon
1 oz. Dubonnet
1 Dash Bitters
1 Teaspoon Old Mr. Boston Triple
Twist of Lemon Peel
Twist of Orange Peel
Shake well with cracked Ice and strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1953 Marcel et Roger Louc: Cocktails et Grand Crus. Seite 55. Dandy’s Cocktail.
Trois traits Curaçao blanc
Deux traits Bitter Orange
1/2 Dubonnet
1/2 Whisky Canadien
Un zeste de citron
Un zeste d’orange.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 61. Dandy.
1/2 Rye Whisky.
1/2 Dubonnet.
1 Dash Angostura Bitters.
3 Dashes Cointreau.
Shake and Strain.
Add 1 Piece Orange Peel
and 1 Piece Lemon Peel.
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 96. Capetown.
1/2 Rye Whiskey
1/2 Dubonnet
3 Dashes Curasao
1 Dash Angostura Bitters
Stir well with ice and strain into
glass. Serve with twist of Lemon
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 97. Dandy.
1/2 Rye Whiskey
1/2 Dubonnet
1 Dash Angostura Bitters
3 Dashes Cointreau
1 Twist each Lemon and Orange
Stir well with ice and strain into
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 97. Deshler.
1 Jigger Rye Whiskey
1 Jigger Dubonnet
2 Dashes Peychaud’s Bitters
2 Dashes Cointreau
2 Twists Orange Peel
1 Twist Lemon Peel
Shake well with ice and strain
into glass. Serve with a twist of
Orange Peel.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 31. Capetown.
Timbale à mélange, glace
1/2 Canadian Whisky
1/2 Dubonnet
3 traits Curaçao
1 trait Angostura
Bien remuer en timbale et
passer dans verre à cocktail.
Spiralette d’écorce de citron.
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 36. Dandy.
Shaker, glace
1/2 Canadian Club Whisky
1/2 Dubonnet
1 trait Angostura
3 traits Cointreau
1 zeste de citron
1 zeste d’orange
Bien frapper au shaker et
passer dans verre à cocktail,
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 22. Dandy Cocktail.
1 part rye or blended whisky 1 part Dubonnet
1 dash Angostura bitters 3 dashes Triple Sec
Stir with some dandy cracked ice, strain into a dandy
cocktail glass, and add a double twist of orange and
lemon peel.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 61. Dandy.
1/2 Rye Whisky.
1/2 Dubonnet.
1 Dash Angostura Bitters.
3 Dashes Cointreau.
Shake and Strain.
Add 1 Piece Orange Peel.
and 1 Piece Lemon Peel.
1965 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 65. Dandy.
1/2 Rye Whisky.
1/2 Dubonnet.
1 Dash Angostura Bitters.
3 Dashes Cointreau.
Add 1 Piece Orange Peel
and 1 Piece Lemon Peel.
1965 Harry Schraemli: Manuel du bar. Seite 392. Dandy Cocktail.
1 dash angosturabitter, 1 dash jus d’orange, 1 dash jus de citron, 3
dashes cointreau, 1/2 Dubonnet, 1/2 whisky. Agiter brièvement.
1966 Harry Schraemli: Le roi du bar. Seite 79. Dandy Cocktail.
Shaker. 1 d [dash] angostura bitter, 1 d [dash] jus
d’orange, 1 d [dash] jus de citron, 3 d [dash] cointreau,
1/2 Dubonnet, 1/2 whisky.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 49. Dandy.
1/2 rye
1/2 Dubonnet
Dash Angostura bitters
3 dashes Cointreau
Twist of orange and lemon peel
Mixing glass
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 56. Dandy Cocktail.
1/2 Rye or Canadian
1/2 Dubonnet.
1 Dash Angostura Bitters.
3 Dashes Cointreau.
1 Piece Lemon Peel.
1 Piece Orange Peel.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 246. Capetown.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-1/2 oz rye
1 oz Dubonnet
2 dashes orange curaçao
1 dash orange bitters
Lemon twist
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 266. Dandy.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1 oz rye (or Bourbon)
1 oz Dubonnet
1/4 oz Cointreau
1 dash Angostura bitters
Lemon twist, Orange peel
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 268. Deshler.
Cocktail Glass Stir
1-1/2 oz rye whiskey
1 oz Dubonnet
1/4 oz Cointreau
2 Orange peels, Lemon twist
(in mixing glass)
Orange peel
East India Cocktail
Wir haben dieses Diagramm neu erstellt:
1891 Anonymus: Wehman’s Bartenders‘ Guide. Seite 11. East India Cocktail.
(Use a large bar glass.)
Fill the glass with shaved ice.
1 tea-spoonful of Curacoa (red).
1 tea-spoonful of Pineapple Syrup.
2 or 3 dashes of Bitters.
2 dashes of Maraschino.
1 wine glassful of Brandy.
Stir up with a spoon, strain into a cocktail glass, twist a piece
of lemon peel on top, and serve.
1901 J. E. Sheridan: The complete buffet manual. Seite 23. East India Cocktail.
(Use large bar glass.)
1 teaspoonful raspberry syrup.
1 teaspoonful red Curacoa.
2 or 3 dashes Angostura bitters.
2 or 3 dashes Maraschino.
1 wine-glass brandy.
Stir well; strain into a cocktail glass. Twist a piece
of lemon peel on top and serve.
1903 V. B. Lewis: The Complete Buffet Guide. Seite 23. East India Cocktail.
(Use large bar glass.)
1 teaspoonful raspberry syrup.
1 teaspoonful red Curacoa.
2 or 3 dashes Boker’s or Angostura bitters.
2 or 3 dashes Maraschino.
1 wine-glass brandy.
Stir well; strain into a cocktailglass. Twist a
piece of lemon peel on top and serve.
1907 Charles Smith: Smacks and Smiles. Seite 38. East India Cocktail.
Use a large bar glass.
1 tea-spoon raspberry syrup.
1 tea-spoon Curaçoa (red).
3 or three dashes Angostura bitters.
3 or 3 dashes Maraschino.
1 wine glass brandy.
Stir well; strain into a cocktail
glass. Twisting a piece oflemon peel
on top, serve.
1912 Niels Larsen: 156 Recettes de Boissons Américaines. Seite 17. East India Cocktail.
[A préparer dans un grand gobelet.]
Remplissez à moitié de petits morceaux de
glace. Ajoutez:
1 cuiller à café de sirop de framboises;
1 — — curaçao;
6 gouttes d’angostura;
6 — marasquin;
1 verre à madère de cognac.
Mélangez bien le tout et passez dans un verre
à cocktail. Ajoutez un zeste de citron pressé et
servez avec de petites pailles.
1913 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 42. East-India-Cocktail.
3—4 Stückchen Kristalleis,
1 Teelöffel Curaçao,
1/2 „ Ananas-Sirup,
3 Dashes Angostura-Bitters,
3/4 Cocktailglas Cognac.
Im weiteren wie bei Bronx-Cocktail.
Seite 41. Bronx-Cocktail.
Mische tüchtig mit einem Barlöffel, seihe es in ein Cocktailglas, in
das eine Kirsche gelegt wurde, drücke den Saft aus einem Stückchen
Zitronenschale darüber und serviere.
1915 John B. Escalante: Manual del cantinero. Seite 17. East India Cocktail.
(Ist India cockieil)
Echese la necesaria cantidad de hielo en pedacitos para
mediar el vaso, y agréguese:
Marrasquino . . . . . . . . . . Unas gotas.
Curaçao encarnado . . . . Unas gotas.
Angostura bitters . . . . . . Unas potas.
Coñac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 copita.
Mézclese todo con una cuchara, cuélese en una copa de
las de cocktail, y sírvase.
1920 Carl A. Seutter: Der Mixologist. Seite 42. East-India-Cocktail.
3—4 Stückchen Kristalleis,
1 Teelöffel Curaçao,
1/2 „ Ananas-Sirup,
3 Dashes Angostura-Bitters,
3/4 Cocktailglas Cognac.
Im weiteren wie bei Bronx-Cocktail.
Seite 41. Bronx-Cocktail.
Mische tüchtig mit einem Barlöffel, seihe es in ein Cocktailglas, in
welches eine Kirsche gelegt wurde, drücke den Saft aus einem Stückchen
Zitronenschale darüber und serviere.
1920 Mazzon Ferruccio: Guida del barman. Seite 23. East India Cocktail.
1/3 del bicchierone di pezzetti di ghiaccio
1/2 bicchierino a liquori di sciroppo di
1/2 bicchierino a liquori di Curacao
1/2 bicchierino a liquori di Maraschino
5 goccie d’Angostura
1/2 bicchiere a liquori di Cognac.
Rimescolate bene e regolatevi come per
il Chicago Cocktail.
1923 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 25. India ou East-India Cocktail.
Gobelet n° 3 au 1 /4 plein de petite glace.
1 cuiller à café de grenadine.
2 traits curacào, 2 traits angostura.
3/4 verre à madère Brandy.
Remuer à la cuiller et passer dans verre n° 8 dans
lequel se trouve un zeste de citron pressé.
Courtes pailles.
1924 A. Brehmer: Das Mixerbuch. Seite 117. East India Cocktail.
Man tue je 1 Teelöffel voll Cu-
raçao, Ananas-Sirup, 2—3 Spritzer Bittern, 2 Spritzer
Maraschino und 1 Weinglas voll Brandy in ein größe-
res mit geschabtem Eis gefülltes Glas, mische gut und
richte mit einem Stückchen Zitronenschale belegt an.
1926 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 39. East India Cocktail.
1 teaspoonful of Curaçao, 1 teaspoonful of Pine-
apple Syrup, 2 dashes Angostura Bitters, 2/3 Brandy.
Stir up with a spoon, strain into a cocktail glass,
serve with a cherry.
(Recipe of Harry Johnson, of New Orleans.)
1927 Paul E. Lowe: Drinks. Seite 46. East India Cocktail.
Fill large bar glass 3/4 full shaved ice.
3 dashes Maraschino.
3 dashes red Curacoa.
3 dashes Angostura bitters.
1 jigger brandy.
Stir well; strain into cocktail glass
and serve with a piece of twisted
lemon peel on top.
1929 Adolphe Torelli: American Drinks Dictionary. Seite 65. Est-India Cocktail.
Dans un shaker
avec de la glace pilée, un trait de Curaçao, un trait
de Marasquin, deux traits d’Angostura, une cuil-
lère à café de Sirop d’ananas, un verre de Cognac.
Agiter, passer dans un verre à cocktail, avec le
collier givré, garnir d’une cerise, d’un zeste de
citron, de courtes pailles.
1929 Anonymus: Life and Letters of Henry William Thomas. Seite 37. East India.
The large bar glass filled with shaved ice was prepared with
one teaspoon of raspberry syrup, one teaspoon of Curacao (red), two
or three dashes of Angostura, two dashes of Maraschino and one wine
glass of brandy. This was well stirred with spoon and strained into
cocktail glass with twist of lemon peel on top.
1929 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 26. India ou East-India Cocktail.
Gobelet no 3 au 1/4 plein de petite glace.
1 cuiller à café de grenadine.
2 traits curacào, 2 traits angostura.
3/4 verre à madère Brandy.
Remuer à la cuiller et passer dans verre no 8 dans
lequel se trouve un zeste de citron pressé.
Courtes pailles.
1930 Anonymus: For Home Use. Seite 10. East India Cocktail.
Use shaker or mixing glass.
[1/?] full fine ice.
3 dashes Maraschino.
3 dashes Red Curacoa.
3 dashes Angostura Bitters.
1 wineglass Brandy.
Shake or stir well; strain into
cocktail glass and serve with a piece
of twisted lemon peel on top.
1930 Edgar Baudoin: Les Meilleurs Cocktails. Seite 13. East India Cocktail.
1 jet sirop Ananas, 1 jet Curaçao, 2 jets Angostura
Fockink, 2/3 Cognac.
Servir avec une cerise.
1932 Niels Larsen: 156 Recettes de Boissons Américaines. Seite 17. East India Cocktail.
[A préparer dans un grand gobelet.]
Remplissez à moitié de petits morceaux de
glace. Ajoutez:
1 cuiller à café de sirop de framboises;
1 — — curaçao;
6 gouttes d’angostura;
6 — marasquin;
1 verre à madère de cognac.
Mélangez bien le tout et passez dans un verre
à cocktail. Ajoutez un zeste de citron pressé et
servez avec de petites pailles.
1933 George A. Lurie: Here’s How. Seite 33. East India.
Brandy . . . . . . . . 2/3 jigger Curacoa . . . . . . . 2 dashes
Maraschino . . . . 2 dashes Angostura . . . . . 2 drops
Stir well with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, add
Maraschino cherry, twist lemon peel over and serve.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 64. East India Cocktail.
1/8 Pineapple Juice.
1/8 Orange Curaçao.
1 Dash Angostura Bitters.
3/4 Brandy.
Stir well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1933 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 64. East Indian Cocktail.
Equal parts of French Ver-
mouth and Sherry, with a
dash of Orange Bitters.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1933 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel. Seite 26. India ou East India Cocktail.
Gobelet n° 3 au 1/4 plein de petite glace.
1 cuiller à café de grenadine.
2 traits curacào, 2 traits angostura.
3/4 verre à madère Brandy.
Remuer à la cuiller et passer dans verre n° 8 dans
lequel se trouve un zeste de citron pressé.
Courtes pailles.
1933 Virginia Elliott: Quiet Drinking. Seite 56. East Indian Cocktail.
One wine glass of rye, one teaspoon of raspberry
syrup, three dashes of curaçao, two dashes of angos-
tura bitters and two dashes of maraschino. Stir well
and serve in cocktail glasses.
1934 A. T. Neirath: Rund um die Bar. Seite 172. East-India-Cocktail.
An Stelle von Maraschino
kann auch Ananas-Sirup ver-
wendet werden.
2 D. [Dash] Angostura
2 D. [Dash] Curaçao
2 D. [Dash] Maraschino
9/10 Weinbrand
M-Gl. [Mischglas] K. [Kirsche] Z. [Zitronenspirale]
1934 Harry McElhone: Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. Seite 45. East India Cocktail.
1 teaspoonful of Curaçao, 1 teaspoonful of Pine-
apple Syrup, 2 dashes Angostura Bitters, 2/3 Brandy.
Stir up with a spoon, strain into a cocktail glass,
serve with a Cherry.
(Recipe by Harry Johnson, of New Orleans.)
1934 Tom & Jerry: How to Mix Drinks [collectiv1801]. Seite 23. East India Cocktail.
(Use large bar glass.)
1 teaspoonful raspberry syrup.
1 teaspoonful red Curacoa.
2 or 3 dashes Boker’s or Angostura bitters.
2 or 3 dashes Maraschino.
1 wine-glass brandy.
Stir well; strain into a cocktail glass. Twist a
piece of lemon peel on top and serve.
1935 Anonymus: The Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 55. East India Cocktail.
3 Dashes Raspberry syrup
3 Dashes Red Curacoa
3 Dashes Angostura bitters
3 Dashes Maraschino
1 Jigger of brandy
Serve with a twist of lemon peel.
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 47. East India Cocktail No. 1.
1/8 Pineapple Juice
1/8 Orange Curacao
3/4 Old Mr. Boston Apricot Nectar
1 Dash Bitters
2 Dashes Jamaica Rum
Shake well with cracked ice and
strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1935 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 47. East India Cocktail No. 2.
1/2 French Vermouth
1/2 Sherry
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Stir well in ice and strain into 3 oz.
Cocktail glass.
1936 Bill Edwards: Drinks. Seite 38. East India.
1 part Brandy
2 dashes Angostura Bitters per cocktail
2 dashes Curaçao per cocktail
2 dashes Pineapple Juice per cocktail
Squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top and serve
with a cherry.
1938 Hyman Gale & Gerald F. Marco: The How and When. Seite 110. East India Cocktail.
1 teaspoon Raspberry Syrup
1 teaspoon Red Curacao
3 dashes Angostura Bitters
3 dashes Maraschino
1 jigger Brandy
Stir well
Strain into Cocktail Glass
Twist Lemon Peel over top
1938 Krönlein-Beutel: Das Getränkebuch. Seite 64. East India.
(65er Cocktallglas)
In den Schüttelbecher
6—8 Eisstückchen (Walnußgröße)
Spritzer Amer Picon 1 ccm
Schuß Curacao 10 ccm
Ananas-Syrup 25 ccm
Deutscher Weinbrand 30 ccm
1940 Anonymus: Professional Mixing Guide. Seite 30. East India Cocktail.
11/2 oz Brandy, 1 teaspoonful Pine
apple juice, 1 teaspoonful Curacao
(Red), 3 dashes Angostura Bitters.
Shake well with ice and strain into
cocktail glass dressed with Cherry.
1940 Charles: The Cocktail Book. Seite 52. East India Cocktail.
2 dashes of Angostura bitters,
2 dashes of pineapple juice (or maraschino),
2 dashes of orange curaçao,
1/2 gill of brandy.
Use the shaker. Serve with a cherry and a little lemon-
peel juice squeezed on top.
1944 Crosby Gaige: The Standard Cocktail Guide. Seite 44. East India Cocktail.
1 jigger Brandy
3/4 ounce Pineapple Juice
1/2 ounce Orange Curacao
3 dashes Angostura Bitters
Shake with ice. Serve with Cherry.
1944 Harmann Burney Burke: Burke’s Complete Cocktail & Drinking Recipes. Seite 48. East India Cocktail.
Brandy, 1 Glass
Angostura Bitters, 3 Dashes
Curacao, 1 Teaspoonful
Maraschino, 2 Dashes
Pineapple Juice Syrup, 1 Tea-
Ice. — Stir. Strain and serve in a glass with
an Olive and a Lemon Twist.
1944 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail Digest. Seite 48. East India Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Pineapple Juice
1/2 oz. Orange Curacao
1 1/2 oz. Brandy
Decorate with cherry
1947 A. Vermeys: Cocktails. Seite 40. East India Cocktail.
1 trait d’Angustura; 2 traits jus d’Ananas;
1 verre de Cognac. Servir avec un morceau
1948 Adolphe Torelli: 900 Recettes de Cocktails et Boissons Américaines. Seite 65. Est-India Cocktail.
Dans un shaker
avec de la glace pilée, un trait de Curaçao, un trait
de Marasquin, deux traits d’Angostura, une cuil-
lère a café de Sirop d’ananas, un verre de Cognac.
Agiter, passer dans un verre à cocktail, avec le
collier givré, garnir d’une cerise, d’un zeste de
citron, de courtes pailles.
1948 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel 10. Seite 28. India ou East India Cocktail.
Gobelet n° 3 au 1/4 plein de petite glace.
1 cuiller à café de grenadine.
2 traits curaçao, 2 traits angostura.
3/4 verre à madère Brandy.
Remuer à la cuiller et passer dans verre n° 8 dans
lequel se trouve un zeste de citron pressé.
Courtes pailles.
1948 P. Dagouret: Le Barman Universel 11. Seite 28. India ou East India Cocktail.
Gobelet n° 3 au 1/4 plein de petite glace.
1 cuiller à café de grenadine.
2 traits curaçao, 2 traits angostura.
3/4 verre à madère Brandy.
Remuer à la cuiller et passer dans verre n° 8 dans
lequel se trouve un zeste de citron pressé.
Courtes pailles.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 72. East India Cocktail 1.
1 1/2 oz. brandy 3 dashes Angostura bitters
3 dashes maraschino liqueur 1 tsp. red Curaçao
. 1 tsp. raspberry syrup
Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1948 Trader Vic: Bartender’s Guide. Seite 72. East India Cocktail 2.
11/2 oz. brandy 1/4 oz. orange Curasao
1/4 oz. pineapple juice 1 dash Angostura bitters
Stir with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1949 Harry Schraemli: Das grosse Lehrbuch der Bar. Seite 342. East-India-Cocktail.
2 d. weissen Curacao, 2 d. Ananassirup, 2 d. Ango-
sturabitter, 1 Glas Cognac. Schütteln.
1949 Wilhelm Stürmer: Cocktails by William. Seite 51. East India Cocktail.
Ostindischer Cocktail
1 Gläschen Brandy oder Cognac,
1 Teelöffel Ananas-Sirup,
1 Schuß Curaçao,
1 Schuß Maraschino,
2 Spritzer Angosturabitter.
Serviere im Cocktailglas ohne Eis.
Garniere mit Kirsche und Zitronen-
1952 Anonymus: Cocktails. Seite 72. East India.
Dans le shaker:
Un trait d’angustura bitters,
Une cuiller à café de sirop d’ananas,
Un verre de cognac,
Bien frapper et servir avec un morceau
1952 Charles: The Cocktail Bar. Seite 52. East India Cocktail.
2 dashes of Angostura bitters,
2 dashes of pineapple juice (or maraschino),
2 dashes of orange curaçao,
1/2 gill of brandy.
Use the shaker. Serve with a cherry and a little lemon-
peel juice squeezed on top.
1953 Anonymus: Esquire’s Handbook for Hosts. Seite 131. East India.
1 1/2 oz. brandy
1 tsp. pineapple juice
1 tsp. Curaçao, preferably the red
3 dashes Angostura
Ice and shake; strain onto a cherry.
1 teaspoon of Curaçao
1 teaspoon pineapple syrup
1 jigger brandy
2 dashes Abbott’s bitters
Stir with spoon, serve with cherry in
cocktail glass.
1953 Anonymus: Manual del bar. Seite 184. East India.
. 1 cucharadita de Crema de
Batido. Cacao.
Servido en una copa de 1 golpe de Bitters Angostura.
80 gramos. 50 gramos de Cognac.
1953 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 62. East India.
3/4 Brandy.
1/8 Curacao.
1/8 Pineapple Juice.
1 Dash Angostura Bitters.
Shake and Strain.
Twist of Lemon Peel on Top.
Add Cherry.
1953 David A. Embury: The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks. Seite 170. East India.
A cocktail something like Sloppy Joe’s (page 254) in that it uses pine
apple juice in conjunction with cognac is the
EAST INDIA 1 part Curaçao
. 1 part Pineapple Juice
. 8 parts Cognac
. 1 or 2 dashes Angostura to each drink
Shake well with cracked ice. Decorate with a cherry and a twist of
lemon. Maraschino may be substituted for the pineapple juice.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 60. East India Cocktail No. 1.
1 1/2 oz. Old Mr. Boston California
1/2 Teaspoon Pineapple Juice
1/2 Teaspoon Old Mr. Boston
1 Teaspoon Jamaica Rum
1 Dash Bitters
Shake well with cracked Ice and strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Twist of
Lemon Peel and add a Cherry.
1953 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston Official Bartender’s Guide. Seite 60. East India Cocktail No. 2.
1 1/4 oz. French Vermouth
1 1/4 oz. Sherry Wine
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Stir well with cracked Ice and strain
into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.
1954 Robert H. Loeb, Jr.: Nip Ahoy. Seite 80. East India Cocktail.
1955 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 62. East India.
3/4 Brandy.
1/8 Curacao.
1/8 Pineapple Juice.
1 Dash Angostura Bitters.
Shake and Strain.
Twist of Lemon Peel on Top.
Add Cherry.
1955 Jean Lupoiu: Cocktails. Seite 55. East India Cocktail.
Dans le shaker:
1 jet d’Angustura, 2 jets de jus d’Ananas,
1 verre de Cognac Renault.
Agiter et servir avec un morceau d’Ana-
1956 Patrick Gavin Duffy: The Official Mixer’s Manual. Seite 21. East India.
3/4 Brandy
1/8 Pineapple Juice
1/8 Curaçao
1 Dash Angostura Bitters
Stir well with ice and strain into
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 40. East India.
Timbale à mélange, glace
3/4 Cognac
1/8 Curaçao
1/8 jus d’ananas
1 trait Angostura
Bien remuer en timbale et
passer dans verre à cocktail.
Servir avec un cerise.
Essence de citron.
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Henri Barman: Cocktails et autres boissons mélangées. Seite 40. East Indian.
Timbale à mélange, glace
1/2 Sherry
1/2 Vermouth français
1 trait Orangebitter
Bien remuer en timbale et
passer dans verre à cocktail.
Mélangeur électr. : voir note.
1957 Lawrence Blochman: Here’s How. Seite 68. East India Cocktail.
1 jigger cognac 1 tablespoon pineapple juice
3 dashes Curaçao 1 dash Angostura
Shake with ice, strain.
1960 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 63. East India.
3/4 Brandy.
1/8 Curacao.
1/8 Pineapple Juice.
1 Dash Angostura Bitters.
Shake and Strain.
Twist of Lemon Peel on Top.
Add Cherry.
1960 Anonymus: Tout les cocktails et les boissons rafraichissante. Seite 43. East India.
1/4 jus d’ananas
3/4 Cognac
1 trait d’angustura
1963 Luigi Veronelli: I cocktails. Seite 130. East India Cocktail.
1 bicchiere e 2/3 di cognac
2 cucchiaini da caffè di succo di ananasso (ottenuto
passando nella centrifuga di un buon frullatore una
fettina di ananasso)
3 gocce di angostura bitter
2 fettine finissime di ananasso
ghiaccio tritato
Riempire lo shaker sino a 1/4 della sua altezza con ghiac-
cio tritato. Aggiungere il cognac, il succo di ananasso e
l’angostura. Chiudere lo shaker, agitarlo vigorosamente,
farlo riposare un secondo, riprendere infine ad agitarlo ma
lentamente. Servire subito in bicchieri guarniti con una
fettina di ananasso.
1965 Aladar von Wesendonk: 888 Cocktails. Seite 68. East India.
9/10 Hennessy Cognac
1 TL Curaçao Triple sec
1 TL Ananassaft
Asbach Grand
2 dashes Angosturabitter
im Mixglas rühren und mit 1 Kir=
sche servieren
1965 Anonymus: The U.K.B.G. Guide to Drinks. Seite 66. East India.
3/4 Brandy.
1/8 Orange Curacao.
1/8 Pineapple Juice.
1 Dash Angostura Bitters.
Twist of Lemon Peel on
Add Cherry.
1965 Robert London & Anne London: Cocktails and Snacks. Seite 26. East India Cocktail.
1 1/2 ounces brandy 2 dashes Angostura bitters
2 dashes maraschino liqueur 2 dashes orange curaçao
Shake with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass. Serve with cherry
or twist of lemon peel.
1966 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 52. East Indies Cocktail.
3/4 OZ. Pineapple Juice
1/2 oz. Orange Curacao. 1 1/2 oz. Brandy
Decorate with cherry. Shake with Ice & Strain.
1971 Anonymus: Tropical Recipes. Standard Recipes. East Indies Cocktail.
Cocktail Glass (Chill)
Mixing Glass, Fine Ice
1⁄2 Jigger Pineapple Juice
1⁄2 “ Curacao
1 “ Brandy
Shake well and strain
Decorate with Red Cherry
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 33. East India Cocktail No. 1.
1 1/2 oz. Old Mr. Boston Five Star
1/2 Teaspoon Pineapple Juice
1/2 Teaspoon Curacao
1 Teaspoon Jamaica Rum
1 Dash Bitters
Shake well with cracked ice and
strain into 3 oz. cocktail glass. Twist
of lemon peel and add a cherry.
1972 Leo Cotton: Old Mr. Boston. Seite 33. East India Cocktail No. 2.
1 1/4 oz. Dry Vermouth
1 1/4 oz. Sherry Wine
1 Dash Orange Bitters
Stir well with cracked ice and strain
into 3 oz. cocktail glass.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 74. East India Cocktail – 1.
1 1/2 ounces brandy
3 dashes maraschino liqueur
3 dashes Angostura bitters
1 teaspoon curaçao
1 teaspoon raspberry syrup
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 74. East India Cocktail – 2.
1 1/2 ounces brandy
1/4 ounce pineapple juice
1/4 ounce curaçao
1 dash Angostura bitters
Stir with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 74. East India Cocktail – 3.
1 1/2 ounces brandy
1/2 teaspoon pineapple juice
1/2 teaspoon curacao
1 teaspoon Jamaica rum
1 dash bitters
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass. Add a
twist of lemon peel, and add a cherry.
1972 Trader Vic: Trader Vic’s Bartender’s Guide. Seite 74. East India Cocktail – 4.
1 1/4 ounces French vermouth
1 1/4 ounces sweet sherry
1 dash orange bitters
Shake with ice cubes. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
1973 Oscar Haimo: Cocktail and Wine Digest. Seite 51. East Indies Cocktail.
3/4 oz. Pineapple Juice
1/2 oz. Orange Curacao. 1 1/2 oz. Brandy.
Decorate with cherry. Shake with Ice & Strain.
1976 Anonymus: International Guide to Drinks. Seite 50. East India.
3/4 brandy
1/8 orange curaçao
1/8 pineapple juice
1 dash Angostura bitters
Twist of lemon peel
Add cherry
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 64. East India Cocktail.
1/8 Pineapple Juice.
1/8 Orange Curaçao.
1 Dash Angostura Bitters.
3/4 Brandy.
Stir well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1976 Harry Craddock: The Savoy Cocktail Book. Seite 65. East Indian Cocktail.
Equal parts of French Ver-
mouth and Sherry, with a
dash of Orange Bitters.
Shake well and strain into
cocktail glass.
1977 Stan Jones: Jones‘ Complete Barguide. Seite 274. East India Cocktail.
Cocktail Glass Shake
1-3/4 oz brandy
1/4 oz pineapple juice
1/4 oz orange curaçao
1 dash Angostura bitters
(1/4 oz Jamaica rum optional)
Lemon twist, Cherry
Variation Stir
1-1/4 oz dry vermouth
1-1/4 oz sherry
1 dash orange bitters
2015 Duggan McDonnell: Drinking the devil’s acre. Seite 71. East India Cocktail. 45 ml Campo de Encanto Grand & Noble Pisco; 20 ml pineapple cordial; 15 ml aged rum; 15 ml lime juice; 15 ml orange juice; 2 dashes aromatic bitters. Garnish: expressed orange peel.
2016 André Darlington & Tenaya Darlington: The New Cocktail Hour. Seite 44. East India Cocktail. 60 ml Pierre Ferrand Ambre Cognac; 15 ml Pierre Ferrand Curaçao; 15 ml Luxardo Maraschino; 45 ml Ananassaft; 1 Dash Angostura Bitters; Garnitur: Frisch geriebener Muskat.
2016 Brian Silva: Mixing in the Right Circles at Balthazar London. Seite 74. East India Cocktail. 35 ml Courvoisier Exclusif Cognac; 25 ml Ableforth’s Rumbullion Navy Strength Rum; 10 ml Cointreau; 2,5 ml Luxardo Maraschino Liqueur; 20 ml pineapple juice; 2 drops Angostura bitters.
2017 Dr. Adam Elmegirab: Book of Bitters. Seite 98. East India Cocktail. 60 ml VSOP cognac; 5 ml orange curaçao; 3 dashes Dr. Adam Elmegirab’s Boker’s Bitters or Angostura Bitters; 2 dashes maraschino liqueur; 5 ml pineapple syrup.
explicit capitulum